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Show . . , i , , . ..... - , . . - .. . t IDABOride sod .4111A, ' , ' , t ' ' '..; ..,.,.,,, - todtsts - , of Waimea-Ro- ... . ' Etaxita.s. rwmitaons.,4114:1 N: oes.to.LaireLt.04;y ,- 444i .:14482117. ,. , ' , ' i : ' . , ,, i . ', . ' , ' Appeal at Meeting of Editors. Chamber Barits President in Stand Against Any Subsidy To Crop Producers. Upper Branch Commit. tee Reports Relief Bill Containing Debenture Clausi For Floor Action. Lower :S. April was a strange Herbert (CPA)it Hoover who addressed the Anseelated Prem. appealing through the publishers for Ruppert of law almost timid. depending not at all on rh- etorical fect. I 11, Extra Session To Stay Within , Limits fixed ITTASHINOTON. April W of- the moraines of a (' man wintered the 4r,1' '1:1 ever- with 4 responsibil- ity of what he called the, most dominant issue before the na lien. . was There hardly a tonne on the face of the president except when an outburst of applause came at the end of the speech. It was a solemn address. more like sermon than an exposition of public policy. if anyone hall any doubt that Herbert Hoover felt deeply about the importance of law enforcement. such doubt must have been removed as heiweighed carefully his words and uttered the theory of executive responsibility. Fully aware that he could not take a critical attitude toward the press without destroying to some Extent the effectiventes of his apMr. Hoover peal for adopted a tone of supplication. did inference ha touch Only by on the recent glorification of Texas Guinan and others accused of violating the prohibition laws in New York gity. but he did nevertheless caU attention to the romance that had been given to- - the acts of the gangsters and the undercurrent of hostility which bad been shown toward prohibition agents and prosecutors When Mr. Hoover, declared OW , ii,ftro wee a crime aet-i- in Amenf-e world one v sc.,L,!" a cart et t ' WASHINGTON, 1. ' -- it tv.loy i , ea - 'i..- I a c t 1,- -- 4.4 .1 ,,, . .,. , . , , '. ' , .." , ., .. t, x., . ' - ..41 i ,,, e ' mole ' 'd it . , ' , - . ,. , ' . Seek Gold. - - - - , 6s.mo,m.sonome.m , , , Rail Crossings Eliminated Since 1917 . , , Senate ratified - new committee assignments. a, Senate confirmed nominations of '. Vznetet Leo Jabncke and David S. secretaries of , Ingalls. as assistant ' ' ; the Doer. committee gricdlturs Senate ' ,,- 'voted to report farm relief bill with debentures plan included desalts rresident Hoover'll OPPosi .2. .. ' , , . I ,, - - - .. . .. . , - ... At judd,Nam R. - Governor of Hiwaii - WASHINGTON. April 12.(IN6) President Hoover Lae selected R. M. Judd. for some YSIrS os resident of Hawaii. as governor of the islands. succeeding Wisilacti Il. Farrington. it wan announced at the White House today. Judd is new supervisor of the city and county of Honolulu and a rancher. Hs served two terms :n the territorial legislature as a eepator. Although born in Hawaii he was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. His nominntion was sent to the Senate. - Canadian Church Issues Warning Against Divorce -- ' - AN FRANCISCO. ' . Ste-- . be- April cause of the salaried rudeness et Americas immigration officers ea the Canadian border. Sir Rabindranath Tagore. post and ohm of India, remained aboard ship here today after having 'eloped, to The poet. who booked passage at Las Angeles on the Japanese leolint IT TelT.0 Kam. declined an invite.; don to sneak at the Univeraiti California, and his secretary said he would remain aboard ship ea long ea it le la port The ship. sells for Japan tomorrow. "I am working. I am going home," was all Sir Rabindranath Would IT to tattririeWOrl. Ons of his confidants recently declared that the poet had experienced diffleshy in entering this country front Vancouver. R. C, because of a I LE ORIGINS REPEAL FAILS Somde Comm; flee Defies Expressed Wish of President. .. ' BY WILLIAM K. HUTCHINSON. (Special Leased Wire Service to The Deseret News.) WASHINGTON. April the second legtslative rebuff to President Hoover within two daYt. the Senate burnt, gration committee 'today killed two resolutions for repeal of the nationel origins act. The committee entirely ignored president's TOC11108t, carried in is recent inemages to Congress. for postponement of the. national origins quota Jaw, which goes into effect, July 1.