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Show vthv&Snl i mv'u 11 Looking Ahead . . Salina, Sevier County, Utah Okerlund, North Sevk-r- Buchanan, Richfield. 181 feet 11 inches. Run Burnside, North Sanpete; Stewart, Wasatch; Hatch, Panguitch; Nelson, Richfield; Murphy, North ; (Continued From Page 3) is right and wrong. There is love or hate. There is peace or war. There is friendship or hostility. Man is always challenged by these painful decisions. The neu- tralist is the man who lacks the moral stamina to make a decision and who hunts for a safe and middle ground, where he can evade a choice beBy James W, Douthat tween the two extremes. The How are legis- - Federal Reserve Board. Senate neutralist attitude is always the Washington Jative programs affecting busi- - Finance Committee to conduct attitude of weakness. Usually, it ness faring at the of investigation of general govern- - proves to be not neutral at all, this Congressional session? ment finance, money and credit, but an aid to the worst of the A quick appraisal shows that Increased interest rate on sav- - alternatives. most measures important to busi- - ings bonds voted by Congress. ness are still in committee Banks authorized to raise rates A MORAL DECISION In the present issue of w that moderation has thus far on savings to provide fund3 for outfinal the that prevailed expanding economy, 880-yar- d High School con- tinued to dominate the Region athletic events, as the Bob- cats added the annual track meet to their basketball crown Friday at Gunnison. The Pan- team collected a total of 69 points to walk away with the meet honors. second was Pnminff in lilhat with Salina North sevier o Wasatch 65 Academy points. wa 1 120-yar- an!Th' 880-yar- d Pan-Nin- Was-guit- d flo Comment ch mid-poi- ' Dash Steele, Pan- guitch; Cooper, Panguitch; Lund, North Sanpete; Miller, Pan- guitch; Cloward, North Sevier, 220-yar- d nt Discuss Sorenson, North s .,a e r Rejd Johnson and Worthen, Panguitch, tied for flrst; Beck Gunnison, and Mills, gouRl Sevier, tied for third; yhittaker, Piute, and Hickey, Wayne, tied for fifth. 5 feet 10 inches. Wood, Wasatcn; Javelin Long, Wasatch; Reynolds, Piute; inches. Richfield Medley Relay Button, Wilkinson, (Dastrup, Morrison); North Sevier, atch, Panguitch. 3.32 8. North Sevier Mile Relay (Robins, Murphy, Woolsey, John- son); Wasatch, Richfield. 3:40 C. Panguitch Relay (Cooper, Hatch, Miller, Steele); Wasatch, Gunnison, Richfield; North Sevier. 1:36 6. Team Totals Panguitch, 69; Wasatch North Sevier, 65 38Gunnison Academy, North Sanpete, Richfield, South Sevier, 18; Piute, 19 jump t- feet 3 Was-Stee- le 880-yar- d Vi- ATTENTION CATTLE opportunity to fair market price for your cattle. Consigned to Ogden Livestock Auction and buy your replacements blood tested and ready to milk. 3; - - 52; 37; 13; . Wayne, OGDEN LIVESTOCK AUCTION DAIRY SALE ations and restrict future pro- grams, to assure sound govern- ment finance. The economy fight will en- compass both Senate and House, A billion has been sliced from a cut of budget thus far several billion is sought.TAXATION Congress continued the 52 per cent corporation income tax rate, (after rejecting proposals for a graduated corporation in- eome tax) an a biUion dollars e in excise taxes. o whether Its now the House will vote a tax cut, effective next January 1. But a tax reduction bill is considered sure next year. INFLATION Proposals for stand-bprice and wage controls ignored. No action taken on grant of control over installment credit to - war-tim- touch-and-g- y May 11th, 12:00 Noon o airadJ anti-seconda- ry boycott provisions. At the same time, Congress has taken no action on union demands for repeal or emascula-th- e y tion of Act. Whether McClellan commit- tee exposure of links between union bosses and hoodlums will lead merely to welfare and pen- sion fund regulation or go to heart of ills of compulsory unionism is undetermined. ANTITRUST MEASURES . Congress has before it the re- port of the Attorney Generals committee for revision of the a report by ex- antitrust jawJ with proposals for clari- perts fication long overdue. But Congress has Ignored it has not considered construe- tive proposals designed to aid business. Instead, Congress is considering a measure designed Taft-IIartle- . .. . . Inri f the yeair tto Ehc& iravG t w