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Show THE SAUNA SUN. SAUNA. UTAH Federal Assay Office Employs No Salesmen Intermountain News Our governments head gold buyer Is the federal assay office, on the lower end of Manhattan Island, New York., It takes the crude wealth of gold mines and the gold that other lands send us, assays, refines It, and pays the sender Its value In dollars; also by check drawn on the federal Hats That Go Definitely Off-Fac- e Some Speculation as to Womans Changing Status Briefly told for Busy Readers By A GREAT INDUSTRY CIIERIE NICHOLAS RODENT WAR BEGUN PLAN FEDERAL PARK TO BU ILD WATER WORKS FIVE FOOT FALL FATAL (By Gretta Palmer, Womans Page Editor ol the New York World- Telegram.) Nowadays there are two subjects which certainly command the human Intelligence. They are women and economics. Looking over any civilized bookshelf, one is astonished to find to what an extent the role of modern woman is Involved. One Is also astonished to discover that our future, In terms of wheat and oil, is being wisely discussed on all sides. Looking over a shelf of our library and without cheating we find seven titles in which the word Woman is Involved, out of a possible twelve. That, mesdames, Is high It means that we, marksmanship. as a subject for controversial writing, are pretty fancy stuff. And as a matter of fact, we are. For we have made more tremendous strides towards achievement than any other group within the memory of the current generation. Women, If you remember, were consplcious some fifty years ago as the Little Ladies who gilded fly swatters as a decoration for the home in a word, they were the complete intellectual washout. Today things have somewhat changed. Today a woman like your humble servant can, without shame, admit to running a Womans Fnge. Today a woman can confess that she lives In a womans hotel without fear of being accused of being a perfectly splendid force In the W. C. T. U. movement Today, In a word, a treasury. This office does a cash and carry and seeks no customers. Those who would buy or sell gold must come to it. Bars, nuggets, dust and amalgam, old jewelry, or coins from abroad find a market at all federal assay offices and mints. Some odd and interesting- - trea-sures have been packed up and tossed Into our melting pots," said the superintendent of the New York office. From a complete dinner set of gold, Including every dish used at a formal dinner, we got $2S,000 worth of gold. But all is not gold that glitters, even here. To. our testing laboratory 'came one day two bright yellow bricks for which a Harlem doctor, paid $23,000. When our assay showed they contained not one ounce of gold, Frederick the doctor collapsed. Simpich In-- , the National Geographic ' . Magazine. DRAPER, trade" UT. A drive againbt rats is being made in this district. LOGAN, UT. partment during rests. Tlie sheriffs de- 1933 made. 153 ar- KELLOGG; IDA! The. Sunshine Mining company mine near here produced 3,212,000 ounces of 'silver in ' 1933. ELY, KEY. A further development of Lehman Caves,, new federal park, Is being arranged. OGDEN, UT. The new regional forest service building has been completed and is reported one of the finest buildings In the west. SALT LAKE CITY, UT.- - The last day for securing 1934 Utah auto license plates, without penalty, ia ' February 2S. rOCATELLO, IDA. It Is expect- ed that arrangements, will soon be made for constructing a new water works system for this city.SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Utah realized $3,000,000 from its evaporated milk industry last year, 88 per cent of this amount representing new money brought In hy exports, said Frank B. Roller of this city. ELY, NEV. A fail of five feet Into a drainage diteh proved fatal to Henry Allen, 09, well known in ranching circles along the line, a short time ago. - Auto Royal Privilege In" Nepal, the country extending for 520 miles along the southern slope of the Himalayas, in northern India, the sanctity attached to king ship is still so strong that only, mem-'berof the royal family are permitted to own automobiles. By special concession, certain high officials of .Nepal are permitted to own cars, but other than these officials and the family of the king, no one," no matter how wealthy, may own a car. Because of this restriction, the country, with a population of more than 5,000,000, hud only 150 automobiles when the last figures ' " were obtained. s Why Doctors Favor a Liquid Laxative Utah-Neva- KANOSII, UT. B. Y. Kimball has secured a beer license for selling 3.2 in Kanosh. This is reported to be the first beer license issued In 25 years for the town of Kanosh. LAS. VEGA'S NET. records for the number of visitors to Las Yegas and Boulder City were broken recently when approximately 3500 persona arrived in town. More than 1500 were registered as they passed through the reservation gate to Boulder City to visit the great Boulder dam. This' broke the previous? record made .November 11, when 1436 people visited the dam ' LEWISTON, - IDA. The annual cherry blossom festival and, Indian t, In which red and white men' join in celebrating the advent of spring will be held in May. The show Is based upon an. ancient Indian custom, when tribesmen