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Show I' U i TIIE' DKSEllET ti ScOd Eh rw ' Mk ef k rik uxi . t ikw ! i'ni. rrwt .. r TM . rr ef yir .... . rlkvntM r j m Vf r.U f. o mi m rwf C WWMt C Wd. . TT rr viewt . .1 (I ST . Vie.. CM " M.u.a ! atI)IIHIHK We-te- eo rnwMrc. of 'lU. MB w.nr .) WMtT ch. ... (jI... ItM unr. t in. Mi Is MflMtwtJ in mui.' fn. nxhMIl". of .4 CM., aw ' 'rtC I ee-v- M tf cklVTING FURTHKHGR Four CAM VCE TO GERMANY. lt V ',4 Shoe Prices Stepped on a Dcnana Peel and Slipped Up and Fell Down Oere! hsi ap Pr. ma Cfsssl f Ts tksMM rktaS"0VIwYork ss kkneuac t ky tba al City I. ikitr. -- nee TksoSoe lloMeeert. clung M Heosmelt fcisvv U llwc aagh I. WMl Silk popoUe biw. Th. New Tara li.rst la (an. Tfca nama Sw Mim rum U-r- os Mmlg Il.kl Cia public (.n-ra- TMLV IMfTK FOB? IACI HFt.VO a frw day a ina rifle workers ago tlie prurct of strike, ami argu ng that it we. sareiy md tile lb. I the where if governed ty fan.ly would take so l!I.siral a tep, the Zew Turk Herald said: .Whn with An jerk, an shipping U sink or swim, d is lime for the strike leaders to keep an eye on the lifeboats."- Present reports are that this seuibl advk-has been rejected, and that so far at these leaders are concerned, their verdict upon American shipping and imienfd)on them-telvalso, Is: "sink." With SO per cent id the shipping board's vesecla and E per cent of the privately owned vewls tied up for lack of business, a strike by those workers who null had employment woo!d appear to be a epic Ida I Step, (if course (bey bale reckoned that they ean put the American merchant marine out of business uiile-- s their terms are romplicd with ald this la true, temporarily. Hut their art will tend to precipitate the complete readjustment of operating eoeU under which TI ft. ship- ping may resum on a basis that will enable it to keep afloat and earn a lisiug in competition with foreigo vessels. Tndor the former heavy tabor charges, this has been found to be impossible. as witness the idle craft above referred to. Yet th strike-leaderdemanded a ronlTuu-snre'- of MAY 3 1921 TUESDAY meioM r.iy a kid ln Ida. lailaai foe aaMdliif na So rwnamber. lli f. Ther. a na fmpinael moment bee at the ihocnc by Frane to the Rriliab point of fw with reaper I to the occupation of the Ruhr j region by way of forcing Germany to fulfill the titaiy of Vmaille with re per I to reparation, f criminal dibarmament anil punishment of aifd other violat iona Of that treaty. The deference referred to eonaist in poatponlng until ,3y.iSAhe armed movement which Premier Brtand has heretofore derUreJa ure tobeguf ThetLUijg pbohiLTtTve wage ce lo a lillt lees arbllrari- - fstuourly shutting tlirfr eye to the lit-- that Miy I; it Indieate than wfea In the mailer of sanctions and guarantee. such a thing rmild mean nothing less J Tha .effect of it all is to give Germany one more aeuttie, wBh nur ship forced mil of bu-i- ne - Premier Lloyd forever as an American merchant marine, iheir chance, a eonceseiaa-whic- h 4 British Crevrs adrift, and foreign bollnm again in comGftorge was. quite correct In. saying ptfelk opinion would demand. Thai Statesman mand of ovmea lrafricrwagoa and all. AVilh i has every reason to know that Britain ia disin- -j such com petit ion on the seas aa American cl feed to become a parly to any'auch policy of shipping baa to face. It would f'nd none lop J viilenrj a the controlling factora in the pres- smooth sailing under even the mo-- f favorable ent French government long - ago announced circumstance; under, such conditions ss arc. upon; and demanded hi the present dispute, it would be 1 Flfcnch impatience has at the eleventh hour folly to venture forth at all. As the land-ma- n wrtgely restrained Use!!, to the extent of meeting views the situation, the marine' workers by in.order lhat when (heir leaders have