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Show S THE-DESE- HET --NEWS -- SALT- KEEPS Pioneer Retraces Burro Trail : CHEERY MOOD From Coast To S L. By Plane INSULL ON BOARD SHIP speeds UP 'tr ' Crar Also like Commodore Of Yacht tie Man By JAKES L. KILGALLEN, t. N. 8. Staff Correspondent. Ml Copyright by N. A) ABOARD S. & EXiLONA, April 25. (INS) Although on 1 der arrest, facing a network of federal indictments for f and and gran larceny, and un der constant aunrcill- - - as the Exllona returns him to the Unite,! States, Samuel Insull looks and acta like anything both prisoner To see him lounging in a large 4 cushioned an., chair in his cabin, 4 wearing the blue woolen house pa lamas which he uses as a substitute for a smoking jacket, one would never suspect he is In custody. ; 6 Instead, he acts mors Ilk the --commodore a yjtehtrpf a mil of ' Bonaire chatting at an exclusiw New York or Chicago dub. ItCXfir A KKARNS As if he bad no troubles at alt the former Chicago utilities cz.tr thoften la "the life of party malned whan, among other passenger of By way of special treat for and this despite thefact thj ship, his venerable passenger, Charles that he does not play poker or (Jimmie) James superintendent drink liquor. of district operations Jr Western Klbttarr At Ohesa Alb who waa piloting th ship The other night he poked much mad aids trip ever tbe Roulde-dafun at two these players, remarkand the Bingham dising to other Kibitzers that the PAYETTE. April 25. ( OP) trict after taking off mining from Las players' facial expressions, as the) Cecil Evans of Caldwell was found Vegas, Remarking on the bumpy concentrated on their game, were not encountered by the guilty' last night of murdering weather be ridiculous" ft wa a Joke, Mr. Kearns opined it was a plane, Harrv Caldwell dealer Route, f. trifle so should becoms said, that they A district court rough, but n. thing like my old concerned over the troubles of last January 11. burro. in the verdict after Jury brought chess. Perhaps, in tha back of his hours' deliberation. mind, he was thinking of someone eight Both sides stressed asserted conelse' troubles, and comparing flicts In the time at which Evans them. In the fur dealer's establish for occasional moments was ment morning of Jan. 11 when ha lapses into a pensive when on the was found with hi mood, InSull la remarkably cheer- skull Rouse fractured, evidently by a ful and apparently from a hammer or an ax His mind is keen. H watches tbs blow radio bulletin board daily for news He died several hours later in a hospital. dispatches, and discusses current Frank Keek, prosecuting attor- Sly Schools Will Comevents with newspaper reporters ney. declared in his argument that with great facility and insight. West High pete man Evans wa the only on present On the deck the the at time the was com. crime Tomorrow, Friday generally wears a gray cap. With mitted. declaring state evidence borrowed binoculars and through had Placed him within a few yards d hla spectacles he of tha scene of the crime within points Out bits of scenery to hia two of the time To chooso a school to represent fellow passengers and, with per- It la or three tominutes have happened alleged district number three in the Utah haps a bit of sadness, recalls InCounterinr Defense thie. Attor. high school cidents of numerous previous ney D L. Rhodes of debating contest, sponarNampa voyages made un- gued that by The Deseret News. West testimony of other wit-- n sored school der different circumstances. rases high it plain th- -l Evans other schools will be boot to six He smokes both cigarettes and was sixmade tomorrow and Frimiles from the scene cigars, but prefers cigars, using the ertm at the time it was com-of day. about six dally. Hs frequently had mitted. He asserted Tha to school win this tournaon ef sevadmitted this was bad tor him. eral men were in any ment will represent district three position to in and last night blamed tbe babit have committed thea crime the final contest, scheduled for and entirely for a heart attack wbicb that there was no showing tha May 4. turned him ashen white- - He was Evans had mors reason to comWest. East. Murray, Granite. fully recovered within uo hour, bat mit it than any of th others Cyprus and Jordan, are th six Intent on drastically reducing his Evans, who took tb stand contesting