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Show TnE DESERET Sht Published Afternoons Kxcept Sunday. Rhone V aa. 60. Salt Lnks City. Pub. ot Circulations. Buraaa SI am bar of Tba Audit SUBSCRIPTION On RATES ? pild 'in 'advance) What Readers Think kr wrd; hf Uw jno&t not be Vetter to th fh nmo and addma of the writer, altbovb then be of defama woi moat and will not nectutril; be pnbttebcd, tor of U betou nature Onlf fiorptt of Ictiwi over S0O words will be printed. Ideas and opinions eipwwd J not fefled Inc view of those of contributors and majr or Ttw Deiewl hews. ami IN SPITE OF THE fact that perhaps two hundred persons have been killed in Cuba because of resistance to President Gerardo Machados dictatorial rule, it seems unlikely that this country i!I intervene under the Platt amendment, which wo insisted be place37hlhe Cuban constitution when it was adopted at the conclusion of Ihd Span-- war. - It gives us the tight toj do so for the preservation of Cuban inde- " pendence and to maintain a government capa- ble of protecting life, property and individual liberty.' fcmee those days of imperial dreams the American at Ltude. - however,- changed and we arm much more inclined to let each country workjjuLlts own problem. "rVntl D;'';ppir'tic'ub.1d.bA ColoWyoming. Oregon. Washington. and rado. Montana. New Mexico. Calilornla Arizoea; otber atalee by mall per month. L0. Nevada. ADVERTISING) REPRESENTANATIONAL TIVES Cone. Ro then bare A Noee, Ine. doth Street New Tork City Avenue. ..3 North Michigan Chicago General Motora --Build. n afienta . .Glenn Building1. .331 Victoria Building taf ... gt California Street San Francisco.. a Send remit tancea and bailnea eornnnrtTfra-tionto Tba Deaeret Newa Salt taka City. Ltah. Address eorreapoadenco for publication to tba Editor. .......... EnUrd at th partoffie aocordin as second elan matter 13?- Congress. FEBRUARY 21 1933 - Iw Vli uoh. LAKE CITY TUESDAY until business can take, into employment the twelve million workers now idle, relief must eome to the sufferers from those who have. Private charity is entirely inadequate. Local taxation ean hardly be expected to bear the entire load. It is a - national problem not confined to any slate or section and can best be borne by a combination of federal and local contribution to relief. SsSi.$n3 On Week Ooa Month SALT JTEWS Editor Deseret News: The article written for Tha Deseret Neva by Dr. Lowry Nelson on taxes and taxation, published on the Editorial pass ot tb. bp reprinted In The Nes and read thoughtfully by our lawmakers. and by all readers of The News. Taxes we must have, taxes must be paid. It will be a sorrowful day- for society if tho timo- ever cornea that taxes are not paid. The doctor speaks of anarchy. It that anarchy unthinkable ia should prevail In our land. In tha of government on earth, best form buj there la danger lurklng In the air. Nelson suggests that Income taxes should ba Increased. He says, "Income above a certain margin could be taxed out of existence, without Tea, even serious consequences. as radical, as that would be. It would be far better lor the rich than a revolution. Tbe millions of unemployed, and the other millions who are employed to produce what the world must have, but who have net income from their labors will not long tamely submit to the wrongs of today. The high Interest and taxea that they must pay on property that they only partly own consume their income and dont pay tha debt. Therein is tbe unjuo- ties of property .tax. Income lax is the only just tax Most mens earnings are easily determined. AU city, county, state and federal employes have a set salary or wage; so with all laborers in factories-mtrfes- . smelter, railroads, banka school etc. , These salaries should all ba taxed, and so should- - the income from the farm. Let the man who owns the farm and operates it pay tax on the Income be has from tC Dont took for good times until 'of Premier Inukal. He appeals to justice is meeted out to all ilh United States for "a spirit of A. M. 1SRAEL8EM. tolerance, tenieney and generostoward tn hkattitude ity, Japan Sharing' of Necestitie MINISTRY of Premie" Edouard" Deladtcr jppearj TnTnew Trom Taris-'tdt- e" struggling with a familiar problem. Tbe THE to Act ot em-ploj- ea mai- n- : of the .gaveramenf strike-f- ar tenance of their wages and the taxpayers demand reduced government expenditures. anUtled ', The Aaeodatad Preaa la sxetuslvsly to tha use for republleation otberwtoe newadiacredited not or patches credited te Itand also the tn this newspaper, rights for repubUcatlon pubtiahed herein. Ad here are alao reserved, of apodal diapatchea of-a- ll Meanwhile the Socialists, whose vote is necessary to maintain the ministry, scent to be shifting their sympathies lo the workers - as against the governments plan To reduce. On fell and it this rock Joseph will still be there if Deladier falls. 