- - The committee vote the president was 4 to II. against Th M action virtually ended all - obanew-- , tor repeal ItrlesstPtme- !latent of the new quota kw..., The ktite hope 44 the amulet tightcog national origin quotes.will lie in as apparently futile attentpt Spin Causes to itet the Senate to reverse' the This could he ilecom- co(oohed Majority of 150 by. majority vote, tut the Senate. at its last session. refused cottelfer the necessary koala- I. Navy Air Crashes Giant Starts tion skit there appeared small Zep chance of its acting now at the WASHINGTON. April 23.TAP) session. special New Long Flight The committee's action came on A report sent to the Senate by Secretary Adams shows that fatalities in the aviation service of the navy sad marine corps in the last DTI, years have totaled Ile and that their outetanding cause has been the tell spin. which account--o- n ed for more than 35 per cent of the accidents. "While Progress has been made" the report. says. "the problem has not been solved. The most promising development ht the Handley-Pag- e slotted wing which has undergone modification and developMent by the non." Other measures taken to reduce the hazards include adoption of the parachute. development of the navrs aerological service. truPPlYIng of rescue boats adapted to the work. giving et regular, training to reserve aviators and steady increase in pilot flying time. "Any legislation which ;mato in an incresee in the efficiency of aviation. the report adds. may be expeoted.to eventually effect a. corresponding reduction in the number of accidents. However. aside from these general effects. it is Dot believed safety of flYin is a matter for specific legislation. TORONTO. April The Church of Bug land In Canada through the house of bishops today illued to tbe dere, this pronounce. anent: "Tbs breaking up of families and tits increase of the grounds and of facilities for divorce. do esostitute a moral peril. We dare not look upon this thing with light hearted unconcoa or pass it by with a flippant cynical Jut- 'History tells us that It is not Co evidelnee. sa Dome are urging. of progress working out toward self developmont sod greater freedom of tbo Individual. In- The New Testament tells that It Is sot according to the mind of Christ. It must be looked upon as DENVER. Colo., April 22.(AP) Wade Itountfortt. Jr., 42 years nothing abort of a menace threatour modern of ening the stability old, stall photographer of the Denver Poet and for reettY years a Cisthrati'" newspaper photographer in Saw , York City and Kansas Citl. was WED Dr TOKIO. killed earlp today when an autoTOKIO. April I3(AP)Miss mobile which ho was driving overMto-Louis- e Orr, daughter of Mr. turned. Mao Ethel. Stevens a Denver and Mr!. Baldwin Orr or New York, woe married. today to llog,w model, aloe received injuries whist C. Tredwell. American commt gen- are 'spotted to cause her death. eral nt Hongkong. Tito ceremony Rap' Bleck, assistant city editor of took place at the American con- - the Post, the third occupant of the ear, escaped injury, : adage' Photographer Dies Auto 'Mishap, : it was said, - .. htdia Poet Muses To Land in U. S. REP RATIONS MEET DECIDES , es , 'I Tail ' , - Peru. Tb. npan!sh Tilers Captain knack, Jimenes and Francesco Iglesias understood to too carrying lintportient documonts in the Tacos-Aridispute between Chits sod Peru. were reported to base taken oft from Jim. Chile. shortly after sloe oclock this morning, tor Lima.: ' LIMA.- - : c , Spanish Fliers Leave Chile , With Papers - SEp -- 're.,,carksbila A. , , ..., April , lilt .. . ' itliente 110e MOM of 174 men. The department of commerce announced today that the death rate per million tons of coal produced during the month wait 4.81 compared with 307 for March. 1924. Twenty-nin- e of the fatalities were in the anthracite MinOS of Pennsylvania while the remaintow 149 were in bituminous Mining in other states. three During the first months of 19211 there have been 120 fatalities in coal , MEXICO CITY. Aprn 3S(Als) News was expectod hourly today of initial clashes near Masiaca. Sonora. between thy principal rebel army entrenchad there and the faders la. Last reports from General Talamantes. commanding 2.00e eroderal cavalry several mile. in front of Infantry end the Mill army said he had advanced cautiously as far as Luis. 12 utiles south of Masisfm, but had found cm enemy.. Hs was advised to be otreful f ambush and not to move too far S main army. INC the Ong& 11.606 or 1.060,rebele of blasisea and eanantonle cut his forces to sr. pieces before reinforcements ,. rived: WASHINGTON. April 23,(AP) A total of SSG railroad grade crossings were reported today by the bureau of public roads to have been eliminated last year from the federal aid bighwar orsialth, Of these. 