OCR Text |
Show A,..1P.1MMIM.OnOWINt,M."-- , .: .j. - yoo,. 41.40."1110Mloolk ' ' 9 " , ,k--- r- - 1- - 1. , ' ., o's - . . ,. . - ' . . - , - - - t DESERET NE1Vg . Anti SErl'EMBER SATURDAY - -- 1923 4. 8 , C1;1E4 ri.r. 4 , ... , - , -. , "lift ) c, ,, 1, - ., ACTIVITIES - 'Tett necessary about 13S poundi. 7- should - ---------....--, , ,1 Entertainment HOME . , 4 said '''''.'' InwitrhUCIil.loncl.on.ri.t.thil - i "THE SNOB" ' 4AA RY -- - 1 r 9i ff . Sonn.ysayings POEMS AND SONGS. Dear Miss Moore: By FANNY r: CORY I would appreciate it very nouchl 7,14) if you could help me find a copy; , of a poem .entitled "rive Pioneers. it was printed in the literature sec- "I ' MOOP,1 F:. timid twentish and 1110.,,t nirit,-;-;c,,', tion of The. Deseret News- New-- Yorie,-,N- . Ben (,l the teleo.isiion outht, p .m..., Inc.,11 I Syndicate, Y.) (Cop)right, IcitiL,'4,'fr- :a - 71(v---,, five sears ago; I four. FANsn ,, Far Ian Moore. an engineeit cit the the !,,! do it linow the author of it, bud : '' Edison lamp .soriikof the Gieneral 'I, Imlon kv;i'o't1tX,b-;--C, last line the somethtng goes liker s Electric company of Ilarrison N. i otne-rxre' INSTALLMiT Si, hear And covered SIO. this: a agons Dresden china This 3.. shepherdess. is the inve,rtor of the orarnstr.m., )c,:u ..; 7:.:, ,1, loads of ghostly Pilgrims ;Contrary, to th r expectations. dt,1 of a grandmother! strange With Thomas A. Edison, be tirst C 1. I down this lohg, paved road." Siias made' no o We don. The two unmarr1 daughters, hit P x pe r! rn ,, tregan ,,,:,tt lc I do so hope that it will be pos. be ,....1,. Carolina and Aunt:.? Jane. ii - I st :hen will achool be out? 140 I I 111111 I VI.. Ifitil. In 1S93 tle made 'a tubes,in ' . . asked, gruffly. sible to find it. LSO .41 uttered faded. hutterftle,t dia.'! 4ulto -revolvIng perforated Letters for this drpartuttut 611011641 lip addreAked to Mita 0 i . In six weeks. father." had ; Respectfully. used. tn the present t!ar to the Mary Moore. The Heartiwide The'Dmeret Seam Salt CaLe City. G. H., Cedar City.- Ile folded She letter a ,d banded i..,:,e to the station to meet Nancy. ttevisioEt and he out eaperimehte. Utah d --thky Item unvarying:3 onceas- , lined !he tcibt:Ities lit --back to Nancy. A letttra are limited to one question earl) and shondd be N. Y. Amateurs would be impossible, G. H All right- - I guess I ca fl man- It rover .ind. Bat the 471F1'"1" the! during tithe. ""11"!t"1". tat DI written in ink or with typewriter; on one side Int tile paper to take the time to search the file s age it." ify.iire summer did they register i. isn kiJe Ramsey. the with full mane and aoldreas of writer; also name wilyFor More PiCture through two years. for this poem.' But he turned on hie wife. who ,st'll her very 'strongly. Her at- British chemist, tiniutovered neon tial to be u,ed for hientification in the column. AU names and I am pleased to print your let- lavas !levering. nervously. behin his if..ett,ti and admiration'wele so en-- 1 but an additional element. among Ar- dtirmwm will be held in confitienee. Lost anti found item& Of 17:TelY centered on Grane.m.,,ther i ter, and if some good reader has atilt Broadcasting. gon am! several one t ga.,,e,,. !ktr., -either forma of adertistriz cannot be used in thia department. It. I am sure it will be sent to II Well.. Light'. I suppose you o!