from district yes- schools cigar consumption. terday. admitted being in the fur three. Plano for the other disInaull la bearing up fins mental- dealers one. two and four, will be in trict. establishment in the ly, and seems to be In compara-tlval- y morning, going there toearly warm car of Dixie, Davis and Wasatch keep good shape physically, al- while he awaited an appointment. high schools respectively. though on osveral different occa- He however, that Re left All wtnntnr schools wilt bend sions bo hss been Indisposed for a th declared, place early enough to reach on affirmativo and on negative good part of the day. his home on tbs farm about fire team. Th quest ion' for debating la Eseelleat to minutes Appetite I a.m. Tbe state pre- Resolved. That tbe Valuations His appetite fs excellent, and he sented witnesses claiming to have Upon Which Public Utilities g in Utah Are Entitled to Earn rata heartily. He baa not missed a seen him near the seen of the which a of . at crime Fair Return Should be Their a.m. single meal, something Valuation for Tax Purposes. faw of bis fellow passenger could Mrs. Elva Van Winkle will be boast. in charge ef deabttiu from Went H takes virtually no exercise, and only occasionally uses the comhigh school and bostesa to the fortable steamer chaira on deck. other schools. Those students who will represent West high will be All in all, Insull shows an amazannounced later, she aaid. ing disregard concerning what may to returns he when to him happen the United States to face the muBOISE. April In the collapse of his vast 25 (AP) The sic t J4. -- I IDAHOANFREED No mor will a rooeter owned by Harry Nelson. Ui south First west street disturb tbs slumbers of citizen in that neighborhood by hla proud and boastful crowing. No more will be Hap bis wings, strut and send, his shrill and defiant cries Into the shrinking atmosphere. Patrolman U. L. Thorp reported to Chief W. I Payne today. ' Neighbor tomplalned of the rooster' crowing at nnbeomly hours, and Thorp eras sent to investigate. He reported that Mrs. Nelson agreed to put a stop to th alleged nuisance. Th offending rooster will be turned into stew. BY TRIAL JURY m 931 Officer Leaves April 30 Fixed To Get Prisoner As Deadline For U. S, Seed Loans ASKS -- HIGHER RATES LIVESTOCK eom-pen- -- rat, c. c. M Jf n. QuicJcHealmg TOR Sian Srritatmns ?yT -- ffe, i , ?" J ' Ait. .' , . v v v- wv 4 i r vJ4ffci,to .y f, 4 a r V a 1 a W'M e ' . So , r'f ?iLund - .xt-- 'r-- - P-- I y i; to- , a -- . : S.V. 0 1 ( 4 DEBATERS SET DISTRICT MEET light-heart- -1- H. Humphrey, on th ground that to increase prevailing freight rates established by th interstate commerce commission would ruin the livestock industry. Tbe commission also argued that th railroad company had submitPB0VO, April $5. John & Evans, ted no statistics except a formula sheriff, baa gone I Idaho on which a rat advance could be Farmers of Utah and surrounding deputy Idaho, to bring back Omar Fails, baaed. This formula in Itself was automobile theft not considered sufficient for re- states who are expecting federal Price, charged withEffort to resist in Utah county. vising tb rate structure put into seed loans this year must have extradition charges wert futile and Governor Notified of effect by the federal body. their application at tha Sait lake the clears nr papers were issued y the railroad For its to word received part, acordir Monday, - Petition -- Filed 4 basing it request forhlgh regional U. Bcrop production, loan by Sheriff E. G IamiL er as outlined In the letter to office by April 20, cautions George -With I. Governor Blood on the charge s. Glen, regional manager. that in refusing to Increase rates Application blanks are obtainM JU vextock 15. A. J peg cent increase in In r cent Intrastate, state livestock freight rates ap a rata structure is being maintain- able Trtmr county agents aad proGov. unreason when ed that la illegal and duction loan office field repreaen-- i peared imminent today Henry H. Blood received notifica- able; that by maintaining the presIdaho Wyoming tion from J. A. Gallacher, counsel ent rates a lower rate is available tativea In Utah, Nevada. for tbe Denver and Rio Grande to Utah stockgrowera than to Colorado,and California, ashington the eight com- growers in other states, which ft is Oregon Western railroad, that th states under