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Show SECTION FOUR ..fC, TIIE DESERET NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 - FEATURES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN iRGESI qEDTI M E.VnRIES r; MARY MOOPJE the Nuts about him Isnt it a con founded shams thaA when two po-p- i fall in W they cant get to gather and hiarrjj1 and tell the HOOTYft VNGS AROUND of the. world where to get oft? Now, lake my case for1 instance., ET TIIOEyTON W." BURGESS. here 1 waa in a prospectively good po,as . aud Jtfst because Dudley Job . There's no on ever loes a spy and Karradsy The one who likes to peek and pry. gets sore at Metlia lean to Hoi 1 1 m flooey. t afford old Mother Nature. , bi It'4! about iven talk or get ntarrtkd, When Reddy ox left Hooty the "Who preventing you talking Owl over In the Green I orest It about It Tt shs tiuest.oned daringly.1 waa Just before daylight. By that 1 am. By the txerctee of supertime Jolly round, red Mr. Sun hai human restraint, I withhold the declaration of 'my love for you: But begun b daily climb up In the mess blue sky. Reddy wss back at his it ever this Sunshine Slopes le in the Old Pasture. A few , horns turn and they me, gel cleared up minutes later Mra Reddy returnloos spellbinding ed. Reddy said nothing about his I'll come tumbling to you so fast having called on Ilooty fhe Great it'll make you blink- And I'll take Horned OwL They spent the diyi you in my arms and . . as usual and lata In the afternoon I never .thought I could proa the Black Shadows began to said evenly pose to a man. she appear. Mrs. Reddy announced But l'q doing Hi that she was going Tvunting. "To me?!' Christinas decorations about the Chorus. Wait a little while, my dear Exactly! Wouldn't Dudley be XXIV. house nntll after New Year's day. and I.ll go with You. replied Red-- i If knew?" lie amazed wa followed week tbich i la this proprr? It not. what colors There'll another fine girl in thUI The dy. "We'll go tell him. Meanwhile. every one of abysmal misery to Chris-Ontown 1 know, waa not going to and decorations would be snitahlr Mr. Reddy . - on condition that e if I accept ono save I loved ber, 1 did all my life. ally McRae and watt but before she could get start-ifc- e for a New Year'a Eve party? couldnt believe her ears, you postpone our marriage until ' Lose and best wishes 1 said mean IE my dear, ed she caught a glimpse of a big for the night like a fool, I got down' tine Keith. Had been made over. 1 atn able to earn a to a over Christine want anon bird sailing silently my knefg Reddy. Listen! If coming year, , f own living. her at amazed as was w She home. And on of their thoae back a tree be little of I asked her other if Salt Lake. turkey wife shed my PROGRESSIVE, She was staring could Thalgood. She gave her consent lo my arms transition as ever Dudley There a Hooty th Owl, she said. must get some one to catch it for water. Her throat con-- , at off the his M presence, been. ally's us.' have Deed Progressive, it Is all right he's If T wonder he thinks going Who could do it better than she did come. tractrd .with a tense emotion to to use the Christmas decorations We were to be one in the fall. to catch anything over bre In the Hooir the Owl? But of course h laughter. Ilia eternal which her brave words gave the w live." his refusal to treat her seri- He. for a Near Year'a Eva party. You I'm single et, and the reason for Old where mustn't Pasture know that be is catching Isn't It customer to kisa the ously. or with boring respect, these for us Nowr do ou begin to might have a number of 1930 cal- Reddy grinned. He thought ov-he;i that, - understand? depths and emo- girl on is engaged to? had what sndars In evidence and as man Is because I'ny a little too smalL things plumbed herself brought knew Hooty Ills hand went out tentatively, had never ' said he.) Mrs. Reddy looked at Reddy tions which she clocks as you can gather up, placed er there. "Perhaps. and he;ws trembling violently. He suspected. has com here to see if lie - mlnngly. She saw through the idea here, there and