21, 1933. Paul-Boneo- ur REPEAL TOE WORLD AT A GLANCE prohibition ropesl tato by convention purpose, of delegate elected solely for thereby making slat setion s clear response to popular will, waa promoted by the wet strategists. They considered that if repeal of aaoh houae ould b passed by of Congress, ai bu bow been done, K would be more likely to be confirmed by convention, than if left to legislatures, many of whose Now tha same members were strategists probably feel Chagrined. The dry on the other hand are pleased because they feel that In tha present temper of the American people there would be more chance for thirty-si- x legislature! to confirm tha Twenty-fir- st Amendment, wealing tha Eighteenth, than of the people two yeere from now voting I ksvs THE plsnwithin tb r LE6UB two-thi- rd hold-ove- 5 - a farm relief bill: (1) winter wheat m the United States and Russia, chiefly Russia, will be less than estimated, due to weathec damage, and (3) Argentina has suddenly found that the Orient will use wheat, hhipments are being made not only by Argentina but Canada to Japan and China. rs. en the matter. The forty-o- ne legislatures bow tn session wtfl probably eet up meet in ary for voting on the question Independently of other issue at Aha general election of November, 1934. Prob-ab- ly the delegatee will be eleoted by general tote, eo that an actual minority of the elti-ae-ns balloting In each elate will determine the convention action. The next twenty months will tee a great battle of ideas In every state of the Union. The first two decades of the century accustomed us to that kind of fighting. It will be fiercest In the pivotal slates, those which -may be expected to vote against the amende. menL Thirteen aueh ean prevent Its confirmation. Into this elate. Kansas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Iowa, Idaho, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Nebraska, Colorado and Delaware, the greatest, and we can expect (he moat extravagant, efforts will be made by the forces to create sentiment for their side. Although Delaware is the home of the DuPont, H ia hoped by the dry that its vote will be against liquor. It was Mr. Irenes DuPont who was quoted by Captain feiayton, tha organiser 6f the asoclalion against the prohibition amendment, as having . advocated a three-cc- nl per glass tax on beer, in order to save ten million dollars taxes on just dne or his corporaUons. As the government excises from alcoholic beverages before war amounted to almost of its total hncotn,'lt cab exactly be realized how eager those who wish to avoid heavy taxation on income and profits w.U be to shift the burden beck to the drinkers and tha families of the drmkrs of Michigan Governor William A. Comstock of Michigan. Caking Ihq bold course of temporarily closing every bank in Michigan for eight dajs, to tide over the distress of a large bank m Detroit, is being commended for his acL - .The Michigan situation has needed clarifying, to restore public confidence, for a long time. Some months ago man prominent in Michigan life and one of its wealthiest men. toTd this writer that this course ultimately would have to be - followed. Deflation in Detroit, particularly in real estate, has been as severe as anywhere m the world. Busmessmemare certain that rock bottom has been reached, provided public confidence can be restored. Readjustment of keen competition in the motor industry o that wages can be restored-an- d buying power resumed also is eagerly sought by Michigan busmemen. Incidentally. Governor Comstock himself (a Democrat, elected in November), suffered the loss of hts fortune to -- the depression, and thus is familiar with the afflictions of the many. 4 Wage Increases Now Industrialists are studying with interest the plan announced hr P. K. Wngley, president of William Wngley. Jiv. to increase wages of employei to offset tha Josa of pay naUon.- - FEDERAL RELIEF J resulting from shorter hours. We have kept all of ngley explains: our people on the payroll, hut they are workshorter hours aud consequently ere reing ceiving smaller wages. We shall make a readjustment n that workers who are paid by the hour will pet more pav. H is the only way to get things started " again. Hiller - what may be hie last special message to Congresa, President Hoover yesterday call-e- d upon that body to usa its remaining two-- . weeks in carrying through certain measures, which he feel of great importance to the economic recovery of the country. He look occasion express hi distrust of the dome- tie allotment plan as an md to agriculture, and recommends in ite place to lease temporarily the marginal lands from their owners and withhold them from production. One of the recommendations of the message is that the Reconstruction Finance Ccr-po ration be allowed to increase its loans to state and municipalitiea to