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Show ' I. TILE Ransom Money Found ... Tij- - MAN QLCAREIK OGDEN ,M'- r jr-- ' . . Waley, in his confession to the loetl federal agents, said that fwhen things beeame too hot I burned $1,000 of the ransom money. and she (Mrs Waley, who is also being held) spent about $300. In his statement, Mr, Hoover said that in all probability Mahan has the balance of the ransom money, either on his person or hurled. Mr. Hoover added further that the department or justice agents are convinced that the kidnaping was carried out by (no and one woman, and that Mahan was one of those men. Hoover raid that the two men collected all the ransom paid to release little George Wryehaetiser, son of the wealthy Tacoma. VVaslL, lumberman, and that evidently Mahan his partner about $5,000. For a Ume it was thought that Waley had bidden at least a part of the ransom money In Colorado, since the parents of his Wife, here, said that a few days before his arrest Waley had gone to Denver. Investigators who eheekrd his movrments previous to the asserted trip said he could not have driven so far, but could have gone as far as Grand unction and returned. l based short-chang- rd i Juna BRIDGES. Mont.. (API A man who scurried to cover like a fox "ws arrested by w,ftly movlnr department of jue- tlPe aKeDU and pence Chief jere Murj.hr of Butte a a suspect la the Weyerhaeuser kidnap case this afternoon. Afler questioning him chief Murphy aa.d. hoaevcr. he believed the, man had no connection with the kldnapln(f but woald be held tor further investigation. was not Te man dieiloaid fled to timber when a farmer near here saw him walking alongside the road. TWIN 11 , equid fl ti i ki 7 r x. ; ' today. lhad Officials made nth ns admitted, however, that the department of justice aa Investigation at the exchange, but did not dive lose purpose of the probe except to any that precautionary mraa-CSwere being taken to prevent a teak." RESTRICTIONS Pf.ACED wt " c. V - MTmmC f WfctfcE. I ecvvotf, OtVM i &fiNf r E xhe with a minute dasertption of William kinara'r-woiGeorge Ms-m- d Weyerhaeuier of Tacoma, cVled and theln,IaVly!. who have been hunting Mahan since Dunday he abandoned hie car and raBom money at Bmte.01 ' Ml. t la the first airview of the ragged emntry when year i George Weyerhaemer was releas ed by hia kkina pent and where he firm catabUahed contact with tha aataide world after right days of la Thr Pd t Twin Bridges from captivity. Be believed to have beta rrtnaacd by his abdactors aoaaewhere m the Tiger Mown lain toad, to have atambled along that rain soaked mod, coming at laat to the email boaM of Loria Spier. hi hJinJptaS! Spiers failed to aamrev the child knock Gooego walked dowa a little side road to the Mapie Valley Murphy said he planned to re laeaquah road and torued toward Iwaqiieh. A few hand red yards aloog that road he (saw to the Butt tor " home of Louts Booiras, who gave him shelter and tood aad then took him to Tacoma. The Tiger Mono-tal- a rood eoonecta with the Maple Valley road war milee eowth ef the Bonlfaa home, and it is cob. sldered possible that the kidnaper came from that direction. One of the theories h that the hideout 6POKANB, Wash., June II. hoaae asae located near Valley. Maple (AP) Working with the greatest of secrecy, department of Justice Identification agents were looked tin the George Weyerhaeuser kidnap "hideout house hero today, presumably gathering evidence. , Worked. AO Night Lights behind tightly Shaded EV i windows indicated tha men worked all night. Reporters were told that new orders bad been received ' from Washington to bar everyIone but department of Justice agents. Whether Georgs atm Thousands Mourn Passwaa in Spokane was a mystery to tV the public. Apparently George wee ing of Professor ruahed back to Tacoma soon after be emerged from the house, esV Anthony C. Lund corted by department of Justice agents last night. 