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Show ,. . - I - t I 4 : ' -. Scouter Named Conference,. 7' The On . , ,. ToPriesthood. SoftboliConimitteei , 1- h - -- -J- - - -- AC.0. -, - ' I, ' - tCJ,.. , .. "'..-,.- .,, .. . Medical Leader.Praises 'Mormon' iIty '1 - L - .k 4, ... .... ,. :-: k.,:::.,,-,::'''"- 10 -- , ..: ... ,,,,,....,:..........: ..::.'....' i .";,...;.,',...:',;.."..'.".'-'","';'....- .I... Vt. ; .'' .,:.:: ..,,,'. , ,.. I'',. ., - .....' 4 . , -, .......;,...:- ........... ,E..,. ( ..., ' '' , - f --- - ,' 1 , StoiehoilseoPlan- ,e"...4:1' i' , - é .....""..,...;.1',,. .. , - '..'":....;,, , ''''. ,..44.,, - - ,, i, . , - , ' - - ,,.' ... ' ..........',....., ......... , - - ' .,.,......,..'1,......................,.,.".....''...:.",......"..... , Vst - - - ,. . ., , - ,- ;i,.,::::,;-;',';::.:,':,,-,;- "" I 4- s ' .., ''..;.. - ' , ; tO,-- I ' - -,., - Hundred and Twenty-eight.;:.....,,'' ;,,,' ..,,,, ...". Of the Church- of esus-Christ Latter,day: ib, : ...5 , Saints, to which all Church members are invited, will convene 1 ' '' Dale, R. Curtis, scoutmaster , in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake, City, Utah, Friday, Saturday ", '', ' 1,,,...,.. .; ..", ' ' , of the South Highland Park i' and Sunday. October 4th, 5th and 6th, 1957, with general .,.....4' .4' ' - . 1 ' . 1 Satur- -'1 C. , ,-- Highland, Ward, Stake, , sessions each day at 10 am. and 2 p.m.' ,.'',""...,,r- -'- ,- v, -- ' -- 1 day was named a. t f' 'il:', , The General Priesthood meeting will be held in the ' ', ''', , of the I. .2 1 member .,,, - tOttaitt,...' .1 Tabernacle on Saturday, October 5th, at 7 p.m. t " "'' i ' ;:',,.....:.'....:;:',7.:.i Church , ; Priest,: will I be Sacrament is understood that It Meetings ,f-. I h o o d Softball , . , held Sunday evening After,the close of General'Conference..:7.1'"" a. - thsiCFut the last We ,t; :Meetings be held ',Mk,' . ; t ...',., ,,,., , II I s . appoint- c h ,. , ,.., , Sunday in SeptemberSeptember 29th,except in the stakes ' anment was Ift ''. in which- quarterly conferences are' held on that date. , -nouneed by , those stakes; Fast Meetings may be held on the Sunday 4,, 4ilw ,i, I Clark N. Stokl, following the General ConferenceOctober 13th. '.' if -. vice chairman of ,, DAVID O. McKAY, I , ', t h e committee ,. STEPHEN L'' RICHARDS,' I .4 a. of which Elder i CLARIC.-J,:t. REUBEN J.' : Dale H. Curtis George Q. Mor-I The First Presidency ris, of the Council of the Twelve, :,.. , Is chairman. was born at Salt , Nov. 14;1914; to A. R. La Heine Curtis. On .., an : Nov.19, 1941, he married Muriel in Morris of Stillwater, Okla., ' the Salt ' Lake Temple. The ' have two ions and three daugh- . N under-sempresh,. ters. 0 ; f' dent of the Aznerican Medical --Assn., addressed the Utah State ing in 1939 from the University he of i School of Utah Business, Medical As a n..,:s C. MISSION Paul CALLElder Child ACCEPT fedthe of was '.. a special agent A I this week in Salt will preside over the North Central States Mission, eral Bureau- - of ' Investigation. Lake City. In the in Oklahoma ' ceeding President G. Eugene England. He will be accom- City, N: course of his re-'- ' yr' ., ,nied by Mrs. Child. and Okla., Honolulu, Hawaiimarks he. - -1945 in to Lake back Salt City tribute to He 1945. in he where I, resigned Church Wellareir-Coal -- is managet11 the Curtis - - -CO.. z-Ine , GunSaid Dr. fp He served in the Netherlands dersen: ,,N':: Mission. His Church services! 