(..;eize. Moore i WIFtharn Ste fife some ! stroke smart about this, aren" I 'rl,o second rnorring she came for you. neon, but w,Isz infoem,,Inonee,,tim i THE TRousst Av. New foremy question: bed s Welcome. TOOM. Nat:e) Ifeelingmake it and It wai not until lfte!, i -I In company with my wife and Dear Mies Moore: RI LEMUEL, F.. l'AllTriN Wouidn't you hke to thew mo Readers. here are some more ne, tklais. I'm glad, of that h e s ucceeded in peoducime it. DES-- 1 ibis is my first attempt to enter another married couple, anim. Its poems and a vele we are anxious icourbe." III Si.ec.a C ir The c.ethes, of ml, tit rt ti Nancy! There. through exptelmt nta a ith. Georges -e way. as it may have l' The illearthside. I hope I am Well, don't think you had any-lrwarlvir asset pa again. bearing' to get. Will. you ciaudp. a Frenchman veho vas ,,tt. Nt, ,on the answer. WCTC my ,.. to elo wi:h asserted. 3,,,, ..it .s. workinr with- lirpiA air in rarlo tas; hi,ase.., :Invany, )on need ani- .,- - s.Fx r TeJr.1-.- , Sett. laill you please tell mo what ter and her hu eband. the four of th isthirldy In 1.13,, Sitt. Wilitam Ramsey for Dimples asking elly et mine Grandpa." .,:smtm ,,t ra- - supplied not. His sLirly ?tanner pieces and how nutty id each a girl Imet a personal friend could ii.. unt;n- - ,logim t. Which the first lines Ile. Ilotiee with sufficient of IW1101111 cone of the other had ever ! ilr':-About,' hale in a trousseau? Crie "1:'" 4'a!'!"a hal eas enicntly preparlie You Pay your gran'pa'a fine. idaropcn Nancy's spirits. !experimems and produce t.o,, new l Tommy. while sie '"I to I Wishing you oceans of SUCCCS6. SCCII. In introducing hint I present- - are, 'said would that he sbe her could and whY :1:1,,),..teters: neon to go. allow him to ,)12,140ini he's not so nice ammine." granddaughter el l,:ac,,1,ve: in advance, I re- - :ed lank to my wife five. and then Poem Lotter half and thanking NISSIC In nix weeks she I: 1 the proper cite htc. co, pyriht 1,2s, con7 'veer watettrn yer baby fer yer, sea his I keep promise. would like The Cry I follow , how clean ASLIM. Utah. e Ito alreand Mrs- - --Di- d Minn. ed the) ;der woman franli ly. to leave this impossible situa- ttr tr Nert" .1"4 ' condoled rress Accetaation ) he auekert my fingers I of the ilin," (fire. line. was 41," 1,34 1.cean tion.'4 And who knew Perhaps i '1 ha.), :.ourrect ',form in thus tilting first ..I.addie.Canadian i trunk full of drocsel. beloved soon how 1CopyrIght by Pullc LerNer laddie, , te..leI should :Deed you are welcome. my dear. :place or base e wife. loi,:d.rg lila they're all we cease to weep?''.) Song ishe would never have to come 'Cra;14171,th a isii,r) e And I am glad to give you a list of introduced my friend first to my ehould 1 tl, .7k r riz PALI- LAKE. .. reciving 't know w hY eactlack. . . is Lotter "How for asa,ti, . Could ,.. r i'lr asking f,,,,,, &filet.. that the trouseeau ehould:wifee, 3trz.z, met". and lice ..Oallild .11dee d ft ,H,, 4.,,i,,,..,1 .,,, don't look- - rigtr.-1- I departed in-- a II- - I he- glory-o: ,11 e Housewife's Idea fox So I h:s on hundr cds tuuu A, u...: .. then to my es ife? Amanda's ruffles and flounces. For ' Grabomozhe Gage nodded gent- r) ,14' Ctel?" VIM killoryelea. , There was a time when a girl' Thank, anti eserything elem. ... cry teles).hone ly machine the in the sewing day, We will ' 1,;,$) ) sI. e,", .ert., ta. appreciate your- efforts used to have enough bed MARRIEII). ' "I tinderta room mappal. THOSTtell Would y ou , had stitched and .2).,1.:'edatt dining 'Th L If batorday. YOLI pee . have Ppt. hie linen. etc.. in her trousseau to I. r t toe Salt Lae. nheaThkl s p m...-- - I oane , eye, Pf.C(0,.td , Itticked..Napcy's new steamer trunk ra th e r rot show t em to me'!" , you. 14st a lifetime. but in this modern i wain))) F:nce it p.m e.,,,,k to the brim with I Nar y shook beheael. Itars 1,,,ke. liras- packed '!'4, , 1,1 gr.ce s.ie when stylee !n most everethine :, began reguiarl) Tee Happy ',)iay e1 Though Marred, in 11.ti t.. as she ! HIGH S CHOOL, elli...DITS. , 1 -P." "T,,. Ham. C:rk :e."marlet. 