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Show .. . - ' , , Salt Lake City, Saturday, September14, 1957 DESERET,NEWS AND TELEGRAM, - . -- - - - - , , --- -- . 'I - ' , - , , , --I ' - - - - .,,, , ,. , , , - , , ' , '. . .. , ' - , , , . . 1 1 ' ,' - ' ---- ",,,..,,,.. i 1 . .4, k ' , ' .' '- ' - ' ,,. , ,k a . , , , , - - , , ', .. ,,; , , ,,,,,, ,,,,,.. 1- i , ,3,...---a--------- ' , .. - .- ...! -- . - , , - '-- , i , ,' ' ,' - 6.- ,, too., , . -- . ' ., - - . , ' . - , inVited guests and residents of Grand and San Juan 1 '' - - . -- ' - Second Largest - -- - - ' ' ' ' ' ' -.- 1 - I - 1 -- - i - -- - - - - ETC . - -- , -- 1 f 7. ,, - ; - - - the-priva- ,i ., ',.. - '''. ' c,.. - - - - ,. : ,, ,, - .' ., , - , - I , - ;.- ... ' - ', - ,,- ''.' --- - , - , 4141rIr' 0i .c - -- ,. ' . ,, ' - ,: , 1 t , t - employer. , . , '.-- ' - - ------- toe, 21 ', f' i c ' Yairs.T ' ' CCMTECUS 'i ' ' - , ' i VI &Wed iiimple - Iffies i i , :-- ' ' 1' Ant ' - ;el 1,kro '4..:',0,' 4 . - ' - k,1,1 . ' i ' '', - , ' ' ' - ' . - 1- t' 1,,..t , , . j , , - . - , . 11 ' , , ' , , I , - ,, - A..' k, , ,..' " .. .,,,, ..... - - a - , '. a . ,,,,,, ,,,, . ' - , - ' - , ' ' , ' - ' ,, '''',. ' , ' ' , . . ,, , -. .,, - c .0' '',,' .. " dwP , 1 1lbit), n III Itathre-Jack- Alle thru '' ' ; 7 MINING L - 2.2 , SEPT.- y , '1 i:4; ' on -- s' it.- UTAH'S e - (I ,: , I I -- " ta ll WITH PACKED INTEREST 14fralc - , - - I ,, :,, '11' ...- " b''' - - ' , . ,... .., . N KIDS4 DAY; ' Monday, .;,,, I en mnus cfp,FEATV25 11 sushTioNAL Dive Act, , N Utah's Greatest Midway Am v14. r ri , 6 ' ' - - - -- - hb,- ----- - ,, j 4 !1-,- : 2 ' 1 r,li It Dr r4, acL.ff..Ly.0,,,,.,..cANr - ' SMORGASBORD SERVING FROM ill 6:36 111.116, - .'''."'''.."1 - 113001:1. . . .0 - ' . . - SALTLAICE-cIT',. ( 1:211 i am. 111 UNCLE SILL'S . --- - 5- 01 dantSt DENNIS ' ti ANNOUNCING . ' . --- ,: - , , . , .? .. 1 ,. r - - , - , WA DI : '' V -- "FRISKY"----. á kora limant - ,,f,t,i , - I ' - , ''. . - ' ' ,''''"' "' I P'.14. - ' . . ra,,,,,e .. - 25, 1 p' JA. ' 446, . tria,76:41:.;:i:LS12 .0IrtAn: - i,,,..Z.: UZI Doily -. All - -, ,LATI St4v01 SAMMDAY 141011. ..- --611,01mik 3,,s,witwir ol.4 644,,r1r. -- TO 3 A31. , , 1A ,..I C e-t- - ,. .. 4.4- - DAILY se ' fov:l4,,i'r'4fiat1411'.: metio..-- Featuring: PILAF . kora It. ip - SHISIIKABAB . c - toiAl ,, PEA:YliPANII:Nt .,,,,, . , . , -- , VITTCRIO 'IPA'', ' USE ACTION IAD s,L'PEN ' ,..,- 1 MIT 611-E---I- na - --Ir. 2,41 At GINA LOLLOBILIGIDA - CONTINENTAL FOODS - 0 ot -- ioss . pApillitlols,, n . DIN:a1. , , - - , - - . Chiktrom iELL 711 I . 604-664- 6 to . .. A vi"l'ilds c...ell'eaml , I ... P.M. MOM ISASSA. . I ' 2 I , ,.. , iF cur BOUNTIFUL-l4- - BELOW" 1.I.,1ewire"1.d... , A c t,,,e,,,,,, Pio" u 1 c6 Val' if 4,..eyeeLt 1 4, . - , el ort.,50 --- , , ..,t - Now,-"- onalliD;D:ANTINEI SAffut2411IN.D ! 4 0 , tillull ire - C11,--NA- o,... V, .,,, ., - , . KEW , t? JamisonHi . , ,,,,,. ''''. Ii , ,, , .. , VITIDOil OAT 1 '61114 al a de7 1 I f ..... ...... ENTERTAINMENT . 111 - ' EDUCATION i ge --- 11 . , - : , -- it et a ,41' - .- 0- .."4.---'- .-- - 0 by : ' . .4 ti.;::::::.,::, -- - - - :;1 . 11 ) -- ' --- , , 1.-- ,..e-"- . ,,,,,,r,.., 1 In , FAIR! t d .. - .!....'