alleviate distress. Such a measure if a necessity. It may not be passed by the present Congress, as the President ftatee the funds are sufficient to last until July, and a special session will be called probably in April. -- The relief or the' poor may be left, therefore, to the new As President-ele- ct Roosevelt . kil governor badJotimsto touch with this Problem, be will doubtless be in complete sympathy with the recommended action. There i one discordant voice, that of the capable senator from Virginia, Carter G!a. He advocate abolition of the RecontrucIion CofPhiAtlsn and talcs hat he will no longer cast his vote for these temporary expedient relief." The corporation, which h designate a destructive baa, he declares, Bwoly pofpened the agony those elates that don't expect to pay back." Senator Gla-- j knows finances and the danger of creating debts. He has been sec- -: relary of the treasury and ; might. le axaii If he desired the place. Hts judgment is not eapncxm in money mailers. Nevertheless 1 : : 1 f fofir 4 ; Plan j industnalNs are ondermg whether Adolf-Hit- ler will retain his popuhe if out the plan of German larity carries industrialists to bring about forced labor at pav to be determined by The industrialist add Hitler. w - - - Huey Long Hope Senator Huey P. Long hope -- that the Orleans finished J'dtM bridges across San Francisco bay. Huey destroy to be firt in everything including the biggest bridge in th world. All three bridges are made possmle by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. They are expected to add greatly to the of New bridge across the -- Visitppi at before the two growth cisco respectively. New Orleans and ban Fran- TWENTY YEARS AGO ftBKUAHY SI. ISIS an Prominent Balt Laka Burgeon member of local hospital eta f fa form- 4 a unit In opposition to a proposed e. bill before a committee in the state providing for tpe licensing of drug-lehealers, and strongly protested against tha measure. sen-at- w ! Observer Sees Change of Action Yet by Present Congress to Restore Confidence WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. (CPA) Although at the moment the Dial any clearing of the air problem la so iolen seems doubtful, jeverthelcss there is a prospect of some expeditious action m both houses of Congress on legislation. President Hoover is driving his own colleagues to push ahead on such vital measures as the amendments to the bankruptcy laws and the Democrat are under pressure feem iheir ewn leadership to do likewise. Mr. Hoover view are being communicated constantly to Congress in tbe hope of getting action on The Glass banking bill, tbe repeal of the publicity provision of the Reconstruction Finance act and increased power to lend to states and municipalities. The Senate has passed the bin sponsored York amending th Reconby Sen-- Robert T. Wagner struction Finance act to take care of the urgent problem of the cities and also clarifying certain feature of the present law so that reasonable security can be accepted, especially liens on first class property instead of marketable collateral which Ju been hitherto deemed lo be the meaning of adequate security. Parre Way For Borv soma method of assuring bank de-Th paaaago of th eighteenth that their funds are safe. amendment repeal through both poettors This might be done by a simple houses paves the wsy for a beer guarantee as advocated by Reprebill which may be put through In sentative Steagall, of Alabama, or th closing moments or tht sesby enlarging tbe power of the sion. Reconstruction Flnanc corporaPerhaps ths two most compli- tion. cated measures are those related One of Many Plans to the relief of debtors and the Certainly th Michigan banking Slate banking bill. The former haWniiustion accentuated th feel- a good chanc of passage if a com- lag here has that there must be some promise can- ba effected with re- way to use the power and resourcspect to the portions that relate es of the federal government to to railroads and corporations gen- overcome apprehensions that are erally. The house has passed it eo largely psychological. that differences could be Ironed Senator Couzeng, of Michigan, la out In conference if the Senate acts of a resolution to allow the favorably. After getting through author national banks to do under the wit h ths Wagner, bill, the Senate decided to make ths bankruptcy comptroller of the currency whatever is permitted In emergencies law amemdmsntg th unfinished state banking commissioners business so that tn ths next few by with reference to state banks. This days this pises f legislation will resolution is Just another of the go through tha Senate tn some form with ths hops that the bill many proposals being made to altears is to bring the and lay likely may come out of conference satissubject of guarantee of bank defactory to sll parties. posits sharply te the fere in the As