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Show THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA, .UTAH REFUSES TO GROW OLD Ceylomi Is Land CHILDLESS HOMES MADE HAPPY GRAHAM BONNER. MARY COIlOT VimM MtVlA'U Famous Cinnamon Gardens of scene at dawn, when the sun first tints a sea of clouds, and projects slender Colombo Given Over to Park shadows upo.i the countryside. Immigrants Supplanted Natwes. and Home Sites. When the civilization of the halese was at Its height, more thun 2,000 years ago, the capital, Anaradha-pura- , was a marvelous city extending over some 250 square miles. It whs clustered with magnificent palaces, s of pagodas and monster delicate design. This civilization was overthrown mercenaries by Tamil whom the Sinhalese Imported from India; subsequently the 'slund was Colombo, the present capital, continues the bulletin, has a magnificent held successively by the Portuguese, artificial harbor built by the British. Dutch and now by the English. The walking fish performs Its terThat city supfrseded the former prinrestrial antics when dry up Id cipal seaport, Galle. In the new port the hot season. Thenponds It either burbeauIts with the native city quarter, rows Into the soft mud to wait for tiful Sinhalese girls. Its Jewel grinders rain, or, by night, crawls out of the and lace makers, contrasts sharply last shallow depressions and goes and with stately government buildings off through dripping grass on writhing seccustoms of the English European the hunt for other pools. The natives tion. then literally catch fish', sometimes Ancient Wonder-City- . The famous Cinnamon gardens, gathering them up by the bushel. The Islands area Is about that of where the Dutch formerly cultivated West Virginia and on It live more peothat splee In enormous quantities, tople than there are In Texas. a over to are day mainly park given and bungalows and here houses of well-to-dresidents nestle In bowers of wondrous beuuty and sweet perfume. Scanty remains of the ancient capital, Anaradhapura, lie In lofty mountains amid matted jungle growths. Glowing descriptions of this nnclent wonder-cit- y by Arab, Persian and Greek voyagers led to the excavation work, now going on, which has been of Pancake Colored Mammy Blow because of Its vast size. Near by Is the sacred mountain Fame Crushed to Death in of Mlhlntale, with Its huge Irrigation Chicago; Born in Kentucky. tanks, one of them begun five centuries before the Christian era. This tank covered 40 square miles with Its Chicago. Pancake season Is here, waters when It was new. but In some Chicago households the memBuddhas Enormous Tooth. sizzling of the griddle will bring sadness. "Kandy, the last native capital, sets ories tinged with Aunt Jemima Is dead. The aged picturesquely above the blue waters of a little lake, also artificial. In making negro woman whose ability to make it the native ruler ruthlessly drowned flapjacks was capitalized by millers, smile forms out scores of his subjects' rice fields. whose bandanna-wreathelovHidden .In gold and bell a mental picture for thousands of whose and wheats" of shrines a mythical 'tooth of Buddha Is ers of a plate skill with the pancake turner furpreserved. "The present tooth obviously could nished amusement for and drew the exnot have grown In any human mouth envy of those who have attended Chithe since ever and Is fairs two Inches long and half an Inch positions It thick at the base. The visitor for- cago Worlds fair of 181)3, fell a vicregives the fiction for the sake of the tim to an automobile In Chicago when celebration, the night cently. August Her death marks the passing of an tooth Is carried about the town accompanied by a procession of devil danc- Interesting character who will be mourned not only by the negro race ers in their grotesque masks. "Adams Peak, a strange mountain but by numerous wealthy Chicago famtop where a huge natural depression ilies as well. For Mrs. Nancy Green resembles an enormous human foot, will live longest In memory as Aunt also Is an object of veneration. From Jemima. Was Born In Kentucky. this mountain Buddha Is supposed to Aunt Jemima was horn In Monthave ascended to heaven. Millions of devout pilgrims worship there. Even gomery county, Ky In 1834 and came is Impressed by the to Chicago as a nurse for the Walker the MONARCH BUTTERFLY Good-day- You Mr. Sun, look . TALKS relic-shrine- Charles F. Coleman of Cincinnati, years of age, says a man old and to prove It son proudly displays his eight-pounhorn on the eighth day of the eighth month at eight minutes after four In the morning. Little Stanley Aza Coleman was eight days old when this photograph was taken. Ills mother Is thirty-twyears of age. sixty-seve- n never grow need d o Woman Poses 35 Years as Husband. Wls. William Taylor, I.ynxville, whose death In a Lacrosse hospital rehim as s