1ST were eliminated by the construction of underpasses or twornesses and US by relocation of highisays. Since the bursae said. &Ill crossings havebeen excluded front' the tedeml high. ,'. ., - (By The Associated Praia) TUESDAY. Senate meets st noon to take up lam relief bill. at noon for additi-Hones meets onal-day of general discuasion a - on farm Wit cominittee Senate immigratiou begins consideration of proposals for repeal or postponement of notional origins clause of immigration act. House ways and means committee, Republicans continue work on tariff' revision bill. MONDAY. , ' House continued tarn' relief Under Left Vijlages 15 Feet of Water; Railway Furnishes Cars For Housing Refugees. NI) Federals Creep Up LEWISTON. Idaho. April II, in Salmon the (AP)Prospectors on Mexico Rebels river country reported late last night that Henry Cornwell was killed. and his brother, Sherman Cornwell. received a broken leg and was pinned down beside the body when their mine caved in four days ago. Sherman Cornwell was rescued. : The mine is seven miles northeast of Lucille. The tragedy was discovered by two prospectors who missed the men and net out to tind ' them. ' Sherman Cornwall was partially covered with debris and a boulder had crushed his leg. Be was unconscious when found. The body of Henry was left in the in I nikelVW loners not daring to enter the tun-s- al until &knight. 2S. In Japanese Bay SPEECH '"""- - . ' k -- , - . , PRMSi ...Attu( Wier titilica.audy mitt Ilia era,. tx,,-- , wet wt,,, r ,..ffpg :with i tot tuti btti,l,ort of l'floies.ti lieueer. Is official eireles. especial oat.. If:faction lovas shown that Mr-- Gib-ai- m had flatly espoused seduction and not mars limitation of armaMont& By pushing naval disarmament. it is fait hers. he checkmated the argument that land disarmament cannot begin until 'something also Is done with the naval question. Ambassador Giboores ' assertion that the United States was read,' to meet the position of European powers on land disarmament also was regarded with satiala-ction,t- wimk.,1111 23.(AP1-.- .. weakby In- Construction Privilege Is Conditioned Upon Giving Rio Grande Acs cess to Big Tunnel. WASHINGTON. April mino ao cidenta In the United States iast month caused the death Hits Rock, Sinks was authoritatively learned today that disarmament proposals advanced at Geneva yesterday by Hugh L. Gibson. American ambassador to Belgium, wiU be divan immediate closest attention by highest British officials. the ge - 112 Lost As Armaments. LONDON. of Cattle and Horses. a . . , : , March in U. S. As Itmii:el Caves In - ; Save Most Belongings; who for Insley YOU'S has been a district Wader on the IlltOWLAKi. Ark April 23. Funeral servkas for fernier west side. today was elected chief- (AP)--More than Celle persona in Governor William Spry will by held tain of Tationsay Ran to alloceed Douai& counties were Phillips and Friday at 1 p m. t the Tabernne.M. Gracile W. Oilman resigned. homeless today and st leak WHO acres of rkb farming lands were it was announced Tuesday by John the result et a break In inundated, Ithirdy. fqrmer nocrstary the Laconia circle levee and high governor& water sround the main Missiesippi Ths body accompanied by river levee at Knowlton's landing. Spry. her tw4 daughters. Mrs. Lit& Wooton and Mrs, Ronald Bich High water from the White rivSpry er. banked against the circular Woolley. and hel Ion. Lieut. Jams Spry. will arrive In Salt Lake over dyke for several weeks. yeaterdaY the Union Pucific railroad Friday forced a gap in the )eves more at I:36 cm. Efforts are being than 20A feet wide. Ilesidents aftor made to have the body 11. , is receiving warnings br telePholll state in the totunda of the capitol' and farm bells gathered part of their belongings and hurried to during ths day. Interment will ue In Salt Lake. safety. tto loos of life was reportWhile all details of the funeral