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Show The Decerei Ncztxi I Dalimad Dally I Tour Bom - Tot Onljr tf a Wek - UTAH TO SPEED UP DEER CREEK PROJECT WORK Ccfnr; To Mexico ; rUnveiling SOO-T-Atte- rid . f Speakers Laud Achievements - -- ; Peak OriEnsign o' - o i Their and Pioneers of o.Jo o - " Descendants- - Governor Announces Full Pressure Will be Used. . StateFilesSuit To Gollect Sales Tax of 21 Cities FREAK WIND SENDS S. L. MERCURY UP hi Named in ' to Case Test Validity of Pover Levy t No time will bo loot In getting , the Deer, Creek-Uta- h lake project under way at the' earliest possible moment in order 'that Die naX Twenty-on- e Utah mpniclpalltied Salt Lake may set an all tiros mum number of men may be emIf- - tha refused to pay tha $ per cent THE SECOND DAT have record tonight. heat " ployed. we had many Knowing that freak weather condition which sales tax on tho sale of power and " before tn, wa actually watteddays for Governor Henry H. Blood, after prevailed last night and today light to citizens on ths ground that breakfast at Monticello. It ia im- bringing victory out of srhat seemtha law la unconstitutional. ,, continues for another twelve portant on a long trip to get sleep ed "Sure defeat yesterday, pledged and today to see that the deIt waa Indicated at the regular with the meals himself Today, tbe stats tax commission hour Tba road though winding was eg tails leading np to thejeaittog of took the first step toward collecting weather bureau today. eaiient to Cortes. Id - that little construction work would bo attackwhen Ned Varnock. attorHowever, In spite of tha this tax. town wa paused long enough for ed without any lorn of time. -for the commission, filed a Now that prUnary and secondary mo to visit the editor of the Monte-sum- a freak Condition. J. Cecil Alter, ney complaint against the city of Lehi VaUey Journal and to read water users bare agreed to what local weather forecaster prein the Fourth district court at the famous sign on the bank steps is their share of the estimated safe account own that Provo alleging that Lehi owed Ur dicted on his "Please do not ait on these steps yearly yield of Utah lake totaling stats $81 tn sales tax Including tho would residents of the city Such si $225,000, canal companies must during banking hours. 10 per cent penalty and 1 per cent sign would be out of date in most enter a permanent stipulation aa to have more comfortable sleep7. .. "rf-:- :, interest manthly. of our Utah towns, but not so in what their ownership in the lake It. ing weather tonight, on tha Using this case aa a test, fits tan Cortes; Colorado. The bank was Other details to bo settled are re-mission wttl seek todetsrmtne theory that the night tempera- - com opea. routing of the Denver end Rio in the matter of collect ha we left IhaTKtle townToff to Grande 'Western railroad up Prove ture last night waa 14 degrees its righto a aalea tax from municipalities our left were the high, and almost canyon, securing or subscriptions normal for tha last of ing above or sales ' and later stagy legal sec perpendicular walls of the Hess sufficient to guarantee the govern- July and that freak weather tion against Beaver. Blending, Verde; to our right rere deserts ment payment within 0 yean for .conditions donot last. Gwgham Uity. Charleston. --Eph ' and monednoeka. You see, our (be cost of the tso projects, - geologist The freak condition which raltn, Falrview, Holden, Hyrum, M.SOJUW). bidjtircAdjrgdttonTirhta prevailed last night was that Levan. Logan, Mantua. Meadow, work. I was always ytrock by the Favorable progress is reported by was strong a thefa City. Perry .Payson, Salem, althbugh Murray our usedwords by early Governor Blood In tba matter ot splendid east breese from tho canyon, Spanish Fork, Spring City, Spfdng-vli- le Powell. Dutton, Pike. arranging for a new route np Proexplorer time all tho , and Wale eity approached v Ashley and the others. They most vo canyon for the railroad. At ths All of throe cities have refused records for night temperatures have been geologists, too. conference with President J. & here. to pay sales tax on the ground that Vo passed a sign which said that Pyeatt of the Denver and Rio This means that It was hotArticle II, Section 