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Show w from .L -- - d""v a ' rfk J v - r f l $.-'- ' 4 A'Sfc i ,, tmm j, SbwchgtLJgwXmote oJTUK C I v w"- - I r' . ( J TUESDAY JANUARY 17 1822 THE DESERST NEWS -! W- - . A ; l:i. Bcker by Carolyn ) Z Tor Hnry Browning bud a accountant In tha railroad offte. dlffaranoa what road They It makas nomuch orar. an pr.tty waa allka thaupworld hta daah tidying Browning bafora ha laft for tha day la . auoh ha waa tnetiouloua. patty affair want to aea you bafora "Tba boa , ooy toV'heidwl ofnc you i,H told him. 'Tiding to ralaa -- your w f hue-lo- - FUIIEFC0D3 pride in tmifonn and wholesome bakings, never ftil to use -i- CaLUOET Bun actrm You hsva positive proot of the punty contains only such ingredients as have been ofiSdaUy s - x - 1 j , SKpprovw pnneyngBg ' Aothodties. more Contains than the ordinary leavening strength-therefore- you use leas. It goes farther lasts longer.- - Thats why it ia used by more Chefr, Domes- tic Scfentiata. Restaurants, Rotda Raflrosds 3hJS)mret -- 9 BY fi h-- fr Z?&7; p- a her Mstiss sh hr wtih u'pw. arTnThon t h fllng of l?r SSZ nfl"d aalarea ou'd Ruth dr os i was roslised- - 8ho went i!,C0mAhtrfr folk.? kno ! '5Sara to eolere Her expenaes she kept By.0 anxious. And he when hsekwerd j w tb minimum bv coaching K hsd a trick of coming to Tet eh promised both her futh- - m t : glrle er end hareetf to pay back every penny Ij at twenty-thre- e HI reaHsed polg. ke bed event for her Many veers before our etorv opens nsntly that she was th only family bfMfkt houit Uh musrmrn rraliigd hr tk fftvtovrto Hv nf fl&AA (l mme7 kv6 a larger Milary. hri vr waa MH hanging over fetter per envelope But Tka never wou d ehe ask lor It on tbs ground of family Jbi hea4 of Ire expense cr ether needs. had .. .. She would have is, aak for It becaure she earned eraoeeml" ol"ned bv tK rel rosd hev inteo4d to Isv off "ldel because was that she worth It to thw -" w h the eenee of fe- - firm. which she differed from her mn. Put nbrvd In miA nure h never father and many others tellty e. thouvM that his Hue hsd esme Avidly she resi tho evening paper went on hla w Bo Mr. Brownino hai lo talka fhatr th tiioa whan ihy AhooM homa fraa An4 olar But thlnua war gQina ao wall with thorn thera waa no naad to hurrvv Neither waa H nacosa ry to go without what they In order to pay off the mort li wanted FEET CHARITY. gave. Ruth, however, need to dream Nf Mow, bveryfeody'g collecting money the time when ahe would earn, enouah these days, Bobby began after dinpar It end ao aeauro the family 'to of a roof over their beada Aa aha ner, for all aorta of things There a had a tensed weak elder Ruth fttv noaa fn her father without knowing tha Red Croas and the Pollptcbic And tutt what It waa, or how to combat the Kids home, and, oh, I dont know; all sorta of things And so Tt" All 'of them lauahed at Ruth for a am L" r visionary a dreamer whan aha told And o are you whatr asked hla bar plana for tba future 8h way ao ( I ao ambitious, that her father. -What ara you starting t: anargotfo, father dubbed her the odd chicken now" . and the stray cat. Is 4 collection I'm making,1 This That aha would ever come to be the sole asset of the Rrowning fnrailv not of them wouM have "bettevd" . ' X 4, 1 t Zl hr 'll J- I- e-- 'fe ne u j . lng gos. i : Mb' T 1 Kkkw BABY BOY s Bright Spot in Every Hone. A Comfort in . Yean to Come ar aa 23 m Rgpida, MinneaoU. ,hrkroar BMdkiM I havg Lydia E. 'Iham'a 4 iz Pink-- " Vegetable when Compound Ur i waairl forpama and before and after I my marriage. I now have a sweet little i aft end will hla picture iif you wish to publish take your medic me inft land ' . J End it a great" - halpv and I recomwwimendittotixiMwho -- mreteir hatees are born. VmJohkbok, Box 165, Park Brrira at middlo ago A ctesarea la a groat dtaappotnt-ma- nt teatemy woman, ninkof the joy ooatfjrt other wetnon have in them ,nd chUrea U thoy grew older. wIm. rtekhama Vegetable hfCzt. to boa neeg te mo-- Y Lr-ii- tV E. H - broa&.t homo 1 dm n rW 1m yeVe-itahie&ipo- uwt ' X i kv td wo-Ct- natolibui Is dea e vdfA, Cotn-foaf- bring great happi- by reatoring the childleM homo behed wafftiiaof tho botead by Lydia it txd 1 happhmso into the temm. Irihy not te bwvf MBS "I wasn t Jaft out, so far as that