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Show T School Boar0 6 Adopfs Stiffer t .. 4, '...i.l..e....:-.'i-i.fl.:0..::::::- : Class Studies - I Changes To increase -- ,t4,704: - i 4 .g- People Oppose increase, Mayor Advises Commission 'r - I, The Utah State Board of Education Thursdaty adopted stiffer rettUirernents for graduation from high school. In doing this, the board 'ae,, all of a special committee which had, been, appointed earliet. Under the new requirements,1 units must' be in the 10th; lith and --completed - 0't .0k,....:...,R.O.v:,',..0 "Prl,a; , -- High School-Courses in Sciences, Math A I 4. , - By CONRAD B. HARRISON Deseret News Staff Writer The Salt . 11111gaele4WW.404,Atimo.PottikiNAtAloirf4M4MiaaviiMPAtigH4110144ftiv The previous requirements were based on Car, negie units, which offered more crash.-Dainage- t-- remóvaL: Minutes A contact unit requires at least 50 minutes of class study diil The changes to contact units in preference to Carnegie units for graduation Will. become etfective for students entering the - , I .. I amok Violent 1(. 3 en.ln u ta d-C- --,,,, - ,,,... - - - - , - - --- -- . lailed-to-negotia-- --a - ------ , - - TtIURSDAY, APRIL 3 ; 1958 E xpects, 11(e ind Spokane.77 The mayor and commissioners then voted 'unanimously in favor, of the Mayor's statement. There was no other comment about the action except a state-...inert from Commissioner Ted Geurts' that the situation was Lttalked our Thursday morning - or , , S 1 I y 1 . ,, ' . . ' . 1 S enators-H.ol- d , - - ' .. R USS I n A- - Dan . . ..- in ' a I closed door' session in Mayor Stewart's office. At the meeting, unannounced and not attended by the' press. ' were Mayor- - Stewart- 'Commis-- , , stoners GeurtS, Grant M.. Bui-A Republican and Democratic-senato- r each. termed Russia's 'bidge and L. C. Romney and City Atty. E.,Ray Christensen, ban of nuclear tests a "propa. "5 To'10 ganda frkk" in Salt Lake City . P ropagan a As ori1nafly1 passed bx the Thursday. the.ordinant e , The senators were Wallace raised the onehokr parking fee' r. Bennett, Utah Republican Alan Bible, Nevada Demo. 'eliminat. and fret.' of use ed the pennies. making Both were taking advantage five cents the minimum charge of the Easter vacation In Con. for any parking, and did away gress to visit their home states. with time, dials.Bennett will be in Utah Two d'ay., after pitssage of Senator middle of 'next week. the until the ,meastire,. the city 'canceled Bible eipected to con. Senator the portion of the ordinance profixate on to Eiy, Nev., following Such viding a brief stopover in Salt- -Lake meters. withotit -- time, would, ' . ve prevented motorists from City. . i Held Obvious Trick "free"' time paid by t Inheriting Russian than on nuclear . The ,packers,7 previo tests is "obviously a tricks' Wednes, Geurts nor , (cuortutm.ni - COMMISStOn CPRBIttliGE-- father of five dies "L.-E- 4, . r auto-tanke- lt,RENNETT Russ move propaganda SEN.. WALLACE - '41---1,s- y . - 1 a n g e d to ' . , - r 1 - tog Angeles, Seattle, Portland 1 - r . - narkm' - Homemaking present requirement is for one unit of homemaking for girls in senior high school, grades 10,:11- or 12, except that if one unit is taken in the 9th grade it will meet this requirement. The old requirec ment of a unit of homemaking in senior high school now is removed but a full unit of home-making will be required in junior high school. Two units of on an elective homemaking, 'basis, must, however, be offered by each senibr high school. , Industrial ArtsThe salhe re- quirements which apply to homemaking kr girls will apply for industrial arts classes for - . , .! h . .1 . t avel Iliminated penny parking and many of these have recently .: -- OSEPII LINDSTROM staff Writer , I crash. e of President Any oven'rid. s veto the recent D ea th s o t th e three man Eisenhower . ' very 'arm , (hiked the state s 1958 highway A ortflutts. 