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Show Give All You Can Give All You xv(gLty(g(fiLt, to the American Red Cross AN INDEPENDENT Volume 60 NEWSPAPER 10c per Copy CONSOLIDATION OP THE SUN Scofield, Clear Creek, Last Chance Structures To Be Explored; County Grants Test Privileges New Jaycee Prexy O' AHY0 SETS SIGHTS ON ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND An extensive scholarship fund ic by the Youth Organization of Carbon county, it has been announced by George Sooklaris, president, and a benefit dance to start raising funds toward that goal has been scheduled for Saturday, March 10, at 8:00 p.m. in the Hellenic Orthodox church recreation hall in Price. According to Mr. Sooklaris, the AHYO is planning to award two scholarships each school year. This fund will also provide the expense to send one yoting man and a young lady of the Christian Orthodox faith to Boys and Girls State each year. On the AHYO scholarship committee and also serving as the benefit dance committee are Tony Kournianos, Goldie Kandaris and Gus Vouras. is being planned WS AD Y to the American Red Cross O C AT 6 Number 9 Price Attorney Heads Red Cross Fund Drive Sunnyside Mining Mishap Tuesday Kills Two Workers Ameri-can-Hellen- N E N. E, A.t Utah Stott Prist Anaeiatiom OtmnU hxrtilima Awards -- 1949 Price, Carbon County, Utah, Thursday, March 1, 1951 Major Oil Firms Plan Tests In Carbon, Emery AND Can Carbon County Quota Set At $6700 In Drive Which Opens Today With Stress On Defense Fall of Top Rock Crushes Men Clearing Air Shaft Boyd Bunnell, young Price attorney, has been appointed by the Red Cross Worker Carbon county chapter of the American Reo1 Cross to chairman the 1951 fund drive which will lay stress this year on defense preparations. The $85,000,000 national goal drive was started off Tuesday night over the nations radio and television networks by President Harry S. Truman and Defense Secretary George C. Marshall. The program was beamed over p.m. the local radio station and PresiLYNN COETZMAN The bodies of the two victims dent Truman stated The Ameriwere removed from under a large can Red Cross has to be prepared slab of rock by fellow workmen to meet any eventuality In the who had been working nearby event of armed attack on this and heard the crash caused by the country. Secretary Marshall defalling roof. clared America will be a better According to information reFour Youths Join America, a stronger America if leased following an investigation it rallies to the support of the into the deaths Wednesday, the Red Cross in this critical hour." Services two were killed while trying to The drive for funds in Carbon Newly-electmake an air course of the mine officers of the county will get under way today safe. Price Junior Chamber of Com- During Past Week under the direction of Mr. BunThe investigation revealed that merce will be installed tomorrow nell who is busily engaged in additional Four enlistments BUNNELL BOYD the men had cleared away loose evening (Friday) at 8:00 p.m. in were getting the county organization this week the reported by rubble on the mine floor and were the Carbon Country club, it has under way. forces armed recruiters stationed set to in timber W. a Hambeen announced by J. ready prop The Carbon county quota for in and Price included one in the mond, Jr., retiring president. place to strengthen the ceiling in this year is $6700. airborne troops, one reenlistment an entry leading to the return air Twenty-fou- r A dinner and program are with the In Carbon county two home navy and two enlist- course when an thick cap scheduled with dancing to fol- ments in the marine corps. rock fell on them. It was stated nursing classes are underway for low. Boyd Bunnell will serve as all women who desire training. Enlisting as an airborne troop- that the portion of the roof which master of ceremonies and will inOne class, under the direction of troduce officers of the state asso- er was Charles LaCava, 19, Help- gave way was abutting a fault BM Mrs. Eldarine King, public health ciation who have been invited to er. Reenlisting in the navy was and when such conditions exist is Carl started Monday, February J. nurse, a there 24, chance the Wilcox, of Dragerton. In always attend and conduct the installaHis previous naval service was abutting part slipping even with Twenty-focoal mining men 26, and meets two days a week, tion. two years and three months. He is the slightest disturbance. from Dragerton, Columbia and Mondays and Wednesdays. Each Lynn Goetzman, service station being sent to Treasure Island for R. J. Schultz, Price, state