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Show "Tf f1 - Af ' i F n it V ? - , 'I 'V , . 4. v - v ft j 'v V"? torwrvr r rr1 T'T iarji al Jfif' f 5 - i V 1 ,: y'W W Vg V w-- W -S " S' V1 I ft h -- I'P - "" V I ' "ta,r P A - H J A ' JF i fHE pESEBiX i i MlSWa . TUESDAY DECEMBER 27 1S21 G V4' A PAGE i L ta - v .. EVERY WOMAN FOR , y1 -- mystery ranch f BT MTBTR CBAJ Anther at OB 'Whan be Jt 4I f !ottfl4 tl kor hi Oth.r .Tld.ocM who so inoo oullty. feul Lowell, maA' JrJIhllT'w)" th M0cr tb ar mot. and daterratnM ko 'rmllroodwl" to soar teUoa. HH- -s Skortljr botoro tk murder o r Elj' t th mey arrive 10 Tb. Myotrry B.nch mi bor .Lptather. bod ropttiouom hi tk wbo ba Am boom away at eho?i'' boo wrnl tor hot T?a bat mow ho ranch in hit ear. tokoo bor to tb a V worriod whoa ko think at loaotn with Morgan mad alamo on attractive itri BltfTaSJmx'atorek.er, bootlnior end rnoonration boo pootmootor. jutl outside tboHole wUod intorooptod a Jailor which tbo ranch. It roachod bo a noon to to addrooood to Somoni and want bint not to com in tbo ranch at bwMowai prompiod dargor. Jdl tfurloeity tkoa ho doeo .Mn and road tk latter; lh. to knap It for future am. Rei Jotter. Ttlpor bo tk are at Boor and Jim MeVeon. a rooted for the murder of SarfOuU frIMtd Helen and Lowell become loot Ui. a &4 ruU Chapter VII Cotlawd.) ,. 10 mak .,' t. ?SU ai LJtrr,vheu,8cHov1ls Ydfl!. rdcr that Mina pain, to nolle, betrayed no 1" BcoviH .bLdbJn'Vmpra.y th, aam apot. tent .ruaiLWtei l them wM on btwen of woolly remlnUcanee aav1 lawcU could not - "Papes' Cold Compound PwHc adjaata tag U-- at tto ntadta. btiW and teaea' feuaa b cal ia aixea 16 ykarx. 36 to iachca beat mcaaote. Stea ta BHtonal h SH nut with H yard Tha thl. teas and gold brocade ta-in- ck lh ao. tero5jh. Improve th th Of cour Induce th Indian Peter tlafened ter (he . leeef little seaud fe skew that Beater- Bear In there. Inng 1- S, jt - life-wo- 1 h, r affairs Further talk of Indian ' of lh trjP tha rcmslndcr isowel waa an ntbuiat in nia of It, preferthough ho seldom falked speak for ring to let results a ready and put be bad found Furthermore, listener sympathetic he wished to take the girl's mind from the matter that evidently were He succeedwuch a weight provingwell that not until they reached so ed the ranch did her troubled expression return helped Tell me," said JxweU, ea he "he is her from the automobile, 3t! organ better, and i he tre<tig you ail right said she. "Yes to both questions, Then, after a moment's hesitation aha H wtll be added "Come in. Perhaps possible for you to see himYoom Lowell atepped into the that erred aa Morgan study One wail wna lined with books, Greek predominating Hetn knocked t the door of the adjoining room, and there came the clear, sharp, eynlral soke that had aroused all tha antagolnisro In LoweU'a nature as his first visit f 'Com In come In called tha voice, aa cold as rr stall. Helen entered and closed the door The roW could be hard. in different but always with promodulations, found rnirism aa ha basts. Lowell, with a gesture of rage step-pe- d to the library table He op volume of fthakespcAree picked and noticed that ail referencestragedies kill to lg and to bloodshed m general had bgrn hiotfri put Parage aftfr passage con-tur- ned BUSTERS OVER Baby Fretful. Hair Came Out. Cuticura Heals. My baby Urn began breaking out on ber stomach and then it come sU . over has body end bead. 1 The eruption wna in little 1 clear blisters full of water. I She eras so cross and fnl. ! ful she could hardly sleep. Her hair came oat. "Site was broken oat for about month before I need Cuticuim Soap and Ointment, and after using ons coks ol Cuticors Soap and one fifty cent box of CaDcnm Ointment and one twenty-fiv- e sent box ed Cutiosa Ointment she wen heeled." (Signed Mrs. W.H.Den-no- o, VUle Or ore, Illinois. Use Oatanrs Soap, Otntnwnt end Talcum lor sU toO purposes. ' th surest relief known and costs n .tor.s at cents drug few only"without assltance. Tastes ntae.a acts Paps Insist upon Contains no quinine. j atnn. L. brt"UrJ5 1 V , "r -- . Wnw said them-selv- dull- 1 . jn 2lbd