'fiiialiied Secy. of t toll to 29, comp,ared with 42 " Ezra Taft - nsón I for the same date a year ago. Agriculture on arrival in Salt i Lake- Cly . KILLE D: .,., Wednesday evening. ' L. E. Corbridge, 47, 3213Kath-- , Secretary .Benson, a member lerine Dr., .Magna, killed instant of the Council of the Twelve of the Church of Jesus Christ of crash. ly irl the Latter-daSaints, will spend the , John IL Lindsey, Elmore, g tohes:, $ teN;tannu a t,.teenedriani Okla., 38, killed instantly in the ' t ISan Juan crash. . ference . I Amos llosea Sego, 47, address Matter Of Princlpia' Unkll Owft. Who died shortly after The recent veto 'of the farm arrival tit ',San Juan County bill by the Preskdent was a matHospitaf in Monticello. ter of "princtple", rather than B Claims,U.S. Trend "The present trend of Atheri-- , can citiesJs to eliminate penny n,arking and increase meter - o Stan 1 Veto 1 - - The- - rates. - re - ris - 5 SECT16N UTAH LV Farm Secretary f ti q Elt1 L!' '.- i .) ;N. - to-m- eet formerly required in the 9th grade, in the future may be in the Sth or- 9th grade: LAKE CITY, ,, --- . Li.:; - ., . , '- SALT 7- - -- , flier , M - .7- ,,,,:, ir 4 , I, , io ,,, political exPediency," the secre- ' BLUFF, San Juan County --- taryAald. The bill vetoed was GRANDPA---WELCOME HOME, S etary of AgricuA speeding auto failed to nego- the I controversial measure to hbme to Salt Lake welcomed was Benson Taft Ezra lture THAT tiate a curve four miles north freeze farm support. prices. 0111RitS two of his 1zandchlldier, by Wednesday evening , of here early :Thursdayand City The JAR was "strictly polits. Mr , of and Mark children and boys.head-oStephanie, Stephen crashed , intoati em- ical in nature and would have - A. Benson. bankment. Bothtthe driver and done more harm than good," for-.- ! aasses Arts Language "When will Salt Lake City his passenger were killed. Secretary Benson said merly Victims of the mishap which He expressed delight at the known as languageartsi11 At finish - the Job of directing 'about 12:30 a.m. were current farm outlook-- 4Farm I least two units of the,three Units traffic to the correct lane by occurred 11,41 of language arts required for painting 'Left Only' on those John- H. Lindsey, 38, qmore, prices are 11 per cent ahead of I senior 'high school must be in intersections that now have - Okla., residing at the Blanding a year ago." he declared, with Hosea Amos and increases ,on Hotel, the Sego,' offset farro lanesthe These biggest turning English. . I or lanes have proven to,be very 47, no address given,' but resid- commodities - not Mi. II III PIP II the eon- said Sen. Bennett. 'We could Time re- helpful to those,Iyho know ing in the Blanding area evoking DriverTraining supported. troverstal ordin ce in a motion have done'the same thine' ' "Prices are ahead of two quired, for driver training in- the purpose, of them." According to Patrolman Rob. He observed that the an do . it around home and by DekTAR yEUSCIIER sitting .... presented to the ty commisstruction cannot be taken from ay years agoand 9 per pent higher 11A4VARD IL REED ert Low of- the may have bees 'nottneement, Vennision: Stewart' each Writer a Mayor 'what fine a required course. other now News Staff we when had Deseret telling than . , rigid San Juan Situation: The Salt Lake City Patrol, and reasons to , internal for made an hrismissioners Burbidge It may be taken from a full.. traffic engineering division re- County deputy sheriff, who in- price- supports- in 1955," he 'em- Republican women from six! philosophy it i said. ' tor power cover the o tensen up no voiced grab opposition 'We must be united in one year's course or else a new sep- . ports there are four intersec- vestigated, the northbound auto- phasized. Russia's Nikita man, miclwest top and western by the motion. , arate course most be given. He said the drops in dairy purposeto sell the Republican - Later, however, the commis- Xkrushchev. tions on 17th East and one at mobile driven by Mr. Lindsey . .,,..over this all courtThe board members discussed I 7th East and Sth South without was traveling at a 'high rate - of prices were exactly as predicted were told Thursday s:atlecs philosophy not much "W lost very sion continued the motion for and Would result in a' greater party cannott afford to lose try," she added. informally a iecommendation the ''Left Only" sign in the, speed. because of the ,e,,LNitc,,, Thursday. , Corn0 v . George D. Clyde, welcom- - consideration made by Dr. E. Allen Bateman, street. These will be paintell this consumption of butter.' - milk one congressional seat,psaid Senator was not and cheese by the public. . state superintendent of public spring., They were not previ ing the delegates to the state, missioner Romney in the midwest. Bennett. of five father MAGNAThe and ularly the at present meeting The Department of Agricuurged the women to "'spread the instruction, at a school adminis- ously lettered, according to the children was killed instantly lture lowered the support level L Lee Potter, special assistant word that tho current economic Men4t?:er Stewart said he felt the Senator. Bibl thought the trators conference last week, traffic people, because of the commission should con- Russiansmay hae gained Wednesday !tight when his car of dairy products on April I. to National Republican Chair- - recession, while serious, does that high schools in the future newness of the program-- It was and , "some propaganda 61 e,on can. -- a propane gas truck rot matter. -- sider the r- -call for Meade Alcorir,tAdri II. n man said he panic." hould offer seven periods of in7 felt that more caution would be Benson alt Secretary to atomic teSt1 but lided on U.S. Highway 40 near checked Naing of the onferenee Lake of The Salt Chamber ufah , The, governor railed price changes of dairy, regional struction daily instead of six exercised without the most-ot--t- he world recognizes, it sign, giv- Black Rock:- the past two tional Federation of Women's upon the women to work for Commerce and the 'Salt products during periods.. he a to used ' chance 1:eople ing get of the criti- - years. He said the drops he I Republican. Clubs that ''despite the sound principles for which Retail Merchants Bureau' voiced as a propaganda gimick.u was Driver truck Members strongly supported to the channelized turn lanes. added. to lose ! have not we do althe Republican- Party -has truck found,. "2'4 to 3 cents for but- the polls pleasure over the commission's - 'Caution Urged' It von are irked by a condition or Cally burned when the the view that the high schools Practice i in city or state mail it to action. overturned after the- collision ter per ' pound and 2 to 21i the 1958 election." ways stood." ' -should offer the full seven per! "Quirks Diet Irk." Deseret- News and t.'We have to Sessions were' held at Hotel' s'We are happy that the city Mayor Adiel F. Stewart also cents per pound for cheese." ods of instruction and should in- - Ti;.1 e 1'j:a 8117e :Xs' 8 letr Iseknet City and caught fire. t Soviets cautiously and make t welcomed the women to the city. Kill ed instantly was L. S. Con, were "just exactly ' what we fUtah in Salt Lake City. set , METERS on Pare B-- sure crease their faculties in order to - interesting will be printed. Kate. !IOWA our must ,Nve they are acting in good forget predicted they would be. ha' See do " " But Most certainly, we must FAT4LITIES on Page B-we for faith. oat differences and Better Markets must explore every possibility our regional differemes," get "And we anticipate greater there its to solve-- the Auclear race," he 1. he said. consumption of dairy products, nothing that a Democrat in 9 ," better markets and reduced sur- - flee will do to resolve these-pluseshe two senators took op.. he added with a smile. views