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Show fiat iiifiA Redmond j f Siwlil Crrrisf mdsrt) (By I Urinrf Rasat, ll.e UcJtuuhJ frcvikt rr th hunting r4 fimr u Prly M net iiinx win MMIMm I , grJ tu-ikii- U UU i I Friday afternoon. Tht given by their teacher, wi tUmonl Jriuea, reward for to JJevlco realise RECENT fititg or la their lo help ta baildieg rwivtaj a high y mnlh!y ipclluur leL hiMico prosperity oui4 bo oao j III buM up Tolled 8uie pmiporlfy. a Tb plr of cHrBriM beauty. fortuity, mineral Th pupila f th first aa4 tecond .&. Th Meticaa po. nd other v a of the district achool. Trade Uiiful (lo Bio bold, pteat tod worker, nd hundred of thousand surprise party for their teacher, MU of Mexican coaid. aod gladly would, Kmert Jensen, Friday afternoon. A bcUUc1 akUJod trade, atlliniy luncheon waa rrvtd and Jolly l,aJi game arm played. .. . torn f th billion that our w,aHra era lead ao cheerfully to Europe, not a to get then bach, could bo lent Although many of tho Redmond to dealer advantage and more aafely, oj.l could not attend tho 100th to Mexico, To help la building a anniversary conference of th JJor greater and wealthier Mexico would non fhurxrh Salt Uke City, they bo to creato eew and rich market tK. far tho lolled State. a radio, ins talk'd : very near good road la Mexico trough 1 th lb for bUhoprlc chapel by would mean many American autotno b;le old. Every Mexican, helped by U.l occasion. cmiIU to attain prosperity, would oew customer for American Iie.u Vi9 fu,,owir)jr rfnf vU. . mede good, pending th building up n ., . . of all Industrie la Mexico. )or Chriatenaen, President J. F. Fcter n Mr. and Mr. Ernest Frandaen, Thla la th continent that tntemt u And th nation that should Lev Mr. and Mra. Elmer Nielson, Rev our rlncer aad generou cooperation, ar our nearest neigh bora, Canada oa tho north. Mexico on th oath. To build, Donh end south, with tht Id of our unlimited wealth, th honor sad two deserved friendship of the countries, would b to nuke this North American continent forever In vulnerable to attack. A fine baby boy wax born Than . . day, April 3, at tho Sallna hospital, n ttt jrrcntf . imunu4 ttCD (BCndDODS 8Q ria tub la) u rtrti money? Wfeleh 'T"' ... . '?n a! U Particularly l,iat day " . I7b.,c I car In buytnft a t facte tbe following low-pric- ed con-eld- er self-adjusti- It U wise to chooee a motor for til cylinders ere necessary to take out vibration end roulbneae. smoothness will save tbe motor tho chastity tbe bodyy tbe passenger and the driver all-cylin- Six-cylind- low-pric- ng With low euspenslon and extra wheelbase, Chevrolet Six has excellent proportions. er mark of modern cart. The gasoline tank la In the rear for safety and finer appearance. ed . ' V Chevrolet beauty Instantly says Body by Fisher" costly car style, with the permanent quiet of Fisher composite six-cylin- steel-and-wo- ,ntr. six-cylin- Body by Fisher also gives you a genuine pistons crankcasa g long-wearin- air cleaner. You can really havo extreme economy and still satisfy your Ideal of truly modem transportation. Chevrolet economy is also ths mark of Chevrolet sincerity in manufacture To Illustrate t Chevrolet valves are readily accessible and adjustable. This w good-nature- saves replacing valves There Is Just as much extra value everywhere in the car. BY ANY STANDARD value In the low-pri- ce Six with Its motor . . . with full scientific equipment. .with its Body by Fisher with four long springs, long six-cylin- der makes It possible to preserve the efficiency of the engine. a valve-ln-he- ad seml-elllpt- lc ruilj fnJ rf Brtkm A similar example Is found In Chevrolet's molded brake lining reducing the necessity of frequent replacement and consequent expense. Jwi Six la the greatest field. the Chevrolet It U wise to choose the Chevrolet and also . non-gla- re windshield, adjustable drivers seat more space, deeper and wider cushions, clearer vision, finer fabrics and fitments. ng ventilation od construction. smoothness and power With all Its the New Chevrolet Six usee no extra gasoline or oil. Efident design makes this possible-overh- ead valves high compression power from any fuel very latest carburetor close-fitti- - tht Its Impressive front view la distinguished by the genuine honeycomb radiator another The Chevrolet la a six-- And yet It sells at a price that anyone can afford to pay. car lasts longer not only This very because of fine materials and overtire parts but also because It Is a six-- Its big smooth engine Is alwaye Is no There It feeling of strain. taking easy. V Red-fello- rar rrprroonto Ike oonadret livesmeal la sailalaedse and pride of ownerehlp? a happy the wedding anniversary of Sir. and Mr. Tcterson and in Sir. Peterson' birthday. . Alt MU d,H,hlf,ll, mil., to In honor of her Thursday straight lino, on perfect roads. U all tailed D nner was served about b.rthday. can do at you present .. 