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Show THE I 1 ' SALT DESERETJJNEWS - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 1934 - p W V? ' 'rp7 LAKE CITT j, j ..fxiA.wjA State Studies Plan For Public . Shooting Grounds NearS. L. Snows-Expectedl- Facilitate During Doe Season d . r -- "Believing that such a duck aboot-TB- g paradise for tha rank and tile of sportsman awaits only consummation of th Dear Crook project Commissioner Newell B. Cook of The state department la investigating tha feasibility of procuring title to drainage water from . that project. State Gets 20,000 Fish Consignment Farmington Bay Land Club Site Warm Water Species To be Planted in ng . kill In Locomotive - There were 24 permit holders in the camp pictured above. elk were taken out Twoaty-foUpper left a typicat elkladen pack horse picture. Top center Warden George Cox in charge of the camp and ardent hunter in his own right. Top nt bull, right Brush Weight of Spnngville with a Bottom left C. 0. Claudin, Spanish Fork, displays a four : ur j,o six-poi- ' Pletfl by U Kay. fftat Warden. .pointer.- - Bottom center the camp, on Jiebo Creek, back of Mt. Kebo. Bottom right Leonard A, Brennan, Salt Lake county chairman of the Democratic papriy, Salt Lake, bagged this five point antlered monarch on his first day out. The Neho preserve is considered the most easily accessible elk bunting area in the country. - . Hunter Bags - ROD AND GUN Big Bull Elk "By Mack Corbett" A LETTER ON DOE QUESTION UOTFD herewith Is a rather pointed, if slightly pungent, letter from a Utah sportsmaa. writing under the hum de Near Salina re Plenty of Land or Will be 'Available Prize iFreniont. Man matter that hsK'niade thespottiBS' plumPiiloPet'-OBThera are neither crappla tom headlines during the past week. Il is reproduf ilin futi f.ir .wiiat With bream Locomotive or In any other port of There ta as much land available it may be worth to column readers: o . the stale for that matter. Footer as would he needed tor an Spread 1 believes that the water asd feed Is there . Edita Rod 'and Quo. Ideal xnavwh, the commissioner er ideally suited for their propaga- plained. The farthest point of Thw Deseret New.. Nov. acj Saturday tion, and that socially the two spec- feasibility Deer Blr: would bf only 10 tniteai B1CKNELL. ies are amicable enough and usually from the heart of a of nine party After reeding ell the hullabeloo that hex been raised about Fait Lake, aod fraternise sufficiently with bass to the nertwou!dof be seven miles burners returneqhrre at tbe clove rhooting doe deer ln thl, state. I felt an overwhelming desire to keep from being gobbled op besome ideas of my own oj the matter. Hence this letter. oni of the season vent tncreaaed The flow water of hunting fore attaining sufficient site to A, a humble sportsman whose heart, like the poet Bobby draining: into the Jordan river from elk with mx bulla as trophies. All fend for themselves. la usually "In the mountains were of the Burns' fine land animals would the deer.' it Irrigated large, amplv take Use State Tasks care of the proposed ahooring and were hunted down at the head!t seems to me. aftr eohsidering the arguments for and against Most of tha fish will probably according to Com n Union-e- r of Salina canyon. shooting do, that there Is a good deal of unwarranted popping be transported in state tanka, al- grounds, A Whopper Cook, off on the subject from that ciasa of gentry whom it pleases me the fish car which brought ' sportsmen. One especially fine bull has; - though to call 'Wwivel-cliai- r them to Utah nuy, cany a load to Aroused much Interest throughout HITS AMATEUR EXPERTS Sewage Decomposing" Idaho, Fooler said. tilts section. It weighed (00 pounds The Swivel-chasportsman is one who goes about the earnj dressd. and measured II feet ln Plant Is Advocated ing of Ms dally bread In some lucrative office position, and who SMOKING MAIN jitmgth. Its horns measured tnreei takes time off. in between sleeping, eating and private working n diameter and had a spread j Aa an alternative measure to "hours, to tell men whn devote only eight or ten hours a day to CAUSE OF UTAH 'acB- - The proud captor