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Show WILKIE, of JRS. FRANK N. Y., WAR WORKER Syra-cus- e, formerly matron at the State Reformatory at Industry, N. Y., who says she is delighted with Tanlac since it restored her health after she suf- , IN COMMAND Lieut, Aid M. at matron of the State Reformatory at Industry, N. Y. I was eating scarcely enough to keep alive, she declared, for I would rather not touch a bite than suffer the misery I knew would follow. Even sweet milk disagreed with me. I was sick in bed for two and three days at a time, and gad on my stomach made such awful pressure on my heart It almost cut off my breath. I had horrible dreams at night and In the morning was all tired out. Well, the longest day I live I will praise Tanlac, for my Improvement has been simply remarkable. I have no more heartburn, my appetite Is wonderful, I can eat most anything I want, and my sleep Is sound and restful. I am thoroughly delighted with Tanlac. It is wonderful. Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. Advertisement. Describing Him. How is your new hired man, Les- ter? Hes the kind of a feller," replied Farmer Flumlegate, "that when lie sets down is entirely unmoved by icism. Kansas City Star. crit- WILL ANSWER L. Geisenberger, Valuable Natchez, When Missis- NAME IS NOT IN DICTIONARY Not Yet In Official Legionnaire Guide Promises to Hold for Ail Time to Come. The American Legion Weekly comments on a New Zealand Newspapers use of the word legionary" to denote a member of the American Legion. The word legionary has an honored place in the dictionary which legionnaire has not as yet, the Weekly But all the qntlment, points out. and it is a case where sentiment counts, Is on the side of legionnaire. Legionary connotes an embattled Roman, toting a shield and spear for Julius Caesar. Legionnaire calls to mind (from the French point of view) a regiment of foreigners of the French Foreign Legion. Legionnaire as indicating a member of the American Legion, seems too firmly established to dislodge. We must remember that all Legions Roman, Foreign and American had one thing in common: They fought in France." who Kaukonen, during tlte war was a member of the volunter medical service corps of the United States army, has given entire satisfaction as mayor of Fair-port- . Argonne Association's Plan May Used for Unfortunates in United States. water r direct D Ky itHES5iG-ELU- a K cent, mjU, Ten. - C O L - Q BURNS CUTS ITCH &ORE3 I FOR 75c at stores; 85c by mail Address Nc w Y ork Drug Concern. New York W. N. U., Sail Lake City, Ns. Bs , . , Weber 3,250 823 4,030 020 1,053 1,000 00,000 996 7,497 4,002 3,084 3,394 3,569 14,983 2,072 2,049 700 18,650 Salt Lake Mrs. Martha Garnder, or Gerrans, held Dor murder because of alleged implication In the shooting of Joseph W. Irvine by Georgs H, Gardner at Welby April 15, will be released from the county jail upon the filing of a $5000 bond. - I 3 03Vi Cord er $16-2- 3 Fabric 13.50 Fabric . 10.95 30x3 Vi Crow-Ri-b 3 0x3 Vi Heavy TouristTuba 2.80 303Vi Regular Tube . . . 2.25 tsritt MB fluH priat Msdt 303Vi All-Weath- 3 Guy. Thoughts of a Middle-Age- d and fat, the young pass Bald-dome- d Yeung and Fearful. Mary, If you misbehave like that you will make your mother angry at oen-se- - HE WELCOMED MARSHAL FUCH Ernest Hail, Arizona's Secretary of State, Knew Frances Idol Under When Marshal Foch visited Arizona on his recent tour of the United States as the guest of the American Legion, he was offwelcomed icially by Ernest R. II a I L Arizonas of state, who in the of the absence states chief exbecame ecutive acting governor. It had not been many months since Mr. II a 1 1 had seen the marshal under entirely On that fordifferent circumstances. mer occasion, Mr. Hall wore an IsHe was known as sued uniform. "Corporal Hall of the Twenty-seventEngineers." Although he was over draft age and a member of the state senate when war declared, he was one of the first men in his community to enlist. Just now he is almost as proud of his position as chaplain of the Frank Luke, Jr., post of the American Legion as he is of the secretaryship. h s Movie Director Now here Is where ou jump off. Star I know, but suppose Im hurt? Director Thats all right, old man. Its the last scene in the picture. American Legion Weekly. 