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Show V "0 ! BE A YOUR PAPER BOOSTS GOOD BOOST I K YOUR TOWN, BOOST BUV AT HOME ! YOUR PAPER! SAUNA, UTAH. HUDAY, JULY 25, 1930 THIRTEENTH YEAR Salina Puts Over Government Grants Ojj i!.c NO, Esteemed Citizen t-- Grand Celebration Prospecting Rights euf Mri.i J Kalina bundled the Apt S,ciU 1,0,4 ivui vv.d.t g I. hi i l poldc do-- IV.om'H f Will,. .i, ., f camnunitr early pi eer 1, la rrM jidat ,f 1. f'r and 4 a 3.- Rio Grande Chief Answers Last Call On Inspection Visit Tuesday afiern.x.n 1 f , t 1' i fr funeral rit IV kmc mypd Iwlmi'i oklu ef w olwried llyrum anM Mur liufl of I'wwr 4y, m ywu can b 1 1 an y, ntormej r id ten of Kabnw, MUInd that rnjofrd the Cvtt w bo died at hi home K unday, July immrtvkrly, TKe prd-- , the array of lb eitii-graIt, after almoot two j'rar of contin- I mt;a tv and the drpicth-- n ual suffering front heart dixra, Mr wa(raiding in Ik Murphy had bren brdf4 iw lat gon, tha Kalahari, and in fad ail f March and wa in a coma all day (h )arada waa a rmkl (4 your city Saturday until hi death. The ririta-me- and waa nothing (a bn aduwnj ef," rauxed at th Murphy home dedanrd A. C. Khklds Ult of lightning and gmrral manager for tbn IVnvr Saturday when w Iti4, boil'd ft tsrk the Ill of tl, the illlrpuf, loo of the J"rtn tha rplrte.i'l,t ThurxU. .yn.hrf I ImH wcinfd d. !,g rrl.J'l M the and alula grs., daybtvak, ! I me F. r. tv- f, iiitf bf It. Land at sally h ur, 11," filthni T)l I Tlii" off nr ll of IV jV fr(ivtlic avni off ul, jump" , two made some plowliioi ! and fra! iir afforded amue )csr mad psite,; o, aid a t, .iit W4 ItiFfit uni, I th lata hour of lb :oi.-i.-to the Kolitia and l k,'tvl nine, TK ah am halllr, Ued in I ha l , truck thw hum, contrary to rvport. ISM iml.bn to Grand I, hill taM of (own, drew a hua tr joint Wrgrnt raOr-o-v I, did hi r tmdi an water hattrn death. who wa ac. rv"tihd Mr. KKhld. supply, and lha furjfoou parade, ahirh Tburday. tti- Mr. who to wa It, & L Murphy, in remmuniUe, cmnpanied dy Itacry, d.t tfia'ad, fating rrivt. J. tree turned fromacrrdng IL (5. W, 2(. 172, at Katina, wa a skillof (ha P, When a raratan of ruvin-Yahingtn, wagMii ful farmer a well a a good to ir.A the , ,n file ami I. II. Buka, Mired manager i moved out from ll canyon and ami be leave drtllieg a well wm start'd many admiring the company, vtrl day r tld a camp ottr u'tM, a hn! of Wrk on nth and to friend an mourn hi If.l.ml art Mifd loving lie and ago, at Indian attacked lha emigrant Marycxale, making an mc-IhM'aga of Avtill bae bell opra' of (ha road. un. vullry after Volley of ahot a err pacing. The immediate relative who un we are hi wife, Mr. Eunice tav- - kVoik of eliminating oightiw-- of ; ly ef l.,t. At a b pdl ,f a fired. Kidnapping of girls waljo eg ite.id hillidN t:V .Nil dfllb the ter ' te fot Murjiby, ami the following thild-rrn- ; Um (wonty-ctghihg cf Writ and lha hurtling at the abng ll 1. h ihi res Mr. I.uella ftird. Eld red em1 don ng, tin one dtiung a taka rf of the raptured branch of tha P. A IL G. W, running . iliffti-t.i- l ir and were Uti Mildred, Keith, ami Iowf Mur- (4 tha coal mine, ha Urn at arid igrant, a ere wonderfully deputed einiet, w ih tin , to phy of Kalina, and Mr. Earl IVtcr-- later, heavier a ml mere i",h bole. go ard lha ad wa declared one of th and lhan Murphy of McGill, Ncv. will I aded and it U planned to ha ill. wti then g.' n to n la.v boot ever staged In Kalina. nml There inches since five are alo eight living brother th work completed a early a practime t that , Following llw liattle, the line of !) I men Alma ami Hurl Murphy, tical. Thi beidw hi and mad ,y : project l being financed parade wa formed and 11110 twenty 1! Em ami Mr. Am-- Cur-lr th Mr. toare to drilh Curtis, frm n jnol by Sevier county, the Mala mad vehicle, including handcart, covi red I Christen-Eil-lli of Mr. Kalina, Fat driie Eugrne fiw pinning of bureau ,ffit and the nman public f lranrj,r-tatiowagon and other and Archie Murphy of Cedar mad. Tha thma cmverm Kava 7l:e tion rai.M. by J. Arthur Used hy the pioneer were een through a bhok clay formation, ini; salel.