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Show - - - ..........r...........,......... - ..,.-- . ..,,,,,,,,,.... , - ,............."....,... . ...........,..................:.............s...,,v.,...;;;;;:z.......;..;:z....,7:,..1..........,, ...., ,,e.:;:.......ss....3:r.........:z........z:;....:z .........z.z. " - " - r ' , .,';---:1.74'.."1".....""'kr.'""4- 1 ., , . P 6: - -- , THE DESERET , NEIVS' TUESDAY NOVEMBER I ' COYERNOR-ELE- ..' 1 , - ..... , ,1101SE TO STUDY CAME!) - - ' IN . 1290 SECHMES S1LES 1 0 I!Lid'T 1 1L ,. AITLE . - . II ARMISTICE C118111'1101 C, 9 - , ! i' and Poeta To StoryWriters - II ' ill01 SCOUT I1 NAMED FOR COLIMITTES 711.416 I i CHRISTMAS NEWS PRIZES , EtEkTO CT - , CHAMP FOR SAKI OF HA::T,::CQVNTS - - q A prize of 151 will be; Paid for : : , : :: At its meeting last evening twefto .. ciLiplugNNI , The city commission last night re- the beet story submitted for The new snembers were admitted to the , i to the department of Public Christmas News to be iselued DeBY CAROLYN HEECIFIER. ' ' '.10cal post of the American Uighur. ,' iferred a petition of the Elks. lodge for . ,, cember 11. 1121. The story must Des announced Stone. ICommander words. 1 to raffle Thanksgiving turthan Lent ' , one" would expect in an For the purpose of studying Idabo'S; notA contain ofmore 121 NV 111 bs paid for the appointment of the following sub- -' tSynoriCa of preceding ehapiert: joyousness . Prize rates funds for vita Linmescs Dimmer. Emat lake keys on Main street tielen:amateur. a her secret system of state goverommd first band. past. to con- committees for the Armistice , day clouding Christmas best poem the , , In her bark relaxed. charities the noon The went lying the up takes among nap,. ..tity's c8ty, R. :Governor-eleca western Wecifiel& Charles . , Idabey t girl. sist of not more than 1.210 words. celebration: - Seating' arrangements, Kirk Lancing rapped. '' to Boise today.. where he will confer! :: : questkm was raised as to whether such her home in Washington Square. New 1 chair. whenshe - Ted Miller, Clarkedale. Aria Stories and poems must be sub- ' was . it her called, Tomo," thinking Theodore J. hermil to Sheppard Berkowitz., Los AliasI action constituted a gamble such as York City. and detotesThe mitted soon enough to roach the Henry Ir. Crittenden, with Governor D. W. Davis. friends ahe Adele or Alra.Cook. of is ' ..1t profession writing. not later than December 5. Weicker. Joseph Ilord. G. R.' Role. ' titter 11 12 1 have been Edward M ell. East Ely. Nev. I might not be within the province of makes include Kirk 141119111g. Adele' "I am fortunate! 1 Idahos system of government. AU should be signed by a nom de Stephen L. Love. It E .- Enowlden ; e feared you the commbotion4 pirrmit.' It was stat- - idomer and Alortimer Kellogg, a masa-- ! sway for days and ,' R , ottorhennor, Portland, On 1 said. follows closely that adopted in plums and should be accompanied I decorationaR. 0, Dugdale. Harry Z. , . : Willie Bridges, fiCKULILE11, WeAllt is be Out. dower Helen May or zinc I ad twice editor. Once might the haard. however, that containing Z Illinois during the administration of by a sealed envelope Excum my laziness. I and IC. H. Harding. on the verge of disclosing the morn "Certaibly. of the Keene address Was name and real nothe since permission which the necessary and tabsent The a Lowden memorial services at the out story. 1 I of her pa to Adele, but decides, but I have just ,, Governor Frank O. Nov. 4. OF magi- - line contestant 'Those desiring con- enactor, begin at g p.m. and will oe- - i WASHINGTON. aticcessful In departznent had signified its will-- to keep her secret safety locked away am absolutely uselem afterward." d- ent to said have enclose , proved should returned Wilson od tributions 1 today per bigness to less than one hour. to be- follow... beginning! in the matter if from everyone. Lansing who falls int "You put too much of yourself In that 'tat.. In Idaho. at theDavis. the 'necessary postage. - to THE top,' ed by a dance at the Auditorium. It sonal letters" of 'congratulation nod:I it met' wfth the love the Helen. begins La wonder:thim." be said, meaning effort. of the term of Governor contributions all commission, Address approval. What with Is to make the Armistice day commendation to 88 Sol Senate neat- The commissioner or planned her past hes been. Adele tells; "Very