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Show 1 rua imo T II I m OJIir i?im-Aiuuira- li tr CutuUlt.it 'Suf.cn-- Ittwih f tint CAHfiON COUNTY Tv PUfoUMiNG tJ li i n-t- j t t t ti n 1 l.i'f U .1 I. . th o . - !a!i li r M. n 1 I COMPANY 1 UilllM. IIU. li Al. II Ms. KMI.II!-- , Publisher -- 11 . ! ! . 1 ' CARBON COUNTY GO ! t . TO i .i.'.l.i1 3 FORFST CAMPS mill ( 111 U , 1 ili-- I 1 'i M-ttt- 1 im-tt- s Pii Im !lt 1 I v s llH-hir- I I ti.t 0 I s d . - , Ixti't e . t. 'e cuii-Krt-s- , i s i ,x : r . 1 1 hv tla Keta-- lit er ioii. ol of .tiiy of Ilij'lovets cits until pine alul rtn io liK.it m.iii-iithe l.ilarly Fin rnmjMtn . ale r tif tin I't.th I'tiwii and l.igt.i on. of .ft tiling games and h.n inil'i iin, i 'ta - a lieu ly w. tl lung to a t ha'i't egf to all softs..:! It .tin- - in f.tntltl la lie I It ,i ltn.M in moving tiin Flail Wilh.un It et is man- J.Kli.iV dt ri n k , ut.iii i j ii i i I, in flow tl ig. I of the ti alii, wi'h I Ifoll't Mn If till tit k Ullth f halitll.l g til thltlt (if htl'lliess ITlall-aalltt flit till Hi!'- - Will, flu lint. Ill i An am int ids for gaint s may A- - w .iy, U i s.i (eoii:t in .lion W lw.ith.int, sj m tl I - t!t-ir- 1 gt m- - I .1 .1 S V Ji m,r tel ( retflt ti d lo tl. , , ntrint.lg sta'an a' im r J'.fant .t gt S rtti'nil .t f II. iig off of a! F. M ! nuota il V .1! a- - t os ' I 1 J - 'A i a ; hjelu 1 . ' a! 1 t comedy dt i fitae AS utllie. "Up r Im ;.Jj n t eM J.arr t fjf (llama Whlth , tough Jail t,;d I e lissrUriit.'lti M y . t . W who thinks l.r ll takes a .,t Cti-.l- ! ul-'.- . , V.' , : . 1 ,i tVj , J- ! I 'as . at Id I moinit-g- ti.,. n l.V-, poi It d to l r 2.' 1000. ..'at eo-- ! " : . I A.-'.-- i 'Mi !W-ll- e F. Jatk Sindh I. a- - i1iliu I routt W. Jlainn.und a! toiy ( halgv af- - i div c omm.tti . V. J J.h !, ' t J. ' r " I ) e ' h; P af. Sm! ! wit ! ,11 p . i '! m; to Fllifa y. i iil'.n t I if don't tout li tliail.S til Hit m.idr with tla IW L.r army of !a i. u tlie delink is nt.it im 'me' If in1 Tlastu.it is Living null rie.e.i'tt to jr.Snmi mu f al the pie: t lit time, hut w i!l doubt, all the Ftah pl.wt ! and I.ipl.t J ; ii gt; non n P will Softtall league tlur tla Helier r ct.iilly they ' com).inv. ctatprale ml. t tl llott an add. 1JS()1 team l.v tu moving the del ink saft umlei lnj. m,' lia'.f of play. Tla' v Pas m.i men, amt Mi f.n tin line Tla if is no thaii.' for till is riuipM-with caps and svveateis to furnish offiett-name- s remitting Mr ami nerv ice In addition to Mr Heese of lecruits hkily not 1e- - IS.vvtl, the piTsonnel of tile I.atuda r While the miwi Mr Kr r.jKV aPo M.Puil th.it D.r.! TV'1 loti.pany is ; ;; la s "t)"T anJ for aendents cau'- - team in. Uhlcs Tony Sally rt f(,rt.1Kll L,n,K wlMi aJv(.ntuIV a.rd. Jatk Stagg. frank ,he UniM, Sta1.s m.inm. cttr ,ed by hay dem.ks coming in cont.ud William t f r.tr Km Img with their lines, the matter is of much Krajnc. Johnny now ,unU concern to tli.'in Lewis White M I inegar, they u.Uwn (n (f Ut. () mate (fiat t fieri are many who do not ju-- Poloni and Louis Massa. of 18 and 