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Show 5' THE SAUNA SUN. SAUNA. UTAH ! Rains Important I LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS rrr.n f Kelt UW.I ia tW IfWK f Ur I. S. Vi -- AU.i.m. r.irfs- - n. JvrdU U, ! m Lird VUy frw Ut jil Mr Albm TW lb l- H"' --I Ft- - ft.Mrlli f cjttW I1 bmrM II (Cii.timad from buh dut rut of tU ry iM.4it the league, Mluh, ha tU r 1?-- '. f pr of yt futtfsc, util be KaM drin lie ll-)in- Thi. g. w fol f a aclth-men- li. Jw b. g lt - fv-ft4j- Ttdyr!i'v IV-ft- h ir tje tul '0t 1- ft t, - r t ln was banked high P-r- --i.fi : I iJiv ..In it 'In. jt WiU, ! U"i ha h f Ur invalid in l Up car at rrt'Vtt. Mlunirrl Sunday to Vdco Umr in thU city. l.,tt.r lr na, --I .- ii.np r romhant of ft Friday of lal wk for Jacl, I. Uui l tU uti t r, Mr. w II I! viil ith Id Tiny Sultan, anl nthrr ai ( rp-t.- for a month or at L .,r. II via arromnanu-- on tU : r trip by Mr. Matilda NVLon An-L- a d l with Mr. Alice Nrlaon atay in thp coat atat. ill vie it - n.t hr I l. h I'.roon and Wrn llumi ram They in !i m Cal.forn a Satunlay. ii.tr i !Ptl in mining drvrlopmrnl !.: n cat It r. Farn-l- atatp. l Monon Ip ft Friday f l..rt Mtt k for ld;.ho. Sht M ill wnH -uirt irr month Miih Ur huaband v.ii i i ,riitd at Salmon. t, A. W. I.tKltn of Mr C'.ltf., lr i lit, vi-iti- Wilminitlon. at thp home of her Mr. anti Mrs. Vivian Uurns. m I C. N. Ray, one of the leading hyicUns of Salt Lake, and Georg Wilson, prominent in mining circles throughout the west, were Salina visitors Saturday and Sunday. They have valuable ronl land interests in Salina canyon and Mhile here made an ex animation of their holdings. Miss Ada burgess, accompanied by her friend, Miss Catherine Jensen, I, th student nurses at the L. D. S. hospital at Salt Lake, spent last Meek- eml here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Purges. Poth Miss Pur- goss and Miss Jensen will graduate t. nurses with a large class in May. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rasmussen of visitors .' It Lake, were the week-en- d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Niels Pasmussen, purents of Mr. Rasmus-s.m- . plena AVRORA Sal-in- Presented Tonight lUlh-ntm- fr c Ih-l- p 1 : Coin of the Realm. Fools Number to Appear. The annual Fwld number of the It is not current issue, but currenNaNorth Star will appear on April 1. cy issues, that the Democratic 1031. The students will find it very conto need will tional Committee sider most seriously. Atlanta Con- amusing and refreshing after their clean-uday. It has been a custom stitution. for years to have clean-u- p day and come to number the a Fools has together The soviet government quite will have The first. on of stolen the paper April output system. It dumps this features new different and on labor slave and many property foijdgn marckts, in many cases below cost of year and its aim, everything but the production, to produce depression and truth," is quite the opposite of the unemployment, and then appeals to one used for other numbers of the the unemployed to overthrow the gov- North Star. There will be only one ernments which are the targets of more number of the North Star published this year. these economic attacks. a, p Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald are happy over the arrival of a son, born Thursday of last week at the local hospital. XIr. and Mrs. Derrall Jensen - are also receiving congratulations over the bjrth of a daughter, born i.t Miss Fawn Bench entertained for their home Sunday afternoon. Mr. the members of the S. S. club at the McDonald, Mrs. Jensen and the babies A. S. Crane home Saturday evening. are all doing nicely. Card playing, a social hour and music were the diversions, and Miss Bench PARENTS XIADE HAPPY. served a dainty luncheon for Mrs. M. Thompson, principal of the B. Mrs. Newel Morley, Guy Sorenson, Mrs. Eugene Okerlund, Mrs. Vern Junior high school, and Mrs. ThompPerns and Jiss Ardys Burr. son, are rejoicing, and incidentally they are receiving the warmest conMrs. A. J. Lewis accompanied J. gratulations from hostss of friends A. Kearns to Salt Lake City Tues- over the arrival of a fine baby boy, day. She will be a house guest at bom to Mrs. Thompson