-tonMr. Euphem. Kun, of Idaho, f I K.fwwv each, or an aggrein the long proce: moii. Among th eiliie if Vrtla)ing U Ktate Ag- .vre,, Mule fUh ami game com- - C,y. c.r.ijon, ni l, M at tV r ami who Ernest and studied er.ginte-hair Murphy of California. gate of f54,nto, ami the fund wdl mfloat, gorgeoutdy il corateil, were lie the .w I I. owmnh.p i, r, concerning are of the lx i f th-- l n.uitor.,1 roll, ,lllf iMrrf Mrfc Krn,., ,v,rr. be ued In rutting lwn the md Krth Fairest Flutters," a group of Willi in l! h ft nee lb' rand-ioright ling ateii A!lhu; the . wnij-non, Mr. Vcrn I vie and Arm-bl- i culling of the croftsing where they past over the young girl and Imys; MU Utah," v. i md ( n encounU-risl- . ive. of will t n sun The we!) imx,rtanre n li n.t alo. I'oir, prime everyone Murhy gnat ) if, Mi Ghnna highway, and will result In eliminatWilliam; represented by f,m I tah but in the rel of the n im-- to have bad n g ! time and m Ilisbop C, E. IVlerson had charge ing much danger. of America; M. I. A,; jit now ne.irng a ikpth of Roy Kcout and-aw- 3t the ovblh.l and d r service at the Sec I. Barker, att'r of the fum-ra- l , Judge point it wdl be re r t Miit Kalina," It la unofficially reported that soma portrayed by Mr. while nml ward .chapel. Following I , r. dmlared the ci.il in, what The educaiional. the rond.tin y reeently, very M. I. A. Junior jut carload of rlmler will he laid Wayland Mattii; 29 with the program: Kong by the choir, "Oh, for a flowing well. tif th enrampmeht wa n n- - cl - u sing the problem cluh; American legion ate tha track and that the wot k Row"; along Waleru-o-Valh-Kalina and Redmond are conildniiig ir-around the farm home, includ-- ( Ktiaw My Father"; prayer by I. A. Rasmus-en- ; will Amo and V Ruby Mart at once. Tha cinder ant Andy, Auxiliary; ri .th-- and Coinnii-iom-efforts to deeop cubnary water f r ii.g and interior song by the choir, Who Art now Taylor nd Madam Queen; Kalina being loaded at Ihe Gunnison t h'H'Thoii"; talk by K.W. Cram-- ; vocal oo rmi' Post 3, American legion; K,vnd the respective cities, and bmg h fre 1, ' company plant and will ! Sugar C. Jensen, Oil lry Tlioe uponjhy might h.i'c a nj.i.o, , nl to the home grmjn ward Keagull Girl; Relief Society; 'the well wa started eligim r to Kalina and distributed along hauled Moroni tlicre were great possibilities mal.e them attraetive. ,:V,, rei lamalion project and Tear"; talk by Fatriarch tir,rtor nj Salina band and clown." the branch track. The railroad comClaw- vocal of ojiening up a serin of well tha ' '.ViUi.im Fete rm f the exteiiMon duet Onal have by to even Larenby; iJKl( jr miht undergo the houe buino Among repre. would pany, too, it I stated, are completing give an ample supply of rn-- l V, reported tliat they had less cx- - (,j f;rr f d, bate on the floor of jon and Annie J. Peterson, Kme the installation of a lum table at tht aented in the parade w ith appropriate . water. of dissatisfaction this year'emigret m fur rlmt reason he wncj'ime. Somewhere"; song hy the choir, coal mine and making preparation Goat ye re Ihe Kalina Meat &. Supply, pure ihiin of any other year in the ltM.,ry p .ii.g to be ure that his opinion,) There I a Home Eternal"; benedie Main cafe, Victory theatre, Chri.dian for some real hauling. Mr. Emma J. Foote of Provo, Mr 'of the On aenmnt of Ibe ytever it might be, would stand the 'tion, K. J. Ottley. Mr. Shield and hi party, traveling en Furniture company, and the Burr t isliuilvs. Dnvid and Shirley Following the nervier the cortege in a building being inMh' ac Uteit. Motor company. The parade directed private ear, left for th north, Schulte of Angcb-- , mine to e.uirse of construction, the old s:t 'p,e so caliisl Strawberry question move to the North cemetery where Thursday afternoon. to west and then countermarched Sat na Tue. d.iy evening