ed. was saved. Vessel Picks TheAll livestock waters program have not been arranged, it Rescue today bad onrushing I. definite that Elder Orson inundated finowlake, water in Up 97 Survivors Whitney of the Council of Twellr. some places being nearly 11 feet and Elder J. Golden Kimball of The Laconi circle section. a From Water. the lint Council of Seventies, will low lying area at one time was bebe among the speakers. Both have lieved to have been a lake. There been requested by members of the for the ie no levee iprotection LONDON. family to maks addresses. April White river and the region wound The body of Governor Spry left One hundred and twelve persons It under water for several bad been Washington Tuesday at 1119 reported to have , been weeks. according to an Associated Prams wets The refugees base bees housed dispatch. No services wers held in drowned when the Japanese attain. In box care of flat and on a of abip Washington. A representative went ears belonging to the string Meru Tovokuni illbsouri-Pagin- g the interior department. probed aground off Cape Ertiolo and sank, railroad. For several days the someone statiGned at Salt Lake City said a dispatch from Tokio. this railroad has kept a train sear will be designated by Secretary Wil- afternoon. The of the enowlake for such an emergent'''. majority bur to attend the services. passengers were fiahernmn. At Knowlton's landing engiSecretary Wilbur in commenting ships Other 'hips went to the rescue neers with a torts of See laborers on the death of Governor filirY. who and picked t7 survivors from today believed they bad won their up has been commissioner of ths gen- the water. in the break a to prevent fight eral land office since 11111. said The Toyokunf klan mask so levee there. The break in the La"the loss of Commissioner spry would be estiselaily felt in the in- huickly the I wireless operator had conia circle levee was sot expected eves to to endanger the main 3er4or department at present. due Urn. to send out only one LOA the south- which the drcle dike JOSS& 40. his intimats knowledge 9t ell Cape Erima lies esnorthers toast of Hie permits and leases Which are now easters WILNZSBARRE. April lase: Of 'Hokkaido Bad to approzir-11- 4being mokrIceT1,1 vrtoter-tbnature &geao"dit 41,11Purine. frowns" 641 consorviitti tetçnee the tecong;:wiletlitligv rAfttirwireved , .i., . ..7...,.,:,,:,,...-7,-;,-7' ries et the turbulent evaquaii, ' ' ,.. , MIA ore, A of river after "seating .,L4 feet hers. the upper West side was added to the flood arts. indkating that dykes along the stream bad give, way. --- Idaho 11.4iir Killed - - Coal Mines Cost 178 Lives For itcap).Lat 4,231 - w,w- - Residents Warned by Telephone nee With . N VI , 't Body of Former Utah Executive Due Early April 26; May Lie in , Britain to Study Plan For Radadion of e.it.ti Atootss ti ,1 rDötiéire'.-.- AS 111EES BOBS' , len.) 1411164 '. GIBSON aw tfAc P) ,! d SITAOH1131ff Elders O. F. Whitney and Jonathan G. Kimball Among Speakers; Plans NEW YORK, April Yet to be Completed. John F. Curry. above. or - From the point of view of deliv- , ,,. ,' i - - ery the speech was not as of as some speeches hr. Hoover las made. It was. however, quietly forceful as well as dramatics in Its solemnity. And lir. Hoover left the Impression of a mandeeply In earnest. conscientious and determined to do his duty as an executive charged with the enforcement of , Granted POniti.t 51000 I:1 211,-"- and stobert h,tcncock of the Kookaburra. lost In the Tut-- it desert. Australia, In the search tor the Southern Cross. both wore . dead. Observer' Hying as near to the Kookaburra as they might. and tailing to find e place to land. aseertained the body under the wing ot the plane wae that ot Anderson's. Nearby, they reported, there was a mound of earth. Indicating that perhaps Hitchcock had d'ed and Anderson had buried him before be himself expired. nip two men titers missing for PARIS. April nearly a fortnight after starting out to seek the Southern Cross, Tempo first of the Paris afterwhich In tbe mearitime was found noon papers to comment on the by others. speech of Hugh IL Gibson on disarmament. at Geneva yesterday. . characterized it today as a. "fact of great importance," and declared that it ncompletely modified the atmosphere at Geneva." The newspaper which often reflects the French government's