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Show lHfc: Resources 39 Over our mam your headquarters Oae-Ha- lf Million Dollars Malie OF SAUNA Capita! and Surplus For- - fVesh 85,000.22 S. GA TES, H. B. Vice-Presid- and Cured Meats, Varieties Of John Smith. In Latin John Smith became Smlthus; In Italian he la known as Giovanni Smlthl; In French he becomes Jean Smeet; the Russians call him Jonloff Smlttonski ; the Poles know him as Ivan SmittlwelsU; the Welsh as Jlhon Schmidd; the Hollanders as Hans Schmidt; the Greeks as Ion Smlkton and the Spaniards as Juan Smlthus, while In Turkey Ue is disguised as Yoe Sect Feature satmm ent CRANDALL, Cashier Our Fall Goods are SPECIALS & PROWS SALINA, UTAH. This is the place to fix op for School yv,). At The Least Gash 4. 4, Old and Gray. woman and her no re were stand-n. at the brink of the Grand Finally the woman spoke, Do yow know, my dear. she said, I think the rariyon Is beginni g to show Its age. It's lots dirtier Ilian when I was here six years ago. ea'-iyoa- iSalina Cash iStore P. C. SCORUP, Proprietor Genius and Eloquence. 4t4,4,lr,pMrT'i,,Mr The secret of the rose's sweetness, of the bird's eisiasv, of the subset's glory that Is the secret of genius and eloquence. Wendell phllllpa Astonishing Indeed. Kenneth recently sent his Grandmother Gray the following birthday greeting on that ladys eightieth birthday. Kenneth was horn on the same month, so this is what he wrote: Dear Grandma: I was born the day before you were. Kenneth." A Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced , ,3, fn utt. Thrift means is such a simply thing and so much, it is the founda.t tion of success In business, of contentment in the home, of standing In to-"let-y. WE WOULD BE ONLY TOO DELIGHTED to demonstrate to you that our lumbr is the best procurable. If you are a judge of stock at all, we can convince you that our lumber will live uo to your most exacting requirements. After you are sure that we have th best lumber on the score of quality then compare our prices with others. JOHN ARNESON LUMBER CO. Russell Sage Pelm Tree of Scripture Nature's Gift The palm tiee qf Scripture Is understood to have been the date palm. For all the centuries that man has lived on earth the date palm has furnished food and shelter. Its timber and Its foliage have their uses even now. Sugar, date sugar, Is made from its sap just as maple sugar Is made from the sap of the maple tree. Its sap has been fermented into wine for scores of centuries, and that sap for many ages has been distilled Into brandy that Is as fiery and overwhelming as apple brandy, peach brandy and grape brandy. Studying American Methods. Thomas Varela, a member of the Argentine delegation to the recent Scientific congress in Washington, Is now making a study of higher education in this country, with a view to applying its best principles to the schools of the southern republic. He is a member of the faculty of the University oi Buenos Aires, officially represented this institution, his country, and the National Institute of Pedagogy at the congress, and has the honor of holding a gold medal and diploma presented to him by his fellow members of the Argentine delegation for his distinguished services at the congress. Dr. n Call on E. 1. Crane for your fall and winter APPLES 25c to 50c bu. LET VIV BURNS Put on a new Auto Top or Repair the old one. A Legal Notices NOTICE. United States Land of- -' fice, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 27, To Whom It May Concern: 1922. Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval and certification, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protest or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approved to the State. School lands, viz: Serial 024084, SW A4NE, Section 5, T. 21 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, GOULD B. BLAKELY, and beor any time thereafter, Register. fore final approval and certifi- Aug. 25 t5. cation, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on the grouna that the same is more valuable foi Efficient Note. A man who spends his time trying to convince a woman she is in ths wrong will never have time to become a captain of Industry. Prices Reasonable. All Work Guarantee Cushion Work a Specialty SAUNA and GUNNISON SEPTEMBER SPECIAL $ non-miner- al NOTICE Land United States Lake City, Utah, August Office, 7, 1922. Salt It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 1G, 1894, as indemnity School lands, viz: Serial To Whom We Will Deliver One Dentist You Do Your Washing, Hours 9 a. m. to 5 d. m Rufus Elben PHOTOGRAPHER Thought Irving Couldnt Act. Edwin Booth told one story of Irving that revealed a tragedy in that gifted mans life, Edwin M. Royle writes in Harper's Magazine. One day, as they were sitting in Booth's room in the theater, the latter was handed a letter. Irving casually remarked that he recognized the handwriting. Booth offered It to him and asked him if he cared to read it. Fortunately the Englishman declined. Mr. Booth opened it and read the following from Mrs. Henry Irving: "Dear Mr. Booth Can you spare me a box? I should like to have my sons see what good acting is. During my first season with Booth, quite by accident I found myself in a boarding house in San Francisco kept by a very sweet, quaint old English lady who was an aunt of Henry Irving, and she told me that Mrs. Irving had been known' to occupy a box at her husband's performances and ostentatiously read a newspaper during the performance. General Grant and Mark Twain. ' How Mark Twain first met General Grant is one of the incidents of the May Installment of