..:..:::' '1..,d r' U St .. i 4 ,,,, ., I a - " it I liciMKgin - ,,, -- - ' WIN D I, , -7 i,,---- DA -- 11 ('' a ti v enture 16 , i i i . 1 . : - ' -- . IF It'allt Admission 115e, Children Under 12 FreeNU ' - ' : - nd-breatutaxing- -- , IA op11 6:30, starts Desk N.,,,,, .. 4 ,v lp, - SALT LAKE SHOWINGS! 1st - .., -- . Imo Parking Mier Alloy a I 0 .,,. '''''''''"'" --- - - 4i, . a til a 'A ...... , jajag, r g1 e . ' ..",,",.... I op.11345,1Pos Amy two Children 23. Any Time - - - , - i , GREATEST --- - ,h ' - ,, N li"-- A,,, NAN .446, - idl mAScope . ito..,, 1 ,:,.. TROL&I with his hs8 of tricks. I j ,... I' no iliPs tilt abide 1r ,, , . ' yi 1: I . , . ' .: , r. . , .1 , e ' - .' ' , . 1,, ,,,..ipitstu II7Est. . ,. ' , II set et t 1 , SEPT. 13. .. , ., , 'ttyi'di ,, r. , , . la.' Skinumm;.". , - . -- , so tough he scares nobody except hiroseitt ' REVIEVII il , . - g Hes . N . , ', choir Titimi . . a ., , ' s'',,: , - '' ' . ' , ' lir Tr E - ., FAIIGR111113- - . ,, ' , , ) ' -' fis.,,,,L.,,, ,. , , , , , , ,,.. ' , flI "It ' - . , 1Ili' - eial . ,,,, , - - .. ii " : - totlt e , -- : ,. ' - i .d t' ' t, - A , , lc- , ,i , k - ,II , . gram' and activities; Charles F. liolsclaw, 2722 Yuma, member. Pl.-tr--. 1 ship and attendance; LeRoy D. 1M fl 1 Simmons, 1107 E. 'South Tem. a pie, public relations and adver117p tising, and Henry J. Riggert, 1180 Millbrook Rd., advisory board. ' , Capt.-Jimi- ',,, ,0, ' 4..,,,,...,,,-- - -- 1 ny 4 ' 1 -- . 1. - , ! , I , - in-acti- Buffalo Bill Jr., Sept. 16 , ' .. :,, ' 1 sl. , , i 0, r , -'-- 7ts---t- I .. - ' , , --, i . I ''S , , - Appointment 'of four new committee chairmen for the Utah Chapter, National Dèfense Transportation Assn., was an. nounced at the first fall meet. ing of the group Friday night , New chairmen are Joseph C. Crosse,' 1380 Wilson Ave., pro. , 311:D INDUSTRIA" EXPOSIT1011 IL SAMS' ,,,,': ' t 1.tstlimen4RRDINVIIIHOZRIA ' C L.' '' ' k.A.1 ,44.i - ''., ,., -, '0 ,,!.,,,,. .,-,r, 0,- ii t'y fr , a - , ... 6, ''-- ' , . ' 4 ' ''',,, ,z;: . ' . , , dt--' pe'difr; ni7Minir . ' t , , Squire-Cita-th- , - - - , 1 a,, I ' NS, ' ,4 10 - - 14 ;Aiiiiis,,,,..,,,. 4i,- A ',, , ' '; ' - , SE3YICE .., , - ' , -- - ,i ' and QUANTITY, - , 1 - -- , Old Fashioned Cooking , QUALITY 9 , --- - an-Cle- -- , n. , - 7,', ' - - - ITALIAN RESTAURANT - - - 3 - ' I. . , DaUN ' - ' JcilicitinirliChibits ,. ' 4 s e . .., -, y Defense Unit f Named Chiefs ' - - 4 1 10 ' ''' , - second floor. , ' - - - ' e e - h..-.-- ... Gli,i, - - -- 1 t a , two-stor- - I' INDUSTRY -- -- . , . - 11 ' team-workin- I,. Jr.-Tracto- r ','- - !4,1 -- ,,. - . , ... - s, , , . J , ,, I , i - ' 3f., ,,, - - - - Mown. two-famil- 17 and ', -- - i ' . , s . . , . - - .: . r . , ,, ' . . 1, . - . . ' t ' . - gratal01: -- 1 469-47- 1 . ' w ,, t'aa, ". IL ' - 4 , . - , ..(k,-...--77- . ,.,.. I 3 - 4 , .16 years of age, slipped away from the Utah State Indusidal School at- about 8:30 p.m. Fri Claud Pratt report- , , day, Supt. e9 Saturday. Supt. Pratt said that they Were on the play field in the evening just before time to start getting ready for bed. He said they must have slipped behind one of the buildings until the others had gone- in. The ' boys weren't missed until a count was , taken at bedthne. .. , I 1 '',- ;, 1 - - OGDENTwo boys, - r -- ' .X1 - ).