woman, cently revealed had lived here more than 35 years as The wife still Is a married man. here. Taylor was about sixty. very happy," he added I am," said Mr. Sun, as he beamed It is so wonderful to be brightly. the sun and to look down upon such a lovely world. No wonder people say I have a sunny nature! I cannot help but have It! It Is Interesting to many people to know how the butterflies sleep In the said the Monarch butterfly, winter, or whether they are all frozen! Or what happens to them ! So many people, Ive been told, often ask. I wonder, If I told you, Mr. Sun, if you could send around some of your bright rays with the secrets. Mr. Sun smilingly agreed. Ill see that they hear If you tell me what Is to be SHld. The Swallowtail Butterflies. said the Monarch, stay In their chrysalis state In the winter time. They like those beds best. And the Angie Wings ail change Into butterflies sometime before they "Aunt Jemima Victim of Aut d ruby-encruste- d View of Gothams New Court House r White Crow Captured 0 0 0 by Youth Near Zoo 0 0 Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beg son of gle Bailey, Peter Bailey, during a ramble through the bush on the outskirts of the Soo, captured a white crow. The bird, which Is not yet fully grown. Is perfectly white with the exception of the tips of the tall feathers, which are black. d t 0 t 1 t t I 0 $ 0 0 0 0 She nursed and made pan family cakes for the late Circuit Judge Charles M. Walker, chief Justice of the Municipal court, and his brother, Dr. Samuel Walker, now a leading North side physician, when they were boys. They spread her fame among their boy chums, and before long Aunt Jemimas pancakes became a common phrase In Chicago when good things to eat were discussed. A milling concern heard ,of her. searched her out, obtained her recipe and Induced her to make pancakes at the Worlds fair. After that she went from one exposition to another demonstrating her skill. There was one, however, that she refused to attend the Paris exposition. All Inducements that could be made were put forward, but Aunt Jemima refused to budge. No, Buh, site said. They aint no man gonna git me on th' watah. I was bo'n In this country an' Pm gonna die heah, not somewheah 'twlxt heah an sonlew heahs else. She was one of the first colored missionary workers and one of the organ Izers of the Olivet Bstptist church, now the largest colored church In the with a membership of over world, d His Diagnosis. Detroit, Mich. Relating that he had been a victim of amnesia and that his memory had been restored by performance of a hospital orderlys duties. Dr. James II. Anderson. Detroit physician, who disappeared last November. returned home recently In full possession of his faculties. I have no recollection of taking tuts Job, he said, but I do recall that one day when a nurse asked me to take the temperature of a patient I sudden ly straightened up and said. This man The nurse laughed at me. Is dying. but a moment later It was dlscoveien that what I said was true. In a few minutes the patient was dead. From that moment a tnlst began to roll away from my brain. The physician's Instinct that had warned me of - Buzzard at Train to Greet Visitors Saranap, Calif. Incensed be cause of the actions of an uni dentifled buzzard, which insists on meeting all trains the cttl zens of Saranap, Calif., have organized to do away with the bird. Its a bad ad for the town, they say. The bird appears about train time and perches or. a post near the depot. Saracap boosters declare the buzzard has been trained to do his stuff" by a rival town. Jealous of Sara naps growth during the last tear. I did not want to come back to De troit. for a reproach seemed to attach to my experience nd I feared It would he difficult to attain ray high position In society ngain. But for the sake ot tn.v wife aud son 1 determined to coum bark and try again." i A Message to Mother I have known Hamilton, Ohio. about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound since girlhood, naving taken it when I was younger and suffering from a weakness and backache. Lately I have taken it again to strengthen me before the blrtn of my child, as I was troubled with pains in my back and a lifeless, weak feeling. I think if mothers would only take your wonderful medicine they would not dread childbirth as they do. I recommend the Vegetable ComMrs. Jos. pound to every woman. Falcoin, Jr , 552 S. 11th Street, Hamilton, Ohio. St Louis, Mo. Was Weak and Run Down St Louis, Mo. My mother took Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound when I was a girl, and when 1 was troubled with cramps I took it, and later when I married I again took it to make me strong as the doctor said I was weak and run down and could not have children. I took it and got along fine and now I have three girls. So you know why I keep the Compound in the house. I am a well woman and do my work and sewing Mrs. Julius Hartman, 2501 too. W. Dodier St, St Louis, Mo. Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver Dye or Tint Worn, Faded New for 15 Cents. and Bowels of Baby or Child. - at bury St., Cortland, N. Y. 0 d ished 10 Salis- t t t York. Jacob Goldberg, aged eleven, and five young companions, fierce In their burned cork eyebrows wooden swords and bandanna-swatheheads, went seeking treasure they hud hurled on a previous sailing of the South seas. An old map pointed to a sand heap in Brooklyn, a short distance from Jacobs home. They began to dig, and they fouud four bleached skulls. Policeman McDonough took the skulls to the Miller avenue station, acby the pirates. 1 I companied r J EctSTuditA Tl I(Investigation showed the sand had been hauled from an excavation for a New Lots road and Barbery A general view of the progress on New lock's long awaited couit house, school at site of a the uvenue, will bury Is It The estimated, from the structure. down municipal building. looking ground. Ing use 2(H), 000 cubic feet of stone and will cost twelve million dollars. Aston- Claude P. Canfield, WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY While Playing Pirates and Nurses 1 Mrs. St Louis, Mo. I want to tell yon what Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound did for me seven years ago. 1 was run down and had a weakness such as women often have. I took Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and after being married sixteen years became the mother of a sweet little girl. 1 now have four lovely children three fine boys and the little girl six years old. I had longed for children all the while and wept many a day and envied every woman with a child. 1 was 86 years old when my first baby was bom. I recommend Lydia E.Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to any woman who is ailing with female weakness. Mrs. J. Naumann, 1517 Benton Stt MOTHER! GIVE SICK BABY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP New Physicians I took Lydia E. Cortland, N. Y. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound because I was weak and wanted to become strong and have a child. My husband read about it in the Cortland Standard and thought it might help me. It certainly did for I now have a lovely buy fifteen months old who weighs forty pounds. I recommend Lydia E. Pinknams Vegetable Compound to my friends ana you can certainly use my testimonial in your little books and in the newspapers, as ft might help to make some other childless home happy by the presence of little ones as it has done mine.-- Most men with swelled heads wear small hats. Boys Discover Skulls the patients condition aroused a mental process that gave me no peace until I awoke one morning recently In full possession of my memory. Often I diagnosed cases as I attended patients as an orderly and sometimes my diagnosis was In conflict with that of the attending physicians. The physicians and nurses at the hospital regarded me as a nut,' hut once an autopsy revealed that I had been right and the physician wrong, and then they regarded me with cuiiositv. But I was not complete mater of my secret until It all burst ut on me suddenly that morning, and then I revealed my discovery only to two triends In Chicago." Doctor Anderson, who Is fifty-siyear old. told of a week of- Indecision, (luring which he found It dlllh ult to decide whether to return to Detroit and start life anew or to keep se cret and start over somew here else. Four Interesting Letters A man who Is good only on the surface Is no good. 9,000. DOCTOR REGAINS MEMORY WHILE ACTING AS ORDERLY Presenceof LittleOnesaGreat Blessing said the Monr after a moment. A land o , arch butterly. Sin- where fishes Washington. walk along the roads and olinb rocks and trees, where crabs fling sand Into the air and elephants play tricks like sportive children such, says a bulletin from the National Geographic society, Is Ceylon, where Great Britain is negotiating with the natives concerning Important government reforms. UN, ON Mr. Sun Smilingly Agreed. go to sleep, and so they sleep as but- terflies. Little Bronze Copper Butterfly spends the winter as an egg. He has lots of growing and changing to do when the spring comes I wouldn't care for his way," the Monarch said proudly. "So many people wonder how we disappear when the cold weather comes. In the summer Ive often heard people say: What becomes of all the butterflies In the winter time? If someone will translate for me Into their language Id like to tell them all of this. Most of the butterflies eat a good deal more In the fall so they can be strengthened for the cold winter weather and for their sleep, and most of the great butterfly family spend the winter bedtime as little caterpillars. The