Vhs problems of big game supvrvlson in thla state, how the deer vide Water for the projeet, theetat'of fo'lr Fre-ie hhis Milo of of Pierce j herd should be regulated. prite advocates another department FOREST FIRES plan, which would Install a I understand that big game affair In this state are handled Some Experience WASHINGTON. D. C.; Nov. 21. decomposition plant at the point! by a board composed of a representative each from the state de- - ' A man doesn't fee! Smoker enured It. I per cent o( the where the eewer crosses the jor-- t anv tool pertinent, the forest service, the cattlemen, the sheepmen and fire in Utah tart year, it was dan n wt,h nim1 like that; tha state sportsmen s association. 1 understand that thla five-mit would.be a simple and'h3' learned at the Forestry Seiwice to- moreriver, board has been evolved and set up by legislature after sanitary matter to divert thr'I,unR,,1 toward him. ltut once he! day, and campers 21.1 per cent, down, believe me J kept my! water Into the marsh land! years of unsatisfactory relationship among these various faccaused 11.2 per cent ofi sewage Ughtninf I was' was until sure he nf of the ftree, epark from railroad en- tr. course. It had tions. Moreover, so near the meal in the handling of difficult Igoing to stay down," was the sen-- i Sines 1,2 pet cent, the burning: of properly filtered. livestock va. wild life problems la the Utah big game board. I Other cilif-- have been using debrie, 4.7 per cent. Ihcendtarlsts. by itr. Pierce.; am told the forest service has held it up as a model for other cent of the A, per cent, T,,o fires other hunters the in per party' states. plants sue- were caused for miscellaneous, and sewage decomposition Fremont; and Hu installation would 'ven': Theris Nielson. PROBITY OF WISE COI N MX per cent were of unknown ori- cesrtully. llorniel Peterson. Myron Guvmon. not benefit c; only thousand, Now... it seems to me Itist sny .CPBree of arlinn jwhich-th- e gin. i "Taylormoyd f the 1.63 M 51 acrea. of land fiportamoBv imt as st samtarv irn- - Arthur Brian. bord game big representative as it undeniably is of the wises"d Ben iink-et-and needing fire protection In the state, provement Is inevitable, it Is point- - BUcYburn. of Lmost expert rounci obtainable along the practical (not Ed cent Dr. .erhoff and sre BrinkerhOtf of out, protected lines of big game administration any action these theoretical (.407.-2- 8 It was revealed. Of tbeagainst fires.pr iBicknell, men deem .advisable to take ie something us common sportsmen acres of forest land needing can faith our in; even if the "reform league 84.8 place cent are protect per protection, can't- Of the protected areas, 8,04ft DOZEN SYRACUSE ere were burned, constituting It's all Just a bit beside the point and. to me. slightly about .88 per cent of the total. The this hue an dcry about "wanton, needles - slaughter." HUNTERS GET DEER ; asinine average area of each fire was 47 2 And aa for killing a paltry 1. (88 female deer being a "mortal acres, and the cont 1.48 per acre. blow to one of the most valuable game recourses In Utah." as VRACUPE, BRIGHAM CITY, Nov. .20. Two! Nor, 1 There were 18 fires on the on from Syracuse returned Ilk has put it. it sportsman of the swtvel-cha- lr at thrn,mro per cent or 148.608. scree of unpro- member pari?, Hiver bird rrfuge, have becnirom occurs to me that Idaho has been shooting does right along with each tected forest area. The fires conValley with a ne Cm mm sumed a total of 1,29 acres and xrrcstc'd the past week for shooting aD bucka during their regular hunt tng season since I don't know story. the party was bo disgusted a white swan; The penalty for such ber aosts 12,420. when. Yet Idaho this year enjoyed one of its most successful of $2S,l hu he ahot at Ms deer and missed,, Last year's fires showed a de- a misdemeanor is a fin hunts, according to the reports, something like 22,888 deer bethat he threw down bla gun and ar ease ever the preceding ing taken out. t gaie chase. Believe it or hot, he average. GET OFF HIGH WAT 8 caught It by the ears! While everyKtvunt ROUE IN CANADA one held hi breath, he held the Wasn't It !n your column that l read recently