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SALT LAKE crrr , , -- ," - - '. , ill - le Y - I. V. GLADE, , , Manager. , - ' : - .. i III --- ' - - , 3r d So. , , N 1) U li 11 - - , . , , ewe TA;.C4:-Tti.. , ., -- - g - , zr2dMI , : ' , i I )1 , h ' 11, ; I 1 I I t i o . ' ti , , ' 11 - . I ' (.,,,........"-- - i ) , IdOnInt. . Moog Velmomal Deskilia -- 1 urge . Ouittose Amapa's& Tomo ) , , " - 10ii , ' , , .,.. eik:".. ' - di I . '.."...,. delis, ,.. ,,,,t . .1 'rtED CIRCLE . I f, . , ' f " . . 4. ' . - - . , - y , 1 - fl - AttC Novel before have any radios been so' a C011 '. simple to tune sid operate. 'troll, 'wive their names written in them : , plandy toil you their use. Turn-ancontrol.. and a word tollind you what lappoms 'Lashio in the TollIalo-skt- . Operating a r &milk is nnt only simple, irs loaf Tell-Tal- ', . AS . i, - 4, . .. EVERYTHINut SIMPLE , t t.''. 1, . - , 4.) '''6'?a,S - ........1 . TIIE DIG 131ACt DIAL - . , , - ill L4: at ,, , - :. - a mi to,,,,m, - czr- diesd. 1.4.0k,osty boot- bete d-e ealii. , , ,-.- - ' , - - - - , - - ; - 1 , , - - - IR 2 Ar - 0E ':- "'' I P , . 255 East 3rd So. - , , - STATE FAIR , 1 BLDG.. MANUFA;TURERS' - . S:!tLàkcç , . -i .."1...::-..."- . - - - SEE OUR EXHillIT - - , i , SLOG.- . ' STATE FAIR - iir , , , - -- - ---, . SEE OUR 'EXHIBIT - , .. of erase alumpliicity. P000rlisi 1111sratool raresPetso toorostesol. Mos re"1"111 Mob - , ' - ,.. On , i - . . , ...'''.....s...N, I , n pf n rd on U1111,11111t), - . : . tl - lir ) s , . k .. - J ft, Ilt511: -- - MANUFACTURERS' . ,t i :I ...1;111 ' , ;it, --- N , . ril - ' ri I I - cis L.4 I - -- - riu' ' ro n ev -- D --- -' 11 - t , ' 4 I VIASC3E 0 ' ' 1 rg.1,:4'4...TA.:.E .. I , ,. ' ' - ' ; 1 4. i ! . ! ;;:;4 New mains ' Et - - - '. , 2 1 ,,,-;-" ....--:::a- , - - -- , !11R I I I . ? I' lA 1?It raVolf)1787: ' -:, , Z.,1 .,,i, , , ,- 3; " - -, siltriaten i ' 111:the Hese Spiralater - - ' . -- , f - i ' , ' - ,,,.,..,..,:,,11 r - - - ,- CO ti TR 0 LS I .1 I I . i i - 7 in.: y - , . 1 .5 ' ' ' ;.; - t,. :' 501 ... , , g - - -- VI?1717, :' , I ,i, ? , I III - ,jot. - alu . - ' p - i - ' - :- . !, II . 1 ' - . C -: .,..: t 4i. I I; . 1,( . - ; . . - - , - ,' .7 v - , ' . - ' - )1.- ii 4 - - I 7 s ,,r1 . . r-- New quiet - - ) s , N-1 - t1 , . '16 of' p, ita;:t L ...' 4 - 14, , Ke 4"1".1. - sr-.-. 11 ii... k 1 ,,,, Pr . est..' , J " .., qv , - ; L ,', 00 - - : Guardkos 12214l dial is reed. druiloOol - wills . ' -- dilile" .; Itsbqp ' - , . , -- - '14" ' . - . tolYSTERY OUT OF RADIO: TIIIIIIIG , . Ithott moo ' ., . - ts11-- - . - ' - -' ee-w- iltits 3 , . proud. vigstitz,Pert.wboAhasetilidins. Of.'"tk 1 - ját, Supor-Safot- g , i . - s Mset-Nind- 01.40 , TEsr.. VIP 1.,,tributz .1; Rayli.Ras Dr' 4 , , ',47 '. - - that PROVES fhb ' Flint - ' . I - Itondkordstot ,.., - that Ras , 'Utah has almost every kind of , metallic or, Including Iron Ore. The ors hi coined from open cut,. and vein mines and also from vut ' underrrotmd ore bodies that havaL literally replaced Om Interior lima Istone of nuiuntains. Aliso gold ts 7t. recovered front ,placer as ascii as , from quarts operations M addition- - 'to the gold In the ores mtned for - (Int ) - telarg.adidialPacitYdta alirmatel.TAIT ' ' -' ' I - ,,,.,,, , 1 , :., . - - , . , ' ..- ' .:'.4 7, i ,T1 , bg lost 'Mk Do sow - , , . . , - .,;;:, ! ,,,i.-,414.... ' ' ., . ,' .- Cour 11114Iit f .'..'.'-- !' .' . lt ,. 