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Show ' THE SALINA SUN. SAUNA. UTAH ways In my secret heart there- - has been a place all swept and garnished and empty, Nance. SincA The day In Blue Sorie canyon when 1 first beheld you rocking the child In your lup this secret place luis. . been gloriously full. Nance Nance 1 have been like a worshiper" without, laying my. forehead to" the sill. All the thingsI have dreamed of I find. iq you the strength, tile sweetness, the courage. You nre beautiful as few women lq this world are beautiful and you jire too good for any man. But I have dared to love you.. . He ceased and turned his' .lips . .agnlnst'her. cheek. . For Nance Allison ..the stars were singing together a the dawn .of creation, the 'glory of the spheres had ap . peared. before her.' . Ans'wec hie girl, said Brand fair tremiflously,. tell m? whats In yffur said, hes fust asleep yet .ahd I ctru feed him when he does get up. They talked gayly all through the meal, reviewing the wonder thuthad come to Nance, and it seemed a new future was opening before them all. "Brand seems like one of us already," said Mrs. Allison,- "an I thiftk with Joy what a. help he'll be to you an Bud th. land is irich'an will keep us all in plenty with. a man Jlke.Jilm to mpnagg an to stand between us an Sky Line. An hes like your pappy was kind an still, .a strength an a hope for qs! If Bud is willin' well offer him share an' sliare." "Sure, said the. boy decidedly". . When he had once capitulated Bud stood firm," wholeheartedly bucking his ' decision. . I Just .dont seem able" to" grasp It all," said Nance happily, "It seenisTITTe-.ouwhole life has changed overnight. heart." There "Is . light where darkue'ss wus, "J Is said Nance, I think .It Is hope" again where about, given it thedlght Jroin he open gates of Barn,-- , up and now well never have to .give .dike the smile of God Himself be- up. Sonny." . ". cause I am so Jiappy That's so !" cried Mrs Allison, .an said Falj, "heres I hadn't Jhought, of : that-- H Never "Sonny, where you talie a back" seat for onee, seemed Uk we would any way bless . and he rolled the child, stili sleeping Liu. "like the healthy llttU uniip'al hp was, asked a'fresh llttlevolfe from ."Me?" ' (Tver on the lloorj the' doorway, an"d the child stpod there, ' V . . . ruinpte-headeIn his .small nightgown Vhen.the man arose to go some made from flour. sacks. The faded. red aeons later he. gaVe Nunce thApackage lettering stll.l stood frajkly out across Which lie hap taken .from 'a pocket.. diminutive. stomach. . . . Yes you," quid Nance, "come here he said, and Ke'ep It, sweetheart, " opeq it if happens to Ine. lt to your own Napce."t cont-aiinfqrmation vital to Sonnys 'Sonny sidled In, holding up. the hinlife a"nd future the adilress-o- f ihe dering garment with one hand1, the New York. lawyer who knows ajl my other8hut.over, some small "astlcle. irffairs and his," and As Nance lifted him fo her lap be of the proof he hpld which ean 'sent! Cattle laid this on the tables edge. lot beKatq and Arnold and See," he sal.d, the pFepy lady. She hind the bars for life. Take It. straight "to Sheriff Selvvood if you" have to act-fome, and if he te alive and conscious. If "not, Tiossick will do in fils stead. Hes a good man. There's a picture in that package. Nancethe face of Sonnys'motlief. "Butnot figuring. that yflpll have mny call "to open it not by a' long shot. TJiIs Is all by way of wise precaution, ypu know. Now give me one more kiss. . Brand .Fair rode awa and the girl he left upon the cabins step tvas tao ar adrtft- cm the seas of. happiness to realize" fliat he had not told her the one" thing vital who was Sonnys i I I I ! .' Copyright by the McCall Company . WNU Barr Ice. ... 5 . ; A lltUe. later fossick knew all that Brand and the sheriff knew concerning the hidden passage thaf opened into Blue Stone and he was softly profane . with, amazement. r good-grace- ' , n ' -- " - . 