1) r o a d c ast so it eee ms Anisei-es- !you did the right thing in intro- bango I wart you to have plenty of th,,t.I41:1. ,a1 the 'hours :of tirelcse la- . .,,e p m Itmh Fo let us not have in this ,illuetng your wile first. If the mar- - Dear Miss Moore: s Pam-impta,,. trio Ing triag, 21),,,. clothe); re resented. It clothes.' anl EVe Witt,r declared triumAniall0 -trousseau teo many enneeeeisary :teed couple whom you were with I ersiny The by' iti!a ileerthede even to very 't.,t., (1!,1Ya! dant quart,that Theyll ,phantly. probably expect w s -e r ii. li, Harm ony tr,,, articles. but rem to it that what -- t President ef the mush and wish to compliment .yttu l)ou to come withoutanxthing."' Ith,y ils re arong,' el had been the ,,,,cy couldn't 1 Z.) P m P ,Pm- - T Holr,,!! do select and make, is as good in Lk;'" AS Sitilliar -- States and his WilC, or a and your' atedetant on the wonderful Nancy knew the motrient she drai. Illfin O ut fc,r lie r gr ndmot h - t no.:P A --imi V. ',art..,tuality as the puree can possibly king and queen. or some other eel- - help peoele receite front U. are faced her grandmother that most er s d:cap prova l. Reims-I afford. eimply seeegest the allele Moore. I will be 21"Selphl" of ebeities. then you should have in- em,nd. Seteday. Sept. li. Tou fteede te. bamg conducted m Many rates, clothes were never to be I ..Ncva 11 ing epsentials: ' I trodueed them first: but in your In high school this year 4114 ant unpacked. prearsta. tAlint car,,,14fle and.) s ill make a throughlut tile .country v )5 ap-. . Six bed sheete. P'l Pillow at a ti,4 cam. you had the right to ehow akin e you to tell am the number I A i grarinnit. thA m - ,L4rent the a new art, adillbo you y gentle little lady; t I,.t two pain of blankets. one ras"; gtortil l to hirthda-kind and with ereepeeteeml-lierh1".zart.ioniVep"rermm, F,Ilow-d nzeunro,.irn..ve:,:ighalors,...,,eho,n,:iptr,c-l.,..11.11tf rry eitc of teethe; that are require bile hair and wide. :fo fiehioned Th . drp &,. bought eel to graduate fronmWeber.. pt.necrs i 4 p.m PrAttra- -. by introducing her fired-vier the eyes. Ugh lark All of and bedepread..andat...lancy once Thanka, is rapid:y beine !of Mr. Man. for dea11.4 she said 'My e tiseeeestereaconsteeealie.tedheee simply, I tihotwo pert- those understood cempliteents at istrits:Flpervision Thee trou werp.surprising"We nnd intcret:. and church iv few. l'enine and kies me."r,';t thPy had the mar- - 'catiofl (We t wte prererred).- ty . iner..asing flay by day." ty boudoir pillowse Of yOUT letter. of Her was . soft t.the cheek beginning NancY i and would it be asking too much ciiializy frag-giving spicily, The table linea depen,t5 on how rhe the tirrt time In 1,er fr. ';'.rn'back" Weieome, and come (main. to ask you to suggest a mood ecerse rant. Her hands were white and extensitely timeintemis to enter-LeFile wore dainty. to follow this year in echeol? I am f,lertier. a::,;'ttltt7Ith atlesalreigttnlinc, that 'tth" aled the FIZo all sitipe Of the dit,- '' '''! ''' lotive 6.1 To Prevent SilVer Salt Shaker -- SCHOOL LAW. shoes . on feet which were ;the ,,,c..kmn. corirneedetel. a;tterPdplain i;:lreat .4 intereeted in music. like hietor, tier Miele. One liren damask table- can get roeu:ts ersotmensurats Tops From Corroding tlitti,, tsiZeS frocks and scene S,Veral smaller Mies so hats Moore: Ernthan her tht-e'Dear and English. anti do not cure much loth two and a half or wit h the state It is not only annoying but un- Ote Yet prestnt tItia 4 enter to time pritnithe tnitcht have first gazthis apticcAtted Ire Franddaughters. Nancy. my is for atne o table damask . or liards long linen eilee. SA ILT LA -phesiology, hygiene k tr-of der,l.tonentfrankly teirci- ) admiration. tin then', atyshere. to have the tops of ToOr ing with passOonate sanitary loth two yards beim awl. one dezeilite Hearth:Ade. and I think it is though have always often rood saw 234.2 I Mrsrs. k .:rkt in its beginning. With Instantly that in both face and I And nos Nancy knew what It was .Ecn en napkins to mail eaeh cloth. wonderful. marks in all my subject.. I base I silver salt shakers corrode. and th(ots;te,ls et' experimenters on the 1.114, resembled this Now for my question: I an a no figure to closely a room Thee. eheubl be monogrammed I and !rnmedtatr:y :rer(iv:ne erel we flnd that we lit.ve ent.,r epecial line in life derided upon there is an easy way to prevent it. Letil:le. I beconto tbe center of an Then it woull be nice to have :girl of evaenteen. I have etnettlE" to follow as a professien. ,a from shich Cover the inside of eneh top witO six about tic good Flied linen lunch- - ,,sent. and hese pasted through the Si :I' - Wf. spiendi4 lab,ratory fill the Tit:, liVel Artillt4 group. Gage it Magdalena, would famtly to Perhape 6 I, help time melted paraffin. While It is coM,.. hope much valuable trelinteal :o ,,,,,kk eon cleths either embroidered. orinitith grade. tate they compel me mate ulna eredita 1 ita,e. tply On A !Im!ted Income, but I bate Minnie. Letit.t. litats and Zino'? 6.0 ,n r informatton can be in prick the holes with a large 1,,,,,graM.. obtatned..Siany of filet lace, etc.. with napkins toil() go to wthool? 'l one .eredit a pes!tion in the sleepy, old southern in ;inflame, I In I'lnglista. telenee, Thmikisig of )ott The each, reletters whieh t'4', exchange se have is needle., basket a match. 'and four pretty luncheon or; Hoping that the waete was ; eitv was tazatta in, prr..B5-thtt unquestioned. iceiYed Nancy 7 55 tit a,k for a longer broldra'lls THE HOUSEWIFE. sets teen be of cotton licking big nap. and whaling ',Am civics. algebra and PATIU-NTL- T. break(axt WAITING whose dotage. Utah. young pecp!e ty we which gengraphy.'on. 7'1 will . period, a suwo. ((..epFrIght by Public Ledger) fr'accepted had known the family for material) of various sizes for or- - aiouceess in your work. alwaye. Now. Mee I Moore, am iate I hope t",.. ni,iro a p.m 1:RY ANXIOUS. Preto. IllnAry CF.!. i The meanlng of the names are as years. ar.4 tatlatate. I it The. SITMAtPur television sets nftW not akin g too much. and hoeing 11 Have two or three Pelets and T ' I aoloutta. LOS ANGEL ES. ..0,1110 here, tims went, to,- bemg tc.ittas.iststtachesi to an orda- sou may hate m e much eueeese in i It p.nt Glad you have come to us, h on-- lischool 405.2 Miss- - IWO Wis. perhaps two Centerpieces! a few isith was like of Hebrew ,Nlagdalens laitA. radio. the The as I.; neect,future nary rarts lead ortly off lisle ilie in luta t.ma rapaat.,. you doilieti and a buffet Set. elm Theses. 140 KlIneyelste. manna to s meansthe Pril?starved rill's are-small motor. a aeon tube ,Magnificent; Mary. also sary ai.aa.ay. Som. S. Oral1 S ou re., of course.: must be selected accord-- I There le a state law which com- - Pa''1 I ant situ-erravi ne Timms,. I: ttw,i-- means exalted, Hisi,re .,4 anarnoon bitter; 'The ,, summer was one 'long .round and a -- scantng' disc. the vita co,t COUNTRY LASS, orden, ....emeeeletheeeraemejas..ejteeletrtallare pets s ij t hoe. imilereethe a zeel I 1.t.1. prst..7.att0tral ats4 aentrt;a0a1- ri,ncig Zilia. tiehre11; tiled,. a Shad,,W $l'i. Ers. oiot, railtWar. Itottr. h....tor "eighteen years to go to gebool at you Intend having. intile may lie a contraction of uraliy gay and vivacious. NatacTi; could te conveniently 1 made, .6 30 Let's preamm. vacant. pate- utile, unless they- nave re IVe are glad von enineereading nerva. Latin. meaning wisdom, er discovered that she had queliti,l, home as it is merely a perforatedat, 2 p 10 10 a tn.Morn...a oaratrec parioar. towels. four wash cloths arta one gewleetee from high sehooL But i The ilearthsirle and I am plea eed of nt,artety 3 time. Nlinna. I 1 6:ta Gaelic. Neaa p.m aliont a e,urtary the size r;hh'r.te'tvnh,84t. memory. ritetilndte,. meaning plate. to of phea,.