well. I'll put you in the next Gem state found itself encumbered was DESERET NEWS. SALT LAKE dance public t ' safety under annual affair in , Helen Legion love affair which she has: one" a ot , .tered throughout the states, territories given full power to act. with busineas of administering. public CITY, UTAK CHRISTMAS CONI would be the stn"God forbid! sponsorship. As a reception commit- -, atiS heatenelans C. Clarence Nealen was dee-- had and snows her a photograph of affairs with a system of government Mayor DEPARTMENT. et States' TEST the i Stone tee Commander dance. at the before that tirliate4 by the commission to repro- - the man. At sight of the picture.' eldest etory you ever wrote. or could ,, constructed so many years I ' ' e were W. letters Tooke. th seed chair...The to addre Stratton There Helen write moot the la appointed That nothing of interest in i night deathly pale. nt the It failed in many respects to of the Helen goes . man; W. O. Laubender. Fred Keiseir.'Scouts who made the beer record toT .ationat city at the eonvention lies sleepless. thinking bitterly my life." of the present Most of to held be requirements Municipal league Mon. L. Dora 41 Arthur Flandro and "What a character you must bo." The next day she debates. the sale Oc. Thrift and War Savings, st Indianapolis Nov. It. 10 and- 20. of the pas flise state commissions land boards, t i Now stt down A. IIK ATTON.E1:::: ::: tallte't smiled at him. whether to run awal..) 1St artiPe in their 'carbine ha number. were abolished and in their d uring He will also represent, the city at the . state, or Service the Star talk to me. do." , Representatives tend 111111 convention t a to ' Those, ' place were created nine highway eersavings canitraign re"First I must tell you my errandLegion will assist in the memorial be held at Denver, Colo.. Nov. II. 12 . : I um, departments, which were directly rt:LZ-ition of recogn tteracMal aa et taker 'rices of the in have and I town. act David Arena I a friend patronesses 111Prvice of the youngsters wets delayed :wad 13. Mayor Neaten trill be amain . " ANSI'S 7 dano, sponsible to the governor. I want to entertain turns bit. J. to the Denver meeting by Dr. r1..,44en "WrSuod with heroelf: To Study First, Hand. by .the president's trip to France.! Panted ifirst nor neither if A1 Adels had el I you thought Xott, have must be tensible. I I , later by his campaign in behalf of1J.- E. Broaddus and E. C. Schramm. Before leaving. Mr. Malley said he 4 Former pleasant place to lire I Can sell my any engagement we might.make a Resident his neriousirePresenting the Commercial club. Nations and to get of Utah league of want not the foursome and dine .. people did: . logeiber. staked my cards ail - upon jstories - This : the ::::::f:. OF, VAL.. tAtil) 'TITLE in town for a day or two ." the idea that he intends to turn in Dies n n Coast . Il lness. - '' lmy success and ant City liowever. ti e pr'41dent never forgot lAcciden Results in this ,. be Adele "Ishould ;the present form of governmentthere ...--delightr.d.,,,Ift being ground , .his agreement with the boys of Amer- - ' are grit state upside down. but that pamt and the present. - I will stay 011 '1411m Death of Former Utahn Word has been received in this city Ica to eupply these prizes for their el, resee." "We'll call and her , iitere many things in the cabinet system that been The part is over and done with. William F. Olson. who has of the death In Loa Angeles, Nov. s. of forts. and he dictated and signed the ' , her to come down."'Helt appeal to him and he intends to study own" t fused, titleto coal lands in Utah by MM.' Lavine, Clark Williamson, a for-.b-is letters &tithe earliest poesible moment John Elswort h 6010q1. 