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Show I s. . V THE SXUMa SUM, SALiHA, 'I I 7 UfAH " was rushed Miss Emily Fleming, after spend- - . Maple Grove formed the charming Theopilus Jensen and Veryl Allred to the hospital Tuesday of last week setting for a picnic last Sunday for returned Tuesday from a five days ing the summer in Salina in Miss ; members of the Eastern Star and visit at Manti. for a very serionus operation. LOCAL ITEMS OF, Mary' McCallums place, left Tues- - j though she has had several operat-- their husbands. Those from Salina Mr. Melvin Mrs. Anderson and and day afternoon lor Monroe, where Bhe ions before it is reported that she is who attended the party were: Mr. INTEREST. to have Salina moved from , will take up community work during ' recovering more rapidly than she and Mrs. I. Wax, Mr, and Mrs. Rex family Soren Sorenson of Elsinore was a eyer has tione before. Her many Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen Aurora to make their home. Mr. and the next year. business visitor in Salina last Wed friends wish , her a speedy recovery. and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Rex. They re- MrsAnderson ere residents of Sal' Mrs. Effie Holliday and children ' ! , in had a very enjoyable ina a few years ago and have many Marsh, charge nesday. vD. phyiologist Rich- port having of Ross and Mrs. Jensen friends who are glad to see them of Santaquin visited friends and relMr. pf the Salina experimental station, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker of Rich- - field spent last Sunday with Mrs.. outing. backl They are building a new home atives in Salina from Monday until sp.nt a few dayB at Salt Lake this field spent a few days this week in week the Hail. J. After at the in the west part of town. spending Mary Saturday last week. Mr. the ram Marsh attended w.k Salina V making arrangements , for A. Anderson home, the Clyde Buchanbusiother was a.id after ,c looking The C. E. Peterson family were here this winter, where Mr. Baker , Eugene Jensen of Colorado, a an family returned to Manti Tuesday H. E. Lewis of the Sevier Valley ness matters. Manti will be principal of the high school, nephew of Mrs. Mar, Hall, has been visitors last Tuesday. coal company made a hurried trip to 1 Buchanan came the past two weeks. back Salt Lake Monday. Rev. T. G. McLeod of Manti, wiy He has leen. buy visitin the teach- htr guest during ga,ina Sunday to resume his of . Redmond was a 0rk and er work. services .here lay.lng conduct the regular Delbert Lewis of Circleville returnSalina business visitor Wednesday. Mrs. A. J. Lewis and Mrs. Joe Al-kit Bfker 3 d home Monday after visiting with Sunday evening, beginning at A. Anderson expect Hal J. Felt and room teachersin left for Salt Lake Sunday. Miss Utahna Bird eqfertained for ei rht oclock. His subject will be Ap brother Lorin Lewis for a few that their g new homes of a the being and has reputation The public is Miss Myrtle Ewlea Tuesday afternoon p.onching Changes. will be ready for use by the first of Miss Stena Scorup returned home zealous community worker. The Sun ) in.ited to be present. After the enjoying a delicious-dinne- r October. in Salinaites after visiting for a week at, returnthe B. A. and Mrs. Jensen other with Mr. joins following guests passed- - .the time Saturday Provo.' She was accompanied by Mri Mrs. May Sorenson met with . a giving him a hearty-welcom, ed last week from a ten days visit at Mr. Bert Fisher, with his father-in-la- pleasantly chatting with ,ther hostess and Mrs, A. J. Scorup, Mrs. John Al-- f Salt Lake. Lpamful accident twoweeks ago when Mr. Beckstrand of Fillmore, and the guest of honbr: , hfrg.' fMary