1 - . , It was nighty again and'"the stars Vere, hung like lanterns in .the sky. .' " The littPe wind coming tip. the soft wiijd that Nance river, ;lie-littlAllison loVed. .. . . .Once more she sat in. the. doorway with Brand. Fqlr beside her.- There was fto light on the tablg this time, jso that she could. not 'see his ace with its quiet dark eyes, its thick .hair above and the straight line. of his lips "wjth their gentle smile. Rut the feepof his arm against her own'aq he lield.thp "set up that sleeping ' longing ip her, 'he glowing paiueless glory of . unknown Joy which had becomeof late . a. saduesg. fch'e .was filled with vague sorrows . an premonitions, as If, .paving found .the priceless possession, of fills' mans she was About to companionship, . lqse it.' . It ..was not 'death wholly tltat she feared, bjit a more 'subtle thing, an inhibition of, fhe 'spirit a gulf that . seemed, td lie all shnd.w'y 'between Ihein m.vsteriops gulf wherein the Imperious face of Kat'e Cathreyv .swirled aniid the shadows. . ' Fair spoke and she shook ;off hpr dApres$lnj forebodings. . Nance, he sylff softly, so low that his deep voige wns scarce more. than a whisper, I have wanted to. tell you more qf my life hpd Sonnys fo a.lorrg , time, but somehow.. U feemeff too bail to add .another's, burdens. to thoste which you already hear, even tfpiugtf However, the time seems "vicariously. . nearly ripe.for imtorenp the Reward. one yvay or'another, of those' years of "effort apd hardship which I have spi'nt . running Kate CathreJji. eftirth. What this reward .will be I dont know,- - of course. Noone can foretell. The men bf Sky Line. ace a hard bunch,.' crim-fnal- s and worse. TheJll'neer,be dug out of that nest of theirs without a fight and a hard ope. "Sojoehodys go-- . ing-tbe killeil, thats certain! lie .heard .the girl catch bar breath In a. little' gasp, and shifting Sonny, he. ' put his arm around her! .Ho.wever it does come out, 'theres . one thing I want touell yob, a. package. I" want to give you. fur safekeeping. . ' ". Will you "listen; Nance? The big girl nodded dumbly.' Her heart "was throbbing painfully, the breHth labored In her lungs. A trem- . bllg set up along her muscles,' and .the stars seemed to dunce'on.the black " velvet fff the sky. . . . . r Gently-"Faileaned down "until his ' face was against- her heek, tightened motw-ns-lik- . What was she In her loneliness and " poverty, that such a man as .Brand Fair might find hef worthy? . What hAd slie ever done ."of valor tliht one might admire her? She had merely, bepn a (Jyudge, whYk-Ing put hef soul to" carry on her "fathers "dreams .of empire, to holcl fast the place which he had'left to her "and . hers. "She had only labored and stood firm,, watching with.! anguisHed eyeh the fruits 6? those labors being "destroyed had made no etfdrt. to strike back . at her efiemies..- And despite all.thik, .Brand I'air Joved her . .. Loved her and had laicf his l!p tq Iters in the flrsjt o loye-kis- s of her life! Verily was she blessed beyond all reason" and. she lifted'up'her heart hi the.half-brepd- ... " - ... r no-srr- MOTHER FletcherS Gastoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for pistor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops ahd Soothing Syrups, espe- dally prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. . uth-re- thun-"derln- work-tiardene- d thp-sma- . "To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend '. . Exactly "I see. that tlte man who shot and killed his brotlier-indawlio'had been living on him. for ten years, was ac. quitted. on the grounds of fense," stated" Farmer Fumhlegate. . Flint. Farmer Yep!" replied ' It . Why Can't We? Roseoe Pound, the brilliant head of the Harvard Law school, talked at a dlpner in Boston about the millions self-dethat the American people, with unflagging z.ea!,- - lose every yearln bogus stocks. . "When a mdn ."shoots a brother-in-laThe people .learn by doing, said who is. livfng on him it l always In Mr. Round. .Why qant they learn by Kansas City .Star, being done? w n n. ...... ... , 1 wfliite-skinne- -- , Viiip-penq- hltn-t-he- . In bed four months . now a man ld arid-cam- e ..Gives Tanlac full credit,. . efild-unde- Ferdinand. He spent hundreds of dollars fee king relief .but every at-- . 