something about : toEW)B IV C4V1D WH-PTh, gsesall or eras duck, although The rsdhead is a a dock. If deer. Utah's haring more deer per square mile than any state In the SOlsttvely inronapiroooa. Is sttraettvo at gathers at time into Irontensa flecks . In the party were Delbert E. Wil Union, according to forest census (figures: and that the deer In is C. W. 8med!ey found It Leon Waite, Vnh Ibo Old with the camasbaek er liotw, in p$k. ejefto rang. population had increased from ((,884 in 1828 to 74,888 In 122 Wand and Kortk tn th.Ut Wi of fretu water. Ira aatpmer homaiElma David Thurgood, tar tiniiftf from Anrk. he wrong, but at that rate of Increase It's high time (ome. outhwaaleni Cm4 ia1i sottihreetem Canada and the Grant B. Thurgoodr'Earl W. Dahl t tratm Mexico, thnngb not krardln nortweatehi United State, aeoth te Ke Samuel Cook, Leonard Cook. A. thing W AS done aboiit thinning the doe herd In congested areas. , aootti of tba ualtd States it la neat fcrakaa. and H winter erntra1 eouth and te Esra Lastly, but not lesstty. don't yon agree with me that WarThurgoed. and BamonMM in tha Great Plates tm. Mexico and Florida. den Amos Eckemaf Idaho had tha 'right, idea when he said: . Ralph CriddJe. you're got to get off the high ways to see the true condition of Toure trfily. game." ' . w PINTO PETE. a 600-Pound- Wild Fowl To-BeiL By Program Plansi.For1 Scattering er 10-d- I on! -- ! i ir j fort an I expr-sse- d (-- Tc-v- -- d - 82-- 1 -- Bngham Nimrods Bf-a- dt-e- ! live-ye- ar -- , A- Isn't This The Lirnil? TIiey Hope il IsT For Birds Grain Mature - T HE Bure a of Biological Sur-- 1 ivy plou to furnish - grains for scattering 'on Its wild life refuges in Utah this winter for the feeding of wi!j fowl, it was learn- ed today. f s4 71 '4 , Ujk r - ' V N fj. 's - . (4.-21- -- Brown Bear Is Suicide Victim Black-Taile- d Deer Must be Protected Rteek-tet- tf mt icr ttmtt ft tU Pacific ' tfec ncir Irnnid cease laMstaliii (rent A laka te eeatraU California, ear the America li ftbejr Naier ' AeeocUtiea. Bet ifflMf the rank aretrth of tall erne uft ether plaata that emr tbe forest fleork They are ettailar ft m1 fees he um the same type t breechiiMr antlei ABOUT SNAP JUDGMENT ead lerye eare. hat ther are emaller. feature Is tbe -- 8lNT0'3 letter obviously reflect the other, side of the doe The dietinfutebtar tlrsly Week tail Whom the dees retire t a aedaded ylea to taiee their Awe killing question. Bather violently, perhaps, but basically his or 4e the eeat three idee are sound, and give a much' needed airing to an angle on reddisb-brov- a. spattedhatyoea.hca the dulmale aatams in tbe eeme toffthtr the question which seems to have been overlooked. their eoeU hare chewed te the Uvay, winter. There is one angle that even Pete overlooked. It seems to greyUtftbmra af " aariers In eaHy late On this department that a'much-neede- d refutation of statements prlxf. They theawhile their nailers rerent apteade g that an jiMufficienLamaunLdit: lnvesligatiiBa..icenL-inl-o iboattabr fait- srawth. Thaer" deer travel a heat at aiihii rest ley dvr of open Reason on does was long over-du- e. One prom- end ic th dyll4d hears fa. some well spot. Tha itoftted hahHat inent official even went so far aa to say that the proper amount sheltered nwhee It siciMsry ta ! adequate of atudy was not given to the matter of reducing the deer herds." preteetiaa In ardr ta prsvent iiUie- This Intrigued the department Into shedding a IltUa light onto tlAW. lust how mneh study did go into the declaration. It was found that, far from being snap judgment on the part of tbe big game board, itj eeems that approximately four ye are of exhaustive atudy hj Orange Olson of the forest service and Randall Turpin of the state game department.