3 Suggestions of a Doughboy. Being the suggestions of a doughboy on the manner of conductihg the next war, together with certain reflecof the last one. tions on the conduThat all song writers, would be writers. song leaders and vaudeville singThat they ers be marked Class 1h drafted in the first contingent and hae at least six months intensive framing at K. I., sanitary detail, etc., before being permitted to compose their countrys songs. That any person who shall write compose or sing, or attempt to write, compose or sing songs expressing doughboy sentiment without such previous training sh.Tll be liable to death t -- nd shall be snt over the top at with a lantern in each hand. American Legion Weekly. ? Fabric. year 30 x 3H Cross-Ri-b Built of the same high grade Egyptian fabric and with a long wearing but differently designed tread, this tire offers unusual value. Over 5,000,000 of these tires have been sold in the last five years. Their quality and serviceability have proven to thousands of motorists the- folly of buying unknown and unguaranteed tires of lower price. Ask your Goodyear Service Station Dealer to explain their advantages. e secretary Ufa" leadership. As a companion to this tire there is the Good- d Salt Lake.' The annual sun dance of the Fort Duchesne Indians ended at sundown at FVrt Duchesne Sunduy, alter a three days continous dance without food or drink. Some of the braves fell from exhaustion, but as soon as they recovered they resumed the barbaric hop, skip anil shuffle around a pole on which was a buffalo head. Salt Lake The proposed scenic highway, Timpanogas cave and the d immunity camp of the Utah Outdoor association, together witli other possibilities for recreational development in Utah will be investigated by Dr. Frank Waugh, recreation collaborate of the United States forest service who will arrive August 2 for a sta; of several weeks. Bingham.1 The employees of the Utah Copper Company, through thelf grievance committee, have requested an increase of 50 cents a day in wages. When other mining companies granted an increase last February the Utah Coiper company failed to do so, it is stated. Salt Lake. The Utah State Federation of Labor will meet in Loose hell at Ogden, Monday, September 11, according to announcement sent out hy M. P. Hales, president and J. J. Sullivan secretary. Labor representatives from all parts of the state will attend the convention sessions of seven, dajs. Provo. The eleventh annual hike took place Saturday. All day Friday anil until the wee small hours of the nTght travelers fiom ail parts of the state and from many oilier states poured into Aspen grove until tlte beautiful woodland was so densely populated that it. resembled a fair sized city. Tim-panogo- s Tyron, Neb., 26 miles from a railroad, in the midst of the sandhill region, has dedicated a $2,300 American Legion memorial hall. The Legion in Massachusetts has raised funds to install a radio receiving set in each of the states five hospitals where service men are being cared for. Free traveling k libraries are be'ng Oklahoma posts of the furnished American Legion hy the department The post may keep of education. each collection of books two months. mid-ngh- Safa ' Ogden Robert G. Agee, 45 year of me , by ; its motto: To provide for the child age, real estate and insurance man of middle-ageyou. Im the gay. who has no parents, a home and a this city for many years was drowned Little Mary That dont scare ms at Utah Hot Springs Wednesday family life; to secure him his birthshe ain't my wife. Before She 6prucee Up. right of health; to educate him and morning where he had gone with bis No woman Is as old as she looks to train him to earn a livelihood; to de- four children flor a 6Wlm. The Roman bridal wreath was of herself with her hair up in curl pavelop his character that he may beverbena, plucked by the bride herself, pers. Judge. Patriotic Obligations of Portland come a useful and an upright citizen and to do these things so well and so Peace was the theme of the address economically that others shall follow of Governor Charles: IL Slabey pf this example is the aim of the Utah before the American intsitute association." of