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Show - FOUNDED TUESDAY 1S.jO JCeMifs I' C Teriiiitul rentli M.i.'e Diipute Over Right to Irrigation Supply Is Averted State Engineer Orders Water Put to Threatened ELEGRAMS were bent ly Geo K. McGonagle. Mute engineer, district deputy today to hi engineers In the Sevier imp tlon district Instructing them to take charge of the water offered by the Tiute reservoir' to the Sevier River Land and Water company,, w hich will start down the Sevier river today This la the harmonious ending o what threatened to be a serious dls put between witter usets and the state engineer In Millard countv Cropa on the lower Sevier river war dying for lack of water, while the lr rtgatlon companies on the upper parts of the river, had Impounded much lue water which the crops of the upper river diatrlct did not need. Mr. McGonagle, taking the author Ity given him by law, ordered enough water released front the various reservoir of the upper river, to save the lower crop, but tne Irrigation companies, which owned them, among those being the Piute company, refused to release any water, taking the ground that the engineer had no au Oiorlty over water after it was Impounded In their reservoirs. Thev placed an Injunction upon him, as engineer, and a hearing was set for Aug. 29. By todays action, the Injunction Is withdrawn, and enough Water will be released from the Piute reservoir to save the crops lower down the Sevier basin. There are about 22.000 acres In crop under the laterals of the Sevier river Land and Water company, which will be eaved by the relief The water will be released from the Piute reservoir at the rate of S00 second feet a day and Mr. McGonagle believes that ft will be necessary for this amount of water to continue for about 30 day This Mr. McGonagle considers is the closing chapter to the trouble occasioned by the refusal of these companies to acknowledge the Mates authority over water In lo Utah Honey Crop is Largest in History Some idea of the lmmerjsity of the 11 nta honey crop can be gained by although the Uinta JltMiey. and .Commission association recently purchased a carload of tin cans, the concern telegraphed Monday for tins. another thousand, This association Is new and one of 10 the smaller companies operating Uinta basin, according to T. B. Terri-berrj- r, state bee Inspector, who states the honey crop of Utah will be the largest In history. He adds one of the most, encouraging features Is that this ftbundanqe of hone- frftn tfitf'fst6!ersof great, shortage In other states, which will assure Utah honey producers a good price. that fact t Young Couple Held For Investigation P Joseph Welters. 19 years old, third In $h navy, and Mabel were lodged in the city jail 20, Martin, Monday night for investigation by the federal authorities According to the have to police, Walters is said San from Lake Kelt to the girl brought Francisco last Wednesday on the promise to mdrry her. Afterthebeing girl with him here until Sunday, left him and went to the home of L. Y. Moore, 135 south West Temple street, the police "said. Monday night Walters went to the Moore home, the police declare, and promised to marry the girl if she would accompany him. When she start refused. Walters is said to have which he was struck ed a fight,-durinarThe over the head with a brick.. rest of both followed. rate fireman N A xtiKtly modern fine outh-.f- t f.ie brtifc btingnlow. xiiukltd and U leaelnic onnfr The home an slotm lot quit k turn or tool film, fftfctflHW. ed oak floor-ift0.0O. quartergumiood finish in front rooms Hes'iltiul tile mantle, , bookcases cmna pUte rad. bedsooms ith Aany wiftuov, affording excellent ventilation, aige clothes clos- e ets .linen t IosMh, clothes chute, ipedl-tinabit, broom closets. Ironing ooard. t'alitornla cooler, full and compete butft kitchen, combination poelatn sink and drain board full temented bcmnt. mat IWu fruit room, hot-aheating plant, flooi nd wdraln, Mwer connections, but Cement old mater in basement lot Also has atwalks Oood-aise- d tractive and cosy breafat rooni, estra