- both experts In big game matters, went Into the mat- ter. sport5tnetr liave new explanation for absence- from home er week-end- s. Their wives, or sweethearts,. art just sealous duck hunlerg as they are. iitr . - u ..V .V The board then carr felly oooa Idcred utUlsatioa of feed without waste, then personally betook the merlvre es a horseback survey of the Beaver country hi question in March, 1122, aad aguia on August they inspected tbe urea where starTstioa had occurred. Foaslbly eomeoae was talking throwth Ms hat, when he says the killing of does was not given, sum dent deliberation. v v a a Holden "Bene are three feminine nimrods .out In blind at Burnham's cjub left to right Mrs. A. W, Dniney, Mrs. llazen Exeter and Miss Betty Gitsch. t m mt HTPEK-tyc.BLACK MALUB0 IN TRf KAhT Hadaont dock af th rivers and Tha hlnrk dclL er Mark mallard, h lake f the n Mt te the c:nm teal aa af tha Bbusdant darks mf ear eaM ays theAeflcaa Katsr aeeertetlea. era state. It ranis ex trade ta Mudeoa It hreda Aarth ta aaathweetem Caaada Nay and LahraAor and aoutk ta Texae and ala Saethlaad nartda. thaeeh it daaq. aat breed aeatk af Jiacth CnraUaft. . A South Hunt May be Confused to Pinto Most of the remaining 420 permits lasueq to date were for the Beaver mountain section In tbe vicinity of City Creek near Junction. Lem than 100 permit of tho 808 had been requested. Unless more than 3(8 ask to shoot In that section, Commissioner Newell B. who left yesterday for Cook, Beaver to personally supervtso tho hunt down there, says that hunting will be conflned to the territory near Pinto Snows Expected to Facilitate Stalking CommtstoneT-'CbOk expreeed the opinion that not more than a (0 per cent kill would be made 4n the Beaver aad Pinot districts, but held out higher hope for hunters In Holden and Wasatch. The . recent snows vrili make tracking easier and will greatly facilitate spotting" j the - animals Too. If the weather Is sufficiently cold, most of the animals will probably have been forced to the lower elevations. Insuring a kill for those who are early, on the scene and their sufficiently skilled with According to an official of the bureau, comparatively little grain was raised this year on the 4 . acre of the Bear River refuge, weapons. th 1.921 aeres-of'tb- e Locomotive Springs refug- -, or the 14.018 acrea 50 PER CENT DEER of the Strawberry Valley refuge. It will be necessary, it was said, HUNT AT BEAVER to obtain additional grain to keep the birds from starving In great on BEAVER. Not. number. tha final check-o- p of tba deer It plena to obtain this grain on have not yet been given (eft out. of the but BliffhtJy more than 1.109 hunt through the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, era registered at tba station her, which obtained as samples taken and accordtnjr to Let West- - game from commercial lots of grain for warden from Pay son. who was left for final checking work, about federal inspection at Its various her 90 par cent of tha hunters were station. The Federal Grain Su- fortunate in bat fine their dear. pervision of the Agricultural Economics bureau has stations at OgPINTAIL to JJtAST LKSDira den and UpoKsne. from whence' shipment vrilt be made Into Utah, On-- of IS larerr aid tout knows of it was raid- tho sorfaeo JceUlOf decks ooro or lo ttoo pintail. Xfttero Mogasino, .rrift taH, numcroum in pirli ol one Wilt it lohntolto both Eurepo tn tho lattor rongins North Americo. from tho Arctic euat to Panama, but tn winter wot north of ooutbom Canada. It food, lth- - tho mallard, tipping op with toll tn air In a Hallow water t. atrr pi.nl rrarh ;ta food of atafa, New Mexmollnaks. rruar.ee ana and Iftaacta. ALMAGORDO, ico. November 24. (AP) A bear In the Three Rivers section .apparently committed snlride- - : Hunters found the carcass of a huge brown, bear, hanging by Its head from the fork of a tree, one branch of which had bees clawed nearly In . two. fill ) Wasatch-an- d Wyom ing Is Un willing To Trade Sheep d. ff at-th- the areas where 208 and 180 permits, respectively were issued. The Wasatch permits arc for either bucks or does, although a preponderance of bucks wilt probably be taken out. The Holden permits are for hornless deer, and most of the allotted number of animals will undoubtedly be taken out over the week-en- - 'The plan as out!lnedby Commissioner Cook calls lor the submission of blue print specifications already drafted to tha reclamation bureau in charge of tha project, along with applications for title to run-owaters that will drain Into tha Jordan river and L'tab lake from the proposed highilne canal th DwT