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Show t may oHS 'Vrw y V '4, TFTB wee T1RSFRKT -- VV-- w '' SALT LAKE - CITT TUESDAY MliVESINUTAH Irrigation Methods For Different Crops CUTACCIDENTS plNRAjBoardResigns for last O. W, ISRAELfiEN VEAKit effect fcdernl eontrot o(j, be, KennedV. formerly a trader. itmsy cut down tlie mgntl utative volume but 1 can see no effect upon natural prices and no harm to legitimate business." CONVENTION SEPT. 18 WEST JORDAN. Sept. 4. The West Jordan stake Relief society class leaders and teachers convention will bo held 8epL 18 at 2 P.m, at the West Jordan chapel, says Brest. Mary B. Pixton. COMMISSION READY ORAH LABOR OKEII 'marketpfwould TO TAKE CONTROL OF, MARKET OCT. 1 HTDB PARK, N, T, Sept 4. Utah State Agricultural College (AP) Joseph Kennedy, chairThe Irrigation method the use of relatively large streams Says Too man of tbe new federal stock exIs Influenced from 1 to i or more second-fechange communion, today reported in Utah and other mountain p to be irrigated aa well Much Power Means to President Roosevelk the comtea. In parte of California and theNpature of the aotl and mission would take over eontrol S. Bureau Reports In' a by SGpde Authority Refuses Accept Johnson Order tbe abundance or the scarcity of tba Arizona as high aa ten second-feof the vast eectrritiee market on are used by some ini (store water supply, . To Refer Prices Oct ease in Fatal l and he added he saw no Washington Be- Sugar beets and potatoes should Cereals are irrigated by flooding harmful effect to legitimate not be irrigated by the flooding border-stri- p &" ditches, field from Tore They Take Effect . in It - RITES, KEPT. 7 Mishaps POCATELLOi tOAHO. Sept it la almost always harmflooding, end by the oorrugatlon method En route to Washington to comRIVERTON, Sept 4. The WSt A them-ful to a a shallow water and rule, Constitutional Where (AP) rights and furrow methoda rules Jordan , stake and. the wltl hold plete regOtatlons. Primary is plentiful, flooding (from field furrows or corrugations era best liberties were upheld by Senator Kennedy said th vital manipula- their graduation exercises for all MIA confronted WASHINGTON, threat ol A lower fiopt. -On suited to the needs of sugar beets, and more favorable fa ditches usually predominated JnV Labor Day tive regulations would be drafted 12 13 and Borah fcJUJsg defiance from the nation's coal dealers today. William E. girls of rto and furrows the of b needs was deep rate attained i. ,1 The the other band, where water la very potatoes The the next week or so. th stake at the Riverton of the solid retail dispute that resulted lengths of the fur- address hers as tha Weapon by In Asked metal mine limited and expensive, grains arf ment T, what at t hall, p.m. fuel code authority was over the method whereby Americas L'lUah by Bept rows the amount and of water to which the average man ad woman during 19I8, reports to the United by the border strip or the' run tn asch of tho furrows -of keeping warm this winter is to lw determined. are States Bureau of Mines method. I believe that Influenced now provides tori- the type of are to win ultimate seeuri greatly t Ho f NRA code by from tha mining com oorrugation tn more tbe merit Is much there soil Speaking before', au assemblage by the slope of tbe tend. tprice-- Ixing, but some do have the! panlea for 1933 showed that SI of the 'corrugation method for Theregad f provision that It ruinous price ware tfCSCC rTVZJt lNQtnm.f mines wers In operation and that use la seldom. If over, advantage under auspices, of tbe Pocatello than is genof the grains irrigation In the use of furrows longer than Central Labor r going on. an emergency In s .237 men wers employed. Acciunion, tbe mllltent recognised. 