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Show JUNE 18, 1936 Metos By Mary iayn.fmvIet,os of the Repub- t convention and the Democratic conven-"i- r follow-t- t. reporter found the comments depictive: duals 3 L A Madsen, president of the and Livestock Co., I n Tnd both sides of the story. SUf precinct T,k n,.Dlcl Republican you say Landon? chal?0r president? Knox? Fine In5T2ie-ou- W,thVational "the jean e, PRICE NINE BACK M.ss, nd Mrs Bud PouLson, Group was formed 13-1- IN THIRD on Margie Whalen, Eileen Carey and Billie Stiang, Prices baseball nine, led by entertain- - SDonsors.lThls club should make ex cellent provided all plans are Wallace, housewife; carried progress Tames out. Mrs Marlin's a shame that Mary the Republicans? by ""ai taken sheep-gon"fhr Kouvalis, rancher and CASTLE GATE NEWS give my vote to the i,i,Mns this year. Metos, rancher and sheepna 7h son of llv are visiting in Salt I he rT Every Mrs. Jones mother Mrs waiarei the radio on somebody's Evans. e I turn Franklin Lionel Jensen, housewife; I working in Zion Canyon, came home Marlin to spend last week-en- d M rather listen to Mary with his par- town clerk; Mr. and Mrs. C F. Peteison Biggs, Ijents, Thomas I used to Eail Acord and daughter, LaVoyle . ,pnt got any more than Democrats have done son Keith and Rupt,rt the but Burgess, went hart, !t0 Provo las,t Wednesday to attend the welL wUI it B Y. graduation exercises Jayne Metos, stcmjrapher, Mrs. W. B. Stapley was a visitor in he a swell GarFrank Knox Salt Lake City last week-enRoosevelt, while Mrs. Bessie Snow and family renAndv Anderson, sheepman, and turned home last week-en- d after va-- I North Sanpete high cationing at Boulder Dam. teacher at ed t0 be a Republican, I Mr. and Mrs. Chean McNiel of Oradministration convert-I- I hi t Hoover's were Monday visitors at the angeville So me to the Democratic side. home of Mr. and Mrs Earl Acoid. enomineLandon is the Republican Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Peterson and ii were Sunday visitors in family lr and Mrs. Dominic Malatche and Springville. Geraldine, spent the past Mrs. Homer Hyatt of Nephi aie visfeek in Salt Lake City at the home at the home of Mr. and Mrs iting Mrs. Ernest Mariam. vfnneth (Squeak) and Mrs I. B. Wilson, Wilson; d. S' Mr and to Price Winn Brewer motored Tuesday on business. Eddie and Antone Reedman of Wyoming, are visiting Kemmerer, here with relatives and friends. of Mr and Mrs. Lionel Jensen and family visited in the state capital city Tuesday. John (Silent) Nicolaides, barber, infmerely raised his eyebrows when ormed that the Republicans had ap- Hoover for 37 minutes. Torrio Plecia of Salt Lake spending several days here grandfather, James Plecia. and Mrs. Chris Bolotas and plauded Master City is vuth his Mr. children of Price the home of Mr. spent Thursday at and Mrs. George bu-m- b 13-1- 0, Price started the affair fast, garner Boyd 9-- M-- I) 16-- 7-- 6. STANDARDVILLE X 3-- 10-(- . Spanish l.tvsnn, 5 7 i First game riuuE good catch. Dr. and Mrs I K Cummings and Miss Wilcox left last week for a sum-m- er visit to the Hawaiian Islands Fullerton and Thompson have returned from California where they spent their vacation Jack Forrester and A II White to Salt Lake City for a brief business visit early this week. Miss Annita llendetson is visiting at the home of Howard Perkins this week Frank Bonacci and C. Roberts of Helper visited here Monday. to Rock Charles Parry motored Creek the fore pait of the week for a fishing trip. Frank Markosek and son Ed mo-- 0 tored to Scofield Tuesday to repair flMF mo-totr- 0 B. Lo- pez, 0001 010 000 Sworn! game giDfflailiKnBGaiaM jr s V ijN s v y ' l.''CNss rUci o v.'- ii' 4 their home. (J Mexican, w'ho passed away at the Price hospital here late last week, were held in Vernal. L died Saturday around 10 a m. as the result of perforated ulcers. He is survived by his mother, two sisters, Rosie and Grace, and seven oon brothers, Lou,s, Jess, Pete, Joe Allie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baxter of Salt Lake Pat. Jr. and Ralph. PHONE w 't w Funeral services for George son-in-la- slxth-Fratt- Metos. Fred Larson, game warden from Emery county, was a business visitor m Scofield last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Nash, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Malakos, visted here