on the President's tt t. posite promems. - The Secretary was met at the veto of the farm legisla, women the recent warned Mr. Potter Aps airport by members otitis tam- that the election this fall will tion to frefqe price' supports. r1,4 SCENE ily, including Tiseveral grand- . not be iorhevetO will be sustained. Republicans g. eahsYall)t'rad Husem children. He will remain In e sea s ve There will be no major fartn-leUtah until Monday, when he now f islation from this Congress?! occupy, as well as pick uPwill return to his native Frank- several now held by Democrats Senator Bennett flatly, declared -r AT THE FORMAL OPENING of the plush '11 voted in favor of the farm "They then consented to allowthesub, lin County, Idaho, for a home- He urged elimination of the- new Hotel Utah Motor Lodge yesterday, scriber to deposit the dollar in a hole by a.- coming celebration and a 'major "defeatist, - can't . win attitude supports price freeze, I don't -- 'ferice4Post- - sotharlhe editor could secure' 4ann ttpeech beforethe Ffanic. tharDemiacratS'-atetryint7t- o D.Clyde waspointing know about overriding the veto. Farm Bureau. area had it after The Sunday midnight hour had lin COunty all the gr6at achievements , sou 'cle Some effort may be , made by - ' :k resulted frEOM faith and confidence in 'the fustruck." . ,' Mrs Peter Gibson, Detroit, thP Congress,"observed the sem. . ture. leder national of the ator from .Nevada. Unit , president , women were declared a lhat tion in Several the 'overcoats crovvd "I see WHOLESALE LOTS !Plan ,Friday Meet "well aware of the problem and right now," his ' excellency continued. will ,he a tig day at the Samuel I Friday will meet the Issue 'Members of the MetriiOlitan a the matter. Don't you have any , What Richard. Ferguson home, 36314 6th South. Its !"We must maintain In this na Water ,DiStrict board of! di. , confidence" Diane's birthday ,(April 4, 1943l, as well the philosophy ,of the ne' rectors will meet at the Alta' tion his 1,1914i.Ferguson's (April Jmmediately Orval Adams shucked 100E. Pul)licin SOuth Party hilt we cannot Fri'Temple, Not only that. lts also the natal day of Harold Eennett.- - D. D. toproat,--; followed to conduct official the ay. ext., Mr. P.'s mother, and also his grandmother.- Moffat and a hall a dozen ethers among spe vass of votes in the recent bon cial guests,and spectators otS' No Cassandras L IDAII0 FALLS Two Idaho BTU Alumni To Hoid , election. . Falls men were scheduled for - .DRAMATIS PERSONAE , The bond election, held March Thursday after.- - arraignment$8tniliron bond ,In a3unior Sunday School class last week " , on noon charges of intent to EVASION AND SUBTERFUGE the teacher had told the Easter story, and was issue for construction of a new The annual reception for murder commit through a dyta, Water The purification plant.' Brigham Young University e You think Sunday closing is a new issue reviewing the tots on the. Inal,n events and blast mittr plant will be paid for out of in. alumni will be held Friday, the principal characters. around tere The arraignment followed a . received by the water utdaY and 'Sunday from 4 to '6 abdrit this item In the Park Recfull "And now, who was Teter!" she astad. I day of questioning Wallies- trigt. pin. in Hotel Utah. ord of March 1,1902t reporting that the- law which authorities interro- -- she No response.- - "Oh, con4-rnOWday;in said, utidfficial vote COMA was The Millet, W. reception Floyd was- so strictly enforced down Salina- Utay D. Moore, 21, 'and Monte -"Can't me who Peter. tell be event will gated wait" anyone of bond 'and said 7,226 in favor the the he chairman, that-st7.-tMarvin Charles Feely Jr-- . 