8 49 mile) and on most soils Idaho eenator declared that govern-- i particular area can be declared, dents among the employes result erally Boll conditions Influence tha it to Is .Das shorter ie 74 minimum better The then deter probably ed in elx deaths and price Injuries "such as of the method of Irrigation j arbitrary power When Irrigating sugar mente of Nazi-lsInvolving one day or more of dis- for alfalfa, as they do for other furrows or CommunfsmNl Fascism, beets or desirable OHa ble- - profit" .of ''repremaHatlve" is it potatoes As of workmen. tho Injured ability The several' flooding meth- to avoid having tbe Water accumu- offer only "hunger and peonage" T concerns. th total period of employment- or crops;' " of late at tbe lower ends of the fur- for the ordinary man or woman. oda are used-- in the An emergency has been declared A heaping bowl of 2, exposure of tha employes to ecu alfalfa and other fdrtt Irrigation crops much rows because this frequently causes He asserted there was no need' !n several areas, and tha question national risk was 3,014.931 man- more than with cultivated "to be greatly disturbed about, crape. flooding of tho plants . Corn tbs minimum price la Flakes Kellogg crunchy crisp, and cool milk, hour, the average fatality rata for There-ts- , t think; too much-- hesitan: com-labor 'tn tbte country 'going trot be eettfed wlthln tfade area, or all mines active In 1933 was 1.2 Irrigating Orchards then added; most of our. Irrigwtioi Vhat breakfast a these treat s lAa Wsshlagton-b- y ICRA'a research of exppa-ur- e cy among Methods of orchards per million of Irrigation sultry days! But It does seem that labor; fanners to try to Improve the meth- aro ot spectai Interest and imand the average rate for planning council ought to make It increasingly clear : Too many Quit In Protest Injuries was 94 48. - Similar od of Irrigating alfalfa- Undoubt-7 portance. Irrigators our labor are Amerthal problems rates for the previous year were edly tha water application efficien- "seem to feet that only the soil near ican tlugh B. Johnson two months ago to b worked (jr J ordered 1.4 S for fatalities and 94.34 tor In- cy can bo Increased on many farms the trees needs to bo wetted with out problems and are proposed prices referred and soundly adjusted upo the methods ot in . K RA JTfflrst to; before becoming ef by improvement water. Of American juries. VALUE year During' lrrlr(tlon principles and la bar-- , Xfective. The resigning code The. average employe at the Irrigation.- - - My nearest neighbor, a unusual 'drouth, like 1934, there wrote hlnrthat the code mines worked 282 days or 2.24.1 few years ago, prepared for Irriga- may1 be some justification In limit- mony with American Inrilfutlons." esa s now emasculated by NRA" was liburs, very close to the average for tion by the bonier strip method, a ing tbe amount of water that is EA futile thing." the previous year which was 282 fiveemere tract that had for many spplied to tbe tend midway belaet night years been Irrigated by flooding tween Jbe treerows ofyoupg, or-days or 2.1 8 S hours. ;?The1r resignatione -ghards in 'Whlch there' Is no Inten-- ' sttl,.tis.4siy -that some ot our nearby farmers cropping. But as a matter of and divisional unfatal the nonfatal In with I administrator, Injuries A. I "administrator. and with 5. 