of the Pacific northwest gathered In this sheltered valley to spear the. . spring run of salmon and gather camas roots. . t Water-contenIDAHO FALLS,' IDA. of snow on the Buffalo watershed for recent week- was about .74 per cent normal, with an average mean depth of approximately 8.6 inches, compared to the normal of 11.6 inches.. The mea average snow depth was 30 inches, with a normal of 41 inches. BOISE,. IDA. A relief camp for transients is operating so Well here, thdt the director announced it was likely others would be organized in western and northern Idaho. The camp was organized, as part of the federal relief service to give unemployed transients aft opportunity to rest and secure, food at principal sta- tions along the route of their travels. ' EPHRAIM, UT. EphraimIrriga- tion company shareholders have voted 3336.721 shares to two shares in favor of Incurring an indebtedness of nof to exceed $254,000 with which to construct a. tunnel through the mountains east of here and build feeder canals to' bring additional water to this side of the mountain. . . SPRINGYILLB, UT. Graveling of sidewalks on approximately 20 blocks throughout' the city, and the construction of a road from Fourth North, along- the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad right of way, north to t.he Cplumbia Steel plant has been started here. . SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Reports from Washington, I). C, indicate that artotal of .73.000 acres of land the nationin Utah may be added-tal forests so the federal government can take steps to effect a program of reforestation, and erosion and flood control. Headway in a move- -. ment to have 5S.OOO acres east of Bountiful and Farmington and 13,- -. CMX) acres east of Provo and Spring-vill- e Included is reported. BOISE, IDA. Ally. Gen. Miller has announced that he will start suit .against all assessors In border counties to test whether automo- bile oyners- living in other states but holding Jobs in Idaho must buy Idaho licenses for their automobiles. ELY, NEV. Knocked 73 feet down a raise in the Ruth mine of Nevada . Consolidated Copper company, when a falling piece of rock' struck him, James J. McElheran, 31, miner, lived more than three hours despite the fact that he suffered compound skull fractures, All previous Ka-ou-i- A doctor will tell you that the care- -' less use of strong laxatives may do ' more harm than good. Harsh laxatives often drain the system, weaken the bowel muscles, and even affect the liver Fortunately, the public is fust returning to laxatives in liquid form. The dose' of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can thus be regulated to suit individual need. If forms no habit; you neednt take r. double dose a day or two later. Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin gentl; helps the average persons bowel . back to regularity. 'Why not try it? Some pill or tablet may be more com venient to carry. But there is little convenience in any catharticwhich. Is" 'taken so frequently, you must carry it with you, wherever you go! Its very taste tells you Dr. XZald- -' wells Syrup Pepsin is wholesome. A delightful taste, arid delightful action. Safe for expectant mothers, and children. All druggists, ready for use, in big bottles. Member N. R. A. Is This Too Good . for Your Gough? Creomulsion be a better may. help than you need. It combines-- ' seven major helps in one :the best helps known to science. It Is made for quick relief, for safety. ' Mild coughs often yield to' lesser helps. No one can tqll. No one knows which factor Will do most for any certain cough. So careful people, more and more, .are using Creomulsion.-fo- r any cough that . starts. . than a The cost is a little 'more ' single, help.. But your druggist guarantees it, so it costs nothing if it falls to bring, you quick relief. For Coughs are danger signals. safety!s sake, deal with them in the best way known. . (adv.) SafeguardlenderSkms hyDaily Use of CBTICUM SOAP and OINTMENT Never too young to start CuticurA using Ointment and Soap 25c. Proprietors: Potter 25 50c. Dru& Chem- ical Corporation, Malden, Mass. SNAP OUT OF IT! nONT let constipation oet per WHITE FOR u manent grip on you. GARFIELD TEAgoesyou the prompt, thorough laxative cleansing that helps get SAMPLE nd ol constipating wastes.feelSnapI out of that chronic pepless mg OARflELO GARFIELD TEA treat-meTEA CO. Begin the in or (Plain tonight. Broohlliii, Hmw York tea bate at your drug etore) FREE Ik. A Splendid Laxatirc Drink - - . SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Plans to preserve the history of Eagle Gate and of Brigham Youngs school house, which stood east of the gate, by means of bronze markers, were announced recently by John D. Giles, secretary of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association. WELLS, NEV. Sheep on the desert ranges in western Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada, where feed has been short, probably will suffer severely from snowstorms in tho.se sections in the early spring. TTATS Is latest millinery news. It would seem that the five fetching spring chapeaux in the illustration could not pose farther back on the head if they tried and stay on properly. However, that Is