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Show vw gwir'inwuM irw v "t - s- - q v --- 1 Till: DESERET NEWS 'TUESDAY "dFXEIBER 7 1920 OR Er ISSII DAva TOR III UTAH COAL ,CXMA5 MIRES THEONLY; THING T COVEBI 5hctppng ARE NOT EXAGGERATED The powlbl generation of heating energy at Utah Coal mines and the transmission of the same to this city la ' Major Parley I). Parklneon of the reflected in a letter signed by George O Palter, a New Fork nonsuiting en- - ,ocal recruiting staff, who was n aid to Maior General James G. glneen which letter wae before the Harbord- during the latter's official trip i city commission laat night. It In- U qulred concerning procedure necea- - through Armenia, when the question, Week Prevention of Amertca accepting a mandate of that gmoke nary to obtaine a city franchise. no details, merely country ws being considered, says The letter-gavto a Mr Ley of New York, poet of atrocities have not been exag-whFeatured by Numerous It is understood, with other east- geratd; Armenians are being eater-er- n ERIE ITS THAT COUNTS EXISTENCE ' BY CAROLYN BEECHER., i Th alate securities commission has of preceding chanter. made a report for the period between withSynopsis secret clouding her past. Helen J May J2. ISIS when It Came Into ex Westfield. western girt. Take up ber hom ln Washington Square. New istense, to Nov.' 0, J20 It has' and devotes herself to her been the main huslnea of the com- - j York City, of profeMion writing. The fnenJs she mission to pas upon proposed stock makea include Kirk Lansing, Adele sale where the interest of the pub- - Foster and" Mortimer Kellogg, a mag-Il- c editor. Adele has had a Iqve af- might be safeguarded and many I the man In her case the one f'ras companies, seeq by the report, that who fu.ur, ,n Helen's past? Mean- might not have made good have been while Clifford Bloane by trickery In- compelled to give ouch assurances of eelglea Helen Into attending a dinner n Prlment. where she FT herself good faith that onty such aa were Ffinds the only guest He do- 64 auDBUntlaI basU lama her most of the- nieht Though Up,rt i y . he i unharmed eh 1 6i com pan ie u mrfly traahMby fnthexpeiicAC ber mind aboul that have modified their plans upon it, Thls intensified when the requirements of the commission ,h, r,allzwl tha, deeply ln love ,h,elevator e k man who An Lansing 'n,a,,iv r -leaWS'oanea apartment de- Theemmion have been ruled out. ' manda. and receive money for his lenc. When- - loosing declares hi. th? ,e?Ur1' tto-rmission Tias th,1 It la the women like. Adel Foster who keep the world of people In good humor, people Inclined to become Impatient. sometimes irritable tinder delayed hopes and aspir-- . I, one At the shop, although ae young aa moat of the girls, she-w- as the recipient of Iheir Joys and griefs, especially of their love affairs the radiated sympathy and understanding. . . . . Th IMW capital Discussions and Result And perhaps It was' this quality ln to mud that energy equivalent that thAt natlon ,,, lnto her thqT encouraged Lansing to speak of a ton coal be could produced by White List Announced. -of his hope He, as well as the supplied by the new plan at a coet lorjr The major tells how Turk-coArmenian were cost of drafted into the girls in the shop, recognised her amicomparing with the and her ability ability to enter into ih army, and the old men, women and the feelings of others. The engineer's Jetter aaid that the. children hustled off being informed The second dav of amok prevention men And Tltai the way t behind the project had been in were tk be settled la another part now I tell you I'll help all I v coua- - yjy week, How to Flrb" day. Is of the right variout parts While inarch nttbe estimating stale,. tftej 1 want can. that Bevier! merit Not lose rf to Utah Helen) sulfatde sil, and thaf Kurds andartr-- k rffm Th- - nmantaTne try fof God forbid'' She said the lasL It was would swoop down on the unprotected determined upon being held at whtch the smok prob- had ben at so comical an expression Lansing and off and the Armenians, if the the that suggested girls meeting carry' F Eugene lem I belnic discussed auraettre tonkin women When "But you two were made scheme U praettcai it may he of aid in laugbed Clnr-rn- c for each other.