'jpM&r fidcrg round operations for all mines criticized him at that time. Indeed general practice, -- especially for Lynch, admlmotratlve officer and ljr,ak (except coal mines) was some of tho criticism was almost mature trees. It is no doubt best sV f,)n 138.47 per million of ridicule, but I have heard no critt- to moisten all of the soil at each ; highest blueto eagle executive they Surer able reach. exposure to underground hazards; clsm during this dry yeasof 19J4- -- irrigation so that th tree will Z. By each the authority members ,?!ths rate for employes in surface on the other hand, some have ex- have an abundant volume of soil wore fold that the Johnson order Ajshops ands. yards was 13.61 per mil-- j pressed the wish that their lands from which to secure moisture and lion not were similarly prepared, because nutrient elements. be revoked. In parts of Asserting ryrould 1 SaR 13.00 dealers were affected, the 916 SOUTH MAin county employed more they see the advantages when water California, tbs spray method and' 1 BROADWAY mn than r other county and la so limited and so hard to got. other special method of irrige- mnplalnanta said In tbeir letter ,,, 5 had A lower accident rate than ; at reslgnstlun: -' been develoption of orchard have Submergence Not Harmful 21 the average for the state as a tact hope for effective reTh use of these special and ' 4 Temporary atrbmergenceof alfal- ed. whole Dr. John IL Mott sults baa just been deetroyed by the is not hamrful, as a rule, but more expensive methods wiU be fa These prices effective at once at all three markets. announcement that the provisions .A a result of his fruit growers tn the, s . time, submergence sometlmee helpful to states. many yean as a Because of shortage of this long 4n their efforts :ef this code may be modified at mountain M. C. A. executive be Y. to harmful. proves In the very missionary, year peanut crop Queensland Twill by NRA without prior notice to to combat serious drouths GROCERY DEPT and diolomat, Dr. John R. Mott oi manufatureni jlave been permit Irrigation of relatively compact imdad consent of the Industry." Montclair N. J., haa been norm-te- d by the Australian- - gavernmervt pervious soils farmers sometimes NRA Replies .Jr MELON BUST NEARScovered wlth walera I ionr inu of Kernels long time to force ifrr1 ...ff NBA. Officiate ..rejoined ...that pated for the JCopfl . It to penetrate -Stockholm advices state. 4. The' Sally Johnson's order bad been promptKA.N03H. (Central Preee) delegates from 22 nations who con- the soil. This practice la of doubt- Kanosh camp,Sept ed by numerous complaints la areas D. P. will hold U. ful value because of the probable ' where minimum prices had been stitute the high council. scalding and other harmful effects their monthly meeting tn tbe town geC npi notably In St. Louis and Her selection meant that the on the crop. Cleveland. They said the prices Thursday. A melon bast and high command of tho army had Alfalfa and bay tends permit ef park program will be featured. Jin been fixed without considering fV to the Booths reverted five after a aufflclent number of. Arms, and Grahams. . . years. In the Interim General Edthat both dealers and consumers ward J. Higgles, who resigned- rebad complained that chargee were Pure Fruit, cently, ruled the army. i too high. It Is predicted that the army-undtel 2 lb. Jars Members of tbs cods authority woman first Its commander Hew Salvation were! Roderick Stephens, Army Con- will cling closely to the principles 6 tr?0Tk, chairman; Milton E. Robin down laid General William by trol Returns to Chicago, vice chairman; g sea Jr., V. Cans Booth when he founded the reBeck, Bt. Louis; Wll- tflarence enter-prlz- e social and service ligious -- Founder Family- - llam A. Clark. Bostpn;. Charlea M. 18C7. In .VWfrar, Raleigh, N. C.; Edward B. to "he elected "1 didn't 9c Tomafoes Pffrpfs, So, 2 Hi Cams Jacobs. Reading, Pa., and John London:, Bept, 4 (ap -- The general when expect I left New York,' she - McLachlan, Pullman, 111. Salvation Army will go on with said. Or, Pont 15c Toastlrs, another Booth at the head of Its She will return to tbe United Large Pkf. Xrl States, but plana to come back to enterprises. Prices Ones Effective At ISilk Lex Toilet Soap 3Bara Evangeline Booth, (I, daughter the world headquarters here. Evanof the founder of the organization, geline Booth has been leader of hhoIsB waa elected the army's command- - the Salvation Army In the Unitea Be 20c 2 pkgs, Maxes KelloKK'a.wheat 47 (States, yesterday by th COFFEE ' ? t fr? M V to to that i farmer selects 1 : et ll. IdahoSenator eone et - btAi-ne- as 9- s A.