Mr. Glen's jurisdiction pany had filed a petition with Sec- charged in discrimination; and that Tbe minimum individual loan is II too suffcy with pimple, retary Georgs B. McGinty of the the action of the public utilities $10, the maximum $250, and the rashes, chafing!, akin interstate commerce commission decision waa arbitrary and unjust. due date Aug. $1. They carry 5)4 distressing asking for tbe increase. will be Loans cent interest. per LOOTED ,00 ROOMS HOTEL This action follows the decision A room prowler entered the Lake mads only to individuals and the of the Utah public utilities coin arilh tha Soon, laoist with th mission on April I. denying the hotel last night ahd stole 1 suit maximum allowable to tbe indi- parts Ointment. Relief come atom an Denver and Rio Grande Western of clothes from the room of Joe vidual tenants of any one land'ord healing soon follows. railroad, a IS per cent Increase W. Wllkenson. a black broadcloth is $750. , It lias been estimated that Writs Ar arid AMr so rfsar Denial was based in the decision, coat and a fur collar from tbe between 20.000 and 30.000 appliunanimously - - concurred in by) room of Mrs. Lafe Sperry, and n cations wil) he filed in ibis region Address: Cotiewrs. Dept 8G. Chairman E. E. Corfman. Thomas . polo coot from the room of Miss asking for loons aggregating several million dollars. E. McKay and State Engineer T. Gwenn Cope. RAILWAY ON Ita quit s change from the witb wbicb I made my pack burro (pat trip- s' jaunt and the is airplane which brought roe back over th same route today in a few hours" declared Henry A. Kearns. 2, prominent southern Utah stockman, today is he alighted from a Western Air Express plane at the Salt Lake airport. is at Mr. Kearns whoa bom Gunnison was accompanied by bis .TO ADDRESS WORKERS son, E- - B. Keanu, with whom he A mass meeting of restaurant baa been visiting for th past sevworkers, bartenders and beverage eral weeks at Pasadena. A native temple of Cedar City. Mr dispensers at tha Labor Kearns has spent most of his life Thursday at I pm. will be adin the sheep business in southern dressed by Jack Weinberger, for - the recalled today that at terns lion si organizer the age of It he packed hla burro American Federation of Labor. He will discuss th restaurant code. and started on s lonesome jaunt San Bernardino where talcs of fabulous - wealth in agricultural pursuits n4-- tattle raising were luring many adventurous wester' V. ner. He discovered it wasnt exactw ly what he had expected, however and before long was back in his f - .' jf native state where he has since re three-week- " WEDNE8BATAPRIL-L2- 5 TY NEIGHBORS PLAINT BRINGS STEW POT FATE TO ROOSTER Difference Quite Declares Utah Cat-- Former . Utilities LAKE-CI- ( ,4 itf; slnrtilMr m ?ii 111! at horn-rimme- imrnm trans-Atlant- ic D Opar-atin- Bids Opened on Three Highway Projects in Idaho otWUssompia. when he except for the few times falls into on of hla more thought rut mood. What he thinks at He these times only he knowa does not say. A few times he has discussed hla case mostly off tbe record and when he doee this there pears a flicker of f'ght in the gathers tight of hi eye. One new to this characteristic i not veteran the It him. and promise financier Is ready to battle lo the last ditch when he reaches the United Stale. INSTALL budget bureau budget department Is being installed In the local Goodrich store by T. A. Nunes, field supervisor of Goodrich town. Inc- - budget department Elmar Bacon will be manager of tbe local budget department. It is an' nouneed by R. L. McKean, Salt Lak manager. Indias recent census showed a 11, 000, 00 population of nearly on increase ef Jt.t per cent in A ton years yesterday on threo projects, including o mil of paving through Lewiston and a mils of oil surfacing through Twin Falla. Ill oil cases, the low bidders war recommended for contracts, which ore subject to approval by the federal bureau of public reads. The Northwest Roads company of Portland waa low bidder at 2 on paving o mils of highway between tbe interstate bridge ever tbe Snake river and th Clearwater bridge in Lewiston. Tbe paving will bo bituminous concrete. William Hoops of Twin Falls was low at $$4.10 on constructing, draining and oil surfacing of a mile of highway along Addison avenue In Twin Falla, o job which waa conpled with oil