511 . a foe- - Sbe threwisthemine first band. it window. wide open ict,said Lansing moved toward the duties and his health would per, me r resident of Salt Lake. died in In a recent inagastne article Gov- the court ot appeals Of the District . that the fog drifted in. It had theitelephone. ... t ' met resident of Salt tale. She is mar-- mit. in order that his part of the I ernor Davis outlines some of the sue- of Columbia, an told in tho press Loa Angeles but.week as the result quality of cool water to her face. She . Adele came at once. J. W. William- tcscA might be toitillog, hueband. her of by cabinet the form of l !"What's going on?" she asked as octant workings . son: four leaned far out her until WelleYet it from Washingtofl an dampened The delay has added to the value of of children, Pauline, accident, according to word reyesterday gcvernment sines its inauguration in Then. with a long quiverintiishe came in. He writes I. a brother of Culbert L. Olson. Salt Glenn and Donna Vee; her parents.' these tokene in the eyes or lucky re- ceived An this city. The body to on hair. she Idaho over two yeers ago. disrobed and went to bed., 71 have a friend In town and I sigh, of W. to Clark J. the ' and is this and )drs. lic, tray and the Emery;.,cipienta. letters. his city expected undoubtedly, as follows: Lake attorney. C. L. Olson mays But in the velvet of the darkness Oho thought perhaps you and lielea to arrive 'Thursday morning. and three sister. Iwill give added impetus to their will rose me entertain htm tonight. "Our departgoent of reclamation, for, brother made application to the gov- five brothershas suddenly. Switching on the lights, would help no been brought to Salt forts and thoee of tilehr fellow sprouts be taken to the O'Donnell undertak- ' body pros-the to solved has completely a ernment purchase Heletwhas for permit example. engagement. How about and funeral services will be held in the campaignt to promote Ratings ing establishment. Funeral arrange- - she went to her trunk. and took-- out YOU?" : 1 Iiii: erns of Carey act administration which land, whereupon the mate of Utah Imke of lettere. yellowed and establish- - and inveetment in governmentsavings ments wilt be announced later. package at Berg l undertaking for the school officials a as Idaho it 1 filed objection. Maiming perplexed la ....-.. She read one or two. her lips' "I'm absolutely a neglected Malden. Mbeim a, In Provo at I -pm. Wealarstla!Y riti which is in progress an Glad than two decades; bas developed settles. The state, under the pre- rirlent. for ' inviter II. Interment- will ' be in the throu---gioicurling. Then. as she had done with. the and with . of water znessurement which sumption of this title. transferred the Nov. 'Then Mr. Arens and I will call for the photograph. ehe tore them up. each COMMISSIONERS BECIN d City cemetery. !Secy. of the Treasury Houston hats 7 :' ' . ' a10.11system I one save the state thousands of in question to the Spring Canyon Provo land seven?' into bits. that separately.tiny .nouneed will continuo throurhout ancijollt has been more than Litres-wiv- e Coal company. which improved it4 to ' !burned the pieces. next 1 ' In advancing the MUSS of recta- the extent of $106,114141. i "No one you have met. A westetn If truthful he rimnp ly.eat r.: of la the letter bee: preMdent'a man. David Arens. A jolly fine felmatioa generally. It has paid for When Wm. F. Olson mad" applicai f colimTv rigAss,,,i't?hm 111,LUIIUI to 1111un!lull Smell f,,,,, tion to the. federal gtrverament low. by the Way." , My Dear Young Friend:. 9 , Adele said nothing and LansIng , purchase the land. the slats started tu bed, this time to fan Immedir iback . , Big gags Saved. tell you of went right on talking. so her silence - cult for this. and the local register of :ately to sleep. B1 lls Rs MAN my It gives me pleasure ofto the "in adequate state highwayourprointellideep appreciation Late Monday afternoon CountySom,1 She did not waken until a ring of was unnoticed. do-- the land office upheld Mr. Olson. The grant hag been Inaugurated by Ake and conscientious to in manner gence 1 state general then appealed "Where shall we dine " he asked telephone startled her into atten' partment of public work': our land land office i . :which you. as a member of tho Boy mieelonene C. F. tlmen. wilithm,the at Washington, and later , tion. It was Mortimer Kellogg. just as he left. "Lafayette?" Saved the state 1270,00 on met In Scouta nub- - Hughes and 3. of who have America. department secured interior. of to the the That suits me," Helen replied and orretary CoL C. IL Nutt. the pre.war general I.. 1i ibbaat: beestoryn ?: a etngle transaction; the department 'attained the MIt Lake land office. for Thrift and War Savings ular wanton to tiAginildsitheY oflIcIal Adele. recovered from. her astonishHe 4. has almost doubled Route. and scriptions a enforcement of Salt Like of Man the law teT Olson. stamps. ment vans of the vote in Salt Lake county. piqued that he had not seen her the 4 farming