4From (Continued Page One) Reports that the government nnd Art. and before that at the to find r Vl agents were attempting some ranaom money in tha bouse B. T. University music $ department, were scouted, ns It was believed bv waa frequently expressed in loving! local police that the kidnapers abandoned tha plana aa toon as token. Especially have the choir! Gaorga waa takan from it before members shown their appreciation! his release near Isssquah. Wash.. of hie leadership in tb-- ir unti-in- g across the state, early Jane L efforts to promote the interests of i CANDO, S. D. Jane 11. (AP) the choir as an organization, and in! MKW Michael Mahon, farmer near their social activities' v re '' ' . ' - 4 where. a he! here, today suggested the solution m, hft '1 Mjsz-fM- ) to the identity puatle which has has been honored. troubled residents here since the Director Since lt!S " first aewa federal agents were He took control of the choir. ' William banting Mahan, Csndo N. D. In the Weyerhaeuser kid July 11, succeeding the lat ' Evan Stephens. Under his Iston, nap log ease, Vrk 49 F Mahan said William Dnlnird the choir has in Js , grown nuinjcraj formerly reetdrnt here, bad once and in V. us Aha name of his son, William quality of performance. A Mahon, when arrested on robbery secret of his success was the con- - thmm i I - ir k L ketlMe' rx-a- a v V'.:: ? , 1 t ZfJ, - : AOWCVTAHCC , ....... f ' T h Mih h Hu iHr t lu, "wi official placed restrictions on the toll room, through which the han they seek Include William Dai- ward and William Dlnard. gy; messages of the agents must go. Mahon eald son. William, now r ,h supposed leak" were based on a Rumor 35 report (hat Uvea in Great the Falla Moot nr following a conversation out of Sait Lake City by one oT the UI federal investigators, a press association asked department of jus-tiagents In verify a certain report The G" men refused to SHRINERS PARADE deny or confirm the report, declaring they had no statement to IN WASHINGTON AS A e t 'H't the r at Butte Hunt en For Mahan's Hideout 5 VPvJu GOES IN DEATH en G-M- Kidnap Hifccat Region .arewncon TABERNACLE , 1935 J CHOIR LEADER move. Parents of Mrs. VI step are still fighting to have their bride or Waley, but thus far attorney tee the young tho have prevented such a meeting. Rumors of a suspected leak" la the local telephone exchange department of juatlce agents conversation with officers in charge at WatUngtoa, D. C, and Tacoma, Wash, were denied by orreiaU of the Mountain States Telephone A Telegraph company 11 Ow WMUUbOV rHKT . Quick Arrest Made as Farmer Reports to Ogen early this ease, was cleared Authorities $1000 BURNED -- flirvicv cf JUNE TUESDAY FOR QUIZ Eveielt Huggins; 31, of Ogden, arrestrd in morning for questioning in the Weyerhaeuser Oils afternoon of any eompUeilyr after questioning by Detective William H. Rogers and L. & Gifford. The erroneously marked held for department of fust ice agents was ordered held at the request of Mr. Gifford. Huggins was brought to Salt Lake City this morning and after questioning at police headquarters was releasrd. Methods taken by Waley in the disposal of the ransom money .were revealed during qustionlng today. ...... CITY HOLDMAN Continued From Rags One) week. The man, however, while resembling Milrhner, wav (reed hy police officers. ' LAKE SALT NEWS OFFICERS on SO1 DESERET y A u BY THEODORE METZGER (Associated Pres Staff Writer) BUTTE. Moot, June II. (AP) Heavily armed department of justice agent scurrying about Butte today indicated Uie federal men had definite knowledge that William Mahan, possibly with $89,815 of the Weyerhaeuser ransom with him, was holed in at a secret retreat here. Side arms prominently displayed by peace officers were an impressive indication that they expect to have to shoot it out" with dahan and possibly one or two confederates if they trap him in the hideout veteran police officers are convinced he had waiting for him here. Jere Murphy, veteran chief of police at Butte, had information which indicated the hideout might have been prepared by a woman who befriended Mahan in 1928 when he was hiding from officers who wanted him for an Idaho bank robbery. ALL ROADS GUARDED The large force of department of justice agents with the of more than 100 police officers, guarded all roads from Butte, including those to the Canadian border, throughout the night and expressed confidence this morning Mahan still is m There were definite indications they were hiding near here. searching for a residential hideout this morning although confirmation of this activity was not forthcoming from official sources. Squads of officers toured the