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Show 8 V X -A D V O THE pace rir.irr COMMISSION ABANDONS ROD UNUSED I OR PAST TYW) YEARS CARBON COAL INDUSTRY EXPECTED TO BENEFIT BY NEW RECOVERY ACT ict c A T E. CTAH the 'rious band, gram Of Concert Tentative Highway Program tors high high units Officials Carbon lection Outlin'd h The Carbon commissioners derided sre PRICK MUTUAL TO PRESENT Monday evening to abandon the eoun OF CONJOINT PROGRAM SUNDAY ty road extending south from Miller lmpiy receives assurance am expiming optimism over the benefits ping! as In highway the will derive APPOINTMENT postmaster tentative the coal Industry Creek to aula Elmo. According Carbon O. Anderson A program with a Fourth of July County Surveyor administration of the Industrial re federal mad runs parallel to Word WSS received Monday from rovery a t. John R. Ihxilin. executiv theme will be presented at the M. I. the abandoned anticipated shaie ty's and OUt Coal A. of S In Utah Producers' Abe Murdock that D. L. the the state highway the bcrn secretary conjoint meet'ng Representative Hoted 10 L,ah - Carl W. F.mpey, city recorder, h assmiation, and Otto Herres, assistant tabernacle Sunday at 7.30 p. tn. The He, appioximatcly one mile eat of fundi a commixcounty general manager of the U. S, Fuel program as announced Wednesday by the latter road. The joule has not lined by the Carbon satisfactorily met all requirements for oIIm.U Mr on lust E. week ITesldcnt J. Dent is as follows been used for the past two years. Tti.' Cwbon company, announced appointment as Price postmaster. fUO.OOO their return from the annual meeting Piano solo, Miss Thelma McKinnon Anderson said. Mr. Empey was advised that his b,.m as soon of the National Association of Coal organ selection, Owen Reese; slogan county. appointment would be assured road projects in tills national DemoOperator In Chicago that the act was talk, Ross Hardy; clarinet solo, Floyd FIELD AGENT REPORTS BEETS J. William Farley, James as to Commissioner expected to result In many ad van McIntyre; address, C. H. Madsen; vo SLIGHTLY AFFECTED BY WORM According as cratic chairman, has an opportunity projects are cal selection, Eugene Jorgensen. suggested the tageg for the Industry. J. Reid, approval upon the of 10 to place the partys and Hoi oiling of the Mr. Doolln reported that a com field Graveling agent follows: Ray Dionih, action. Mr. Empey is county chairand the man of the Democratic party. mittcc of coal operators from all parts Huwaiha ly Sugar company, retried Wedne between miles of the country is engaged in drafting day that a slight outbreak of web state highway; cifcht y Coal Gains Carbon In of ethics for the a master code worm had been detected in on the Wattis high- grunoyv demonstration dustry, to be submitted to the pressugar beets. All farmers whose crops miles of graveling 40 U. S. BE GIVEN AT E. U. ELECTRIC lower ident for approval and then adopted are affected arc advised to have the way; five miles of oiling on the by smaller groups of coal Interests end of Gordon Creek road; grading, of the The Increase in the output of bi infested areux sprayed immediately A factory demonstration woik control and adapted to aectional needs. the for and relining of the upper Arrangements coat in the United States at tuminous be will graveling given with Mr. Branch five miles of the Gordon Creek road Grunow refrigerator The secretary of the Utah assocla for the week 17 was may be made either Electric June Utah ending company Eastern the tion said that the code must specify estimated or J. B. Jewkes, district agiicultural by the United States bu Asphalt paving between Spring Friday between 10:00 a. m. and 5:00 an increase In wages, a minimum reuu of nxines from to be 3,660,000 net tons inspector. Canyon and Standardville; oiling miles p. m. The public la cordially invited wage, a maximum week and ellmlna This a gain of 1,612,000 to Latuda; three Standardville represents to attend. Full particulars may be TROPHY tion of unfair competition before It tons or 40 per cent over the NATIONAL CONCERT on the road from Kenil- found in the companys advertisenearly of oiling will meet the approval of President Gate paved RECEIVED BY CARBON BAND worth to week of 1932, and an ment on Page 8 of this isue of The Roosevelt and General Hugh S. John- corresponding and curvature of more than 4 per cent over Increase widening highway; son, administra xr of the act. Mr. Doo- the A. plaque was received this week road; five limination on preceding week of this year. lln conferred 'with General Johnson as band school Carbon the high by miles of asphalt pavement tetween Military bulletin from the alcoholic during a visit t Washington, D. C. reward for winning second division Price and Wellington. The dry army has executed a front: Mr. Herres said that fear that the honors in the concert competition of between Wellington and the retreat from Indiana for strategic reaOiling held control bill will be administrated in a CLASS AA the national band tournament eastern county line; oiling front sons and is preparing bases for Us manner is being dissi recently at Evanston, 111. to Columbia; oiling next stand in Iowa and Alabama. junction and of is measure ted M. Wil the support pa According to Director E. from Sunnyside junction to Sunny-sid- e being gained among industrial leadHams, it is expected that another trotown; widening and regrav cling Ray R. Adams, a member of the ers. phy will be received in the near fu- of 18 miles on the Scofield road. lower house, resigned some time ago "Coal operators view the program . win band's of the In ture recognition the of chairman the position of manager of to Dave as an experiment," he said, which accept Parmley, ning first division honors in the announced Von the veterans' division