spurned th ..life boats Biftiah opinion half-watbf order for invasion of Germany is given, entirely. , France may not have to carry the burderi and - SOVIET TRADE BUBBLE" BURSTS. nubility alone. the meantime, the hope la again revived Jinthe terman government rill not allow LATE reports from Russia would seem to Justification for the refusal of , the i' This few remaining days of grace to pass United Stales Ur resume trade relations with without quick and adequate action to avert the that country. An American journalist and busidlButer which Invasion and occupation would ness man now in Berlin and who has met and imjply. There must be oq Germany's part evi- talkedjwith tfianyjnen recently returned from drtc of absolute' good failh. and a real desire Russia, reports that the "bubble" of Soviet re an resolve to meet fully her heavy debt to OWE Jc fcroncc ha i. r-- s low. ). tiara of kanie J fee Tfceodae. Ijaoaevatt, It Is esaTg m-- 4 uaua l tibtoeb-assae raabk I. eaeenl lime r Kt aaly ka.ldvet of lia VnHd aia. and Iks s.nhy to U eemamtsewl ml of III hick offiaa, hui ha wai v man ef forceful and eonstruft'i rerwin-- 1 1.', Snd sa Ihal Imuee.aeg h un -- elf vary dr.-l- y pai' Mia life ef ikw . Ha w&a a areal man. rravl a ad areal New Yorker. a M'or Hjkm yuttlr "aayaNa -- 011 of thw rilv etl. mar. fit Uachr k his earn fhi this rra-- , vsl eoamooolitan net, wfiar. dreams of XntVr rooverc snd erna skv. arS on Ike curfvr. and wh- -r eiery phaa of lha ellya aoh Ilf (a pjnwerd ll I . iU .4) -- art, VAS') 6UGM33ffl5 Yj,. life, atwara tlptcal of hi. buau. cnaae-eMeat Ih centra and heart of evrkhln Hint eon earned Ike walfnr of hla , No forceful men. wkl's he ia allvat ran V ;? . ea dl.eetro. l . M'; trWIM II W ail Mlt . lb e ye n.H W.I sM tlo (K'fta a Of WMtal 44. MeV. ! vwM-attlanl.. at. ahw r.rvi4 H. Fll.T LAKE OTT. - - - - . MAT 3. tKI. 1 !t hip. n wmwm fB . jLiod'si lb. MeWed Ce.i weekly kmi ... c ..rm9.-- i: c.ntTon. ' r'.lt Hlwr ....... UtM t9 , ROOSEVELT SQUARE. rf 8 rmhMUL AM1 rri? A Ui1! Wl . r--w -- dc . , Mftrte I trMt l BATM (dBnlrrhi fif IMI . NlM' tVMvtfrfftfct , , Ml ... o . dus iia f) ir Tems-- f ae.il Hm emeul ak wily Ihat all employee b given e. Them ap equality of opjtfirtyntt jr and pm Vo iiWrliu.nate is no against a to .a Wum be bepne to brl.m t.j a linUm. him keep hw rneadirrth'p there If he c lioo.es to. and lot him hjr co.M-r..h- e effort end fair tuShne ln whatever added ads antag-- s and It fe hi rise 1st to eoeurv; hut M hfn int UiHjrnekn to eay that the men who Shniavs to remain out of Um uain shall b-- kept out wirk and d'niid Hie ft.hla and IVtJks which our Cun.1 kuUnu and Justice IWelf s'urhafe to ' Ncw NEWS 1991115 HEUXB d frl!ow-elilan- a. He will havw oampa makln rnemlea.. aharplf marked opinions and there wilt bo tboae. naturally, who dlawarre. man la (ona. dm close tk 7 Buf when 'wounds of dlaaaaetop, tha clash and din of circa mataeeo dlo away, and sa ba fades Into' a Jwatar of hlatory w tha aslmato ef b's worth. Rmi t knee who differed from Mr. Rooae ralt'a vie a reertsiae hla thorough aUieer-- y, W entire, devotion to lha puMIe wrp. courage., far, and hla rplradld In komyinr him w honor ouraelvra. Erery memorial wo'msk fur him show forth our-- , own' a parity for appreciating nohlenraa. - . right l70r.lElS $10 $5.00 VOHEnS GREY SUEDE OXFORDS LOW CUTS (t per-pe- el! s Don't Forget Our Location Fourth Floor Boyd Park Building T eday, Tonorrot7 and until ibe efrek strikes 6 Saturday metropolis of the world soma central ptac ought to War forever lb Ram of Rooae-el- t. And Ih pot approved by Mayor Uilaa. a apot that will be mry, public snd most rortrptoaoua foy (rncrmttofis. fitting. T 400 pairs; full Louis or Baby Louis; one or tyro strap; erery sixe .to 7, and widths B to E. . (Vben - these are gone,' 00 - there can be no more so real - j iw priced!: ISJ4 BUrk