who a was M. Thorsen, Harry lerton, and Miss Veda Scorup of e slipped, and fjell, down the cellar Salina visitor for a few days of last Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Shepherd mot- - came to Salina Tuesday to make ar- - Hugentobler, Mflsiy Roseiya Bastian, Provo, who drove from Salina to . her and her at home, sprained saps for the 0ied to Levan Friday on business and rangements for staying this winter. Mrs. Clara Dastrup, and the Misses Parowan to attend the funeral of ar. le. She has not been able to be week, left Saturday morning Mr. Fisher is well known in Salina ai Ora Lorentzen, Laurel Elben and will Yellowstone park, where he spend returned home Saturday morning. Mrs. Scorups sister, Mrs. Juliette rb.ut since until Wdnesday. The hurt two most capable teacher. His specialty Lois Brown. a weeks. Adams. i? healing very well now, fortunately, Miss Rea Murphy returned recentis science and mathematics. .. ' Mrs. A. J. Thompson and baby of Boyd Ivie of Loa was a business ly Irom a six weeks vacation spent The Misses Fay Burns and Beulah Mr. and Mrs. George Brox of visited Gunnison athletic the Rufus week. last Richardson, Wednesday in Sal- visitor in Salina at Zions canyon, Cedar City, and Breinholt left for Salt Lake Tuesday made to a hurried the Marysvale trip D.xie. She was the guest of her aunts ccach for the high school, arrived .ina. S' 'ir.a to the winter. Miss Burns will Mr. Lon B. Timpson arrived this spend Hospital Monday night with Aits. Dan Crawford and Mrs. Sam- Monday full of pep and plans for his Mrs. Nels Jensen, who has been ill attend the U. cf U. and work in a tlei&.son, Earl, who suffered a broken week to Settle here for the winter. uel work. Crawford. for a week is reported to be feeling beauty parlor; Miss Bremholt will 'asm 'when he fell from a gate Mon-- . Mr. Timpson will have charge of the Miss Lacey Scorup was a Richfield much better. at the and business The and set was returnGribble Mrs. and Mr. John study music. public speaking injury morning. visitor Thursday. - eJ last week from a weeks visit at , and with comes were able the to return to highMarys-school, , high tley Miss Apulia Peterson, who has a,e Tuesday morning. e' t recommendations. ' tilt Lake City. ben spending the summer with her Sunday afternoon, Miss .Josephine sr'ster, Mrs. Beatrice Marchant of 44 ta and Woodrow Herbert were Peola, has come home for a visit be- luelson t) 4- i.ie principals in a mild auto acci-ifore beginning school work at Salt B 4 on main street. Miss Nielson was Lake. 444- - Madsen : and the 4car; Deweyl iving . Good Groceries, with the standard 44 as leaders, goods Mrs. Merle Christensen and baby 4- Woodrow had his fathers machine. 44 the at last B Sunday visiting j J Woodrow turned around the other spent 44 is what we sell. We carry everything that is good in Loss Creek. on home Jackson frank 44 cl'iver fan into his car. No one was D 44 ? 4-' the way of edibles thats why we please. 44 art, but the radiator of the Madsen The Misses Ora Lorentzen, Phyllis 44 i 4 car was rather badly damaged. 44 Vera and Maurine Borg Jojjjefisen, know Wise men buy their Cigars here. They 44 that here' 44 44 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith and son Jqjjtzen. enjoyed a ' short trip to. Ei 44 they will find a wide variety of Cigars in all sizes, shapes, .4. KoSsnarem last Sunday. for Lake Salt left last Ray, Friday 44 44 and prices. . where they will spend a few days be-- ( AA We have one of the best systems of refrigeration TT . Mrs. R. W. McAllister and small 44 fore returning to their home at Af-to- n, 44 Wilford the visited Eon, Walker, in Southren Utah and by it we can cure our fresh 44 Wyoming. 