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Show f THE JLlJbsSEHET AEuE.JSALT LAbJu Cili DLjib&xi WxDAX 2d. Mat FEATURES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN "SPRING TIDE N CH GUm Im4le1 w Ttrk. M. T. imonu. of her heart against his, and the )fv flutteringNo. of her fmgsra within hie Uet grasp. Christine was distinct(torn property fetch lift la tfec of kurt rcl ciuto improvomott oroo. ly not of that type. Hers was the 'MorMa Farrodcy" who occorapootod chastity of Ice rather than tba rehim Um 4 ho Wftrtnt. Dudley Tori Ucloter, oo him r to it rtcfc Florid Jouroc? vita whoa la leva, poooo as tho daughter of J&ftM L. jPtrrtdt;, toad apocuiiiv, Su v hut la rooUt? obo to oaly la hi oraptoy nd to earrjriac oat hor wort of a ochmo to indue Waring to ooil It to proporty Waring boeomo "wIh" to tbo foot that ho has bMi 4up4 taf dotormlaoo w thwart thoir gaaa. . - toJofco Rudd to tho toadar of a cotoay h of oqaftttora oa Worioro oouto. Gatoa ttorroil. oao of hto feamcfetnoft, to ta lovo '" vita Xaoio B odd, Jakts daatfhtar. Tbooo folk doair tho rifht ot any oao to dto oooooa thorn of thoir hemoa aad fetafea ,trooblo all aroaad. Moocoo Boon leg Keith, to Dad toy gad figuroo ta tho story aa ouch ' lawyer a too ao tho father o) Chrtvtlao Kettfe. oa of tho oootol oot vita whom Dud toy . . hoo bq lag tod ftad with whom hto aomo too hu hooa ooaoctotod oa ftoaca oomoo to Florida with hor (other. Thea thoro to Wally McJUa. yoaag tool ostato Aloonaa. aad other, vho Dgur la tho rapid dototopmehta, " - xxl . a tow second while tho brakeman throw the switch, and then backed protestintrtjrtowardt tho Union Station. Inside the cara wearr assembled their baggage, permitted the porter to bruah their elothea, atralghiened thoir hota and mada ready to leave. The usual crowd was gathered inside the station: hotel barkers, real caoptimistic and tat salesmen, representatives of the various luncheon cluba, chauf- drivers and Dudley fours, bus Waring. towered aloofly above tbe Dudley beads of tbs crowd, a faint, eon- -. temptuous smile on bln thin bps At first, this excitement nttendsnt on tbs arrival ot each train bad amused him. Later, during the days ot his courtship and his keening interest In land development, be had found it Intriguing. Now he was merely bored. He could see the men, particularly the real estate hawkers, waiting like hounds on tho leash, eager to break Into baying as the first passenger emerged from the slowly approaching train. They would chorus unintelligibly, and the stranger would receive only an Impression of ; . B ;a a i p - z. a . w I r- - loud-voic- ll 7 - - it . .,. r - ' :r train stopped, the racket started. Faaaengera poured from the grimy Pullmans, faces eager and alert as though they expected to pick gold dollars from the side, walks They were of a type with i. those who bad been on the train J with Dudley when he came do ii Florida no matter from whenee !!J they came or when, they were the same, lured by tbe fancied clink of gold, straining to convert their lit. ", tie cash into a great deal of money. eotifident of their ability to pro. teet themselves against the ln-- 5 evitable smash of Inflated values. The crowd was disgorged And when tbe excitement IT somewhat down along the station platform, two figures 11 ' alighted from the compartment car nearest the end. One of them ,1 was a wiry little man of sharp .features and keen, unswerving eyes. The other was a woman. cool and straight and slim and con-- . fident. aristocraile to her finger-;- ; tips. Dudley crowded through the gate and cams to meet hands - extended and a genuine them, welcome on bis lips. Mr. Keith! Christine!" hey shook his band and totd him that, he wes looking well thought not so tanned as they had expected, and all tbs time that be was helping them through the crowd which blocked the exit he iwas wondering how It happened that of all the worn and dusty 1 people leaving the train, these tre looked as though they had fust stepped from the bathrooms of Park Avenue apartment s their As ha helped them Into the big touring car which he had rented. Christine hand rested on bis for a moment Her fingers were cool. and they did not tremble. He wondered whether Christine could tremble- and truantly.. hi mind flashed for an Instant back to that idyllle night on the gulf when