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Show ines, nuts & candy or wrapped a new idea in confections, vending. May be handled pan time along with present occu- Fishing Season Opening itlffialmsun investment pation. required. Could be built into fulltime operation. For local interview, write: Interstate Merchandisers, Rochester, Minn. M28tlp $600-$190- FRI MAY Salina, Sevier County, Utah. PAGE 4 28, 1965 0 W V'f Congratulations . . WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS, WEDDING GUEST REGISTER BOOKS, NAPKINS AND FOR SALE Modern THANK YOU NOTES. Quick home with 2 acres of land. Service, reasonable prioes at Contact Rae Noyes Jr.. 399 E. THE SALINA SUN, 60 E. Main. 3rd North, Salina. Phone Phone M28t4c FOR SALE brick home, 45 So. 2nd West. Call 4 or contact Audry INVITATION TO BID A2tfc VEHICLES FOR SALE Sealed bids for the purchase of a Cub International Tractor, a 1956 Chevrolet sedan, and a 1957 Ford Station Wagon will be received by the Board of Education, 188 West Center Street, Large Selections Richfield, Utah, until 5:00 p.m. R. Sc R. FURNITURE on Wednesday, June 2, 1965. The BOOTS AND SHOES FOR RE- board reserves the right to acPAIRING by Seamens Shoe cept andor reject any or all bids. Sevier School District, Shop of Spanish Fork may be Foy Poulson, left at Burns Saddlery, Salina. North Sevier High School 529-771- 6. 529-367- 1. GRADUATING NOTICE 529-387- CLASS Mo-rand- y. OF DRAPERIES Pickup Wednesday and Friday of each week. A16tfc Clerk-Treasure- Boat, motor and trailer. Contact Afton Nielson, phone A23tfc 529-396- 5. Mechanical beet thinner, good condition, $75. Ray L. Hermansen, Gunnison. FOR SALE, - M14tfc ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR: L must stop the itch and burning or your 48c back at any drug store. In 3 to 5 days, infected skin sloughs off. Then watch HEALTHY skin appear! NOW at M7t4c Salina Drug. acre feet of Piute irrigation water. Contact Grant Jorgensen. Phone FOR SALE 100 529-390- 2. M21t2p S GIVE DANCING it. modern ballet to chilDoc Rees has my ticker purrin dren 5 years and older. Con- as smoothly as a Swiss watch, tact Mrs. Kenneth Glover, ph. but guess he wants to have it go M21t2c through a break-i- n period before CLOSEOUT SALE 1,000 each 20 lb. rolls Bailer Twine, $4.00 each roll, 215 ft. per lb. General Builders Supply Co., 255 West 2700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Phone WILL LES-SON- 529-777- 1. GETS A SQUARE DEAL Andersons Food Center PHONE X $ J $ . A 529-361- 3 RinnS.EYE TI VI ElrV OE SPORTS By Hugh Bird IX ? Hamlin Slats Winner in Both Hurdle Events Bill Hamlin showed his heels to the rest of the state and ran to two firsts, in the high and low hurdles last Saturday at the state meet in Salt Lake. This doesnt happen often and Bill is to be for the fine work, Terry Nordfelt had a good day and jumped third in the broad jump. Terry has had some good this year and to bring home athird in the state meet is FREE DELIVERY quite a feat. Freeman, the sophomore speed king, ran to a fourth in the 100 yard dash. Larry is fast rounding into a great one and every one will be reading about this lad in the future. Thesfi three boys tkd for a third in the state meet With Mil' lard. This is a good job well dne- - Cach Sorenson is to be complimented for the work of these lads, The end results of sports at North Sevier hasnt been the best this year but not bad. In ball the Wolves came along with a second place. In basketball it went down to the wire and we were eliminated from the gionals. In wrestling the Wolves captured the regional crown in ps the regionals held at Emery. In track the lads mentioned above, tied for third place in the state with Millard. Sportsmanship vs. Winning No coach likes to lose. It is a rough job to congratulate the other guy all the time on the fact that he has won. So, we are always going to try to win. Yes the fair way, but try to win. It is a pleasure to work with the fellows and watch them shape up into young men who you can be proud of and say I had something to do with this lad. When coaches cannot be honest and fair with the athletes he works with and not expect the same from them he had better get out of sports. I feel that any time you get a lad with the guts, determination, and the training to be a man, he will produce for you and be a winner. There is no place in sports for the lad who continually moans, groans and swears that he is being given the shaft. We are proud of the fellows in our department that are trying to win in the field of athletes. You parents are to be proud of these, your children. We are. Editor Wes asked me a few years ago to write the sports for the school. I have tried to do this in a manner that those of you who do not see the activities can be informed. Wes told me if I couldn't write the truth, not to write. This ends the school news for the year and so I must dig out some of the happenings of the community for the summer, if