'Yes, there are 7:,: : v. also included member of N indeed many' ., I., ...,1 have Ward Elder Paul C. Child of the the Ogden Twelfth Ward, Sun. sides to, medi- - Dr. Gundersen the South Highland Park School stake Sunday General Welfare Committee, day School teacher in Silt Lake cineIn the budgeting of future bishopric, medical costs, in the cornmu- - superintendent, and previous to satakday was appointed preat. City, elders quorum president that a member of the board. and leacher trainer. . nity's task in attracting a doc-- j Since 1955 he has been scout- - dent of the North Central States - in - On disas Mission he with retired 31, in a Aug. doctor's' in headquarters activities tor, JOHN RONALD SCHAERRER his community, yotell notice master of the ward and in May Minneapolis, Minn.Viewill sue- - trict manager of the Railway this year received his Eagle ceed President G. Eugene Eng-- Express Company ea- -- sid to president ending that I advocate people solving of badge. He is also. a Mast er land, the First Presidency said. reer of 48 years with firm.' their own problems to suit their M Mall Mrs. Child, a theology teacher During World War II he was circumstances. Civil Defense Zone warden a in the Relief of the Society has long been ' Grove Ward, Pioneer and received an award for his Poplar the' backbone of American deStake will accompany Elder contribution to the program. , 10 !Child on his new assignment He has held membership IAN. velopment, and taking 'care of individual problems the responPresident Child has more the Rotary Club and Sons of the than 37 years of service in pa., Utah Pioneers. . sibility of the individual. Child was born 'March in California, Utah and sitions of responsibility with the Stakes amyeryjuchimpressed in Ogden, a son of 1892, 31, 1 2 The he Church. Past years with the "Mormon" storehouse . Wioniint'Will hold genealogical has been a member Gen- - Lester, Aaron. -and Emma, Good-al- e of the Elder John Ronald Schaerrer Child. plan approach for solving the conventions this weekend. eral Welfare Committee. Prior His wile, Diana Fallentine of the Wells Stake High C0111- - problem of taking care of the At Bakersfield; Calif., in the to that appointment he served ell was sustained as second needy. Here is a working exam- Masonic Temple, the Bakers nine years as president of Pio- - ,Child, was born July 27, 1890, in Salt counselor in the stake presi- ple of doing for one's own with- field Stake will meet at 10 a.m. neer S take and seven years Charles Lake, a daughAr of and Amelia Jensen Falwas a counselor in the previous and 2 p.m. lentine. She graduated from the dency Sunday. He succeeds out destroying eitherself-respestake Before his presidency. San of Stake California Diego 1Salt Lake High School. President Fred A. Rohlfing who or initiative. will meet in the stake halt at stake assignments he spent nine A Home Missionary as has moved from the stake, anof the "The storehouse plan coordi- 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. years bishop Poplar Grove Ward. - Mt. also Ile served Mrs. Child- has spent two President- - Nicholas J. nator, Arben BerRubidoux San and summed Teerlink; narditio Stakes also In Cantor- - several years as vice chairman years as a home missionary, - he when said: up Two - new high councilmen We encourage people to con- nia will meet at 10 a.m. and Lof the Salt Lake Region of the- five years as ward YMMIA president, several years as a. court-- - and two alternates were also duct their homes on a business- 1:30 p.m. In the San Bernardino Welfare program. Served As Teacher Trainer . selor in the Primary Association sustained at the afternoon meet- like basis, to avoid debt, to save Second Ward Recreation Hall. ing. The high councilmen are money, to have enough food, Lyman and Woodruff Stakes He has also served several and teacher in the Sunday Orin Freebairn Salisbury and clothing, and fuel on hand to wino meet at 10 a.m. and 1:30 years as a member of the board School. Her activities have also presQuinten Andrus. Alternates meet long-terp.m. in the Woodruff Stake i of control of the Deseret Gym, included the office of emergencies ident of the Edison School and N ear. as at YMMIA In Evanston, Wyo. Building superintendent during the war she too, served President Schaerrer is a naIn the tive of Payson where he was ,: ,,,, talk for which she was given , born Aug. 12, 1907, a son of i r . .. a special award. - I, John Henry and Nellie Richard-- I The Honorary Golden Gleaner son Schaerrer- .,) Award is held by Mrs. Child: was gained-- - in 1,,, ..,:::. - The tion:,.:1.,..,..:.,71,2 couple has six sons and schools-an1.:;,:.:,..,.,.::,...::., Mr&IThomas M.: C ....:1.70......, daughters, University. 