for a visit of the tented city, the tent were j nnique, Judge Parker declare, the d,rea.Md wa internal. Eugene State street and to the Second ward with Mr. nml Alma Anderson, pitched this on the lawn in the Hitherto in mlamation projects the Christensen dedicated the grave, Mr. MAIN STREET IMPROVER. chapel where patriotic services were who drove Tuesday to bring them rear of the main building. Every right of the state to control fishing which waa laden with massea of held. 1. E. Rrockbank, a prominent New pavement on the sidewalk on down. boor of time Utwoen fi a. m. and II ,a never been questioned. The pro- - beautiful flowera. attorney from Provo, gave the prinsouth side of the street and new the leehave been built wholly or in p. m. was filled with recreation, cipal address. Mr. Rrockbank gave a paint on the electric ure, demonstration, and other ,,art on public land, splendid talk, emphasizing many of added much to th have poles light forms of amusement which prowl in- 'Iiut in Slrawlterry, we have a the hardship the early settlers passed business seclook of Kalina's good and attractive to all those condition, Judge Iarker says i work through, the coming of more and the has tion. The of paving who were in attendance. Here we have a reservoir built upon effort put forth to convert the fields weeks two and on about for going It was decldul at a meeting of all what is now or will be private land. of Utah from the bleak deserts to wa completed last Wednesday with Straw-I the authorised Ihe slate extension staff, held the last When congress flowers and blooming productive the final cleaning of the sand coverof the encampment, that th- berry valley project in 11)10 the day and an talks Other plots. appropriate ing from the new cement The new June travel records for Zion Farmers Encampment was very- - much lamation service purchased 50,000 musical program added much to the i almut three hundred feet stretch entertainment of those who attended National Iark were completely shat- - worth the effort put inti, it by th- acres of farm land from the Indians six feet wide, and cost an-- , and long tered during the past month when extension service to make the same, at $1.25 an acre. This cost was charg- the chapel exercises. The city and tho (500. proximateiy aml the ,aa1 an'1 ed the wil1 afinst ,u'xt, l'ar The afternoon was given over to 0.107 people entered the park, an in- - !t business houses which front on the bt,helJ aajn the projerty of the efforts will be made to plan foiiio was to new pavement will pay for the imsports. for young and ojd. Races of crease of 0,0rt or 31 per rent, ovor wlien waterusers title to the project to farm of interest features specinl all kinds, pulling matches and an in- the same month last provement. D. M. Anderson was conyear, has passed to them. famjies. baseball 'of afforded for the work. tractor teresting game' announced by E. T. Scoyen, park mi- The waterusers now claim, as I The Fovicr'rounty grolip was a lit- lots of amusement. One of the big perintendent. understand it from the letter writ- smaller this year, probably features at the park, where the sports Mr. and Mrs. John Ewles, Blaine In discussing the total park Irav-- (tie Mr. Mecham, full owner- Sunday's Results. proportion to the decrease in were held, was the game of baseball he Ewies and Harvey Heath departed states: superintendent Contrary dam,c from tho cnUre Salina, 15; Ephraim, 10. T1()S,. ship of the fishing privileges on the between the kids" and a picked team to the north Wednesday morning. the for o held some while are wl,Iin by impression Llsinore, 9; Gunnison, 5. rctriptered from Salina were Kl- - resen'oir and The old scouts learnof will be absent until Saturday They pie this increase does not represent ,pn M the into with an cnter agreement ed that', they were outclassed, as the oral Himn()rcy, Edith, Ellen anl,to and will visit Coalville and Salt Lake people, who are thought to be Rath state on the fishing