with relatives Sunday. A1 Nielson of Mt. Pleasant was a business caller here Thursday. Mrs James Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jorgensen of Hiawatha were Price visitors Thursday aftern- '''''"hilt nT' errillyems,UinCohfoi Lines of Columbia was a visitor ,irs Margaret Harrison of Salt here Monday. Lake City is visiting at the home of and daughter, Mr. and VISIT IN GRAND JUNCTION her EXCURSION ON WLFK-ENMrs. J. L Durrant. Mr. and Mrs Frank Colombo are Shepherd's six In the second tilt, S here with friends and rela- Mr and Mrs, Tom Anderson and occupied the mound and hamThe local team tied in the fifth and visiting Mrs .Colombo is the foimer family spent the week-en- d lves m Grand mered down five, against three for secured a three-ru- n lead in the sixth Miss Rose Deman. with Colorado, Junction, 01Ae visiting to clinch the game Buster Davis and Smokey acUePcr, play ing against Payson split The negroes shifted their infield cioft of Standardville were visitors ft lends and relatives. They were Eddie Mis. Luritson, by the twogame companied to1 Snow Don at of the home the fust and outfield several times, but not Monday les, encounter by the wide margin of 5 any advantage. Mrs Jennie Jones attended a meet- - also of Puce. then losing by one run, The box n?1 availdble for tbe Hel- PerPason tjlt. however, the detailed returns for Pi Fork game By Junior Parry are Siren below', LaMar Sutch has returned fiom the lENTRU. ITU1 l.EVGI K L. D S hospital in Salt Lake City Standing of Trains where he has been taking treatments for ulcers of the stomach A progressive party was given Wednesday night for all the young' people of Standardv llle. A splendid evening has been reported Ted Reese and son, Ted, Jr, Jooi Elliott and Edward Worthington re-- 1 Sundaj's Results turned from Fieeinont early this week Dividend IS; .edn, after a fishing tup They showed a( Folk. Im e. Lawrence Hyatt. Mrs. Archie Dimick and daughters of Washington are visitmg at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Alex Jones. Miss Grace Butler of Spnngville is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peterson. Miss Nola Jones of Castle Dale is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis and son, John Robert, have returned home after a two weeks vacation. Robert Houston left last Friday for California to visit with Mrs Houston, and his and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ttd Heldmen. son-in-la- ill game In a loosely played the Pi ice baseball nine last Fuday night, trounced the Detroit colored here The game was Giants, plaved for seven innings and wo call- ed because of daikness. PAGE ELEVEN ing of the Pythian Sisteis Wednesday evening in Helper, the purpose of the meeting being to hear reports who attended the graduated from members at the Umveisity of Utah, will v lsit Grand Lodge at Park City, with his parents during the summer Gail Pouisen and Miss Ungntch of months Castle Dale weie Sunday guests of Mi and Mrs Mike Flippi of San Mrs. Nina Austin, Franusco, California, and Mr and! Mr and Mis. Glen Nelson and Mis John DvAngeles and daughter daughter were Pi ice visitors last Fn-- of San Carlos, California, weie guests dav. of Mr. and Mis lleniy H Jones, last F. P. Fisher, formerly of Helper ,and now residing in Salt Lake City, 'standmg,, taking two games from the the negroes in hot water until the fifth bpanLsh Fork nine, by scores of 1 mnmg when Big Bill Smith's homei and 5 run started a scoring spree The Gi- Lindsay in the first game, struck ants secured two runs in the fourth out twelve men against his opponent, frame, six in the fifth and two in the What's uf PUCE Wednesday evening. The sole atm of the organization is to promote dramatic interest and entertainment Of- TWO WINS SUNDAY PITS ficers elected the same evening were LOCALS FORWARD IN Udell Krebs, president; Amy Helsten vice president; Betty Thomas CENTRAL LEAGUE vice ne ft.W sam. PRICE, CTAn for the past sixteen years as PRICE WINS FROM njaide fire bass and is well known to mu mg men of Caibon county, 0 DETROITERS Fiancis Flaim, lecenth T E City are spending seeial daw in this area. Under the sponsorship of cCOFIELD NEWS : PRICE Frank Marine is visiting in Salt Salt Lake City this week. Miss Mary Dougheity is visiting at the home of John Wilson. Miss Margaret Puce of Helper is visiting at the