point of view On important question& concludes that ' Without the fact that serious difficulties are yet to be surmounted before a precise formula cat Boulder Breaks . Leg of be reached. there are now better prospects for an accord in prinBrother as Pair ciple upon the method of limitation of armaments on the seas" si ., MIES D. &S. L. Rit1fre4 ds BERLIN. Apr! num circles sonsider Gibson's Genova anoech sir-pla- ne tt the New York attrepapers editorial!" today, agree with the president's, generation of taw en. but those who have ,i,esaforce: the wet alds of the insist there is a shorter argismenb read to law enforcerneat and yesPect for.institutions and that it bee in amending or modifying the existing laws. Mr. Hoover takes the view, however. Ithat n is improper for any. ono who is on the wet side to agitate for the repeal and that nevespapers should not directly or indirectly encourage law violation. Although be did not specifically rams the newspapers he did refer to statements in responsible Journals which be construes to have the effect of encouraging a defiance of taw. It is known that be bee referred to this in recent conversations at the Whits House with salient. There is an interesting line of thought expressed by some editors who profess to see further than the law enforcement question and that is a feeling that Mr. Hoover him-te- ll will some day assume leadership in urging a modification. It is not likely to come however. until after a national commission has reported on the facts and UV Meanwhile, the gelded remedies. president does not feel that k is his duty to take the leadership on the question of repeal or modification. Be contends that his main job is to take the law as he finds it and I ring about enforcement. and that it It lea bad law the surest way to repeal it Is to enforce IL , -- -f A (IN8)--Ifundro- IIATIONS n , .1 ..1.,..ny r Lost Rescue Fliers , Believed Dead on -Hr 41 ' 00 LONDON': . Iltlity - trra S. April Hoover today fresh support In his fight against the export debenture plan ot farm relief when House leaders declared they would kill any debenture plan which may peas the Senate. Having been relieved of the embarrassment of the long fight over n theMcNary-Haugeequalisation fee backers of the bill. the HOUJIS federal farm board bill distiltrod over the considerable resentment acUon of the Senate agriculture committee in voting to include the debenture plan in the McNary bill The situation threatened to revive the enmity lposween the two houses of Cougresa. "I only know of three Members of the House who favor the debenture plan." said Rep. Haugen (R) of chairman of the House committee. "If the Senate passes the debenture plan we will kill it in conference, asserted Rep. Aawell (D) of Louhdana. "If we are going to have farm relief the debenture plan must be defeated." said Rep. Williams (R) of Illinois. one of five authors of the Housubill. , the otter tondta general . 2 ent , , II0011 State at the Capitol of Important bills probably will die at the special sestdon of Congress. it became apparent today'. due to the decision of Republican leaders to limit the legislative program to the recommended by subjects President Hoover. Farm relief. tariff revisbin. census. reapportionment and immigration were the Hoover recommendations. At a conference this morning between Senator James E. Watson fill of Indiana, and John 41 Tilson (It) of Connecticut, Republican loaders of the Senate and House. it was decided to bold the program to these subjects. April.. SS. (DIS)--T- he Dew 111011,10041141 farm relief bill claming the debenture engirt bounty Planwas&Mewed by Freakiest Itoover, reported to the Senate this afternoon by its reeirloaltural committee with commendatiou tor Its immediate audience F SEVENTY NINTH YEAR APRIL 23 1929 UTAII TUESDAY HUAI W11"Z 13-itil- otinty WASHINGTON, litHoovsr. la his 1 ,H,..,:- IVI4)..L,4t ..mom,smiem.ammffasma,dnommip Shy. - .:, ).,:;:to , - lib Rill,CITES GOV. HOOVer93 t 4 .,., g ' - WASHINGTON. , ,.:1.: - : lel By David Lawrence. - I , 111,,,,goffaknOdtiorm..0 , of Purpoie Marks : Prest. i t , 440--- TO CE , IF : ; - , ,w7c-tii- dirl.k AY- ..' 