-- - , - ,0 - .. -- 1004-,- , , ' A Escape. Industrial School ' , - , ' ,,, - urwo-Boys- efit . ' . ' ' ' , -. : . . . .. - 1 , , ,,,,. ' ert-it'- , .. , - i-- li ' Mystery-Fire-- - Damages la- S.st.Duplex --- ' '' ,, ",,,'"ua, ,- ,,,,, - - 41 , --.. - , - --- a ' , ..., ,, , a - , former or act ,. for mention. Skaters like Jinx Sawers- Jean - cTaeardicie,FraRnukdiye .Richards, Murray Galbraith, Dorothy Goos, Tommy Collins, Kai Parent and Ted Roman are as accomplished as anything on silver blades. Faul Andre is a - skilled skater as well as a top , - I Pt 4-- :, . ( i f k tolias.shit icgtee stouwt 3,,oittl:s ficAsult s -,- - - , ryPa,Imsecer., ond, -in the mucking contest. - -l, 'a - '0', - ,. of natural wealth." , '''3I1p1:1 He called on the Atomic En..! AGRICULTURE' 7.' Commission to con"either lab, ergy 1,,, ,., sets tinue its guaranteed price for ,. It A. , uranium production beyond the ' . i)1-y. g a 4. .w '6 Plerr , presently set limits, or else re., Iii AO'. ' - - 'a 7. from rim,: 4'40- - A-znoyetheiestrictions k ,, tie , ai 'Lit rnercial transactions in uranium 4400and let it find its price level on i it I the open market." Gov. Clyde added that he con' srdered this important to a R sounder and better economic .., climate for the future develop.1 d' , , rnent of the!uranium industry., ' - , , .. , , ' '' This mill is exCeeded in' size ' , . : .'; I, , it. . and capacity in the United ' ..' ' ' States only by the uranium r F.F.A. :,.-mill. Grants, N.M., .operated by ', Contest ' .''-- : ' ' ' '. , : Anaconda Copper Co., ,..L., Arabian Show Moab, which has been burst-- , Horse A . ... ing at the seams, business.wise, , because of mining and oil con- on Ice Holiday -- ditions, also was bursting with! P ) pride Saturday with the formal! Seabright's Hi Pole Act ' ' ' ' ceremonies over for its largest. - wmeraervrnaviEmd nd - , 21" It mining contest old-tim- e - ' : ,; :: ,' , 4 ,,,r. r '1! MIN ,. fwiirnstn,erati . . - ' , - 28.9-cents- .i,2emageolt , N- .- g .., - Other sec- - , - l'ROGRESS BY YOLI .... ,..., ..- - , '. yr. , -- . ' - Earl ,DeCol, 1Campbell and lond. - - - --- --- - , - .. .. . :' ?. H Clyde Speaks Gov. Clyde, In a brief talk, said, "Utah is only at the begin. ring of its greatest era of re, source development, in uranium as In its scores of other sources ..,.' . - : . r ---- --.--- ; - . - financing; for this extremely important industrial venture." ..., . te - ' - art Lib- - Nottne811::LIter . : 0- , I FriMayorAdieL day signed proclamations setting aside Oct. 12 as "Colum. bus Day" and Oct. 24 as "United Nations Day" in Salt Lake City. of the Nicol famify. - -- - old-timer- - Mayor Signs 2 Orders - 6,,,,, at the civic center and on Main Street for an party. Winners in Friday's spiking contest were David Palmer and FLarryz: Gilmore,Lfirst I andlLS. folks"--gath- ered . k .