44 family at Orangeville ...Humphrey 44 ' week. The last a following jolly girls enjoyed 44 It gives them a chance to make a proper selection from ' meats to the point where they are Healthful and 44 54hike Wednesday even. moonlight ' TT an adequate stock. VV Scorup, ing: Misses Lacey Appetizing. We have all kinds of cured meats, too. 44 44 44 Mrs. J. P. Lillywhit Mrs. D. C. Miller of Salt Lake City and the ' Misses Farris Anderson of Kedmond and Myrtle Madsen of vtere the house guests of Mrs. ' A. Thorsen last week. E. Otto-Peters- re i.r-x- thestaofUah good-lookin- c -- . HRiliBOHiaMBUIB QUALITY GROCERIES nt 4-- C IGA RS -- 4-- 4 S I- . HEALTHFUL MEATS 4-- 4 "s -- Mary-A.attssqn- Virginia Jones, Pearl 4--' Jen- sen, Vivian Anderson, Jewel Willard- ten, Indra Freece and Ada Crane. vhen they bad-hike- d four miles the girls stopped, built a fire, and roast-- t The volume of our Cigar sales, and our improved facilities for keeping them, means that you are at all times assured of getting fresh, fragrant smokes. REGISTRATION DAY at the' UNIVERSITY OF UTAH The Rexall Store t Announcement sent on request. Jorgenson returned Wedires day afternoon from a short business J ip to Salt Lake. . I t 44 44 4 4"! 44 4 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 K4 444 4 H4 444 44 4 44 444 4 4 4 4 44 t t tf starts' t literature 4 4 4 4 4 Address ' 4 4 4 4 4. 4 I 444444444444,4444v444444444'4,44444444,44'4444444'44444 Jor Economical Transportation Classified Ads Paul and. Marion Madsen, who have COATS THIS YEAR ARE GOING TO BE FAR been staying with their sister, Mrs. - -- WANTED A good reliable girl to honest Nielson this summer, went, to work for board and room . during AHEAD OF PREVIOUS SEASONS. .THE RICH Salt Lake Tuesday morning. They school year. Phone 38-COLORING HARMONIZE WONDERFULLY to join fheir mother in Caliexpect WITH THE SMARTEST STYLES EVER SHOWN. fornia later. REWARD For the return to the WE ARE PROUD. OF OUR WONDERFUL COLSun office of an army coat lost someMr. and Mrs. Ray Humphrey and LECTION OF STYLES THIS SEASON, AND ARE in Salna. W. D. Carter. where ; . liby of Emery county are the guests SURE WHEN WE SAY YOU WILL ALSO BE at the T. G. Humphrey home. VERY DELIGHTED WHEN YOU SEE THEM. t s for return of heavy $10 REWARD Mrs. E. C. Wright, Gail Wright, cowhide suitcase, nearly new, but no Shirley Wright,, and Belle Webb were marks of any kind, and was lost at Elsinore Wednesday even- - tween Salina and Emery. Leave at i Sun office or forward to E. J. Math- ig. Gail stopped off at Richfield, WE ARE BEING TOLD THAT BLANKETS ARE where he will work for the Telluride ews, Delta, Colorado. Power company for the next ten BEING SOLD AT HIGH PRICES BY SOME IRI have now moved to my ranch tnys. RESPONSIBLE CANVASERS. FOR YOUR east--e- f the old mill site and am preMrs. Arlo Dalton of Marysvale is GOOD INVESTIGATE OUR PRICES BEFORE to give the public everything pared the guest of her mother, Mrs. S. A. PAYING ILLEGITIMATE PRICES FOR THEM. desirable in the line of vegetables and Long during this week. J garden truck. We sell tomatoes at WE WILL SELL WOLLEN BLANKETS FROM J. A. Scorup arrived in ' Salina $1.00 a bushel. Why not get your Wednesday evening with his daughter supply now? 'Alma Murphy. $4.95 UP, ALL FULL SIZES, HEAVY WEIGHTS. Miss LaVerda, who will be the Art LABOR DAY EXCURSION nnd Science . teacher . at the high LAKE CITY AND OGDEN SALT this winter. AND RETURN ' Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Crane and Miss Salt 'Lake City and return $3.25; HOUSE OF QUALITY Marguerite' Crane motored to Magna Ogden and return $4.00 via Denver Sunday, where Miss Marguerite will & Rio Grande Western. Tickets will twich Cyprus school. Institute be go.od in coaches only and will be for that district has been held all this on sale for train leaving Salina at week. 10:38 a. 5th only and m., September 4 4 4 4 444 4 444 4 4 444 4 4 44! 