4 -- - , ' - . ' ,' '"" ' ; , - - ' - National Safety whose convention, preceded the ociening et the fair wiU eonduet daily demonstrations of first aid , , -- , . GIVES YOU - ) , - . displays - ! - southern Idaho and Wyoming.From 30 to 40 employes are kept busy turning out a line of candy of which we are justly' exhibit of The methods for bistiring exhibit of the mitPads for insuring safety and health in metal mines, mills and toe! mines. This departnwnt is in charge of DJ. Parker. head of the health and safety gi. vkdon, of thy. 1.'ederal bureau. . - - ,- ' - , 4 - , . - , it . I' ' - counties ycith mthliig -. Utak-Nevada- thfir:m Ileed.raexi Perillesmenkleitalandlelvishicm-lb- 4,,A 4 ' , , seo.,,I , r Nit ill , i J .. , ,.. the alezza.nine floor of .the Coll. mum' , Beaver County, ' has been ' added' - ,, -- am ''- - machitier,-.- i,), - ,. Company ostutufacture of High Grade Otocolates,- Sc . Bars and Bulk Goods serving the trade in,- - ' .thit. :. , - Eacut41,P. -2 .- .,. ...,( ir .i4x..aliiiifi-4.- . - , rj - ,r-- e , - - - . - , r-- ' 'I . . --s7 illv.,,,,,,,,,,goal, ,, - , , .. Nan., .... 1 (t, 11(glti Ito , '. ,,4 ft ' . ' ' ' '''''' - " - -:' - ,,, ; r ,. -- .. .' ,f4 i - , retary of the American Mining am'fess. will be in general charge of 1 Mr. Mackenzie is first vice president of the fair board. member of the executive commit, tea and supervisor of mining and . nes asistals awl bled; sot of stetted exhibits win be estirely sossesse ocha's". Monts typical sounspka of bat win 1st- -. Iowan Is this exhibit ant sees above: Irpprt left, docks aa basted by tisk sportsmen; upper rigbd,. will pheasants; lowee left, deer,. awl lower 1404 grows. - . ne 'co Complete Line . ''' . - ..:0.7' ,. - .- - :- ''''''--"-- .. no place Lk. limo for diat iczma T ivembhigwhon you own the .. . 1,.. . 11311F Dpsralator EAST wanner. - - ...., ,' - - ""!"---- -- , ' ...":'.7.7. -- ' , ' - - ' --;,, '...1110111:likamillemodin010.010.111.WMOW401,L. '' - - '- Tlioro's . . ' '" ' ' - . . - f -- - '' ''''--' ' ' I; Maio Fair this year : :1-1; , vEna : - ,. , .in!lustiY- A. G. Mackenzie, executive 1 -- ,....r,- k- - ,------- r,... .. i--.:0- 7 ITC - Ldki ILLW-1- 'writ -- 1 . i '' 0 - . - , - 77-- ' i - 7. ..lik .... chamirds - - , ...,---- ,,,,,.00---7-7- ii- '',7 ,:itiAy ,. ' , .:''' :... -- - r., r:. ' ei1.0.7.-:.-i'l';,e...- .,.:,.,,,-.11,- ,I 1 . . ' .,,40,11 IA L, ----: luvtlirt : ' '..". ...0,.-"- ,.'1. ' '''' .'''' - ''''''N, ''...,,T, i.'," . - , , no ,'-- -- ' - - mit' ' '' -, 0 ell Coln.. '.i', z.............:-.....- 1 ,, - -- ,' , '''5.-',:'.1, ,'; . - '' - , s - at the State fair a comprehensive exhibit ot the mining industry in Utah which wM he the most complete ever assembled in the Sate. Salt Lake valley is the world's largest milling and smelting eels. ter. The Utah Copper M'me 11 the largest open cut mine in the world. The atatehas the three largest oil- . ".1 zonal In the country ed the experiment autumn exhibit. I at Bingham. Tintidiultd, Park city-- win- have experts at put fair to o(' ore edifice te men seeking proe Gold la an Important in- almost every ton of ore treated. teal knowledge of the latest meth, ' ' ', TaPtwatoraailtvh.er.. sleattutte ill,:tt itboostelne... ode of tre reduction. etedi...:lit the copper Orel, ...., , Theatata haa Imervelfor atm ." FAluipment waver before bows evory. known method ot, ere cove-dreda or Year or httemthOul