30 and of gots! ihai.ic'ti realize the damage involved. Their gtxxl physical condition and without lines are given ample clearance from may secure information dependents the ground so that all ordinary traf- Mr. and Mrs. Loras Tangren are H'n6bout thls C()lmfu, bri(nt h of the .s, r- f.c may priweed under them without ,)lomi parents of a baby boy, born vicc It is only when some ex-,the I. ice City hospital Tuesday. , , t)ff, traordinary high piece of apparatus. Mr. Tangren Is in chaige of the meat 'pranclsc0 such as a hay derrick with its boom 'department of the Price branch of raised, attempts to pass under the Success markets. IN THE SEVENTH JI DICTU, Dislines that trouble occurs. With the j trict Court in and for C.uhoii Conn. a as boom down and level, and securely sary. "Spot cord" is suggested tv. State of Utah SUMMONS. Louis Use ,,f or wire. metal for can the derrick substitute fastened, ordinarily vs The unknown a chain to hold the boom n ,.1,,.,. ,,'Santi, Plaintiff, pass under the line with safety f It is also pointed out that metal and also bad practice as anom. ni ai it,A JonpS( aLs(J kn,mn John .r1)n... a runs into boom wet ropes carry electricity, while dry at the time the deceased; the unknown hfirs, de wood or rope will not. Therefore, any charged power line is apt to be sen- - and creditors of Mary Jones, dei eased, hay derrick design which involves a ously injured. An ordinary rope will the unknown heirs, devisees, and metal cable for lifting hay, or which very satisfactorily serve this purpose, creditors of Edward L. Jones, ilecc.'e is braced by metal or wire is not safe. If these suggestions are followed ed; John Jones, Wiliam I, Jone-- , al-- o as William Jones, also known and should be avoided. It is very easy closely there will be no occasion for known w- L Jones, an 1 !as being one and the or life make! so to damage same the sacrifice of human arrange the design as to person; the unknown liens, deuse of metal in these ways unncces-t- o property. visees and creditors of Dave .Jones, deceased; the unknown hens, devisees, lg and creditors of Mary Ann .Lines Mil-lodeceased. Mary Jones, widow of Edward L. Jones, deceased; the un-r- z known heirs of Edward Eynon June: deceased; Tracy Joins; Maggie June: li r. ! Al. Joiu--W .1 Join- Join-ILikt r. Davui I, Join Mrs Travis 15 June. Tov.n-.en1John R Miliei. Uhail.s Millei. Edvv.n-Mik . Mr, MiHtr p,.. ' THESE HIGH QUALITY ACCES.Tone-,- . h ,hev Maiy Oi-.'- ii (Line SORIES OF STANDARD BRAND Mary Evelyn Jones. Fern Jones, lent ,.n-TO BE GIVEN WITH EACH Katin i ire Join .ml i ad o'h r p i e i.uk".c1 iiniin SUIT PURCHASED (Suits Priced ' I ( :n me t m f.': Below) EEF0RE JULY 4th. t r ueii upon u on p, e. 'senli- ,iy rrr; ei m piamlitf's tompia.m adverse to 'be pL.mii.i's o.tn"r-.hior doudm Ii 1 ll el.otsn 8 J I III f ., I f ' h touches, tu! t " r f thainy try stage c.j su,,,. S'trr J jo .i.K! t'r I'.ll.al.ie i'f All- - out fc!'.d Out fro'..'r r.'. I'lll M mil . t j a ;e.