Cn,k vrojetL The Approximately granniewarm, and of eP wm the JordaR . bream for distribution In Utah, river, and with the water that spills warn reported this week by Fred J. from the New Stats club wilt district supervisor be utilized to flood gun foster, western hundreds of tha U. & bureau of lisberiea. acrea of dried up Farmington bay for The fish era flngerlinga and will land adjoining the New Slate club. be held preparatory to planting. In If- - the bnrean of reclamation the U. fi. bureau rearing ponds will give us a contract on ibis watnorth of Epringville- They were er for the purpose of maintaining brought to Utah from the federal a duck marsh,' said Mr. Cook, it hatchery in Crawford, Nebis likely that the fish and game deshould Thrtvg a partment will be able to In addition to bans; of which large area of state land develop north of Isstock tn a good there already the New State gun club and eart , Locomotive Springs. Foster expects, in Farmington ' bay as something to plant large numbers of tbs crap-pi- e to he utilised for the public the warm waters bream la the and common gunner. 1208-act tha two lakes In west Box Elder coua- newly-complet- ed - The season, a nine-da- y shoot declared in four small, but congested areag of the stale, was decreed by the slate board of bi game control after four years careful' study and deliberation, as the only means to thin out in these areas. to prevent greater loss from starvation this winter, and fo lessen Jho burden on private land owners who have been boarding tba hungry animals in the range denuded areas. u Tbs stats fish and gams depart-- a ment expected a hundred per cent - - i - - ment. . ' ECENT general atoms having deposited considerable snow in the mountains, upwards of 700 per raitees began quest ef hornless deef. and In one ares bucksritfday. confident that they would ''make good thejf? ri put forth for a special license, , A PUBLIC duck shotting ground within ZA drive of Salt Lake City and having facilities access!-,vj- .. bleonly to those owning private dub shares at the . present time may be an heretofore mmwfita honefif nf. Creek-Uta- h Lake Irrigation project- under a plan to be launched shortly by the state fish and game depart r - 750 Permit Holders Seeking Quarry in Four Small, But Congested Areas Increased Jordan Fib w From Deer Creek - - Project Would Supply Water the-Dee- To spcnninrs i:eac quarters ' row 1 AUTO and UMBRELLA TENTS Waterproof Canvaa Camping Equipment MftYaHvvni All Ktw4mmt CAHVAf KOOD9 SMITH & ADAMS tog EDBOI ITMR Cook Seeks Big Horn For S. L., Weber Counties TGMING state fish and gam department will be unable to supply UU.1i with Rocky Mountain sheep ill exrhaags for rainbow trout, ring-nec- k pheasants or any other typo of game, according to a reply received yester- W day in the state fish and game offices from Robert A. Hocker, Wyoming game commissioner. Cites Trouble On Nov. 18, Newell B. . Cook, relative fo trading Mountain sheep, which Wyoming gam. de- -. was a parfment trap, for planning some other character of ' game from Utah. I am sorry I cannot encourago you In this wrote th Wyoming commissioner. "If you knew the trouble 1 hare. had trying to trap these sheep, you would say I se rsing poor judgment when L even started It. v Du Nous About Trade If w trap them, However. and I am Inclined to believe wa will, w are. going to move them to Sheridan county within the state, and 1 mi very dubious about mountain Shep out transporting ' of the state. Commission ir Cook Is endeavoring to secure mountain sheep and reantelope In a campaign to plenish these diminishing species of big game in the state. He planned to release the mountain sheep In tbe higher elevations of Weber and Balt Lake countis. a gut aal CART EXRIBCT8 HAL even tn tho oorteg ronopicnono talamama atoged for tho ban of or tho rtm maftrr. ,nr tat, not rvbtbttios of markamaosbip Cary tho ftneot ahot to tho ma Inna lanky ai- -r thnr plctaro colnnr. 20 ward a. and SIS shot at 109 yorda. almost porfoct ocoro. la yordo rooking Cooper. Undoubtedly h rtflo with dory aaa s new tslescople Bight whleh ho recently and which ho elaimo Is th mat occnrotoly bored largrt gun . |