streets, scrutinizing strangers and keepings careful watrhout on all houses Previou-l- y a house lo house search of this famous mining town was made. DILLON TIP FALSE During the night a squad of detectives rushed to Dillon, Mont, 67 miles from here, when a railroad agent, Thomas Carney, reported a man answering Malian's description attempted to buy railroad ticket over the SHiort Line to Reno, Nev. The man later was sera at a bus terminal. Carney later said some details of (he man's description did not tally with that of Mahan and that the customer finally had purchased a round trip ticket to Reno. When federal agents learned this they returned to Butte. Several other hurried trips to nearby towns were made by agents last night and they frequently denied reports Mahan had been captured and was being kept in a secret hiding place. From bouse to house Uie widening search was spread for Mahan by a full force of heavily armed federal men and picked as a bank robber. police who knew the Some investigators theorized that the sedan which Mahan abandoned Sunday with its $15,155 in ransom bills, had been serviced at a Butte garage last Thursday, that Mahan then drove to Salt Lake City and hurriedly retreed his steps Saturday when his asserted associates, Mr and Mrs. Harmon M. Waley, were seized in the Utah metropolis HAS POLICE RECORD 8even years ago, the police recalled, Mahan spent three week in jail here pending his return to Idaho for a $200,000 hank robbery there and he knew that the entire Butte delective squad waa familiar with his appearance. Thus, the investigators reasoned, Maban never would have returned to Butte unless a retreat had been prepared for him. One police source said authorities were anxious to question a woman who befriended Mahan in Butte seven years ago. Several independent identifications of Mahan aa a man seen here over the week-en- d with at least one male companion lent weight to a belief that other members of the kidnap gang were in the Butte area. George Weyerhaeuser, Tacoma, Wash, timber heir, spoke of sn men being involved in his kidnaping after he was freed for $200,000 ransom. NEW CI.LE FOUND Still another shred of substantiation for a gang theory was sfcen in' w"hat was known to the public only as the Davis angle." Mahans abandoned 1935 model (Ford 8 contained a Utah drivers license issued to a Davis." Utah relatives of Waley identified a picture of Mahan as a man known to them as Davis," but this was not entirely comlu-ivAn inventory of items in the sedan showed a Missoula, Mont, newspaper as well as a Los Anieles paper. Officers at Missoula recalled that they had a Davis in custody there a year ago, that this Davis had been an Idaho convict and had carried letter Mohan." Mahan once used Mohan as an alias. signed Outside the residential area, through Browns gulch and rugged section near the Continental Divide, G men were concentrated as well Several federal agent arrived dunug the night by airplane and each immediately was supplied j, fjare side- Nine-year-o- ld choir members, in whom he In-- ! spired loyalty and a loie of things1 rA musical. Prior to becoming director ofi the Tabernacle choir. Professor Lund was professor of music at the Brigham Young university at -A Provo. He resigned this position to take the choir baton. SSmaka c&i- rTHOUSANDS WATCH Not only baa bis time been H Ue official records of the Tlnlle school district are lo be with the Tabernacle choir, butspent for KIDNAP BLATKET IS IDENTIFIED WASHINGTON. June 11 considered authentic proof, Margaret E. Thulin Waylen, held in (AP) many yeara be has regularly taught Hi IndiaB-bea- d bordered blanket given George Weyerhaeuser, na,lon capital, which classes at the .. D. 8. Mc- '7The the Weyerhaeuser kidnanina was born In Silver City, Llall, . School of Music sn.l Art. and just ly love a parade, surrendered 8 Ihe kidnapers when they dumped him from their automobile me hill Iroin Lureka, famed mining town and not in Logan round of Tacoma, was Identified In San Francisco as coming from Lot numb, r of singing or- - !norU gentlemen Of Erected ?y th ' a,r tW" h'c" 'hp LsTrtS? or TIR of the W. 8. Libbey Comply of New York City. V rU 0e f Records shown newspapermen today al Eureka business clothes, thTnobles most popular. thejThe Mentfflcntion was