everywhere. Es- Chorus. and her shoulder touched her arm, carefree I that As Wally, for a alarm can' turkey." catci, clocks, and set them pecially right away. Are you going to take gentleman, find- she swayed toward h m. Mrs Reddy turned an! looked him over there tonight? she all. on the hour of 12, Also twould Not long ago my old, rich uncle philosophic young of hi in then lost love, he And over eats lightness head himself s he nice to have tiny New Year's ing at Reddy. What dor he ad. died. tnat he was manner and hi eyes grew soil and 'No" replied Deddy. It la to bells hung on curtains, etc. The Of course I came In for my share decided unanimously know about turkey?" she demand of tha excuse to enjoy a va serious as he held her tight against soon to go back ther. Wa'll Just ed. guests could be called to attention As I stood by his bedside be said glad mur Christine." him. 'Oh! he was an He impecunious cation. He told me that he had eaten keep Hootv interested tonight." for refreshments by ringing a large unto me. d Christine, dearest! A man of undoubted charm)- muii-d- . bell. Po presently Reddy led the way ohe once. replied Reddy. My boy yofifre a young millionaire. young ability. Some day.to he an- meitt later he feleased her. Don't Bo What more can Z do for you? There wasn't an end of my praises you couldn't keep yourj and Mrs. Reddy followed him down We're supposed buckle; cryjf he pleaded. nounced. he was going Reddy. Mr. etlll! on th Green Meadows. There they next dsy. snapped tongue This, to hi happy. . . . There, damn if down and go to work. WANT A TOM CAT! You had to tell Hooty ail about hunted mice. Every once In a whila Upon me the ladies did call. he grinned, lsn t YatJ've got mg doing It, too." Florida thing," Dear Mias Moore: w killed" tueker that Excuse I. Ary would get a glimpse Of Hooty me, dear ladles, work. It no Job selling a lot to Later, he returned to the ub-- i I have a black Tom cat about two, Says I realty bel.eve. No. replied Redd r. No tnr tbe Owl. Hooty waa hanging Boston come now from on an had who which has taken man a we one-haand months old; a pretty' Your Just a little too tall, dear I rnere'v told him that round where ha could keep them or De Moines for tbe express pur-- j- added Importance, little thing and all we've called Mm, tn sight. Every Lim Reddy saw had had a turkey. Ltd you know that Merlin went pose of buying a lot. It's like swtp-m where Is Just "Tom. He him lold W I you would like to Last Chorus, presume Hooty.' Reddy f heckled. ov"r to see Dudley personally ? Ing candy from a kid. and" we got It" said Mr find a home for him, our phone Redly. I keeping watch of us, ho whisperU's rather ruined was She afraid .When? tight' No holding dead shook his Mra "He'll Reddv number is Hyland SI&S-to ed Again O yes, you're a little too tall young hang Reddy. hand, scarcely hearing whai Christjne chided him to the fu MRS. R. F. H., Utah. indeed, my dear! No indeed' h around until he lseur that we are oti 'hla indifference' girls. he said. cour I didn't tell not going turkey hunting. I have exclaimed. "Of -Tou never will do at all young edly but secretly she delighted ini About a week ago. I think ehe, lure, A' black Tom cat named Tom" him where we go that turkey. Do an Idea that Hooty Is going to be It-Dudley was such a serious sort jeame a cropper. Her eyes were is looking for a home. What kiddle I'm girl. you th.nk I would be so foolish a very neighborly for a while. you know. young yet had bevnira1her father always her and reel when she returned loj to do anything l.ke that? It would (Copyright, 1929. T. W. Burgess! !sgolng to give him a 'new home And perhaps I might grow. such a slave to Ills profession. the Now she's getting ready offir. for the new year , be much better to show bltn where But now you're a little too tall. distinct relief to coine tut to leave. was The neat story; Hooty Thinks Run along kiddies. get busy on Ihev are a man who took with contact Merlin daily Florida? the telephone and tell Mr. R. F. "What"' cried S Reddy as If Himself Very Smart" May we serve you again, B. W. a Joyous Interest in the immediate Yes wild hunch Shes the H. you want Tom. got 8 7 present and was not eternally that If rhe clears out. Waring and Thank you Mra R. F. H.. for happiness Karradav wtit settle their differmeasuring hi chance of account NOTE TO B. B. S. giving him to ua the size of his bank a good sort, that In last night's Issue you no by And un- ence. larraday was from ; far ally fell her to stick on ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION Say ' OF: doubt read the names in our col-- 1 couth. He iuked considerably chap U. . 