by this time. also expressed apI the efficiency of Its licensing bureau. officer of! '"You have won the distinction of The comtniattioners was timid So Otte; 3dinerat to the Other. latterly an administration are attempting to,last time he called. proval. ' ' end more (hap 17 times as much on- - haying ..cured morn sueh ipubeerip. in As soon "I France. to war rend as Lansing left Adel. mad. it will the Ira you eacn a system railway today. endow,matters and expedite Tito department of the interior. by caovasaing added to the 'permanent . vice' tiona during the Ind War an excuse to return to her room. Ithe district at the same imo. but It win 'nearly finished," she responded. , Tient funds of the eats in lel, by the howover. decidod that since the dor Brig. Gen. W. 'Pi'. Ationbury. than scoot in ' other any ,rampaigit called David Arena on the telephone take several days to cum- ily. investment and gluing Canyon Coal company had- President of the Pennsylvania railway. your watt.. depament of public i "I am afraid I disturbed you," be at once. Fortunately ha was in. Thia task. the Cu bad been added is "en( PI "web 1"6" in plot. land ImPre". . "Too exercised have department cour, hintseli for 's courage. boo boon ;taking L. Pam. time she gave her name. While there aoems ta be no doubt said in a,different voice. meat and had dogmas with Om thought and untiring offort. and I didn't sleep well and so "ws are to be in the same dinner Boum, Trona...ripe' tam Under the preeent atatut, the coatk- demanding that the tithe "ma eloar. ti la Europe. In Ito doing have set an example for as to the election of all Republican am"Nobut ' thin Fleas do not morning." party tonight. lazy there Is a great deal of ol trilesioner of finance in Idaho is the should rightfully have title to the for flaturdar. Oct 30. daratea aaatu ' all boyoon example that will surely candidates concern ill?" of not Mr. lAnSing or the lady know a "You're either rote to interest as Is who ' the Jost leading elate's budget nicer. Ws deputies land. and )4r. Olson to tho mineral A poso to him. with o two column oid in the growth of traluablo qualities vre have met before. Some time I ac. onderlYtag it. Democratic county ticket. Previous tolln his Yoke Mr: Oloott appealed are empowered to examine all 'gate rocmind and heart. t the slightest Just lazy." will tell you Irby." from this declaims to tho 'uproot visual. . counta and. as a matter of fact. in the stows of the the election many wagers were thank ''t you and the "All rjght. ' Then: I am pleased at any. at "I'll hams Imo get atory not Col. a familiar figure whole country. and I wish to control that Nutt of Court of the District of Columbia. right only would the Democratic cede of virtuall7 all expenditures 'Mr n thing ilhat gives me the She hung up without privilege of ' asking thore a welt of snandsmint to in salt 'Lake. whore out dutiew with to your permit. Year rommarail, and candidates be elected but that Sheriff !finishforIt"a rePlY .- , state money must . pan through S. Corlese would icad the tIckrtiflO meeting you again. I thought it was r prevent the secretary of tho interior tho 144,1 out OrailittilattiOa. my ap- Route department. your froourotty tali. 3 got me about when who fa-Heielt last o'clock lo you It arts 'phoned l'oodietal returos. however. hAve I night and from 'tarrying out tho order OMNI Mabel" ea ye he 001V1110e-ekt preetattoe of the training , story. She felt unusually I wanted to talk to you, to ask yea th is land to th is P oring Canyon Coal brought hint. immediately snot tho voloned it; too such fine tspbairltdoe vore4 County Treasurer W. W. Barton mailed her . particularly anxious that Utah adopts to me. dine was off an with sure it Lit with ter taa d work; you as at rung matt with to the Ito chairman and tho pay was Mod. War high mineral County company 7 undorlying whoiesonto and loyal citizenship. budget sstem. and he expecela ',- . quickly and try as I would I couldn't aatiefy Mr. Kellogg. Beek). tikinon. County aaseenoe 1., to' him. Tin" court granted the Ipeaco comm bolo in on vow. ' sr cordtally scot 4 particular attention to thin Philos of it came find where call I dons." the she have from." best "The E. thing Lynch and Sheriff Corleas as close' ..101.00DROW-WILSO,CI. ihe Idaho form of government during mandamus. horn which the interior t OU POT. IL DOW ft as the European -- to herself. yet without an of the (To be continued.) competitors. Those candidates, defeat-!mai- d 14,044004 te the cdrcult Isle lett to Rolfe. lie expects to be 4,Prestromut worth IA, rover tit and of $46.61111.000 thrift mierimianiou chases ed for wore , ee Interested' la ; court general et weeks.. of opal avowals the thatrict Co,. tw of about etsk t,frolg weco in In. ollwa can-thew aid at geld by, Soy spectator distributima anti to I the beginning of the Wring& stamps ; i In-- ' tuanbta, 'which ritttreel . the- - lower -: the production of , coal scouts in. lib ISIS campaign. , The vaes yesterday; mart. holding that the secretary et I cretonne 1 ' Idaho ,- 14. wail beet record was made by O. Schuyler Company la This that the ',amber it througholst body hod boogie Europe. the to the proposed, make interk,, richt the t ,.. roPere's-Terbreod Lthemit,Neer Twit. Who Si m ameadmeata to th e cainaltation were. - rulliw. Ur. Olean wall undoubtedly eitSerlerS - Y: , bribe Cats Anstoonotat I M. owlet to the suareme aesee at I tiotts totamiarion hi Par is. sad there 11,4..4 of oscregattnir I11.215: J voted down in Salt loge county. but I ' i ' to 50 Per Cent carry .. - ' -- -- tut with IL Ths colonel has returned aecond wkh sales of 242.4171: and ....Ewe.. siamprim 7 30.1.011. a al n'4orno from tiotillog rOtin- - I war a..department .. brother Imre. will send a Jer-ti?Sows.) erson Now BrOOkline. Stev . : 0 The of to hour ward St Nowark. orator his en to ( result in the I Litigation llamas Tearer ftp.elsa depond Salt' limy , motor this city early In December Illt an IntSreieW hot improvers ory. third with list121. Maim ' Lobo county to determine which TWIN PALLS. Ida.. N'on IIn a local A istrge and entbusiontk audience of for exhibition automobtle WUhsn F. Olson saute hie original Inns foal' the Serial for which stittilplirtd voting erect wayi l riles roost. Lieut. CuMberlece of the Lazne? i DoisePayette 1.umber eompany. local. Ming la Jane. 1011. rim litigation thore lone gene symPathit In ant' of i - Tito kval boil honored is & Irtadent Literary club members yesS re-1 secretes be wit: in drastic ben extended over a number of Yea". the ventral European countries. i'aviation charge. VI bore. has announced a boil at th least high school and at the annual terday afternoon celebrated , Illness Ina. of which In the the price Piscine building during Coal .. yiL not he la apprehenare of dilation I timo of the. campaign vras a sr embor b Service Moos TransfeavedPrIvato drama day at tho club house Roe- The company has prunie stonyCanyon mom-terials bandied by the firm. cent' improve. Third Internationale." whose of troop Z. under Oa direction of To Farmer of Sandyi7eritine IL Itichardaon of tits army. Bard Shaw's "Press Cuttings" leas manta oat the Ian& Ths various rut. bora will not hesitate to commit linittlkostmaster slash ranges from I to IS per I W. Rellaolka. t Nimbi tand a retddent of 272 Bryan avenue. The common grades, One of departments and courts bevel act they are delegairl to do. Mot ' . on all materials. city. hose been transferred from presented by the dramatic depsirtmont Prancis Edward Thompson. 47. '', of lumber according to announcement,I I created a peculiar attliation. the aotomet says this common people are Coblena to Antwerp. Iliagium tor of the University of Utek under the ' farmer of Baud:. Moll at hts home duty been cut III per I.Otte feet. le grantiag of the surface to the tiortni accepting war results. and are Freon. picmield Reaauicarta with the Third Provision guard. able direction of Edwin R. Wolfs. The cbs cent of the old price. rir flooring Canron COO rotaltasl being a ' Moose an Racer.: Oct after of I. ctiod situation. four the le Celebrate Victory Death was deo to boort trouble. days.' 104 ter InventlestlosyWillions play depkte the humorous side of lb for the nate. lied the title to pry from theprovent boon reduced $ell pan tele. or III effects of tho war ars , Maoris' I to Tits 24. was arrested at First womans miffs-ag, Borrow. ding le nova the mineral underlying being consid- awappointingly sow. and thero- - le' cent. while raisin per question, with plea-- , -. Mr. Thompson was born la Bt. t.ath. ered n partial acknewledgment I $te per I 1100. or SI per est qteutis and Main streets Mondy aftera ty of of great seed of a moat currency. Col. I ItieltriELD. Nov. directed that itives against