aervtceable jf neceimary.as bedroom, sewing room oc pit y rbom hole house la ver The light and many large win cheerful. dows Mnoleum and blind Included 4 cash, preferably f lift more, " aa down paement, balance monthly. If' ntereted in such a home, tec this at tscc. 1 n. ir SEVENTY-FinS- T t , tu ,.1, r,i!:n,, given public PRESIDENT. ANTH0N fiMjti the uhlcli Hi,! itFrfiiUMort YEAR I m Lv Appointed Judge Of Third District H " LUND. la h re ' 'o cnrtrot .1 Z mile m) rxihmd from 1 point on the t iun radrnad Spring r.inon, f the purpeo f afford ng N tte- - railroad fucllt- . for tb vat !oi,n mlt m bic.ted in thuf hva applied ti tjhe mmlKlon nmiinTie jnirrs'a f' t prrmiHSion tn lOnMr lh Carbon count) lne. In granting prrmlaaion tr th tTtuh Terminal rulla to build the line, the Mato tiltntie com mlnaion had authority to gie a frarchlbp only oer business alth-i- n the Kate of Itah. and the railf road tvtnnnf deal with anv that goes ontaide the vtate Is limit of I'tsh, until permlsalon obtained from the Interstate commerce rnmmlnxt'tn. Heme the I application whs made to sffol the railway n outlet for It buel-nv- i In states other thsn Itsh felloe , aa U I to- Simon appointel In Ilatnbrryrr Hi fill 'lie .i.hth ti i hr exiKii it Ion of ,li. Is a Wilson Mit'iilhv , hiilfce of Ills Third iluuiut iouti ere-nli- '7 MltlUta'i ini, I IE OF day W" PRESIDED. ibe Hi Joseph Judge Ptniigfi'lhia In i well known tiiem In i of i in- - I inh hr, hating been In pr.irttio here sim e his gtadualiou from the University of MlrhlKJ'l a 4llll lhor hi I In Nov tunry cdsf. g COUNTY U K Iuues Proclamation Adrift-in- g Citizena of Salt Lake To Join With Neighbors in Honor of Even mix r, I Jit, he was apiHiintrd to fil! In the city Judgentnp nr Suit I,iks City, and shortly nfti i hln appointment aim elm tod iiiy judge and has Since servid in that caAt the I ecenl Ju.lli 11 pacity convention he aa munln.itrd hy 1901 DM IN i AYOR M' the Democratic party for the district bench. Judge Blr(ngfello aus loin III City. Jan. IS 1875 He 1s the eon of Geoige htnngfelloa , a Utah pioneer who made the trip across the plains In the early 50's. 'He was educated in the public schools of Salt laike Cll, and later attended the Brigham Young academy at 1'iovo. finishing with a degree at Ann Arhor. C. CLARENCE NE9-LE.- ft. n r,! r N at hie office this morning issued a proclamation asking that a large a delegation aa turn out to celebrats th completion of the concrete highway Balt Lake and Ogden. The .roclaniotlon follows: , "Thla week marks th completion of the first d highway Balt Lake City and Ogden, not niy facilitating quick and comfortable travel and commerce betweeo-- , Meet Engineers May these (wo principal cities of th state, In Salt Lake in 1921 but alao making possible quicker and nd commerce r.l.oon,munlot,on The AmeiK'an Institute of Klee with the many prosperous sister cllUa in Davis county. trieal Engineers may convene in Salt "in honor of th completion of this Lake neat ear In response to an InJ.M.SJODAHL, JUDGE. Public improvement, -- VJCK. vitation. which probably will be Issued CHAIRMAN C.M.N1ELSE.N. th citizens of ths various communiby the Utah Chapter of the society. ties in Weber, Davie and Balt Lake counties will Join in Joyful celebration At a meeting In the Commercial club PUBUC IT V. . Wednesday, Aug. 1$, 19$. last nlght it was decided that a vote at(gon. "I, therefore, respectfully should be taken on extending the Inrequest end th residents and clU- -. that urge vitation One department of engineering in tens of Salt Lake will ala bid for It 8a Lak City Join with our the 1921 convention of the Pacific the United States government to elim- neighbors to ths north in commemorCoast society which haa up to the inate conflicting measures was urged ating this great event In the peaceful present time always been held In some at th annual convention of th Am- progress and growth of our cities and coast city. that aa many as make erican Society of Civil Engineers held Mate; F. L. Hutchinson, secretary of the th trip over this newpossible on Institute, yesterday addressed the club 