'tempt fqtled until he tritd Tanlae. ... !... . This great tonic brought him im- - . mediate relief. After seven"b'ottles,n , he says, I am a well and happy r?mn I will gladly talk to anyone" , , personally and will q ns tier all" letters regarding rtiy fxpertence wth Tantact For it proved s "god-sen-d . to me." . . . ""... e't he-wq- s .Its ... - feed-gette- '... age-old- .. , ' . t. ''.."". ..... : . Over twelbe years of stbma'ch misery "had made a physical vfreck of Jacobm ". " - s.-'- electric lights in order to make a spectacle of the falls at night Twenty-fou-r searchlights were used and the effect was startling. 1 ..." .r.w-s- Niagara Lights Itself Power generated from Niagara falls water power wus recently thrown back onto the falls in the form of colored e been chief In the old . I or. a moment the laughter still diOs. Noon fame and passed .and Kale drew her lips, the soff'llght of happi' . ness s'tJU Illumined her eyes. . CatUrejv. tjid not eat. Watchecf sun She the .. Themtlte light and the faughter were 'drop over, erased from her "features as Jf an in- towaciT flie west, the plne shadows turn oil the slopes. . visible .hand had wfped fliern. And then, far down, she caught the In their place came fifst a blank- mess, an Incredulity then, is rHtliza- - sound of. hoofs And rose straight .up . g tlon Bn"d...nempry struck home to liqr from her chair," one imBd o"n ijer praise.. The action was her enly hgaft. a the" she lfsel'f was. deatM holy of bnrin, night. sjient'upop Jt swept angplsb . .concession. to the fierce emotlon which . . . . her "knees In. the soft darkness, with" across her face. . was eating hert . When Sud Provine her hands clasped on She stared with dilating pifpjls-a- t "" ame.out of the. pines below with Blue-fir- e the anefent coverlet and the long gold . plcpire. and his rider itr convoy she was lashes, trembling. And vet upon her. ' Nance P cried her inothef..Nance !" seated . again 4;i the broad-ffrmean was an.adortf-tioIt clieekg. offertory, .She rajsetL her. eyes and hfoked qt all Intents as calm as moonto and "a covesa'qt. Mrs. AJIJson tuid the latter felt a chill rocker, on snow. light. the houas She felt of fear. . pass with Ijenedlc-tio.LnvCrepce. Arnold dismounted stiffly Take Sonny, Bud. sheVMd klow-l." .mid luindedthe reiii to Provine, then' t fitted firs . At he Sl she ,grA(v and .get tils clothes.. her at hef llp' cor- - . Biid, tactful ami." iuiet. did, us, she raised Jils e.vtfc and looked at her. . facq and with Over.hltf aqdiline fea-- , ners she murmured the ancle'nt words' asked, .r.nd,. when she was'ahme with, of Eiavld's Immortal thanksgiving! her mother 'thegirl held out Jhe pic- times Ihefe passed a , smfle . of the cooled! "understanding.." . ' . "The King shall Joy In Thy Strength, ture. . . ' " , He knew the volt-ancovered in. ami fn flow "Bhind last salvntum ; ,.Oh, Lord and. tolyl.'nje Thy iyi?h!.. sire For Tliotl said haltingly, that" a packagj'lie gave shut, from 'sigjt limbm yds womans greatly shaM- - lie .rejoice! cool extetior-thl- s woman who was his d hast made him most, blessed "forevei;; me fo ut.ien Iff case unything . woman. , , , fine" to Thou hast made him exceeding glpd the of f e rose kata Collie " languidly. ith T3iy . countenance. Tlioq hast n f Sonfi.frf "mother. This, is Cattle to. meet film and Iter brilliant eyes re,, deslrte of- - his .heart: Kate (la threw.. . . given him thf the understanding to frhe nlh " Seluh.. My good Lord .Amlghty !". ejacu- - turned, .were, full pf passion, of degree . . she said. irr. Vreakfast. Iqted Mrs. iMlifoih Shammy; . . promise." "INte