Manufacturer'! Suggested Price for this Sedan SPECIAL ' We sure started something when we began showing this level in our ads. That opened the eyes of thousands of people to the fact that (including Delivery and Handling Charges and Federal Excise Taxes) Transportation charges, state and local taxes, if any, accessories and optional equipment. Including Dynaflow transmission, radio, heater and white sidewall tires, additional. you can buy a big and beauteous new Buick for hardly more than the price of a smaller car. But the biggest new kind of driving. For in this completely changed Buick you have performance, ride, braking and handling like never before. You boss a new and mighty V8 engine that sends a thrill of pure pleasure right up your spine. It has the power-pac- k built right in and you dont pay a cent extra for it. You command instant response from a spectacular new d Dynaflow of such absolute smoothness and obedience that you must try it to believe its wonders. split-secon- You have a new surety of control from the powerful new brakes, the precision-balance- d new steering, the torque-tub- e drive, the. new nested ride and superb new roadability and the new low center of gravity. all-ne- w, full-leng- th The total experience is something youve never felt before in any other car even former Buicks. So go try it. Try the dream car to drive thats priced to be a dream of a buy. See your Buick dealer today. ew Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow it the only Dynaflow Buick buildt today. It is ttondard on Roadmaster, Super and Century optional at modest extra cost on the Special Chock Lights' -- Steering , -- Brakes -- Engine -- Check Accidents I &SZSm2SZxk 555T,t t .. The regular meeting of the Associated Civic Clubs of South- ern and Eastern Utah was held April 27th in Richfield, with President Royal T. Harward .. Thomas W. Jensen, executive secretary, reported on letters sent to the Utah congressional delegation, Governor Clyde, the f Reclamation and the Utah Water and Power Board re- (luestin8 their immediate sup- port oa engineering studies for both the Emery County and , F , . j TT various and thus Monuments. Arches National They stated public hearings would be held at El Escalante Hotel in Cedar City, commencing June 12th. The following committee was named by President Harward to attend the hearings, in addition to himself: Gordon W. Clark, St. George; Kumen L. Jones, Cedar City; J. Usher Henrie Panguitch; Joseph R. Murdock Milford; James Stacy and Cliff McShane, Richfield; Mitchell Melich, Moab, and retary Jensen. Justin M. Smith of Delta, was hired by the Association to serve as field secretary to col lect money for the operation and promotion work of the club, and to assist the executive busia as of final point reUry, ness during the meeting, control increase bureaucratic over business. Senator Kefauver plans to resume investigation of economic concentration in the next several weeks. DEPRESSED AREAS In spite of the remarkable power of the private enterprise economy to meet stresses and Deal strains, a strong New-Famovement is under way for enactment of a depressed area bill. This measure, starting with federal loans and grants of could grow ultimately to serious federal intervention in location of factories and federal support of factories in depressed areas through forced diversion of government procurement, regardless of price. ATOMIC ENERGY Congress Is dragging its feet on legislation strongly urged by business to speed private enterprise gains in atomic energy. The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy has been asked by business to provide government indemnity against atomic disaster something far bebut yond ordinary concepts no action has been taken. Similarly, normal patent procedure has been urged again with no action. r Meantime, Deal groups are demanding legislation to compel expenditure of hundreds of millions to build government atomic power plants. (D-Ten- ir 0, New-Fai- An open letter to the citizens of Utah v Mantf Jaycees On To Sponsor February 1st of this year, the United States Brewers Foundation inaugurated operg Division with headation of its quarters in Salt Lake City. Representing 85 of the nations malt beverage production, the Foundation is the national trade association of the brewing industry, and has