made by Saa Fmndsco Jobber, who pur- by Miss Geneva He Higglnsnn, clerk of the district, show that Margaret was born Aug. laJ,around for Masons." born In K i.rnim Feb. ichased some of the lot for the summer trade. The blankets, being of arm3ih clad In bnght-hueFrom ths abandoned car authorities 1915, at Silier City, a pantaloons and I5. I"I. a son of the late Presi- - standard make, are difficult to trace to parchaser. Federal agents! I, a'o dug into a blark daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L Thulin. She attended the public school In Sihcr City until June t0 Ul0te Uied hy r ?.. --cr-,tmilaM, 1926, when she Frpen ink and die-- , behoved designed for altering wine colored on a tan background, and on the other .We the colors cluae1 Kre he completed the fourth grade and was promoted to Even street cars were rerouted spent In that clt clear a path for their 70 bands educated in the grade .;i0Msl H. Into the fifth. The family then moved from .Silver 40 for ser" m,mber an o,d ?ray suit 8 kim sh,rt and and martial drum corps and scores attended the Brigham ity. Young unl- This find rsme to light today after Silver te&nuk drill of Grandtand and and following erlty City and Eureka t Ion there he hlc residents who had knnvvn the family, ear. In' rope on this occasion, Prof I,jnd spent ih- -e recognized their pictures flocked early, lined thespectators avenue the Royal ronservat v of of Montana, l for seemed confiIflvt in Thf News. eiting schools were cloeed to let children Germany. He gradual. d"from' that 'studied under" wTillam,"simh f yata re.on',cn dent they would soon "crack eil In obtaining her marriage liornv on Nov. abow. the In institution down on IIH him. Mahan's underknown English mush tan. 2i, 1933. Margaret Rod. fellow and rreen banner In $jSrts and Izndon world friends. It wa Prof. Lund Is said here, gave her birth dale as Aug. 11, 1915, al LogalIi by his and ambloma bearing the acimltar , daugh(e. this Prof. ml Following will probably shun him as being Mrs. hi. spent widow, mother, f'ornelia George I. and Sarah E. Peck Thulin. and crescent, danglrd from build year In Paris and a ye .r in I "too hoL" Sorenson Lund; the following sons and floated from th festoons don devoted to stujv wth some and "And " on Tacoma police offiIrenr. daughters. f colored lights of the worlds grea'ct m diiana. cial sad, "Mahan can't buy a new Phyllie. Weber. Gran. Anthon H 1 0 He Today's parade starting at served from 1SS2 to issf in Hlrechel and Max I und end the hideout because th only money a.m. 1EST) was for the ostenelbls'tjie of the following brothers and sister. Dr. he has Is ransom money which purpoee of escorting shrlnedom's Church. In Pro I jnd with H. 55. Lund. O. R. Lund. A WilIs too hot to hand!" Imperial potentate. Dana S. wife and sister, liam Cannon Lnnd. LunJ and Mis John Edgar Hoover, director of Han, through the lavish "Pavilion his father and mother to H. Barnes. J. the federal bureau of Investigaof Omar." erected In front of ths'Denmark. to attend a BY Hrge Funeral will be tion. promised from his office st Houra. tennial celebration. Whll in Uu- - made later. arrangement BY HAROLD HEROUX Washington. D. C.. to prosecute equally as bad company for every person who seeks to hsrbor International News Service Staff ban. HLAT! LE Jut, 15- - (At-Mshan from Justice. There Is a Correspondent) Mahan, termed by federal agents Harmon M Mali), con'ess-- d penalty of two years' Imprisontacuma. ash., June "11 A trie 'egoist' Ot in Weyerhaeuser Weyerhaeuser ment and a fine of 414.044 for KidnapIfa-.partiia the ITv--) ransom A Is tonotes. b mother being sought any peiaon who hides ths fuhundreds of possemen In Butt. gitive. k.Jn.ipm.