Fritillary families sleep as little tiny caterpillars and don't bother to grow their full size until the spring comes when they wake up and continue growing! Then there are some families where the grown-up- s sleep as butterflies and where the little ones go to bed as caterpillars and dont change into butterflies until the spring comes. The Orange Sulphur and the Clouded Sulphur Butterfly families do this. But, oh dear, I must stop talking, the Monarch said, for as he looked about him he found that all the butterflies had disappeared. Ive never been so late In starting for the South. I must hurry and follow the birds. But the butterflies and caterpillars whore staying up North and whore sleeping through the winter will be quite safe and snug. They know where the rocks and crevices are which will be the right places for them. If theyre chrysalids they will know how to attach themselves safely with a fine silken cord to a tree, so the oid wind won't blow them away. Yes, the winter time is the butterflies bedtime and there are only a few of us who go away and stay awake! But the butterflies sleep at different stages of their growth, some as caterpillars, some as chrjsallds and some as butterflies, as I'e said. For Isn't that sensible? You dont find all boys and all girls of ten years old going to sleep and all bojs and all girls of twelve jears old not sleeping at all And as you dont find all boys and ;lrls doing the same Just because heyre of the same age or the same size neither do you find butterflies all doing alike! "But before I fly off I must sing the Butterflies Bedtime Lullaby." The Monarch looked up at Mr. Sun and smiled. Then he sang this song: tn the winter when lt'a cold Do not be so very bold! Do not freeze your pretty wlnsrs. Do not chill your nose and things! If you're a caterpillar or a butterfly, In a warm place you must lie, Covered up with, silken threads. Or in warm and leafy beds. Ind sleep and sleep and sleep some more, Such are the butterfly wavs as of yore. Vnd ere I sro on my wandering way, I wish the rest of you all a (rood-daVnd pleasant dreams and a good winter s rest, flo that when the spring comes yo may all look your best. full-grow- Modern Zoology. Now tell me the name of he insect which is first a tank and ion an airplane. Pupil It's the caterpillar, which flanges Into a butterfly. Teacher Even constipated, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Diamond Dyes Babies and Children love to take genuine California Fig Syrup. No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so r nicely. sweetens Thinga Dont wonder whether you can dy or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Directions In each package. Advertisement. It, the stomach and starts Conbowels acting without griping. tains no narcotics or soothing drugs. O Family. Say California" to your druggist and Great Britain lays claim to what la genInsist counterfeits! upon avoid family uine California Fig Syrup which believed to be the longest-livecontains directions. Advertisement. in the world. They are seven in number five sisters and two brothers. All are married. They reside on the Island Population of Canada. The population of Canada Is about of Skye, the largest of the Inner equally divided between city dwellers Hebrides, Invernesshire, Scotland. All and country dwellers. The total urban receive the pension from the population Is given as 4,352,773 and British government, and their com- the total rural population 4,435,710. In Prince Edward island and SasLlght for Water Pictures. katchewan the rural population runs In an attempt to find a way to enabout 75 per cent of the whole. able divers to take motion pictures In any depth of water, experiments in chemicals unThe coquette finds more to interest spraying her in the attentions denied her than der water have been undertaken at the Lehigh university swimming pool. she does In those lavished upon her. Long-Live- d d old-ag- e g A good fighter manages to dodge a What an awkward angel the average lot of trouble. man would make. fake "why the risk? ti MANY harmful. t M have found by their own that coffees effect is Health authorities warn against risking the growth and development of children with the drug element in coffee. Why take chances with your health, and thus risk comfort, happiness success? Theres both safety and satisfaction in Postum as your mealtime drink. Youll thoroughly enjoy its delightful flavor and aroma. Postum contains nothing that can harm you. As many cups as you like at any meal with no penalties to pay in wakeful nights and daytime dullness. Your grocer sells Postum In two forms: Instant Postum (In tins) prepared Instantly In the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer the flavor brought out by boiling fully 20 minutes. The coat cent a cup. of either form is about one-ha- lf HEALTH ) |