8. umn for a dub of six. Perhaps, about bla austere New Jersey hn- - he Isn't going to make her the goal Dear Miss Moorr: u .. i. t It's a erving shame for her to b " dear, you would like of those when we'reso Impp; you receive front shire that Hub is manymiies from m! Lnnitan of the atrocious oil Hen against Panama, the nation BY FALL BENTON. rendering service to yotir many you. Or would you like to b paintings of his forbear hanging! fl wonder it Dudley knows she's (Special Staff Correspondent of which claims sovereignty over th friends Is as great as hie benefit j known as the Purcandows in the reception hall of the fkrttilyj8 Was. Richard O, Marsh, aa Ran News. . . . The Deseret we derive from that service, your' which Is manufactured from "our fancy ht does. But he seems! What Joy it iv to have a beco- tn place Remansion near New Brunswlik. ps at th 27 its finished. It only American, waa reported ROCHESTER. Dee Ham jl happiness should be complete, AsiParnwan crowd? iti res which he claimed proved tnej .bc.m!ie 7 ming apron . an apron that you know, takes 2 yards of material with Is. I don't Uilnk w. esn fully ports that the Ban Bias Indiana- tiro to have had much to do with What more ran I do for you? But ihHstlne' uatp to na that much pride vAiiitinn theory. the American for makes you appear yards of braid or binding "So would I. Id rver hav really along the Cambbean coast of east- the uprising. Peaceful1 4 . appreciate th things you do for1! was keen for all of her Inlatuduon,! serious proven medium Sze, pattern for which is t rn I'anama. near th Colombun intervention us: and as for voicing that appre-- t to marry ine BOSTON BEAN POT? attractie Uuite as attrartive aho detected readily enough yoi and and of urn med have been taking a hostile bloodshed ivtavlimned .border, And elation well it Is fur beyond my My dear Miss Moore: large des'gt.ed in small, meanwhile Dudlry was 'one' best frock, tf it the sterling vein beneath his JocuSkilled Bailors. flying attitude toward airplane I wish to thank you and appre- - iarltv. Nut that it mattered partie-- J fighting his own hat!!, power. flattering tones in sn F.rglivh print, Iu((. . over their territory is not surpns- But lo aplta of radio and airIf tlie original copy of the Con- - Mate your kindness very much for uiariy. but she ton teste 1 with a'with his own pride, wru'imz ng cretonne, sateen, rhamh'ay. linen. Sunday tea mase tt Forp sparing now wpu tt seems something plane stitutioo of the United Mates is tn what you have done for me. apparent that th of the immediate past. ,neham or cotton broadcloth., For a trifle ihorter than the frock, of 1)(f (o lhw, frankness that startled her, that the png-iRan Bias does not intend to permit existence, 1 should like to know! Now. Miss Moore. I abb I. ask were better for her to . have and trying lo see what was right. ;nsunt(. ,ht woman with brrtwfl) hair crisp organdie, trimming lower edge, j In economic penetration of his little that lhce Hld where It van he found. Djfpat(.h2, If the of you one more favor in writing fallen in love with a man of Her can choose a soft beige printed in and Side edges o waistline, with a are hostile to filer of the country. original has not been preserved, this letter. I have corue to your own class. tan and brown, which blcndv beauti- ruffle of the organdie, which has been 8cad)a company, and have gone ttnn-The Ran Bias are a curloua could you tell me where the most state for my health and have been vw i , Bhe and Wallv several For the picotrd Join Vuffle with hemstitch- so far as to threaten avlaor itlC&nClt M&n race, probably among the finest fully with her colouring. outstanding ropy of the Constitu- hero a year now. I am from Bos. discussed Dudley and Merlin. Chrui-- i World black or woman with dark brown tion Is placed? For an example. 