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Show v SALT LAKE THE DESERET S on tSgiobe J Know Your World CITY MONDAY JANUARY 8-1- 934 SUver Alonc Can jMAIDS TELL SAD TALES OF WOE Convict in Sick Front Saveli. S, Claim WHILE WAITING D0MEST1CC0DE1 Farmers Hold C 100-Mi- le (Continued From Page On) (Continued From Pago One! BOISE. Jan. . (AP) Sydney CI.EVELAND. O.. Jan. 8. CAP) j mentioned that she had none, her JS, serving a term In tbo Kmfong. office at Burlington. Wla, for -A of housemaids, meeting group roust ;.t ,llut slate prison for burglary commtt-a-n ty with 40 au.omobile loads of picf house-!. of under the banner In Gooding county, was in a (he kets 'in close pursuit. Trucks and elephant" Welfare "Workers men were given shelter, but thetize silver. Using, all the- silver hold One maid stays up untfll 1 a m. hospital 'here a crowd refused to Thelo(erei perhaps after that, we soclation. had a fine time Stinday whenever .her. is a part. In the from Ijhull Became hen offi- - will be forced other lmmate yesterday ended demonstration to a liberal use of telling each other what a great deali house to help guest put on theirj --nly end atlacked h. wiUi T9 threatened the picket other lorma of actual money to r- their mistresses want for very little j galoshes, Another toforced to two the ward where sick the in .iwalk-wto machine guns and gas. money. store the country tn solvency. It i were conflnedr tlituatimt Critical One lady whose name is in the! to 1 p.m. and miss lunch. problem. mtghty k Authorities throughout One fastidious mistress insists Personally. I feel devaluation ofblue book borrow her maid's street shed pronounced the situation dollar by fifty per cent the pass to go shopping. Anotherjon having her handkerchiefs ironed ? ve"J ol,d Mezicanhervmg Urn iiiii woman monetiUon of"lvVr' Heavy emergency has the bed sheets chsngedi on both sidea One maid figured J .tatutoiw of- cop. we very day and rltmwl eleven depjttes wer . ua wlvency. other. wage, at 4 cents an hour. tlmesjh "Seme " Mto.! the o out torn .11 li? is out currency Uke that the Jails. are ,,.. .".tched sSTsument pper Map house, up A Shaker printing press money Heights (Cleveland's Collette Kelly. president of the etrack the younger man. to be placed In circulation through ' soclation. said succinctly. jouArds were eumomned to subdu. A code for domestic .servants K purchase of government securities. Brown who wa placed In a cell Four great groups of citizens fay in Washington- - and pending himself for observation. vor remonetization of silver. They parent!,- the Cleveland maids can; are: l. Cluzens of the s.lver pro- her Of the family. When the cook t hardly wait ducing states; 2. Citizens favoring a metallic backing for all money, pound all gold as they will credit 1 want the government to get the Fall From Horse Proves a compe- the government on their books' fullest possible benefit from any Even though peace negotiations who. in the absence of use Fatal to IdahoYouth of sil for any mirplus value.. created -- by do valuation program.-- - The gold in favor cannot he tent gold supply, who ar siicclssf ui.thw.str-hc- so tbe devaluation of gold dollars. the fear I. ver; Citizens, would the, be.wonh.. r rpv at a treasury, the thq. ended until midnight tonight and Isn't Equitable 14.500,006.600 the banka are wil- A3rpr.Ida?.' earliest . It was' pointed out, beEldon Verne Vsssar, and as a lesser silver That sounds evil; equitable. It isnt. Ung to credit to the government. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vassar cause 169 repersentauve. of the accept membership 4. Those who believe remonetiza- We have 54.500.000.000 in gold In $11,250,000,060 in new paper car- of Bowmont. a email community striking association ta If the dollar value is j rency and 5112,500 069.000 must be assembled for a ratifying tion of silver will bring a tremen- this country. Nampa, died in a hospital of our foreign cut In two. that gold will make credit-dous 'expansion Let the government ac- - near vote here yesterday from - injuries ra- trada" nine billion dollars. the If banks In I122.756.06tf.666 duirn that. in The milk shortage hChicago There Is another group of eiti- keep the gold, they would give the of ?red-lns,d was admittedly scnte The city and vlnt:;thrown from his pony Saturday. na credit of 54.560,-th- e Xro.hv its suburbs consume 2.50P.M. sens, who believe devaluation of- government was f The youth T riding the horse gold dollar will restore solven- VOO.OOO on their hooka On the b Po,ntlS quarts of fluid "milk daily. Only gaiiop and on a turn was to recovery But the at awn about 400,06. , quarts are now on cy. Let me warn the country! other hand, the banks would be , a farm hMdlong against lf hand. Tlhs quantity Include, cream against a plan proposed by thejabla to issue two and .kT- -" ,OPif.1ma',t His skull was fzactured -n reservo banks by- - which y against each gold y milk, which will not bo kf'-i.n- d he without died regaining and they have the powerto of Illinois state pohope to benefit from the before prosperttjtn.Aewffc-4Cj01Bird credit ten times, les- to' guard" the' tntckof'Hon-strikln- g valuation'Of th We must increase our do!Ir.'T captured. mm I stand reserve the federal banks are) Insist the banks surrender currency to a point where the peo- a farmers appeared Neon traffic signal light hare ob-, If one gold dollar is pie and the government-ca- n probability when Alderman Thomas willing to cooperate to give the their gold been developed that are said to Terrell, chairman of the health treasury the profit in any dollar worth I2T.56 tn paper and credit tain enough money to pay their reduce the cost of operation more committee, "said he will ask Gov. devaluation program.. Many banka, to a federal reserve bank, it I. debt. Only In this way, can we, than TO per cent from .that of the Henry Horner for the gtate police, suggest It 1 unnecessary to Im- - worth a like sum to the treasury,! yegai n s olvency. Usual electric lights j4 inn. -j . the-mU- cr il. .jand J W . as-ja- ap-i)- w - i Pa-T!- Prjd one-ha- dol-the- separmted-Interventio- de-ll- sr If. " under-exten- aa well as the! products are maize, corn and protectorate. Theft le. Mining, chiefly for gold and for wan annexed to Capo Col- - silver, provides occupation ernment, protectorate of Great colony ony la November. 1115. many natives; GOVERNMENT The local govBritain; area, approximately (71,-00- 4 COMMERCE Trade carried v square miles; population on principally with the Transvaal ernment is bandied by tbo Achief resichief Hem of export cattle of the various nativ tribes. 121). 112.(12; oust of govern- The Some gold and silver is exported. dent commnioner directs tba adment. Mafeklng (In Capo Prov-tnce-.) with INDLSTRT Tho ministration is tho of country country largely undeveloped, hut agricul- the advice of the high commissionBISTORT Beckaanatand form-orl- y ture and livestock raising are gain- er. Two aae latent oommualonara comprised the crown colony ing la momentum. The leading real do In the protectorate. of Bechaanatend J TODAT - BECHUAXALAJKD. BALI ENT FACTS Form of gov- 1 States Pledged To Support Silver 19 Expedition Ready For Daring Flight ' (Con tinned From Pago One) Page One) would. U tbo Bay of Whales prov Michigan. MliMuri. North Caro400 millions of silver parch d lnacceesibla, servo tor a lina. Pennsylvania. Tennessee, Texcent aader the Ptttmaa I per But If Discover y la 1st la free as gut Vermont, besides tbo eleven expect the Bay of Whales also M agrvoaeaL Always hearing la I western state of Colorado. Wyoarind that the government will be free of