rights the state Next Sundays Schedule. Scorup. counted every time they enter the (Continued on page 5) City. must understand and admit that Nephi at Gunnison. park. No such duplication of count these rights are on the sufferance Elsinore at Ephraim. . REIT RN I ROM IRII is allowed under the regulations. AI- of the waterusers association and not though Utah always contributes at Mr. and Mrs. Othello Madsen and allowed because the state has any In the game of ball that was markleast half of our park travel, our rec- - daughter, Jeanine, returned last cl, dm on the fishing. ed with a bushel of hits home runs, ords still show that out of state There are many complicated legal Thursday from an extensive trip and singles, travel has increased It per cent the tir)Uh Pacific Coast states. They points involved which I do not care a defeat at the local met Ephraim Also last year. a very careful check drove to Los Angeles first and visited to d.souss before issuing the formal diamond Sunday and by the Salina has shown that barely 2 per cent of1-- ; friends there. Then they toured opinion. The fact that the Strawberry Salts, by a score of 15 to 10. The cols h coal, black bass, the counted travelers over the Zion- - north Some 300 Five carloads of through California, Washing-- people filed on the water for irriga-M- lege city lads clouted 19 hits, while Carmel highway are people going ton and Oregon, and among Utahs gamest fish, were Sevier the tion from and not the for the Valey propapurposes product thoroughly enjoying the visitors were credited with 15. removed from Redmond lake Monday th rough on business trips, the remain- - tHe (Continued on last page) in Salina canmines Coal scenery and cities of that section. companys a for a was It time, kept game that, jnd taken to the Glenwood hatchery der being vacationists, bent only on the fans in high glee, the scores turn- yon, were shipped over the branch and placed in a large pond, where a seeing the canyons of Southern' ing at intervals, and all were guess- line to Salina Monday of thisi week. thorough test will be made in an enuntil the sixth inning when Faux, ing .So deavor to propogate them. The fish Mondays shipment made a total of th,t new recruit pitcher for Ephraim, the are of the fry size and they were suc- tal travel to Bryce Canyon park dur-- ! eight carloads sent from the properblew up. In the sixth stanza of the in the month was removed, ing being placed 8,573 people, cessfully ty during the past few weeks, and game, with Ephraim leading by two considering the fact that the product tanks used by the state fish and which figure was only slightly he-runs, the Salina boys pulled them- was taken out in doing development hind the Zion park figure. The past game department in transporting. selves together and clouted the new work for more extensive extraction, Bill Sorenson, deputy game warden month was the first time that ac-at wi,1.and st!nt scouting Pitrht!r volumes for the operators and and in charge of the Glenwood hatch-- curate counts of visitors to this park Six hundred dollars for a quart ja nan, whose entry of a quart jar of took speaks Hansen then to a"other for the opening up of a big producer ery, assisted by Joseph Reck, seined have been made and no reliable rec- - of canrtod food! Can one jar of food troon pens was chosen as the best to iitered by the girls and women from1' PltchinK P''t'o", ).ut Jaded the fish at the Redmond lake. There ords are available to use for com- - be worth that? and a splendid payroll. The five cars of the chock Salma, received at the D.. & R. G. W. station heavy hitting are several thousand of the fry size parative purposes. Travel records in Thi is a question that is agitatng dl sections of the United States. joys in Salina, ' were consigned to Manti The holding of the contest in Iowa an finally the co ege city since word goi at the. lake and when the test is com-- both parks show every state in the Salina too but