1 ton, 4 Massachusetts, and .down t.n. was Lankly duriuu .bout tn ing, which can also be used to finish their gasoline supplies at tha Puer- small boatmen In th world. They Makes Visit to Detroit ha el!oW or nile green is neckline and deep armholes. to Escoces station. make incredible thought there might be one in the tlterc we have baked beans galore Journeys ta ig, rose. 1Val-- j will Monde boost chamber or tbe supreme I have had no beans since 1 left enthused The a 'Pile's princess, Recalling the history of lh Ran tbir keelless dugout canoe, equips Unbicached mnlitt is also fascinatDETROIT. INhi The wr!1 very smart.her bestpci' Boston anti I often Jong for some. ly. e the It court. even a known or Balboa, that blue Bias with Not lively like you- - but a is tails, in ped pale at ing. trimmed with cretonne binding dtseov-tcre- d respe. ts to Wf more frail craft than th PolyneSpanish explorer, Hoping I have made mjsclf dear 1 a wondering If you could loll darned good aort. I've h.atd ,lt(,r oa flower or frut and a applique H r them lo also f he and ani lias this to not asking Km ."."L of hat happened, them, and sian dugout since th latter used all in 'Kr,dPr;, k destitute I Stile No 2.M buy a rml Boston bean put mi inutdi of you, I am pretty well, records show'. On th an out rigger. Th home are nr Inzer M: land view pocket reported to police that lless i. that I no bake myself some ofl;rtr,V:U.r iVrianTm'bwme 5 rents in or band, j other Pattern ha ucceMr Mnorroly yours, mostly on islands off th coast ea f ampt price Fold it over on the tlmnidrr at tn h? W", beans. them mile or so. IVdro d Avila, , Dudley entirely. Ther here onh h'' ' INDIAN, Utah. coin (coin preferred). s Will be w suiting the papers BTa h Fan ko th thn The Ran Bias ar quick to taka hdlv, v, Onr Fashion Magaxtne . y cents, Tla sweet of you. Indian, to ex- every night hoping to hear from to iAug'a It off. and the other w. rfll) ,nA m,Tnnm and when ijfretvy. suspicious the but you may order a pattern and press your sentiments of our col- you soon. Wishing you plenty of to get eternally and damoattonabl; Hr )v ,ho Kunsa and ji$jefd, dangerous. But they upper slashed edges, which forms k,omn umn. It makes u happy Indeed suocesu in your work. Thank you aor. n4 lo th soft fulness at sides. Trim with bus Fxhkm Magazine togftnrr for Ojtuin? 00 th Jit fair play, are not treacb once more, I remain when we know the column proves centt imounfafo .inch Popocket of and nr ar wh Jungle brfM. efonsptnd by nature genial uurhAnnMhd,n! The Idea Box1 (fading O. J. 0- - Utah, Yours, beneficial to our readers, and !am, thrw out th Spalard fo kindlj- Such bad qualities aa they off." 1595- pleases them. of th deep far th result hay C. Youre welcome. O. J. No sense of humor: Tea, Indian, tha original ConFood of Travel. dfstrwt Implanted In their ancesMost of our large stores carry Oh! he's got humor enough. But stitution of the United Btatea la In - Just - it four beau Thew conquistador the country free tors If th but pots. tim regular aa as a sensitive he's kpt on photographic existence. It la permanently ago.centufie You soma of are of stores out that (Copyright, 11!1 tbe present strangers since day. Plate. That man is nearly tweny-etgexhibition In tho Library of Con- of -them. them to can sr make with welcome trade However, you years of age and this is the gress at Washington. D. C. Tl beans very nicely In the baking they agree- - They themselves do first time a woman has ever interc , jit in a shrine which was especially dishes with lids, but If 'a lot of traveling, and manv a Ban (TCnCO IVlOYie Men Seek you are ested him. Then to find out th.it conetructed for It and also for the particularly anxious for a regular . voy-ve for bra Bias reashtpoed site has