mine Price have completed an accident class period is two hours long and operator, will be installed as assignment. course for miners those completing the course will inspector, stated it is a mine prac- prevention president and the other ofto keep all aid courses clean sponsored by the U. S. Bureau of receive Red Cross home nursing tice two were The enlistees marine The sixth group of young men ficers to be installed include A1 The other class is and free of fallen rock and coal to Mines under the direction of A. certificates. called Into active service with the bert Veltri and Lincoln Luke, vice Edwin Walter Behmerworld, 19, facilitate direction the of Mrs. Bessie under of use and air federal mine passage and Leon J. inspector Kopp, Fitchett, 19, both presidents; John Chadwick, sec of Ray Montana. army through the Selective Servthe tunnel as an emergency exit from the Salt Lake City Bureau Miller, public health nurse, and Both enlisted Heron, retary; Allan Dooley, treasurer, ice system were inducted at Fort meets Tuesdays and Thursdays. three-yeof Mines office. periods. (Continued on Page Eight) and Tom Foley, Walter Axelgard, for Douglas on February 20 and 20 hours All classes are held in the Red consisted of course The Chris Larsen, Homer Pheil and brings the total from this county Cross rooms in the basement of of Instruction in accident prevenLouis Bunnell, directors. on the draft lists to 96, according feet of sound movies the Price Carnegie library build6,000 tion, to Otto B. McKinnon, Carbon attached regarding safe mining practices, ing. The only expense county Selective Service board the care and use of to taking this class is the purchase instruction in -' debaters Carbon show college clerk. text book. safety lamps and . anemometers of a Red Cross nursing ed good form at the recent CaliThe 22 men who were inducted fornia also announced that Mrs. It was of intent and and the meaning Institute of Technology dein this latest call were all sent to the federal mine safety code. Lyle Lamph is prepared to give tournament at bate Pasadena, Fort Lewis, Washington, for basic California, according to The courses started January a night class in home nursing and George For the first time in several Roy Stevens, Charles Madsen, Jr., training as was the previous call Morgan, debate coach who ac29 and were completed February those wishing to take this class years, Carbon high school stu- and Paul Taylor. in January. or to sign up for the others are 27 and consisted of 10 two-hocompanied the teams. dents will compete in the state Womens debate Mary Nelson, classes held in the Maude Mr. McKinnon stated that his Four teams were entered in the Carbon Dragerton asked to contact Mrs. college evening school forensic meet and the state drama Elizabeth Williams, Faye Olsen, school building. office has received a call for 40 meet and were among some 75 Leonard, county home nursing Lee Karol men to report on March 14 for teams from western states parti- spring quarter registration will and interpretative speech festi- Sharron Stoddard, Those completing the course chairman. val this it has been an- Bean, JoAnn Leonard, Catherine Mrs. Lela McCreight of the physical examina cipating in the same classifica- be held on Monday and Tuesday, nounced spring, were the following: Robert D. by Dr. Aaron E. Jones, Morgan, Carlene Pace, Geri Cima tions and the next induction call tion. Fifty of the teams were com March 5th and 6th, from 7:00 unEdPacific Red Cross area headquarAmon Dixon, Lindsey, S., of Carbon college. til 9:00 p.m. in the Carbon college president and Katherine Zele. for March 19 is for 22 men. win Albert, Elvfn M. Shearer, ters in San Francisco will be in posed of men students and 25 faculty room, it has been anHoping to expand opportuniOratory Jimmy Banasky, Those inducted on February 20 were womens teams. Curtis Fisheer, James P. Ryan, Price on March 19 to give a inwere the following: Nick Nikas and Van Washburn nounced by LeRoy L. West, col- ties for high school students and R. ChTistensen, Ned S. structors course. Campbell, Cherie Hansen, to increase participation in speech Francis Nielsen, Cherolyn Mc- Perry lege evening school director. E. H. Heers, Bouford F. the As a defense measure, Shearer, From Price Joseph Bud Fau-se- tt, won four out of five losing the Mr. West stated that the fol- and drama activities, the Carbon Donald, Marian Worthen, Alene James H. Muncy, Clyde American Red Cross is urging Darr, Orlande D. Heaton, Robert last round to the San Diego team in will courses be offered: college speech committee, headed