4:30 o'clock and coven wen laid for The unemployment problem la via eighteen, fble, even on desert roads. Men aek- J? Jensen, hi, mother, Mr, IL carrying nothing. The older mon, s- ttni Florence Herbert of Jt,,scn. familiar with a bard We. min. bei motored to Salt Uke Friday (he Salina, as bundle., often a. big ding, extra ahoea, clothes, etc. Th-l- r to attend conference. They returned lot la made harder by tho ware of home Wednesday. crime, which makes automobile drlv- era afraid to carry their lesafortunato George Batchelor viaitod in men. Stories of nd durin r?ek?!,d Mrs Ind drivers, robbed, or ahot and robbed as Jones him to Salt returned with a result of giving .a lift caused ths ke ho .' ?Ir' and cane Sunday, and to harden their hearts majority ., in com. uaj : l . drive on. M. Nielson. . Will Haya, who knows what 99 per cent of Americans want, promulgates a new picture morals code to meet Arthur Peterson was a business the talkie emergency. The audiences Is tor at Salt Uke during the week. of 22,000 theatres In this country, and . lina Jensen, who has been v s.tin human being that sea 250,000,000 American pictures weekly throughout datives at Provo, returned home ith him Tuesday. the world are not to be corrupted. trip. Presently, when tho new high- way I built, from Seattle, along tho Pacirie, through Washington. Oregon, California, Mexico and on down to Panama, you will bo able to tako a Tbe new Chevrolet Six Is full of such evidence that true motor car economy comet from modern advancement and refinement. Lika the finest care the Chevrolet Six provides the comfort and protection of four springs controlled by hydraulic shock absorbers. They art mounted lengthwise In tbe direction of ISmI car travel, and PiUm)h StWflM maintain shackles quiet. spring rar flies ikeBeerforcy Stemd Whirls , .... This makes It unnecessary to take the axle apart to eumlne or clean It. Alter a!U It U perfectly eimpU cutter to decide which automobile to buy In todoy'o market. Only two qoeetlom must be answered to your eetUlactloo ROADSTER 0 gaa wheelbase low suspension, other all the tank honeycomb radiator and features of this day and age. OR PHAETON rear-mount- ed See your nearest Chevrolet dealer today and drive a Chevrolet Six. Ten minutes at the wheel will show you what a difference elx cylinders make. No sympathy with orime, no presArden Frandsen and Mist Conda entation of crime heroes. Tanner of Salt Lake City, were din- InUw must not be ridiculed. This Furthermore, there Is a rear axle guests of Mrs. C. E. Christensen cludes prohibition. Inspection plate on the Chevrolet. (..a. fict.rr, nut. Mickiii Marriage and the home must be Wednesday. held sacred. Adultry never Justified. No whits slavery, no ex abomin(729 SMS Th Special Sedan Jennie Johnson, who is attending Th Coach.... (S wire Mi ttundar) ation. Inow college, was a week-en- d MS Th 389 guest Coup Tha Light Delivery Chassis Nat ridiculing of religion or clergyat the home of her mother, Mrs. H. 895 999 Th Sport Roadster men. Tha Sedan Delivery iy. Johnson. 899 829 No pointed profanity." Th Sport Coup The 1 Ton Chassis No obscenity, no dances Including 829 528 The lVi Ton Chassis with Cab Th Club Sedan.... '.. movements that could reasonably be 84 .Viop Orrin F. Peterson, who has 879 The Roadster Delivery (fkk-v- p Bom eatra)...,t,. The Sedan.. called obscene. oeen confined to his home for tho Ml prices . o. b. factory, Flint, Michitan, Cruelty to children and others, third past three months, has now recoverdegree torture, electrocutions, hang- ed from his illness. Everyone in the ings, must be treated carefully ward is very anxious that he will TVDTVO Moses, coming down from the mouo- - soon resume his work as bishop, tain, could hardly do better. And the new code of morals Is accepted volunMrs. C. E. Christensen was hostess tarily by the motion picture Industry. at a merry .birthday party WednesThe motion picture magnates were wise when they selected Will Hays day, April 2, in honor of her daugh, to keep them on the straight moral ter, Thelma. I path. Mrs. Albert Poulson entertained at Without Interfering with Will Hays a birthday party for her soil, Willis, moral code. It Is permissible to tell of Sunday afternoon. Luncheon and a new plan. games were enjoyed, after which a Novelty has Its charm. Charles M. photo was taken of all - the little Debate, L' Progresso Award. The next high aprons will be in evidence in the high principal of the elementary schools Curry and Harry Morhan decided that student is Opal Christensen, who also school building where the girls will of Salina during 1912-1and well' North Seviers debate team swings the time had come to kill and rob guests. chase She and known remarkable will as a The record. dirt Southern Utah. gloom boys away. into the fray with Monroe Thursday throughout their partner, Angelo Freni. lone Christensen came home Fri- - in an effort to arrive at some decis- - iv a tribute to North Sevier from will wield the rake and Uke instru- senior They had Freni carry a shovel to an day for a visit with relatives and ion concerning Utahs compulsory ed- The, Liona club ments at the city park, after which NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 3. auomobile, telling him he waa to dig friends at Redmond. She returned