got fo tell ..you "something you . . no.ddeil. Naneg r VMan. she her breath, as . .. "Then wlgis his father?" . and Bird. , their" liaiqls met,. Oh, nianj Its been" . "Who d.vifu a was sof.t yudiance about her suppose. Mattuny?". There, so long !" , long hl'u.e eyes, a" helilos;s surrender to qsk.ed the glrKmiseralify, jTmafrlud ' fhe smites that would keep pouting :qn .its Brtiml the man nvjio gay he ' .That wus all" for the "prying, eyes Ilmf eotunaifsed . ' . . ; loves, me her: features. . . them. . . house fliother. came nterdlhe nnjl Minnie old. Her mother Tooffed on her calmly. giAint' ..Tliey rourd Jlie ' . the "Weir? she said. qmil'put an jinacaistonuel Pine sArved' tjieiheal whteb hhd been . But .ove Bed's young fpce there afm'ahoiU lur daughter's shoulders. wirljlng and whkh was. the best. Sky " ' Llne 'could produce,' and" aflqrwanl ", . Cares qere race w.G.h her. .passed a yipnem.ot, ain. she" No"." Arnold redifted on a Ka.wrence . snjil "You neednt tell it. hesaid shnYpdecidedly, "Brand ;' couch ln the. Iivingrnaui ainlt a jlecgiver. Ill stoke a ,loh w knpw don't we,.maiuuiy? ItS' Ijr, on that. I feel to trust tin), honey. and smoked In smiling pem-eBraHid . . 'Jlmre was.a step at fhe door agda" rfwg . In.- - this terrible . "Sure, wp know, Nance, honey, said W1 flit ever "it rider-stooHiare. Brnfldim far4e. . dusty It. aint ean." . . Mrs.. Allison gently, an' wq wint tff you. " Miaift" tO refidtl," he salij, "tiiat Ive tell "roUj Bird mb 1, how Ji'uoitt," happy take .'your old lnayiinys worth bn that," we .are how glad we Are lo gee hap.pl- "The.fjrl smiighteited her shoulders, Just. come up the Pipe and I found" ." ' tracks brushed out ut fhe" Mouth In n'efrs Comq td the best dasgliter, flie flftqii her htjd. "1 do hnust liirn, on'thfs here Wre two men 'j'larniny, shesajd.' Blue S t oft lfad Aver best Vlsterf !vo ifeople has "RcihUo! "whatever marks. They, looked in gaTiantly, in happened, here fartli. Aint we" , . The h"y swnllbwRdon(.,e. then lookvcf .the past I know It. hys not made him .hdhlnd dhewillows. a- liar uifd 1 feel to be ashumfd of myKate Cathrev; rose stralght up to her . . at Nance and. smiled. .'" tit waf not the least .courageous self.. ' " . ' "II ls fire!" she wild. . Neednfi" sad Mjs. Allison succinctever accom'pllsh; thal thing . (TO BE CONTINUED.) rmtural tli Instinct smile, and hismother knew It, for he ly! adored tire girl,- and she had been his of "Jealousy. O'tne down from rfiur, Sef Civilization Back . fiaked ancestors jie th man was th only playmate all.his life.. r an-'twoman. fought with JTh.e Vandals were a Teutonic race But at his tfiother8 subtle words jealousy died and love "stepped track tooth an) naU If artitther female.hove In formerly inhabiting the southern shores . sight." Ydud like to go Tight out flow of the Baltic, who. V.bout the beginning triumphantly. he , anld and an . scratch that 'womans, eyes out,, of the FTfth century, ravaged Gaul ann ".We sure- are, Sis,. overran Spain and northern Africa. In . .wouldnt you?, .. klssd hej on the cheek. 455 they pillaged the city of Rdrae, trembled A . smlle .Nance's ,pn hiS late child that slept' The sickly morning. " . . have been all over this land of Perhaps he had been more or less dis- lips. mercilessly despot Usg It of its treas.. ures said of art, literature and Civilization. I I she unstead-would," Mirs,"' he wakefulness.and Nances She guess turbed lhsome ' by presently, several' ethers. I have met many stepped to the bedroom door ooce and lly, because you see if If shes his The Vandals establisned themselvpg in f many 'lasso. I have been northern. Africa, but their klngnon wife why he cant take another." looked at him, but left him there. ni'it cl nml einrer. But "W might as wall sir down," sba Theres divorce laws In ibis coon- - was overthrown In 533 by BelUariu be he . i - . I was very Denver, Colorado. despondent, blue and sad all the time, which is worse than real