8 of the state over somewhere beyond was an In- Grande Western railroad, ft develtn over ter tho the high eUy Constitution we we knew dian school. Then provides that the state oped that the railroad with the recaltitudes than on tho ground. canot tax property of tho United were on an - Indian reservation. lamation service la rerouting tbs 4 waa a.m. The temperature at State the state, countie cities, Somebody has said that the whites road on tha north aide of the r 12 degrees. The wind abated town school districts and public crowded the Indians on to the ervolr site from Vivian park In with the sun and the tempera- - libraries. . worst lands fa the United States Provo canyon around tha dam to , - ture dropped to ?t and rapidly The tax commission holds that mud then made, a reservation out Heher Clty, This program would S4 rose was to at I oclock and the 2 per cent sales tax for un''of those lands. "The Navajo mast ronstruetton -- h mils -- 20 au noon. It north V estetday thr employment ia a tax'On the conbeeii tfdWded exceedingly 0y track. - Ths route onofthe rhlvd - hard- - i was maximum 87. sumer. and In collecting it from A aide would be cheaper and better The condition occasionally It an Indian oould only live on than that on the municipality, no tax 1 exacted on south fide, befrom results west an air circuit desert haze, misty and delicate cause of fewer carves. less grading, of the Rockies when a low property. and bine: on distant mountains: on and other construction feature If tiie state wins ita ease, several pressure on the ground In the thousands of dollarr'wiU accrue monadpocks you see I can use Cost of relocating ths road will Pacific northwest is accompanthat word again or on hoodoos be about $1,400,000. to tha state treasury. ied by a relative high presno, not ghost another geological sure aloft Warm air sacked term on eactns and sand and from tbe south along the Shoe Store Manager scrubby sage, that reservation would bo a good one. ground is sent back at higher elevations and again return Boon np ont of the desert arose Receives Promotion that magnificent chimney ghlp . M. Eundul-an Rock. It sailed that day Gultnson, manager of th Salt Lke store of the Baker Shoe atlng sea of orange baeked by The $250,000 PVA. building waves of blue. company wa advised today of his Ve paused to of the Nebo school district promotion to tha managership of shoot it from a distance and program It now commencing to furnish town aalled the little to down larger unit of tho company on tho then In many towns. work Pacific coast. Mr. Gultnson will with Its post and Indiana. R. A. Hart, Utah engineer, toleave at ones for his new post and On to Gallup, New Mexico, for day approved plans and specifihis position hero will bo filled by Innch. The temperature was run- cations for school the junior high D. W. Harris of Salt Lake who baa ning high, bat the epeed of "The at Santaquln to cost approximateMeans of coordinating tha been connected with th local store Beagle kept na eeoL Over a hill ly $20,000. This will now Hcber J. Grant ; presklent Anthony W. Trine, Dr. John Edward Abovo mw thos participating in Ui miwBiay wmsmksv ' wa want and. there in an elbow of be advertised. In propet year state and national recovery for two and one-ha-lf the same disnest speaker, and John D. Giles, executive secretarydes-of of a marker on the summit of Ea sign Peak- - last night The nppcv tknrf. Word of ths promotion waa reknolls was Gallup with Its railroad trict bids will be opened Aug.' 1 new under the rot nine shows Programs The Trail's association. lower the girls, up A. M. officers in la of I. picture They the and charge. picture speakers Irvin Edison, rice and smoke and 1 Shaped street. for a grade school at Salem to recently approved by the state ceived from cendants of tbe first eight ptoueern to ascend tho peek, who are left td right: M. J. Green wo e4 chairman of the program president of tho Baker firm, t St. Vo ate lnnch and paused long coat approxl mat ely $20,000. recovery board and NRA oftn tho unveiling. Th ey are left In right: Marina Richcommit Ire; D. E. Judd, stake Y. M. M. I. A. superintendent; participated Lout see to polishers turquoise ficials were discussed at a conenough ards, Janet Thurman. Frances Sandberg. Virginia Smith. Ruth Mr Bertha A. Stevenson, stake T. W. M- - L A. president; Hon. at work.