banking, which held Its national The orphans cared for under the as- cunvcntilin here and which Is sociations plan are placed In private by delegates from all over homes in a community where they are the United States. really wanted. They are not farmed out. There is a community school, Ogden. Bids for the construction playground and vocational training of the Weber gymnasium will be opcenter where the children are dally ened in the office of Woods fc brought together to get their mental architects Eccles building, in and physical development. There are this city at noon August 9, acihrding three such centers in France where to the announcement given out by the the orphans are given three distinct Weber Normal college board of edstages of training. ucation. not have an Hair Colov Restorer At alt rood drne-gists75 Sanpete Sevier Summit Tooele Uintah Utah Wasatch Washington Wayne Tread has won unquestioned All-Weat- 2,5(58 Piute Rich Suit Lake San Juan In 1918 by a group of Americans interested In French orphans. It has as school, because suffered with pair and could not rest, Hair... , Mrgan Different Circumstances. Its a Great Life." Troving that gay Paree didnt cause "iem to forget the cows and chickens, JO of the 3,300 vocational trainees in he Seattle (Wash.) district of the eterans bureau are taking up agriculture as their new occupation. When asked about their work, these embryo farmers invariably reply, It's a great .. Kane Millard A plan for the care and training of French war orphans, worked out by the Argonne association, an organization formed as a permanent memorial to the Americans who fought In France, Is said to be functioning so satisfactorily that a similar organization may be formed for the care of orphans In the United States. The Argonne association was formed between thirtee and fourteen year old and was going t Gray from By long wear, superior traction, freedom the Goodyear skidding, and ultimate economy, 7,207 11,327 4,331 174 4,800 2,602 2,899 1,793 729 Juab CARE OF FRENCH WAR ORPHAN Cumberland, Md. My mother eav me Lydia E. Pmkhams Vegetable Coir pound when I wa hair BoxeHler Cache Carbon Daggett Davis Duchesne Emery . Garfield Grand Iron Mayor Kaukonen finds time from her official duties to take part in the affairs of the American Legion Auxiliary of her city. That she is a stanch supporter of the Legion Is evidenced by her statement: It Is distinctly an American organization, in which politics and selfish interest have no place. Its cornerstone Is American manhood, Its objects liberty, fraternity and service. Its principles are as broad as the continent upon which falls the shadow of our flag. Woman Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pmkhams Vegetable Compound Makes This Offer hare I e ight WHO WRITES did 59G5s twenty-e- OF FLOOD CAMP No Difference Now. more trouble afte that until I was mar ried, then I alway was troubled in m back while carryin a child and could nc do my work until took the Vegetabl Compound. Iam strong, do all my wash mg and ironing and work for save children and feel fine. I always have a easy time at childbirth and what it di for me it will do for other women. I ar willing to answer any woman if sh will write asking what it did forme.' Mrs. John Heier, 63 Dilley St. Cumberland, Md. During girlhood and later durinj motherhood Lydia E. Pinkhams Vege table Compound brought relief to Mrs Heier. Her case is but one of many w constantly publish recommending ou Vegetable Compound. She is willing t answer your letter. Write to her. All-Weath- er Salt Lake There are approximately but she also 173,752 registered voters in Utah, acpoints with pride cording to information furnished to to the fact that Charles Ileiner, deputy secretary of her little city of state, by the county clerks of one Fairport lias counties in Lf the twenty-ninof the most atthe state. The state total is distri tractive and capbitted among the counties as follows: able lady mayNo, Voters counCounty. ors" in the Beaver 1,828 Miss Amy try. by After the American Bed Cross at Natchez, Miss., had obtained from the sevgovernment eral hundred army tents to house flood refugees, It was found that the government had failed to send anybody along who could direct the erection of the