- - And it a all nonsense Morris, secretary to Major C. smok p.leo the - to say she wont herfor Neslen. a 111 address a meeting giving the use of soft coal for fueL .entire outfit The major relAtaw faovf get married. iT. ee, ..n. nv, She w 111 some day She a the kind, n one occasion 20 0 association nt Armenians were of the make" would a good wife and thar TB STABILIZE the Oqulrfff school this afternoon? Progress Lodge of I and driven ever tha preeiptca en to the j mother." The laat waa spoken sim,e while a stmlVsr meeting at Th Edison ply. as If It were the oeual thing to been tH.SOT 09. Masons Chooses Officers S;lowubn,rd rockr hore' have salaries dscuss Wifehood and motherhood with . kS hi. office, travel- J amounted to-f- t school will b addressed tonight by . we It to unsafe here.ut-anyw go ve a young man. Kirk Lansing had not tk?a... his Wallis Huldekoper of WaTIla, Mont , 1,nk nl contingent expenses-hada he tutus without a guard, be- City engineer Sylvester Q. Cannon-Tffogrees Tvodge oTAfTson. Ko 2L cause After this talk with Adele, Lansing 36S S6. making a total ex- - conge as final He eas a strong man been JJ Oen. of the mounialneer savage o na. president t ,h. g chlr deputy held lia annual meeting last night in Harborda party was obliged to leave Hiram W. Clark, of a strong' mans self- - Wrote Helen a letter. pense of J9.S45.8 aeredil possessed leaving er "Dear Helen," he began. I ran not - confidence Imtsm-n association, arrtved In Salt smoke Inspector, yesterday afternoon Masonic temple, when-th- e In the LankNov. 30 of Also he had infinite, pa- following Alesandropntt by ratlaey lulu guardto- - think I have ostracised my- v ne naa not given rie'en upi bear bwaa T W. CharlSddreeaed the convention of the Salt officers were chosen I emild that the yin period- A arverwould, rheToIdhlmTfral,f conference with members t(urlnK Lake. Federation of Women's club at ton worshipful master, Preston Ultary porty of the Siaugh- - attended comniiw-iohas grant- - long aa She was single. Nevertheless not see yon without talking of things ' near her of Evans the American Thatcher F,rllla senior warden, Wvchanvs the - Civic Center. Mr. disresa you. liras let some of men Uke Lansing have Ideas of ed 342 licenses to sell h that might tte. Ten million dollar Junior warden J Roderie Koma treasme come aa I used to come, aa a ani them conditionally, andstork, p haa refused rlage, austere and perhaps romantic ef supplies for the suffering Prominent western the -- work which hits been accomplished to urer, Tld T Smltji secretary and Nor. and southwestern I find I haven't self con-' auh-1 32 If friend. are still wlih funds Armenians, pend-and there licenses, sheet and Theyln?!lned falrlv Mr. date, reciting that whereas a year ago man R. Vote, Glen Miller and Dr scribed. In bought Producers thl. country, largely by J IS license Huldekoper are to nsk it more thn trot enough to be Just your friend, on Chre. for the trustees, came 1 Q. churches to here and been but. had attend about. the conference of men I will say away." ears piapt.. Sunday schools, The total amount of stock wold in less two andone-- j ear termi. officers of the cattlemen s assorts- - Utah represents millions of dollars. they glvenot At this point he crumple up th . the "white" JUst- - there are now had haun-ethe studio, Installation of the elected officers Tthfr tha he comnnaalon i letter, create pushed It in his pocket put haaand ,byU?rebdUShV:nn,T;:ncoM;bnrenPh hrtV 30 which do not Monr,,Wh r will be held In temple be " .V !'enc.e ttahna apparently nuen,ed by Helen and Adele In. the on his hat and flung out of his office. the Turks bIdni have told ' "V'AT smoke. day night, Dee !3. the annuersarj vanished iferdo i.ot c. He crossed the square; he entered buy large blocks of hope of seeing them Rut Helen re- Where, but didn't. - Mr. Clark spoke or the household of the organization of the tod.se recalls that hia enc wav to formulate program stock, aa various companies report Major Parklns-- U --v,i. tho familiar door. remained in chief reported at Washington, advla- - which ft fa hoped will stabilize the stock sold amounting to half a mil- - Adele when he "Go the