Taylor and Ellen Bentley. Rock, Hyrum A. Huntington, B. all who can to take this home Dale Doleatti, Max Dean Olsen, which went on to win the mens lowing the realm of arts and sciences by Elmo G. Geary, recently reExtemporaneous J. Hassner, H. C. Moffitt, L. B. speaking course. Jerry Anderson geology, James Richard Williams, and championship. philosophy of religion, commended that lower division Paul Perkins, Tom Parry, John Peterson, M. J. Josko, William nursing and Charles Madsen, high school Raymond Edward Sisneros. students of conversational the and school be per- McDonald, Patty Erickson and Spanish; in the Brebing, Clayward Madsen, Hugh OFFICIAL CANVASS From Helper Frank Pugliese, students, also won four out of field of fine arts art and chorus; mitted to enter the state contests Ardith Gibson. 11 teams in the F. Behling and W. V. Keele, all of five. Of the top WilJose Alphonsio Martinez, the field diviin business A business Class in the competing from Oscar Padgett and Dragerton; liam Callor, Marvin R. Cooley, mens division, two were sion. School PICKS U? TWO The Utah High law, advanced accounting, beginMr. Morgan stated. Columbia, and Sorensen, Sidney John and Pete Pessetto, twins, Carbon, Activities lousiness association office Rules Credit Set ning approved typewriting, The other two combinations, D. L. Day, Price. and Alex Nuno. BOND Clarke Nielson and' Keith Bussey, machines, and retail merchandis- the entry of Carbon into the state There are about 21 men from FOR SCHOOL meets in For school and the From Dragerton Joe Luciano and industries the trades Veterans speech ing; providing curAnB shift Austin and the Horse Beverly Mary Canyon The official canvass of last Lopez, William Spencer Higgin-so- n, derson, newcomers to such com- automotive electricity, woodwork qualifies by participating in rerently working towards their cerIn meets. Freman Lujan, Ronald Arand cabinet gional speech making, Quarter carpeting, Spring class will be held Tuesdays school bond issue was had somewhat less good tificates a and petition, thur Anderson, and Ronald Eu- fortune. Each team won one while and drafting; in the scope of To fulfill entrance requirein Price in the near future so as conducted Thursday night by the ' E. Jones, president to make the course available for board of education and a change and arts Dr. Aaron industrial gene McAllister. homemaking ments Carbon state for the meets, four. losing and plastics; in high will enter the following re- of Carbon college, today issued those two votes was made on the toJohn Joe Fish and Grant Reese living here, Mr. Kopp stat of Zer-mthe recreational field fly tying gional contests: tal unofficial tallies reported in Debate March an announcement received from ed. Brady, Castle Gate; Allan CARBON JUNIORS and square dancing. Administration to The last week. The 15 at Jordan high school; foren- the Veterans Barney, Wellington, and Bud Kenilworth. sics March 23 at Granite high the effect that veterans of World changes were both in favor of the Jack Edwards, READY PLANS issue with a gain of one vote at Burglary Kenilworth Postoffice school, and interpretation and War II who want to continue their Note 4 at Ogden high education undeT the GI Bill after Sunnydale and one vote at drama April FOR PROMENADE Applications Sought bringing those vote toschool. July 25 (deadline date for en- Scene Tells of tals in the yes column to 48 and rolling under the GI Bill) must service commission In The Carbon civil will addition, partiNeed For Groceries March 16 is the date set for the has 33, respectively, as against one that applications cipate in the Weber college in- be carrying at least 12 hours, of annual Carbon high school junior will announced and one, respectively, in the no be accepted until March 15 vitational speech tournament for college work during the spring It isnt very often that a bur- column. This brought the total prom and junior 'classmen are for examinations for the Kenilschools which is being con- quarter which starts at Carbon high busily engaged making plans for glar leaves a note of condolence yes" vote to 1696 and the no" postmastership. Keith Ber-ens- ducted this week end, March 2 college on March 5.. EPH this big event which is under the worth now and consolation to the victirfl but vote remained at 312. 