pain, and extremely nervous, with no appetite. I was this way for about two years and thought no one cared for me. My mother had had the same trouble and had taken Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound for it. I tried everything else, then I began to take it. I soon had a better appetite and restored mental condition. I moved to a bright, sunny house, began calling on different people, ana changed many other things. I also used Lydia E. Pinkhams Sanative Wash for my female weakness. ' "With the aid of vour medicines I am now a fairly healthy, happy and contented woman. Eve used the Vegetable Compound at different times and will say it always helps me over the bad Bpells that come to every woman past 40 years. Mrs. Helen Fine, 35 South Wash- ington Street, Denver, Colorado. Vrvfor has , Cattle Kate Cathrew Sat on the Broad There was. a high, tteadty about the Vefyihda at Sky Line. She Was Clad dimple vhrds aird the ancient dame Like: a Sybarite. . looked at the girl with understanding. ." . a moment the cynicism was absent." For was in a bundle on yqur bejl whefed Yod- speak truth," she said Softly, ' you get her, Nance? the mart is. a stranger to these others. And Nance Allison looked down Into Also.he is of a white heart. He should-havthe pictured face of Cirttle Kate "a Porno . A Bad Case of Nerves Relieved .ildreri tv . . . Ile-ugtle-uglaughed the old woman, so says the young ool because she lores hlu" know, what I know". said Minnie, the Blue Eyes lias a clean heart. One sin, maybe, yes or two, maybe but he'slt8 sometimes with his head in hie find he , hands, our people , for death. He says it is for death death of "a mans honor killed by" mistake. I know, for .Ive sat with him tjien and lie has put His. face in my The Face iq the. Package. . At. "last Nance Allison knew the meaning of the .great light tfiat seethed to low upon all the world, of the Xeep Heart hills. Instinct woke In her and.slie. be. held the ace of love. . . her. do. Rod," returned po sins.!.' CHAPTER XVII . seize'd . tin-kere- " "Abasement, s. seen him, and the passion In her was" surging like molten laya. MRS. OSCAR F. BORGELIN She was In a trance of expectation, FORIBT CITY, IOWA as exquisite as the fullest realization. Mv first child Forest City, Iowa. She liqd bven so ever since the deparlived only a short time and I was sick ture at arl dawn of Provine with a for a year after. When I bent over ted horse none other tliun Bluefire and raised myself up again I could almost scream with pain in mv tack. whose protfd back no one but tills man One day I was so bad that I had to eler" crossed, except herself. leave my washing and get ready to Foe three hours she had sat in thp go to the doctor. He gave me medi-.cin- e, rustic rockoB.like a graven image, her but it did no more good than if hands sprea'd on the broad arms, her I drank just water. Once when we immaculate black head seemingly at had been in town a little book telling s . about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable rest agalnstthe hack. Aftd not a soul at Skji Line wouli Compound was left in our car. I have takep five bottles of tHe Vege ' , have disturbed her. . d From a distant corral where lie The iVorif at some trivial task Big Basford How did you get on .in your "examwatched, her with wild red eyes. At these times the man was a savage who ination? .would havekllled Arnold Joyfully had l,l failed In mercantile lnw, "canon the thing been possible. Minnie Pine, law and international law." " . ' busy at the kitchen window, wutched Thats bad! Him. . The worst Is yet to come. I have . "The. Black Devil Is in hell, Josefa," to tell my mother-in-lahe said gpardedly, he knows the mAsters and that the boss ' will lie In his arms." lie pays for his sins," said Josefa which is more than the enlnjly, others te d still-"nes- . table Compound now and I do all my housework and help with the milking, and taking care of chickens