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Show FOUNDED 1850 SALT LAKE Feel Fine! Gained Eight Pounds! . Miss George Glad to be Back BT ED. C. PENROSE. fine' Ive rained eight pounds. Just look at my double-chin- '" I feel Then she chuckled, and there was a sparkle to her dark area, t r'ow to her cheeks and a hearty handclasp that betokened renewed animation and vivacity That was Gladys Georre, Sa't Lake's favorite In the world of histrionics, as she stepped from a huso Boelny Transport, Inc, airplane at Airport upon her return for a limited engagement at the Playhouse I looked In tain for the double chin It was not in evidence, but her appearance fully lustlfled her other statements., and proved that, the old adage, a change la a rest," la true. Fresh from triumphs In Kansas City where she filled a brief starling engagement at the Orpheum theatre for Ben Ket'ham. formerly of this city, after several weeks' visit to New Tork and ether eastern cities whsre shs saw the latest and best productions on stage and screen. Miss George looks for-ard with keen and pleasant anticipation to her special engagement with the Metropolitan Players, opening Sunday In one1 of her plays, Coquette While tn New Tork. While In Neyr Tork City I had the pleasure of witnessing a performance of Belasco s 'Mlml'. , said Miss George. "Leonora Ulrle played the leading role 1 also saw Congla, with Helen Menken featured, and It waa altogether delightful. 'Street Scene and 'Holiday' were other notable attractions that Interested me very mucn Holiday I regarded, ae one of the on moat beautiful productions Broadway, but in musical offerings lot all them 'Floretta' eclipsed gorgeouenees. expense and general excellence " Regarding the erase over the Mise George said eh 'talklea," doe not think they are detracting hi any way from general Interest In the legitimate ' plays Tork and othar large centers 'I did not find a consensu of opinion either one way or the other," she said. "In New Tork there are no regular performances on Sunday, and of course, the picture on that day hold away, but I there always will be a demand for good plays capably presented " While Miss George was In th metropolis enjoying her much needed rest, seeing th sights and enjoying the current leading attraction. she was approached by Mr. Ketcham and finally persuaded by him to go to Kan sac City ae the vleltlng star in "Coquette Her Interpretation of the fascinating role of Norms Besant, beautiful -- post-seaso- n n te w be-li- southern mine, created s veritable furor. Her work waa highly praised by Kanaea City critics, and so favorable was the Impression she created that Instead of starring in one or two plays, she was featured in four, including "Dancing Mother," Th Bird of Paradise," end The Women of Broni-.- " In th latter she was with Margaret Anglin, sharing equal honors with that famous actress. It waa la Coquette," however, that Mias Georgs caused the critics to exhaust tbelr supply of adjectives In describing her charm, her wlnsomeness, her versatility and compelling dramatic force, in her characterization of Norma. Of Miss Georgs a portrayal of the role, Ace," in th Kansas City Journal-Pos- t, referred to th wave of sympathy which swept th audience, and said' "It was Miss George who created that wave which swept th Orpheum audience last night Mips Georgs charm, her portrayal of e role that left me. at least, thinking 'hers la a complete perform- SATURDAY CITY UTAH George Returns Gladys to Playhouse Starting Sunday Matinee in "Coquette RETURNS TO THE ance" In such a play as this a play every act of which holds an audience In the grip of lta unfolding story does Miss Georg visit us this week Her portrait of Norma Besant will easily b hung among the finest ofth. season hero The young woman has everything that goes to make for complete success " In Coquette" there Is sadness, there la subtle humor and there is a tragic cMmax. I asked Miss Georgs If the play really teaches a lesson. If It stand for any particular principle Indeed It Does." Indeed, It does," aha replied "It teaches forbearance It la a slice of life It la romance, beautiful romance The life of Norma, the girl In tbe play, runs the gamut of human emotions, and through th entire story run th golden threads of human Interest and appeal. I love the part, better. 