-- (JlP) s. tt reveal.-Report- n n s ar 41-- think - of it I - 1 ''Th. CORN FLAKES man-hour- Inl non-fat- al - IKJ Season's 810 - 2; I man-hou- man-hour- J -- 937 EAST he o BEER n, I SERVE AMP CAVE 1 I THRIFT WEDNESDAY BARGAINS WEDNESDAY, vSPT.' 5TH Fresh Milk Cheese Root Beet FrfrH t Malted A Wonderful Country "We have bad auch a wonderful Country to develop and until we were so little governed, so lightly taxed and so Untrammelcd to ftie in the giving of free-pla- y 'marvelous Individual Initiative ot Hour people that w took our gov-- t eminent almost as ' a matter of bourse as we did tbe sunshine, the sea-I rain, and th j Sons of the year. "Elements antagonistic to Am-- 1 are not so Inj Oilcan institutions or Idle." ho - asserted. ..They are ever at work. They are l.never off tho Job of umlermlnlng 5 the faith of the people In their In Country, in spreading unrest. rousing discontent. In stimulating those CPreJudtce, envy and hatred 5 passions out of which revolutions, tArs fashioned. , i5 I Vlgilenco' Essential not do "Institutions, governments, 2 Tliev can be preeerve themselves. preserved only by the vigilenco to guardianship they have been committed. According to my way of dhlnking. our fortfathers have heritage that jglven us the greatest Scan be passed from one genera-rtioto another, the privilege of en- r.Viying liberty and citizenship in the States. Surety such a hert4age costing so much lo treasure Jpnd sacrifice ts worth saving.' quart 10c -- pound 19c bottle 10c Milkrr,;:- tin 25c - jar 13c Childrens Lunch HONEY 69c New Crop. Strained, No, 10 Pail Noodle Dinnerr."::.1 Pancake Flour srz -i M SELT Prunes Breads" Red Salmon 2 for 35c FRUITS A VEGETABLES Concord CRAPES jsssrtr49c POTATOES 10 lbs. 15c . 5a-hos-e 1 : Hrl APPLES JoMtkiu Kell.ga'. tee. zks. COCOA, 5? fWIN FALIJI, Sept. 4 (API jUtero jobless Kansans who were robbed ot their automobile and Tforced at pistol point to remove all ' .Vthelr clothing except their after Uiey had been halted y &bn the highway east of here "night. to'8ay had . recovered but Their automobile and clothing ?Tiot the 824 they said had been Uaken from thwn. ft. The victim of the robber, Glen V MHler, 36. and John Hockman, 32. . told Sheriff James Davis of county they were Induced by youth who said his name was Kenneth Gastemau, 18, of Avft. Mo., e him to Hazetton where he 5 promised to obtain a Job for them. -'ft Sheriff T)avl found The stolen Tclothlng and automobile near the Snake river a few miles east of lierM a Th California ,oner of tergc.. an Sjertecope haV mounted" If on It so be raker. automobile that can if le-J- cations most, favorable for Us undcr-HWe- f " 1 HIM U S MEATS Sun-da- Beby Beef.' SPICED LUNCH, MEAT . lb. . ' rare fark Jr,' KrlrS. 29c 10c Osr Bothers . . . ORANGES 1S fee, . )M lbs. .... 'lira. BEEF CUBES . . . fFrb HAMSrrTT: Vf riew, Faaer Snn.r 16T2Zt Cerrd. rSfesr?. TreoTea While King Branded Beef Sleaks Ctreaae He Cpeoa Ige. 2 Ib. can 19c Peannl Butter Jar'. . 