- --- fed-era- . , ther I , - ' - - ,. " Glamour Jeers are- - the , . ,, , ,' fire of undetermined origin , ,, , groups. And the whole A burned the back porch, razed thing is Woven together in one ' two kitchens and burned speedy, skillful exhibition of Richards and nx . . Clark SPECTACLE-JiICE Rudy IN In calypso scene from Holiday on Ice, one of the Matp through to the basement and fantasy and beauty. . at the Utah State Fair,. upstairs bedrooms of a One new performer especially -- . ,dwelling at Juniper Ct., shortly after noon Saturday. ,' , -No occupants of the :- , ' house were atthome when the 2 19 711642 ed ,. help," Dr. Floyd M. Anderson, blaze 'started at about 12:15 p.m. Cartoons administrative assistant' said CR . . Fire fighters battled the fire ' , Friday. for an hour before bringnearly t'o14 , ' 5? 44-a- , .." 651 1 Sit.: rd'. Dr. Anderson has been em67: f.1 - ing It under control. I ployed by the State Welfare ) ' expected - to was Damage ( Commission to .organize the amount to several ----hundred dol,,046....0", , marriage counseling program. lars. 4 ND e, ' .A.s of Saturday he returned to ' FEATURE One unit of the house waa oc- ' his regular work as a faculty Ka, ' s' -- Amnia tbaOsvez in' ono ',,!I the Alma Kinder famtraeta,,., cupied by , 17 l'"frell member at Brigham - Young funniest esse tithe Pictures ily and the other by the owner elPe r6 University. of the home, Lynn Palmer. 41 roBEI? 6 tem He estimated that from 300 to f T The fire was believed to have c.,. '' 400 cases in Which divorce pro. 14111, on a back, porch, burnstarted ceedings have been filed since into its interior the of . way ing the new law became affective both kitchens. The flames also SIOlih 14 will be referred by gkitrt$ tie ;1 May " 'a last , ate their way through the floors .. the . marriage Into the basement and through , districtludges to L' . counselors. the ceiling Into bedrooms on the Rig oadataat It was still bargain day for Salt Lake area motorists Saturday as local gas stations kept trying to undersell each other. Independent operators were selling regular gas for, about ,25.9 cents per gallon.' Prices dipped to 23.9 for several hours Friday. Major oil company stations were selling gas a cent or two higher than the independents and m9tor1sts could find price tags from, 25.9 ter pe gallon for regular gasoline. Dealers were hoping to see the lengthy gas price war level off soon with some "changes for the better" for local stations. Trading stamps have disappeared from many stations . as dealers try to hold down costs. Some stations were offering the customer a choice between staMpS and a discount price. Most were taking the lower priced gas 'without the stamps. stations reported. , esratImarogrkiviat.; and "o . - , . recton- "I wish to commend the man- agement of this new Moab In- dustry,"- - that senator saidtfor taking the financial risks and - ' The perennial tl.tah favorite opened Priday night to-- a 'capacity crow- d- It will continue through Sept. 22, with evening performances at 8:30. ,..'every night and with matinees at 2:30 Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. It- la- scheduled -at 1, 5 and 8:30 Sept. 21, and there's even a possibility of another matinee be. . cause of the crowds. , Before the parade, at 2 p.m., Marital Aids -- , -- , event' that y rest of the show is. It's worth the price.