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Show THE SAUNA SUN. SAUNA, UTAH Isoasoccoaf Training Cooks for the Worlds Best Fed Army OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND Sffjj. 8tLL off,r t'ornitur. Tvp';riteri, Addmi Machine. Safes. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE UWeai Bread a ay. Salt Lake City. Utah HELP WANTED Needed Several good Chevrolet ueet of working condition in s Mechanics, large well equipped shop, in the heart of Salt Lake. For furantees information, write or rhineVT 465 Sl SUth Mm- - g Hogs - NEW METHOD Vitehte contains minerals and salt worming compound all in one and fed as salt. This material will worm our hugs and give them Sait, Iodine, Sulphur, Iron. Calcium, Phosphate and Molasses The essential minerals and tonic they need for faster growth. Salt Lake City SId,n fifty !b. bags at 3 50 per hag. Yourfob. money back if not satisfied Send check or money order, today. Crystal White Salt & Chemical Co. 1069 So State. Salt Lake City, Ut. J. VEAR HANSEN VVe manufacture Hay Salt, Cattle Salt, fcheep Salt Buy your salt direct from Manufacturer and save USED CARS TRAILERS America prides itself oq producing the best fed, best clothed, best equipped army in the world. Helping to maintain this standard are the schools for bakers and cooks. Left: At the Fort Sam Houston school students are learning to prepare coffee with a tripod and a Dixie Boiler. The men kneeling are heating dehydrated foods in their mess kits over the fire. Center: A student baker is adding shortening to other ingredients in the dough mixer. Bakers learn to operate movable and immovable equipment. Right: Atypical doughboy samples the result of the schools training. Ninety per cent of the students who become expert cooks and bakers were not able to fry potatoes properly before entering training school. USED' OSEDtAMASKE CARS TRUCKS Broken Jaws Can Now Chew Steak While Healing WANTED TOP PRICES PAID W.N.U. Week No. 4329 - 1 For Used Cars and House Trailers MORGAN MOTOR & FINANCE CO. 702 South Main ITTLE sister will look like The dress la designed for alzea Pattern number 6527. Applique ia la something right out of the the eame pattern.la bandbox in this charming frock Due to an unusually large demand and Make it her best little dress. current war condiUona, slightly more ttma Do it in pale pink, blue or apple la required in filling orders for a few ad most popular pattern numbers. green organdie or dotted swiss. theSend your order to: Applique the flowers in white or a HOME NEEDLEWORK darker shade of the dress 149 New Montgomery 81 F San Francisco, Calif. 02 SALT LAKE Nearly 900,000 tons of sugar were imported from Puerto Rico in 1942, an inctease of 2,880 tons over 1941. o For years the Fuggers, 16lh century German bankers and industrialists, made 54 per cent on their money. Cautions for Home Canners Housewives doing home canning with wartime jar caps are cautioned to follow implicitly the instructions of the cap manufacturers if they wish to avoid unhappy experiences and waste in their patriotic effort to conserve. Spoilage of food and breakage of jars is certain to result, if instructions are not followed to the letter. Proper methods and careful canning will insure excellent results, more important in the present food Situation than at any other time. Seal Fruit Jar Cap, The Glass-To- p a wartime product developed to conserve metal, requires careful use, according to the home service departments of fruit jar manufacturers. This cap consists of a metal band, glass lid and rubber ring. With these three widely varied materials making up its component parts, the cap must be used according to important but easily followed instructions. First of all, the cap is not recommended for, and must not be used in, oven can- - Skeletal fixation of fractures of the mandible that is the medical phrase for a new technique of setting broken jaws so that they can be used while healing. These pictures illustrating the method were made at a shews the line of fracture a surgeon paints a line to indicate the posinaval dental clinic. 1. After the y tion of the break. 2. A stout needle is screwed into the face. Three such pins are set in on both sides of the fracture line. 3. The pins are bridged by a strong steel rod which holds them tightly keeping the two .parts of the jawbone together. 4. The patient, practically scarless, returns to his normal activities. ; X-ra- Nurses Keep Fit If the food' is processed (cooked in a jar), one inch of space must be left in the top of the jar when filled, in order to allow room for expansion. h If an open kettle is used a of space must be left in the top of the jar. The next step is to place the rubber around the projection on the bottom side of the lid, and the lid must then be placed so that the rubber he between it and the top edge of the closjars on which jar. All glass or metal, are used ures, either smooth-tomust have edges. The band is then applied tightly and immediately loosened slightly of a turn. Bands about must fit loosely during the processing an If open kettle is used, or cooking. the bands are to be screwed tight as soon as the jar is filled. After the the bands processing is completed are screwed tight to complete the seal. The bands may be removed twelve hours after the canning operation. At no time should the filled half-inc- top-se- Good Buy for You! A UNITED STATES WAR BONDS al p Good By for Japs! one-quart- - I.-,- At CO Rps be turned jars The housewife who takes no chances IN on variance from any one of these simple but important steps is assured of success and the enjoyment of the delicious flavor of home canned foods this winter. Adv. Three navy nurses in training at the Treasure Island Naval Training station at San Francisco, Calif., Bombs from a Boston plane of the British Royal Air force are seen learn to use the cargo net in the bursting on the former Italian stronghold of Pantelleria in the final phase swimming pool. Wartime nurses of the battle for that Mediterranean island. Airpower was given the must be fit and ready to withstand credit for the subjection of Pantelleria. hardship. Functional kidney disturbance due to need of diuretic aid may cause stabbing bebackfreache! Way cause urinary flow to Vou may quent, yet scanty and smarting! lose sleep from "getting up nights often may feel dizzy, nervous, "headachy. In such cases, you want to stimulat kidney action fast. So if there is nothing or organically wrong, try Sstemically Capsules. They ve been famous for prompt action for 30 years. Take care to use them only as directed. Accept no substitutes. 354 at your drug store. Harvest Queen Soviet Youths Study to Fight Invader distress of MONTHLY SANS MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS, iken regularly Pinkhams Com-n- d helps build up resistance Inst such annoying symptoms, ow label dlrectlona Worthtrinngtj , FRsr MTHE SERVICE FDR STEADY PLEASURE-PLEN- TY OF FLAVOR AND WHICH MAKES YOU CRANKY, NERVOUS! ia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com-n- d has helped thousands to re-- e bead-- e periodic pain, backache, with weak, nervous, cranky, due to functional 9 feelings Is due ithly disturbances. This Its soothing effect on one of i ?-4- CAMELS HAVE WHAT IT TAKES fFemale Weakness Ta relieve t'ii they The favorite cigarette with men in the Nary, Army, Marines, and Coast Guard is CameL (Based on actual sales records In Post Exchanges and Canteens.) 2943 WNU W ; COIL1 BACKACHE WHEN KIDNEY FUNCTION LAGS from this need . . . . ' - EXTRA MILDNESS Russian children are shown lined up in Moscow with rifles and fixed bayonets. As members of a yonth organization they study military science together with boxing and other sports. Modern warfare has shown the importance of the population being ready to defend the homeland in case of an invasion. Prize onions and turnips from the Victory gardens of residents of Beverly Hills, Calif., are displayed by Barbara Hale shortly after she was named queen of a harvest show there. Wl f " !? s,'' "tf & |