haven t a cent left 4Our teacher says ft Always tha busy folks that can do things, and a always tha fellers thst have given imost thst 11 give more Bobby told him She says peopls sin t scared off from collecting by folks saying that Mamie Kelly, she collected tha whole bf 15 O for a poor ehfld she knows about, and that waa only from She says go aak people silt peopt when theyre busy and they'll either slam the door, or give you a quarter and she doeen t mind having doers slammed She makes mo awful tired; ASVEETLITTLE . i. I 1 m .TheretyPtonoitetWMg Union Pacific Syttem Signature Publuhet Magazine . The Initial number of The Union Fa- th, flrit Jmblleatlon fof"Xhe YSDOfl active and retired em ployees el the Union Pacific System, has just been Issued. The magaslne, a " monthly contains St pagesand cover Illustrating a pitched battle between Ihdians and railroad construction forces-- - The keynote .of ths number Is the building of the Union ie described tn articles by Charles J Lane general freight agent, and general sol'cltor. -H Pettlbone, agent of Redlands Call of telle fornia, giving A. L. Mohler, president ef the Union Pacific R. R, few a nntil years ago, hla first Job. F. M M.Jllrhardson, Internatlonar secreM A describes the pioneer C tary. T work of Robert Weldensa.il, of Omaha, who established associations In Construction camps at Fremont and Cheyenne in IStS The magaxlne Is published fn Omaha The editor is Howard Elliott, formerly Inspector 4kof transportation of the Salt Lake unit of the Lee Angeles of tha system, end later New York Traffic Club bulletin. Associate editors at branch offices are E. D tAblte. Omaha, A V. Peterson, Salt Lake, Chanes E. Miller. Los Angeles and John Scott Mills. Portland. Ellen Terry, the famous English actress has declined the title of Dame Commander of ihe British Empire. an blch was to ba coo f erred honor upon her by the British government In recogintlon of her talents and long services to art. fwjrhw nptem.Mcypfl clfic-J!apln- e, two-col- , Smd am W ConBtipafionffWf1 i - LossofSlkp for Over IhcSsfle (Xf0ZtaA Thirty Years Necisr editor-in-chi- CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. Annabel trice 15 cents. that is everything ia them relating to woman a work, her ttiendi Th war had opened many channels heretofore closed to them She must be ready to take advantage of that fact Jvery magnxtne hecoutd get- - hold of aha scanned for articles relating to women, the work they did. tha means they took to mako It a success. She found that concentration, devotion to work seemed to bo the recipe the oniyone that assured absolute success. Thar wag no mention at good times, of love, of aayof tha things that of her ago usually think of and girls about. talk It almost seemed aa If ao be successful meant it put aa inhibition upon ail enjoyment. I wont let it frighten me They got along without a'l these things, ao can I.M Ruth said to herself refeerrng to the women of the stories (To Be. Continued I -- Listening In on Eve -- Bears the hi ef Peter Rabbit Club 40-in- v-- Cconlaat Always LADIES AKD MISSES COMBINATION. Especially designed for the a corset jwoman who prefer cover top to her combinations it this one piece affair of batiste. It an Is the popular atep-l- n style and-cone be trimmed as daintily pleases. combina The ladies' and misses tion is cut m sues 16 years, J6, 40 and 44 inches bust measure. Sire 36 requires 2 yards 36 or material with 2 yard' ribbon, c-- v 4 h"rn rH GWT. tyH6rlhi n$tor. ar-h- tr :.p;rk;clr.tnTh'ecrdor1lr.ha:'uv,h,toern Mothers: KnowThat Genuine Castoria ii ALCOHOL-- 3 I Bs-r-krt n sio orecasf Ou MTettMrbrMdoBMdX eeii. r - ar 1 any-thin- States Pure Food - I hi" - ' ttrst-woft- th nun-grl- For Infants and Children. May I lngnlra how much you have toward It. so fart "Oh, I haven t naked anybody yet, Bobby eald calmly. T thought Td let you hay a chance first, you aea. and then maybe I could aak anybody also I wanted , eald I am father. '3 lat tn on tha ground floor Well It 1 tea that Molly Footer gate there you nay that ia part of It. r Wberaa tha enaatr Wall. explained Bobby, thla has beau an awful expansive lima on account of all aorta of things Club duaa cams ajl of a sudden. Bingo Juat wbaa X wasnt looking for Ilka .that X had to buy