the totalled be will claim& Lee& stud Nov. ft wilt he some Nutt 74. !S&L Ileals atm...neon Onos torillwrlY Sill Per lodged in the city Mil for who, control Euroto ran s...6 eittarna mekswis sod the nor. septa blo..kW ' at from SIO 60 to $12.10. a decline of years befit?. declaims cast to obtain- I soror any, inceatication. Tito air,,, Iran made by military power and its method of room oomy crops for ttairil. la roundlet 'toot! bit klaroll te Itra atotbor, P. i R attoaded the epu country uout. D. IL moston of tit. ontt.oko dealing with the suffrage problem. liner than IS per cent. No other local ed from the Mutt court. St is believed. an ow coontries tavoirod tn tho war. 11 Aloaandori ono brother. Prod. both tiraa ratifiration ittratwir dealers have anatnencod, mdse. and meantime the Spring Cartytos cam this 'stood and notectivo R. L. Lddington. The at included Sumner Cobb. 3dies crops have boos ronisolm- - ' was bold bore Saturday 'tett. The of thistly: two swots Mrs. 'crook "earl Ikons. but it is expected they will ispi. 6.,....m.,10"......... perennial to Itoront the by good. There Id libe ntinallity mato features of toot big riciatu ects. of Chicago. and Mrs. Nom ' InanlatatV follow the lead of the Boweilluntil Iteintilt41 lirt IdalK)"-Willlabiletat Eva Taylor. biathlon Tanner. Enrico .....'... while beneath to lbws l'ottod Plato& Mtlo ool briniest war. a barbecue at oshich tore sinsor of 8014.. aio. George Morton. charred with Anderson. blies liestrin Hoist nod supposed to hoisting to Mr. Oleos anti against . Payette people. i amid demo of &ad a mutton went .tiorrod tied the Bowman Lumber cam-- Mies Ruth Milburn. men toot be worked by ethers with. ta4we is ashatred rosins setwkwo will bp twid at tits land al of Alio Salt Lobo desire front the mebeity bogy.. . a dant which was bold at th Ammo. Pocatello. Idaho. Nov. 2. wen tan his porwilattnes. Gety onorotnitins sotablishmant . Player's' organization Given Funeral preeented Lady of German for rosteratian -St! to peopla returned Military that city today. They wore Oregorre -I in ddidonto at I win. wa4,,4ay.4,,,,,,. of the Moon." rhe i vowing lb. ateouirchy. Tito ratireeds aro de. So- Phornont arrested In Salt Lasko on advice from Killed Overseas Tide lemma la,. Intannent willlio Gag E. Martin and F. Roy William .. In lb. Sandy ths Idaho authiwitlea , Soldier Singers ' log good work. wok water ragas bigh- - elinintO17. wore included in the cast of a "noel tea got lip with a bad taste et Om& by eall. Tbe comituratal ilov- - , bs Naval (Rawls' t Arrange For Debett &me Pair PritiordPlattoring creditable ports)" mom. in 'rotor somatit. a dull tired feettng. oraniests aro Molting their preeiratt tho eve- ad weal ter feo4 a mil aro counts Lord Nov. of recent the Vtah Dunantre "Tents of the Arabel' mato Mentioned fair InUrINORE, mune corpast wealth. ronatipated. movies by ,! A sophomore clams guartott hoe been aro given In teto insure of Wootern woe presented by the CiOntnirer Paar. of tho Americas loom may beam that roe arta a doom Of Mit et peames. theatre tit via A nf oleo' c,f the Ireal poolfuneral For of !louse ere Cho I' Lilo and under the direction of Lewis PerSpeaker oleo hold Chantheol&is' Tablet& They siot Gutty amid bin& Austria is absolutely raPber ?arm organised at Ow Vahrorsity of Vtak : I . login. oollttary ir.,,n both of Donor'. muse as egmeoltio soopromem of the less. aid mast be matotril. boip.1 sailer tho diroctkoot of tho snooks dir Colo. Tha bor. blies Gertrude pandhIll sad Itaipts yeatiprilav In the wall tha,ot for sowore R. W. stades written Iliad Edward gave s gotendld rendition hut howela. H. so ynoftsbor Calliator. classes of tho Cloninger was le SS. Olio. kflI.I ta by taeteeat who I in Gray tint appaaniace at parlawast. emarth dad Improve the dittoothea eupervisor of agriculture of the Dont of the Malt play. Pt. Marra acclaim. t elated July S. ISIS, whit porting Advert Claims Reward will it at Ow earho lair Bran of Morris A Cal IllgOr. elect- - ver A Rio Grande tho orsantaatbess Boy undee tra. the direction of Rim Dor. teetaeat. r railway. Vratic.v batei to, lol to the Iewor benne of the elate log- why Rips. gave meidesi numbers- Claim" ttner party at the IldNolallsosta Norm J. A. nototrOo of tho peat wort4oeto.4 Ir'allt "etli Nolosst tool DIty'llnr at dire 1 Irrintint as ClwitilleWItligm last using issorpow lalaturs Tneeday, is Mentioned . ii Burk. directsr of oottoll ht vithielt were ettio soPty$eop the penny Christ- - during the Intermissions. i' Mardimil nrigt tither; Ralph ratereall the beat &Poshr of Mal bottg- Prospactar Has h Prelrec t" ti mae weal arto wile Chaplain LAOIS Usenet Truman the Viah Cubit ProttP11. Patna Ma mamma tO Vtlbe : Sleet t Sallitwola flrol Staked Out Last claiball Nemo woo tornothoti by lb. Italian, i,L Wpadarairt. aoaaa411 mid that Itr Catheter in not only the Ilea ith amociation will arrive in Salt Wednescials Ortcut Recital. ,., --00047 al Mira rrahroa hi. Rotolo Mad-- , beak pita vs"Jack i . I, bona and OA ward choir. Lake Sett of elected choice the lobe newly Ile is in eharga of Wednesday. "1111 Tho orookoto wort Jayvee floronow Altrol Oporto Claakaar. II. Cad 60111 la 140 1110 at L"..41 T Part hal: "as boos inembee hot t several promesetive the sato cl the mate ter the inter. svednewhors tabernaeso areas Pof Moo apakor tlaaa, Ithehtiata and Piohap his moo. IT east Pahl at tolsolf at tits office of gitic4 of tuni of Is counties members the a somber las,ordsr. mountain rartry territory. and twill haw bis O:ettat pros-rantf Tema) Pours will ha als flileara, ' A verat mow - r. is secom toe J. L. ot rho afteotaylimo In iospritbeedweartion. WOO I. state Oat. Of street., AUT H. rootlet thy . Itasistant Organist Tracy T. Canaan at ittoibor et M two." woo irtvoll WY $ him Itri1L11104 tWel tam te tate obtalo a kolas of woottri.1 bir. Catheter is $2 roots t alto. I :altorootos i at t eattatty were Mon pasellaolles. Peek Will blect.411tephen T. rloo pallboiwore m lo consato: 117 native of Salt Loh and WIWI Witrquordsm. iteesa atter Otte arrteei "owe whk l. woui4 ltabl sae tro"i the ameettra direetor of national parka and thg Most Woolly's mid csabortke &Mori comet, iat4..s.7 is H. ill a itru 1.. blather. Jegopts Awthersoft, Owbury he WI tee a areseeeting ,loo yrost4 of1 ory4 for Ow tiotecocort la 1 1 M. loam' Nat wet hew rm." boil tr. ii. of Vet. Albright acid aseol4 IC fot totoow. It000nwoott Xi loot Mims uftiguborintendlt of ths weigeStil Iresota nate of the George stahinirtes Only totopocary Ffl4 to Attetta3a. He tater atekaa thy et lay Antimony Seraptiblut tebst Person ti parka will most Wstioteeda 7, Ma '004 A Ihert A Itilistonft. sod of too low fopoortmoot of lowatone only fes, iloot aerallea Wacto re to that rehttoteet. a all a).. ,Itato kiwi'''. "low of the , ether via, tripe loot tome Palk woo to rrattcloro. to Mecum plane fur Mart) writ . rho tomer. process" sq, woos l lin likorliolmnorili pain an. sold "as teliviry4 Vito boy Aims Om. VOW torensnolot ir.11.11 eati fltsmnbor-ll- Lb. Univemity of Vials. lo bolt Cried bikeill lotesorM at the sail retool,' PO ant linwoon. IS tho lir. rawer by the remoter" old of th41 oitool Mato& Hi la omerrtte4 hp !allot le Ile reword, Theo" ttlerst4o1 Wine Tobiota ao4 b. cotefol 118'14 woo then to a 'Morino" "tolls watt 0110404 gee in Oho lt, tnibrisht grotto" hymn. My wof NitcyccIfe Washington pock,' Imilletro&" owA Ada. 110 tiltortiote alegli "Notre looryte t art M. eleeteoto s4 ellea, se th t aophPe. a hoe Aer b), manta 'the intermit et appropriations for the thfc Mote tobly4s oot set? tho arum e rlowas tribute' were sooty meet. The bar to !age 0 N. Taylor It tu 014 ttooccoca Arr. b esti I L000so Melody' tas apostles toeoort browlt.it park. ,A , by otaltatirt 9 go,Aortallt tylr owl al 11016" .-Ptemhat Chel'vr td- 149etbs' ttigeollos,,- Advertise-1r . .O.N, P4subrute 13ert Ottlevrlownobeet tru.'Cirund o, I 111041i,, --e boo beon Opel cp4 row d on t Mkt, OW tho Vat,. ow pr...ristary atuttipstte r th. AMP !Mayor Sends Letter worldly of Utak Othot ottkoro stam.4 datri .,... ars Esseho arks possidsot; .... I A Relatives To )arty. ..tvotatvttooeurert ithirs - VI flow!! , Arabia Priest. yollmustor; 311ab4.-- ' athlotio nt000t.t. tota4Mayor r. flareepeo tieetea youteedat -11 W.11. Alive tOoh. af4 Twin 41vos4ehonte. go flpo reg. pot a tette Often a man gets the V Turtess. ottedrnt sztvullys committes. , rtkot '. It 1 Ate Cite al tatted mho I 1100 pr.4111 04.4110 listairhrharareol Cbasiervbm.Oss to "Me Welt boo r. Weedeatd. orb goat Ida deaf satimfaction of motor ethos le Ito ottottessohly to11,04 1 Yount of Ms Amortran Levant, colotars etikeel Otatagedev aeteotegto &Pregame t naltiotk atos st Amish, day is Ins taboraura pistols, tit of onatte f tato a teats at reoptut VIA LA Stec 41 zoo, ?s li trottott , to OtOtt, to dotett,001011 Thursday eronlou. ths 'ovular yohoaris. 