- - for were we not in the ference today attended by John Naylor. Jospphlne Dargrrt Edw ins Allred, Louise Clayton and Albert Smith, George president of the Utah PioIndian country and where on this Suit Demands $10,000 chief pf the field Swop Madine HIbbcrd. neer association! Landra arks president and Trails Autoist Booked on earth la there any land more inter-- 1 branch of tho NRA from For Alleged Beating eating than Indian country T Two-Cou- nt Washington. Mr. Swope sax hr Sail Lake today an route t Charge C.vJ. Christensen, today filed President Grant and Pres ident lvins Among Lead San Francisco. suit In theThird district court ask Green Son of Joseph Francisco, Today meeting, held In the Summit era Climbing ing damages of $10,000 against B chamber of commerce office of waa booked last Bight by Deputy M. Harmon, operator of The Mint Sheriff German Dean at tha counState Recovery Chief Qua P. Historic Mount at It east Second South street. ty Jail on a charge of drunken waa attended by AlBeckman, Christensen alleges that July 11. driving and restating aa officer. ien T. Sanford, state compliA seoond fire in tbs Grandaddy he went into The Mint and seeing Deputy Green advised Chief Depance director; A A Kinney, More than 500 people assemlakes region near-- Hatchery lake a friend called him out of a game uty Sheriff George Beckstead that Mr. Sanford's assistant, and F. bled on the top of Ensign peak was brought under control today. of cards. Ths following day, ho alIVINS he PRESIDENT would swear to A complaint E. Morris national labor comlast night for the unveiling of a Yesterday after a hard battle a fire leges, he went into tho plaice and against Green. monument to the memory of the pliance officer, representing on the south fork of Rock creek was confronted by Harmon, who DIGGING RECALLS According to Deputy Dean, Green federal administration. Mr. of 4147, whom they were was surrounded. Both fires are In upbraided him lor calling a man Bulletin Locals to Elect Tonight, the Sent Out by pioneers Beckman, his assistant, J. H. struck the deputy in the eye when honoring that night dense timber. Blaine Betenson, act- out of n game. In the argument, ON PEAK ROOTS he attempted to arrest him and In ana set beautifully As tha tbe MeGlbbeny, Mark H. ing supervisor, has established fire Christensen alleges that Harmon Two Counties on then fled. Ho wa captured a few Greene, state compliance direcRegional FCA west, tha night grew darker and lookouts and fire fighting forces struck him a number of times and W. block from tho scene of the alPresident Anthony tor, representing the state. ths lights of tho city below blazed over the Wasatch forest. Official tercation and takes to th county ho will be eighty-tw- o Saturday Ivin forth color the accomplishBoth the new fires were prob- otherwise humiliated him. Jail. years old next September ments of tho pioneers were mdro ably started by lightning, during was the oldest person of ths atorma last week, and have smouldstrongly realized. Added to this the mads more Brothers SOQwho than Sentenced ered until the return of hot, dry to Balt Inks county farmers and waa the tributes paid these faithWithout any changes from lost Band Concert to Be climb to th top of Ensign weather and wind has started west by four seeking federal loans for ful bonders of the In the regulation wheat prolast night for the unJail on Battery Count stockmen year flames visible from the lookout peak tha held services speakers during or feed seed for emergency Presented Fort forage stake of Ensign stations veiling duction control associations in Utah the large stone monument. with around monument. th, Eugene Clark. $7, and George crop can file applications were These President next speakers for are years N. 14 organized Willard being at Clark. 50. brother Clayton, agent, Tha Thirty-eight- h who pleaded President Irina participatU. 