he had crushed Merlin Bruce against his breast and felt the tbrobbtng it strained purity .of fire. Hie Intelligence informed him that she was tho type of woman most fitted to be his mate. But hie instinct cried for the frank and unashamed ardor of Merlin. Christine had never before visited Ahraredo but Roscoe Banning Keith had, and he was amazed by what be saw now. Hla crisp, little voice crackled through the tonneau of the car.' Amaxlng! Bewildering! Tbe village has become a stanch little city. Development looks solid and permanent. Excitement! Bustle! Dike CblcagoVLoop, or the downtown section of Detroit The sight of It ie like wine. Dudley was unresponsive. The driver swung past tbe Imposing If o unbeautiful Alcatnx hotel, and the shore drive: Christina did net relax she sat prhnty straight enjoying herself with a placid ness which annoyed Dudley. If only she would utter a single enthusiastic remark, betray ten definite powerful emotion. But that wasn't Cbristlne; sbe took things as they came, and none of them got very close to her. Tet she was a' good sort, just his typo, reflected Dudley, and knew that be wasnt lying to himself, for in a single tumultous week be had learned truths which be had never suspected. It had been amaxlng to discover volcanic properties within himself amazed and very delightful. Of course, all of thsf was past and dons with...... The driver slowed down as they cam Into Culfview. And then, as they rolled along the main thoroughfare, Dudleys face went white at tho sight of a trim little figure moving toward them, walking confidently from her boarding housa toward the office of tho Culfview Land company. It wae Merlin, the Merlin he loved, exquisitely dainty and piquant. She raised her eves and met his gaze. He nw a startled expression cross her faro as she glimpsed the impressive and undeniably ' pretty gjrt- at hfs aids. Merlin looked at him for the merest fraction of a second, hopefully, pleadingly. He Inclined his heard curtly, and her answering nod wae equally brief. Then she Passed on- and It was plain she had quickened her stride and that there was a pallor beneath, . .tha tan of her cheeks. Christine had caught h byplay fleeting though It wan. There a tiny, amused smile on her Iipa And her comment was .precisely whet such a comment should have been Christine wee always mad- - vi dd . is to be judged on flavor you wouldnt make gallons at a time ' as i You can "season to taste" a pint of gravy much more accurately. For a similar reason Hills Bret. roast only a few pounds of coffee at a time, instead of in bulk, by their patentrd, continuous process Controlled Routine. Tbe flavor it actually controlled always. No other coffee can taste like Hills Bret. Coffee becauaq none it routed die tame way. HILLS BROS COFFEE MMlhi Mlj cilia Ihiq, 22-in- one-pie- ce we have clean teeth, finger nails and combed hair, wa mark one square red. GERALDINE REESE, Reporter. .MAKE MUSIC BOOKS. (Granite District Sixth Grade.) In Miss Hughes, our music teachWe have a few original poems room, we are making music and thoughts of Christmas that we ers booki; have already put a would like you to hear. We have eon in We it. Today wa are going been painting acme beautiful pic- -, in it. tures. these you will see in our art ,to put pictures TOM JACKSON. exhibit. Reporter. IDA RUPP. The children and teachers of the BIRTITDAV. Class Reporter, Sixth G. Edison school ars decorating their In room we have been celeTHE JOTS DP CHRISTMAS. ars brating birthdays this month. Thia rooms for Christmas They BX BETH LABRUM, tth Gr. putting Christmas curtains up and pat week Carroll Jolly. Fern Christmas is to children small, also other decorations. They are Elia BiUinrsley and d A time of Santa Claus; Larrabee Ian had birthdays also going to decorat tbe outside A time ot toy and. sweets for all. as well as tho inside. BERT NISBET. Of Jos with near a pause. LA RUB BECK. ALENE DYKES Repuitcrr And Christmas is to older ones, A time of making glad. And giving gifts to other folks. And helping out tha sad. Pupils Try Hand at Yuletide Poems celebrate No. 257. Size- - 2947 Kama fright tinea with brown end tweed- like eottau lubhabieL prints are attractive and - - Had-loc- Hawthorne to Give Sandy J unior High viives Hub PartyI Yuletide Program At Christmas time the grown tips. Hear