0 . or an .1.0.A 1 mat Iwt,,,---Nto- .. SALTLAKEITY EARNESTNESS -- .., 0 , . - 1 :, - .', - 1 , t,PRICE FrVE CENTS . ' . '' ' - i, ' ' ,- ; ...,. - - ..4002,9 .. ,,,,,' 4 - ' , . ' '''''' : I,,. ,: OJ ' ' - ' - : 1' ''- ,.., - , , Boston Bldg. Week a , lot - ' - ' of , ,.: ' . '' Banton Bldg. Sleek. ', : . - od ' ' '' ''. .r.,,,,,, 1 1 ' MIM I . . . . Genera Grcup Bans Gas Untge In War TO SIGN 'TREATY. BERLIN. April fi8(AP)Dr. Tewfik Rusbdibey. Turkish foreign minister. declared hors today be expected ;horny to conclude a treaty of arbitration and conciliation with Germany without political clauses was orechint.ereatede anowedin '111;oseybill eing than in any. against illiteracy: thing elan. I I 11 Gares NATIONAL LEAGLit.' BEnd of sixth Issinds: Norton 2 .. I At Brooklyn Jones sod Spotirer; Vows sad Defterry. Paid of litzth budgie: R. I Philadelphia At New York Wailottabby and sad 'ogee. Leda; Bestow 111Mil, R. End of escetatt Innings: St. Louts 0 a At Chicane Sherdel and Smith; Make and Gonzales. No other games sebedzded. - WEEKS League of Nations Adopb Resolution to Ratify 1925 ProtocoL atamMcgtgb WASHINGTON. April 22. (AP)The DIIVS1 and Salt lake railroad obtained permon today from the interstate commerce commission to build the Defter cut-oon condition that the Den- vet- - and Rio Grande Western be permitted to operate through the Moffet tunnel. The Denver and Salt Lake nos !cages the Moffet tunnel and to build the Dotter cutoff at a cost of 81.122.000 for the purpose of establishing a short line between Salt Lake and Denver. The Deaver and Rio Grande Western company opposed the Project unless the Denver and Salt Lithe would admit it to trackage Huhu through the tunnel and an equal share in the short Denver.. Salt Inks route contemplated. The two railroads were unable to reach agreement. "It is manifest that the Interest of the carriers as a whole would beat be served under an arrangement whereby the Rio Greed. could operate on fair and equitable terms over the cutoff and the Mot. fet line between Donor and Utah Junction." the decision today WI -The evidence is oonclusive that the cutoff would be a distinct advantage as a transportation facility aed that the pubito interest requires ita construction for entre Lion in the manner stated. Loss Forepeen. N, "If operated by the applicant seder active traffic opposition from would the Rio Grande. the certainly be & taanciel loss te the peestitip .4 Moffet Ulm read as well. Upon tits 1 I facie .presouted wit find that pre.. ' set and future public convenience , and necessity require construction ' t of the line of :aliened proposed be' ' the applicant (Denver and Salt Lake Western). upon the condition t 1 that the Rs Grande be permitted , to operate ever said line and over the Moffitt road between Dotson) , Colo.. ott fair and ' '1 and reasonable terms to be approv' ed by us. "An order will be entered ',- : days that the als !Vitt la us and furnish to I , i the applicant attested copies of the ) draft of a contract or agreement conditions forth and terms setting I Rio Grande, is willing governing its operaf tions over the proposed cutoff and I 1; Mollet line; that within II days , ! ',t front filing of saki proposed contract with the Rio Grande subject ; to our approval, or if unwilling to " ' , do so. shall file with us and with the Rio Grande an attested copy , of the draft of a contract setting forth terms and conditions desired by them.' The decision concluded with the statement that the commission would be Wed further to sanction the joint operating agreement conteznplated after considering the form deecribed. ff 4 Pro-Pos- es tes - twit T '', - - - - Utah-Junctio- quirt 1 ''" , - ABB. 11 I DENVER. Colo.; April 22. (AP)A short time ago President William It. Freeman of the Denver Salt Lake announced PosiOBIgrirA April tively that hie company would not 23(AP) Belgian proposals for prohibition aocept a provisional permit hingof use of poison gas in war un- ing upon agreement with the Dender reciprocai conditions. and ab- ver Rio Grande. Freeman was olutely prohibiting bacteriologic- not in Denver today. al warfare wore adoptad in secret J. & Preatt. president of the beetion today by the preparatory Rio Grande. firmly declined today aommiasion On disarmament of to amplify lir a statement on the the league of nations. Interstate commerce commission's The commbnion also adopted a decision his railroad's Position draft resolution of th. Soviet delegation urging the governments to ,. ratify as soon as possible the Geneva protocol of 1921. The protocol Japanese Emperor also prohibited use of pobon Sac Attends Celebration and bacteria in war. YOKOHAMA. Japan. April (APSThe Emperor Of Japan. Church Members Stand breaking his habitual secluzion, today attended Yokohama's celebraBy Discharged Pastor' tion of the completion of its flee year program of reCAMERON. Texas. April 21-.