long been engaged in a successful program of industry in other areas of the country. This new office will introduce the program to the states of Utah and Wyoming. entails close cooperation on the one hand, local authorities with state and licensees with on the beer and other, in the furof the laws and observance of therance strict distribution and sale the regulations governing of malt beverages. The program has the wholehearted support of both brewers and It is in the public interest as well as that of the brewing industry, since it helps maintain wholesome conditions for the sale of beer and ale. Utah-Wyomin- Boat Races Members of the Manti Junior Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring boat races on June 16th at Palisade Park, according to Boyd Henrie, president. A good representation of boats in the hydro-plan- e and power class from Salt Lake and Provo are going to participate ,and anyone locally who has a boat in the class is invited to register. Trophys and prizes in the various classes will be given the winners. Anyone desiring further information can contact Mr. Henrie or the secretary, Lindsay run-abo- lemnein Associated Civic Clubs Discuss Reclamation And Park Projects to ,avorable ere fr0Upa immediate study. Both Mr. Harward and Mr Jensen reported on information .. received from the National Park CaSCS Service regarding the enlarge- requ re pre- - meiR 0f Kolob .Capitol Reef and $325,-000,00- surprise was yet to come: The discovery of a And the claim that it future of all mankind. picketing and violence; Curtis ellite. bill to tighten merger notification, ut mu, Self-Regulati- Self-Regulati- . '9' Uln amoassaaor rongs 1 cooper get a 'krupsn.r mag-agin- V 12:00 Noon May 11th,MEN Here is an & Willi enjoys a broad sense of popular support, he said, completely overlooks the 20,000,000 corpses in Red china killed by the Communists since 1949 for the crime of opposing the policies o f the Communist regime e The Ambassador cited articles and literature be-- i n g circulated to discussion groups, high schools and colleges, which declare openly or subtly suggest that Red China should be admitted to the U. N., and recognized by America. Lets not be taken in by such pro- - restrict monopoly power of labor toward neutralism in Piute; Hill, Gunnison; Ogden, eluded: BUDGET BALANCING union bosses. Measurespending countries of the free world is inches. Richfield. 137 feet 6 Ambassador Tong c o n Businessmen have provided include Hiestand bill to put continuous Broad Jump Wilkes, North OGDEN LIVESTOCK AUCTION tf 4 ;22.7. SPECIAL DAIRY SALE ' Page Red d two-firs- 4. e Pole Vault Johnson, and guitch; Hatch, Panguitch, Haycock, Piute, tied for second; tied for fourth: Caldwell and Hansen, Gunnison; Keene, atch, and Dutson, North Sevier. 11 feet 5 inches, Low Hurdles Hill, Gunni- son; Bartholomew, Gunnison; Wilkes, , North Sevier; Keene, 'StCh . church, Panguitch. Wasatch; Bdnd- Sevier; Seeley", Gunnison; Childs, ley, Piute; Christensen, North Sevier. 49 inches steele, Pan. 100yard Dash g itch. Long, Wasatch; Cloward, Hatch Panguitch; Caldwell Gunnison. :10.1. 440yard Dash Robins, North Sevier, and Dastrup, Richfield, field, with 37 Vi, wasUHh Bruce Hill of Gunnison, scoring honors with first places in the high and low hurd es, setting a new record of 20 5 in the lows. He also took fourth in the discuss, and ran in the third relay team. place Donald Steele of Panguitch, also recorded two first places, in the 100 and 200 yard dash, and set a record of 22.7 in the longer race. He also cracked the 100- yard record, but it was not allowed, due to excessive wind. also ran on the winning relay team. David Sorenson of North Se- vier, was the other Dave walked place winner. 880-yar- vier. 2:10 away with top honors in both the discuss and shot put events. Summary: Mile Morrison, Richfield; Woolsey, North Sevier; Muir, Richfield; Bornie, North San- pete; Bell, Wasatch. 4.54. Hill, High Hurdles Gunnison; Wilkes, North Sevier; Bartholomew, Gunnison; Beck, Gunnison; Gardner, North Se- vier. :15.3. Fri., Many 10, 1957 EGULAR BLOOD! HOUNDS YOwaOQs BaancsCx SPBCIAI. . CENTURY SUPIS ROADMASTSR and will build . . . Customers 'Quick ROADMAiTI A 7 W)in battar automobiles aro built lultk SEE YOUR AUTHORJZEO J After BEER and ALE AWteajfofc tboa BUICK D E R Our Want Ads vs,' . pmmh |