to ucation awards the best boy a pin a luncheon will be Berved at the high The team, problem. negative ' up some buried soup, a high exploswhich this Salina Lead Zinc Company "iU year to George schooL composed of George Smith, Clarence ive to be used on a bank vault In the Provo Tuesday. who the Smith held score for high Mott, with Ritch Harward as attimautomobile they beat him to death, as NOTICE is hereby given that at a SUMMER RANGE IN IDAHO. Peter Willardson and Ray Black- goes to Monroe to meet Monroe's scholarship and activities among the they supposed, then burled him, using bum motored to Fillmore Wednesday affirmative team. Monroes negative sedor boys. The commencement pro- the shovel to dig his grave. A. Mattsson made an inspection meeting of the Board of Directors, on March, 1930, Freni, who had only pretended to on business. , team comes to North Sevier to debate Sram will be worked out in detail 0f range conditions in Idaho Satur- be dead, and was put In a shallow 811 assessment of one cent per share I local with the affirmative team. These day and Sunday. After the shearing hole, dug bla way out and the would-b- e on aU the outstanding . debates are the first of a series to be L. season, about May first, Mr. Matt- - was killers confess. Freni, In tbe hos stock of the corporation, pay- i An decide invitation has been extended to held Seviers wiU sson to Mattsson the herds HIGH SCHOOL championship ship pital. Is proud to be the only man to the Treasurer of this eom- debate squad. The winning team wins to the seniors from Snow college for southern Idaho for the summer. The I NOTES ever dead, buried and self exhumed. ce n Salina, Utah, oil f the right to represent Sevier at Salt Senior day, at which time the seniors sheep will be loaded at Juab and pany at ts Ills mates confess, and he must go to or 5th the day of May, 1930. schools from enterdifferent be school on will Lake Jail with them later. They told all A. To Be Held. high day. camp headquarters will be at Dubois. which this assess- ny about his crimes. That honor among t,tck upon tained Mrs. Mr. The last P.-and Miss Mattsson and royally. A. meeting for this reman thieves" seems to lack essential qual school ient unpaid on the 5th Blanch Mattsosn left Salina Friday year will be held Thursday, Valedictorian Chosen. Jties. day 19f30 (April 17th, in the new Gym. Each of de,1qu'ent After some discussion the commit- - G. M. Wright and his students are and were accompanied on the motor s e at pub ic auc- There is terrible waste In our the three towns of North Sevier arc tee for choosing the valedictorian and to be complimented on the work done trip to Idaho by Misses Mary and and squandering of oil resources, Compe- - to furnish a part of the program, other seniors to be honored, made a in the Opera, which was presented Ruth Mattsson, students at the Logan lon an.d loro, will be sold on the 26th day of titlve drilling, unnecessary number of which promises to be highly enter- point system which eliminated all Friday of last week. The solo work college, wells might be avoided by cooperMay, 1930, at 10 oclock a. m., to pay Mr. Ottley, president of the guess-worRecords were studied and is to be commended particularly and ation under government direction. In tabling. the delinquent assessment, together Li e chorus consisting of about 50 SCHOOL OFFICER VISITS. the Santa Fe Springs oil region, about association, explains that this last Millie Domgaard was chosen as valewith the cost of advertising and exmade unusually good support Los Angeles, at least (100,000,000 meeting is to be interesting and j & .dictorian, hav.ng a record both for 0; II.,Feterson, supervisor of the penses of sale. might have been saved on needles pood time for everyone. Following ttfe scholarship and for activity. During for tbe leading characters'.. bos department at the state Indus- Wm. J. BURNS, I ' triai school at Ogden, was looking drilllng alone and the waste of gas Is program there is to be a dance in years of high school she has Utah Salina, Secretary. frightful, and thus far unavoidable, new gymnasium at which time the received only one B, the remainder of The weather man seems to have re- - after important matters in Salina A7U Each 4,000 barrel well In Kettlemaa parents and teachers may strengthen her grades being A. Millie has not lented and old man Sol has seen fit Tuesday. While here, Mr. Peterson Hills pours out 100,000,000 cubic feel that bond between the school and been a scholar but has taken an to clear up the damages of April 1st was greeting many of his former only Babe Ruths salary question was of gas dally, practically all wasted. home as wed as enter into a pleasant c''-n student clean-u- p and extra he annual as body educain was active p.rt ,..end3 tla settled without another Young eon- day b in httam Sricsn, Iml) (C. curricular work. She will receive the w ill be held April 'll. Pans, soap and;tional circles in Sevier county and . ference. MftMI II tSalma Utah gangster-inside-killin- g 3, d" all-arou- at, .d laf lkd 1 ; ae ero P.-- T. k. the'-herfou- . 1 |