for ths Glass banking bUI, next few days. which has passed the Senate this Congress is increasingly aware hard aleddtng In the House of the gravity of tbe business sitwhere sentiment for another pro- uation and tba talk now is that by posal. namely the S'eagall bill to accelerating tbe legislative machguarantee bank deposits, has been inery gt this time much may be growing. Incidentally there was done to remove uncertainty and reconsiderable talk In tha Senate of store confidence(Copyrighted), pressure l -- a ofew for. ten - years Whos News either a policeman or a deputy sheriff, tendered his resignation as a member of tbs Salt Laka polica department.9 Tha resignation waa announced Chief B. F. Grant. a by Police A burglar who broke Into a Salt Laka drug store but found no money In tba cash register, left a not saying: T can't lire on drugs. Why don't you leave some money T Tba Intruder took soma morphine and cocaina a a S Secretary Arthur Hooker of tha National Irrigation Congress a ho had - been In Salt I--a We since the last session' of the congress In October, le't for to begin preparations for the nr ,l annual meeting of the organization Pboe--witrS- ra crap-shooti- six-eig- ht k, Seen a Great Problem tnbuUon of tba great quantity of lifes necessities wa have at our very doors. Than would not or. ganizaiion and registration ba tha first step? Suppose every American cltisen would go to sleep tonight, and up- on awakening all knowledge and evideoee of the dollar wets reffior- ed from our minds. Think for a moment . what . would happen...,. Mould wa be tn a depression? Production of all necessities would continue and these could be distributed and enjoyed without any gold and silver medium of -- NEW TORK. Feb. 31. (CPA) I ague at Nation nor any other General Nnbuyoeht Mato. Japanese power can change onr determinacommander-ln-chief in Manchuria., tion to puna our established aims and tn charge of tbe JehM specs- - in Manchuria. tlonA la railed (The lent GImjC, Ha IS at th military caste, gradof the Japanese army. As be is only uated from military staff college a little over five feet tell, the referin the early nineties; In August. ence is. obviously, not to hts physi1323. b wss mads a godfather cal stature He is a taciturn mas. sent by the over th new state of Manehukuo His Japanese on many Far Eastern and virtually Is its dictator. Zenksn "Tokamcl missions, on which a good listener proper title TaishL" which means, "the cm- was required. One of bis few corded utterances waa directed to 'frw! private ambassador. Pre yiously be wa inspector general tbe League of Nations, Oct, of military edueation- - Laet Buy he to32. He said. resigned assuming "technical Emperor's PkiTOy for the participation "I repeat that neither the of ll cadets is tbe assassination Regret That He Wa Not Man With Coffee Editor- - Deseret News: Tht citizens of Utah outgrew the old system of taxation, so W -12 they voted to amend tbe stale constitution that a more unit arm, system ot taxation might be put into- effect. It waa not until two yearn later that a new tax law was enacted. The farmer had waited patiently for the time to come when hia neighbor, whose Salary amounted to more than his farm Income, might help to share the tax TTT bur- dens: Our four years have passed and tha property holder ia still . praying for relief. It is just too bad that this writ er was not tho guy who took that sleigh load of coffee and sandwich- -cs from Wellsvilla to that stranded train on which was ths hungry helpless law makers. Before 1 gate them a smell 1 would have demanded that they raise their right band and take the following oath: "We the Jam makers of Utah da solemnly swear that if th Lord will help us out of this blizzard and toko us back to the state capital we will not dieert our post of duly any mors but we will 'get down to work and. among other important legislation, we will place upon tbe statutes of Utah a law whiijh provide for an equal income tax to take the place of our present unjust property tax- - "Every person of equal income Editor. Deseret Nesw: pay an equal amount of taxes. Each A state of emergency Is here, person lo to abilpay to exist, when ity to pay by according the rata and will be sufficient number of Intelligent as ths incomesIncreasing Increases people corns to the realization that WILL ADAMS. humanity la to be considered before moneyrwhen they realize that joy and happiness are obtained to humanity and through not through ths accumulation of material wealth and holding it In check so men. women and - children cannot obtain the necessaries of life because of the greed of a comparative few. The millions who are now stripped of all their material wealth ara taking time to do some fundamental thinking Many of those who used to be called are now aware of their dependence necessary --fori this depression to come npon the