1 think, than anything I have ever There is so much more to don the play than th picture, in my opinion, and many critics have told me the same thing ' Mias George expressed delight-a- t again meeting her many Salt Lake friends, end again Joining her husbenjl. Ben Erway. to say nothing of her pet cat ' Scooters,' and needless to say, "Scooters" nearly purred himself to death when he saw her. While the young actress was away "Scooters was left at the cat hospital hers On in Mias George a opening night Kansas City the received many Inof congratulation telegrams cluding one message with but one word: M E O W'" and on Moth W day ahe received another telegram as follows. "Mother, Dear Hop youll soon b back. Love! Scooter STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE FOR A SPECIAL LIMITED STARRING SEASON 000 HaroU H. Jenson OPENING will be Interested Th astro-goer-s know that Gladys Georg will pear for th lest two weeks as ar artist with the Metropolitan Mis layers at th Playhouse. eorg. after leaving here, went to rested tw Tork City where she two-eeid then eh waa offered a engagement In Kansas City, er opening week here will prol-i)l- y be Coquette." a play In hlch aha acored a big hit in Kan-i- s Charlotte Toung and Dayton Loomis will probably spsnd the summer In California. Leonard Strong Is at home with his family In Salt Lass and la deserving of a real reat after his excellent work this season. Chester Dows is another Beit Lake boy who will spend his race-tio- p here. Manager Charles W. Clogston plans to attend the Convention of the Theatre Managers Association City. Warfield has in Now Tork City. Miss Theodora her end ade many friends here Th Midnight Preview conducted ork particularly In Getting Gera's Garter showed a new phase In the Paramount Theatre by Manher versatiUty. She will spend ager David Edwards introduced a is summer In th mountains near hew French star. Maurice Ehevalier He could in Diego. Miss Warfield, to know in Innocent of Parla sr off stag, possesses a very well be termed the A1 Jolson of France. I arming personality Ths Metropolitan Players ar Th season for the opening of vacation planning their las Georg and Ben Erway have rteorta will find everything In readA definitely decided where they iness for Decoration Day. A surprise to many will he the 111 go but they are planning to news that Andy Christensen, fortv a real rest this summer g return-tla mer manager of Lagoon, will run. Lee. director, Ralph to Denver ( where his mother Vivian Park In Provo Canyon. Miss George, for three seasons the favorite of Salt Lake theatregoers, opens with the Metropolitan Players at Sunday matinee for a special engagement at Play-- ! house. n post-seaso- ks al-ia- re. Daisy Del Wilcox and Arthur oft will go to Kansas City where rise Wilcox relatives live. Lillian Fisher and Norman Fra-e- r have a bom In Los Angeles ud will likely go there by auto-lob- ll Frank Ferry will go to Ban Fran- - For tbe Graduate the most appropriate end lasting gift-- A Diamond Diamond Dinner Rings ranging from 010.50 and up See Our Windows. CALL UP WASATCH 1478 For Special Limited Starring Engagement THEATRE TIP BITS By SEVENTY NINTH YEAR 1929 MAY 25 L IN NEWARK THEATER- SBy G. 1 SEYMOUR. lore walk w.th her dj-tevening poodle. Rose s mother Maurrant Anna amount said to have been lees attracted b the collector for than 110,000. milk company Stagehand own the Rices 'Street Scene" Maurrant comes home unexpectedtriumph. two- - together befinds the and ly That Rice directed It himself was largely qn accident Another hind duvi shades in the Maurfiat. director had been engaged, but rant There Is a Dashingly ghastly did not car greatly for tbe play moment as two shots are heard beOne day, in the early stages of remilk hearsal , he excused himself to go hind the curtains atThen the the window out for a cup of coffee and ne'er collector appear smashes the pare with his elbow came back. Thus deserted Rice, without ex- .tries to Jump out. Maurrant s band him back Another shot. drags perience In stage direction, sugTh ambulance comes and th) gested that be would drect it bodies are carried out Maurrant himself. The Once endowed with the double la caught after a manhunt. of the family upauthority of director and author. dlrpoasession to The Jantor stairs completed Rice went further