8. InfanCHARGE DROPPED Heber J. Grant and President Anto battery charges Motor avenue- - according to a but guilty planting. try regimental band, conducted by ed m the program a one of W. Ivin both pioneers and Cltv Judge C. F. Dalby today filed byyesterday Nathan Mace, $4, were sen- letln. sent out today by George 8. thony waa evident Warrant the Effort In Lake and Tooele Officer are It Salt county speaker A I Yost, will Hon. descendants being made by Joes of pioneer dismissed the complaint against tenced to $0 from his remarks that tha in tho eity Glen, Bait Lake regional manager George Albert Smith, of the Counpresent a band concert Sunday at the locals will be organized at seven Valenzuela. Mexican consul, and 7:80 Reed Everett, charged with depriv- Jail today In days each of tho feed and crop emergency the Salt Lake Chamber of Comnart a at court significp.m. police The peak played cil of tho descendant by a of Jndgs perk. liberty Twelve, automobile owner an bis of ing section of tbe FCA. meetings tonight at 8 oclock and merce to promote a special Utah program, will be aa follows; In his pioneer life, for he said: MJ. Branson. The Clark broth loan two man who made the first Tho dismissal waa asked by the era Similar agencies have been des- tho ' 1 have come to tho top of the organization dor the two coun- business mens attacked Mace with empty March, The Circus King, C. E. tour of Mexico. visit to tha peak, 14 years ago county attorneys office on the shotguns to in receive ties will be made at a meeting toapplications hi Jordan park Tuwday ignated this hill many times more Present plans call for a special fiuble; overtur Poet and Feasyesterday, and Rav. John Edward ground that tho complaining wit- night. Mace all drouth of th other morrow emergency to 2 in was at o'clock ant. afternoon Von Suppe; cornet solo. A to leave here about Sept. j. 'than fifty years ago dig traip treated at the counties. Mr. Glen ness had left the state. Everett is Carver, of Ogden, guest apeaker. Ths IL. report The when emergency roots office Vere were the Musician tour In Msrtineau, automowould eego they hospital to for stolen lily the Forest AnInclude cuU the Mexico have Astray Many other prominent Salt Lake alleged . and diouth area under the Salt Lake Church bruise City and a half dozen of the lead-i- r drew Herman, soloist Staff Serthe only thing we could find county agricultural agent bile July I. and civic leaders were office's Jurisdiction has been Infood. In will cities of tha southern republic. geant W. Bunbury; wait that tauted like Meetings Salt Lake county Llle creased with notification from Continued on Page 20 Column 1) be held at Hunter. Riverton, West special rates have been prom- d' Amour, Batlfort; eapric The Washington to add several counties Jordan and Cresent. Three local ised by the railroad Whistler and His Dog. A Pryor; to the emergency drouth are' board members will be elected at Much good will could bo built election. I Lombardi. Verdi; An of Utah, all of Nevada. If each meeting and the chairman of up by tbls trip. Senor Valenzuela concert Golden Blond R. counties In Colorado and It in thsM boards constitute theeeeocia- - eaid. Utah tmrineae men would march; Athnse," J. H. now in this area, toore Idaho, two tion countie for the not find The Banner. 8tar relaxaGill; and only unseam Spangled pleasure in rni Mieiianmesm. gether with several counties'' tn Measurements have (been com- tion in the tonr but also many busiCalifornia, Wyoming, Oregon and pleted on the reduced acreage for ness opportunities. WOM X MISSING " One hundred and twenty-thre- e the current year and the final payA W. Ivin of tho First Treat-- , Vernal City, waterworks tlt.000 Washington. Deputy sheriffs continued their ment of S cents per bushel will be dened of thk L. D. 8. Church, is enwaterworks applications calling for loans and Riverton. $10,000 today for Genevieve MurSecretary of Agriculture Henry A of a proper price to pay for these made aa soon as these are reported thusiastic over the possibilities of search and grant of $IM10,75 have been Midway, waterworks $4,000 ray. 21. who ta declared to hate Fi- Santaquln to tho department, Mr. Msrtineau the good will tonr. filed with the Reconstruction waterworks Wallace will likely approve the flat animal he indicated. $21,000, been missing from her home since Such an excursion would not said. nance Corporation and the Public making a total of 88MOO. Two ap because of the price of $1 a head for all sheep to Formal