at the Salina the Kearns home1 for several days. hospital Tuesday. It is the first heir in the family and due to the fact Peterson and Jensen that the proud mother and young August Ray wf re transacting business at the cap- man are doing exceedingly well, there ital city Saturday and Sunday. is just cause for happiness. Mr. and Mr were viiting Mr. and XIr yy THE BEST BROOM ON THE MARKET! . . & Supply SalinaTheMeat Place to Trade . i by the day and also sewjftg. My residence is a the north side of the Isabella Bam- M6.f home. Mrs. J. O. Smith. For -- - "The Rexall Store" a a a Saturday Specials j J. E. Day and daughters, Venita. Dorothy, and Dell Sorenson, motored to Hinckley Sunday. XIr Day them on the return trip, Grapefruit Choice Seedless 5c each a a a Philip Mason, Sr., and son, were Provo visitors XIonday. Ray, Coffee, M.J.B. a a a Alma Sor- -. W. L. Thompson, Mr Gerald Xlason and Mrs. enson, XIr Cline Sorenson of the XL 1. A. stake' 41c can board, attended ward honor day at Redmond Tuesday evening. a a a Alma Scrcnson, G. L. Durfee and Arvil Andrews were business visitors at Richfield Monday. Soap Armorite and Dona Castile regular 10c 3 for 19c ( a a a Mr Emma Sorenson, Mr Moroni Stevens, Mr J. E. Day and Mrs. Harvey Harward were guests of Xtrs. Cline Sorenson at a quilting bee Mon- day afternoon. 10-p- a a a Shoulder of Pork or Beef "The Xlidnight Rose," a three-ac- t drama, whs presented by the home1 dramatic chib Thursday of last week. 12c per pound I dairy day rate) n (station-to-statio- Long Distance Rates have been reduced four times since late v - - and son, B.B.Shop De-voy- at the home of Harvey Harward and John Christensen Thursday of last week term was carried through with enthusiasm and the teachers and students will cooperate to make the last five weeks worthwhile. CONFERENCE a a Superintendent A. J. Ashman visited the schools in North Sevier Wednesday, March 25. He found them doing some very intensive work. SPECIAL . MOTORWAY FARE TO SALT LAKE CITY AND RETURN $7.45 Divorce comes not when they are tired of each other, but when they are not tired of someone else. TICKETS AT DEPOT. BOARD BUS AT WHITE HOUSE HOTEL Some men never get old enough to know better. Spring Clothes Yes, here you will find the newest styles and patterns made to $ your individual measure. A perfect fit guaranteed for the low price of $22.50 a suit, in the new London brown worsted and silk mixed suiting It will pay you to look us over before buying. The Fair Merc. Co. SALINAS BUSY STORE. t a, . O GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK OR PACKAGES. 1926 A-- ' r- v; . O' v-v.-- x GARDEN IMPLEMENTS -:- - GARDEN v Anything you may need, always at Mountain States general-housewor- k j : 1 Tel. & Tel. Co. head- project a a a Mrs. Eva Harward of Provo, called are quarters for staple and fancy groceries, meats and vegetable J. H. Payne of Glenwood and C. W. Cowley of Venice, were here in. of a We REMEMBER a the interests Thursday. d. Sugar sack 59c Roasts $1.00 Certified or .wEF,D POTATOES CotuifiEfcial Russet seed potatoes.' Reasonable. Thone or write. O. S. XII 2t3 Stapp, ' Marysvale. .. Prices from 4c tb $1.35 We are. till at the old. stand, and we can give you the best of. " ev rj thing jn our line, ALWAYS. Drug Company a a couple. . by Telephone Conrad Payne were nesday. Friends and relative are ex-- ! tending congratulation to the young 4 Ogden LEWIS Fri- Alma Cmwther an- Mr. and XIr nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, llortense, to Don Kennedy. The! marriage took place at Richfield Wed-- ; t t Short Seconds to Not necessary to be unemployed. Young men of ability are signing up every day. Our line of knit goods and woolens is known in twenty-fiv- e states. In business since 1903. We teach you how to selL Good territory and high commissions. Sample display at Temple Square Hotel, Salt Lake City, April 4th, 5th and 6th. If you cannot call then write to Geo. W. Skidmore, Manager, Union Knitting Mills Company, Logan, Utah. It New Stock of Brooms uBlue -Jay week. Clean SEED WHEAT seed wheat for sale. Inquire M. D. Liston. M27t2pd In Kalis Tanner of Los, the home of their guests of XIr. and XIr Alford Jensen at Ruhfidd Wednesday of last The third term of the school year . ended March 20. The teachers handed the grades of the students to the Dicklow recorder early this week. The past LONG MILES Get some ROW. . and be ready for planting! st daughter, Mr Elmer Andrrson, day and Saturday of last week. Classified Ads ORDERS taken at any time for Dahlia bulbs, mixed, $1.00 per dozen. Also Chrysanthemum root3 and other perennial plants. Mrs. C. E. West. M27t2 a 1 Belle of Bagdad n. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Monroe were in Salt Lake to attend the funeral services hidd Thursday for Allen Robins, a nephew. By Special Carres pan dent J Members of the LTrogresso club were entertained, at the regular bimonthly meeting at the home of Miss Mary McCallum Friday afternoon. Miss Stena Scorup gave an interesting review on the popular book, "OutJMemliers of the Sunday evening witting the Nerves." The discussion Freece-Arne-soflub were delightfully entertained at following as led by Dr. A delicious luncheon was served the home of Mrs. Max Cohen Sunday hostess for twelve. the by card the evening. Following game luncheon was served by the hostess HOMES ARE GLADDENED. to twelve. u-e- have pknHj of a Blue Vilrol Copper Carbonate Formaldehyde Hrc and f ul.misk.n to the rvpresenuiivt of Mr. nnd Mm. K. P. Brown of Irova, tMu at the league meet Mr. nnd Mr 0. V. Sorenon, Mr Emma Kurmaen and J. E. Day, were ing. dinner gut of Mr. and Mr Cl it Krntn Friday of last week. con-(titutr- d. known in Pea Lbulhardt, ms here from Suit Lake and visited with relatives and friends both in Redmond and Sal na last Saturday and Sumlayfy Hrrn Fain the arveral Post-Dispatc- , Georg George a riny, put in concrete frm for aby-lodge IMr Mrs, Mr, and Mr Predicts Big Things For Baker Gold Mine or -b- frnela Mlwuld Mr Mnrue; BE Kl'ItC TO TREAT XUR CRAIN FOR KMIT BEFORE XOU NIW ITS ill be p Mr. and Mrs. IJcason Purr an- r.ouiwc the b rth of a fine baby daunti- t r, Urn Thursday of last mppW. All a re fine at the Purr home. lr. ... 4 SMUT d. , (tolillituod from pagp II aim of li e lions dub to advance and . civir movpmrat anl to in a in of put t I'ntlay and lerv-sfitiien in furthering the the Franklin Mason, at nhich lme of Kalina in cooperation, advancement the F. AM. laelgp. No, 27. building, beautification and numerou of the aUte. a regularly (Continued from psge II that Mrtmld make Wandemer The Cr remonie Mere f1- - utUr movement gold mV, hkh ha op..Med by an elaborate banquet at the the city attractive to homrKehcr anl erated for the past 35 year w ith n Valante hotel, Mhbh mm attend! investor. enormous production of gold. Tb y 1x0 Msvons. f.imou Good Kring district Is also close hjr, and with this fact all are C. William made a bu!nes confident that within a reasonable trip to Salt luike Wclimaday and time shipments will le started from Thunulay. Baker. The new strike I serving as a Farrell Crane, Pally Pird, Tad Sorto prospector and Investor magnet (Continued front pag I) enson and Thad Um, Mere in Salt and Baker, as well as the territory bake to attend the basketball tourna- Jw-I- , hi favorite daughter, Kd.th surround ng for mdes, is alive with an air ment last Meek. TUy returned early Thompson; Pb prospector. Mr. Peterson is associatChrii.tmwn; mechanic, morning. plane Sunday ed with Wm. Bums in a number of It II Black, hi friend and companion. promising claims near the gold find, Mia Jewel Willanluon entpiiainml I n Cushing; Henrietta Whipstitch, and plana are being made to do som men.Ur of her a romantic ap'nstcr, Amy Xlurphy; intensive devoir pment and prospectat a social time club Tuesilay afternoon. A d licbius Dick Taylor, front the ing work. F.lm Co., Rex Jensen; chorus of naluncheon Ma aerved by the hoste etc. to Miss Maurin Ibirg, Mis Pearl tive, guard, tourists, dancers, I Webb and Mr. l HIGH SCHOOL NOTES I Jensen, Miss COMPLETES U COURSE. A. Peterson. i Ikryl I.ynn Nielson, who completed a Ulrait-uDay. pours at the University of Utah and INSTALL OFFICERS. If the weather permits, there mill has received credits for graduating be a clean-uday at the senior high Members of the Ugion Auxiliary from the institution In June, return! chonl April Fool! The girls Apr of Kalina, with Mrs. Ellen Humphrey ed Wednesday to Kalina, accompanied a genuine will the building give acand as district conimitteewoman, by his parents, XI r. and XIr. Charles cleaning and polishing while the boys Leon companied by Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen. Lynn has majored in a four will make a great improvement on Mrs. Domgaard Pryant Humphrey, business course and after re- the years Brockbank is goXtiss grounds. 