met t the- west bilit-the'faj, letritrelloti Through "the 'tunny-and ot long list of other hydrocart-- , the, 1health division. Thia anatetisilllmcella and of recovery through ' and alltellixbutit116 . bong bailbeen brought from the workfe,stereiting AB typical area Ire tm dtsplay . IT A. Cooperstial station at Pittsburgh' Pa. together with working models of ' Faderai laverntbents larg- and la designed-meetlIce mfety .the nuiritinery and the process est exhibitor through the bureau In In extracting the base and -' mine& coal Vig114 underground Intnes.-iat with the The alining deparunent occupies precious inetala from the ore. state, counties, the mining Indusv , try, 20 Individual lixhibitore and Mine! many COMplUtiell that eupplY machinetr anti equipment to make ? the exhibit' compelte, educational and of practical 'um to men in the A The Glade Candy specializes in the , - - wild lila teal he exhibile4 . - ".-- - .,t..,;.... , '' --':' '......."..;'..7. ;::::-:',: ,, ,.. ' 'It - t - , , - ' - - 1 hp the Shea riab awl Goma Ihpartatea4 who have ammo' a fish sal gams exhibit that will eater a straw appeal to al The ;Wawa times,. sad IrM park aa extra "Itirk" tar apartaater ' .,,, i ''-- -F. .., , - . ; 1.,',.;.-,:.,...: .,.: x . t.,' , ,'i. , L oh.. - - lk -- s' "! '''''' .'t' ' "' I : '' '''' io ., .... '4'. '' ; ; --' : ., t!, p, , .. - ' . '. . 4, . ,, - ,o - 't- ' n4" - ' ii, . - , - t , . ,. '' 'If ,.! . , - , IVOkil '- I - , 74.. -I- , . . - e - , . - -- , - - , 1 Other Outside Retries entries' to l - Other - , fair include X. H. Ante ' - the 1936 Wyo.. and mutton breeds) , and sou at CortaAd. Kan.. with IgilAransin 31"PerU "sleets. the Ulna omd Wayne Dome bead of Jerseys. ot Colorado SPrings. ' .. L. , Davis of Reynolds. Pleb... with- Griffin , Poultry and Pigeons. 1.., W: 24 spotted Poland China hogs. An and in the Weisenhorn ol Portland. Ore i . - even more farewy entrant LiveMork tethibitors nerd' triM sheep diviMon is Toni Patrick of with the new - . Dritarto.. Canada. With 13 bead et improvised last , everted since ' , hog and been - ,, - " Suffolk sheep. s- and Thar lair., the stirmvlpreview' year they Large rash will be equally delighted. with the snerial prizes offered le winners in the byelaw department are at, addition made for advantageously housing bargee and cattle. New ; greeting the attention of stockinen ' The fine structures have been erected and throughout the cemntry. SRO first older ones either torn down or comswards. binned with on , eMry ot many pletely renovated and remodeled. prise. assures the various - ' Rams flopprvinies psalms county herds from of the state- - Thar will be .thre The viuloin divisiotw of the Eve, that in stork swank cash other deportment are under the ',mat' moo swell ty. ranging front 370 to SO- 111:ti The AttlitriCall Hampshire Sheep year. J. M. Association is offering four coon charge of the ramie dimaimi; I. Ray , Wales. beginning at S2S, tor the Rittrheliffe ofr Ogden. the swine dipen of three best Tam iambs. in vision; Dr. B. C. swapx.ror nt it,...... this department prizes for the best ink Fork. bonen George ' ' Bawer. anat.p. and Ganrore county flocks of Rambouillet libe.reittork ; . . A farm flock, sperial ;Abbott of 'Tremonton. the poultry MO. start,lt , , is one et the interesting features and rabbit dirimon. division. Prom These supervisors are a unit in , oL the paulty,' , - - medahr