of education rjcht i! p. she's at home," Mrs. problem, urging the United States accepting cattle markets." Mr. ing Ad Men Hear Talk Cook said with a smi.e. And forget'him no comfort Huldekoper "lion dollars. the against proper method of fire building as the proffered mandate If the United said. The "Th one was Intermountain conference of Development1 banishment, ting his entered into any such bargain. On Business Psychology State hadaakwJ Bln enly means to eradicate thl part of anxious to see the girl he loved, h 200 000 eoldlera would be required from the most important of ita kind ever company, organized for development Adel had climbed tbe fairs and rapped slightthi country to properlv protect it, at held in Chicago and the difficulties purposes, seems tcv Hasa hann ti th smoke evil. The speaker deecrib-e- d Dr T-ly on th studio door Hearing Flood yestprday'addrevs-e- d nr Immense expense The major eaye rf which now confront the producer, largest company The proper method of building s the Armenians d not seem to have commission man and packer were wlh permission 10 sen .su,uuu a sound within, he opened It T, the membership of the Salt Lake any friend except Americana and thi gone Into In detail and everv effort orth of stock. The Tintlc l'aymaa-- J K1 k fire, which Is being set forth In all Jim Helen was huddled in one oL her Hctcn Mines companj Is one of the larg- was made to devise mean that will f kmd kinds of literature distributed by the Advertising club at Its weekly meet-in- g country is In na condition to offer wing chairs. Her face waa burled in ,he But ) reto r In aril a beyond with club. Commercial He permit companies, her hands 8he was see great at times or the flour barrel, and bring immediate relier to the cattle city In connection with hs cam- oirfhrthe !,hout beln8 tearing sobs that shooksobbing and the Greater luld things psycTTology of .Hvlrt.iTFtemrtfnirat 1 wish her slender even then, the Turk appear to profit. Industry. The industry is ln a critical ConsolidatedIn stock, she had which Mines etreaa on the functioning of the ty such company I condition distress. screamed at Is a this to It not time aid more form, and if fairly Liked me better. he interrupted. up that much, White List of Plants. conscious and mibaooncimta mind and the suffering Armenian. the small cattleman and the big obtained permission to sell $1 500,009 "So do I, Adele. But I shan't hesitated ,n instant, then swifta la Utah The "white" list of plants that are how It may be best appealed to He of of give worth stock another i packer to in aiding to re-- i ly crossed to her. up now operating with satlafactioa to tha pointed mit many fallacies and comgiant young corporations She heard his quick step and raied Good for you' Then more seriousnormal conditions. amoke abatement bureau Includes the mon misconceptions which are prom- Wednesday Organ Recital. store The Montana face. Her cheeks were wet with I declared stockman wish you all te luck ln the ly on inently entertained the subject of that the big outstanding feature of the rr eat her C,Xpert to eyes rd and swollen. world. Kirk But doh't hurry her tears.. Down draft? Walker Bank butld- - suggestion and hypnoftle, illustrating tabernacle organ re- conference Wedneadaj'' i Helen? Why at you was the sentiment express-- j he Hart hen ked! 'Adele' would . aVhat ArmV-Clift these points with a- few experiments, cital Rerular O ing, Deseret Bank building. V'VU will In be a with He realized sho had not J ed on follows, all sides that the producer and j program crying pot abJf fepen hve t(J trll Neea she on some why of the member. building. Hollywood apartments, hlm heard liad should Y. Cannon Assistant advised Lansing not to hurrv rap' that 11 wa 1 pecker get together. Organist Tracy building, Holy Cross hoapital. te The local weather office has been Helen. But in w wsy she w.ssure. J, N. Han burn of El Paso, secretary ..had at the consol. apartmenta. Judge Meroy hos- Held for mixed with eur of the Panhandle A Southwestern ; notified of the resignation of Captain that somethin g had occurred Investigation in enter His emotion, National Anthem. pital, Covey apartmenta, A. E. Toura-se- n made her flfidinff weeping, it arrived