Jo. ming, Montana. New Mexico, Wash retain am bullion half the newWithout delay the sihp was handiogton, Oregon. California. Arixona, ly mined silver It buys under Idaho, Utah and Nevada. ed eastward and far sis hours w announced--Kthe plan already "Eighty per cent of tho silver have traveled wlthla a anity or M has beea-sta- d of the solid is produced in North specification of the edge of thia great spectacle as to tbo price the gov. America, yet the silver market is Each hour It seems more and more - erameat should pay for the fixed ia London." Malone pointed .various impressive aad arena aasilver bullion it may buy out. "It is believed therefore the moods la ua ' der the new plan. Naturally time has bow arrived for the Unit Appearance Cheng ram the government will obtain mates to set tbo pace and W ed this sliver as cheaply aa poa lAt tmea It appear a thing of tablieb the hind end amount of owr entrancing beautyVthenraa thiTeun'' Bite But the new is slowly medium of exchange beat suited to behind tbe cloud, it disappear tbe majority of our people." suggests that It might well be th e He cited the Hirer nucleus of tbe winding sheets of this purchase act by which the United world of sum for we know not (Siates-agre- ed to tho melting and whether this le belt Mil disappear .sale to England of 200.060.000 before the next ice see begins to 1 dollari silver at per ounce; to be accumulate and smother to death all tiring things. Its appearance la as changeable as other condl- edver men or not sure a hat tha: acquired moat of this dons eaa be la these latitudes. bet result will be rn the price. But rouutry stock of silver for India. LINCOLN d Flwm (CoaOaaod ir e war-tim- ( lJr. TtTnu U U thit pom,d ElU.orth UU ,rof1of ,or the 4rred at London to de J."1 Flight Experltlon. Copyright. l2Vf?"n,rt v 'hln5 nd h'nv by tbs North American Newsjwper that th price may bet Alllanoe, Int. and tbe New York duice-- materwHe. - Times. tm of the 'bmrx th- - treasABOARD MOTOK8HIP WYATT ury may do with all mis silver ARP. Jan. 4. (By Wlraleaat it will buy nom 12 miil.oa The shallow, oftlmss treacherous ounce under th plan already Bom sea Is treating us well. 'The announced, every , ear and a aky Is clouded but tbo waters an great deal more under th paa . quiet. not yet announced Is to trade Ia a temepratur of 22 degrees th silver to th federal reserve or ship la makinr a strsdy seven banka for their go d. knots toward what Is said to be one o e o , He said Congressional inquiry of ths most Impressive sights in For there not the slightest 'bod determined that approximate-doub- t ho world, tbs great Rne barrier in President Roosevelts' Ir 4u0.606.000 ounces of silver miud aa to what he will do about would bo tbe absolute outside t Course DPrctnl 1 have directed our course toward those gold bodings when the time 'etre that could be brought in. devaluation of th dollar sr- - This ould have little Influence Discovery Inlet, and there I shall Me believes the government .against the gold now bold look for a suitable ariatiea field by this should there bo difficult la reach- - nd not the federal reserve bsnkaieountrv. be added, ohoald bar every cent of th pro'll, f If tbe United States were to tng thick, safe Ice tn th Bav of Whalea A few stray icebergs j Although Senator Glam and some j purchase th entire annual have loomed on thet hocizon. butnaJtnflt!WHtohoa-tha- t silver output at the present held by thellegal price of (1.24 an ounce peek ice has been seen sine Ustjfl rid now accrue dPdhefetewd of ihe announced (4.5 cents A.nkl In a sounding of l(o fathoms end jrejjdent la get otherasrice. sed production again 4 miles and miles wse 4d the normal of 50.060 000 ounces. J? t administration bf.Jm lit would - that la calling - In the ild from Individual holders, ths reserve banks were merely the