Itld Dr ltli MlUtarf keHa IrtRt KM Rffb RmI Otfofda rUr K Id 1 BU4k nMh Military BiiIr K4' Iuih , :ji IMt nrmm RytlH TIm will KM Bterk KM ftwpa wHh Bmbf Unto kotla p CHOICE OF ALL -- tonbark 1 y. reo . th nations she has injured. Further quibbling of the sort which Dr. Simona and has been displaying will not longer avail, if he, hopes to retain for his country any of the consideration guaranteed in' the Versailles treity; for ha surelyvis able to understand that intbs to take, she steps which France will not be acting under, the terms, of t,b treaty, but is claiming the general -- right to have been to a enforce treaty which she alleges willfully violated. This places upon Germany itself the obligation of doing the absolute utmost to avert so great a calamity as would t follow the advance of French armies farther into the heart 'of the Fatherland, making I economic ruin complete and Jlhe payment of ) further indemnity impossible. VJuchever way the situation is viewed, it is So unattractive er and ominous that everyworld should withll his heart pray fob the opening of af way of escapeTfom a renewal in any form of the destructive inadafss that has tortured the planet and iu people so dhielly during tha : - past seven yearn. - hair-splitti- well-wish- JVSTICL TO ALL WORKING MEN. buying has bursLand that Soviet agents-acancelling orders ribt and left. Million' of dollar' worth of goods mainly British cloths, American shoes and agricultural machinery are piling up in the Baltic ports. Every freighter brings in its load and hurries back or more. And, if the .'reports of 'the business men who have just come from Russiw ore true, - these goods gel no further than the warehouses and wharves of the seaport towns. Either the Soviet agents can not make good on their agreements, or they elKme to default. There is a strong intimation that, the latter is true in considerable measure that the wily Russian purchasers. are waiting until the importers cannot pSy warehouse charges any longer .and will be willing to release their goods at a figure very much belpw those originally agreed upon. Aside from this- - however, it appears plain that the Soviet agents pan not get hold uLtiie raw materials which they promised in exchange for some of the jnaiiufactured goods imported. Considerable reliance was placed On flat, for example; British and other foreign concern!) were given lo that tti-- re were supplies of thal product available, Jje anriounrSeing placed at no less than 100,100 reported, however, that Whcrf aure oa the Soviet agents became so string thit thcy'trttxibtigcti to offer sotnffuhsurana in largo ability proof quantities, they undertook to bring some of it to Die port of Reval A business' man w bo w aa there tteciares'tbat after much difficulty 4he agents succeeded in delivering at that po.U-s- n carloads! Disclosures ia other lines appear to have been equally disappointing. All in all, the spurt of Soviet buying seems H uiidt-rsian- TSr-men-se unqualified positivcDCg.The prcskieut4-JLon?WITH the Chamber, of Commerce of th8 Unibed States, Joseph H.- - Defrees, denies that his organization seeks through the open shop" have jtheeatruUiitft.of:4radrTmftiiiSnrThere Circulaicdfeports.pt iate. he says. t to they f feet that the Cliambcr rf Comniercc ts sponsoring, under the guie of the" "open short," to Oratupaign., twcrct, movement "which-see- k J destroy he un on. These reports, declares Rrbsident Defrees, ar absolutely- - false. The Chamber of Corn Hi erf e.br gres for hc true "open shop" prfrtHpIe, with equal negotiations for trade with Russia in its present state of government do so at their pwn nek. cspportunijiea and rights to all employee regardless of whether they belong U unions or Business men returning from Riga and Revai recommend that no shipments be sent there not h given Katurally