this x H Thiesaen meteorologist of the'Helen uf 'hat had caused her to Pr1 J S Bach Stockpion's association, Fantaale ln U Minor plant, O. H. Needham company, . Into Bad Check Charges Moderate lner,fl, Kirk Lan, Also she was him almost numb. Mendelssohn morning to attend the conference j m Troy laundry, WjUker estate, Ken ' dM Mr Sanburn asserted thatThere. are1?:eathr- - ?fnce JL5?IYL. to becom Tor . . . . him ORen K' Wely Idylls slngton apartmenta or frtbbl her dabbed her f of the cenf less the Herman. she had seen corps on t?,wa captain-Isignal peh Texas her ScovlU.the Gush and arrested ""Morin catti her Mountain Favorite on1TiimnrT'0. My atokara. eye Mcbtiicji H Time than there were regular army range ndkerc!.Kf. 3!?E He reporta at Fort !ght at his coming seen many little a Father States Telephone eomphny, Ameri- Monday afternoon und lodged in the ' tatereat not at nil" "tCn" can Linen Supply company, Dooly city Jail for investigation. organist four vea ago Drc u, or mugter,ng In. and ....Arr, byGtlllmant Officers Ah Old InMelody., One cannot realize the serious- large one. platonic at variance with her decla- - bt own D March block. Utah Light St Tractions cbm, say he haa been nmeiit to station had wiped her eyes and face he stood Captain ration thnt he would never merry. ness 'to of attempting pass In thexrUuation catthe Texas Tribune Paramount The plant. pany. Finally ho dropped on tl country " he said. 'This ha. been "No, I shant hurry her but JX It. and yraited laundry. Social Hall Plant, - Temple- worthless checks in Salt Lake for th Second Division Filled, knee beside her chair. rit ir.mrnt Hl nr.U ' l tT,rmar"F possible I shall win her. hia Dear." brought atout hi. the-, caul - loan ' two weeks. Scoville was taken to ton building. past he murmured, can I help? Adet .n."' m Hand-fire- d. companies being compelled to call Semloh hotel,- - Regal tha potic Station by Harry IT. Rowe Altt office their ell. Shall I leave you' local army recruiting The iki Lan.'n which Row loans, ha. meteorologist ln of A Jeweler Applebaum result.d, company. Cleaning ft then "Oh, I am so foolish. I Vertical builder, using coke: Conti- east lrt South street, where h is has been notified that th second dibaff h.reb7sCin-o?Gk?." "i!." helr, hrd ln He hsd no wish with an immense effort ah roe and nental Cleaning company, Utah Clean- - said to have tried to pass a check vision of the new regular army at rode Vice. .Th. captain 1. a graduate fi "Plea said a twlated with smile, Parade hia emotions neither had he Scoville said h was frm Idaho Falls Ing company. Cornell university. Camp Travia, Tex... commanded by fTnnclaT ob,rgaHohn,."mak' friend. Kirk." For answer hha Inter- - and that he waa married Dec. 1. ft any desire t hide his love for Helen be tectlonal boiler: unfinished not the read Jame made Gcneral her from Major Adele Adele had Casket mountain realized from compay. In his office. , the first that has been Riled up. and attention te'Eaxf Additions to this list, said Mr. Sidvr Lansing loved, that he had written LflOAL SALES MANAGERS aimUrgOHlZe now being given to recruiting to serious T lie Continued.? I Clark, will be printed at fast aa the Club llarly fill up the Fifth division, stacompliance with conditions of the Republican Columbia. tioned at warrant ordinance Camp Jackfon, Mr Kuchler is a former memSion S C The Second division contains In the course of hie aildreee before The Eat Sid Republican club wee I ber of the Utah legislature. 1 700 IO.SOO men. 5,200 infantry, the club women. Mr. Clark apoke un- IN field artilterr o in the- - medical organi"! met night at a meeting held Herrera Bound Over Alberto Her-- i equivocally of the policy of the amoke rera, charged with theft of United regiment, 300 In the Second regiment at the hom of J H Davidson, 3120 abatement bureau In dealing with States mall, was bound over for hear-- ! of engineers and 2.000 staff troops Seventh East street with the followFor the purpose of promoting Salt persistent violation of the ordinance A number of emergency landing under 11,000 when arra.gned be- "It will be th bureau's policy" he officers as Lake the chief Jobbing center of tareTl and executive committeeing roaQ ing fore United