Show gt n enz en z y I 1 L I 1 great scissors I 1 v sale this week at our store if it was not unlucky to make presents of sharp instruments we would 1 a ably give you a pair of scissors this week but as it is V you can get them at about your own price we have some sharp bargains at each and something better for more money let us show you our mini mani A cure scissors our button hole scissors and our scissors at the eddy drug t storey store WYNN VYNN L EDDY prescription druggist vi 1 1 14 4 t V J 41 new N goods e J A P I 1 new G goo d sl I 1 4 2 A we are again prepared to take care of our ma 4 patrons in a pleasing manner our late arrivals 4 11 of both staple and fancy dry goods for the new f y season are greater than ever before we just received by express a special order sy of ladies shirt waists handsomely made and just 4 the thing for autumn and winter wear the A material 0 winch which these waists are made sells reg I 1 for GO 60 1 cents its per yard figuring three 4 av y yards to each waist the goods alone would be 4 y I 1 worth we are selling sellina them at the ex x 4 A low price of each come and in in 46 them i 4 v WE STAND TOR FOR RELIABLE GOODSN 2 A tl t AT justifiable PRICES 1 L T f ijan T A W esst t WE DO BUSINESS 16 t hanson mercantile co cot BRIGHAM progressive department STORE al 4 4 W 4 OMEY OME A 1 1 11 to buy clothes and b i 41 theres no place like Rosen baums to buy a fall suit for business or for dress theres no place like Rosen baums to buy a fall top coat rain coat or overcoat theres no place like Rosen baums to buy a good pair of trousers for any purpose theres no place like Rosen baums to buy clothes for the boys there s no place like Rosen baums A when looking for the correct hat the latest tie there s no place like rosenbaum s everybody says it the people s verdict pleases us music to our ears we appreciate the good things said of us and so were crowing some Rosen baums cash store 5 THE POPULAR CLOTHIERS AND MENS outfitters OUT FITTERS brigham city utah La lawrence virence boyle ot of the boyle fur nitsie co and leo madgen architectural tec tural draught draughtsman stuart for F r C woods co were visitors from ogden on I 1 peach ceacil day CLOSING OUT SALE I 1 hae hac a good many useful articles that I 1 will dispose ot of I 1 will sell everything on hand including store fixtures at a bargain MRS E M 51 HILL perry sy N ga s for the th e new season maybe you want to see the newest and hear of the latest styles for fall our clerks are chuck of information and well appreciate your visit whether you come in to buy or just to I 1 look ok full faill t ECONOMY is the greatest af all REVENUES which is the same as saying that saving money is better than making it weare holding out ECONOMY every day to our customers buying goods that wear and look well is economy trading at a store that enables you to do these things is economy us we make the prices to get your trade not to meet the other fellows longley and elk hats new fall styles just in you get no better no matter how much you yon pay we are exclusive agents in the county for these celebrated hats selling sailing longley s elks other makes red schoolhouse shoes for fa children ildren we have been selling and guaranteeing these shoes for not years a pair returned yet they must have merit why not try them they cost no nc more than inferior wakes A larze large shipment just in direct from manufacturers I 1 jsn to 8 1112 2 8 to 12 i 2 to 11 you can always Fish IT c 1 hurns ln B yn y n 0 o stores at brigham do best at JL II 11 S and tremont ONE AND THAT THA r THE LOWEST NOTICE shooting positively prohibited on the following sect fona foris of 1 land and iviria west of brigham and perry sees 4 f 5 and 9 arv fn T 8 N R 2 W 29 2 9 3 30 0 3 31 3 1 3 32 2 3 33 3 I 1 in n T 9 in R 2 W 1 2 fix T 8 K Y K R 3 W and 25 35 and 36 39 til IM T 3 0 1 SS KS W except w cherf litti written condeff V ja is given tres be vigorously prosecuted t tf f I N brosa tremendous emente Tr cut cult in prices greatest salle in the HISTORY e T BRIGHAM CITY we desire to calT tIie of the people oy brignand city and box elder county to the fact that we have now opened up all the fall goods we purchased when we bought the ogden Z C BI 1 I outcome and get a benefit in offlie lines we offer we giver give from three to five times more for yourl lioney than you cangel caw get arec JACKETS 6 2011 JA JACKETS CRE TS 10 JACKETS 18 JACKETS ua 21 JACKETS ML 4 21 JACS JACKETS thea jackets are last yeara styles but the hinbest hi sliest grade goods that is on the market LOOM AT THIS 3 1 50 up tadage walking skirts skirts up walking skirts boop skirts fil wrappers 85 underskirts undershirts Under skirts 75 GOO YARDS DRESE GOODS at AM HAIZ PIME boys boots 75 cents BLI mens ens boots aleci Ale Metta yi lined yuloo lined shoes canvas leggings german socks 3 soc boys and youths suits at cost we offer dress braids bead tz immings skirt bindings velvet ribbons iress dress buttons feather bone and aund hundreds reds of other seasonable articles at such ridiculously low prices that you must see for yourselves yom selves to be that this ethe greatest sale in aft history of brigham Brig liam city besides the great bargains we offer we now snow a very fin faim line of cloaks have been bought direct from the barbary faa far bary most blost of our fall goods have arrived and we are mady for the fall trade we have plenty of blankets at and I 1 loc oc at 3 ads for YOU CAN ALWAYS MONEY BY TRADING TENDING WITH VS US C HOLST HOEST ca SON c IN remember the place 22 block of tabernacle WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON STONE JARS FRUIT JARS JELLY GLASSES JAR RUBBERS at least get our prices and while you do so rest a bit and listen to our large new phonograph A V christensen knudson a |