too much boisterous noise. Room is setting ready for a The laugh and play of Uttla glrs. Christmas program Friday afterThe racket ot small boys. noon. All the children are to take But to ua all this time should be; part in bur program. We are goA time 4o think of' when ing to tell the Christmas story of the baby Jeaua in poem and song A baby email was Jesus born, Of :: bur lit dear old Bethlehem. THOUGHTS OF 6AVT, If Christmas Eva And the lights are low. The slfgdowa are deep On the new fallen snow We waited quite tong To hear Santas gay song in hops ws might see him Before it grew dawn. HELEN AUSHEBMAN. ' Sixth Grads THE BRIGHTEST MONTH. Obi who can tell tbe brightest A Reddy Fox and Mrs. Reddv had spent the day much as they had tn day before. They bad slept in farm a snug biding place near-thwhere the turkeys were. From time to time between naps tbev B had spied on those turkeis. the middle f the afternoon thei had slept ail they wanted to. Then they crept to the. edge of tho oods and prepared to watch those turkeys until they should so to roost - ,1 . rJ I or until they should have a chance c s to catch one. This time tho did not com anywhere near where the foxes were hiding. Thcv kept ewer from tho woods. Tbev "If onlv they Would May down there Spent considerable time down - In untjl dark." airbed Reddy. tho open meadow, however. "If onlv they would stay down big bird her wings and flew there until after dark," sighed Red- up. And spread another. The fourth one dy. never get a chane. Reddv dart'"If only 'they would," sighed ed out from his hiding place and Mrs. Reddy In her turn. seised., this turkey by the twoneck But there was ns chance of that There of was a moment or and both Reddy and Mrs Reddv struggling. Some feathers flew knew R. "Our only chance." said this wav and then and that way Reddy will be to get one while they ere going te roost In the apple tree Reddy started oft pith the prize If that dg would go off somewhere we wouldn't have to bother about btm. I hope that this time vou will be able to lead him awsv." "I hope so. replied Airs. Baddy did m best jesterday. It wasn't T mv fault" Late tn the afternoon the turkem began to move up towrd the nonle ire where thv were in the habitf of rooatlng. Mrs. Reddv alippe-awsv as soon aa ah eaw the hound ever in the bamvard. She wasted no time, fihq raced around the barn and right screes In front of what that dog before pa realized But as soon aa was happening. he did realize that fox had been Inpiident enough to come riaht up off there in the barnyard, he was All aftor her with a great baying. tha turkeys atoodT' Still with' their heads slretehed uo while tbev listened. That do certainly did make a lot ot noise. Tbe farmer came te the barn door just in time to see Mrs Reddv disappearing in the woods with the hound after her. "Good old dog!" muttered tho farmer. "That tor must have been after a turkey. Well, there'll be nothing to fear from foxe tonight It is a good thing I had tbe dog turned loose. The farmer disappeared Inside the barn and Reddy Fo stole swiftly forward to the hiding plare nearet the tree the torkevs roosted tn. The big gobler had aireadv flown up In the tree when Reddv reached bis hiding ptaca. Another tur-kev- Edison Pupils Make Yule Gifts This Christmas the boys and gtrls SAN QUENTIN FRISON, Calif of roomr 8 are making candlehold-e- r mothers and fathers INS) Home for Christmas! Bounds good to anyone but im- We have these ait made in shape Dec. 13, 129, we blew dried. then agine what the words mean to SI powder on them. They will be prisoners In Ban Quentin sn they attractive. may be home in time for ChristGLADYS McCRACKEN. mas. Rp porter. The state board of prison directEAGER FOR CHRKjTM AS. ors announced today that all paw room Christmas our have In role dates falling between Dev 22 and Jan. 4, will be advanced r to picture on our walls. We have Bants Claus climbing on the roof in Dee. 25. , Theremin only one hitch facing each window. Then on our Christmas curtains wa have a Christmas men at tha whe will be released that time they must have jobs tree and a fireplace. W have bollv leaves and berries around the waiting for them. Thia ruling by tbe prison board room, too. The Christmas decorations make A affects only paroled prisoners. u more anxious for Christmas te benumber