4''' ' of Cerrito, .N. If.4 i ,,,?..,: "I He married Frances Amy ' t 1 Mrs. C. L. Paul F. Child, Calif.; ..) .'''''i'lf''''.. I' Brandt of Eureka in the Salt i, fs,;':t;' :5:: ''t ,i ' i ' (Emma) Sollis, Carl Robert 4.. ;V. Lake Temple, Sept. 18, 1933. 1 ( ;Tv.. ..7 Child, Mrs. Daniel M. (Loretta) I '0: two ,4i Theillave daughters Locke and Clive S. Child, all of N., 1, Elder ,..TA N Salt Lake City. They also have , ; served on the Riverside Stake ,'..7r, -; i granatliMren. same that ..;.!, Council. In High to the for leave ,.. They expect ,,,......,..e. , stake he also served as a bishop . ,, it'' mission- field the middle of OcIn Nebo Sixteenth Ward. tober. Is, his- - moving to Stake prior t tu4T.'''' ':' Salt Lake City he resided in the .'I. ! Ii ., f; i) '' rd , , Church Gets Attention t where he ' '.. , ,,,.... , :. l'' 0 Payson Fourth-Wa1.; ) '1))' , 441 NP;....... .1.1, .. 7 ...N.7, , served as bishop, second coUn- ' Or- i ENGLAND NEW 4,.'4, 'ik:.:7 ' ' "T z r' as in the bishopric and ' k I'' 'r !.,") .0,' .'7,.. i k ..94vN . ',,,k, .,4tNts:,,,' laboring in the Westbrook 21. ' of the elders quorum. ,,, toviLit,147( !,,, ,;;,,,,,, ' ; otg,,,,,'' 1 out of Portland, area, ' has - taught classes. in , the :11.1:14, v,:.-some good ri have '...,,.,,', received Maine, wz I .,, YMNIIA, Sunday School and t. ,?.: .;'7" .. t b e Wettbrook ia publicity, ' I Pt i 'V" 1;' 7l' ";.'i '': 1 American. g ': '1'?ft, An article Dick Marsh In . :,..4.,.. ' 'f ',,,, 2011, he also has been em ) ",.. i I ,.: ......thenewspapf-toldotEld-by 1,..... 14 g Lonionti, I ,, ,,,,,,,4,, all ployed at Ft. Douglas, by Taylor , , ' Marsh Poulson andElderKerk' Brothers of Provo and the alt neth Jackson and their missionHIGHLAND PARK ' EAGLES CLUB., Lake and Utah Railroad. aryNservice for the Church. It Scoutmaster Bert Bullock of Troop 73, Highland Park Ward, Highland Parks Stake, Is Indicated had a, clear 'Welcomed into the Eagles Club as an honorary member. He has 'Just received the covwill say of the Lord, He understanding of their religion d .. Is my refuge-aneted s award given annually to the outstanding Scouter in the district. With him are and gave a'short history of the my fortress: who have won the award during the past live years In the troop. Tlfey Church as theelders explained , my God; In bird' will trust IL Accompanied by pictures ofl '.,-For he shall give his angels are, left to right front, Lowell Hunt, Keith Hunt, Dennis. Hiatt: Dennis Hyland,- er . Ted DeMars. to Keith. and airticle charge-ovStan the two elders Back, Hiatt thee, keep thee,. DeMal,:s Jr., Craig Bullock, Bert Bullogk, Roger. ' ' ' In all thy ways." Psalm 91. Peterson, Ted'DeMars Sr., Danny Butcher. pointed out that they inter- ' rupted their schoolingll serve , , -, -- - Week Ending September 14, 1957 , 6CHURCH , as missionaries. , Sethi-Annu- -- ,- - - !' t- 4151-five----y- -- ;- --- , - sue-assign- . . -- - the!. , o'D - , ---, New President'Selected For N orth Centrat States Mission - -- - ,. : , . . , , 1 -- - 1 New Counselor Sustained. "Self-relianc- . e - Genia gi cal Meet Set For Weekend , '-,- - - in-Wells:ta- ...er ke - - ' - -- , . - - , -- 0.-Clar- - k, - ,self-rellanc- e - - - - - : P-T- - ute.Orant-Oraff-and--Joel-Jolle- y- ,- , - 7 I - - - - - d - - f .: .::,, ;.- - - ::, - , , -1- -,,- ,; i,. .:, ..;.:;',.::;:,--.- .:.,,:,:,,,,,I,,.,.:..,..:i..,. , , ' 'i ,., .,,..,11:i 4 ''-p- ': 5, ..,,,, ,,t ...:,, - ).' ',.. '',',, , r...),,". ''''', ,:' , 'ill',71,-;Ir""'"1"...:'- , ..., N.-.- -- pi ,;- ,o0,. - ' ly -- pre-Mirs- li ,.: N4,. ,k, - , , . , - -- .. lk. , . ,, , . - - - - 0 , - n I i Ait-2'71-1 .r-7-, y ,A, A'ak , ,,, .,..., 1,, -- "...,k i'.,. .1:'.. - .., , , , 1 ; , ... ,6 ,'.." - :''' just :.;, ,..,-'- k 1 ,.: ' -,- .,..,, ,, t ,71" ,.,, -- i - -- "';' :, j -: - , --- -- -.,. ..-;- . - er , - - they-bot- h 11-- -- Eagle-Scout- - , - - - -- , . ,Ike --- - - |