soma out of my allowance on accrayons count of loadg what I bad, and 1 had to pay carfare four tlmea to go to that staging they had and tha I got a-- aacathing throat jmd couldn't b at thoy. realty had It. aft all that rehearsing. It made me tired" And no f And so," eald Bobby hastily, ain't got a red, and how can I up and give Kelly Foster a ticket and tall her. It's an extra one If I aln t got ticket myself" I don't hnrdly know anvbotfy what's ao particular about a fellas tailing tha truth." Hoosewites that realize the value of pure foods that takespedal i -- CASTOHIA r' - - -- 1 at vi Ta- Ihis boy Farmer Brown srlvs out alatgh atid hitch hora.10 down tha rs out ot of the jard and h4 tahan Bow. tight. Ha wlabed they But they bsdn t ao with them ,.r wnrhlbirwxx y wasta of tH Mra. Broun coma out and throw gome anA ha kraw acraps to tho heny than aver aa ho watched tag nan scramble for them. By and by he took a pap. Tou know It was vary warm and comfortable unbean-u- p der that atraw Beatdaa ha had lthe night before He waa nearly awakened by eleig-t- i bally Heplng out ha aaw Farmer Brown and hla hoy re. drove right up to tha turning'. They Brown a Boy took out Farmer barn a basket and aat It down. It waa very Than he of atraw. near that stack horse and fallowed helped unhitch thewhere Brown Farmer barn him' Into tha had already gone Boweer tba Hound waa In the house, A sudden "desire to ftnd out wbet waa In that basket- took poaaesaion of Old Man Coyote. ett The-nTho Mystery a t- story; Ibd Basket" (Copyright. 1931, by T. W. Burgess.) In tho rallera, cauaa they'd Juat about tho life out of me, tho way we Juy Billy. I don t let on bit what 1 think thawholo lot of the glrle te Juat tha earn., only Mamie Kelly ehe a a whole lot the worn t aaaure you I ehant e word; eald hla father solemnly pipe Am-to understand that Tt ie ao that you may taka Kelly Footer to tha ehow that you art taking up this collection Not exactly taka her,' eald Bobby haatlly. - I juat thought 1 d buy her a ticket and than give it to her and ay I had an extra one, you know, and If ahe know anybody that wanted It, Thate a jrlTe it to him. part oY it.' ba run EVERY WOMAN th4 aprlnr and they can't hardly get along and It a too, bad. that a what anyhow, II la1 That In a ahama,' agreed Jib father. Aa J understand It, Belly1 la a wary nice little lrh Tod 'can bat yurHr. aha ia. Bobby confided, f Only don't you lat Junmy know I hold ao. nor any ot CH AFTER II when Ruth Browning' waa twentyCarr A with the took her position one month older when to. She " veA-h- er iiihot ex thr of hie position. Committing giro one time to- think, to plen4 If oho ts eo Inclined- Ruth to ueed to epend fhe time it took hewHa end forth in planning fheo beck would do when she eerntdtfeep and' heap of mousy 1 111 never get married, I gusaa Brayko" rTh7tytuit word. that could merry e poor men. Vtmck a Chiu to tha heart of Hjnry never then I couldn't help the family. Ha knew thera had bean Browning. HI hand Louie did, endeheeen onoughto 1.1 It of laying off man manaon the be rapped trembled aa lor ?dad! her She dlmly 'realised -COOT fafI suppoaa the neede of yon know why IChurls fathers Incompstsncs, of out was now that the family, amt for you Brqwnlng?" him work Hart, tha alert manager, greeted ehe men the bed married on Louise aa he taunt about He kept a email garage. Preloved chair. Well 1 No, air they were happy Rut Ruth sumably Tou probab.y have heard that wa knew her sister hd hard work ser-to on road this econo meet. There wee no ends $nTie Hr roltif to make ThAt we ntatr Tn thtTrecess, Brown pent to help either with the work or must need often to driftwood 11 la So Ruth that children. tn,. for i4ha frat."