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Show 'ST AUGUST 19, 1937 I, i THE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION TO HAVE EXAMINATIONS ICE GAINING ' h,. 5 5. REPUTATION AS ' CONCLAVE CITY with beine already credited 'i ate.y standing Utahs con- - ''7ion community, Price bids fair "continue its advancing march in 7 direction of acquiring an rating as a center where ;mes and pleasure sessions of S groups may be held to the concerned. antage of all construction of early Anticipated auditorium civic hfcroposed new. to the add citys al- mate.ially highly qualified rating thecommunity par excelconvention It is believed that the money fedeial sources for forth-rln- g the auditorium will be at an early date and that it it in readi-I- L be possible to have conventions several the for scheduled to be held in Price inter-rLta- in or-S- Announcement of examinations for four positions with the industrial commission of Utah was made this week by the unemployment compensation division through Ray Walters, Price postmaster. The last date for making application is August 28. Time and place for examinations in seven Utah cities including Price, will be announced later. Positions open are: Field adviser, salary beginning at $1800, for men 25 to 60 years old; senior stenographer, beginning at $1440, stenographer beginning at $1260, junior stenographer, beginning at $1080, for persons between the ages of 18 and 45. Application blanks may be secured by writing C. E. Pickett, supervisor dy during 198. Successful staging of conventions here" this year has added to the ffrrfit of favor in behalf of Price as Northwestern university recently, He discussed particularly new center methods of modern crime detection the states of a con- which were taught at the where Just the scheduling is accepted school. clave for this community of a job well assurance sufficient gs manner. This was ing a name for themselves in the done m middle west, where they are travelthe particularly true concerning ing as a Mormon vocal quartet, as of convention Utah department of their activities in the mission part a state gatherithe American Legion, field. to tax ng which is always ofexpected of the Young Mr. Oman, son of Mr. and many even the abilities Mrs. Andrew Oman of Price, is servcommonwealth's greater populated ing the L. D. S. church on a two centers. his headquarters being year mat Price as a convention city at fusion, dependence, Missouri. been has arrived indefinitely Audiences at their programs have satisfaction of jwoven to the complete often numbered in the thousands, Early everyone. practically and special requests have been made of the new city auditorium, for their renditions. At Kansas City endorsed by ?p enthusiastically ' of the city some months ago some of their engagements included the following: Santa Fe and Christs ballot box, will but add to the hospitals; Hillcrest Sanitarium, Cap,1 acclaim of acknowledgement Park Central per Publications; g us community as Utahs Christian Church; Station WIBW; city of Lions club; Rotary club; Ingleside Home for Aged; Methodist Home for e the Aged; Optimist club; Crittenton Home; St. Francis Hospital and the Boys Industrial School. J Max Fairbanks of Salt Lake City is acting as manager for the group, of c which Ferrell Catmull, Rupert, Idaho; ropeka, Kansas, newspaper mentioned the name of Dorse Bryan Booth, Garden City, Utah; of this city, in company with Folkman Brown of Ogden and Mr. other young men who are mak- - Oman are members. . one-wee- re-ce- CHIT ks nt con-g-'$ii- on 1S 8CN-ADVO- ATE. PRICE, C HELPER PLANS TO UTAH In fact, exore.sioiis of fjor continue to a maiked degree, practically all of them of a laudatory nature and containing requests for continuance on a yearly basis that can be considered in the light of demands. Numerous improvements to the rodeo grounds will have to be made in order to place the field in a class of the type which will overcome some of the handicaps which existed durrodeo. Speed ing the recent three-da- y necessitated in order that the field might be in readiness to some degree for the western show during the mens convention had to be gained at the expense of creating handicaps which restrained to some degree the staging of the rodeo on the organized basis which it is hoped will,1 DEMANDS STRONG THAT RODEO WILL HOLD DEDICATORY BE YEARLY SHOW Planned as two of the countys outstanding events of the year, Helper is making arrangements for dedication of two civic accomplishments in the way of construction completions which will attract statewide attention and bring to the railroad city many state officials and other leaders of public activities in the state. The first dedication celebration is to be held on September 6 and is being staged in conjunction with the huge Labor Day observance program which is being sponsored by organized workers of this area, the newly erected Janet street underpass to be the inspiration of that event. It is planned to have many