will be discharged come. tween the dates mentioned. One ALVERA 6CARCELLI. convict gains hla freedom Christmas morning. Reporter SCHOOL ENCOURAGES CLEANLINESS. Potato Is Jewell King, one of the Junior Raised in Georgia police lieutenants has moved from our district. Mr. Smart was down VOLDOTSA. Ga. f INS) The at our school and awor Lloyd champion potato of thia aectlon. Young in as a lieutenant. and probably of the United States. In our room six we have IndivIs believed to be that recently idual records. Each record conraised by N. F. Griner of Berren sists, of Squares and each morning when we are tjdy and clean when county., It weighs 14 pounds. for-thei- 14-Pou- BIOLOGY CLASS BUSY. The ninth grad biology class have been studying tho response of animal and plant Ufe to stimuli. The brain and two nervous systems, the automatic aad cersbro spinal system, and .the construction and functioning of tho ears and ayes' have also bees studies. Neva Gaskill has bean appointed associate editor of tho school news tor - Th Englieh room. The following program was rendered: Readings by Phyllis Poulsetv- - Neva Gasklll end Mae Wilhite. A very interesting story was siren, by Lila- - Hansemr ?.- ALICE GREENWOOD. Editor. CHRISTMAS SAND TABLES. Tuesday, December IT, the Literary club enjoyed a party In the Dcer-e-t IRENE STEVENS, Reporter. The Britannia Hut for mountain climbers, situated at - Saas Fee. Switzerland. 19, dog feet- above sea level, was recently reopened by the Abba of Bon-- : month The dearest and the best? Me really think December is; A 1th all its ioya and mirth- That tells about the little child. That came from heaven to earth. ON DEAR OLD CHRISTMAS EVE Its Christmas Ee, a night full of gladness. Everyone is happy and forgets his sadness. For here come Jolly Old Saint Nick, Hla eyes ar bright, his step la Home For Chriitma Forget the failures Of the pact: M ho fells at first mar win at last Reddv Fox. k, Glen-woo- Pattern (rice 15 cents. Be sure Street Address te fill in size of pattern. Address Our Fashion Pattern Department. quick; He comes down the chimney all Magazine is 15 cents, but you may loaded with toys. order a patten1 and a Fashion MagaTo make us all happy and bring zine together far 25 cents. Stats Gty ua great Joys. WINNONA WALKER. th Gr. he had wanted for so long. That deningly correct. A pretty girl, Dudley." CHRISTMAS EVE. was was heavier It turkey heavy. He was embarrassed. "Think than Reddv bad realized it would Christman Eve is a tiight of Joy, so be. He knew he couldnt carry it For every girl and for every boy. He was But in tbs morning when they Tea. have you known her long?" a very great distance. thankful that lira Reddy had led arise. "Not very." ' was hat He very thank- - They is always for them a great dog away. She turned away satisfied. But inDudley felt Keiths eyes boring Wanwblle the other turkeys were For surprise. our good old friend to him and when lire turned bis gobbling with fright end the farm- That we know as Saint Nick, gaze belligerently toward his law- er see came to barn of the what out Brought them loads of toys yer, he saw that the spar little it was all about. He walked 'did not 'pick man was chuckling. 'rJxhitthey to the tree where the turkeys roostKKDRA HARKF.R th ,r (To be Continued.) ed and right awar he saw the feathCHRIS IM AS THOU.HTS. ers on the ground. He looked hasWhen Christ was born in BethleHe couldnt hem. there came a very bright stir tily in all directions see far because jt was already dusk, in the heavens The Shepards whe In the wrong were and he looked mostly herding their flocks on tht direction, which was a, good thing hills were very frightened, ao they alfor Reddy You see, Reddy was put their faces to the ground. Tht ready finding out that he had go! Angela came to them and Said. more, than he had bargained for. King is born." That turkey would have to be left Fear not for a fearednot and somewhere to be eaten later. It They arose and to worship their King.- would bate to be hidden near at hurried Gr. LABRUM. AA'ON Sixth hand. , (Copyright. 