1; at Portland, Or., Aug. at Wednesday. Aug. 18. and highway particularly on the work of the organization. Its PAID that on be hand to enoy th they fteattl Aug. J2; at Yakima, Wash., object and aims. Prior to the program and speaking at 2:30 tha'. Aug. 14; and at Spokan Aug. 15, ac- afternoon. meeting he was the guest of honor at , a dinner at the University club. cording to Richard R. Lyman, profes (Signed) sor of civil engineering at the Uni "C. CLARENCE NEfiLEN, . Mutuals to Present "Mayor." of who this returned of Utah, cords veralty thousand hundred Many Interest in state road luilding cirat Farmington. Program Mothe after attended In morning having cut wood have been unlawfully Day of the Swarm cles centers around the case of FarmThe ceremony will be staged at have county, Arizona and hauled across sessiona versus George and Lucy Farmington, where the last link of tn lOLATION of agreement "The main The V. L. M. I A. of Logan. Mor- ington City, feature of us the the for Utah into the borderland cqnven what is said to b the longest stretch Hess, to be tried tomorrow at Farmvoting themselves and accept- of citizens of 8t. George and other tion, Prof. Lyman eald, "was the an of concrete highway between th gan, Tlntic. Beaver and Nebo stakes A. E. Pratt. The before Judge ington la in salaries alleged ing large will present the pageant, "The Day of border towns, Ralph 8. Kelley, chief nual address of Preat. Arthur Powell will be river and the Paclflo coast, over the right to action was a suit filed In the formally opened. United of the field service of the the Bwarm," In the near fisture. ac- run the statebrought general land Davis, director of th United States a the Automobile parades sponsored by over of road part States district court this morning office declared this Mr. service. Davis the Intermountsin Automotive wo-.- . cording to announcement. The pageant Hess farm, and tKesuit is one in morning. Many reclamation against the Murray Fljeep company was first produced some weeks ago by have been received from wed a strong appeal to tha engineers elation, the commercial clubs of Bait proceedings to determine Richard Henry Winder, Archibald complaints to take a more active interest In pub-H- o Lake and Ogden and th Utah State. the Beehive girls of the T. L. M. I. A. of Arizona by Mr. Kelley residents affairs. He emphasised tha Im Automobile association will start simwim1er ot Auxiliary conventions of the Church the amount of damages that the Hess Bpadford ar)d complaining that border towns in portancs of uniting In one depart- ultaneously from Halt Lak and Ogwill be held on August 21 and 22 at people are entitled to. Salt Lsike. The suit brought by Utah are robbing the timber lands In ment th engineering work of the den and will meet at Farmington. About one year ago Hess withheld Bessie 8. Portneuf. Pocatello, Bear Lake and Cosgriff and Frederick B. Mohave county, Arizona. An Investi- United States government. After the opening the procession road to go Under Burley, Ideko, and at Young, Colo- permission for the state the present conditions It is not unusu- will move on to Lagoon where brief through his place, on the nprthern Brown, testamentary trustees of the gation has been ordered. rado. to al find the eng erring work of addressee will be mads by former Gov. Mr. Kelley has had an agent InvestThe Hess farm estate of the late John B. Cosgriff Announcement is made that Bee- edge of Farmington. of the government Bpry and Gov. Bamberger and other hive glrla can make arrangements for had previously been cut Into two one of the companys former officers igating the complaints preparatory to one department Into competition with the en leaders of the good, roads movement and railroad coming the and a prosecufurther the Bamberger by at In investigation pieces canyon Emigration outings and organizers. tion providing the violations are not gtneertng work of another depart- Baseball games, races toand athletle Pinecreet inn by applying to Mias Ann the state highway necessarily had to ment. take place contests ar scheduled In the complaint they