-dovtn hand towels. :ahgyntrjre give you unite that are required or of Itlinella. if it Is necessary that you work, I Los Angela. 'Tunas. o f Its tea graph record.. the I.S.4. meaning i trier You can't have too many 4 p.r .ttt p.m.-7Vtatineatt authethat ell 1' you get in touch veita the for graduation from high sehool as resolute; Leola English. tugged coris probably a 11 r roICH.1 (trchastra y II 6 p plociiops bpina, a spiral or t,rref.. Tstno Sdarna towels for the kitchen. local echool superintenient there. follows: holes near th e circurnirerence. the Italian nante Leiia.; harts Para! , Ra llsy. p ; The above would be consider- - and he can probably make same t cot.ttay 6au; Fifteen academic units are re- 'motion ofvestal a ;.1t,,;Sa:E0ocut;.,1t.p,r,..r.rar;:m e e t. i Neon gas. rec.r,vmr. but IL Kap& a m oderate trousseau. Monday. meaning virgin. of already a Sorry eC4IrPrI, s prortsion whereby you could be quired for gradeation from high the meaning of Arvills Is not given. ifectote WP3POng for storming 'h'! name through Its tee for adverd 67 ..a 7:70 a Mrhyal-racuitUre pellet course there are :6 con.intstratnttntal and OcnI to many pretty exempt shoot, and in addition, one unit of of the 50CifIlly elect are a!tising F:trtS an4 aviat!on 11 aolotoora We Iconi e. .. from ,... .. echool. things that a girl alwave adds end e,,, en,.., Of lio.cri .., t IIwo. la. the .of tacki Salitteittslueation firliA., interests I'citadel ii,,,,,,;often IrAely things are given hei ,1 I: 36 r Nar 10 p.m.kawar.ta units, four must be in English. two ard a certain smiling in., in the of te...exi,it,n1 Dan'-- . and HU these together would make 11011E A DDRESSES archas.ra 1,10 p.m 11 p.rn.Itecordirga. TOUR W EIGHT. in mathematics. difference to the effect one is hay.- !until it isdfvelopmene one in United 3 Tho Blues' the a renRito trouseau Even some ol replaced. by Iltatto act' pm."rhasta" possibly ond is atoport anittStantng a States Il p..m ....Taartta aaparamant history. one in- laboratory (Dear 'Mist Moore: 1 ing cathode ray. 111. 14art. these ertieles mentioned, could be Hear Mists Moore: Monday. 4:15 pan 1,rbtla Ronttiona Dalt. UN oft Is not recesaary:. confbie41 It 15 this I rcalire that roe are very busy la eiyies, and or I I so Th;s la the first lime I lune en work, tio03 to...wai- A r,gatea C.55. 61567111'11 elitriindltectif necessary or many gas, filing a lamp be-- , 01.1eat.--CranAmother rn 11 a ; one for it in earner. troac and Gag', unit rer0r4 In47'hirel girls. Morning domestic that the letters (eyed science. receiee the hope )ou your you Ittith s 3.m.Ftraakfs" Program. myI be added, evah to call attention to that fact." ;on the The answer will Would be in be my unite (lady. still you question. remaining I, taktn may these please LOS ANGELeg.-r--please put suregstions ;, hope I H,FT grandecother helped. .. . your volumn the addrea,es of the goo W. 54.1 Almt.1 ..4 of porn. heip to yna Thank yo,1 am 42 years old. 'weigh 137 pound.. - in tehatnrer the student SotisantIan'a' pro., itnpuises the eoursn. Sh 411 hare the 4 It How may much f isn't too 5 inches 1:V3T. tall. suspected rriu,Th. my Kfleerek Ithduird ant feet. for following nole ,7,41 Fon Torn. good WIshes. 