done It for business ling of Independence. Boston bean pot, send to The sons when ages on New Bedford whaletw. f a I'jjdlay. Jn addition to What more can I do tor you! Hearthaide and I will be everything century ago. as they Jo on steam- - f else, loathes the thougnt . stamped envelope of business , 'yVABHINGTON TOO 8MALU f AI'leA went ly. to be delivered to hi. r' glad to tell you the two stores In love with Merlin isn'i Hes I Dear Mia Moore: who fathered aviation before sun, honors the achievements 0( the Seu Lias which her them. have They range ha? m! Y backed of. the map. Hearthaide We read The 'Vr was a fledg'itig and another who the builder of the power plant for' every front fifty cents to two dollars Of course. And she? Occasional exp.onng fmnl w. has ridden the skies to World Langley s famous aerodrome. night and certainly enjoy L cents and sixty-fiv- e M he much diwiie-- l Marsh Lasg-idtwas Ho aseo, lated fain with Con Id you please print for mo been with the' honored have Welcome. If ou seek employment in one w cretary.i Darien expedition of 194. pene-... fur the song which I believe In entitled ptonetr lev. third Bmttfmonian Langley medal 1 992 trated tbetr coqnlrT and even of the ho'eL. the man to whom from 1898 to 1995 and tn for If I reachievements. DANCE HALL MANAGERS. "A utile Too Small? Is B. H. Brown. The Ran) The French evportattqnyou should write film men, headed by The late Charles M. Manly and avolved the engln used In the guest in theirrvil'-'Temember It correctly, K goes some- Dear Miss Moore: Yellowstone Park Commander Richard E. Byrd are plane whose two plunges Bias seemed to be 4 firg over hi Rene Lehreton, a movie critic, has For sent time I have wished to Rupertntendenl, thing Ilk this: "A little too small: For employment in the from a vis.t eu placed hy Bmithsonlan Institution into the Potomac river broke the! three hundred year eld ha'red a nd 'just returned Just a little too small, dear boy. know what the addresses of the Hotels. Moor-larh E. An H. Park lodges writ lo Idea From Massachusetts !m Its aviation hall of fame heart of the inventor. masse from the Pacific Coast stu- distrust of ti white map. you're a little too small; yon'ro men in charge of the dance halls mn- - Manager Yellowston o revolu-jdtcame a with sn impression that Am, Then In 195, This housewife had with Wilbur and Orville Wright. Manly's engine ha been tharalways yonng yet we know and perhaps are. I am now coming to you lor -cannot be beat, lenran ,fyou ,eek rmpl men t, (roo ble in putting rastns through a Glenn Cvirtiss, Guslavo Eiffel and a. tensed . as th first "modern you might grow, hat at present, help, - 'Our production as chauffeur of transpi rtatinn j00(1 chopper. In th A. Ltndbergn. and a aircraft h! would Cu'onel Charles It til Right, the) engine world., me development In France ta They small. too fhe clog a little yon too please give youre Cara-juto W. wrile F. company, -t n made without Presentattc of th medai wl'l power jiUnt scientific achievements tl.at g by. the heavy taxatioij cm preventing tbe rais es from guThanking yon In advance and name and address of the upennlendent Yellow stofit.ing through, csusirit a great dalttike place on Commander JJytds eingS? examfee on which to . X (the film industry and also by th that 1 am not too much gees of the Blue Bird dance hall, mtytr, !of work. Now ehe place the fu4 rerurn next summer from LatO1 Helena, j Transportation Company, th that The m4ai thre itwef, dettgn. Old Mill eight p?r cent of the pop- Club also the jct trouble, I remain Montana. jrhopper in hotting watr before America, at the bottom of the' Commander tfjrrd was granted In diameter and of gld U tXe- ulaMon regal irlv patronise monies Granada ball room? B. C, 8 Idaho. success and Anxious, Frebch no Thanks, hi and a in has troii!le. for the 1'nited ta?es nine, hereas tneda! of grinding favous sculp jworld. pioneer flight, desgrt Hoping I have broken no rules to you. THK JfOLSKWIFE. The tohuinoufl award to Man jlh' No trouble at all. B. fU, R , but and may I receive an answer very Mp the North