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Show i DESTOT NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Soft lake A3 City, Thursday, August 177 1961 Yd Sniff GIl'3! Welch Oul, Ifs Dangerous jyy --j ul By United Press International Worried authorities warned .Thursday of permanent brain damage or death from "glue : Sniffing" deliberate intoxica-- ' tlon from model airplane fumes. . , A recent outbreak of "glueing parties among SL Louis s indiCounty, Mo., cated the deadly- - fad survives and crops up only to take a new toll of life and property. A United Press International . survey showed the practice is dnot isolateSniffing Caused Crime A week ago, a frenzied 15-- ' Dallas youth herded year-ol- d . five members of his family out of their home and shot himself , ln the leg. Police said the boy was ihigh on airplane cement fumes and went berserk when- his - family confiscated the glue. The - Dallas youngster was luckier than most. Los An- - geles last reported year from pneumonia blamed directly on lung deterioration - from glue sniffing. Police also coped with youths - trying- - to stop a train barehanded or Jumping off an oil . derrick. Los Angeles health officials cited the biggest obstacle to cehalting the fad: airplane ment is as available-"a- s the nearest drug or novelty store. Banning its sale is impracticable and authorities can only warn merchants to be discreet Glue Sales High Despite warnings, supplies of the glue were depleted In several StLouis Cqunty communities. Its not a narcotic and Is not County Detective Capt H. C, Birmes said. Other authorities said legislation - against the glue would have to be extended to paint, gasoline, car ignition spray and lighter fluid clearly out of the question. . . There is no geographical pattern to the fad. Denver police reported glue sniffing cases NO MONEY DOWN o CONVENIENT TERMS' ce-me- 17-JEW- teen-ager- two-deat- light-heade- ELGINS EL 'jrtbzho I JUST WHAT WANTED TO SEE SHED DO IF SHE SAW ONE J DIDNT WRITE HERSELFJ hs C d V - BERLIN Continued from First Page were Issued as to how where they crossed the border. In other developments4 on the Berlin situation: Armed Communist police arrested members of a British military patrol in a harassing action along the East-Wes- t Berlin border Thursday morning. The men were released unharmed after . questioning, and not long afterwards Brit ish Ambassador Sir Christopher Steel tlrove into East Berlin in a three-ca- r convoy 25 and minutes without incident in a show the flag demonstration. The Union Jack flew from his car, East German workers gan tearing up the rails of of the six elevated train lines the Communists dosed' Sunday when they bfgaiy'to seal the border, A company ojKthe British Royal Rifles, the 2nd Green Jackets, guanfed ; the Soviet War Memorial in the British" sector throughout the day to prevent .any possible demonstrations by angry West Ber- habit-forming- -a- -- Police Sgt. Tom Rowe said first-tim- e cases are handled ' through ""youngsters1 parents. Repeaters are prosecuted under the city's benzedrate erdi nance, since- - chloral benzate produces the "kicks. Conviction carries a maximum penalty of $300 fine and 90 days In jail. Oklahoma City authorities reported quite a few cases but said there was no known connection between glue sniffing and crime. - ))', y, TYPEWRITER for better v'iihl grades . . . $11188 fust NO MONEY DOWN! ADMIRAL Watar-fasislon- Big band) Swoop DOWN! $1.M weekly Ihot wakes you to music to I' j LOOK! rWinif- re- tea $1.00 ph key, weekly CARRYING CASE INCLUDED NO MONEY DOWN I TMiitritrtiHiiYiiViiMWiiiYiHiiiM,riiYiyiiirwrrmiJrriiiitinfi t- famous - VBULOVA ATCHES JUL WED MM lease, shift lock, back space $53.25 with federal tax. MO MONEY CLOCK RADIO ot HEW machine performance! keyboard, margin second bond and elelnUte staal bachl When cote oad xrye-tera latocf. PHONOGRAPH , 78 fpm Plays Id, records.. .Intermixes 10 and 1 2 records of same 33,-45- liner; XII Expli i only -- est Berlin newspapers peared with big black headlines over stories In many eases reflecting West Berlin Mayor WUly Brandts demand at a mass meeting Wednesday for not merely words but political action" from the Western allies on the current crisis. WASHINGTON (UPI) Routine Patrol Americas latesr satellite. ExA British spokesman said plorer XIL Completed its first the military policemen were orbit Thursday after shooting a routine patrol of the making some 