surfacing uin miles of tbs rood. For building bridge approach in Salmon City W. V. Burnt of Idaho Fall waa tow bidder at $.I$1. A Berlin scientist claims to operate a half volt eleetria motor with energy derived from fanlight on a photoelect rio coll. react! $15,-22- Montmartre Gub JTor OpenTonigbt The Montmartre, formerly Pine Lake club, will open tonight by Clayt Ktrkham. completely renovated and with a gala affair planned for the occasion, at Thirty-ThirSouth and Seventh East streets. U. J. Cotterell. well known artist, has decorated the club in a new modern manner with difnovel lighting effects and ferent bond stand Idea, while landscape gardening odds- beauty to th exterior. The band will include Ward KtrkJohnson. Elmer Fehr, Jo ham, Wally Williams. Lynn ladDick and Forscutt By der, Hit and Run Case Again Postponed On motion ef th county attorney, who opposed two former con- HOSPITALDTY tinuances. the earn of Thomas Freeman, $9. charged with involwas again untary manslaughter continued for preliminary bearing The hearing was set by today. City Judge Vers L. McCarthy for Los Angeles Police ' hen you pay the price of s Knee- Action car, yon naturaUy want costly to build so costly that only Chevrolet, worlds largest builder of can, can afford to maks W - . n and all that goes with it. Ton genuins want the new gliding ride at its smoothest, safest, the necessary huge investment in and best. You want pimple, foolproof, and trouble-proconstruction the huskiest, sturdiest front-en- d and the assured Only Chevrolet has the resources . that permit this extra production COM, Chevrolet docs it because Chevrolet believes new machinery omf otiBlteep prices among the lowest of tha In volume of sales yon can buy. And, of course, you want shock-prosteering it is the natural companion of the of gliding ride. want then price field, only from- Chevrolet, simple. that, to KEEP ON SELLING THE MOST CABS, YOU MUST KEEP ON BUILDING THE BEST, And judging from the popularity of the 1934 car, America agrees with Chevrolet. Yon pay for these things, and you all but you can get Ihem, in the low FuDy-encloo- Knee-Acti- The reason is whells are oa jjimni print mti easy AGmmdMuort Paine C pan Chmlif'r Irw GJH.A.C. I CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT.MICH. - dnwir. Cireaimiad lap -Wptir, DUa Rom and Cdht Shop in ssaorwip. Gangs Servian MEET ME AT THS MANX! Von wilt be ll BMtr c, turnpenmlly AntetaM Maaopen fwumt leased. With RsM Eton t tern HOTGL s ' fSl ed ear-ol- bath Pnd n.n-s- n f WT Mi Gralton aa the search for the H-- y d parochial school girl farther west. The girl, bo Is said to b movie (ruck, disappeared from her home hei on April $ and no trace of lvr has been found. Her father, John J. Gralton is a cousin of- John McCormack, famous tenor, and 'came from th same town In Ireland aa did Maureen OSullivan, screen petreas. REPORT SEEING OUTLAW LONG REACH. Cat. April (INS) Another flurry of excitement rippled through police circles today with th reoprt that Pretty Boy" Floyd, notorious Oklahoma outlaw, bad been aaen bar daring tbs night by a man with whom be attended a school In Oklahoma years ago. Tb Informant name if was not revealed. Pf rmal carda ar printer- - and delivered with a new coin operated machine, a patron setting tb typo by turning diala and then v turning q crank. eld-K- m n (C (INS) ITHACA, N Y , April 25 The police of Los Angeles today were asked to look for Josephine Pres! frim & Jnmtei Modi Tb bona ip yearn Cardial, Gsliforwt Iriiadiimus hwu yon. Sines my man, th Hats liana (laams with tiodipew Nearly lU mm njmfiiali nigruMi aad tha latsst atylep in etlend tiled $rh hb iMonte-wswith htn M psJPlilMit I Asked to Hunt Girl Utah Headquarter lift inM In ftc (f of Emannel Nelson, a blind man, March $1. on 8eoond West street, near Paxton ovenuo. j 1r Knee-Actio- Freeman is charged with responsibility for the hit and run auaccident that killed tomobile TR.UE CALIFORNIA"sm 4Lo IciXVV com-nerci- al Burl-Clev- er nt I d May $. Mtw Bd IUt$f (fill i) SAVE WITH A CHEVROLET Shsrnia S Jg ft- - iWiTKS'-- ' Ca. 777 South Slate Streel Wasatch 2058 47 South 2nd East Wasatch 6707 , ; F0WEU41 0FA CELLS Afl FRAKCISCO. isrr ChYrckl i!;n::Ln3 Ca. je tt SIX VALVE-IN-HEA- D SSrsd&r-Sr.!t- h, i8&. 465 South Main Street Wasatch 2693 T Ertoia 4786 South Stale St, Murray Hyland 341 5 Murray 570 |