-- and one-ha-lf construction enc. the disatitrous (ArlMembers of the Cameron earthquake on September I. Ittl. Presbyterian church supporting their pastor. the Rev. H. D. Ken- ..... .4c ney. ousted on heresy charges by 1. t the Central Texas Preabyteti today planned to rates a fund to retain him as bead of an independent r ; , , I , ., , ' , . t, St. ,rs, : r , t 1 INDEX Or Tocklu'5 Chu rt h. The plans wars announced after the woman's auxiliary of church and a number of the members withdrew their pledges to the Dig church budget Tha auxtliarrs action followed a mooting 'rester-da- y at which a commission from the tho Presbytery reported Kenney and charges airtime also announced the discharge of the church's board of elders. the A committee representing "Independent" thetion attended the nemeeting wtth the expectation of gotiating for purchase of the church property but was dented the nom. I NEWS SECTION ONE. Page. I I Delmore Permit Granted Repeal IAA Origins Funeral Rate RA Sey's lkidriese Story Society Editorials A P. Elections State News LOW 4 1 ; 4 Dissursmainents EZDIO WANKS PEOPLE. LONDON, April King Georg Issued a message ot thanks to his subjects and people of thew asthma tor solicitude during his Illness. Bearthaide Theall'eu SECTION Lead Nene Sperm Financial Want Ada Tat Refunds o' TWO. 1 .2 and S 4 and 1 g and I ......... .11 , :., , 1 ' s, .. , ,' , ., . - . . , t ' '. - , , , - - - ,. 4 '' - , , - . t 7, 4) - ....-- c t ' - . , IL , . i ' . 41, - t, - -----.. .. .. , , , ... ,.. 1 7...,lths I AMERICAN LEAGUE. R. C011111111E End of seventh Innings: A Chicago 2 At Cleveland ' . - Adkins sad Audrey; Miner, Feras. W. LaMont. spokesman for the rell and Sewell. BY FREDERICK K. Americas Allied delegates. (Special Leese& Wire Service To both deniedandthat IL Ead of second Nabors: the reparation Th. Deseret News). A conference bas tended in Detroit PARIS. April StONONego3 "Our official communique states At St. Louis exthe we ars drafting a report during reparation by COITTOU tiations Sad Phillips; Chowder. perts In a final offorklo olamaclivierthille which discussion of tits disputed Beholder .ad Mentos. German reparation win outlast," mug Mr. points LaMont Thos. giscusaions mule probably continuo for almost three cot eightli bulimic IL gooks. It was learned from an Off- wacesearity pertain to figures and icial source by International News figuros aro &Inky liabis to modi- Iraohboatom At lisliadelphis Service tonight. s fication.", , Bather sod Reel; Wu berg and Thera was mouddsrable The report of the committee is Cadmus.- following todars plenary expected to be eompleted about ban May 11 and In the meantime tho Mos sod many persons toolv the R. view that the (uterine rad of sixth Imago: as delegates will confer privately in an effort to bridge the difference In pariontly on its last lege' However New York .4 tho esparto themselves ars holding At Brook Ilya figures that now extol. rtiarrao Ileimmitts and Grobow Dr. Hjalmar Schacht. chlet of out hope that a solution bo still ski; Morita and Ueda& tho (letzten delegation. and Thom- - within ths "mins at posaibilitionis TO a motion to 'Indefinitely postpone" consideration of a resolution by Senator Walsh (D) of Mor- tand another by Senator NY. (R) of North Dakota. for types! of the national origins act. Senator Reed (R) of Penna., led the opposition age. The decision to undertake the while Senator Nye led the debate flight was made suddenly as it bad In favor of the resolutions. beta announced yesterday that the voyage has beets postponed bidet-D- r. initely. Hugo Eekenor. bend of the Zeppelin works. is in command. The weather was cool and cloudy. The ship rose easily and dims,' peared in a westerly direction. Germain'. April 211.IINS)The giant German dirigible) Graf Zeppelin took off at 1:32 o'clock this sitarneon up- her second Mediterranean rol" pluEDRICHSHATZS. Proposed Line Will Ite duce Salt Lake to Denver Distance; to Cost Over $2,555,0011 444-- 4 .4,4- 4, 4 - 1 |