1919. T W. Burgess) The next story: "H.eddy Goes to Mrs. Reddys Help 51 From San Quentin While the refreshments consisting of see(s were being served under the direction of Emelina Grant and Mildred Nelaon. the members war entertained with songs. Jokes, pjoema and toasts. The party wa In chargs ot Mr. Thorpe. TOTS MAKE TTXETTDE GIFTS. Guess whos busy as bees making tha needle fly to make soma on Non other happy on Christmas? than Mias Rawsona little troup ot seventh and eighth grade "Home From bean bigs to Improera." being exquisite eofa pillors ere Chlat-mas. mad to be given sway on PUPILS MAKE CANDIES. Also under the direction of Mso Rawsons ninth A. a and C, are making delirious caeoieo. Sweet" of them, isnt it? And dont you little left wish they'd have just over for you and mo? A two-pie- ht A i-- A - -- " this Jaunty outfit Style No. 2947 is made at a remarkable saving, far is tbe size it takes but 2 yards of material with yard of contrasting. Tbe bodice has a backt front is two sections. It is seamed at sides and shoulders. Tbe skirt is seamed at sides sad pressed into inverted plaits at either aide of front and attached to bodice. It it now practically ready to set sleeves into armholes and stitch collar at neckline. Wool Jersey is French blue with collar and cuffs of blue and white checked woolen is very smart: Beige and brown checked woolen with plain brown is sportive. Feather-weigtweed in Spanish red tones with pfaua red woolen is very attractive. Orchid chamfaray with white pique, cotton broadcloth in geometric prmt in red and white with plain while pique, red end white gingham check with plain white linen, tan sports ...... - practical fashkum of the season far the school miss of 6, 8, 10 and 12 yean is illustrated hi navy blue wool crept with beige crepe collar and cuff a Tba scallops of collar and cuffs are accented by vivid red taffeta bias binding. Matching shade red boot buttons emphasize aide scalloped cfasmg of bodice. Red suede belt rompirtrs -- y. I4 By Annebelle Worthington ,0m of the most in-t- Ion, tolid Pullman train 1 mini onto tho Y In tho railroad , yard at Alvarcdo. It pauaed tor The Illustrated Dressmaking with Every Pattern yean tor Jhito C- WEARING SLesson Furnished By Octavus Roy ,Cohen s Christinas symbol. We have our room ail decorated with Christmas things The school has furnished two Christmas trees for decoration on the outside of the building. Ail the windows are decorated with polnsettas which looks very pre-t- y JANICE COLLINSON. ' Reporter. CHRISTMAS OPERETTA GIVEN. The boys and glrla In room 9 gave a little Christmas operetta for the other rooms tn tbe building. It Is entitled. 'The' Fairy Conspiracy" and it was about a little girl who did not believe In fairies, but Eanta with the help of his little story hook friends convinced the little giri that there really are fairies Wa hope that everybody enjoyed eeeing it as much as we enjoyed giving It for them WHAT &d f - . s? S Within this emerald, bottle sparkles more joy, more Christmas At THIS season happiness of gives zest to your appetite like a hike across helas of snow. It has the . . snap and sparkle of a ride on asunny, , sleigh and keen joy when friends ... . arc met . , paries given . . . an exchange of good wishes going forth . . .Canada Dry is the beverage to serve dryness frosty morning. ' Absolutely pure at the best of all meals throughout the year ingredients are usedT in Canada Dry. Christ- High-qualit- mas dinner. More joyousness Ja- y maica ginger makes it a real ginger ale. Delicate and uni sparkles fr6m its form carbonation crystal depths. More vigor and refreshment bubble in this emerald bottle Its adds piquancy. Merry Christmas? Of course! DRY nd The Qhampagne tve deem looiomg FoelwuLco, h?. fukit veS, Ivo- o- I'M GCXMG TO csve SVU.W of Qinger odes motel' cut of tme mew him AMO HERE'S A N, CHAMCE FOR.NOOTNWO AMO ME 1 FRIEMD5 TO FORGIVE A UTTLE CHRISTMAS AMO Eh006W WOT TO PUU. DIMMER AMO WAMT AWVTWIKJ6 IM ATOVWbJ ,CAWT COME TO TV1E AMO FORGET ONI CHRISTMAS DAV. AMO VUMESe TWEVve 60T 5004 VOO TO COME AMD DWMG CAUSE MO, 1 AIMT BROUGHT SOMETWIM6, mss apcaeov-tw- at A FOXV is if UVIMG lWT 5P6AWMS TO AT CAM 60 8AO TO TWE YOURE WITH ME THAT WILL AMO 6000 MESS friemos-am- o office amo vuuece MAKE VOU WAMT TO e.'Twe, TEWOTEL, GO MO KEEP TMC STOVE I THERE 15 SOMEBCCMA WAV.VOURE WOT vwhiSMERJ AmD STOPPiMG b AT THE, HATE ? BE A SAMTA CLAUS CREDIT FOR OWETUIW& .WAT 1M5MART . t COP-SON- OO post that MAM A &ER ev 2;upartv ana. t I t caktt place t t AMO WELL Hi 6000 TUlWG eat; too. V C a IncJ I I i 1 A J o. ft iM ' t? |