- of admission just to see this little sweetheart, who must have been born on skates, take her turn around the aren-a.Howard Pearson. four-year-ol- all-ne- two-da- . , War Colitinues . - -- - - , .. well-know- NICOLMembers .P Vto'bils1);e. , Course Service Of . , government facility. - - Gasoline Price , - ., ' ,,-.- ,,,,,,,,,,0-.66,,,,..- -ay - '. " -- ,.,:, , - , '" 4t. ,, - , S. ' - , teyna Mitchell Melich, young attorney and president of Ura-- -- 41wo- Salt Lake men were . ilium Reduction Co, introduced' elected to office with tlie Provo - : officers and .directors of the River 'itt,iter Users Assn. In a ' company as well as .distin meeting of the board of directors guished guests., , Friday afternoon in Salt- - Lake-City- . Responses Made a , , I, . , . Response to the introductions I. Howard was A. 1583 Young, by J. Yalecrest given Nelson, -- was nained vice president, Ave., A. and Lane W. Adams, 1601 Ar.1 lion Co., and whose prospecting lington Dr.,. was elected' toN the - find started the whole uranium board of diractors. business booming Both- - men: take positions fer., . The guest speakers were Gov. I held by A. Blair Richardmerly ' George D. Clyde and Utah's sera son, -businessman Watkins. V; Arthur ior senator, . and water official who died re. E. II:Snyder,' Salt Lake Min, cently.. ' ing man who is chairman of the , Mr. 'Richardson, who served board of Uranium Reduction, on the board of directors for introduced Jesse C. JohnsotY, di20 years before his death,. :taWmaterialsdivistoli, nearly w:as paid a trilmte in a special Atotnie Energy Comthissiop. ,. olu tion passed by the board. ' , , New Mill , The new association officials ' In his address, Sen. Watkins are both Salt Lake businessmen . labeled the new mill as the "be-- and members of the board of di, . ginning of a southeastern Utah rectors of the Metropolitan WaIndustrial development . . . that ter District of Salt Lake City. will rival your great potential Mr. Nelson is president of the , for development as a major Nelson Ricks Creamery Co., and ' Mr. Adams is a vice president tourist center." 7 Sen. Watkins went on to out-- of the First National Bank of . i line the use of federal funds due- - Salt Lake City. . ', Int the past four years to help- , , meet Moab's increased populaFAMILY REUNIONS ton. He praised this use of ! monies, but was pleased IIIMINGTON-SMILTODescendants . -- that the did not go of George Allen and Elizabeth Rungovernment --- --to and inston Eliza Robert and Antenna the- extreme- of building a Skelton, Edgemont Park, Tooekk 22.10 a.m. Bring own lunches. Sept. in mill as Moab a processing -- ,,,,-- .6. , Water Group Moab ' - ""'"' '' - at-45- , . ' , .. - 2'So t lokers Nomeco. - - - - - Howeveri--the-lites-here-Sa o.', - -- . .:.. -- non-cred- it around ;,9 million,' has been crushing and processing uranium ore from the neighboring Big Indian mining district at lull steam , since last November. ,. t Urday make the 'work Official. ' ' Over 1,000 persons attended There were top - the ceremonies. , :nen in business, government ' ' : , ' and civic affairs from all over -- - the country in attendance here. - ,4' '3" , y - s - -- - during the Galena Days -- arid leading the parade will be Joe Ann Anderson "Miss Galena"; Pauline Pantalone. "Princess Copper," and Joan Arritola, "Princess Silver?' A dance at the civic center at 10 p.m. will conclude the , ' . 