people to cause thorn to do some constructive thinking. This will Impel them to unite and organize the country's resources to handle the emergency In preparation for the establishment of the greatest civilization t he world has ever known- Snpporn the state of emergency were declared to exist tomorrow. What should be dne to avorf mob rule and bloodshed? What It needed most? la it not an equitable dis dec-are- d "well-to-d- 150-fo- any insolvent concern unless makes match-- s. as ROUND TRIPS a USUAL LOW -- ONEWAY -- Paragraphs I - BY ROBERT QUILLET n- Ah. well; whe- Japan gets enough, she also will protest against land grabbing. FAtt T V3 On Sale Every Day in tha Waak " Another handy bridge prize would be a ean of sardines for the empty husband. ass Another useless department Mr Hoover might aa well.Junk is the one that handled his publicity. (Copyright 1932, Publishers 8yn dice te.) Doctors Gie Crtcsck Simple Round Trip Portland Spokane Boise Pocatello Idaho Falls v. Preston HcCammon , . , Twin Falls La Grande Shfc $30.00 30.00 17.00 6.70 8.90 4.60 6.00 12.00-- 23.55 to Bra, te e For nuny years ear bert doctors asre , . ,7 New Tork bankers force the city prescribed cxeoeote ia osm fans tog other points m the Northwest to cut expenses. They wont trust ceagba, .colds and bronchitis, knowing bow dangerous it is to 1st them bang so. WEEK END BARGAINS i Creomoluoa with creosote sad fix ether highly important medicinal de-fo- r- C False Teeth Eating a Joy KL1NG Makes Keep false teeth Am and they are always comfortable. Juat sprinkle a little KLIKft on your plate. This Improved powder forms a comfort cushion, heals sore gums, and holds so snug, yen eat, talk and Idates augh aa well as you did with your own forth. KLING is guaranteed better than anything yon ever need or money refunded. Large package of Kilng only at druggists, Adv. j0 ments, quickly and efloetirdy Mops all coughs sad colds that etbexwns might lead lo serious tnmhla Oeoumlatou is powerful ia ths trest-eot-ei all colds sad coughs no matter bow long standing, yet it is absolutely bsrmlcssandispiranundetaytotaka. Your asm druggist goanames Creo umisiou by refunding your money if you are --not relieved after taking Creotool-io- n as directed. Bewxrt tbs cough or cold that brags m. Always keep Cram mulaiea on hand for instant as, (adrj M ftW 1- - f. -- BENJAMIN B. RTRIXGHAK. Intimate glimpses of persons figuring in todays newt given daily in this column by Lemuel F. Parton, special feature writer for The Deseret News. , a Governor William Spry, membera of -- Ala staff and officers of the national tha guard, journeyed to Ogdn annual ball given.-- bw the..agd school cadet battalion This event-w-e- s followed by a dance at Ephraim, given by the guard 11. when he In December, thought he had IH.OOn.OOO. young Frank P. Parish bought th president a yacht, the Mayflower. He started to make it over like 3. P Morgans Corsair, planning a few extra stories, with- - landscaped setbacks. Three months later he was The Missourt-Kansa- a indicted. Pipeline, of which h was president. was Jn receivership. Monday the newspapers told of his flight from Chics, where he faced a 135 09.000 fraud charge. One more grotesquery of the miltemura waa late the tale of the hoy who made his first mtlhon at 1. A shrewd, blue eyed, but and likeable lad of 1 5. he got a job peddling spar parts for boats. He asved a few dollars and began playing the the eomk and the line not craps at Hlnkey-Dinbut oil otocks at a When, brokerage establishment. three years later he lauded that first million, he was cheered tike a run. halfback making a Other millions temporarily validated, at least grew up around him like fungi. Frock coated panjandrums of France eased him Into their Innermost huddles and haggles. His most casual word on finance was front paga copy. He tyrmnehed out at first with a modest yacht, the Theo. which he used to keep in the Grant Park harbor, scooting around the Great Lakes tor diversion. Hia house In Kansu City, too, wu un Oretentlous. carting only- LOO 0. but. as big natural gas mergers swelled his fortune, he began to live up to it. The Mayflower wu 320 feet long. He bought ft In the name of The Mayflower Corpora-tlothe present status of which In tbe Chicabu not been disclosed go proceedings. In his letter to his attorney, aa he said, he said he was becoming a voluntary exile. (Copyrighted ) - a Nioholoa Gulbranaen, - -- v American lt I . V David Lawrence nal one-thi- rd the RICHER. Writ log The Deseret Nrwe Will Nature Save Day? Just as wheat hopes had sunk to tha lowest ebb m history, two important development loom that may raise prices w ilhout thl -- - haa-larg- ely March 1. f At.T LAKE CITY, - - - FEBRUARY Writer Hold Income ' Tax Fairest of AU II - -- VWai WMXiMMMMttl) t . Round Trips 25c fnr htn One Way Fare snap ttformeiiea csSvai UNION BUS STATION Tempts Square Betel ; |