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Show ' 4 THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA. UTAH AA 00000090w000000000000w0000000 JOOSOO joooooo LOCAL ITEMS OF CHRISTMAS CHINA that appeals to every woman, Gift there As a practical Christmas is nothing more appropriate than a set, or even a few peices of Fancy China. We have a beautiful line of Chinaware Peices and Complete Sets, Single a Christmas will soon be here and have you thought of the newspaper man? Is your subscription paid i? Try making the editor happy with the two dollars that is now due. varity off Combination Sets. Come in and look them over. ffi re Ti rue rent, : THE . 8.-9- tli. '1 1 THOMAS .j. 3 $ J. , m e City of nrriwd toy's and young mens suits, aots and mackinaws at a bargain. O-o- and Sat. Dec. Uriels LOUIS JACOB? Ojolf h:iwi i JUti1:' (OIll.N New stock of blankets just ood quality and selling cheap. tuck 8 Client Men ov r New fair ? V tf ? 5 I ! Dr. A. J. Lewis has returned from Liber-Loahouses is not hard to finV. The a visit to his wife and son at Salt drives educated people to Lake. the habit of investing and demonthat the liquid wealth of the Mrs. Edith Bullock of the White strated was in the hands of tin House hotel and Miss Leda Gates, ountry This gave many onterprU masses. returned Wednesday from Salt Lake. ds the bright idea o, Wallingfof ing They went up Saturday and were the becoming money lords in shoit order. guests of friends awhile at the cap-it- Their plan was this: We will go out city. of upon the highways and byways will he whole land and we gather in M. I. A. READING COURSE small amounts, luge we can, The Mutuals of the Second ward amounts, or whatever the people have placed the folowing books at have to invest; we will spread rapid-y- , the Salian Public Library and most and in short order we will bav.'O'dially invite the public to avail in organization that will cover every themselvs for reading them: g locality in the Unit-- d "Strength of Being Clen, by States. People are making Jordan; If Winter Comes, by Iluch-insoand we will give them oppor-unitie- s Vitality of Mormonism, to invest in corporation-whic- h n Store ?rsysvisiNiiarvrvrslV(VfyOOOO00K000oK00 JIM-M" U 1 lr MAX office room asoiuitiie, apply Mrs. Carl Nielson returned home Sunday from an extended visit to Salt Lake City. She was visiting (with her daughter, Miss Sylvia Nielson, a student of the schools there. Co Lewis Drug r The A guild tiAm , ; ; n Manager J. A. Christensen of the Look over otir stunning line of Lathi 4 Kinema theater, accompanied by New York's latent fashions. 1iiccs Coats. Mrs Christensen and the Christensen low. to in their returned home very children, Salina Monday after spending a O'lltf week visiting at Salt Lake. Car Spring Canyon COMING Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Robins and at the car Coal. $9.00 Mrs. Rue Nielson spent Thanksgiv- Lump & MILLING CO. GRAIN SALINA relaof the guests ing at Salt Lake, Gif. tives. They returned home Sunday Nov. evening. china in pretly v NOTICE My office in Sallr.a will be open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. DR. F. O. BULLOCK INTEREST. Theres a special charm A .J. Local News ;lr E3F53 t ! l ! A very good. Has all the elements of popularity. the all through. way v!al pirtuic, a singularly human picture, well done 'Meighcn plays one of the most mlerrstmg screen or stage heroes seen 100 per-ce- in many a nt day. ol CANDIES! CANDIES! CANDIES! FRESH and look over our splendid ! Xmas Specials FgJ) : in i ? 1 4 fr 41 I4 44 44 Fresh Fish Weekly (As Told in the Worlds Work by One of the Biggest Suckers) In March, 1919, I was looking for job. My eyes lighted on an ad in Tli copy of the Brooklyn Eagle: in be the your point turning nay life. The ad went on to say that if the reader was willing to work and learn, he could in a very short period of time carve out for himself a position as manager of a house that was expanding and needed men vvho wanted to get somewhere in the NIELSON & PROWS MEATS AND GROCERIES SALINA, UTAH. 4,,l,,H,,J,,,H,,'J,'"H44,4,ii world. I went to see a genial, corpulent individual1 about this opportunity. He invited me to sit down at his desk and immediately started in to sell me a job. Within five minutes knew it was a stock-sellin- g proposi (ion, but he had talked to me of an organization that was taking a much needed service to the working man and a lot of other high sounding things and for those five minutes of d so interview I was peak. As he continued the thought 'ame into my mind, Now can a good fellow like this be a faker? I walked out of his office uncon vinced; he had not sold me a job, but 'ie had succeeded in selling himself lo me. He gave me some literature o take along with me and made m promise to read it. This I did on the trolley car going home. I found (o be a glowing picture of what the future held for me if I would put my time and ability to work for his house. It was well put together and no man rending it could find any fault side-tracke- . We hold up the QUALITY and hold down the PRICES, of it. Give We want yoar grocery of for and after that yoa will os some one month it of all it. give as basiness-al- l - X , J K Why? You will find oar foods to be the very purest and lest and they cost no more than others charge for inferior staff. Fresh Groceries; Lowest Prices . $ V Fresh Fish Monday and Friday ? 4 A. 4 i 5 . y felina Meat I Co.