and Bouth pole . tor, M J. O. Chaplain. teper cent ae fan's you may be a little too small. Tou soon? Wishing yon all the Joy and tn Iba.norld, also your didn't get th word Just right, but surer' . v here they r for you. W are secretary. Your L. lovingly. H. who to Mr. J. grateful DANCE CRAZY, Utah. them to u. RJ&w J-j- YMrSU. . ! rt?a ye jo Wtnof, ca for TorM bachelor. I 10 florid i u b:ta is oa no bis property c2$undn bosrt of a real tmprimec ara k sraJajr" abo aeuontpsn po Mrla -him on tbs Joyray aoJ wiio wmwf b tbs uugbtr Letters for this dcnanm-- nt should be addressed lo Mb fa!it la ibve. or. of James U Karraday, land ? Mary Moore. Tbe Hearthaide. The Ournt New. Salt Lake City. Pul la reality she is only in his stnpioy Utah. and is carrjlo out her vafUel a scosms Letter, are limited lo ooaq oration each and ahoald be property to induce Warm lo aU to tn tset become written la Ink or with typewriter; on one able of tbe paper Wsrin that he hss Wee doped and de erfmaes only; with full name and addreaa of writer; alao name or Inito tbe art tbeir game. tial to be need for Identification la tbe column. All oamee and Jake Rud is the leader of a soiony addreaaea will be held la confide not Uat and found Item or esiat. Uab of squatters oa Harm Darre.U oe of hla henchmen, ig other forma of advertising cannot be need la this depart meal. .ta Essie Kudd. Jehee daugbier, Tbeee folk deny the right of any one to of their homes and courae I stood treat, NEW "YEAR'S EVE PARTY, , iroubta all around. ' DECORATIONS. I gave her some cake for to dine, Keith, is ludeys Koecoe ft no id story as sueb f aek her If I might be her escort iaysr and figure inof the Dear Mira Moore: Christine Keith, tatner alu ofastheth social Hat ing Imltcd a few coupler for Sometimes at ber home I might one st Ua wnom Dudley call. a New Year'a Eve party, we are has mingled aod aritfe whoiu bla'oems now debating the advisability of, She says, You'll have to ask Ma has bees associated a fiance. to Ktorida uitb her. tatner. using oor Christmas decorations at But 1 really believe you're just a ovniM Teo there is WallyandJdtKar. young little too email. that time. It has been our custom other, a ho seleaman, estate real to keep the Christmas tree and all figure in the rapid development. j rl winter-home- i , 1 senji-dete- m ly t mo-an- j lf J. 1 SAN BLAS INDIANS RESENT AIRPLANES CROSSING ISLANDS VV H -- Jr a- -d 1 , j (dn s et "n h' ljr ; g-- tr-al-ed e !shn 'd - home-mad- vtc-in- 1 trafd !rr prt. etrn ! 4 tanThrtnto Uoundf' ht , u - ti -- Langley Aeredromic Medals Given To Deserving Pioneers of Aviation r I ll fu'l-t7e- d , Irans-At'.anl- mana-hopin- ( ( s - . d . TOO SMALL. Surely Dance Ciazy, I am glad to give you the names and addresses i f the managers as folBluebird lows; Mr. Olaf Karr, Dance Halt, Salt Lake City; Morgan Anderson, Old Mill Club, Deseret Bank Building, Ealt Lake City; Ed Rtoker, in car of the Granada Ballroom, Salt Lake City. Utah. May I do something mors for I'm a Jolly young fellow, Tou chance for to meet. I'm alwaya enjoying a good time And upending my money. Wherever I go. I'm willing to pend my last dime My one great misfortune though Im not ta blame. Is why 1 dont stretch and grow talk I think It's a wicked abommablt EMPLOYMENT IN YELLOW--STON, shame, When they say Im a little! to Dear Miss Moore; , ... , small. Thl is my first visit to your oozy corner. d Could Chorus: you please tel! me where I almuld write for Information reOh, yea, you're a little too small garding employment tn the National park? young man. Ysti never will do at all, young Wishing yon all th Inch In the man. wortd. I remain . ANXIOUS, Utah. young, yet you know, and V. USM perhaps you may grow. Thl I aa opportune Um lo But now you're a little too araall. apply for work in ,Yilowston Nato Fark I for Arxiomf chance and out I sourest, White tion; walking that you do it at oner. Following meet, are the addressee to which Too A a school mate of mine. Whila escorting hat home of should coxnmunicetet E. "Yet-kmMo- Tur - ls-k- j I ...... - ! ir t I I a ! r t !fr t ( r t |