- tin ing Spurs Move to With day awaited for her 2 4 year-old be in the Waalimcton Mont., where he deserted his stolen tuto was It the of trail th "hot" "problem child" sine hls automobile and BW HOWARD W. BLAKE8LEE pri,-at W.u!a vv , a !0,1 iy show the blood uvi Tighten Policy (15.115 of the ran- ranaom money that led to eve tirht sand lay It against neap th haJ the new otate paio e lav. early teens to "come home. som money while eluding officers arrest of the the surface It is Associated Pro Science Science .,mcv hat telethe of this Waleys. Young eyepiece N. Y.. The son etfectue June HTDE PARK. like looking at a Harmon tomorrow, hetn is Mels there on Editor Waley. here police sali a Sunday of At the took scope. other end of the morning. x mm, .to of veins instead of and Th. renewed weight of thr "tarute books eee-a- l jrars coarse In kidnaping bv NCharges of using the malls to ATLANTIC CITY. tube sends spyglass aa J. sute prisons.reformatory ago. He is -- coming extort th 1200.444 The veins rev a: anv conbeam Into your eye. Its from J. P. dailv attending th trial of Bruno President Roosevelts Influence m of Heat (AP) photograph home in the custody of departThree and a haif ,ar ago Richard earlier it than The gestion timber peas through th Hauptmann in Fleming-toa, he human brings, taken in absomagnate and behind affS-t- a to prevent parol of Justice agents from Balt Weyerhaeuser, he a sent. n.ej to the state N. J. detected by snv mod a. diagfather of little George, were filed1 closed Ud. and fall on the ment lute darkness to discover Lake t he where City and his prison for from two to fue kbits so today an Incidental rerul nosis known.- The to- gretion retina at the back of th e before U. 8. Commissioner H. O. The dilapidated brown bungaearlv heart disease. were d wife, Margaret, confessed Fitch years for burglars, and wa, disloees onoom.ng heart atwhich sees them as a soft, ef tho Weysrhasuser kldnapiny low with two rabies. her suoun at scientific the Extortion today yesterday. where in the participation sensational paroled at the end of his mintacks. curtain of light. exhibition of the American conspiracy charges were placed George was held captive, wa loWeyerhaeuser, kidnaping case. imum term Under the The Infra-reseen bet Any opaquo at Med. cated object cal also pho'o, association. The more two th against than Is J40 Mahan, Spokane, Mr. Cleo I. Bon- and WaJeys. law there Is no nrnm-uiPraising tbs bureau of invsstiga unshow something of The and the retina, such nie, 50 mother miles east of here, by "G" men The photos have zaxed lives to a John Doe." and who for as a piece ef metal stuck in years t ion's study of criminal records o til the pafolc board fixes one of bald men Tn- - remillion, hv catching the onset of toiled unceasingly to have yesterday. Visitors wars barred ae and where the convut abductwo men accused In th , ( Will Demand Death the eyeball, makes a shadow. veal the existence has the federal officers scoured of hair her son heart failure before th Bonneed weapons o' anv kind, fhe Upon return here from Salt Lake house Tor evidence tion on Tho person looking can see nie. active"goIn straight." Mr.circles paroled robber and underneath the stalp ould he In all detected any they hope will evangelistic minimum Is five rear. even the Is tbs presl City, ths Other an it will it Waleya be distinctly, outward send though have th r planner, and had signs charged to ll wanted beto young ths kidnapers Waley early gallows. ff he has a in state courts with Inside hie own eye. dent tslegraphsd Attorney Genera' Borne bald seal pi have ;,ort conviction come a Salvation Army officer kidnaping. It According to word from enajgh to prevent a serious the minimum prior The words and the picture seven and a announced by Prosecuting At- police are convinced MahanButte, Cummings, in part: but be chose a career of crime, stubby bristles vUltle was attai k. half closare seen Is which Inter decent and dtixea year through H. such would "Every the surface. Other ar.Harry Johnston, bitter not alone when he was spotted in a starting aa a rkid burglar at 14 torney This new technique waa exare made and of ed foe eyes lead, of th Med In human parols symenc have been Waley 's case, aa he "snatch a rack-eLto machine and the racket" there. It was reported " "snatch completely tujjd beneath th working hibited by Dr. Albert be-a had served a sentence In the which wash rehabilitation of of placed la the telescope Johnston added be would de- "two other men" were seen akin as above It. with Hyman, of the Wltkin Fountween tha and the eye. fenders but at tbs same time we Idaho state prison. the mand him death tbta What mean to before he escaped. Mafor ail shortly parpenalty Kean New dation. h.,i,j York. It wee deCollapse Eom new the exhibits of of should assk to prevent abuse In hans men, former "moll" there was beths crime that has