444 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444 Mrs. I. N. Parker of Redmond was will be limited to September 8th for a charming hostess to eleven of her return passage. friends Wednesday afternoon of last Oil cloth, regular price 35 cents The party began at the Holland where ladies the were delighted per yard. The Peerless. Inn, 3.S a tasty luncheon, the attractive Inn, and the efficient service. AfterBrooms, 60 cents. At the Peerless. !t 19 the s;m of the B. B. Shop to please our wards they motored to the Parker many nud want to s.ticfy all. Buy our Groceries and our home at Redmond, which was decor444 44444 44444444444444444 ated for the occasion. There they Mc'ts und if not pleated be fra:-- and tell us. We will make 4 two tables of 500 and bridge. Meats are complete Mrs. J. I. Rex and Mrs. Joe Alkire 4 are standard goods. won the first prizes. The guests were : 4 4 At Gunnison:. Monday, .jTues- Mrs," A. J. Lewis, Mrs. J. B. McMill- 4 J 4 4 an, Mrs. A. B. Clawson, Mrs, Dean 4 day and Wednesday. Brown, Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. A. 4 At Salina:- - Thursday Friday 4 4 and Saturday., S. Crane, Mrs. H. B. Crandall, Mrs. 4 Jl A. C. Prows, and Mrs. D. C. Merrill. 4 -- ' Jr WSr '"M.i Eru i A Few Words About Blankets Max Cohen in-th- e 4-!- 4 5 -- 4-- 4 Satisfied Customer What We Want ' 695 The Coach Public Acclaims this the finest Low Priced Ccach 97ie Built on the new Chev rolet cha-s- is with construction typical of the -- , highest priced cars powerful motor; a new disc clutch, the. easiest-.- .. acting you have ever handled; exf-- a strong rear axle wii.t banjo-typ- e housing; long springs this car provides a rematkable combination of strength, power and comfort. semi-ellipt- But in addition it is a beautiful car. Its fine ic Fisher body meets your ideals of fine appearance and comfort. It is finn ished in Duco whose lustre and color last for years. For such a coach to be priced so low is truly an achievement in motor car manufacture. See this car today. sage-gree- h cus-ttn- ii ''ed b. b, 44 44 44 44 44 TTA 44 5 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Salt Lake City, Utah Miss Florence Barnard returned home Sunday after spending a week isiting at Salt Lake. WE ARE BEING KEPT BUSY UNPACKING FALL GOODS EVERY DAY. . The President J. P. Rasmussen, formerly foreman f r the Sevier Valley mine, has moved his family to Salina and is residing : t the Alonzo Peterson home. HAVE MADE THEIR FIRST APPEARANCE. Salina Meat & . Supply Co. S S. M. New Fall Dresses New Fall Coats 44 4 4 44 Former "students must reg- ister September 28. Regular Class work September 29. TT 44 44 44 44 tiSif?tttiitnn . Mrs. D. C. Gibson and sons, David nnd Lee, . returned to their homeat after Summit, Thursday morning isiting a week at the Tj G. Humph-le- y home. AX f4 Freshmen . must register September 24, and must attend Sept. 25 and 26. Miss Van Johnstone, teacher of I hysical education at the high school, ..ms Erma Seline and Miss . Edna e.ukson, teachers in the Salma grades rived here Wednesday afternoon to take up their work. All three young ladies are well known in Salina. Lewis Drug' Co. V M J wieners and marshmallows until a late hour. D - , i ;s. sflrbh Dr. F. 0. Bullock ! Touring . $525 Roadster. 525 Coupe. $675 426 775 550 Sedan ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT, MICHIGAN BURR MOTOR CO. SALINA, UTAH 1 44444444444444444444444444 I- - " cJ -'-- L l V L: ;V u. . V, tf t |