of the United commission, if properly armlnistered, will work coui.ty contest marching day that efforts would be made to States employment service. satisfactorily. It will eliminate unfair use of local asphalt wherever insecure 'chiselers and from the practices efpossible. dustry, with subsequent benefit to Plans ficient management." Mr. Parmley, accompanied by ComSUNDAY to In regard the national code of Trading 5. C. R. Fahring, Commismission ethics for the coal industry, Mr. and State Senator George Reid sioner of 9, E. U. at the Wednesday top Huntington's position (Continued from Iuge One) Jlerrcs explained that a guide code Electric 4. to Salt Lake ThursM. drove be Carbon-EmerMiller, y le league will was approved instead, because "the state with threatened Sunday when the Kenil- day of last week to meet The invocation and benediction opinion was that different living and CLASS A worth Independents, who are tied for road officials regarding the projects. will be given by the Rev. E. C. Linn conditions in various working parts second place, engage the leaders on Mr. Miller announces that a request and Bishop George Jorgensen. f the country made it undesirable to the Huntington field. The Hunters for an emergency appropriation of Following the picnic lunch, to be practices among Industries handling Kenilworth in their previous $50,000 to put men to work has been held between noon and 2:00 p. m., defeated competitive fuels was discussed at the made with the state road commission meeting. Operators meeting, Mr. Herres said, of the program as The league game pending approval but was referred to the federal adoutlined above. Price to has been postponed permit ministrator for solution, to play an exhibition game at Duimpose the same wages and prices' chesne. Wellington goes to Hiawatha SCOFIELD NEWS generally over the entire nation." contest. in the other Carbon-Emer- y Tha timrrtv jorobloms of regulating By Miss Mary Metos. on's Wholesale 9. Secretary to the President Howe Thursday Elks 16, Price hopes the senate committee 2. Miss Jane Metos left Friday to Tuesday Kiwanis 18, Success 6. get too kittenish over those camp kits. Metos in Salt Lake City. Wednesday Elks 13, Queen City 0. Monday Price Commission 16, Zi- Tom Nicolaides was a visitor in Helper Wednesday of last week. E. H. Nicholes left Friday on a & business trip to Salt Lake. Carbon county mine otxr&tor rl xtrr-U- h Price-Emer- y ll Production of Soft Nearly Per Cent In to Price-Emer- Price-Cast- le Price-Help- er JUNIOR BASEBALL Sun-nysi- high-hand- dc ed PRICE, DUCHESNE TO MEET Sun-Advoc- Price-Columb- Complete For July Fourth Program t WlJ i over,. Tl.r bands will I -- JP'! of urnm-ron the basis of .'kfc.T during the afterno torchlight parade. An extensive oroe.s , both children and arranged under the lace R. Wayman. IW-girlfrom four to u Jto will be conducted srd prizes will be aw,Other spores ourtm e' will Include the folio,,, women over 17 year. tf married womrn over Jo s s V race, men three-dies egg race, boys , w three-legge- d m 12 to ici J race, relay boyseout IB 13. ladies shuttle relay, relay, pie eating contests ' to 13 years cf age, contest, boys nickel d'vea boys pillow fighting pin race for girls up to u wrestling for boys, srehm ' mens horseshoe FRIDAY SAT. MONDAY June 30 - July 1, 3 SPRING AIRWAY 2Ic COFFEE CORNED BEEF H7c 13c Lb. Fryers 22c Lb. BUTTER Best Foods Pt. MAYONNAISE 29c SWEET PICKLES 29c 29c 15c 49c 11c Qt. HEWLETT'S YU- M- Club Wafers CRACKERS MALT SYRUP Pafcsf GINGER Paleface ALE FLOUR GRAPE JUICE JUICE PORK LOINS BACON Eastern Pound - Sugar Cured . . . SUGAR SALAD DRESSING Quart 6c Can i. 2c WATERMELONS For Roasting Qt. TOMATO KLONDIKE Pound 98c 29c Bag Ernest and Ralph Pizza of Salt Lake City were visitors here last week. Tom Metos visited in Helper on Wednesday of last week. Jack Whalen of Salt Lake City is spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whalen. Miss Virginia Bezyack is visiting with relatives and friends in Heiner and National. Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolaides returned Saturday of last week after a visit in Price. Miss Sarah Nicholes returned last week from Arizona where she has remained for a month. Of course the big nations of Europe want disarmament, providing the other fellow will do it first. SHEEPMEN NOTICE! Wheat Has Advanced Again Buy Flour Now. 48-L- b, Average lambings are estimate (including the good Texas lambings) as compared with number of ewes to ranges last fall, at about 70 per cent. Prospects on fat lambs at Kansas City look attractive for fall. Feeder demand depends somewhat on corn crop. Chet Blake. Advt. Cl CO. LUNCH MEATS Assorted mlgm 7Pound 25C COTTAGE CHEESE - 12c Utah Beet for Canning For Picnics and Lunches Half Pound mm MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF THE CELEBRATED 25 Lbs. POTATO CHIPS TEA 10c 6-ozP- M. J . B, - Green Half Pound PORK and BEANS . . . Mine At SPRING CANTON, UTAH General Office, 17 Newborn Building salt lake if rl n !, MARKETS FRIDAY Chickens l!a 1 L- vis-Har- ry Plump If 8 contest, w. hatchet throwing contest According to Mr. Ways, will be given for first a place in each division. At 2:00 p. m the Aar- gion teams of Price and meet in the first game of . to determine tie District baseball championship, f this game, the .rice and teams of the Cirbon-Ewill tangle. Hundreds of persons an to seek entertainment at & swimming pool, and those e are making precautions to the largest crowd of the jer A torchlight parade win h ducted at 8:30 p. nt, with and visiting bands partidpr The closing event of the it; be a dance at the Silver Y at which time winners of tk contest will be announced, fn indications, the ball will be tk est of the year. .... - airway li ia w-o- k P city, ctah SATURDAY - MONDAY |