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Show DECEMBER 26, 1952 THE SAUNA SUN, SAUNA. UTAH PAGE 2 Dwight Crosier, jr., a student at the University of Utah, is home for the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Crosier, Sr. SuL entertained at dinner on ChristMr. and Mrs. Bennie Heath mas Day for the family and Mrs. and children, Shii ley Ann, Crosier. Television was Maggie Crystal and Douglas, were the pastime of the evening hours. visitors on Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Tatton in Manti. Alonzo Peterson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alm Monson in GarMr. and Mrs. L. L. Hewitt, field. They also visited with Mrs. Thelma Hansen and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardinger, a Andy, of Salt Lake City, visited who accompanied them to over the Christmas season with on Saturday, and returned Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Anderson. to Roosevelt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson were hosts at a family dinner on Thursday. hAUG:J Maxi-lyn- n, Sa-lin- Mrs. Leath Rasmussen and Miss Rae Dawn Rasmussen went to Provo, Friday, and returning, were accompanied by Miss Renee Rasmussen and Miss Barbara Peterson, students at BYU, who are home for the vacation period. Miss Peterson i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernel Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and son, Kendall, of Salt Lake City, were house guests Christmas Day and the holiday season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burr. m Mrs. Emma West and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Corya motored to Provo, for the Christmas season with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Rapley Bird left Saturday for California. They will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Madsen during the holiday season. The Madsens reside in San Francisco. - - The home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barrett was the setting for a family dinner Christmas Day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Mellor and son, Gary, of Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. LaGrand Barney and daughters, Kathie and Vicky, of Salt Dake City; Mr. and Mrs. Ferron Gardner and children of Price. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nielson and son, Michael, of Richfield, were guests on Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ridd, parents of Mrs. Nielson. For a Christmas Eve family dinner and Christmas tree program, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrea-so- n and the Andreason children, Sandra, Donna, Charlotte, Tanya, Paula and Dereck, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Larsen in Gunnison, parents of Mrs. Andreason. G. M. Burr and Ted Burr of Mrs. Arthur Martin will enterthe Burr Motor, were in Salt tain members of the Old Fort Lake, Monday to attend a deal- Camp, Daughters of the Pioneers ers showing of the 1953 Chev- at the December meeting on the rolet held at the Capitol Theatre. 30th, beginning at 2 p.m. During They were accompanied b y the business session, Mrs. A. C. Blair Curtis, salesman for the Folster will give the lesson. A social hour will follow, with an Mrs. Emily Burgess is a guest company, and Mrs. Ted Burr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. exchange of gifts. The hostess Marvin Gregg in Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steele, who will serve luncheon. for the December holiday season. are located at Fairbanks, Alaska, Mrs. T. J. Morley was hostes: have arrived in Utah, and will Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Robins, visit over the holiday at the at a turkey dinner Sunday, in Mrs. Evan Mickelson and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry honor of Miss Lavona Hansen, and her son, Neal J. Rodger Martin were in Provo, Steele and with Mr. and Mrs. bride-eleMr. U. S. Navy Hospital, with visited Morley, of Mrs. They Monday. Stone, parents Steele, in and Mrs. Brooks Robins, who Mapelton. They will join the Corona, California, who arrived are parents of a baby boy, born Harry Steele family for dinner early Sunday morning for a on the 15th at a Provo hospital. on Christmas Day. Also present holiday leave. Mr. and Mrs. AlThe baby is the second born in were Lt. and Mrs. Jim Pidd and fred Martin were also guests of the family. daughter, Jackie, and Ronnie the hostess. Steele of Salt Lake City. H. B. Crandall left Monday for Mrs. Arminta Murphy, who has consulted specialists at the Mrs. Ernest Anderson was California. He will join Miss Salt Lake C'inic, has returned to hostess at a family Christmas Hazel Crandall in Los Angeles Salina, and is convalescing at party Saturday evening at the for the Christmas week. the home of Mrs. Rhetta Felt, a Anderson home. A Christmas Mrs. J. F. Monger left Thursdaughter. Friends of Mrs. Mur- tree, laden with gifts for everyphy will be glad to learn that one, a turkey dinner and an day for a months visit in the her condition is slightly im- hour of visiting, were all enjoy- Northwest. On December 27th, proved. ed. Those present included the she will attend the marriage of Miss Doris Zinserlinger at Casas, parents of Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Ewles and and Mrs. Joseph Olsen of Fay- Washington, a niece of Mrs. Monger. Her plans are to visit Ronnie Steele of Salt Lake, and ette; Mr. and Mrs. Bob with Mrs. Merety Monger at of Mr. and of Salt Montez