18. held in the Jade Room' on the Edward had to ,go to ...church togetthetowli,council' .7 Silence'. ; and then finally a small"1-f-inkvoice ,230 against Attorney 'Prosecuting I west' menanine. the rear of the room answered, iapt Bonneville W. County Pike together to grant him permission to accept, from of "This reception will provide , re others-weB also dollar on a subscription that on of his he was a. wabbit, teacher." said being that a wonderful opportunity, for all ..reaaers had traveled two days 4o give turn. questionkl for possible comer students, faculty:twin-- . dttirmet tion with the case.'.,... : PLAN CAMPAIGNI. Lee Potter; special ascistánt to PARTING.SILO 10711 his and friends "It 'was only after the editor explained.. tCityRegiorial cam. over 1958 The twO are charged with a talks nationalr the They're--YouRepublican chairman, 3 Sack to Schools that itrould cosrhhn S1.50 to keep the sub rYOLIng University Its truer than ever with these get styles of the Na,'Gibson 41111Mr& Pete dynamite blast that'seriously president plaJ13 6 getber for wh9. thinks ishe bought a' Farm Roundup scriber over 'until' Monday; thereby-limning-121, at Pederation. ,Clubs of tional ,Women's Injured Mrs- - Roene Gasser, Republican, Alumni tents in the hole, that the copa . hiniself 13Y.11,, dress for a ridiculous Rrice, findsshe actual , Robert Ruff, , ,. v : fails. ho , In conference Salt leOeration .Let's-Fla14 1,Asidelatiort'president; Tegional take.City. I.y bought .it for Chess til took 'actioti,!! the article rAnUnued. Ligure. ; , , - ' R4K -- . n -- t Unity Appeal Made To Itepu man Worm - -- - . I - N 1 I Utah-Highw- Max-King- she - i -- t 1 . -- deat-with--.t- he 1 ap '. 2 .1 ' I- tr. jáj;:: - A TODAY - , , - . . I ools to A naming collision between an auto and a gas trtick,and ch ange-t- o The-ne- w re- subject of three men in accident claimed the;lives a smashing one-ca- r , quirements- has not ,yet been , Thursday. worked out, according to Wil-- Utah Wednesday mg ht an d early ,,, killed of five burn Bail, assistant state su., The victims included a Magna when Perintendelit auto collided with a tanker truck ne rBlack Rock Wednes This' Other changes in the require -r --pan and two Iday about - - - - - - -- . ' ' ': '', : 1San ,luan County oil ftold work- .00'4,,e..4 ' ' 1,1athematiei,-On- e full unit of ' ,' , !ers killed noir Blu ISa Juan - 1,' rnathetnatiat will be re quired in ,7 ,, County ' early Thursday.. when grade 10, 11 or 12. Algebra in ,fr . , ' .1f ' ,...'' - - . .... 9th-- grader-whieh- --t- he theira 1, 77 formerlyk lowed this re- , I eurve an d smashed into an ' quirement, no longer will fill 1 bankment.- thts requirement. , The tanker driver was eriti- .,patroso.' .,,N,,, ,,:.) 1 ...I of science, 1r914 call), injured in the Highway 40 - D . - Thursday. , , ------- -- Ergthatt-been--Itotirat.----- - - --- es - the May CT Adiel F';'Stev:iart said: 17 .iThe Board of City Commis- sinners - feels that the raise in parking meter rates, was a step to im- - ity the righL.-directi- on prove the dbwntewn parking ' problem. It Ls now apPareht that the I people-- of the 'city are not in :favor of step,, and the Board of Cóminissioners feels s that it istheir duty to serve' of this city. There; fore, we will amend the ,ordid - former nance, to restore ONE.DEAD, ONE RURTInvestigating officers essynine- wreckage of as truck which burned after collision with auto-huge 'double tanker-gnear Slick Rock (rhol'os- by Deseret News staffer Wednesday night Jack Monson.) s- - - ' - a 'Magna father of five, totaled $10,0011 to check wreckageH tanker and auto. Wrecker driver lies: on ground HIGHWAY VIOLENCEThe driver was killed instantly in ilighway- 40 - leeway. , tacked by both individuals and business groups. In a statetnenti read to the PHAIMS 1034$10d,0014001M011111111401016.011.1141001111111 V,ViEMCOSsOkAblgi - - take &Els thiff gradeefor gradUation.7. ' ' City Commission Thursday rescinded controversial ordinance raising parking' meter rates. - I 12th ecc -- in-th- -- water leaders I , Arraigninen Due Today: - -Mrs:- - ' - 7 3Dav , Sat-com- , ," - it , SECTION 1 - - - n 12-1- rd a, - |