- You have been driftwood it with thera eo Louisa and her Ume now. Browning. You haven t band- might go- to the theater In the. earned your salary not half or it or to a motion picture show But Mr. Hart you aren't going hftnny, KQI. ver an' be. a .hot to turn me off are 'ouAfter .li the,. invalid for would ba harder I will work longer ...... Perhapa always Ted, ther rol- w brother whom Ruth rWptjaouJl.Tlt)i(Bgi imp.tuoua hi, Adam' apple my family rj Tou T. for' them ehould h.T. proyided Browning, ?T hVw old are pia Then there were 8uaan and I rainy day. I.et (me thirteen, the other slx- Betty you. Brownlee About Hirtv' edswtsd TUyaeiild hew-taitwo -- W1Ty And you haven t when wonder Is that Henry it old any for age out hsven't looked yotir ' family ha had been hm t riaHy old-- n Prowotog tod h Of coarse uLty-tw- o ! die ha was and he old because others of ihe a rged Ibt vou. like hut thought the good times the big sal- also told them that Hart had eald ha ar4ea caused by the war were going e was I di ftwood that Ruth felt the last forever. weight of the world on her young eee 7 did- think so But thou idem !rQ I Z. now There He said I was driftwood. Brown- Mr Hart. I cant go j waa hurt Idling repeated over and over, hie voice tny bo, Sam, him that work yet perhaps tremulous He seemed to hhve aged the war. He cent he never can Thn Ted my other boy. tR )'eres!fiee he had left them' that t he wouldn He he ran away. -down He e been gone eig years. Hee i coming well Fm not driftwood dad" Don't wee juet sixteen when he went-- he come out all right yet We worry wee J8 - 1 only wish that old mortgage twenty two nour My oldest giNRuth. p married. But the W8JJJkeme. wra sure of a roof ever rhe e just been frni ; Made yr girt if I say It as I Blithely enough had Roth spoken. )ge A smart But she don t earn much Her ahouldnt. fth8f hd to couraged 9T nihf VduTlke would eithAubahe ot hJ tZr Jhst give Up. 'Only too well rfc5 this character- know did this daughter cation Rhe helpel- a lot too Istic But as the days passed and he are found Thn there lng fi. amn'd r'no ehe to do, opening, nothing w two Kft'e a'r'a Stian. thirteen found it harder to encourage him and He. v( in. tHeed r stateen and In canaa of which doubht had tha i I I ran crept To go. h 1.,I Doubta that aa ' ini. her own mind xtr ao-- a. rm y., v.i( a't thla- r wertfof'owed week then lengthened - yvn-- r 4 tetw months had deepened into cer-t- 1 wicVe kfmttvn am aee this olWh MTtalnty ' i 1 himin-Ma tnt a char-- I Had a through' ehe said In one ot Terrodr a her In the treln a I wr'il g'oe yon lttlutinn lble Tou bore will ; l her homeward. Ther e no letter o noon lnd encthe" teb ourselves any kidding jure longer Has eee " Poor dad He s been a good at through 'ot T am aorrr. ' As I eald sort even if he doea lack ambition." But dyr-- ia dn-- t end mine. is pain j Henry Browning had been a "good muchTortL.-B- tt htr-itt- B A 1 td YOU, et'r rift'oed.-dH,, ehndren. hie that la not will have tn be cut off wl(, In hla easy going vej him -- O Goodnight. Brown'ng and good Tuck J cerelese way he had nlweye been good to them. It wee thle very trait In One month befne per father had him that had been hie undoing Ha driftwood Ruth been cast nf a got on and It never waa haa one fault if graduated from, him listened do -col av She had at enc applied fo-- 1 poor old dad'" Ruth aellloquIseA a. noetlon with Carr A Co. bond and , hen felt of the thin pay envelope In And becau-- e ah-- 1 her puree broker" That eighteen dollars - nd I rno and would have to be h.rht to ttntfl elaatlo dad touBd I. CHAJTBB t FOR B& THE PROP (Copyright, PAGE though, shss oo sure she can gat anything aha wants. There's going to be a show up at school, got up by tha eighth grade, and tha tickets is to cost 25 cents, and ahe says her folks will giva her a ticket and 1st her taka friend a Mayfe phe might ask you to go1 "Who Manila asked Kelly I should say not Bobby tn disgust. hy. If Mamie Kelly got right down on her knees la front of th whole room and tha teacher n everything, i wouldn't go on her old ticket. Anyhow, one's going to aak Billy, and 1 don t aea why.-- . Hes got scads of only yesterday that he had eighteen cents and there s tomorrow, when - ! some ashes, ff he don t forget sifting K-And Mamie Kelly hat to np and It contains , over 300 ready. ask a feller like that who geta five of em- several pace tyles, cents more allowance than me, anyused route styles broidery designs how by Movie Stars, and a complete That's the way It goes. Susie Hereven lesson course in ffressrick's going to tho mshow on account doctor and getof Itr father being This book should be making. to lo an put ting somebody pe Jknowa in every ten- t- The supply ad and fiusie got her ticket for getlimited. So order your copy now. the ad when all the time tt was ting her father got It, only