settlement of tho price drouth Generally, She resides at Thirty-thir- d the farmers in Salt Lake only bo exceedingly Interesting to Jnly 21. Works Administration for public plications one for $441,000 for a will be made Monday at for sheep and Nineteenth East bo the as those bought of and who water by Tooele in State works projects government the counties will receive aa system at Ogden, and tbe might participate In It street. South a conference in Washington. D. C., German Deputy Sheriff Utah. other for $0,100 for waterworks at a drouth relief measure, according between Wallace. Sheets and other much dor the wheat they did not he said, bat would also bo ot to aa understanding obtained by U farm administration official.. A plant as for the crop planted. Figures obtained from the two Santa Clara, were, approved for Mexico For the last fiscal year, the burand Utah in the establish tha missing woman. Her former organisations show that of this RFC loans but the approval later S Hen. William H. King in a' long likely outcome of the conference, eau amount $$.1(1,100 was originally waa rescinded. of Internal revenue collected ment of more friendly relations and husband ta said to bo living in is indicated by tha long The Jordan school district today distance Five requests Wellington, wabetter telephone conversation however, $117,421,174,83 between u Henefer. from requested from the RFC and call. understanding the wheat distance telephone terworks 118.000; MHford, water- requested of the county commis- with Washington late yesterday. from public works fund ewes 12 tax, processing of head to for Flat a according prices figures to set tho tax levy Including geven transferred trom works 410.00$; Logan, waterworks sion permission At request of James A Hooper. one year old and over and $1 40 received from Washington, D. C. mill tba RFC, $1 applications, totaling 800.000; Logan, slaughter house, at Members rowers assoda- - for Angora goats In the same age' educa-tlo- n the board ot of $.000 have been approved by $18,000 and Leeds, waterworks, Uon secretary. Senator King tele- class, were agreed upon in Salt represented to tho commis- phoned tba PVA aa of July (. Tbs seven $4,500, were withdrawn before any tho farm secretary from Lake Wednesday at a conference Sunday-Fo- r sion and maintethat were for support was action which taken. requests originally Balt Lake yesterday and today re- between a committee of federal offiled with RFC called for $120,000. - Aa application for $2,000,000 nance of the district a sum of $141, ports; From and Sheets Dr. ficials headed by onr telephone converRecords of the public works or- for constrnction of a tunnel at Sait (44 would be required for the ensu- sation I understand that Mr. Wal- representatives of growers from the ganisation show that on July 0, Lake City remained Under exam- ing year. 12 western state lace will the recommendaaccept Receipts for the earn period are tions of Dr. E. W. Sheets, federal The total of $11 application Including ination aa of July 8. Funeral wervlcea wifi be held Frank Fisher wishes now tbat.new Mend agreement Is bald In abeySeventy-Bin- s of tho application estimated at fl81.HL The levy drouth relief director, tho RFC tmnsfer hud. been He awoke to find ono of them myself ance, however, by a wire received Sunday at 8 pm. In tbe Seven- he bad Stayed at the Salt Lake wera of a t mill it ta estimated, would and that tha flat rate ofand p Ont of one, for waterworks systems while teenth ward chapel for Joseph Un- headquarters of tho FERA tran- strangling him. while the other waa will In be $2 Dr Salt Lake Sheets by yesterday was next make np the difference of $180,415 paid. request for a loan of $175,000 tor the building of schools sient relief derwood last service in Wallace declln which 80, Eldredg night Secretary going of through bta pocket look. pioneer between costa and receipt school at Dogma, had been re- in number with 14. . If my understanding Is correct ed to approve the flat $2 price for 1847 and prominent In Church and Fisher. 