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Show 4 Huntington Miss Mary Cox daughter of Soren and Fern Cox of Provo is staying with her grandparents, Frank and Anna Cox while she does her student teaching here at North Emery Junior High School. Ralph Tson was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max daughter Wendy made a trip to Provo last Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Rowley and sister Hilma Robinson of Orangeville made a trip to Salt Lake for the weekend and to attend a wedding for son of Bill un- derwent surgery at the L.D.S. hospital last week, and is reported to be doing fine. His wife Audrey has been there with him. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones made a trip to Provo Saturday to attend some temple sessions with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFriez. Francy LeRoy and son Frederick and mother, Famie Baxter made a trip to Provo Thursday to see Fredericks Dentist. They also visited with Famies Rachel Simpw son. Mrs. Ora Larsen and son Micheal visited in Hun- tington Sunday. Micheal has just returned from his mission of two years in Ireland. He was guest speaker in the First Ward Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Also in the meeting were members new sustained to the ward, Charles Bernell Huff, wife, Leah, Daughter, Susan Kaye and son, Gary B. Huff. Relaesed from the Junior Sunday School Secretary was Larua Lee Anderson and sustained to that job was Joleen Collard. Roger Anderson son of Art and ' , , over the The Huntington riding Lorraine Sitterud and sister-in-la- Daley weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Schuylar Seeley and children were visitors of his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Drannon Seeley. and Beth Jackson. Willard Sandberg Lauretta Francy LeRoy, Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Santa Clara, California are visiting with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Del Lott. Ellas grandson, 687-240- 2 club made a trip to Richfield over the weekend for a Rodeo. Mrs. Debra Oviatt was hostess to the Bunco club at the home of her mother, Phyllis Jensen, Eva Jensen won Bunco prize, Francy LeRoy won First prize, Irene Harrison won 2nd and Nettie Mae Marshall won Booby. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Currey and Blanche of Seattle, Washington came Sunday evening to visit an Aunt, Doretta Bennet for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Forsythe of Price attended Sacrament meeting to hear their nephew Micheal Larsen speak. Also Drew LeRoy of Salt Lake came to hear Micheals talk. The North Emery Junior High School held their dance Friday night The Emery High school held class elections and the final decisions were given Friday after the football game and movie, Sophmore President Jeff Johnson, Vice Presiden Maxine ' Tupperware parites, the following held parties at their homes, Mrs. Lori Denison, Mrs. Lorraine Siterud and Ruby Woodward. Mrs. Billie Ellifrits was hostess to a tupperware party at her home Friday evening, with dealers, Ileen Olsen of American Fork. Those present were: Marie Fox of Castle Dale, Eva Jensen, Joann Shannon of Ogden, Mary B. Grange, for annual bazaar jr ; Association of Utah, Inc. also known as the Utah State School the for Retarded, will be held November 3 at the National Guard Armory, 1543 r week. - . Arnold Winders underwent surgery at the American Fork hospital Sun-nysi- i ii f a Ave. (840 South), Salt Lake City. Proceeds go to help provide programs for the retarded in all of the - r'i- counties throughout the state. The organization needs volunteers in making quilts, afghans, aprons, childrens clothes and toys, holiday decorations and other handicrafts. If those interested in helpi Those interested in helping may contact Mrs. Vera Thorderson of Price at - Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson of Dragerton visited with their daughter, LaRae and husband Ted Chidester and family and they spent the afternoon visiting with old friends. Berta and Joe Ward and children and Rose and Dennis Ward and children spent the day on the desert Training Association cm: tm after having treatment at a Salt Lake hospital last uta e' Retardation the Mental SHO SOlllHWEST LIVESTOCK weeks. Mrs. Karen Ward is home Advocilt.e-Prle- Sot f: The 25th annual Bazaar of 1,73Sun I o 637-229- Sunday. Francy LeRoy had a tupperware party at her MOTOR home Wednesday afternoon with Betty Black WADE JENSEN of Cleveland captured first place honors in the 33rd Annual Southwest Livestock Show held recently in Cedar City. His grand champion entry was purchased by Northeast Furniture Co., represented here by Haze Hunter, owner and operator, at $3.25 per pound. Tup- perware dealer. Those were: Mary present Sherman, Irene Marshall, Donna Majors, Glenys Sitterud, Dorri Denison, Ruby Woodward, Harding and Grimmett. Delight Sharree CREDIT COMPANY Loans 37 East Ma 637-026- Photo Courtesy Iron County Record 3 Petersen, Secretary, Junior are: Class officers President: Nathan Johanson, Vice President, Sec. Leslie Wilberg, Gayleen Hansen, Social committee Chairman: Ron Mower, Shirley Hansen and Barry Snow, Seniors Class President: Hugh Behling, Vice Pres. Shone Tomsic, Sec, Social Committee Chairman Jim LeRoy, Corey Johnson, and Verla Minchey. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and children of Muraay visited with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Powell over the weekend. Vernon Jensen took his wife Phyllis to Salt Lake to the airport to catch a plane to Toledo, Ohio, where she Hope Anderson was orwill spend about three dained a Teacher. Youth weeks with her Mother, speakers were Joseph Owen Mrs. Verna Rickard of and Gary Fox, the following Wayne, Ohio. It was her group of girls same, Joyce mothers birthday Friday Brown, Kelly Jones, Penny and all the sisters and one Gale, Karen Rowley Laura - brother attended to help Lee Anderson and Terri celebrate her 70th birthday. Leamaster accompanied by ' Francy enLeRoy Kaye Leamaster. tertained, two nieces and a Robert W. Nielson and newphew, Mae and Bert family were home for a Currie and Blanche Stanley week with his folks, Mr. and of Seattle, Washington of Mrs. Robert Nielson Sr. Mrs. Doretta Bennett at a Robert just graduated from supper last Wednesday the EDS school in Dallas, evening. Texas and will be reasigned Jackie Wilson entertained to Minneappolis. While they at a Tupperware party at he were here they enjoyed a home Thursday evening. weekend up the canyon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy sisters and their husbands Sherwood of Dragerton and families, Hampton and were dinner guests at the ' and home of Mrs. Doretta McArthur Jean children of Price, Doug and Bennett, Saturday. Eda Massman of Helper Mr. and Mrs. Micheal and Joe and Marilyn Johnson of Provo visited Wilcock of Salt Lake. with his folks, over the Thursday Robert and Pat, weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ann went Tedd Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sitthrough two sessions at the then terud are the proud parents Provo Temple, Saturday they left for their of a baby boy, wighing in at new home in Minneapolis. Mrs. Betty Black has been very busy with the Area lamb champion Emma and burn Huntington made a trip to California for a five day vacation. Maude Gunderson has gone to Nevada to spend her birthday with her daughter, she will be gone about five 11 ThursdaY' Volunteers needed Francy LeRoy 7 lb. 20 oz. EfficMvt Thursday, Sapfambar 17th That Wednesday, Octabar Ird. 1971 Prlcwt Price, Utah BSalads Margarine Beverages Liquid Bleach Detergent ZK lb. Powdered BDetergent Husset Crackers Mixers, Flavors btl. 51 Chunk Tuna Trader 14 Corn Chips 2 49 Bread 87 Fancy Spinach I 56 botll 5-T- U.S. No. Valley hospital in Provo. Mother and baby are home and doing fine. They have picked the name Shawn David for the new commer. He has four brothers and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin McElprang to enjoy him. , I's Doien ItAff Vfcrtrs..,, yft 9 10B'obg 70 78 Z 48 LaLani Juice Xpfrli,40;on38 Cream Cheese Band Box Ice Milk Mild Cheese Frozen Dessert Oranges Half- - Gallon Canned Milk Lucerne Lucerne Non Fat Milk Solids Lucerne NonFo,Dry 10-l- pkg. 10-o- Mad. Bathroom 1.71 Hair Spray 61 Tomato Sauce HaZ 8,n 10 P'nut Butter 95 J87a; Cello Sponges Fruit Cocktail Town 30 can House Fruit Cocktail Town House IRevwdI can can Town Apple Sauce House lS-o- i. can Prune Juice 32'01, Popsidesp90 can ar Town House Strawberries Raspberries 31 can 46-o- Apricots 20-o- 50 z. can TH0eu,n.16an Assorted Town House Fancy Apricot z. pkg. 30-o- z. Town House 34 29 llvllCll Busy Boker M'mallow Puffs Town House Fancy Halves 29-o- LaLani 51 MahgTcp 1.12 31 Town House Town House Aspirin pack Cookies 32 Pear Halves 53 Pear Halves 37 Pineapple 39 Pinto Beans ,5Z 20 G'Fruit Juice "S 48 G'Fruit Juice 35 Deluxe Fudgesiclespig 99 211' Truly Fine lb. Mandarin Hawaiian It. 74 55 MadT.1; Salad Dressing Safeway Cheddar Town House Manor House Frozen Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Tuna Pie .39 w. Town House Grapefruit Meat Pies 20 6.99 pkg. Vegetable Oil Tissue can B,and Or Dole U.S. No. Vs ,6;z Eggs SE.C"P at the Utah Bananas 24 Homestyle Brooms bs27eZ2.1 ie Cliiquita Potatoes 22 Fancy Yams 12". a,2S 45 Green Peas hZ. ,6;y 23 1.88 Yellow bottle Slic Bel air i. Deodorant Soap Truly Fine Air Freshner Brocade Aerosol Coffee Tone Lucerno Creamer 49 59 42 63 40 46 II'j 49 bar can 16-o-z. la m SOLD ONLY BY THE PIECE A Serving Suggestion ... to any person supplying information leading to the arrest and conviction of a person or persons guilty of Mealing or killing cattle belonging to ANY members of the undersigned. HUNTINGTON CATTLEMEN'S ASS'N. CLEVELAND CATTLEMEN'S ASS'N. BUCKHORN CATTLEMEN'S ASS'N. Greenland Chuck Morrell's Chunk Turbot Fillets Steaks Sliced Bacon Bologna Delicious Seafood Pan Ready Waste Free U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Safeway Trimmed Golden Crisp Brand iwidh tOW KVCtP lb. Lb. 1 A Great Breakfast Idea Meaty Spareribs Large Size Full Sides 5 to 7 Pounds By The Piece Sterling Brand cviumrN 0 lb. jJ (S crtC lOWiiVE Lb. j |