4Iriting vette west of ciWytil OPP. Wes. A alga. year or two !Mom b room poorly, of I ?Moo ehtstr. vtharb al ut ih. Tehsrettras ,.,i3i., 4. 10tNtly tegtee wilt be east Int Prepaideet C. . It har1 boor104410k la rolkt flit. shush, tau brad un that lahrht in lath ,,,... Cowtowerriat dub. time to think about IHeatey gpf 4 earlier In life by Mart. IThus High 1 In 4101001 So I. tit talt As. lb sill la ti,b.,s10.1.. Oar, olltoort oe4tatt: Ole degepabed aviator rtto teltdr - sernbly bull en Trails"' ovessisit at e placing A,' '''''t your order, if you 1000t1 01 taw Moot to be taboo I. blot hoop al antelpett .. .k, , : t otiewt okotoloot. 4 lb Ube, I lirtoth, ertorttiol to oss000ttronsot by want prompt engraving setlug with a "Me. Wm. tor tatorgagent. loan& C. A. ,Itis siato otorit le atm trowt000tr. "'rot dieted Tel Two latogio.... ,,,,,, . vke and delivery. . ,, , 11,14104 to 11,0 veto tot &Motel' Ur otto11 i A ILAS Ida Itir.ory T z,!.., 4 , ,...!, -arid COAL at 011aTtess ovralsi tolt- -: h., April 1toto01000," otegoltOk I Out impertinent of new card 110r00-0, ritanrantre Wry. lisarsis tasol Co.. IS Ito. ..HIS 0.111111101! Is s0000loy t ree11414 bi la J.eseetry R.eporteel Stolen mogoory" . I I 04 tIra to ir i 0604. Mote St.. Woe. Ilse I. oftst00 resolve,. will afford you end. of yew tog towed. White designs Pir bolt 1111 ibe Poole I Immo to 1110 tart0100 toltbr hoét Otto seern airlines et fog tes roos bossy yourself by beg. novel suggestion. 1101k illepsow Teo theft of 11114 111011. 1,11000n104, 1110 riot Announces ..r ses loth boa protodod yell; Uni'versity thin e 'lore Will ,e10410104, foustOttp we I To boy s Watch at tossup, '10,0,00- - 10 14004 01 order early and keep out of tho vmp11elp eis snot pod boos deserted. leo OM Armistico Day PrOgram "serSlir WWI froot 01 Immo ImPlikli 10 te ilialiri.. Company Jeartirr Danes p. p nrosolrott. boap,49p "eleventh-hour- " leo sorted lb owns right le be 'tete 01,0111 ot 0,0110,1011 ItabOts ot 400o. the melt. , KAMA mumps -bire, ta to Pluk 1104 was a good. rattabk, 110nm, ple V' 1'1.4 U bogeyed: 1t. o boogittgl oostilseel illthbl Wan& M WO" tho ter00,01telr I. for..4. IS was Plevaltt swim, Iet 1 son of 110, ottistatt4io4 tort00,01. al all sinwied Nay ws ogee Wak h. 11 prittelpet paksr at th Aruptimkr.. 141 tof S irroPosi. A 100 aid por.4 :tiros of 11g l tubas 110004 Ot Oat el Ipposilog 11111101urefeee's Wore "hoe ip.dit woo ososprtbastabotr at M l'ittareity at day w Owl Ito te h....li 44 Ivo EtrookWittio t3 Moot 164111067 tear Oolloe from leo Aellitortnes I i rtalt, Thursday went ad at 11.10 h. low sew oftst bell these In oka clock. Colter"' tiara ban ea the pad. holt petp opliolkibleast og 11to toot. fts, 0.0 & Co. wren, he itaktetnata bV tha I 1 f f h." Pi 10 tilt psv4 e, (TrellrAllt artehttat ea. Crtataaatter waging. S I oortv01,01 01 Oho 127 SO. STATE T. t attartat. atHe OMNI 11146.0 s tinahla IrliAmmytotiogo tit ka. Ot boo woofer 004 flak IMO Op& 1 I tvvsV W. McCarthy, Iowa mot. osmrIonb. Ile Immo b Oslo ihoese wad ',mule. reek tertl' 'Ilk I I. 14 Th. 141.a.t..t lIrsaa SO Oho PC 01 Arsararoo Louse. i0P01110001 I I i t ago els I'S& 01,141Nroto SYSTEM OE SOYERNMENT , f011itilliff , I , , - I - , ,- - I ;., 1 6 ,., -- - Li. , " lit rnit" tr ' - I , , Park-to-pa- - 0,ESjIlt.11, .','!-,-- 1 arid rk ' 1 , - , . - -- t ut t l ,A - . , ,,, -, 1 The-futur- "Itio---os- k con-riv- ed ' . . ' 1' a" .s ', es U4. it et-T- - ' - u- it: 1 dot-an- "Mr--wh- ol" ' , .. L ,,, untimom ... , , Hugo) r - ' - 1 . wirr -- ; ' . i e sleep-probab- ly -- 1 VP-T- .1 it , la No---n- wait-Joh- t Beeorg-isatisfie- 1 -- s ,, 4 , -. ' 4- 1 ., , Prior ri ,, uEris ill in -- 11.11 . Tb 'lb, . .7 Fatal grief 11 1 t; es - IT BRIEF 1, -- - . as ;4 semi-victor- y' PC - 1 ) rolobwhich Iilmr1 . 1 . Yes-"Mu- m ternutny. eI. d . , r 0 , t , ' - Ito Att4 r I -- - VI" -- hs t 1111 .. - sat I.". 4.4 -- - o 1 etect-Isac- It pros-Fos- os 1111m, -- ;a- ..... i rt"...1 ...,, Pilot. ; , C Engraved .Greeting Cards Win ' -- , . ? . a t el "1 1 t. I um-dear- ,t- I . . I - '5y; - ,Fitt7IM,..,...panlialt1 I aedang, Cock Tc , I 01 lei Taylor Motor Car Co. TAtrotlei I If it014.-111,1- 1 111 fp, 11161....M.11 .6.1.117M.M.. . . Ik 4 ,t4 AA. AI. Bias Morris I 01' ainamImalaMil - DESERET 9- I; low,,. . ri Sons BOOK - 111 rho, , ..,a10.....,.,..M. - |