Stale Commissioner. Hen- declared, to prosecute only when the fields along th Pacific division of the Lake Shore Survey 9 f AIphonRO Hopfenbeck, premuent, Jos. j the Intermountain V. Van Pelt vesterday afternoon, country, sates received 5 necessity for such actiqn Is apparent United States air mall route, will be the state treas- - ry Sutherland, first vice president. E T managers In default of the bond he was commitof local business houses urer from Tooele county Winter when the offender falls and refuaea established Discontinued for second next within the Walton, c comJaU few to to ted davs, the mmy to take th step necessary D. Walton, secretary. Walter P. Delvyi... pffrt,d an organization with an Man- ply with the law I The ordinance fa according to Vern Hinklev, assistant Eipciwe Acooant Filed The ex (Vmcnt Company Jaime The Union Due to Unfavorable weather G D son, treasurer, Hyrutn Neilson, Bruce Initial membership of about slxiy so drawn aa to be beral and fair, but to Colonel John A Jordan, superinPortland Cement cmriny haa added' At --a recent meeting of the assorts- - w.,' D. Kirkpatriik. assistant supervisor Johnson George W. Burrows. W. J under It each days violation Is a sep- tendent of the Pacific division. to the Iwl of ower ''eonrrJ Sc wa, elected rpentfllOdurmg .hein! recam it name Mr Hinklev, accompanied bv Dean o( surveys for Utah and Nevada, has Butterworth. W W Wilson. Parley tion Luther A arate offense, and if a decision la xtate M C B Andrews. Roland president. Edward Rosenbaum, vice pan lea LhaL hae appie4-u-4h1 Glover. reached to prosecute a smoker, we Wright. Chief rigger of the Salt Lake ordered the government survey work Lor n rrt trf wfcontrt von euprme Woolley. JL. Bsgiey and - ioarid president. W L Sewell vice pres! paign can bring hjm into court every day pending Reid, left wouerduv lhe contract powpr ueeea K. H. Mn o to Rultc C H Cut- - I" th cmne dent and W C. Druehl seCretary- llah an emergency field at Salduro on the present boundaries of the Great I rame. executive committee "if necessary and Light treasurer The member, of the board ting, asaistant general pnesenger aaDPl in I tah 1'omer holder Tomorrow will be "home day," Thev a ill also eethlth fields at Salt Lake discontinued for the sea-ln the contract cer- - agent, and W S Cook traveling paa- - company, a son. Ralph Gentry. surveyor , are scott. Luther llrec,or Plans when the children of the public Rendover, Utah, and Shatter Nev. for Bcdl Inaugural . tiin-teedccsaton of Ine atate d of the party, will arriv in Product COrpODUlOn, ra- - eenger agent of the Salt Lake Route, i rof. schools wifi take home cards bearing The fields to be selected said charge laat night for Butte on railroad! public utilities commiae.on Cedi TOT Unique Feututee this city within the next few day to RoenJaum. RopnbaunT Rroth-- 1 not only the rules, plainly printed, but to be of a natural character arg and will . W L Sewell, Firestone Tire & busines j also bearing cuts clearlv Illustrating be marked bv a large letter "T con- - disband his crew Rcwrlng Foetponed Hearing G1'1" Th survey was ordered to settle , Tim the method of properly filing and structed of wood One sld of the c?n,pany- - w honored ln Its observance, j Robb L,he PPlct!oo" ef reuldenU i to over title .MwY.SoItlfaw .V. disputes BuWlc utilities long standing recharging. letter k1' to bejialnted black and the iKslieit. at Fort Dtmglas that 450 I which lutjm fomnuL.br mlaion tLtthe Uah Light 'and a"PlfoTirhperaflng planes the lake's recessions or left out of a ed by Th incoming state adminiatra- - rick. Z C M I. J R Hall, Pacific be make Traction company M'aTe School Teacher over th .route will te given a map the skeleton- previous survey made by the tion, but will be celebrated with some Nab Motors company: John B Dunn,- L,an' rJ battalion two zone charge to, that section, all the regular and emergen showing the flr GaliTwentyG. E. Walker. Brothers, Kahq instead ,of three fares as at present, Predominate in Dixie cy landing field For every mile of unique new feature, according to on Infantry. company, am A F. I was postponed yesterday until Jan. who was with Gov elect Mabey be- - Simmons, U B Fuel altitude, it Is said It Is