will go to the owners of declaring that never beinre bin in the severs1 pad- - mach wideopreed interest been , , Wown in the livestock department try as this yen Entree are coming ledges for 1931 IhreMart in reviler and tn greeter numbers Itidgos in the various . &viziers for the 1930 fair are as And an are tree in predicting that fonowr Beet trattle. Louis Rode the 11316 State Fair will outstrip all . of California; plevirnas "zonations in livestock ford. University dairy cattle. Holsteins. Ivan Lough- - inhibits and quality et animals on of the Univeraity of Idaho. and parade. , ary , island breeds. G. E. Gordon of the Universiti of Oilifornia; homes. - Driven by an electric motor . o Gem70 C Henderson of the Colo-- maddris has been 'invented by an redo Agriculture College; swine. R. Oklahoma woman to reduce surplus R. Broad of the um e inatitutims weight and otimulote permits eh sheep. wool breeds. .1. IL King of .culation. , , Irrevi nu Fel ' - - - - - - ' asap. IOU. ' , f - - , Blany Aietteles Workiit 'llotether,To Present wort. Cornprellensive View Of Industry . , t ' - - . e the sheep divbtion; Herbert Chandler of saker. Ord. Crowd' of ' 'Hereford rattle; Mrs. Minnie W. Miller of the Thousand Sprinp Idaho; C. G. Farm.'ofWendell. Idaho Talls.'and the Sid-Wright whose In Montana. ranch Glacl'novIll. Belgian draft horses and Shorthorns respectively ' al- ways afford the sternest. conipeti ' ' . ;:. - , - ' , tn f .. - . A.T.i.ii.iiili:,).it:fTttSé,...: A 1 :Shltd'ob:- 'tlitlist' at the fair this year. In Best .045s e ,11,' : Comet! , The: , , . - s. ottaDin colmi. , , : , . . .. , , Draws Outside Ibiltibite Utah state fair lit a not only - to boot livestock grow- but to many , stockmen for caftan:ion pf animals , , thet., are champions or at least near champions in their reopeetive dosses. This M always revealed ba ' (hi entry lists of the livestock di-, vision. Among the livestock gruwera - wit have won fame and fortune in. the raising of high grads cat, Ue, sheep and swine and whose ' animals on era - bition at the invariably fair are Harry Cran- dill of Cass City. Mick.. wmner of. his Lin-many pionshnsipsa withc - - - e , -- -- 4 . . , , N., - - - T-T- 11 - ':. , "t , : 1233 , , - - , emintry. 'Visit, the 'Utah State Pair if you t ,doubt the truth ot this statement. , ,,Them you will see,,audi tothilats ' of. cattle. sheep. twine and horses-festates cotdd provide-- II but c: champions in every.class and many ofthent the pteducts of the Bow hive states farms and reap& On thah's Million of acres graze some of the finest of the nation's , cattleand sheep. They. with hop ID levier ntanibers. poultry and oth-- I ter livestock. and the allied 7 -- the Irotd 1041I big Industries.-plu'Ing industry, form a combined re source 'Which vies In importance I .1 with mitUng and manufacturering á.rnw bribe statel greatest wealth ." - ' Fair ,At' - , Draws Prize Stock- - ' - - - . Liveetocklt !Dells murk ot the , .. prdsiteri.ty ot the klermountain , - , ' ,, Fish TO. Thrill ,Sportsmen Guiiii -- - - Ana s' - - - FAUN , - Fair- Is Magnet Which' - - 1 A 11:5:eft it '''- - - 4! ' ."' . . , ', - - 26 ,.. 1117;,.;:;:.: A , !.'Gi'eat..-:iiidli- 7 , 6 : " present ..11.1-4Irill4e,-- , , , ! ' - , , SEPTEMSE:a ,: 7 . yp'sig.-.c,Lc---:,-iurti(r:- , NEWS ' SALT - LAKE:- CM. SATUE1)AY - m.---DtsEgr- - : 11- - , , , I , i8tratig . - - . 7, Salt Lake City N |