allege that stopped at once. M. Cannon or the Cannon Brothers' be built through a triangular piece of the H(M land. Under the law although lawful for ent"He pointed out also that the pres- at the resort. under an agreement with the late Mr. dairy- duplication of work in Hess refused and the city of Farmno salaries were to be ac- anyone td cut timber ftr his own use. government servicesngineering is extremely ex' Minstrels Will Give It is prohibited that timber be transington, when told by the state that Cosgriffas fees by the company's off! ported across a state boundary. Any- pensive. Mr. Davis inaugurated also could not be built unless the cepted EFFECTED whose purpose is to give Luncheon and Concert all shoujdjvotej ,In one purchasing such timber Is liable a movement city would secure right to go through that, hil to Jtb sectiopa of (heAmerlcfut Society his land, started condemnation pro- dividend extehi ' of th ' purchase tothe' further They that Civil of charge Engineer throughout tfl X and concert will, ceedings, went through the Hess the person transporting the timber a stronger representation and be baekef the companys officers, the defendants the across the state boundary become lia- country property and the state constructed a Fifteen Min Big given by a activiin tbs greater responsibility trestle over the Bam in the suit, did vote themselves large ble to a heavy fine and long Imprisonof residents of an of th ties strels, organization, eoclety. berger tracks, thus eliminating a dan salaries and that the dividends subse ment, according to Mr. Kelley. Prof. Lyman eald that Mrs. David the Eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-firs- t towns 8t. gerous crossing. and other suffered a nearby endecline. George quently C. Eccles of who ie spending wards, st and Twenty-sevent- h The state loaned the city of Fafm-Ingto- ter suit for sn accounting andThey Several changes in organization were refund have long- faced - a shortage of timber the eummer atOgden.her home In Portland, Liberty park tomorrow evening at :$9 the services of Assistant k fenceirv of and other popurpose for ttsr tticonfereB.c.e.of: atTr (eateries and effected, gave a dinne'r party' to President and 6ctJeTf.' Musical.- numbers .y ill. be (jeneral 'H- Draper, who will an injunction paid against the defendants which facts have doubtless tempted Mr a Davis, Prof, and Mrs. Gardner furnished by Charles Kent, stake held at Grace, Ida , last tomorrow defend the P, C. action brought against accepting and enter 8. William of Cornell line cross border them to exthe further salarlee to by Hess to secure damages which he university and Graham, Pay Haddock, Charles B. Saturday and Sunday, according Mr. Kelley cau a nominal forests. fee Arizona of the $100 cept month. per University of Michigan, President Smith and W. W. Caider. Special Elder Melvin J Ballard, who has re- claims amount to $10,000. A Jury of If deemed necessary. tions all that prosecution will follow the and Mrs. Heber C. Iverson ot th gunsti will include. Mayor Nealen, county citizens will, adjudge The Murray Bheep company was any specific complaints he receives. turned from the meetings. John L. Davishow states Lynorthwestern mission. Pro! damag- organized March 15, 1919, much Hess Bishop James Maxwell, Bishop George just by John B. man and his son, Wendel, and her sla- H. Wallace, Bishop D. A. Lyon and Lloyd was released as bishop of ed, and then Ahe city of Farmington Cosgriff, Richard Henry c. J. Winder, Th Stockmen Utah Mrs. Grant. he ter Uinta people, County Bishop M. B. Woolley. . Grace ward and made high council- and the county and state will adjudl Cahoon, Blaine S. Stewart and Jamea eald, were also entertained by Mr. man iit the stake organization. John cate as to what proportion each shall B. Cosgriff, with a capital stock of Protection and Mrs. George C. Mason and Mr. and Commission Denies Organize lor Roghaar was ordained bishop to pre- pay of the damages awarded. Three specific charges In 850,000. , Mrs. John H. Lewie of Portland. side over Grace Second ward with which violations of the