2 m C,f.are Pacifist Tlue44 !JOU to alik me to era Reynold., Mary Brian:, storm of doubts and should I weigh? the toragt'st a court"e Int. its a Fashion talk, were which that )ou shotild follow hi school; Clara flow. Conrad Nagel, and liars aneePing the gills :MlirP in ittlit and S. IL, salt take. on the DITTO, DITTO, ETC.. ETC, 1: a r, 5 pm.Streftg4ro Focial Club Otebss report. mind. hut really. Country Les, it W"Ctslid e a Yr 1. a tai.t !is'arning rflsc. Nbrotte.eat.. era. larrely Dear MIN Moore: he I s not he Vora. "Mira I Hearththank so R. S. both tW The to ne much for Welcome. C thp right thing ler me to do. yourse'f. Nancy. you the 11SyMpb,Pette. "Fir.t. time:" "your wonderful p pr011traM whatevah p Thore are PO very manv ptcndid er. ytt..ah dictum. in.L.,;!'dred .housam-ithrf the S :r trywner;" ".zo helpful:" "wonderful side. p , S ciapouca mtralc. one time said at EDGAR is !mospbero. that an it gently. te inert could P. Arent that tourspw ant your etc. you : you happy etc rte.. fulow. p end etc.. w0111211 prograra. you are." pm.Com-1-Her suggestions. dropped appal-- - si;start to chemical comb:au:pais To.a alma program. as : is:if 14 p Is as near normal you p. the 1, 1 Symphon.ffs, me. havent least idea we;ght ditto what for ditto. ditto, Pitt. 2 p Vat tety period. on fertile and hence lona' lived; 10 Z5 p.m No bother at an. and folleming enily at tandem. le Studta p,Putsm Ivou want I think you hal better 11 2...0 p.1,Reearyeetir. soil. Nancy studied the old t.l;tg?1 When you decide to build a telep.m)( 1, 1 mtflught fret think real hard for yourself. You you will find the addresses; ha neat ". p w decide VietOn what 544, you Just drop into Richard Dix. Mary Brian and home., trying to might be a school teacher. or teach 4 &KLA 0. - wore Bow. Paramount DKR I ER. That Studios, the reason for its air ef Iegant fits- and a$ for an "Oramatroo I R81.4 Illietmrs. kindergarten. a. stenographer or Clara. was Unction. furniture Tbe 'will a I 25111 6451 neon you Marathon shabby ilollYwood. get etyma street. regular working Tye lingierrito bookkeeper, a nurse. or a comptoK Recycles This is the f,r sight tube. meter opetator. telephone operator, California: Vera Raynold, Pathe- and scattered. The square. rooms were rather Wire. Rnatalo or a real competent waitress, a De Mille Studios. Culver City, Cali- rellinired Yet borneits the an4 mistress and like of election Pope. IL approval fornia: Conrad Nagel, clerk, elocution teacher, a teacher PundaY 11 a re1atiV0V. 14pt. oorrira. The aunts introdueStud,os, Culver City. ly maiden sisters the place had her 11 a in to 12 neonChurch. of dancing or music. and what not. 7 ar mewl. gum! ',fern ed her InivIlY "Silas" little al i 12 to 1 p.m First quality." Stxty Masks! minuted drama.Just you go to Sc hool and all the California; Harry Lingdom p I p m. to 1 10 p ro.noprane and Nancy was given a Pink and daughtah.' Iler grandmother S14 p spoke tim. eotorl While be thinking what )ou would National Studios, Burbank. tft p Pvitt, 'hemp bow,. gold atrined decanter on a round- r.f her ILA "my namesake.- And the itltn et. to tne like to be according to sour adaptorchestra. her p Her grandmother ex- night she returned home she glass tray. 14 to 4.12. Pert m morivre. Aripe ability. Aim to specialize in Orne! Nalnett I hatrit had IleenIn the vrnn an even greater triumph 'p thing worth whi;e. and he determThere nas to be a dant-- at the to e7i1 p recital. t.t1 31."dar. Pope. Ia. family for years. Her igrandfather 6 in to 1,4i pm ined-to Denver. reaeh it. 11SP a m It me Life 0,tchestra. AND ADDRESSES. had boueht it for her me,ther whtn ewillZry home of one of the boys. AGES 7 42 p m accrete set p Little Secretary and I thank you over she of was which cherish4,1 Nancy. ',ordering enraged. Natty lith tient. Miss Monday. Dear Moore: for yoor kind wiahes. Success to thie carefully. ,She intendl, to her tn.," evonirtg gowns to oevr f.