( ill.J'trsial IO, t f the he SJs, "tut ) 'i ,in i tulrrl J r i i.j', S' it I altoal a , w l"l- C old d'oO.al tl!rJ I . t a. t M.t la Ik alt f ...I. ! ' li : Wt.'lh. StrWalti u Small n TrI-- k, IStilipp; CtiiiHily, I H Steven- - girJ jn m,. lu.t ,1- - Ji -ll C.e upKrtmg ra- t .ft mtrfui Wtflt'Ul! , tV.:..I a!id John P.atMl, ci.allt Ktl..:. it!., J.iSaU f. tl.'KMP t tier tti.'l t his &ni(ithtt 1 r the l.flil . U j;, Power Company Head Latuda Softballers Price Postal Head Issues Warning On Asked To Assist In Desirous Of Games Filling Army Quota Moving Hay Derricks Tla- P.itud.i softball team. i'oi.sol ttl ' I nr aOtl a t'.at'e- - 1..-- I jj 1 t ii I i M. y ,J aM-tr- ul m-- -- t'--i i!i -f .li i t Iti '""tl a I ! (ar u ( 1 t f vl-li- U it X.i - ta I.. i li t ail U Vf.t ,r!.! - i has tb 'tl ; , . j',.3 j I at W .Ml s lai.fcMt a.J.r-ecJilts III tl.e lule of Wi.-r-il isl.ose lalns i .'..IjiUKI,U.rihii.1 when : ,: II. la " tl at.ru ttl ...r I'- -l lie, , H J ,, t j , . -- j !r U t at tj i !.j S . t 11 1 . l l il lit'lO c:... , tijn-rate- -- ?.-- ; ' it- , a i I r tl it - I Iliuot-lln.te the halihn it t j o - t j . it .. . ! i Nifir tlo lnheSe that fir pli-tllint I ditof ind Adirrliii Mtiuifr tioii coiuplt-ttlthin tt t Un It Im Auomi. Nit. 0 laws hast' III many Wajs to tl - ul.i&.l !,. (2 00 Pi V advantage of the few, ami I Jay i t ) Minm iittt mit. ruiiutriii tl tg preSeiit an un.imt oiu eutrati Mn itlta vl lal l f M mti lid economic owt r," It i Ami that ttlls the story in a nut In THAT TAX Mi: AS no: a im not U ipje.ition tif 'Vo.iking the I It h. It tax iiir.s-aj.lo IK K.'xIIlKNT JhidMA pie program of levtling the taxation program m l.i wrk carried prunuM of an adjust-lil- t accordance with tu Merit li retelSftl and ability to lit that hat Itrt n I llf (lU ItllJt. ay. It is to I not it etl that tho- - who shout n It win to Ik loudest concerning soakliur the mb" nestr that tla kjxrlal jri r iTttMtl itml thi ir Ik ki pit tie hlhptilian camp their lips when It collies to soak mg the j follow era w i tiM imitirdult Is lasts up tin l.inimt through Mllh measures as pales taxes, liliout Yakiiig t!u iit.h. 'Jluy alwasa iiuh in- I met Ik lesietl fatuidlhg to id'..lV tti .it , tl.it to punt with that whenever a real Is a neses'ity vx liis It cannot l ivtntu.dh asoid threat it ina.lr to lrcl the taxation f,tein. Any eil. Ami tla' MKiiier Mit h tilts aie Likin inos i in t he tin in tif plat itijf the taxation bur-ile- that mm h aooner will we ! hi .ii m the d.it In I S' e it UloiiK' rt pieenH rank radicalism jtion of actual recovery Al. II Vl'RANO TIIFATRE I O SHOW ROGERS, TRACY PICTURES FROM iTIIIRTY-FlV- E a J H I- - 11 1 1 X I I ne c T 1. x; t -- llij-- f -- it n I n.i I It .julit li t ) , t it'll to tla ir t "I., ptii.nf "y.At Ilf the I pie ill. it I t i e he I nt i rr 111 fl4.!i whi . he Mini; al.l if li l J Sufirmt 'I0uJci Inlatil , , ! hr 'I i it d Mi i V in'--- k ,r I h ill M'N-UiU- i -- . mh-idl- 1 e appro-.Thompso- Parking nl ! 