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Show X l rr 6m i? I'D . i K UTAH THURSDAY, jtNE the Furnishing the evenings entertainment were Lucille Brown, Alice Han- After a place on Monday, day afternoon at her home Manti temple. of sewing, V; pleasant afternoon couple will make their luncheon was served to the The young home in Wellington for the summer, next following ladies: Mrs. Wallace Grange, Dug-mor- e, and expect to reside in Piovo Mrs. Frank Burton, Mrs. Clyde continues the groom while an Irish song, The Wearin of the Mrs. Lymn Hariis, Mrs C N. winter, B. Y. U. there. Green, accornpanibd by Pauline Ber-to- t. Chadwick, Mrs. Jack Hussey, Mis. studies at the Two violin selections were play- Orson Rowley, Mrs. Oscar Johnson, ed by Alvin Duke, Dora Fausett, Mrs. Barton Olsen, Mrs. Russel W Louise Hill, and LaMar Empey, acMrs. Theodore Edur and by Grace Roberts. companied hostess. One of the moat interesting and Mrs. Eva Ashton, state auxiliary colorful group meetings of the year an excellent address Reception Honors was held last Wednesday evening by president, gave child welfare the Cultured musical talent was evident concerning Newlyweds In Salt Lake the American Legion Auxiliary, at which has been carried out in project auxiliwed- Tuesday evening when Mrs. Ora B. planned A atbeautifully large, which time three state officers aries this past year. Results of the ding reception was held last Thurs- Hiding presented her piano and vocal tended, besides 28 local members. school were she recent poppy drive fine, evening in the Memory Grove students in a recital at the hightwenty-eigAfter the customary ceremonies a unit having sold day and almost Mr. every said, auditorium. Approximately Amusement hall for young Feduc program was splendidly pretheir full quotp. pupils took part, rendering Mrs. G. Ellsworth Brunson, who were sented. under the able direction of Mrs. Afton Crockett, district presi- married on June 4 in the Salt Lake their selections in a fine, finished Mrs. Wilford Jensen, who took the on the district temple. An appropriately arranged style, a credit to their instructor. place of Mrs. Ted Thomas, regular dent, gave an outline The Fedac flags convention, which is to be held in feature of the evening was the imiFedac chan man. comwere paiaded by a number of legion Vernal Saturday, June 13, and invited tative wedding ceremony, fully other bndcs-maiand all members attend. to district with Gay led HackDonald little pleted by children, Warner, state secretary, also attended attendants. ing, l epresi ntmg Uncle Sam, and Mrs. Brunson is the former Miss llakalo as an American sailor, the local meet. a selections Other were program Lena Mangum, daughter of Mr. and who led the maich with the American of national be anthem each'sonlf Mrs. Mon tel Mangum of Salt Lake Poland, flag. Betty llakalo introduced residents of Price. The flag in order, with Greece, France, sung by Mrs. Ora B. Harding, and a City, one-tiMrs. Wilford of Mr. and Mrs. P. Che-Fcdson talk is a Jensen, by groom Belgium. Gieut Britain, Poland, 1 closing, Mrs. William Hakalo, Lorenzo Brunson. choslovakia, Jugolavia, Roumania, president of the local order, told Italy and Portgual all being named. Polands was the main flag among of her appreciation of the members June Birthday during the year, and an- Is Observed the foreign banners, since the annual Fedac convention will be held there nounced that the election meeting will In honor of her twelfth birthday be held late this month. sometime this year. anniversary, Miss Faun Ann Stevens A clever dance by Nancy Lou Ward entertained a group of friends at her and Edith Craven, accompanied by Sewing Club home last Wednesday evening, June Friday Mrs. Grace Roberts was well reciev-j- e 3, at 7:00 oclock. Taking part in the Mrs. Leonard Roundy entertained fete were Miss Stevens, Beth Ellis, ed, followed by a sailor dance by La-- I Von Hakalo Mary Phillips rendered the Progressive Sewing club last Fri- - Bonnie Ellis, LaVon Mclntire, Lorraine Burton, Norma Jones, LaVon Buffmire, Bonnie Mclntire, Frances Ruggeri and Faye Bryner. ISOCIETY sen, Helen Menotti, Ann Stevens, Jane Young, Leah Rhead, Bonnie Ellis, Ruth Mansen, Jane Dalton, Ruth Wilson, Jean Reese, Dorse Oman, Beth Goetzman, Mary Georgedis, Ne-d- ra Leonard, Beverly Bithel, Marjor- 11, 12, ie Jewkes, Margaret Larson, Norma nacle. CLUB NOTES AND Local Auxiliary Has Fcdac Entertainment; State Officers Here Piano And Vocal 13 ay, Jua, in taber Cooking school Ber-toWalters, Jean Crawford, Pauline HardFriday, June Martell Johnson, Virginia Detroit Colored Giants vs. McRodger Athena Georgedis, ing, 06 Local diamond. Kinnon, Brooks Elkington, Faun Ann Friday, Saturday. Sundav Stevens, Mary Jane Young and Frieda 13, 14 M. I. A. June cojffppUne Groussman. t This affair was given to introduce Salt Lake City. the summer class. Another will be Sunday, June FlaS Day cere. presented later on. tt, Students Presented Recital Tuesday Eve 12-B- aseball -- ht Mrs. Ted Thomas visited Family budget books now sold at nal several days last week. The in Ver te. ds I,u-Vr- ac Flattering! Crisp! KATHLEEN QUINN Entertain At Shower A cleverly arranged shower honoring Mrs. Henry A. Matis, formerly Miss Mae Pace, was given May 29 Mo-rinby the Misses Flora Fausett, Cottoim da FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 12th - 13th HMHSmMMHMMMMMVMMHNWmNHm RITZ CRACKERS Small 5c Pkg. FREE 1 PACKAGE SALAD DRESSING quart MATCHES CARTON TOMATOES no 2 4 can CORN lj PEAS JERGENS COMPLEXION TOILET SOAP 4 BARS . 