possible for a company That $, at the request of th Intimates petitioners. Dr-HThe preponderence of male school flier to glide his plane file miles W ith Report fore he departed for the east, when Final organization wiU bepej cXf Honored by Convention Hoggan. tate veterinarian, is bark The street car company acquiesced in fed heeiebratkm In a at lh Commer al teachers in the St George district as- - a number of emergency landing Redds Cease meeting Prosecutions May from- attending m convention of -- The the request. A military tone will be given the club at. noon on j landing in an unauita-hl- e Thursday Dec. 9 trnlshed Leo J Muir, state miperln- - 'he danger-o-u fHI be i United State Livestock Sanitary of , occasion by the presence place Congregational Meeting --The en- greatly minimized -That tendent of public Instruction a ho re of which he waa elected nual congregational meeting of the men in uniform, which means that prosecution Intimation' Fields for forced landings have alNew Filed. Suit i Uncle vice uniform of fart will Sams service cease, every turned Monday from attendance at ready been established at Wells, Pali- various druglea healers First Fresbyterlin Church will be president. will be well represented, for Utah the Washington eounty teachers tn-- - sade Lovelocks and Haren. Nev aa the state board of medical examFriday 'evening Dec. 10. Dinner Applies fur Water Application fortbd Third District Court. men wore every uniform that was Truckec ,n b Krv,'d at 4 30 wllh Colfax .7 Auburn, COhcord of one sqcond foot of water ha, stitute finds that little can he don and seen in the war zone iner j 'Tndojbtedlv. Washington and Richmond California it is said the Josephine In addi- the expense for attorneys ha averag-e- d Eisenhart against heen made by J&"xe4 countv has more men teachers than tion air mall staff will - artamaement ebarge-o- f 4 pilots ms' land their contained In thwAA-- anv other county In Utah saULMr. plane Oh- - Mather" fTeflThf Shird- ftteit-v-tof emvhvl bodv, that X report y pleased to o etoefc. CaT. Kcporta will be1 made from Rare berg--TRating 20 acres. find the )nicnse lntcrc? St,UiiHirge mento, whote peopte, and 'll will not be more glver,en. f;r dlvorre.' day lth Governor the various dtpartntents of church dtstFfrUTeJfdentv take In the schools ormer than r report aaya 47 candidates41 were Resident B B Sjcakfr activity, elders and trustees mill be Henry Miller against Mrs Ann Lin- were examined during the period. I visited the Dixie Normal school, and Reports of Declining It will be held In the state capitoL Toting, formerly of this city, and a ' e'ectd and other matters of leglir on rom)M!nn nnte for admitted by reciprocity and four obI found it to he on weil known baritone .singer, but of mate business mill be of the most Maud James be James Prices against to Checked tained licenses to practice obstetric presented, Joseph late year a resident of Boston, spoke In vigorous educaHonal Institutions for divorce in the interet of 'Christian Science I tah Eepeclallv noticeable is its CitiFriedman Louis the W ith the idea of against rtltlc-lMVDI Il inefieat1n buildMK DFXIV. proficiency in musical work. I hcatd zens Insurance company of Missouri. last n'ght In the Auditorium on itieh.'HEBT 28 years eatlsfactory service. I ards street. wa - op nnlfrv there a chorus of 100 vo'ccs, splendid-- ' ing arthitiee so toni? dorwiant during . Jim tin Co. Main I Iv trained which uoud St. Was. 520. . toal have Iwo,, i Held lor Investigation Charles ni sf ate said Mr Muir 1 Mllllken. 25. wa Is an Aeroplane Shed Called of huiJdioK matn-tconcerrre haa lodged In the city Jail Monday night for Investigation ' hren called for Thursday afternoon, a "Hangar? Mllllken was arrested by Detective TTah Awociated IndusFc ir the Lester F. WTre and G B Hamby who tries offic neiireF'ntallxea not onjv claim to have apprehrnded him In the tcopyr.ghi. 1 2v. by Tbe Wheeler ft om bait Lake concern, but those of act of selling a carburetor for $1. Syndicate, Inc ) Ogden. Logan and other town of the Bo widespread has become the new Invited to Meeting Governor-elewill state, prMient end an effort labguage of the sir that we now Charles R. Mabey was yesterday Inwill he made