canvas shelters. Fortunately members of the Natchez American Legion had had ixperience with practically every sort Jf tent from "pup tents on up. After having rescued hundreds of people from housetops and treetops, the Legionnaires took upon themselves the Job of erecting a tent city to bouse these refugees. A Legion doctor laid out the camp from the standpoint of sanitation, and M. L. Geisenberger, a former lieutenant, was made commandant of the refugee camp. More than five hundred people were taken care of during the first few days, and as the flood area widened the number rapidly increased. The Legions work in the care of flood victims received unstinted praise from every quarter of the country. ANY WOMAN Companion to the Goodyear Tread UTAH Ohio not only boasts that she has produced many more than her share of the natlone chief executives, sippi Went on Rampage, This Is the first time In eight years that I have been free from stomach trouble and It Is all because of the wonderful good Tanlac has done me," said Mrs. Frank Wilkie, 229 Cedar St., Mrs. Wilkie formerly reSyracuse. sided In Buffalo and for two years was From All Parts of Auxiliary Affaire. l$on for This Supplied the American Department Legion News Service (Copy Pithy News Notes Miss Amy Kaukonen, Guardian of Little Buckeye City, Active In American fered eight years. IS OHIO MAYOR I Commander Hanford MacNIdor of the Legion has announced himself in 'avor of every Legion post adopting i troop of boy scouts nr forming troops in communities where none exist. "Scouting is the best education in America today for developing future citizens and I favor anything that tends toward Its promotion, " Mr. MacNlder soys. Ogden. Forty-twboy scouts ol were awarded Ogden badges hy the Ogden council at a meeting in the city Hall park recently. Fred G. Taylor of the scout council presided and pro sented the medals Neon and the Aurora. By means of so'untling balloons there have been collected specimens of the air up to an altitude of more than eight and a half miles. Analysis shows the presence of helium only in the luyers lower than about six miles. Neon, on the contrary, Is found at all levels, and this fact is regarded as confirming the identification of several spectroscopic lines of neon in the spectrum of the aurora borealis. It least is estimated that there 10,000 lepers In Russia. are at The Worlds Lowest Priced QUALITY Automobile $F F w b. Flint , Mich. Am New Superior Model Breaking All Sales Records of Standard Fully Equipped Cars This leadership has come only from sheer superiority in value per dollar of price. Price, operation and maintenance ctnsidered, your dollar buys the most transportation in a Chevrolet. Equipment and accessories considered, Chevrolet is the lowest priced car made. Chevrolet is ALL THERE as sold the license, gasoline and oil. nothing mors to buy but Comparisons Sell Chevrolet Standard Rear Axle Construction. Strong, Quiet Sptrsl Bevel 'Gears, three Standard Transmission speeds forward and ona reverse. Standard Braking System foot service brake, hand emergency brake. Standard Electrical System Start- er, storage battery, electric lights. StandardCooiing System culation, large, honey-com- b and fan. pump cirradiator Standard Doors two on roadster coupe, and light delivery, four on tounng and sedan. Demountable Rime with extra rim. Standard Instrument Board : speed ometsr, ammeter, oil pressure gauge, lighting and starting twitch, and choke pull. Standard Typa of Carburetor, with ' exhaust heater. d Motor Powerful, the same type as used in successful Valve-In-Hea- cars selling at much higher prices. Many Other Advantages which will be noticed on inspection, comparison and demonstration. Investigate the Difference Before You Buy Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Dhnsion of General Motors Corporation World Largest Manu There ars 5,000 Chevrolet Applications will be Considered facturer of Low Prtced Dealers and Set vice Stations from High Grade Dealers in Automobile Throughout the World ntones not Adequately Covered Dealer Inquiries Should Be Addressed to Chevrolet Motor Company 1833 Wazee Street, Denver, Colorado Gives New Life to Old Stockings Putnam Fadeless Dyes -- dyes or tints as you wish , i |