3 - . - -7. , , - ----- g hone as PROVOTralning for ward . librarians of the Chtirch of Five marriage relations counJesus ,Christ of Latter-daal, Saints is being offered in a selors appointed by the state marital had have many class at Brigham ready s Inoblems placed:before, them alYoung University which-startone office has been each Monday and will though only as openeck yet continue every Monday until , The Salt Lake City marriage Oct. 7. , Mon. will office open ' The class is- being given counseling E. 4th South. The 5 day Ahroughtheextensionadivia, Piovo trice will open-- tne-, Mon Of the school and will be lowing Monday,. while the Ogtaught byGloria Jensen, mem- den office in the Bon Marche ber of the BYU library faculty Building second floor. already is and former stake librarian. ' ' The . class will center dis. functioning. "We have been amazed .at the cuksion around the organiza"lumber of tion of the ward library and ready have referred clients to Its facilities and equipment the counselors and the number of couples who have sought ' United MOABThe second largest uranium mill' in the here rites dedicated morning. Was in public Saturday The ,mill; built by Uranium Redustion Co,, at a cost of ', , To Be---Given At Y. ' - , - - - - - " By JACK JARRABD Deseret Wiwi Business Editor ' - ' - - .,, ' '"; - ' - - a. , t -' 6,aaaa., 'County attended the ceremonies. Prominent men in " business, government, and industry Joined in the .celebration at. the "Uranium Capital of the World.". , Training - ., ' ,. " -- to-th- I net. .,,A,..,a, - --- ., . Ward Librarians , III U-m- ill - - '2,'-' - , A - ... , , . 0 , -- : ' , i 3 - , pm., at 5 t ' won the plaudits arid hearts of the openingnight crowd. She d charmwas a little er, Debbie Williams, who skated and performed acrobatics with per dad, Johnny. Good as the I - the lower end of Main Street and will wind its Way up the narrow thoroughfare . , .,.6.,0,4,c..00....0-',.Pb:.-0.;00t-- . S.' - 0.- ,, ,,,,,:,, aa at .,',., , , . -- - . - ,a,,, - a ' a' , ,.,,. . , MOAB MILL DEDICATEDThis is Uranium Reduction Co.'s $9 million uranium mill at Moab which was for- mally dedicated In rites Saturday morning. Over .1,000 - s - . s - 1 1 1 . , , w Fantabulous, the word coined by Robert Strom on television's $64,000 Question, almost describes the new edition of Holiday on Ice, one of the Utah State Fair's top attraction- s;-'Is The Ice skating extravaganza----fantastic in its production and In the,dexterity and ,skill of Its cosperforniers and Its tumes and settings are fabulous. So the only phase of the presentation that this new adjective fantabulous doesn't cover is its comedy. And there's plenty. of . ,.' - - i BINGHAMA giant, hour' t long parade will cap off Satur, day's closing edition of the 1957 Galena Days ,telebratimhThe ' , . . t , - opIiiitil.P!'.1--10AliO-thqi.::TO.:.40::- Lillignamfcs ival paraaewill begin at . l It - -T'' . ; - . , ,4 , - ,. "- ., ' : . j, --- - . ).. - 3 i , . . . ' . , , , ' , , . 1 1 ' , - , - ToCIixiiii - . - .. . Through Fair Saturday Parade Continues , - . , . . , . , , -- - -- . .s,; . - |