At Beattie th party was entertained Uinta county has the distinction of Clothakis Claim of Reuben Q. Egbert, first counselor, Former la Man are agreement alleged contained In Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shannon and Bingham Grover C. Catteron, second counselor. being the first county west oftheMlsS' by the Mr. Lewis of Beattie, who is associated Marroni W. Lowe was made bishop to Dies at Los Angeles Itcomplaint. After a thorough investigation, th is alleged that from December 31 Isaippl to organize a stockmans pro- with th special hydraulic proceaa in preside over Grace ward with Nephl 1918, to December 81, 1,9 19, Richard tective association, to make war upon street construction. state Industrial commission haa dePeterson, first counselor, and Alfred Word has been received In this Winder aa president of the company cattle diseases, according to Dr. R. W. An Inspection of 75.000 acres of nied, the claim of George Clothakie, . Sant, second counselor. and Archibald Bradford aa vice pres-dewho re- irrigation land was made at Yakima who worked aa a timberman for the In addition to Elder Ballard the city of the death at Los Angeles Monstate veterinarian, Hoggan, voted themselves salaries of of James L. Lytel, Carbon Fuel company. He claimed to from that county yeaterday. under tbs direction visitors from Salt Lake included Al- day of Johri C. Dugan, 62 years old, 16,000 arfd 82,000 respectively and that turned project manager of the U. 8. reclama- have been Injured while at work, but While there he assisted in organ! bert Hooper, Annie Wells Cannon, a former resident of Bingham, Utah. for the same period theycredlted Lee and tion service who was supervisor of the the commission claim thst his trouNewell Young, Mrs. Hyrum O. Smith in Missouri. Ha Winder with $4,000 as superintendent ing the Uinta County Cattle in bles were due to tonsilltis, rheuma-tleBtrawberry project construction Protective association, and Mrs. Jennie R. Crawford. Elder Mr. Dugan was born Horae Growers - the company. They further charge which has ft membership of 266. Due Utah. . " and pneumonia that the attendance same to Utah In 1882 and for many of Ballard, reports At Bpokane the engineers were en mining and Richard Winder avid Archibald Brad- were fixed 'aC $16 a year. commission authorized th payThe the ' conference was unusually years was engaged lit For sections under ment of a for themselves some time ford with voting sum of $3,948.47 to business at P.lnrham. The new association will employ s tertaJned by thof local large. the local president, Mrs. Hazel lump the direction h was owner and manager of the $3,823.41 as salaries . for previous veterinarian, on whose' services mem8tohI Jeneen by the Utah Leo for and of Winder BpoAlfred. Butler, city engineer $1,587.92 bers will have first call. GAfield Trading company. He was years Power and Light company. Her hue-ba- nd, well known in business and club cir- as 'his salary for superintendent. Mr- - Hoggan states that the crops kane, Howard J. Doolittle, in charge Jensen, was killed while In January 14, 1919, Archibald of the Uinta basin are maturing well. of th expenditure of three and one-ha- in the Ray cles of Balt Lake until his rorava! to employ of the power company was aa dollars for Bradford Mr. the treasurer million improva engaged at year ago. last May. Los Angele. about will be worth from $1 to $18 a in Bpokan widow and a salary of $2,000 per annum, the Hay county, ton, he saja On account of many ing of roads an,d Dugan is survived by his of V. M. chief Q on and reiser, that Chicago. plaintiffs allege a brother, James Dugan, February cattle dying last winter, the range is Washington; the, salary of Richard Win- not overstocked, and cattle' ars con- engineer of the Washington Power MARLBOROUGH PLACE Funeral services will be "held in Los 2$, 1920, to was Increased $7,500 der and that sequently In excellent condition. company. Angeles. of Leo Winder to $5,000. The plaintiffs sllege this wss dene If without their knowledge and that th Tailoring organization on a first they learned of it was In April, I ahip-men- i Itomlbl Balt-Lak- hard-surface- en Professor Lyman Reports Features 'I Of Engineers Meet Arizona Citizens Road Officials Are Interested In Hess Action MIS Charge Utahns Cut Mohave Timbers 10 14-1- 1 GHEES the--eoa- cej-s.b- -- iewc-hiHi- n .