and gar- den. Besides I. have a fine baby girl eight months old, just the picture of health, and I am feeling fine myself. You may use this letter as a testimonial and I will answer any letters asking about the Vegetable ComMrs. Oscar F. Borgeun, pound. Route No. 5, Forest City, Iowa. - any-filin- . Women Interested d m Ive a notion,, to kUJ you on the spot !" she criqd furiously, you fool' bungle'rl. Of all tlie crazy, wild, nu: Why .didnt you "get possible things that mpn? The one person in the w'otld who knew of the Flange and Rainbows . Pot behind! You let him get away! "Done my best, bald the man evilly, who dont ajid to .h 1 with those " " 0 "like it. . . woman raised Q&lck.ns.a flash her whip and struck him. ..with a roar he returned the blow and Big Basford who had followed, leaped for him, clawing with his good :hand, but Caldwell knocked Provine 'down instead. Take him away? said ;Kate Cath- rew coldly, her hand at her client, Latfresce Arnold will he here soon. . Ill let him deal with this. ' . qjose-hel- s . Gives Credit for Restored Health to Lydia EL Pinkr" hams Vegetable Compound. All .. " . also-copie- REMARKABLE RECOVERY t . t Cattle Kate Cathrew snt on ths broad veranda at Sky Lltv. She was clad "like a" sybarite, In shjnlng satin. Rings sjiarkted on her fingeirs, lights sparkled. In her harji eye, a exijtement was visible Jn her whole appearance. She looked down afross the vas't gr.eon-claslopes of Jlystery and liqld her "breath that she might the better llsU-- for a sound in. the . . . . . For she was waiting for the writer of those letters, the man from New York qbo came at regular Intervals to bask in. the peace f Sky Line for Lawrence Arnold himself. . It had been months since, she had " . house, "he said, .put six. of hie cow- boys on double shift. I knew rtiey woffl'd find out thjit he is still alive and' . might try to finish-thejob so. he would never talk ;Sky Line, I mean. And now, Mr. Bosslek, 1. think w'd better go talk to Jerruyn and the rest. Im only sorry Selwood .isnt abltfto be ! with us. . . a .a a a a . ,a. . This is a pretty bunch to bring back . "to'nnf, Caldwell, said Kate Cathrew, ' tapping her "foot 'wirtv a whip, "one pounded into nyin Jelly. Whos tliis fl n stranger whos .so bandy wfth Mis gun? . Names nitth, said the foreman sulkily, Aand Id better tell you right" now, that gdlwootj isnt dead, lie's .alive and "theyre waiting for JjIhi - to come round so he cap talk. a Cuttle Kates face flamed red. . . ." Not dead? Brjng Pro.iine Mattel ' But she would uot wait as. was. her ." wont when stlmmoaing her men. She whirled and strode along the .verartda father? to meet Provine. who came in no disabled-and'anothe- than a houseful of lawyers. And Im going to take heart right now. Ill put this picture away in the package and wait till Brand Is ready to tell me all about it and Ill stand steady lu my love and my faith. Thats my big girl sul.d thfe mother, . "nowfc .get to work at.'soipeUilug. on earth"." It's th best'cflre-al- l ..." " .. Fair laughed. Tve set a guard around.the 'sheriff's BORGELINS said Nance gratefully, "Mammy, "youre the most wonderful woman I ever knew! Youve got more reason . old-time- How do you know shes his wife now?" A-- .CHAPTER XVllContinued aint there? try Tarj lac is Natures great. Tonic and "builder. Compounded after ..the famous Tanlqc fownufq, from roots, barks and 'curative her.bs alohe, it is absolutely harmless. .Millions .owe jtheir health and happiness to this great remedy. Dont t.stomach trouble make your life miserable a day longer. Get. a bottle of Tanlae at your druggists at once. Thefirst dose will make you feel better. Youll be a new person with the sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks that come from perfect health. . . U Authentic statement. Addresron'reijueft. I ",.. TAM LAC . .. Note: For Constipation, take Tanlae Vege- - table Pills, Natures own harmless laxative. FOR. YOUR HEALTH |