agent of the government. Aa many 1,'! J I - r I 4 ,r i. -- , I n i - ic bt 4srT reach-Maue- i t - an undiscovered ohaonelTT I will hare information on that when I .return from mr Tranaantarrtlr flight. Meanwhile I look forward Uto my flrat gttinpea.wf tha great Antarctle continent. to thr h..d g.r.ii ny (he re- Aes-lx Wd praa. Staff Writer serve iutHlr prior to Ihe gold"' th Washington, i (ap bolds that the governm-la. senator Thomaa IUh) U of . entitled to the prolitoa.tb-.l- theitnaUn- that Premdcnt lt also, since tha vi has done as much for' ellver .mm not by any act of the bang he did for gold And that bnt by action virpparatt'frly speaking, the two om of the sound roontymetals E are on equal "footing T1 men in and out of the government agree With th-They s re eager 50 per rent a hen he f'ur 'lllkn'' xvi1 Mt "thV the government would Pnt. 30 and th.f th! iz. if It stabilized the Xbr r at SO percentage me cent. gold, should be applied to lTb We vu wt docinK th bonded debt, thus xut- - cento aa ounce tine down enormous. jr the Intereeted burden onYheTreaauryTiiidemov-l.irthTn- J aiTver mdu.?ra lag another hurdle from th, baUnced Jmdgcl to. feally It ! also pomted out that a. farUerari to the .Etir. was to a. the reserve Make sre concerned sc" th,, were the government conld Just as easily I. to ""work, have called in all th gold held byv-t- h A ta reserve Uv,r tbe bank. a. It did the thtt m !! held by Indirtduala Fuijh.r: gold, accomplished that au l the reset se banks are permitted by to Senator Thomas, throughout thel low to earn only C per cent snyhow fjrat Mwioz of tho seventy-thir-d 90 what coaid they do with a advocated th purchase per cent profit on their rold bold Congress, toga? Copyright, BH Syndicate.) o' sdvor, and on May 20 wrote a Roosevelt urg mg thsf silver be purchased on a plan which, with bnt few vmria-- tt Envoy Due Feb. 8 - admi-istrait- oa em'-arc- jn. a. nt ROcee-rvsidve- rov'-r-ir.t- 2 OCoat Free Te beep mmr a dol-a- .t ... " i That rare illusive ttun called Style has been built ipto tbe New Ford V--8 or 1934. In its distinctive new radiator and graceful aweep of line. In its rich, lustrous colors. In the unmistakable quality of its appointments. In the" very manner in which it speeds .along die highway or steps out ahead as the light 'turns green. TOKYO. Hn Jan. ,h (.(AP)ambsma- shi Saito; new Japanese UB',d 8tc- - edriecd Beating 1(42 persona, n l!L!.h ter fnr fdAF that he has been built In Manila thaT to 'ey aod MeHai fr0B Southampton on; equipped with apparatus 4Wtn that I, the change jrihe Berengaria. Ja Wasblngton. ptanningjcompletely Feb I leontslne every four xnlnutea.air It Mm limy Hiro- irJ 1 -- OF- - i -- - FORD DEALERS 515 ap (F.O.B DHnit,plmfni9kt, dei md tm. Mmmpm mdowj tpmre mr wtr. Comm tm Unw tkrmmtk Amtkm trod Food fimmmeo Horn W ever known. Safer, too, because of die body, effective brakes, and die added protection of safety glass. Unusually smooth and efficient at 50, 55 and - E 55 miles an hour because it has die reserve power to r do well over 80. 7 : dear-viskventilation prevents' drafts and New, gives ample supply of air at all temperatures. Wind-shieopens. New riding comfort because of spring fcxibility, improved shock absorbers, w softer scat springs and deeper Seat cushions.'' New dual carburetor and new dual intake manifold insure quicker starting in cold weather and giva more miles per gallon of gasoline. Thus, Increased" economy, comfort and performance combine with smart style to make the New Font V-- 8 for 1934 die moat satisfactory car you eaa own. ld "T" all-ste- DISPLAY-ATTH- SHOWROOMS 8. " !.d -- ON We invite every motorist to' see and drive this New Ford V-- You will find it exceptionally roomy and comfortable and the easiest ear to drive you have l- tetter-tPTeKde- j NOW el ' - v i -", C- -m ) |