- lapply ; - If we please tell otHers ifnot tell us $ A J )i $ A ti A A .j, J tA , A, X 4, J it with the arguments presented, decided for me what I would do. T1 next morning at 8 o'clock I was on the job ready and eager to learn what the future held for a fellow who $ would follow the system and work. I did so for two years. Then awakened to the fact that I was a sucker a bigger sucker than the people I was selling stocks to. I re- t tt f A V v5 ; Mean I" 1 '1 in A JL J. file Home Stretch . And a 2 reel Comedy ceived my commissions all right on every bit of business I brought in, and I hired and trained men for niy TUESDAY and Serial Sidle and Triumpths Matinee lOc and 5c Evening's .. ; lOc 1 .;. .. Wet !- THURSDAY and 2 reel Comedy Gold1 : - ; 4. UESriESEAY and organizations sprang up luring the war and soon became a veritable incubator for more such onccrns. Six months experience in ome of them was deemed sufficient financial experience by many to slant out for themselves. This, of course s not a new7 game, but the actual lumber of companies in existence today and the men employed in the fellow vahting a positioii is told he can make ten to twenty thousand lolars a year selling these securities There are about twenty thousand stock salesmen running around New Aork to sell stock in new enterp.ises or companies being refinanced with the aid of these e brokerage establishments. Probably two hundred million dolars a year is going into these stocks in New York done, and every large gity in the country has a branch office of one or vtore of these organizations that is sending its ambitious young men salesmen throughot the surrounding stock-sellin- t: a Douglas need additional finances. Wc have a wonderful opportunity to Roberts. reate a large business while the is good. At the same time ve going PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES roll up millions for ourselves. Sunday evening, December 10 In this stock-sellin- g game there ae Wallace of Richfield, will d- now involved all types of men, goo-1Rev. eliver a sermon, using as his theme bad and indifferent) honest and disThe Book That Is Different. The honest, and others who are not exoublic is cordially invited to attend actly dishonest tut do not walk the this service. straight and narrow path; and who lose their eyes and try to hypnolh themselves into the belief that they To Suckers Selling Stocks vre honest. The fiist of these large ! 5 .;. SIND AY Fundamentals of Prosper-r- ; Feet of the Fugitive, Xmas Trees, Holly, Decorations etc. $ aa a, .j. .j. ,j. .j. .j, The 4 5 4 Tal-madg- e; assortment. $ 5 Trice 10c and 25c n; This I Space LI THE STONE AGE nllar-prodtuin- Candies. Come Gunnison-mad- e Comedy- - f : t : g 1 ucjpb . a ' a a . A . v a a. aa Turnto theRight & t ! ; f -- t -- "t t t1 f t 1 1 "I a .;. ,v 1917 Ford Touring Kelsey body $100.00 1917 good Condition $100.00 1917 $125.00 Commercial Runabout with 1917 body $175.00 1920 Touring with starter $250.00 $225.00 1921 $275.00 1919 1 Coupe all season top v I I A small payment down and terms on balance to suit your convenience come quick these bargains won't last long'. ANDERSON AUTO COMPANY Utah Oldest Ford Dealers RichfieJJ, Ucah. Hions 33. . a .. a .j. S '51 1 TEE LITTLE FOLKS FIRST one-thir- genial friend. Each morning there was a meeting (they are still holding them) and each morning there was talk about high ideals and pep and most unheard-o- f figures. Every day in the New York dailies can be found numberless ads more or less cleverly written in which the young sale of their stocks has reached our fellow men and a lot of other stuff that today makes me laugh; but it is a grim jest, for it ha3 cost my fellow men many millions of dollars. This organization offices to grew from twenty-fiv- e Cats Scent While Steeping almost one hundred while I was with Cats tin e suet) h Idghl) ilm clepeit it. sense of smelt that they rau scent The resaon for the growth of these thing while hoy are asleep. g ; -- s; . Few Snaps in used Fords chain-offic- Territory And what of the stocks that arc being so enthusiastically offered with he bait of Large earning power on vour money? For every one tha vill pay somewhere near what the buyer is led to expect from it, there ire several that will go to the wall md the balance will never pay more than G or 8 per cent. And when the nvner wants to get his mom-- out af these stocks he will learn tluir true worth. According to present available .figures lie can only get d or one-ha- lf of what he paid for the stock if the company is still in existence. If he is willing to wait to let the organization from which he bought it dispose of it fot him it will cost him anywhere from 10 to 25 per cent for selling commission and he will have to wait some ime for his money. lie has no lie has bought the stock and r.ust continue to hold it while others are buying the new stocks the house aas contracted for. I can emphatically state that what a salesman tells ou concerning the easy convcrtahil-d.- v of these stocks is all bunk. The inly tnu a bank may loan money on hem is to accommodate a responsible business man who deposits with it. and then the bank is likely to lose confidence in the business mans judgement. For two years I worked like a Tmjnn for the advancement of an Ideal, then I woke up to the fact that I had been doing my share to awell the bank account of a bunch professional idealists. My peric nee taught me a lot. end Sand CCJBSfi-BlM- d As we must please our little folKs first of all, we are for your consideration a most beautiful line of toys. Toys for the Boy or Girl in liberal varieties and very attractively tinder priced you will find at our display just what you little Boy or Girl ivauts. Just what would make thorn happy. It has been our policy for ye ars to advocat usefulthings fer all but Kiddies must have playthings. before we tell you of the useful things we have for the different members of the family we wish to impress upon your mind the collection of the many fang's for the kiddies connot be surpressed. You will befell pi eased visiting us. pre-senlin- g' Max Cohens House c! Quality J |