3. reat He and is stated that rules present acting postmaster direction of Gerald Robinson the that is what happened in Price inTwenty-nin- e students will be strict veterans in educational Kenilworth station. The comWinners of the state Employ class president. is open to both men and taken on this trip to Ogden and stitutions from engaging in part last Saturday night. petition The Better Buy Market owned Atwood Enters Not Juniors are now practicing for women who have been residents include the the Physically Handicapped estime work and must be full time following: .. and plans are to of the the and promenade Satannounced operated by Hardy Bryner were contest one Mens debate Allen Bartlett, students carrying at least 12 hours say community for at least en- was avenue classman have Carbon on South every state participate L. B. Dr. UUllfy (160 Harmon, Tom Redd, Jerry Anderson, Le bf work. urday by year. tered by burglars and a quantity director of vocational rehabilita- in the event, one of the social of groceries and cigarettes were In District Court highlights of the high school year tion. comChairmen various the of taken, according to Price city poFirst place winner is Weldon mittees include Donald Nelson, Charles Atwood, 50, Price, aplice. Mrs. Mr. son and of Thacker, Geri Cima, programs of the situation was a peared before the district court The invitations; irony Gate. Fay Thacker, Castle Evan Golding, promenade, and While Utah cattlemen were re- with them and leaving a couple Price, were taken into custody note left behind by the burglars Monday and entered a plea of Other winners include Ann not guilty to a charge of third decorations Margaret Thompson, ceiving warnings that cattle rustl- tied in the corral. Mr. Melissakas and were charged with grand lar- which read We didnt harm your Genetti, Weber high school, OgThe theme of the event will store. We were hungry and need- degree arson and March 5 was the before ceny. They appeared Richreto is western had hit the ranges reported that he den, second; Sherry Carr, remain a secret until the doors to ing returning Price city court Tuesday and re- ed groceries. The note was sign- the date set for the trial date setfield high school, Richfield, third, the Carbon on a largo scale because of the treating car with several shots. gymnasium, college quested a preliminary hearing and ed The Rugged Raider, a singular ting or for the filing of an appeal and Lawrence Mason, Ogden high scene of the affair, are of Carbon office on retail The sheriffs meat, price this was set for March 20 at 10:00 supposition in contradiction to the for a change of venue, whichhigh immediately opened school, Ogden, fourth. the evening of March 16. county sheepmen were experienc- went into action and deputies go- a.m. They were released from cu- plural aspect of the we in the ever course the defense wishes to Mr. Thacker is a student at take. ing rustling in the raw accom- ing to the scene of the rustling stody upon the posting of $1000 contents of the missive. Carbon high school. secured some plaster casts of tire bail each. Club to See panied by gun fire. Mr. Atwood was bound over on Missing, according to the police, Couples Dr. Harmon said the winning insheep-stealih- g, In connection with this rustling was a sack of flour, several jars the charge following a prelimimarkings and boot prints. Armed The shooting Filins Forest Sunday essay from each state is sent to cident occurred last Wednesday with this telltale evidence, the investigation, sheriffs officers re- of jam, bread, cigarettes, cold nary hearing in the court of Justhe national convention. The first combed the city and ported that they turned up three cuts, all amounting to about $25 tice of the Peace Stanley Litiz-zet- te su- evening when Nick Melissakas, officers assistant forest Sevy, Jay five national winners will be giv- pervisor of the Manti-LaS- al at Helper last week. The for employee on the Tony Michelog found a car with identical tire other men who have been charg- in value. en a trip to Washington, D. C., est, will present Entrance was gained through a preliminary hearing was taken movie the ranch in the Gordon Creek area, treads parked on south Carbon ed with killing deer out of season. where the first prize winner will Mountain Water at the regular reported to the sheriffs office avenue. They also discovered that These three are Phillip, Floyd and back door where some damage to Helper on a change of venue receive $1000; second, $400; third, meeting of the Couples club at that he discovered two men tie-in- g the car body had several bullet Bud Winders, all of Price. The was done to the door, another from the Price city court. $300; fourth $200 and fifth, $100. the Price Community Methodist up sheep in a corral. He re- holes in it and attempts had been three were seen carrying freshly contradiction to the contents of