0f Salina, and Mrs. Frank Thurston ceiving his diploma, he plans ta enter of the work of take to charge ing members o' of Redmond, all active the field of his chosen profession. Coach and the girl Wright will inthe local Auxiliary, motored to Fair The struct the girls will bring boys. view Saturday evening and Instituted CARD OF THANKS. will be luncheon and refreshments branches of the Auxiliary at Mt. ' We wish to express our deepest apnoon. at in the crvcd building XI rs. Bailiff, Pleasant and Fairvicw. assisted to friends state president of the American Le preciation and for the words Orchestra Content Postponed. the illness, during gion Auxiliary', was present at the of coitifort spoken and the beautiful The orchestra contest, which was gathering and officiated at the in- floral offerings made at the death XIarch 20, has been postscheduled Mrs. Humstallation proceedings. burial of our non nnd brother, poned until April 3rd. This adjustand acphrey was given praise for her Lee Osborn. ment was made because of the large tivities in 'the Auxiliary work, and XI rs. Osborn and children. number of activities which are being Joyce was credited with organizing two given near the last of the month. branches of the Auxiliary. Mrs. HumShes Unappreciative. contest will be free to the pubThis phrey also gave an interesting talk to who wants a devorce lic. Four orchestras, with 10 or 11 woman The meetthe at installed the new officers her husband has eleven 'nstruments each, will play ."Youth because ing and urged members and officers sweetheart seems to have the wrong Triumphant Overture. The', entire to be active in the work. Preceding woman wouldnt What slant. ordinary group will play the overture and the official meeting a delicious chickeleven then the winning unit will be presentwhat to be possess pleased en dinner was served to the visitors. - Houston other women wanted? ed with medals. The Lions club is giving these medals. FOR L'PROGRESSO CLUB. alt-ndi-- SMUT Ethel Mclh-nat- j, ence Draper, Ml ! Hurt, Mr, and Mr Mr, and Mr R. K, Fiwwj UK He Murphy and Mr ( Fall Lake; Woodrow Herbert nfi itil New Officers For Salma Lions Club , O, CJ. Nil-- n. formrr acquaint anrr. m... m.,1. a hem t r r tUl ir, SU 14 rai4 ,wry frmrrly . lti fet lU 1,11 ( Ur rUirr, ti.iiMr. Itrn itrV UnU liGraa Jlrjr,nl U t, IK muiilh. SMUT , fWl h-r- al rrrl 4jf It II breath, offering. int attend ; TW from ttuuid ee Mr amice funeral the ing and Mr. Wamn J, 0Um f Mr Ftt Rfbjr Bird, Mr. and Mr A. O, Wa!h, Mr Clar- r t aUn U matter for Mr snd Mr- - CH ll.rutmwn. Mr U Another formed. impoiiant bague iMUf I, IV J rfrnm-n, CWr Mar- matter P Pr d 'Uh' ta the al Ur4. Mii MiUM Mr. Mting of the pale rpceit. Fa) in . l Mr. Kv. Ur, I Jcy.l,!, fan Mill UI4 Uit that each team. bs Pr till- f ft"1" Imutrd u;jly wishaibbU, Mr. J,.hi nUn and Mr, m4 Mr.tly Um tLw Lrr I Lf the ym U playedheonUI4 . r m'r. Irompsrr'd the iworidt-sitm-1 I ivtrr-- m by lb minds, rpcrit k (vtr yl .. " tU uj4y f t ihr , ',4 lu nMiii mm Sk It home point. Thi, data ' pUyrr. Mr, id Mr. O, 0. N4r Morn- tr k. K up U H.utwi.) f imr activity t fruUtf il1 ,d out, mb t rVrhil.tf, j l. j,4 fvtil (U f , . the cvrl flub to of on the part re tLi'ina I Lk.ly ,, l(. olki:,,-- . , ill lit Mjtnmrr f rusf ;,t out a Lfff r aitfidfi, and n 0- h' h 4 ltfl ia4y grvsth red Oj.-n- , Aiirulturs! i ,il I). i. Utrr thus bu.ims. nun and ritirn to ctk. tat at4 irf r u14 4anl I. n. rri'4 in Utluta ho4aj'. vt the game. v, Lti mrp upfrt to mUI ijr. (p til f nJ tW critir nr! rwniwr meet nvt The offur ! of K, Mr. and Mr. I. !ina lhi MrtW'tt. , i'.n!'i Mhirh time the at r.k Mitday Ur U Jk (faatieiad fa till grv frt i jde.daru F r 1 1 For Beet Tonnage ;; ltr-- j Fr d r fi (Solemn Services For Lee Osborn Plan Activities Local Ball Fans LOUIS JACOBS HfATS $ t t t |