Sorenson Miss Loa, Lake; Oregon, and many Roseberg, Mrs. Eugene Tuttle of Manti; Mr. visited relatives in Salina, and Mrs. Lynn Lyman of Span- other relatives in the same city. ish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Paul BarThe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira tholomew and Mr. and Mrs. WE HAVE INSTALLED THE Newell Olsen of Fayette, and Rasmussen was a setting for the LATEST Miss Edy Tuttle, a student at the annual Christmas Eve party, B. Y. U. The parents were ac- Wednesday. Long tables were for the dinner, served companied by the children in arranged at 4 oclock. After the childrens the family. dance and the Christmas proLEGAL PUBLICATIONS gram, when Santa Claus visited PROBATE & GUARDIANSHIP the city, the family returned to NOTICES the Rasmussen home, and enjoyOur Methods And For further information, consult ed an evening of visiting and Specifications the County Clerk or Respective exchange of gifts. All members Are Recommended By The in the Rasmussen family, and Inland Radiator Signers. Manufacturing Co. grandchildren, were present. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bird and children, Sherrie, Susan and Dennis, were guests for the Christmas holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Williams in Central. ct Fair-clou- Radiator Repairing Equipment The gift we cherish most is the priceless one of your faX f friendsltip.r --4- Each radiator is thoroughly cleaned inside the core and out. A hot chemical solution is pumped through the core, which gives positive cleaning, before repairs are made. SAUNA DRUG Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Larsen and Carol Larsen of California, were guests for dinner on Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Larsen, parents of Mr. Larsen. COLBY AUTO CLINIC 78 EAST MAIN ST., SALINA quires Service Local personnel does not have timer and cant service sets bought Sets purchased outside, will have from dealers from outside areas. to be serviced from outside points. and no one to service it. Buy from the following local dealers, who guarantee service: Dont be caught with your T. V. on the blink, FURNITURE SEVIER VALLEY MERC. SORENSEN ELECTRIC PEERLESS FURNITURE & HARDWARE BURR MOTOR CO. R. gh & R. THESE DEALERS ARE RECOMMENDED NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT ESTATES OF THOMAS PETER PETERSON, also known as T. P. Peterson, and ANNIE JANE PETERSON, husband and wife, Both Deceased. n IioIiVayTr A 1 Mrs. Morrill Robins was hostess to members of her bridge club Friday at the Robins home. Ur-"- ': The hostess served luncheon at 2 oclock, and covers were laid for eight. In the bridge game, prizes were won by Mrs. A. C. Prows and Mrs. Ernel Peterson. An exchange of gifts and a social hour was a feature of the season. I . Creditors will present claims with vouchers attached to the undersigned Administrator at his residence in Salina, Sevier County, State of Utah, on or beMrs. Ernel Peterson presided fore the 7th day of February, at open house Saturday afterA.D., 1953. DELBERT B. PETERSON, noon, honoring the anniversary of her natal day. Friends, relaAdministrator. tives and neighbors called dur& GUSTIN RICHARDS ing the hours. The hostess served MATTSSON, a dainty luncheon. Attorneys for Administrator. 151 North Main, Address: Mr. and Mrs. George Sorenson Richfield, Utah. left Sunday for Salt Lake City, 1st pub. Dec. 5 where they will join in a family Last pub. Dec. 26 dinner on Christmas Day at the home of Mrs. Norma Hansen, a CREDITORS TO NOTICE daughter to the Sorensons. LaMar Sorenson motored from Salt of of Estate the In the Matter AUSTIN J. SPENCER, Deceased. Lake, Saturday, and was accompanied north by his parents. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers attached, to the Mrs. Janie Okerlund has gone undersigned Administratrix at to California, where she will the office of her attorneys, Gus-ti- visit with Mr. and Mrs. Linden Richards & Mattsson, 151 Okerlund at Napa, during the North Main, Richfield, Utah, on holidays. or before the 13 th day of April, Wed like to ft ' Y VC engineer a fi J t Merry Christmas for you. NJ rf1 P.f 4 Teds n, gg A.D., 1953. HANNAH E. SPENCER, Administratrix. 1st pub. Dec. 12, 1952 Last pub. Jan. 2, 1953. wahjm umcL ot BY THE M! A double ring ceremony solemnized early Tuesday morning in the St. George L. D. S. Temple, united in marriage Miss Lavona Hansen and Neal J. Morley. Present at the rites were Mr. and Mrs. Phil L. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morley, parents of the bride and groom. In the evening, a wedding reception was given in honor of the marriage, at the Sevier Stake Rereation Center in Richfield. For her wedding, the bride selected a w hite satin gown with train. Her veil was caught to a crown of lace and pearls, and she carried a bouquet of white camellias. The new Mrs. Morley is a graduate of the Richfield High School with the class of 51. Mr. Morley is a graduate of North Sevier High School. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in February, 1951, and is serving in the Medical Corps at the U. S. Naval Hospital in Corona, California. Mr. Morley will report at his base Friday. His bride will join him there in January. V 'CHRISTfTlAS 52 We offer our best holiday greetings and pledge you a bright and merry Yuletide lnthe valley, on the mountain, let the spirit of Christmas y. warm the hearts of , i all mankind. season. SEVIER CHAPTER R & R Furniture SAUNA' FEED & SUPPLY 4 ' |