to rcertaln Juet how far faa of 4s almost speak "hangar" vited to attend a meeting of state a prospective buiMer ma now go bemiliarly as we do of a garage, but at Des Moints. Iowa, Jana-- I fore jming up against some of the It Is doubtful if any word ever made 2 He wi'l be unable to at-"inmost ary ImpaKcMble harriers which have round of the romantic mors meaning tend. It is announced, on account of hehi in the past four yeara thl than Made from French term. thoroughly At the s'vion Thursday an IbuD! Virgin attempt in the original French sene. I be date wm tie made tirawsmiii If rumuied Wool-Give- n word means nothing more than a shed in drop price of certain materials Wanted at Dclm A. W Kingsbury vehicle where are It ha and stored, are correct if there Is a chance of was srrested 51onday afternoon by been so used in England for many a falry prompt dettverrTf materials. , C. C. C arstcn.cn and J B Detectives Th common derivation years past and f otoainlrg materials nearing thet or both th Englisi) and French.! trio liurbidge. . The arrest wsa made at quality otoalnabJedutfng the,JWajJ t the Latin angarlum.' or blacksmith th request of Sheriff Cass Lewis of fa a likelihood of fur- - j Rltiftbere Della,- - who Informed- - Xh delect Ives ' shop, which, in turn, come from- ther and greailv -- increased drops - 4n a stallon for the dispatch bearhe had a felony warranr for t that EveryUftle tot looke fyi a blif price on the market briaht etory book on Chrtotma er of the Roman empire. Delving Kingsbury. 1 ht It rnm ed sort of a stable To Don't dtnpto!nt ihrip , still further back into tbs ancestry purchaser , of each report will be 1 vceivedLwhich-mNew Agent Here E. R. Jennings of ' morrlka" "And dOfTt dUappoiqt ymirspjf enBe ai of the term, we find that "angaria" - automobile.- San Francisco, new general agent of' irnre votf lopk,J;n. able builder to start activity near--- -. at Par fin array Is descended from word 1er.ian FENDERS In! ha Somethin Juvenlto of arrived Pacific, thnrmfnx Ing the pre-wstatus. While a GIVE HER PEARLS hlch bas the meaning "mereenger." tn the femlljr Salt Lake lo relieve J, I. Scott, tram-- 1 for hoy rd structures contracted for pre-- J SCREENS fame roof ss the Greek word from Month of Fine Gift Books for the Ban" Francisco, after serv. j t During ferred CHRISTMAS" FOE: Ytmitdfl rrrerfcln in the parUcipatton which, angel is derived " December FIRE SETS, ETC. -- Ice her sine last March, Mr Scott ups too. war, with the addition of some res-- , "Angel is used In the Scriptures Select Them The" idence construction, has been going as messenger, coast. Mr. Jennings is accompanied of God, so the word "hangar" haa j his family,. ed no real impetus can be given such therefore passed through th centuriet & Co. by CSTA3USHED activities until some assurance of such until it has finally come tq be unKuchler Herr Itndniph Rudolph derstood as the name of the celling stability I reached. Kuchler. member nf tax CAR 21 W, So. Temple. W. 8008 rnmmlinlnn, puy. whotheh Arizona place for the w renrnlly i U,v try bfliiy er.Jave. ctioi bim.cook been elected a member df the Arizona ' 50 Years Satisfactory Seirice ei foods such as Federal By stem of Phone ALLIANCE COAL CO. for state land board, visited yesterday Bakeries' Lunch Counters serve. 4t East South Temple his cousin, Arthur Kuhn, QUALITY COAL and quick eerrice I Adv. Iwlth SL 4443 Waa. Mala of th Utah sute land commit- Adv It o. i . able-bodi- al pre-w- 4 j 1 - belngfab--xvrved-pvds- on-th- e e lTk,-Kirk!"- f,in saw-he- & Parent-Teach- " w MEETS - m -- dark-outline- IM d f rtJlnr,,2,77 n mar-wort- jg - Jor.SL j fr- - - 1 li. om er' f 1 -- ' I A. -- ,,Vih 1..00 -- analog , hr r hr so' 1 U - hrd Han-coc- I ' IT n ?" -- i A. v If ? 1 I L'nof -- t ! Jl. 'JJ .w'os. ' ? 'TTE.:,fh,TrleIa,?v.r't J I the."! s F NEWS BRIEF , S1 flted'ertaKVltaTT f I - 1- ah. " ; !f r. ; m ss ' "" j s ;; ' Ak.O,w,-dai.a- rt er he I WHY- Air Wool - ill -- ct Auto Robe -, 1 Utahs Giveeni ..tggSgSlaStej&l Books - Ideal Xmas Gifts the num-hfiE- of trvn -- pee4"eWdwedjPTdr TAYLOr MOTOR' Dias Morris Sons I Ok 127SorStatrStreet j forcdo r, -- L - -- ain'-toWl- i lotJ-ort-wtt- I j. 3 , .!" ha-v- .e j I I t U. DESERET EOOK COMPANY . -- |