out Peterson, latq. oflbr()UKht and Richfield. According to H. E. pleted on the first shipment, and if union represented, District of Colum- - around that six hundred dollars ii dris year is due to the influence hurled a Christensen and Nyles will general be taken an.ljbia, Territory of Hawaii, and ten for- cash would be paid for the best jar !!"nry Field, Shenandoah farmer, successful, others Lewis, Karne though he did allow mary manager for the company, the coal and KFNF armuoncer whose. of fruit, vegetables or meat entered in the second National Canning Con- career is one of the romances of Am- - tuts. He struck out seven of the op- company has many unfilled orders in .750 of an batted average LEAVE FOR IDAHO. Sevier and Sanpete counties and or'test, which is being hld at Sheoan- erican life. Imbued with the spirit of ponents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Hansen, Mr. and doah, Iowa, under the auspices of the thrift, he readily agreed to serve as and made a homer. Max Sorenson ders have already been received from and hit an av- as far north as Salt Lake. for the', reason that no protection is Mrs. J. M. Christensen and C. M. Household Science Institute, president and to oversee the innumer- proved in form also, made a home cirand .750 of We have crews now working on offered in preventing them going Hansen, left Saturday for a trip to The contest seeks to further thn able details connected with a project erage Rill the cuit. hitter, Gates, trusty the installation of the heavy mathrough the outlet used for irriga- Idaho points. The party will go to work of the U. S. Department of of such size and scope. Four hundred and seventy ' prizes, sent the hall over the right fence and chinery," said Manager Lewis, and tion and into the ditches, where they St. Anthony, vhere several days will Agriculture and the home denwn'tn-die- . would ' he spent visiting with Mr. and Mrs. tion agents throughout the romd-by the first of August w hope to 'dialling $1,250 in cash, loving" cups was making a record run that he have to a but him entitled have homer, nil ribbon, will he distributed to the The seining of the lake early in the Emmett Robins, former Kalina resi- - by focusing the attention of Anri everything in place and complete held at third. for heavy extraction. As this demand spring resulted in the removal of tons dents. Outing and fishing trips will can housewives on the economy an i dinners in the contest, which com- was accidentally Emell Mortensen, stationed on sec- increases for the coal, which we are of carp and suckers, and it is be- - be enjoyed from this point and before healthfulness of home car.rr-- fond prises three major divisions fruits Fir.--t prize winner in the Natif nil vegetables and meats. The best entry ond base for the Ephraim bunch, waa confident will, we will be in shape to lieved that if proper protection is returning the party will make a tour offered by screening, a big majority of Yellowstone park. They PXfmct to canning route1 1 last yar was Mr-- . 'n each division will be awarded the star performer for the visitors. supply and produce approximately 400 tons, daily. be absent ten days or more. of the bass would mature. (Continued on Last Page) (Continued on page 5) Mary Ihass, Hu nan, Wis., farm wo- - fu c--f l.i-fi- - S-- I.-- ) 1 n pli'-Jo- I il lt fi-- lm Fei,-ruar- y I d tet, pin fr nt rvM 1 citi-fe- b-- 4 fr m ln - t fr Mur-j-h- fi-- Logan fncampmenl fishing Rights Are 5 ii ,btild -- rring d-- n Proves Big Success (Unique, SaysJudge - I mm-miado- J n . 1 e - - . 1 - w.-e- 1 f n nl-- r - d 1 1 i- - to-org- e 1 - 4-- lx-rr- r 1 ii- - eni-nc,"- I 1 g er' fi j J. v ! ! Hi-Ih- I- I - r - j copper-colore- d Imh-t- roe-A- - atten-ltomcb- ll y Io-,wh- s. five Cars of Coal Redmond Lake Bass j Taken To Glenwood Are Shipped Monday j ' j small-mout- 1 high-clas- t. i T ... J National Canning Contest btirs 1 1 1 I home-make- 1 rs splei-Turcha- - nt - j i . t vice-presid- |