of the state officials in attendance and in all probability Governor Henry H. Blood will cut the ribbon which will open the underpass to general traffic for the first time, current preliminary arrangements calling for the Labor! Day parade to be the initial group! to use the newly constructed passageway. Second on the dedication list for) the railroad city is that of placing its new civic auditorium in use for, the first time with appropriate ex-- ! ercises. This dedicatory celebration is expected to be carried out on Sat- -, urday, September 18, at which time1 the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah will be present for their regular monthly meeting. It is expected that officials of that organization and state government leaders will be in attendance and participate actively in the exercises for the opening of the splendid new civic structure in our neighboring city. The rivics club organization rendered material aid in securing the auditorium structure for Helper. Successful staging of the first big time rodeo in Eastern Utah, the big western show which proved so highly popular during and at the close of the recent American Legion convention in Price was of such an outstanding nature, particularly that of entertaining, that the demand for its retention as an annual affair has been so general as to consider it unani- ice mous. STYLE PAGE THREE QUALITY Lad Member Popular Mormon Quartet In Kansas re-f- Wayne County Plans Celebration; Civics Clubs Group To Aid SWEATERS Civic clubs of Wayne county will GIRLS ALL WOOL SWEATERS. NEW FALL STYLES. IDEAL FOR SCHOOL WEAR. be joined with member units of the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah in the near future in staging a dedicatory celebration in observance of establishment of that section known as the Wayne Wonderland as a national memorial, the president having recently signed the measure which designated it as Capitol Reef monument. This decision was reached at the Saturday meeting of the civic clubs of the southern section of the state at Manti. The date is to be announced later, plans calling for arrangement of the celebration at such time as national parks service officials and Chief T. H. MacDonald of the bureau of public roads can be in attendance. T. W. Jensen of Mt. Pleasant, field representative of the associated clubs, spoke to some length at the meeting in behalf of construction of small reservoirs in the mountain section of Sanpete county for the storage of water, a step which he declared would be beneficial to Carbon and Emery counties as well as the first mentioned. John Knighton of the water storage commission, stated that the state governmental department is wholeheartedly back of such plans; Carbon countys two directors, Henry H. Jones of Helper and Val H. Cowles of Price, were in attendance at the Saturday afternoon session of the clubs. ideally prepared for rodeo presentation at close range and so prepared as winning general approval as on a par with any to be found in the state. Increased seating capacity will be however, and it is expected that steps will be taken during the coming year which will make it possible to accommodate a crowd of at least five thousand for any showing. It is almost certain that a iodeo organization will be formed to continue the western show as an annual event here, probably under sponsorship of the Price post of the American Legion, the men having pioneered the way this season with the initial show. iy, ice and VALUE '1k' out-hn- nt. be possible in the futuie. The grounds have been ANKLETS BLOOMERS CLOSE OUT PRICE ON GIRLS FINE QUALITY KNIT FINE ANKLETS. REGULAR NOW ONLY RAY- 15c SOCKS. ON OR SATIN UNDIES. D(5 ED2 E5 GIRLS GYM DRESSES GIRLS SHOES UPPERS. WHITE CANVAS HEAVY RUBBER SOLE. LEASE AGREEMENT FILED An agreement leasing the Price Garage was filed in the county recorders office August 12. The lessee is the Price Garage Co., Inc., of which Harvey Thomas is president, and N. A. Roberts vice president. Made January 20 of this year, the lease is for a period of five years, and involves a consideration of $7,200 to be paid in monthly sums. PANTIES NEW OXFORDS STYLES IN DRESSES FOR SMART WASH FAST SCHOOL. STURDY LEATHER SOLED SHOES FOR SCHOOL. NEW COLORS. FALL STYLES. RUMSON BOYS GOMBRIC NEW FALL PATTERNS IDEAL FOR SCHOOL DRESSES. GUARANTEED FAST COLORS IN 80 SQUARE KINDLING GENUINE KEDS SHOES ARE MADE FOR GYM USE. SHIRTS HEAVY BROWN SPECIE PATTERNS. FAST COLGUARANTEED ORS. FINE TAILORING. NEW U-- FALL UPPERS. PRICE CITY DELIVERY PHONE A i Milk Your Assurance of High Quality Delivery to Your Door v i vv! " 4 t ? ? xt Pure Silk Thread T Hosiery. x -- vi V y v ... V For School (hr1 Good Fall Shades. v Knee ? Length. Y y Pair f T ? f ? Tuberculin Accredited and Blood Tested Herd ? ? ? MILLERTQN DAIRY ? utah ?i Hiawatha m-- BOYS PANTS HOSIERY T t 4 203 CORDUROY Size 4 to 18- - WOOL DRESS PANTS Size 8 to 16 GENERAL DEPT 5T0RE The Store for UZ all your shopping NEXT TO LYRIC THEATRE - PRICE. UTAH i&fti |