lhis agsgrtka-wi- !i at least 5ft per. cent of the- payment has full, credrnra by y:irtian of Tinion(sni; or If n deposited. in advaoee-i- a eome v neutral R should, (hey w in doubt If argue that, country where the" seller will have some chance " of intention, the effect of the "open uf geuing in touch with. iL .hop" will be to destroy the very basis upon CHICAGO'S MORALS AGAIN INDICTED. .Which unionism is founded. If that be true 'f it is a fart that iif order FAXCE again has the wickedness of Chicago to survive, (lie labor unions mut insist that K been brought ' to public attentuin- .- This tiie employer discriminate against employee time it is an announcement by thr Rev. Howwho doe not beiong,jnuCinded1 seek to keep ard Agnew Johnson, president of therChicago live laboring man Church , entirely out of empJpymenl Federation, that has been deemed who 4oes not hold a card." then the union are wortliy of being sent across the country on the built on an ttnjyst and unreasonable foundation wings of the wireffST and 'ihe'telegraph lines. and do noi deserve 4o endure. If their enstenee In a yf I depends upon a policy of action that would Johnson launches a virile atUck on the immnr ol-lhe-ir been-widii- ly stqj - Irres-pecU- r ve TWENTY YEARS AGO. From th MAT. ' - . ne4 i - - DIG GIRLS purjips toes, sizes to lit vLul) Welt sole patent Pumps medium heel and dressy toes $3.50 Now J t t Beautiful brown" strap Brogue, seldom seen under These are the newest models out today and, instead of $10, they arc $6-5t . Fine brown leather with genuine' Goodyear' welt soles. :r..T;r.:J5.00 pre-ldc- Brogueorlmitationbrogue modejs. Military or very low heels all widths, AA to E sizes . ) d . . We are earing wgp for Come . . this season! Big-Girl- s . See! . , -- thJoora , ' the Sex lure."1 A ringing indictment of mafiy "prominent" Chicagoans, supposedly decent citizens," is included in Mr Johnson's treatise, w h tflrletlnjf s a iaciptis.ml scandalous stai parties that recently have been staged. Incidentally, Ihe Federation evidently, ' has been active in cheeking up on the men attending :hese functions. Says the editoriaL-iShou- ld enrrirdf these men" be published it wSah be to their discomfort and to mentfof some of their friends. - We have the dates, places and names in our offices," 7 Chicago has tittle reason for pride Irl the Conditions which have brought about this indictment by one of its citizens.- - There is an element in the population of every large1 city that revels, in entertainment and conduct such as is indicated tn (he Mfcceoing, ond representatives of this ejemeni will scoff at the yrusade which the Church Federtihn is starting. But the really worth while residents of Chicago will rally to the support of any movement that .will help to remove thircondrtionrthat of late have stigmatized their city harboring am unwarranted 'measure of vice ' '' and sin.the-,asto- CO - 7 ta $30 ;Save t, , 'right right here now! MARY JADES $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5 How All sixes. ' H BIk nrrC Urk'CnwM Rwkrr mr .r W S. Imw mt -- Clrlg u4 aim Black 4 'Tm Diva aa.r. ! r Pro Him Black Or SckI ( kli.ma ikw S t 11 fMtln laata. Her ar laid out. and hang vp. Tea. Indeed! mar than .140 pair. of.. 4iaannte4 Shoe, for foot t the mot pitiful of pretenerery- email . V4 T w. AMO we nr THEM. TOO! A BBM hfust CAa. W ( a a4 4lfh . to kif Httto Klka, si Etl I fit Ji M Tim fr kl4 iVfc - nreffy $3.00 . t ref wily Bints). - W,e i r u V0UR DflV IinS COdE ! S5.00.SC.50.,7JlO-SII0- E: n Taking 'Them anLwavtngpat'Knne: - and Solo . Brown 7 Calf. ,- English , Shoe, Dress Conservative Too P Brown Calf Dtm Ehaea 44.4T Wlttw Calf, Well of V6w Cut' CM.lt ,Rlk Bluchgf OunmeW for Work or Bros J . , Tnc bcftth finest the greatest lot to Choose from that you have seen since the good' old. days long Yo the war!. : - L.X - PRESIDENTS. "Our a to then $1.?0 a T ' plei(y wfcfctr $1.80 51.00 - PENSIONS FOR tt tt a wMtfc LM m paiiv Mtr Wft rtt LMtl HI X All ia Ik -- , Ultl JsReHfrry) pKeat p pm . - aiMO 4 to A Bd Ab4 w (4 SIM 3, (ftp. Sw -- a.8 ,u ,H CWlMcrw1 - tion. toward their worth:. 