- steel-concrfe- te - n, BfUt-noc- -- has-bee- non-sala- ry nt m Warning Against Starling Fires lf Issued by Chief SAVE $1000.00 Extraordinary Bargain g UTAH CITY won. 1 I the LAKE SALT Stringfellow Is Railroad Applies To Extend Lines A 11)20 Utah Terminal E YT AUGUST 17 8 Work Started 1920. dow i V arning against throwing turning matches, cigars or c.garelte stubs was issued today by Fire Chief W, H. 1! water. Nearly all the fires at this time of the year, the chief says, are directly due to the carelessness of someAne itt this respect. The majority of f.res at this reason are gram fires and tnueh damage often result from them. Chief B water slid that during the month of July, the fire department snrweied 142 alarm;! Of that number 9i were grass fires. Investigation has developed the fact, the chief said, that nearly every one of those was dife to csreless throwing down of a burn.ng match or cigar or ctgwr-ett- e stub. The average cost to the ehy of L'aze is $29. fighting one of tne according to figures complied by the fire chief, gnd the risk of breaking apparatus and of Injuries to the firemen Is great. During the first yeer that he was in the paid service of the city as a fire engineer. Chief Bywater said, only 26 runs were made by the department If carelessness for the entire year could be el'minsted, h declares, fb number of runesch month would b greatly reduce and msrv hundreds of dollars saved to tb cf. grand scale Jias resulted in finer qualities, snappier styles; greater values Allen Wagley. 11 yefrs old, '2427 Tyler street, an ? Leroy Disney. 10, 2195 euffcrr-J- , numerous Tjler street, bruises and lacerationsi about the head, face, body and lljnb today when the wagon In whhh they were coasting at. Huger House, was struck a glancing blow h an automobile. According to wltnesw. . the automobile skidded and struck hhe bojs wagon despite the effort of the driver to avoid It. The bov Injuries were cared for at the emergency hospital. ElV.Price&Co. Custom Tailoring ' Clothes that inspire the 7 question m,x John D. Owen T0 Exclusive Local Dealer 7 McINTYKE BLDG. On Bridges In Cache County Skidding Auto Hits Coaster Injuring Boys Farm Lands Show Big Valuation Increase Farm statistics for Morgan county, estimated on January 1, this year, have .reached M. M Justin, agrici-- I tural statistician of the bureau of crop i estimates. Th value of the firm lands in that county ie $2 ,l3 68. In comparison with $1. 57.281 in 191. as Increase of 81,S4.8t tn the ten ear. ft !- M v .( - .190 FORD TON TRUCK Real Bargain . mechani- In.eieellent cal condition. j YTAMl OUSSr I190W49 toSrnt OLALMM - WX17I94 ; t. , -- Shsfty Streets ssft Avesses. Pee MARLBOROUGH FLACK for a Bungalow or an Idea! Home Bite, to - Construction was started today upon two bridge on th stats highway in Cache county, over which the county end state authorities had several dashes and which were the canee ot strained relation between them for several week. Later, however, th difference were patched up by th th county stats road commission snd n a certain commissioners sgreeing-'upopercentage of the coot being bobne by each. It bi th hope of the road commission that th two bridges can be com'lopleted before winter. Thev arcated respectively over the Little Muddy creek two miles nteh of Wellsvllle. and ever Blacksmith Fork, four mils south of Logan at the sugar factory. Th former will a clear spen of 60 feet, whll IBs latwi'i have ft spsn of 40 feet sod ter tZ t about 1 2 68. Both are to be of re. nforeed' concrete. 9 a , - r r;: V the finest restricted eubdivlelos of th the city; located In th heart on paved I new reetdeno dietrlct, street, between 7th snd 9th East, and 10th snd 11th South Btrets, one block from LIBERTY PARK I 1 HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN TRUST CO. - n r- - fit OWXLS4 . & rm |