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Show THE PACE TEN Price C. C. C. Gamp Notes grass, the appearance of the entire area will be much improved. 8 tf N -- A D V O 0 ATE. Executive Officer Visits Camp cCc Captain Keith K. Tatom, executive officer of the Fort Douglas district, Bugler And Barber Discovered Along with the new recruits which visited Camp Price recently on an arrived in camp last week, a new inspection trip. barber and bugler were discovered. cCc The barber will begin business in the Chaplain Tours Camps Chaplain Reuben E. Curtis return- company barber shop in the near fued last week from visiting the camps ture; taking the place of Jim Gomi-che- c, who recently accepted employat Vernal, Bridgeland, Mt. Pleasant, ment in a barber shop in town. and The Salina. Mayfield chaplain The bugler, though not an experiweek at Castle for camps left this blower, reads music well and Dale and Ferron where he will con- enced duct religious activities. He will re- is practicing the different calls daily. cCc turn to Camp Price this week-enSports cCc Interest is being talked up in baseCompany Meeting Held ll about the camp. It A company meeting was held in ball and is expected that in the near future the recreation hall recently, Captain competitive games in baseball and William B. Shirey presiding. softball will be under way. Following Captain Shireys remarks, comments were made by Lieutenant Kenneth W. Cring; Dr. J. C. C. C. Russell Smith and Educational Adviser Eddie Isaacson. Following the adjournment of the meeting by Captain Shirey, a meeting of the rated men in the company was held. Captain Keith K. Tatom, executive officer of the Fort Douglas district, cCc made an inspection of the Ferron Chaplain Arranges Exceptionally camp recently. Entertaining Program cCc Under the direction of Reuben E. It has been of assistant district proven that beautificaCurtis, chaplain the Fort Douglas C. C. C. district, a tion of C. C. C. camps is a pretty program was presented at the Price hard task, especially when the surcamp, Co. 593, Friday night, in con- rounding ground looks like it had nection with the chaplains regular been covered with flour, which in some cases is alkali. In order to surservice. Educational Adviser Eddie Isaacson mount the obstacle of poor soil, Ferintroduced Chaplain Curtis to the ron camp has planted 'one hundred newly arrived rookies, and Chap- Russian olive trees in and about the lain Curtis presided. The program grounds of the camp, this variety beconsisted of the following numbers: ing suitable for the type of alkali Tap dance numbers by Miss Libby soil around the camp. cCc Stevenson and Miss Faun Christensen, readings by Miss Rose Cox, inThe recreation hall will soon be strumental numbers by LaVar Pet- equipped with twelve steel comforterson and Bradley Erickson, members able chairs, purchased from a Chicago of Company 959 at Ferron, vocal se- firm through district headquarters. lections by Mrs. Emily Holbrook of cCc Salt Lake City, readings by Mrs. A. H. LiNourel has Lieutenant Herbert E. Berkman, piano selections by Miss to the Ferron camp for duty. reported Mae Lemon of Ferron, trumpet solos cCc by Mark Tanner, enrollee of company Company 959 has a new education959 and vocal solos by LaVar Petal adviser, Dan E. Sweet, who arriverson of company 959. The chaplain left Saturday for a ed April 23. Mr. Sweet will take weeks visit in the southeast part of charge of the educational activities of the state to conduct services at the the camp. It is with sincere hopes that we will be able to put Company camps located at Dalton Wells, and Blanding. He will return 959 in the lead in the educational work. to Price the first of May. d. soft-ba- FERRON CAMP NOTES am UTAH property jumped from , 1935 to $566,805 last Officers The number of Mvestoc , this GAIN Sign Up Enrollees In year and last year SHOW COUNTY lively, as follows; HorsH Emery Towns on range, 124, 2i3; otherwise Reveals Private and Assessment assessed, 440 379.3 Corporal A. C. Bichko Report Of range, 1461, 1459; Edison Caldwell of the United States Of 274 In Increase assessed, 683, 739; sheeD army recruiting station in Salt Lake Trucks 38 g,oaV75-900- : and Cars, Friday here were Thursday, swim City visestate acreage Saturday to enlist recruits. They ited in Helper before coming to Price An itemized report of Carbon 1936 and 1935 was, and on Monday they left to sign up countys valuation for the past year follows: enlistees in Castle Dale, Huntington, shows an increase of 274 in the num- 818.Yl7 1 WMjrilnSSJy I land, 4362.61, 644915-Ferron and Emery. ber of cars assessed, in comparison 58.25, 47.8; grazing They reported that the personnel with 1935. Motor vehicles valued by of the Salt Lake district has been the county for 1936 numbered 3558, 185,659.73; all other real'3' increased by the detailing of eight while 3284 were on the 1935 list. The eluding equities in state officers from the valuation for this type of personal 997.89, 72,698.99. 