50,000 miles into space, line between The British and The orbit was completed at Soviet sectors of Beflin when 8 a.m.EDT Thursday. The Exhey were arrested at 5 a.m. plorer was launched from The spokesman declined to Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Tues-a- give additional details, such as un-tinight, and it has taken men were In the how this morning for the 82 patrol,,many hut It was l pound IpiceTaboratory to get protest would be made. back from itt immense outIronically, - the patrol was ward journey. seized as a company of 100 A federal space agency Brltishsoldiers were throwing) spokesman said no precise de- up a barbed wire barricade' tails are yet available on the around the Soviet War Memosatellite, which Is delving into rial In West Berlin to protect the radiation secrets of the it against possible demonstrauniverse. tions by angry West Berliners. Its course was to carry it as The East German border far as 50,000 miles from earth guards also stopped Bishop at one point and bring it back Otto Dibelius, head of the within 170 miles of Its nearest Evangelical (Lutheran) Church approach. foralTof Berlin, when he sought to go to a church meeting in East Berlin Thursday morning. He was turned back. West German police said one member of the East German Workers Militia (factory Continued from First Page fighters) also crossed the boragreement in "New York of der during the night May 4, 1949, and by the ded-sioThe western sector of this in Paris June 20, 1949, by city was in an angry mood at council of ministers of the four the Communist crackdown in . powers. East Berlin. The Western powers have Receives. Ovation never accepted that limitation Brandt received a Mayor of freedom can be Imposed on ovation cheering, whistling movement within Berlin; the when he anWednesday Soviet between the boundary nounced to a mass demonstra-tio- n and the Western sectors is not by 200,00(-o- f his people a state frontier, he-h- ad - told . President that The measures taken by the Berlin expects West Kennedy East German authorities are not words but political acillegaL tion.' The allies reiterated that The Socialist mayor, who. Is they do not accept the pre- deep in an election campaign tension that the'Soviet sector battling to unseat Konrad Adeof Berlin forms a part of the nauer as chancellor of West 'German Democratic Germany, arranged to see BritRepublic and that Berlin ish Ambassador to Bonn Sir situated on Its territory. Christopher Steel and the Such a pretension isr in it-- , American, British and French self a violation of the solemnly military commanders Thurspledged word of the govem-men- t day. of the USSR in the occupation agreement - An this is - flagrant and particularly serious violation Want-Ad- s Are status of of the four-pownotes said. Berlin, the The notes wgg-- sent by messthe Soviet foreign enger-to- REMINGTON "HOLIDAY BARON toured-the-border-- for three or "right long,-with four just yesterday. Denver Tq gef you to doss on time 7-JE- speed. JUST Completes Lengthy Orbit NO MONEY DOWN! Choos fra eed e great variety of stylet lor wee AN watches tram eur regular stack and reduced 40 lower that Hit. wonien. y l B01FS-7-JEWE- L- A SNAP TO USE! WATER RESISTANT4 is Moscow. StARMITE WIPES CLEAN WITH A DAMP CLOTH! EARL- OUTFIT' Birst WISHBONE 1 MO MdlWidl Nn leaf ma IM HOMY "OOWW" $1 weekly PENDANTS Just to ui (In ft Iwiited. 3PC ,95 I I glut lax Charge PI tustrou aum flash, bulb, bah leriet, yourflrrf roll of fllml Include built-i- n in cultured TROJAN LUGGAGE pearl . . , gold-fille- d wishbone and matching , chain. h Set Includes 24 .Pullewn, 22 overnight cose, 14 train cate with mirror. Beautiful a turn blue or charcoal. HflUrtlfcHIBIlKttel xsoo OHMS n minister CULTURED -P- NOTES ioEserybodr- KODAKBROWNIE"! PERFECT "jS3tSSfc 27 Sc ($! . - .'! M ptcHP m 2" I WlW tc . Wmr u.Slepl'Scd - FOR BACK TO SCHOOL- - - Stcme Wh,1c they Iwf FOR HIM OR FOR HER "" Exciting New LP Records 12 IDENT. BRACELETS vlL rL--g ) xtrC u Hearts -- HEW SPEIDEL CLASSMATES ... Cee- - pinbiccU - IccJI fJ- r - FAMOUS Both Only CROSS FEN 95 d HO HONEY 50 y oi $1.50 WEEKLY, sown! FENdl end mi SET Broadway thaw bits, folk brace. Eght opera, joxx, Waster hilt, religious tongs and favorites trass foreign countries. Terrific values at only 09 aachl - tre-- l unCer rear eeae er Initial. CHAUCE m 4a aJ i OPEOAOIIDAY TILL 9 P.T.I - 0GDEII - PROVO - 2IID SO. and MAUI SALT LAKE CITY A "" ft |