Stehfa-u- none running, relieve headache, aneexlng ness, feverishness, Compound ! Pape f Cold happen, yon knothat A"4B things do oddest eom feeling the have yard. to be day soon I m going be the at dxncf, too bad you cmij't E Oh, but rm going to the danced Trt the pretty little thing told her down town today to have I fitting for mTouWre bow nice1 said ton,all her friend. In ,urprleed clothe had your supposed you but that not made In the house sweet and pretty and they're very look well on you. Eudora. .? earth are you going with, wltn Arthur gone and everything looked most The pretty little things going with Robert Emangelic. I'mDetroit." she explained. bers from of the placet I visited one wae That B a A1VUHI yww. BIVUINs Wl WIHB f con-1 , dancer eftd l eo tiresome as a friend1" rh.rlle's v.rsatlonxll.t that enr one with a wiVh the '"wh he's chance to here any other escort would IP' ,done the j, not think of being bored with hlm,htliked girls little change and never lfttle the pretty Wall, chirped taste of the gay Ufa' enTra now likes one What'e happening at the next club thing, tohehim, we're and Alicia, going dance1 obked the pretty little thing, a gaged dance the of to teH people the night bit wide eyed. HI he sure to Invite you to visit The girl with the bead bag and mon- And me In Detroit, too1" bat fur much, smiled. Nothing key this Is perfectl-y- " gaspedI "Why. "Mabel's brother she said kindly. girl In the monkeyIlkafurIt hat. Charlie has a guest coming for that the In my heard anything week who Is rather Important and he II never . be In Mabel's party at tbs dance, and, life! The Idea" natur-ally as I am going yrlth her brother, r It meet him. And first Impres- Canada to Send sions always count for so much, don t you think? Charlie says ha Is wonderFilms Europe ful and that he Is just 'Impervious to women! He has never cared anything 8o It about them end he Is about (By Associated Frees.) time be woke up end noticed one of OTTAWA. Out, Dec. JT. The CanaUS" How are you going to do ttT asked dian government hog mode orrange-mentwi- th the pretty little thing with cohslder-sbl- e on of the largest EuInterest. "Why, I have no Intention of trying ropean distributors of moving pictures to attract him" protested the girl Of in Farit by which Franca, Belgium with the bead bag Indignantly. coarse, men do have the craslest fash and Swltxerland will be given an opIon of picking me out of a whole roomful and asking to bs Introduced, portunity to sea many Aous&nd feet and It Is only natural to euppose that of "Seeing Canada films. don't you think that black vslvet . These films were made under the draped beantlfnUy and without a auspices of government agents at the single ornament would be marvelone film plant in Ottawa. They picture all on me? When you have white shoul ders there Is nothing like a lowcut phases of industry and agriculture black velvet Charlie let drop that he throughout Canada. Special attention had a III Ml position, with more has boon devoted to Illustrating farmahead, and the loveliest car." ing development in the western provinces. Here millions of acres of rich "Where did yon eay he lived?" land await the settler in a country asked the pretty little thing, shitting where it Is not extraordinary for a sinber kolinsky wrap. "Ha Is ons of tbs most popular gle crop of wheat In a good year, fo for A farm bachelors In Detroit." her friend told I. did end almost before be knew whet be wee doing be was Inside that cave. Buster Bear wasn't there. There An CPUMltT MAKES PETER BOLD. In dork there, wae for It anybody there. In n Jiffy Peter had Inside very peter listened for the leaat trtt'e sound forgotten everything but the desire to to show that Buster Bear was In there find out all there wss to find out about that cave He heard nothing. He cocked his head on one side and then on the other. Its-- 1- f It was the first time Peter ever Tnriitan tO tCQUirA I& glruOtt for the sound of Buster breath- had been Inside that cave. First he thS ierylHlnK.lt took as age. to actenlng 1 If Buster was in there It should j went all around the edge of tL In one why l tohYh'nt out Peter Rabbit sat up and stared this Ing cave opening But j corner he found' cept; That'sa burry possible to hear him breathing und stared that way and stared be too geest Thts little cave was no such sound and finally from the big one allny there ceremonies Tne,th)( 0(h(r w In the Pater was way dances and religious to turn around him for Buster made that mind bis big enough just up And as be stared this way, was Indian has had in. The entrance to It Was just big ,hat if!, moonlight. npt there. 