home of John Davis during the week. W. W. Watson and family will leave Saturday, June 29th for a vacation. William Patterson of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Doug Wilson this week. The Standardville Welfare association has purchased a season ticket pool for from the Helper the residents of Standardville. Standardville Day To Be June 20 Standardville Day will be cele- - rom,Ac:co YET 1 W ovncr i i LOVA-PWCtDCA- THt THAR ,tobA'f!,he Six .v,r Pontiac 4ree economy u fied wite Per who 4 of hM d 'lv , ponic- - NO P On l.ry CAMPBE LlS TRANSFER MOVING-PACKIN- STORAGE -- 309 S. CAL EON 9 21 11 SHIPPING AVE ... mmtm SPANISH PORK A 1 0 SUNNYSIDE NEWS Caslleborri . lb Shepherd, If 'Kiimp. Sb-s- s I?e k. 2b Rmiolff'-on- IIiinKen. ...MsM James Anderson and sons, J. derson and William Anderson, have 0 moved to Salt Lake City where they 2 have purchased a garage and service H station business. Mr. Anderson has worked for the Utah Fuel Co. in Sun- - rf , SIXES AND EIGHTS C. An- lf-l- b MeCausland. Rowe, p Overly, e Imdlow. 3b If youre looking for a mellow blend of fine Kentucky straight whiskies made slowly in the way you can bank on M & M (short for Mattingly & Moore). Every drop is whiskey grand whiskey and the prim i friendly to your purse! AB II O Thompson, cf IIiiirH'nn, for the residents to motor to the Helper City park, where they will have access to the paik facilities and the swimming pool throughout the day. A dance at Standardville will conclude the days activities. p WESTERN AUTO COMPANY 37 NORTH CARBON AVENUE PRICE, UTAH Totul- - CREDITORS: TO NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Charles Son-be- rg .Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Rooms 1 and 2 Silvagni Building, Price, Carbon County, Utah, on or before August 4, 1936. EDWARD SCHERER, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Sonberg, Deceased. Date of first pub , June 4, 1936 Date of last pub , June 25, 1936 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of the Estate of Mary Ausenick, Deceased. Creditors will present their claims with vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the office of B. W. Dalton, Braly Building, Price, Utah, on or before the 1st day of August, A. D Strawberry Jam 11936. Remove hulls, pick over and wash berries . . . Weigh, and for every pound of berries allow Va pound of Utah Beet Sugar . . . Place berries in kettle and mash fruit as it heats, stirring almost constantly to prevent burning . . . Bring to boiling point . . . Then add sugar and boil together until thick, continuing to stir- - (Do not boil over 20 minutes.) . . . Pack into hot sterilized Jars and seal immediately. Date of First publication, May 28, 1936. Date of Last publication, June 18, 1936. MARY AUSENICK, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Ausenick, Deceased. B. W. DALTON, Attorney for Administratrix, Braly Building, Price, Utah . .Date of first pub , May 28, 1936 Date of last pub., June 18, 193J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION De- partment of the Interior. General Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Inasmuch m no water to Ued, rail mult b fflrrJ constantly A woods to prevent burning. May 25, 1936. NOTICE is hereby given that Rex Henry Mathis, of Price, Utah, who, to bettor ibon metal. April 3, 1930, made stockraising 'homestead entry, as amended, No. 048832, for NEy4SEy, Sec 23, SWy4, SEy4NWtt, SM.SEy4, Sec 24, St4NEV4, ESE!4 Sec 25, Township 12 South, Range 10 East., Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. Bracken Lee, Notary Public, at Price, Utah, on the 29th day of Ion REMEMBE- MM-Ny- i, it CODE NO. 313 (PINTS) CODE No 312 (FIFTHS) 9P.OE NO. 314 " AI-- F June, 1936. PINTS Claimant names as witnesses: John Helper, Utah, Orson Critchlow and James F Pace, all of Price, Utah. THOMAS F. THOMAS, Register. Date of first pub., May 28, 1936. Date of last pub., June 25 ,1936. M. Loveland, of L. Marsing, J. D. PERFECT GIN DRINKS! Stilled from 100 442-- Paul Jones Four Star Dry Gin (90 fifths grain neutral spirits. Code No., pints, 443-- R- When you uu UTAH BEET SUGAR you help your fellow Utah farmers and factory workers at mo extra cost to yourself. Keep your money cir-culating aUhome by demanding Utah Beet Sugar. fc PURE UTAH BEET SUGAR The finest sugar made for lottling, canning and cooking! |