the way of the newest brims to describe a sort of halo about the head which gives us something refreshingly different from the types which have been in fashion for many seasons past.' We are Inclined to believe that a conspiracy must have been going on between milliner and hairdresser to have brought about such perfect harmony between hat and hair. We will admit that this new silhouette, at first glance, seems "designed for youth and youth only, but by way of encouragement to those who hesitate were tellhairdress ing you that the and the brim which reveals an expansive forehead are more flattering to those beyond debutante years than one might suppose. Then, too, as the new models continue to Join, in the style parade it is noted that milliners are Introducing little softening touches in the way of front bandeaux and other devices which are guaranteed to flatter. Nor is it fair to conclude that a soft arrangement of hair about the face is utterly taboo. On the contrary fashion Is that fickle you are told in one breath to brush back your hair so as to show a placid brow and the next instant its rumors of bangs which reaches our astonished ears. The first picture in this group unmistakably carries the message of bangs. The little hat is a Talbot triumph done in taffeta with a big bow of spotted ribbon. The talk of town, for spring ia the Breton sailor. Well, here you see it to the right at the top in the picture. It Is made of black toya. The. thing SHOES MATCH GARB IN CUT AND COLOR that is outstanding about the stripes for facing and scarf Is that they are In the Mexican colors, now-the-ra- for fashion has gone gaily Mexican this season. Your new suit blouse should be of Mexican striped silk or at least yon should wear with your spring navy or black crepe frock a set costume of bizarre Mexican-stripeJewelry. Just a word more about the popular Breton sailor, it need not be as severe in lines as you may conjecture, for milliners are giving all sorts of softening effects. is more Im. Perhaps no type of hat portant this season than is the tiara You will recognize at once turban. that the model centered in the picture Is one such. It is fashioned of mate-lass- e straw with a row of buttons accenting the tiara motif. No matter how staunch you have been in favor of snug close-fittinhats, you are going to find yourself talking, thinking and wearing brims this spring and summer. Which really will not be such a sacrifice after all, for the new brimmed models are that good looking and smartly tuned to occasion, it is said they will even be worn with suits as well as lighter frocks. The model below to the right In the group lends itself admirably to this thought for it carries a tailored feeling. In this Desperado" we see a dashing example of the new side roll which Is being strongly advocated. Last but not least we show you a Reboux halo hat. It is of leghorn, has a bound edge and Illustrates the fondness for bows as an underbrim treatd g Re-bo- ... ment In conclusion hear this exciting news about flowers. Entire brims are being faced with them. .The newsiest news of all la that flower trimmings are making their appearance on felt shapes. WITH PEPLUM tHERIE NIC 1IOLAS fairs. rerhaps she will be a permanent Institution. Perhaps she will not. Nobody can tell. There have been too many ages In which woman waa thoroughly negligible for the most sanguine feminist to predict what will happen now. But we are, quite obviously. In a state of flux and change, so far as womans status Is concerned. And it behooves nobody to be too cocksure on wlint the outcome is bound to be. Perhaps Women, as Sherwood Anderson said in his last book-mea- ning that the Idealism of the race might find Us final hope In womanhood. Perhaps we must accept a less glorious future. But one thing is certain that it is an exciting and unpredictable thing to be a woman In 1031. computed speed of 600 miles an hour, HAVE VISION OF or nearly 80 per cent of the speed of sound. FLYING AT 554 MILES AN HOUR Plan to Use Pythons ' to Combat Rabbit Pest An airplane capable of flying 554 miles an hour, using existing engines, could be built today by applying known aerodynamic principles to its design and construction, according to John Stack of the national advisory committee for aeronautics. This Is 131 miles an hour faster than the present speed record. What such a high speed plane would be like Is described by Mr, Stack In the first Issue of the Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, reprinted In the Literary Digest. It would differ only slightly In form from the transport planes used on transcontinental airways. The wings of the hypothetical plane would span 29.1 feet; the fuselage would be 40 Inches In diameter. The plane would have completely retractable landing gear or would be catapuiated like the early Wright planes, and could land on Its fuse Inge. The engine and pilot would he completely enclosed, vision for the pilot being provided by windows or Indirectly by mirrors. The wings would be centered on the fuselage. A model of this plane has been tested In wind funnels and bears out The plane Mr. Stacks calculations. would have a landing speed of 103 miles an hour a dangerous speed, but one which could perhaps be