with some no- comes opt and washes a splotchA tions of his own. H did away enfrom the front blood of steps built tirely with th footlights and rent sign goes up Life in their place an actual concrete flat for goes on. disturbed even along this and asphalt gutter. Then he had street for only a day by a major a real cement sidewalk constructed from th curbstone to th ten- tragedy ement sot. The result is realism magnified in ths the try to ths point of photographic exactness. Before this setting Rice has unfolded Just such an episode of Manhattan aa occurs probably a score of times each year, to be In half a dozen paragraphs School on nn lnsld page of the dally NEW TORK The author of a eucceseful play often owes much of his success to the men who hate designed lta scenety, directed its i action and otherwise asshted In Into translating his manuscript visible terms. But Elmer Rice need acknowledge few such obligations for the success of "Street Scene ' hU drama of New York's sidewalks which has been awarded tbe Pulitzer prize as the best- - American play of the season. Not only did he writs the play he directed it himself, and he picked out the actual brownstone street, flat at i West Sixty-fift- h from which Jo Mellzner designed Its single setting. Even William A. Brady, the Harry Groan 14 years ago got producer, had only to provide the a his start on th stag singing money for th plays staging an song th lyrics of which Wer written by Jess L. Lanky. Today he la fsatured comedian In Close Harmony. The song waa "My Brndds written to b sung in Italian dialect, but ever since he received a blackhand letter following hts first rendition of the song he has W offer some of the very been a Jewish dialect omedian. newspaper. W see th residents of Mr They Informed me that they beat farm properties fa Rices brownstone flat through would knife me If I over tried on th. sidewalk Wva and Utah windows and th Green dialect aton Italian Idaho real again." in front. On on side of the first and Im glad they did. for as tractive terms. floor live Abraham Kaplan, elderly an Italian comedian I certainly radical and intellectual Jew. his would have been a washout. Aa It Drop us a line for full daughter la, I got along prettly well " spinster school teacher son SamGreen sang Leakys song when Shirley and his Idealistic are side On other the uel. ho was first starting in th show Filippo Florentine. Italian musician, and business. Since that time he hat .bis German wife Greta. bad an Intar sating career. In wonAbove the Ka plans live' George fame as Goorg ho and Emma Jones, a middle-ageWashington Cohen tn "Th Cherand gossipy pair with a loutish ry Tree." end on the dramatic stag son and a wanton and ho scored a snrress In his own "Welcome shop girl daughter Above show, Stranger." vulgar the Florentine's 11 r ths Maurants -Frank, ths father, a stage hand. Anna, the mother, a personable Disclaims Superstition. woman of 44; Rose, the William Powell, who play Philo daughter, who work in a real estate office; and WUlla, a school Vance In "The Green 4 ut.'er Real Estate Department boy eon. Case,' denies that he 1 superstiUvea ar Intertwined, AR tious. However, he doe admit Beneficial Life Ins. all of their them are neighbors, yet eellng of elation when he remain bera that his dressing room numquick to be suspicious of each othCo. er and to show raee prejudice snd ber is a mutiple of seven, and says ho never walks under ladders, petty dislike. Th plot develop almost lad- i because they might law down. . 1 Blackhand Threat Saved Green For Career in Movies Syl-ve- amid the youthful dentally, affair of Rose Maurrant and Sara Kaplan, the bawd) rare's of Mae Jores and her boy Mend, the d's possession of a famli) upstair the birth of a bab to the woman on the third floor and Mrs Junes WITH AN ELABORATE PRODUCTION OF Do You Want A Farm? vau-devtl- - d; taxi-driv- er QUISH of Beauty Culture THE REIGNING NEW YORK DRAMATIC SENSATION WITH BEN ERWAY AND ALL OF THE PLAYHOUSE FAVORITES IN THE GREAT CAST-OR- DER SEATS EARLY OOO The Beet in the West Ezra Thompson Bldg. Wasatch 7560. 304-- 9 NEXT ATTRflCTIOtl I in EXPERT Instruction of CULTURE. BEAUTY We Train You to Pass the Stale Examinations. CATALOG ON , REQUEST Free Marcels Every Day GLADYS GEORGE IN A LAVISH PRESENTATION OF MARJORIE RAMBEAUS SUCCESS THE GOLD FISH |