1UIM Hi KM sIm' Ml 1Z T' ' . 1360 PAIRS Boys1, Girls aadJChlldrens uly es, : Brown Strap Patent " Mary Janes, with wide footform or narrower - wentf-fnar-hoar LOW CUTS FOR - Alt precipitation -- non-mem- 1- record slnro th local eatablMxed In 114 . weather bureau r rrr 1 broken - when lr - a steady Inc he downpour -1.14 : akle th f - water fell. - Before iochea. . AU cleared the' total reached the nlream In the vicinity of Balt Lake were (wollen to the brink and many were were awaah and ernowlnc; the (utter were turbulrut rlvuleta. A bl hard to keep the flood fore of ma worked water running- thr U(TT choked eulvert and many baaementa in all parta of tha cttjrwere flooded. ( Preuldent H. CJrBurt of the ttnlon Part- -' nt of Die Unlo- -, ficTand D. O.Clark. Pacific Coal company, were In SRIf Laka en to rout to L'vada, where cew4cfsrtt6!iSwneal Manager W. H. E. E. Superintendent Calvin of the Oregon Short Line. Mr. Burt eald he had no Information tlTglvo outPntil his return from thb (rade. A bl( atrike .of 2S pyr cent 'ore war re- mine In Tlntlc. ported In Si prleonCra , under- (oard being taken from the Weber county JaR to work on tho Ed Mar- road made a dash for liberty, shall escaped and Hov Howards was slopped with a bullet through his thigh. Tho officers Th four others surrendered. In charge wer Brown and Tout. Tom Sharkey defeated Fred Russell In round of a prize fifht at Den- -' th. fourth ' . ver. Seven live were lost and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage was don In big Are In Jacksonville. FI- -. which destroyed more than '10 buildings In an are yi C ,4S city blocks. - presidents should be freed from per- rcMiurt-ewhen they return to private life and the chance should not bo hazafued ofTbeir hsvine lo depend upon exertions to which, in indn nlual cases, they might not be equal. It ts a tune for strict economy m national finances hut the principle of a wilt add to the peiwton for our dignity f the government. Izm ducks" who are frtlwf cq private fife after long service m tho- - Houe-n- r SvcnaV are eomnaooly altjy. af the-V- . indy City and calls upon business given 'com forlabie positions asvery com miaamners and social i ader of tha metropolis to join in of one sort or another.- - Thai could not be done fombatmg what he derfmsleS as an instmi.iV for a man, who had hron president williout . offense to the presidential of fire--- If Congrsaa f tng leprosy that Ik making Chicago another doe not' vote a 'prejidiitiat pension at this Fodqjn session because of situathe financial gcncril The editorial pars special attention to tne-atrtion and- - that of the two who he- - benefited, it can rQfr maiBttiO Its particularly byrrealer rozard for economy movies. "Nothing now' commands special coBswtency all Ajong the fine than tbe-v- t is my reason to attention," it says, .uaiea It m suggestive of pectr' keep an honest and ewroientinu from working, even at the risk of starvation to' bis wife and children, then they area hindrance rather lhaa a help- toward economic and Industrial democracy in its true sense. (rvJ Uny are hot designed to J of real helpfulnes , af food to' the working maw. " Aeewdmg to tho staietnrit of President the onaora of the open shop" riler cl To Deer ret s choice of the Hocxe AMT MAN'S DRESS SHOE IN THE HOIJSE NOVC Diar i J r ' Yak the finest Pickard kHi cf toir Cit Tske the finest Emerson, Txie the Howxrd ft rctcr or tow ct rerti to $12 - . - n 14 ;: - . -- $5.00 is 0. worii to 112.C0. TAHE ALL .. fariaTrrr. cur tea irur,zir3 ALcrpdzzr, ed must mmaT tip - $5X3 mg I I . |