25c 28c 19c 10c 10c 10c 17c S & W COFFEE POUND CAN POUND CAN 29c 57c LG. POST TOASTIES 2PKGS. 1 GRAPE NUT FLAKES PKG. 1 POST BRAN FLAKES PKG. BISQUICK JELLO c 40 OUNCE PACKAGE ASSORTED FLAVORS 3 PACKAGES ANGLO 2 CANS CORNED BEEF 1 LB. CAN PINEAPPLE COLD TOMATO JUICE ICE 3 CANS CERTO 2 BOTTLES FOR PAR01VAX I POUND PACKAGE FRUIT JARS QUAKIS KERR CAPS KERR LIDS FRESH TOMATOES '- 1 - PINTS POUND 29c 19c 35c 18c 25c 45c 11c 69c 17c 7c 10c CARROTS. BEETS. TNRNIPS and RADISHES 3 10c BUNCHESf Grange, Lucille Jorgensen, IFrocB&s Leda Whitmore and Faughn Nielson at the home of Miss Fausett. Progressive Whoopee Bunco was played during the evening with Miss Verlene Pace and Miss Mary Ruggeri winning the prizes offered. Roses decorated the room. Many beautiful gifts were bestowed upon the bride. A delicious luncheon was served to the following guests: Misses Bessie Lundquist, Nona Stevens, Lapriel Bryner, Margaret Scartezina, Florence Piacitelli, Helen Jorgensen, Verlene Pace, Mary Ruggeri, Mrs. George Morgan, Mrs. Albert Pace, Mrs. George Fausett, Mrs. Ann Dugmore, Mrs. James Gardner, Mrs. Dean Nielson, Mrs. Ruth Golding, Mrs. Florence Pace, Miss Evelyn Branch, Miss Adele Bonza, Miss Pauline Prince, Miss Vera Prince, Miss Thelma McKinnon, Mrs. Ed Morgan, the guest of honor and the hostesses. Due to an error in last weeks issue concerning the hostesses at this shower, the above correction has been made. Brand New Styles! New! Sunny Tucker ORGANDIES $)&' Adorably styled organdies for class parties and for Sunday best! Garden flower pastels. years. White, too. At The COOKING Salt Lake Marriage Solemnized Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Crawford of Price have announced the marriage of their daughter, Beth, to Howard Sandberg of Huntington, the ceremony having taken place in the Salt Lake temple on Wednesday, June 10. The former Miss Crawford has been teaching in Huntington for the past year, and Mr. Sandberg is principal SCHOOL See these Garments modeled FRIDAY AND of the Cleveland school. They left after their marriage for a wedding trip to the northwest and on the coast, expecting to be gone for about three weeks. Upon their return the couple will make their home Huntington. SATURDAY White and Pastel DRESSES Couple Married In S. L. Temple Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Josephine Nielsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nielsen of Spring Canyon, to Ferron Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Gardner of Price. The wedding ceremony was solemnized Wednesday, June 10, in the Salt Lake temple. The young couple are very well known in this and surrounding communities. both having attended the local high school and having resided here for a long time. returned to Price The newly-wehome in this to make their Thursday, citv. , Tailored and sport frocks ! Of fine quaacetate crepe. lity pure-dy- e They're buys! Sizes 12-5semi-tailor- ed 2. ds U. IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT S. INSPECTED UNION MARKET Bride-Ele- VEAL POT ROAST 18c FRANKFURTERS 2 STEER POT ROAST 35c 18c 20c 25c BACON SQUARES ROLLED ROAST FISH CHICKENS- - PRICE TRADING 1 COMPANY Mrs. Grace Roberts, Mrs. Vida Marshall and Miss Faughn Nielsen entertained at a bridal shower Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Reba Fish, whose marriage to Richard Simmons of Price will take place on June 17. Guests were Mrs. Conda Harrison, Mrs. Wanda Mortensen, Mrs. Gertrude McCourt, Mrs. Ross Shiner, Mrs. Don Bean. Mrs. Jim Naylor, Mrs. Joe Schlegel, Attend the Big FREE Cooking School at the L . D. S. Tabernacle , Trurs., Fri Sat. PRICE ct Entertained UTAH Mrs. A. N. Wallace, Mrs. Elva .Young, Mrs. Belva Evans, Mrs. Roy Powell, Mrs. Lee Bryner, Mrs. Owen Tanner, Mrs. Lyman Harris, Mrs. George Spencer, Mrs. Ferdy Judd, Mrs. Jennie Smith, Miss Fish and the hostesses. The evening was spent in playing A score of lovely Brides House. and appropriate gifts were received by the bride-to-b- Shadow Panel Silk I sssai & SLIPS sregaga White Crepe A Summer Soring! DRESSES BLOUSES Plain and Printed! fV Whites right for summer wear ! And these are right because ABLE! Mr. and Mr. A. C. Biddle announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Julia, to Lawrence B. Golding, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren B. Golding of Price, the ceremony to take quality silk crepe, trimmed with lovely Tailored styles trimmed, with embroidery. 34 to 44. theyre 1 & or bodice top styles of' good WASH2 piece! 12-4- 4, e. Coming Marriage Is Announced Street! Sport! Dress! Choose from a wealth of lovely or-- j fabrics . . . dimity, lawn, ! 3- -lace gandy, batiste, pique, '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','''''''''' A - - ? uta. Price i t m Utah I me! ft . |