38th infantry, Fort Douglas, Utah; officers from two the air corps at March field, California; and one officer from the air corps at Hamilton field, California. The additional personnel will be formed into traveling parties to visit cities and towns in Idaho and Utah. Qualified applicants will be accepted for 38th infantry, Fort Douglas, Utah; 4th infantry, Fort Missoula, Montana, 7th infantry, Vancouver Barracks, Washington; 30th infantry, Presidio of San Francisco, California; 11th Cavalry and 76th field artillery, Presidio of Monterey, California; 6th Coast artillery, Fort Winfield Scott, California; Medical department at Lettermen General hospital, San Francisco, California; and air corps at Hamilton field and March field, California. motor vehicles in Recruiting RED CROSS VOTES cCc Visitors Captain Luke Kirillin, commanding officer of Company 959 at Ferron, and Mrs. Kirillin, were recent visitors at Cairo Price. PRICE, FUNDS FOR COURSE An appropriation of $300 for the purpose of expanding the girls course in hygiene at the Carbon county high school next term was approved by officials of the Carbon Red Cross chapter at a recent meeting. The proposal was presented by Mrs. J. W. Bingham, who has contacted school officials and made arrange- ments for the extension of activities. A trained instructor from the staff of the American Red Cross may be hired to conduct the course. Vernon Merrill, Red Cross director of first aid and supervisor of the Price swimming pool, was authorized by chapter officials to contact various communities relative to the sponsorship of water schools throughout the county during the summer. State Health Board Sponsors Series Of Meetings In Emery A series of meetings is being held in Emery county this week featuring talks by Dr. D. D. Carr, director of venereal disease control and local health administration for the state board of health. He spoke at public and high school meetings on Monday at Ferron and on Tuesday and Wednesday at Castle Dale. He addressed a public meeting Wednesday at Huntington, and is scheduled to speak at the high school in that community Thursday (today). His schedule also calls for talks at Emery Thursday evening, at Mohr-lan- d Friday at 1:00 p. m. and at Cleveland Friday at 8:00 p. m. Arrangements for the meetings were made by local health officials in cooperation with Mrs. Etta Ralphs of Clawson, public health nurse in Emery county. X Carbon, is 1M iA cCc This week also witnessed the arOhio Sends Most Recruits rival of Calvin Sudweeks who is to Fifty-nin- e reof the seventy-eig- ht who placements recently arrived, take the place of Joe Smith on the came from the state of Ohio. Sev- technical staff as company mechanic. enteen recruits are from Kentucky Mr. Smith is expected to be transand two hail from Indiana. At the ferred to another camp within a week preseqt time there are twelve local or' two. cCc experienced men. The total strength of the company at present is 152. Company 959 joined with ComcCc pany 529 and the people of Emery and Carbon counties in the celebraCamp Commanders Here Captain Woolums, commanding of- tion of the completion of the San Raficer of Company 1507 at Vernal, and fael bridge. Thirty-eig- ht enrollees Captain Rockey, commanding officer left from camp at about 10:00 a. m., of Company 529 at Castle Dale, were arriving at the point of the celebrain Price Wednesday, April 21, await- tion about 12:00 noon. Many points ing the arrival of replacements to be of interest were seen ort the trip, both furnished their camps. going and returning from the celecCc bration. Lawn Planted Work was provided for the new "rookies their first few days in camp in the nature of digging up an area around the flag pole, preparatory to the planting of lawn grass. It is expected that with this area in green PARAGRAPHPRODUCERS - That's what the classified advertisements in The "Superior Circulation . . . Supreme Reader Interest are, heavy producers at light cost Hundreds of families, thousands of individuals, read The every week. Every one is a prospective customer. Why not take advantage of this consumer field, cultivate through advertising in our columns and reap your crop through use of our Paragraph Producers. te Sun-Advoc- Heat Comfort ITS LISTEN TO THE PROOF Come in today or OF CMC phone (Too late for last week) By Olga Dupin Frank Zagar of LaBerge, Wyoming, and Frank Petrocich of Murray visited here the fore part of the week. Mrs. Hugh Fullerton has returned to her home here after receiving treatments in a Salt Lake hospital for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Gran Warren have returned from a vacation to Amador, California. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Binch and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Binch motored to Orangeville Sunday. They visited in Provo recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Detomase of Roosevelt visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolando spent Sunday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Parcich and daughter, Emma, left Thursday for their home in Enumclaw, Washington. GMC trucks. They find in the unusually pfc-fo- df an H$ns. 3ac fife a Brcl itt ra kighl; judge Wi1 gum cessft The fteir hospi sperta frien GdIoi of conventional and models a type and size exactly fitted to their needs one with advanced stream-stylin- g combined with excab-over-eng- ine BUILD clusive dual-tocolor design and dozens of other modern features that HOME assure improved performance and money-savin- g operation. See, compare and judge for yourself. 4 Or tare! Whic setu ne THAT The greatest building program of a season is on now and construction of homes is the outstanding part of this national advancement ... step into the line of march, youll never regret it! Our own Y. M A, C. Tima Payment Plan auuros you of lowtst available ratet QUALITY LOWER 42 S. Carbon com- GMC line truck-bui- lt plete they are many now! LUMBER COMPANY for the bedrock proof of GMC extra value. Truck buyers in all lines of industry are critically inspecting and comparing mm Dont wait until prices Do it go pp more SPRING GLEN ITEMS ,hrr :nda r HOW YOU LIVE THAT COUNTS! TRI -- STATE iror 'e r cat g, Officials from the governors office and from Emery and Carbon counties as well as representatives from the Fort Douglas district C. C. C. headquarters, were among the prominent men who took part in the program. Superintendent Frank R. Warthen, Foreman J. T. Young and Dr. Francis F. Viglione were present from the Ferron camp. wii ffior, jjpan: Immunization work against hog cholera was resumed in Carbon county herds Saturday by Dr. R. C. Swal-berSpanish Fork veterinarian. Dr. Swalberg previously had vaccinated 30 hogs in a herd in which the disease was found, and he was called back to the county to vaccinate 21 more animals in the district where the outbreak was detected. Enjoy the privileges of being a home owner and can be secured only through such ownership. DA5 I E? ,ed Work Of Vaccinating Hog Herds Extended Mon-ticel- io cCc rich AT PRICES THAN AVERAGE WESTERN AUTO COMPANY Price 37 North Carbon Ave. Phone 122 - Price, GENERAL MOTORS TRUCKS Utah TRAILER! .v - , . 'N, 'V r A NATIONAL DISTILLERS BOURBON 93 PROOF fi Sis Spring Glen. School News The eighth grade gave the assembly Tuesday as an amateur hour. The M. I. A. closed Tuesday. The prorgram included dancing, under direction of the Boy and Girl Scouts. $4 i Then Is An ABERDEEN DEALER In Your Community PRODUCERS Blanche Robb, Lucille McCurdy, Tony Skriner, Johnny Skerl and Eugene Heaston. Strait Bourbon WhisL? PRICE STUDENT AT COLLEGE RETURNS FROM CONVENTION Miss Maud Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Crawford of Price and a junior at the Utah State Agricultural college at Logan, return-e- d recently from the International Associated Women Students convention in Los Angeles. Miss Crawford is vice presidentelect of the association at the college, and is senior sponsor and vice presi- dent of Beta Delta sorority, social organization on the campus. She is a graduate of the Carbon county high school, where she was president of the freshman class, vice president of the senior class and a member of the Pep club. 9) rf Dillillt H LWJUryUoa ft- -- 4 4 4 Every drop of Windsor isaged in the wood 18 MONTHS before bottling. A product of National Distillers -- one of the nations largest distilling organizations Windsor is kept in warehouses during its entire ageing period. 4 4 - 4 4 C4?S 50 . ,1 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION. NEW T0Rfc .. "on |