of course ho - Price 10c. don't want to go, not specially, he Pattern for tale isedet mar bs don't. And than there Nelly Foster, obtained from The Dsssret Nswg at she cant go at alL You see, their cost, pries IS coma Enelass pries of pattora with ordor and address rent was up and raised everlasting OLD SIAN COYOTE TIED I.OW. BY TBORYTOY V. BURGESS. Who keeps control of self tn hand. Of destiny jnay take command Old Man Coyote. Farmer Browns hens were eating their breakfast. Farmer Brown a cows wars eating their breakfast. Farmer wera eating their Brown s horses breakfast. Farmer Brown ani Farmer Brow n boy and Mra Brown were eatAnd under the ing their breakfast. stack of straw In the barnyard, so hear thst he c?,uld hear tha hens talking as they ate. and the cows and the horses munching their food, and could smell tha breakfast iq Farmer Brown house, Old man Coiote without any breakfast at all. tfT Farmer Brown's outof the houso with Bowser the Hound-- at his heels. l&wsar s tail was wagging Once he ran in front of his master and jumped up with a-- little In -- his hand F4rmef yelp of. joy. Browns Boy carr.ed a heaping Jsh of food. Out near Bowsers own little house ha put It down It was Bowser's breakfgsL Then turned and went Into the barn It was 11 Old Man Coyote could do ts keep from rushing out nd taking that breakfast away from Bowaerr ho on, lacking and os hungry as Old Man Coyote, could have remained os ba did. perfectly quiet, while he watched that breakfast But Old Man Coyote lay low disappear He as still as if thr were no ltfe tn kept htnr. could breakfast away 'I from that dog,' said be to himself 1 could do It and get away Goodness knows. I want that breakfast. It seems ut Rarvs'Tr-Bas "tf1 tjuf-must If rush out and take ft It will he onlyi on, meal and I will have given mv hiding place Swav if I keep that secret int im. .pm,i may be able Ho get many nieaia So Old Man Coyote swallowed bard and pretended It was food, end watched Bowser gobble, up that All the tnorntng he Uy that tack of straw and there ween t anyan thing going that he missed He mads sure that Farmer Brown, Mra Brown and their boy were the only creatures living in th house. This was Important to know was very important as you will t d- 'Wanv Tntercsttngthlng happen every day among tkoe children of MotbenNatur who live tn the great juat be happeir among little girls And bo who live in houaea. And aif who belong to the Feter Rabbit Club enjoy them each evening In The Deseret News just before tumbling Into bed Every child ehould read Tha Burgess Bedtime Rtoriea and learn to be friends with Peter Rabbit and all eute little folk of the forest Then they msy join tha club with tho several thousand other children - who already- belong out-doo- re How to Join He UileM Farmer Brews aa, Hla Bay Hlreh s Hone ts a Sleigh sad Drive (lat ot 1k.LrS. lsler He found out thst Bowser the Hound spent much time In Fsrmer Brown house Ho found out that Black 1uesv went In end out as she pleased end that she wks Inclined to prowl ebout the barn a great deal lie hoped wouTdntr'onlepfffllflg around th stack of straw and find the hols h hsd made under 1L All three facte and many more Old Man Coyote learned and tucked away fiend In the names of two Peter Rabbit stories yon have read er had read tVyott In TheDeaeret Xews end your name, addreaa. age and datd of birthday, fend you will be enrolled as a member Be sure to write i lainly and semi all tha above information, and you will then your membership card colored club button free. Join Now Sand your letter to Th Peter Rabbit club. The Deaeret News, Salt Lake City. ' self-contr- taKihl -- l low-un- '''jj s :ee jt vjjO finuu''?fit( -- der two-legg- iLI Papas Cold Compouad Breaks any Cold in a Few Hours Instant ttsttef Doqt stay stuffed-up- ! Quit blowing and- - snuffling1 A s Cold taken Paps Compound VT two hour until threo dooos are UKen usually breaks any cold right up The first doso opens clogaod-u- p nostrils and sir pAssagea of head; note mnnlsg; relieves headache, stops dull- - doso of ness, foverishnoss, saeexlng. Cold Compound Is th quick "Fap est, Auret relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores it acts without assistance. Tastes nice Contains no quinine. Insist upon Pape a AdV. |