Albert Bigelow Paines "Boys Life of the humorist which is running serially in St. Nicholas. Mark Twain was acting as a newspaper correspondent in Washington in the late '60s and had called on Grant by permission, elated at the prospect of an Interview. But when he looked into the square, smlleleBS face of the soldier, he found himself, for the first time in his life, withbut anything particular to say. Grant nodded slightly and waited. His caller wished something would happen. It did. His inspiration returned. he said, "I seem to be "General, Are you? slightly embarrassed. Cracks In the Wall. To remedy unsightly cracks in a well place In a saucepan one pound of flour and rob in a little cold wirer until free from lumps. Add three quarts of boiling water, place on the stove, bring to a boil and stir In a tablespoonful of alum. Cut a quantity of newspaper Into fine bits and stir it into this paste until It Is about ns thick as putty Boil and stir ui til smooth. Fill the cracks with this with help of a putty knife or a broken pointed esse knife. Crowd it into the crack ns far as possible, and flnUJi !t off level and smooth BEFORE ;you TRY: IT 4 5 r 4- 4, .j. 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, .j, - .4. 4, 4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4.4, -- 4, 4 : 4. 4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4,4, 4. 4, 4, 4. Telluride Power Company Happiness. JBEFOREYOU BUY. KNOW WHAT YOU'RE BUYING" SALINA, Ur AH MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL NO'JHONEY f THEN DECIDE Utah. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' . . ly To Your Own Home, Kodak Finishing, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Prompt Service plauai-M- e Wfcalwkln Valuable Wbaleskln is so thick that it can be split into several layers, each as stout ss ox hide, and it is excellent for making boots, bags, harness or belting. The usefulness of the whale in this respect Is not confined to his outer skin. The stomach furnishes a leather as soft and as strong as the best kid. Another Important thing about the whale Is that the whole of his skin Is good. The skins of cows, horses and other land animals fuvnish s small quantity of leather, or only certain portions of the hide re of the right Quality 4 Dr. F. 0. Bullock Salina, hundred yean are tha most up in laughter. There were no further difficulties. $ Business Directory. fied, will be considered sufficient evicharacter of the dence of tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approed by the State. GOULD A5t5 B. BLAKELY, Register. We Grants severity broke The Worlds BestElectric Washing Machine non-miner- al mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted foi report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within the time speci- Pick youraelf M..... Aunt Het. "Women always like to think their preacher is in delicate health ; but when he comes t dinner they cook up enough to plumb ruin a well man. Boston Herald. Cuite the Reverse. man isnt so apt to fib about hl evens up the 031304, Lots 1, 3, Section 5, T. 22 S., age as a woman, but he score when telling about his salary," R. 4 E., S. L. M. True, but he Copies of said lists, so far as they remarks an exchange. relate to said tracts by descriptive rarely understates his salary as a subdivisions, have been conspicuously woman does her age. Boston posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of Hrst (1777-1S09- MEATS AND GROCERIES arriving daily the dr--d moo. fncieiy an ru. roversy has been raised mef question whether "the first bun trs are the longest or tha hu. dred years are the hardest- hazard the opinion that the first . LOOK FOR OUR NIELSON , A Crabs Ingenious Disguise. There is a species of small crab found upon the English coast that Is so afraid of its enemies that it has found out, or perhaps been taught, a Progress. clever way to hide Itself. An Eng-Progress in human history has ben man had one of these crabs as a pet, traced by the destruction of barriers. and ha was lucky enough to visit the While science has found a way to spun creature when it was in the very act the seas and bridge the continents, The crab first of his "wig. philosophy has made planes of thought toremaking ribbonlike of off a green, piece on which men of every raoe may meet and placed his with seaweed pincers together In harmony of faPh am) pur- one end In his mouth. sucked he This, i pose Walter'S "mu C and nibbled and moistened with some x secretion of the nature of glue, that Mountain Out of Ma.ohlll hardens under water, and then ha "To make n'niountoln out of a mole pressed the sticky end upon his back. hill, meaning to exaggeiate, to mag By and by hiB back was covered with nlfy a danger or a situation unduly, a regular green and waving wig, so has become a common phrase. But It that, as he crawled about, he looked is not taken from an old proverb or Ilka a bunch of seaweed in gentle other popular sayings. The first to motion. It is to be presumed that use It was the American writer, Ileury uch a crab makes a sweet mouthful In his "Original Ellis lor a hungry flah, and that he makes Letters. The author Is not very well tha wig to prevent his being gobbled known ; his principal contribution to op. From time to time, of course, the. literature Is almost forgotten. tg requires repairing. Fresh Vegetables, Melons, Fruits and Fancy Groceries. JAMES FARRELL, President J I. aLiMA Silk sZA By Charles Sughroe Western Newspaper Urnoo Happiness Is the art ef not letting the thought of joys you don't possess spoil the pleasure of the ones at hand. He Declines the Nomination " ) . , , . |