10 i 1 Khz-abetl- , . t :.ieL D'Lni,.nt--zz- u z STATE OF UTAH TO THE SA!D DEFEND VNTS; Vou are Z by omm p d to tw ntj riay.s .uu i tn -- ei vice of this Summons upon you. if served within the county m which this rr: -- J: action is brought, otherwise within tiurty days after serviee, and defend the above-entitle- d action arr And. in case of your faiure so to do. judgnn nt will be rendered against .v u according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court This action is brought to recover judgment quieting plaintiffs title to the following described property lo-cated in Carbon County State of Utah, NllvPHWnrDQ JUJrCilULAl) A PAIR PARIS I I Leather JL (Bi-Swin- r S-U-l-- (ANY T-S STYLE TO CHOOSE r ER0M) 1 P L A I N BACKS INVERTED B I - S W ING PLEATS pZ4.5U $29.50 5 Ei zz 1 Ei EE Attorney for Plaintiff. zzz Attorney at Law, plIIliiiiiillllliilllllllllllllllllllllillllllillll'll'illlilllliilllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllHiiSatl pSj ?, pput; 5: i'to. SHORTENING 5 Lb Can POWDER SUGAR 3 Lbs "o.2V2Can 12C CERTO mmyour BOTTLE COFFEE DePenJabIei Lb 23c PRUNES SPINACH IOC CAN ac 19 22 3 LBS 23 60-7- 0 SIZE 0n( DI Plain Full 0Z. LOAVES Fori OnS; JELLY FLAVORS 8 OZ JAR 9C PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lb 33c SARDINES CANS 25c S3 COCOA 2LbCan i7C RAISINS, 5c LIBEYS 0Z. PKG. Always Fresh AIRWAY 3 PKGS 10c 10 BARS 19 KREMELrZf S0APkin"e J&23' GRANULATED SOAP MADE BY WHITE KING PUREX Sr No. 21 2 QT 11 Can 3 Cans si r DOZ lie 3D0Z 10c 10c KERR LIDS PAROWAX LB PKG SALAD DRESSING BROOKFIELD QT27c HENRY RUGGERI, HENRY RUGGERI, PRICE. UTAH 10s Pkg- - to-w- it: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 14 South, Range 10 East of Salt Lake Meridian, and running thence East 18 rods, thence North rod, thence West 18 rods, thence South I rod to the place of beginning. 1 cans 19 Sc PEASES 12 rterof 00 v: Z to-w- it: Beginning at a point 22 rods East of the Northwest corner of the South. west Quarter of the Northwest Quar Section 22, Township 14 South Range 10 East of the Salt Lake Meridian, and running thence South- erly a distance of 80 rods, more or less, to a point which is 18 rods, more or less east of the Southwest corner of the said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22; thence East a distance of 62 rods! more or less, to the Southeast corner of said tract of land; thence North a distance of 80 rods, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 22; thence West 58 rods, more or less, to the place of beginning, and containing 30 acres of land, more or lesS TRcthr with all water rights belonging thereto. Also together with a right of way one rod wide describ- as lollows, Tiiisa Flakes & pep 1 HE 1 Limit $1.39 TURKEY RED CORN FLAKES D.tr-Jone- t 48 Lbs. SHREDDED WHEAT ; ! le $559 $1.43 57c 10 Lbs t le.untiff's Lbs 25 Lbs r, p f Susgair FflME THRIFT ius , r Our Everyday Prices are from 5 to 10 pe cent lower than anv store in Carbon Coun ty, we can prove our statement. We do no have 15 minute specials, but all day you car Save by buying at Our Store n. : Space We (err Jars tiV l: Ftp Qts . . 095 03 refuse to sell to Dealers WE RESERVE THE RIGHT to limit quantities |