Dr. Harmon said the four Utah church Sunday night at 7:30 p.m portedly ran into the ranch house made to conceal these holes by killed meat into their home, ac- the note. Chamber of Commerce Meet winners will be given a free two-da- y Mrs. Jack Sanders and Mrs. Ches and came out with a plastering mud over them. Tak- cording to sheriffs officers, and A regular meeting of the board The next meeting of the Assotrip to Salt Lake City in the ter Thomas will have charge of rifle accompanied by another ing up a watch over the car the at first it was thought that they fall where they will be feted as the refreshments. Volley ball and worker carrying a shot gun. The officers eventually arrested two may have been the ones involved ciated Civic clubs of Southern and of governors of the Price Chamwill be added enter- rustlers then opened Up with a men who came to it later Thurs- in the rustling. Upon investiga- Eastern Utah will be held at Ce- ber of Commerce will be held at guests of the Utah committee, just ping-pobefore the national Employ the taining diversions. Edwin Glazier rifle and several shots were ex- day afternoon. tion, however, it was found that dar City on Saturday, March 3, the Towne cafe Monday noon, week, taught square dancing to the club changed before the rustlers drove the meat in their possession was with President Kumen L. Jones March 5, according to President The two, Jack Smith, 21, Physically Handicapped of Cedar City presiding. George H. Patterick. members last Friday evening. off the ranch taking one sheep October and Victor Bromley, 24, freshly killed deer meat. Spurred by discoveries in the Uintah basin and Southeastern Utah, pace of operations of major oil and gas companies quickened during the past week to hit another peak forecasting great activities in the exploration for oil and gas. Plans to spud in a wildcat in the northeast Scofield reservoir area in Carbon county have been announced by Frank Converse of Las Vegas, Nevada, and Warren E. Toney of Lewiston, Montana, who expect to begin operations as soon as weather permits. This well is about three miles from Scofield town, all gas discovered has been committed to the Utah Natural Gas company. Location was announced early test of this week for a 3000-fothe Last Chance structure in EmInery county by Byrd-Fros- t, corporated, Texas, and associates. This is somewhat northwest of a well which reportedly tested 20 million cubic feet of natural gas per day when completed in 1935. Gas discovered here will also be committed to the Utah gas con- this year on lands leased from the Utah Fuel company. Ed F. Coury of Cities Service Oil company has asked permission of the Carbon County Commissioners to drill for siesmograph tests along county roads and trails for exploration of oil structures. The commissioners agreed to this privilege providing no damage is done to road surfaces or right of ways. The Utah Public Service commission has now under advisement a petition of the Utah Na tural Gas company to build a $32,000,000 transmission line from Southeastern Utah to Salt Lake City. If gas is found on Last Chance, or other locations, laterals would connect with the main line, which is at present scheduled to go along a line touching Moab, Green River, Wellington, Price, Helper, Provo and into Salt Lake City. Various companies have announced drilling plans for Washington county, the Bishop Springs structure in Millard county and the Upper Valley area in Garfield county. Following the recent cern. near successful oil discovery Byrd-Fro- st also has agreed to Moab, that section is swarming drill the Clear Creek structure with activity pointing to sinking west of Price in Carbon county of many tests for either oil or gas. ot Price Jaycees Set Two more deaths were added to the toll of coal mining fatalities in Carbon county Tuesday afternoon when a fall of rock in the No. 1 mine of the Kaiser Steel company at Sunny-sid- e killed two workers. Killed were Nito Albarado, 52, and Antonio (Tony) Lopez, 24, both of Sunnydale. The two men were working the afternoon shift when the accident occurred at approximately 4:00 ever-increasi- ng Installation Fete Friday Night yi JJ ed Mine 18-in- ch Men Complete Safety Course Army Through Draft Now Number 96; 22 In Latest Call Carbon Men ur Carbon Debaters Show Good Form ar At Pasadena Meet Program Slated For Speech Students Full Registration Dates -- rv Set For Evening Classes at Carbon ur De-met- ria an at Car-bonvi- lle Castle Gate Youth Wins State Essay Contest en ! Even With Modern Methods, Its Still Rustling, Shooting ng Car-bonvil- le, |