1J . . to to souses for him Then whisper enough began through tened with those long ear of his. to Peter Curiosity At th back part of the cars Peter once more. "Now In a splen. be eapect'u v He aw nothing to make him afraid. about all that can chance to sea what kind of a found a bed. It was a big bed. It seems to me tnai sIHe heard nothing to make him afraid did biff It a bed. It was mads Of Bear sleeps in. whispered was very be was .afraid He tried to think piace Buster tha Indian do, that Buster Isn't braves mostly. Most of them had been Curiosity. "It may bemors. ' tn nil thts work a ha there that care any i,!..," very long time, but some of Probably Is among1 tbs aoA He was afraid because he was so near using J ha would bo there now. Prob- those on top seemed to have been put Helen the home of Busier Bear. Any way Ian t or the world. Is said these somewhere to there he has very sleep that Is wbat It need to bi th hom4 ably Yon cangone if the wind blew them In thing to mofromthat T wonderrecently. slip in thera and sea of great, big Burner Bear. It wae to else o remote what It I like and ihn slip out again here. thought Peter. "I wonder " out was If find it atilt boms Busters ,iLwi,:tnctw?on.L"out that Peter had come over there. Curl- - without any one being tha wiser.to Wbat Peter wondered can be guessed at only, for at that Instant h You'll never have a better chance cnart yi0,,t You see (j MBt him. Of course. hefe to get up Christmas Buster Bear's bedroom. If he ta heard a noisejut just outside the cave don't need to be told that, there ore few end Is he fast j noise that made bis heart Jump right drives, and workers there in asleep certainly to be The moonlight felt full on that eattlement isn't the least bit of danger. tup la hie mouth Any way that la how And ther a there ledga of rock- under which wae for help at any time the it seemed to Peter as with eyes which So whispered to Peter oq.d Indian. H cave In which Buster Bear had slept Peter ter lie- - seemed to be popping out of hie head Ratenei He shouldn't have .her It v balls .. km si.eosl ad Ik. winter before Peter could see . V J Haaaoa ea dket elro umt that be wants charity so much jp, Me he entrance to that cave looking like I. undcixtanding often come quick- - the H Shadow blackest Block of l'nderstandlBg Interposed wished h could eee Into It without ..t thraaeh Mmscharily to me that no one going nearer But he couldnt. Stare than to, as he would he couldn't eee Into that eouwTask a better Peter crept' ' leave Little by Little neonle hfi5k-tho noaror, looking over hi bouUr to them than p sure to other minute I more that no one concede, makg Trij to ?. willing at j .1 never have sub- - was after him. r,--Ms one was and H1R LITTLE PLEASANTRY, bet, shifting: bor bead teg up bar arm i ,hB ntrnc th that Parkmaa's theory to shake bends. 'Wbat a. sur' Wbf, JEadora' murmured tbs girl in order couk n on prise to eee you! I haven't lai eyee !? not B. with the monkey fur trimming sre'1 Relief Known dht's ftrJTSS mln w Quickest to jYtkee" had bee n done to ffe"rthnSte?t condition ot th Jolfrney is . the enjoyment v wh-wh- y. w.V"hiutl t xlmply n.fr O-tac- somewhat a. she h2d done during tb.lr first Journey r, far Lowell, he diseased ter tbf m!7 up I- - To' Don't stay atutfel p!lQult blowing Cold oa an uf fling1 A dose of PI hours unCompand Uken ovary two til thfta doses are taken usually breaks up g cold and ends all grippe misery Tha first doss opens clogged-u- p nostrils and air passage of head, stops cow-bojr- 'u Hten a Stori hH thlnKini - 'n irin Z?SZtZ,i