25c Wax 13c 0e 9c 59c 28c .... I9e I9e gf ,,,,3llw bltna Top. fosen VAR BIVGS. Dos bio Lip dopea PAROWAX, lb- - PkB KERR CAPS LompWto 12 25c 2Gs iEUV dora .....a.... Papers - Tcna Flakes-Salmon Lam 1 i H s. So Brofcra Wllrro, Sot 2 ia? PAOVONT JAR APS dear a FBI IT J4R-- Rise, Maaa Ball Mrwb, Glaas Top 2C Small BorfJMa for CaaalPS. .2 lbs. Hrr or Mlilte, Rvaria 2 lbs. 2 Ibs. BEANS 3mb : ritlteH PICKED . Many other Hems will bear the Black hnd White reduced price tags for.to ; night and tomorrow. ; 2nd East and South Temple 17lb South and Eth East Squth and 3rd East- - Istaw 14PH S4s Rr. f DELICATESSEN Bldfa," ratfCL9 C Firs an nipe Lug 33e IP for 29s doz. 15s . Fillets He Tomafoes Ib. So lb. 18C Veal topka Ground Bee 2 lbs. 15c Lamb Chop Ib. 25c Pot Roast . v10c . ,1b. 10c Beef Cubes Lamb Stew . 2 lbs. 15c Boiling Beef rib .Ib. 7c Corned Beef Men. Cheese HIM .2 lbs. 29 c n. ,19c Thuringer 23 c . Ginger Ale 23c 20c bu. 09c I Sc Ib. 5e LEONS 3 pure ....... 2 Iks. 25s 60c FANCY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sn,an EIberta Freestwies Fine For Jam CRAPES 17c CAB 15c 73 C SWEET POTATOES Oa. 59c 81 GAR, 10 Iba IOO MIS S5.1M PICKLING 9P EM RehllllaAa, 2 pkaa. ... Bt LK 1 1 MSG Alt, Gallon HEI1S 1IAEGAR Cider 23c na PI GAR. fine Bret, IB Iba. IBP LB EATS 1t 18c NEEDS 39c UAVAKii, Pickling Cacsnsbers GENUINE LAMB 103 No 2 for 19c Hits. nt, Cana S for 20c Fruit Cocktail ISana,os 2 for 25c Beets or Carrots CAULIFLOWER 21c FRESH GROUND BEEF IOo . JUt. Curt fs Ball Muon r A cVV' Biscuit CANNING AND PICKLING Kerr KKRR LIDS, Maoom ... 23c 2 OIa tW phf- of IS. for. (rliua Tp4 dra ( KHTO- lFBI IT 4 UH, Gal. Herr Mr 49c Rottlra 4A non, Ball Maaon, or 'TMIIT City Chiskea Legs. lb. 25s H noLK,,EAT 15c -- Ib. 12c Less Beef. Scsp 25s DoZs rto-tak- , - lie Clorox pis. Sc qis. 15c PCQCflCS . 3 loaves 27e doZe Bcflsrfly Rolls Rot, Cafscjr!KK.r- 29c APFLES 7 I he Pickles Hsvrlelfs Tea Slip of S BREAD, Lesfdie Boy CAKE DOUGHNUTS Sirlefa, Rmivt SwIm, esa 22c b. Sweet, Sale?, Snow White 2 lbs. . 2-l- 5 Bn:hss IDs CAULIFLOWER . sir. 6c 3s 10: Cornflakes 2S0 Additional Bargains Ask for a List I largepkg, 28e CARROTS . LARD, CROSS RIB ROASTS . Hb, Beef Oven Koaat. SIRLOIN STEAK . . . ar COG WHITE KIRG w Pork&Reaasn Cora 25c 43c cu. 33s Cleanser CORNFLAKES lbs. 23c TOMATOES lug 49c -PRUNES. isa. 1 Vz bu.lug 85c mil Hwwtii aiil WATERMELONS Hloadykn ib. ic Travelers Recover 1 Stolen Automobile V 5 KU, Bars Seda Cratkerg DagFoodirraT LAUNDRY SOAP White n a tent 29c CLOROX . . . . Pints 9s Quarts IEs SUGAR, powdsred or brown Mb. pk. Be SCOTT TISSUE, ICG sheet rolls . . . 7c 4 loaves 19c 1 Tin RYE KRISP PacCuwe jar 23c pkg t5c 2 pounds 19c Alaakui, r: ..Tic Maxwell Ik. . ... w Biek-Hikri 12 Me fcnttle 10c Cmmm wti t4 S? PS Idaho, Sept 4. Stephan of Twin, for! jfalla. Republican nominee !r governor, addressing a Labor day I celebration audience here yester-- j voiced appreciation of thy part .day "honest conscientious labor" has played in this nation's upbuilding, ; pointing to rights and privileges pgnjoyed under tbs American forin and sounding a, iof government framing note. 55 "The trouble with a largo per; oentage of the people of this ooun-- ; Iry " he said, "Is that they do not " saeqye the Importance of good gov- -, 7 grnment as distinguished from poor ? government and do not realise that 1 reaponslblUty .f or the kind of gov-- 1 I ternment w have te the direct re- - sponsiblllty of every citizen of the ;5 TAG "PAY far-flu- HAGER MAN. tsAP) Frank L, I Crackers Preserve Gnovdrifit - - llabof Lauded By G0P Nominee For Governor In Idaho bu. 89c Drovn Gtsgar Ubr.iOc Evangeline Booth Is Commander u Peachec SHT - keep-the-lw- rt ST SOUTH j 4AfTf Lard f Salmon, sliced Hearts 2 lbs. 29c . lb. 18C Liver, sliced Tongues Picnic Bacon Steaks, shldr. DEPT.- - Herring' MUkeral sash ", 56 Kraut lb. 5c Frankfurters m, ,1b. 17c Meat Pies XZV.i. 23 c Olives pint 19c Cottage Cheeser"rtL1 5 c r I |