however. I. not kconn. On the verge of collapse upon ticipants veloped about a year ago as floating cancer la the Mood, rocked the entire nation. Mahan, ing sought for questioning. MAYOR IN LEAD especially la cases of ha parol, Getting the picture wa, an a result of the Eastman Kohearing the State of Washington th "Jeha Doe." leukemia, were shown by Wilbituai criminals; therefore I an. Balt Lake City, tormer boms of accident while otb-rfor e and more looking will dak company making film so demand her son's death and liam A. Groat. HD, and StelLEWISTON. Idaho, lime 11. all face the same possibly glad that yon are haring a s peels serious Ilia Waley's young wife, still was a the death of his young wif. too sensitive to Infra-re- d charge upon focal la M. Zimmer of Syracuse unthat rays in- (AP) returns In Incomplete Lew two these of roads cats Men women study point In ths Investigation. and apprehension, the prosecutor said. read print for the 4244.404 abduction of flatirons took their own picWon' municipal election today in iversity college of medicine. and raw picture, with their vestigating alt facts relating tr Heated Department of Justice agents Two confederatss of ths kidnaping tures of by their heat in complete George a show Weysrhasuser. peculiarity They the were Mavor of their previous records la ever., reported as being sought eyes shut In the booth or Dr eager to quickly "mop np" on the darkness this cancerous blood la IX Mrs. Bonnie sobbed: while G" A. Howard Pirie of the Rnyai Juriodletlou where they have beci fay J. White for hi third term These pictures are ordinary Harmon promised the last time "Egoist" and hls henchmen, have homes and men searched several persona, said never to have Victoria Montreal. apprehended or paroled." Bread apartments la their T a wide net for the capture hunt to hospital saw him that he was going to been detected before. In these CHAMBER HEAD PASSES photographs, but they do not The trick waa don with recover the remainder ef Tho telegram, dispatched la' IX many of the blood colls are show an ordinary person They become a good citixen. He most of tho fugitives. Armed with ma- 'he ranaom onmonev. waa Hooeevvlta Is new SALEM. Ore.. June 11 (AP) a Mr, dev ire to It night, show th person as he would were ready to Into bad company chine guns. Haploid," that la they have hay gotten enable a person to ee Meanwhile, federal agents ale kuowu contact with Washington aPd h. Hulsey. 41. president of q out it If the eye could see 14 Instead look with fight chromosomes Mahan again." and only the a i-of metal er other opaque forInvestigated a report from th calender held no engar- , - Salem chamber or commerce Th "bad company" according unnamed accomplices of the usual 41. quarter of an Inch below the office at Walla Walla, snonta today and be expected I eign marticle in hi own ere d last night from a heart ailment Several additional agents left Sheriff that It la on ef th first bits of to Tacoma police, is William Maskin. - In a Dayton. to resorder the a Wah, af which he had auf'ered for a help speod th last day physician han. es acre eelle another evidence here To the Infra-re- d may bank that and for by Montana plan and taurant proprietor raw Wash., rays the locate It.' w homeconriag dtspeetng ef auvli aedyesr. a man he He ram, here when 1 year he abnormal fa chromosomes, whoa true pam. la said to Utah points last night. ruber, human body Is transparent to 1 to be believe, The device a small spv. Mahan at l:X4 of age from Lanntus. Texas. which are tha gevernore at be William 8. Grant police added reports, WMI Mahan has many hideouts p.m. such depths, and these photo at hls establishglass ia effect. You shut on ' ' ironically that Watty probably Ms ta th glamorous frontier country ment. yesterday heredity. , ' re Y-- I e. b Sr dear-'mus- lc ' g cn m,r, u d --J- ,rrirr".!!, reSSgi! .... bunr .h.nto kss C Tear Stained -- , sur-.ie- I.-- Mother Awaits Waley s Return on-in- Co-n- PAROLE PROBE GIVEN PRAISE BY ROOSEVELT NEW PAROLE LAW MISSED WALEY Wcj.r-haeus- . Swiss-Germ- nv-si- lo. XVil-lh- ie Ai-h- u. Heat Photos Show Persons Minus Skin Scientists Exhibit Device lor Reading Eyes Closed Tight d Wu-le- 11.-(- AP) "'poit-gradua- - to - -- , n, -y ear-ol- blu-gre- d gray-haire- r K ys ld en four-d-i.'rc- m t A |