tb.. : B,1"-- " emhar-raatmen- ru wb7ntSrrTp.b.5 ! ' ? war blackened with heavy lino In lend LowIl picked tonlhment, found pencil. In that the and ap another volumebeen done Then the name thin bad door opened and he heard the culnn voice eay: younr agent Tell the Intereetln that I am lndlepoeod I have never had a eoclal caller wrtihln my doorg here, and I do not wih to atart now Helen came out and cloned the door. You heard the aked Tfee replied Lowell. It'a all right, ' Fm only aorry if my coming baa raui- t. ed you any additional pain or 1 won t aek you again what this, kaepa you In an atmosphere like combut any time you want to leave, mand me on the Instant. don t get our talk back Pleas WARNING 1 Say where It was before, pleaded Helen, "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. a they atepped out on the porch and 'I've enjoyed the Lowell a!d good-by- e y because It all ride and the talk 566 the name "Bay on tablets, you are took mo away from myeelf and from nnf this place of horfora. But I cant leave how tnuoB no matter Prescribed here permanently, by physicians . I might dealredi" 0 r 21 yejrs safe It all going to be Just ea you111eay proved millions for by Some day gee Lowell replied. now I right gome Colds through It all, perhaps, but Headache because I m not trying very hard, Rheumatism wav 1 feel that you don t want me to Toothache She shoo If hands with him gratefully, Neuralgia Neuritis and Lowell drove elowly back to the Earache agency, not forgetting his customary Lumbago Pain, Pain atop at the scene of the murder a stop that proved fruttlraa as usual. Accept only Bayer" package which When he entered the agency office. contains , Lowell was greeted with an excited hall from Ed Rogers. -Heres news exclaimed th ehlet of Ita. Itpr Boasthctam HW ef aallcrUeadd clerk "Tom Redmond baa telephoned over that Jim McFonn has broken JalL kid by the throat. Then be. made the How did he get awayT Jkn had been hearing all this talk boy unlock the call door and Jim slipped about lynching It had been coming to out of the Jail. Ha Jumped on u him. hit by bit. In th Jail, probably Jony In front of the Jail, and was paaeed on by the other prisoners, and gone half and hour before thea kid, it got him all worked up. It seems, who bad been locked In Jim cell, that the Jailer's kid. a boy about six- managed to attract, attention. 'Tom teen year old. had been In the habit Rodrnond wants you to get out the of bringing Jim's meals. Also the kid Indian police because he a satis fled had the habit of carrying Dad's keys Jim has skipped the reservation and around. Just to show off. Instsad of tu hiding somewhere In the hills. (To be .continued) grabbing his soup, Jhn grabbed the i )mmb y In utld th itB at hli uuaobit Hi hu bm4 nmmiloa. glee to th ,iin-faehloHi BA. A n r j es TrAS5ro6 MAGAZINE b bow rtadjr. It contAmi over 306 tylea. teveraJ inibMflr. A mm, to aa4 ia, fcojfr which iwnr woomb who , aad want to want la drew get bar fondly wall dittoed Amm 10 a copy, cent kava. Pries Pf wl ipo UJd twtrai IS tlA e1Jl Ull W wiuea 11 J Iso qx aei paoiwjqa aH ra lejesea isoota Mat Ji xnJ M Umrbut. ' To are such a little For mce rou look since btrh?dy- Howrlsht amount of eolol M u4 it ta suemavuaa sImprovement bit of rone i then f ru Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver my lift," said the pretty littlo orsoturs The nicest eathartlcAoxstlv In tha Id the kolinsky for wrap. "I suppose you bsvsn t seen ms tactOM I have world to physic your llvar and howsls boon sway so nueb visiting friends. whsn you he vs Dissy Hsndechs. Colds. Tvs bed a gorgeous time. "i no so glad you bqvo' sympstbstfo-all- y Blliousnsss, Indigestion, or Upset Acid mon Stomach is eandy-llk- e commented tbs girl with tbs 'Csscareta key fur bat trimming. Tts time you One or two tonight will empty your bed a little enjoyment oat of Ilfs. Isn't howsls completely by morning, nod yon will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Csecsrete never stir yon up or gripe like 8alts, Pllle. Calomel, or OH and they cost only ten cents' a box. Children love Careers ts too. Adv. , |