48. of Oakland. Cal., ap- Ing for the 17 change he had after jected; sight, totaling $2,S(f,$00 Six applications were for power the secretary agrees to approve the sheep and suggested that the gov- civic off alls of Utah for three, plied yesterday at the relief station. buying the food. Ono of men th later as bat received had developments He her fdllowa; approval payment of $2 for an sheep taken ernment would pay $2 a head for quarters of century, who died When ho learned that hia dothra began beating him on tbe head had been rescinded; one, a request Ctty $18 700, Loa $8 000. Order-vtil- e Appeal Notice Filed ... the the would bo from drouth by as delivered government those forenoon for and hie be at with that yerierday resldenc a fumigated ptoceesing brake iron heavy 841.000. Tropic $24 008 Murkey, while for $51,100 for waterworks at ML Stink-Bom- b range whether, or not relief food and $1 each for the 60 east First North street, of net-ur- might have to work for his trans- tha other shouted. LI still Case stricken or we ll Pleasant, bad been withdrawn; ray .City 88.000, and Hatch town causes Incident to advance! portation home, be refused to stay, kill you!" Ftaher rolled out ot tho they are delivered for shipment," sheep condemned on the two, a hospital at Price, for which 28.400. All of these applications senator tha stated and ta The off eg to drifted today. range. car located Pioneer ranAt chapel First and park. Notice of Appeal to the district Special Officer Hzrry-Bruc- e 4110,000 had been requested and n still were under examination.. The solan reports he Impressed " Wootgrower represents tlvee Indi- North between West Tsmple and Thera he met Mik Moran. 40. tha two attacker smarted water system at Moroni for which Tha number of applications for court In tho case of Lamont Wallace the with seriousness West counter Fin of cated this the street offer should be Friends may and Bob Melon 84. They were Ftaher and Robert Lenta, 18.0(414 24, of 40$ Second East street, drouth on western ranees and that refused and at a $11,000 was needed, had been various other public work promt call the broke also and residence transient. Discover. Andrews avenu Fresno. Ca- l- the yesterday family Sunday transferred to the Civil Works Ad- jects from both the RFC PWA fined $10 yesterday in police court in view of the emergency the same afternoon decidedmeeting to send a delega- from 10 80 a m. to 1 p.m. Ing that ha had $9, they Induced last named aa A material witnea ministration, and 00 still wert un- were ns follows; Tunnel 1. slaugh- by Judge M. J. 'Bronson for throw- policy should bo punned In regard tion to Washington to present The services will him thetr be to the under buy bacon, Moran and Melons were given tatter eggs and coffe ter house The ImL hospitals t, city b der examination. la the Playhouse to sheeu aa Is now being followed case in tha event the flat rate It net direction of Alfred M. Durham and and tho trio set off ing a for the hobo sentence with 50 day sus- provements 2, highways and pav- theater July 7-- waa filed today. totaled $8,248,995. In the purchase of cattle threatened apnroved. , Harold M. of on Seven tha Laugton tha West aids of the pended on proviso by Judge 'Jungles M. J. only ing $, state Institutions 1. court Police said the bomb waa thrown, hr the drouth. Under each condiOf tho RFC applications fir. Sheets and Salt left teenth ward party be and will Aftcr bishopric, Ftaher city. Bronaon houses aupper. 1. Irrigation 8. reservoir $, during a motion iound la police court today that four have been approved for loans picture operators tions present market prices are pot Loko yesterday afternoon. by plane ' sewers arc 2. leave dam lewn A canals they 2, w Immediately bp that organisation. They ak Vlelr basis for the dtUrminationifur the national capital. tO-b- -- estl-mat- ,t - Projects Approved In Nebo District NRA Officials Hold Meet on Cooperation -- GRAINACREAGE APPLICATIONS Second Forest Fire Brought in Control to OPEN FOR S.L of CONTROL UNITS TO BE FORMED FORAGE LOANS an. C OF C JOINS PLAN FOR TRIP at INTO MEXICO tf APPLICATIONS FOR RFC AID IN UTAH T 0TAL $18,920,795 i.. ") Wi- i SECY. WALLACE EXPECTED TO APPROVE $2 PRICE FOR SHEEP ft m Nine Mills Tax Levy Decided on By Jordan Schools $15.-75$.- t5 Funeral Set 1847 Pioneer TRANSIENT SPURNS BED; GETS BEATING LATER IN BOX CAR this-grou- In and-kU- ed d. al appli-eatlo- -- -- stink-bom- 40-d- -- .. en. - . I 1 t L |