cut with proper auxiliary devices. The same kind of plane, equipped with 3,000 horsepower engines and new types of propellers, could fly at a With varying success entomologists have been Introducing Insect enemies to destroy fruit and other pests for a long time; now an experiment In that line Is to be made with larger Australian farmers lose animals. heavily every year by the depredations of wild rabbits, and plans without Undt have been tried to destroy the rabbit pests without success. Now the government Is to experiment with the python of India. Like the boa, the python Is a large snake, and like It also a constrictor. It has no poison glands, and while Its slxe is terrifying, the python Is easily tamed, and by many of the natives venerated In a religious way. It la capable of swallowing a young antelope, and a rabbit would be a small mouthful for it. The serpents reach the usual length of 30 feet, and while they ordinarily stalk their victims, they can make considerable speed, and can also throw themselves forward Instantly a considerable distance. It would be possible for a python to kill a child, and one naturally wonders whether In adopting the python Australia Is not getting something more objectionable than the rabbit. Columbus Dispatch. Aluminum was first isolated In 1833 by the scientists Davy and Wohler. Aluminum NEVER FORGET THIS TABLET It Means the by Weutern Newspaper Union. By woman can express an Interest In tha progress of her sex without any of her being a shedder of Sweetness and Light, or a prude. There was a time, not so long ago, when nobody talked economics except solemn young men with Ph. D.s, Those days have and radicals. passed. Now, anyone with a vestige of interest in current affairs must evince some appreciation of the experiments under consideration In onr nations Capitol. And, by the sama token, everybody today who Is alive to contemporary happenings must awaken to the fact that woman Is a brand new element In national af- REAL ARTICLE GENUINE Of Bayer ASPIRIN Manufacture New shoes for 1934 match clothes ' In cut and color. . shoes appear as a d accompaniment for the frocks, while oxfords which lace over the top of the foot with six or seven eyelets are sho-was advance spring footwear to be worn 'with dresses which lace up the front. Shoes which have flecked designs in several tones across the instep, suggesting the effect of flecked wools, are shown as a smart accessory to knitted or flecked wool sports frocks , and shoes covered with little diamondb'e shaped perforationsready worn with frocks which have a diamond brooch flashing from the high neckline. High-throate- When you go to buy aspirin, just remember this: Every tablet of real aspirin of d smart - -ae high-necke- BayeF" manufacture is protection. stamped with this cross. No Demand and . tablet without this cross is pet Genuine GENUINE Bayer Aspirin. BayerAspirin. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Does Not Harm the Heart ttFMBFlt N ft. A. PARKERS t-- Salt Lake Citys high-necke- d fewest Hotel a Softness in New Dresses Feature of Seasons Mode When one recalls the long and happy career of the VIonnet soft crepe afternoon dresses and the cry for more in similar genre it is not surprising that the stylists again recognize the possibilities latent in the soft crepe frock. The Vlonnets were soft through cowls, scarf details and circular fullness, while these latest types have unpressed pleats and careless drapes. But it is a type of frock which stands out as entirely distinct from the tailored daytime frock. HAIR BALSAM RamovetuDandrufT StopiHair hailing-Impart- Color and to Gray and Faded Hair Beauty Goc and (1 00 at Ltrusyists. fTfwcox Chem Wka . Patcnotru.N Y Ideal for use In FLOREbTON SHAMPOO connectionwith Parker'silair Balsam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug fist. LLiscox Chemical Works Patchoffue Dont Fear Motherhood HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE Sport Attire Knitted or crocheted frocks, coats, suits and hats are being chosen by fashionable women for sports wear, and suede suits with revers faced in hand knitted wool to match the accompanying blouse are one of the smart sports novelties of the season. Remember this for your own protection. Tell your friends about it for their 200 Rooms This very youtiiful-looklnpeplurn frock is fashioned of olive green wool crepe, with brown velvet the trimming note. The peplum Idea Is being exploited for all it Is worth this season. g 00-Tile Baths Radio connection in every loom. RATES FROM 1.50 Just oppoittt Mormon Tabemaci e ERNEST G ROSSITER, Mgr. Mrs. Pearl Sowers of 103 W. 2nd St.. Sheridan, Wya, says: Before my baby was bom, I was awfully nervous and weak, had frequent headaches and pains. I used only one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it strengthened me and drove away that tired, nervous condition. It also relieved me of the headaches and that heavy ache in the small of my bark." New size, tablets 50 cts., liquid $t 00. Largs size, tabs, or liquid, $1 35. Ws Do Otr Part. TDVERTISING is as essen-tia- l to business as is rain to growing crops. It is the keystone in the arch of successful merchandising. Let us show you how to apply it to your business. |