something happens. Well, if the articles arent what you want let me know and I will try to make a headliner out of you next time. NATHAN OLSEN ACCEPTS POSITION IN NEW YORK Nathan Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olsen will graduate "Sky King," (Kirby Grant), who is currently appearing on CBS Network Television Series, each Saturday morn-wiappear in person and perform with Carson and Barnes, America's Second Largest "Big Top" Circus coming to Salina for the benefit of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Friday, June 4 at the Rodeo Grounds. ll from the Utah State University June 5 with a degree in tool engineering. He has accepted a position with IBM in New York and will report for work June 25. Nathan visited the past weekend in Salina with his parents. turns me loose on the public again???? I dont really know the miles renumber of break-i- n cause it wasnt stated in quired the operating manual . . . but Ill tell you one thing it isnt far from the bed to the bathroom??? he The stress and strain of everyday life; your support of your fight with the trend of the times income, prop(including taxes erty, social security, sales, etc.), often time makes one forget all the wonderful people we have around us. This was one of the things I get to thinking about as I lay here gathering bed sores under the doctors orders. The wonderful cards, the people who have dropped in, the doctor and the hospital staff all help make you realize this isnt such a bad world we live in. My employees stepped right in and took over and are doing a wonderful job; Jerry (thats the BIG BOSS) took my shoes away and wears them herself. So, when you get right down to it my appreciation of everything (taxes exempted) is sincere and I want you to know 1 imsr Ml SALINA, ......... (Pub. May 14, 21, 28, 1965.) payments. J. Elden Brown, Draper, Utah. I tune pianos and restyle and refinish them. FOR SALE arcs r. PIANO in this area, console size, like new, take over monthly M7t4c 1965! UTAH . . . A. '-- R & R TEAM WINS BOWLING LEAGUE The R & R Furniture bowling team won first place in the Wednesday Night Owl League. Team members are Rae Noyes Jr., Ray Christensen, DeeWayne Jolley, Deon Peterson, Brice Poulson and SYLVIA NOYES NAMED Dent Sorenson. WHITE KEY PRESIDENT At a banquet May 25 at the Sylvia Noyes, daughter of Dr. Johnston Hotel in Richfield each and Mrs. Rae E. Noyes has been team member and the sponsor elected president of the White were presented with a trophy. Key organization at BYU: This CARD OF THANKS is an honorary service unit for senior girls with an accumulative We wish to express our sincere CPA over 3.1 thanks and appreciation to evEarlier this month Sylvia was ery one of our dear friends and invited to join Alpha Tau Chap- relatives for their thoughtfulness ter of Amicron Nu. There are 44 and acts of kindness during the chapters of this National Honor illness and the recent loss of our Society in the U.S. Sylvia husband and father. treasurer of the Y Mrs. Rude Casto and family. was-electe- CARD OF THANKS PAUL IVIE LEAVES FOR ARMY DUTY Paul Ivie, son of Mrs. Tirza Ivie, left Salina May 19 for Fort Polk, La., for two years service with the U.S. Army. Our deepest appreciation 'is extended to the many thoughtful and kind neighbors, relatives and friends who were so considerate and helpful during the illness and at the death, funeral and burial of Dave Evans. We sincerely Miss Francis Christensen visit- thank you for all you have done. Mrs. Bertie Evans and ed Saturday in Mt. Pleasant with the Evans family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Christensen. Memoiiolflou 484-886- 1. M21t4c Is your lawn bare in spots, wont grow, sluggish and weak? Get Scotts Turf Builder and Lawn Seed from R & R Furniture. Salina American Legion Pool Hall. Financing can be arranged for the right For information see party. Blair Curtis, Commander. Ph. Plus Fishing Season Specials FOR LEASE M28t3c 529-399- 6. FOR SALE Miscellaneous and household furnishings of Minnie Allred. Saturday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. First East, Salina. FOR SALE at 95 M28tlc ORLEANS 4Y2 Jumbo Cleaned Shrimp SHASTA 59c 12-O- 13 for 95c Pop PIERCE'S 300 SIZE Pork and Beans 8 for $1.09 mod- ern home with furnace, in Aurora. Contact Bill or Vadys Wheeler at home, or Wheelers M28t4c Lounge. COMPETENT MAN OR WOMAN wanted in area covered by this newspaper to own, fill and collect from coin operated mach- - Marshmallows Whole Dills MIRACLE WHIP A lb. 19c 1 Qt. 29c 32-O- storm isnt particular why it makes sense to protect your house under The Travelers Umbrella of Insurance. Ask about our Modern Homeowner's Policy, and let us worry about the storm. Thats Evan II. r.lickelson Southern Agency Tel: 529-363- 4 TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANIES RepreaentlnTHH Hartford, Connecticut A&R Franks lb. 49c Barrett's Market SAUNAS A.G. STORE Salina Utah Phone 529-774- 1 WE DELIVER . |