- - - 17 itteraTm strea, 17 Om& Tr T0,1011,11 meely enjoy reading the Ilearill.;plare It on the mantei In the ntaritallt I! 3, r En 3111E3. p c naite ftt,S.e VTIP you. Country Lava. and what more corner very mutt rock art4 r can we do for you? Sloe' at home. The fireplace was It watt ea stmole as a dret4 ert't:d WWI you please print to Teets' .4 4, Your T.N,mg 'false a hideous arrangement of be. without a touch of arcr Bello, "The World." Pince you Former tho ankinewses of Hex A'adtl.ts theate. Mar.:arta Nash. organic 4 :1 p EELErer,,PEE Ortbostra we. a, urine aa pos.. but it suited tier 1vt, liarkting are asking for high 2rh1 er.d wren, glazed. Also land hie the broad white mantis of better Igenany , too, I am Fore you will he antiefied their Richard Barthelmer,s? . ages. the Gag. home. Yet aroo'ni this she would ever Own. to read them in the above nrewcr you for the an4wer l'aacred heirloom she wooki do her She IertnItt(sd to go W.Lb From this you can also learn a hat am'Thanking continue to 0 11 rep rxcess acid Is the common cause i methods. never ware I remam.lasss win you I. to c.r...,ve in "1nAr,16rto arid when you l'eurn bow of indigestion. It resnits in pain eatHe Isuffen. confided 'the tier Over this premier sped pleasantly tourness about two tours after grandmother's; lifted her eyehr.3w-- smooth hirhwi y. that there was o Pleased to give yoU tbe infor-,wit- h Be ?pre lo get the genuine The 1E1'11 the- weary air she consi,leeed be another guest from nut of trkWri. which neutralizes cid ,FOR WAItING rATIENTI.T. mation as follows: best correclize is Phillips Milk of lita. Milk of Magnesia isitin the Larabees" sl e ... Igo shaped her finzer standar.1 by Physicians for ED years lir cot' Deur 316.1,1lary 'Moore: Rex Lease. Colurnbia StuiVrt- railsappealing: to definite points which Ins4e sPined caneany. 'And TIOW 11Rt Itagneitia It bite remained 60c. with physicians in the 60 years recting excpse acids. Z:41 and I 140f Gower street it about twoutf-- i her- tons hands seem 'Ten fOrteer I thirk Of it I been have column enid your rending be . drusstoVe. believe,J3k a bottleanv since its Invention. zw; Riehard Lae- - antt more slender; coltisate4 tinverne from Californ'ia. uDvpu years of l'Milit of Mantle11a his been the and hate colored It very meets. The basis of treating nichncas has, .,,,, One epoonitil of Phillips Milk of '...' Lr. 51,nowrlistineeett Thinnest& neutralizes ItiNtsittlY manY 17. El Ilet:istered TraileSlark of The! hone Mr. WaturbaNket isn't tn. for I rheltness. First National tStuditis. thing an4 everything which contti, 1.... PLtd C:g.:141eIglor'.$1n '' .....,:l.....1,8t1,.. . ' wish ery narvilt the answer to mi fturbtink, Caht,rna. was bc.rn In bitted to tier aristocratic ,apre.tr. not eptr:tr.senredtheNitanr'remmirel'oe Th7ts' Chemical li Com, Phillips irnen hi tolume in acid. It is harm-Ie- nlyeries H. ClInrinS and On se Its sclion 169i. . ion. nni pwYof Raymond floflando,ee. . and tastelt . pre,lecessor Lanee quett . Vie ,. n: ahr,kde t., ..,At 41:1,11,,,,(Adv.) Now for my question: (wick- - You will never rely on crodt L'alilloa. since 111:5.. i:e nIncedn. f.. Ebei was rewarded by the in Would , Welcome- (To he eontinued ), .., ute prescription h tine ',,, and to druggists pramme.knoAn : . ,.,'... , nubile since lgsg. as .1.4r. Caldwell a it, BEN WEBSTER More About Pedro. fly EDWiN , byrup kepain ii,:.; ; 4 .:,'Il Then. the treatment of conetipa- ' ' ,etts r,,,7t. '..'c..:i. tIon biliousness. headaches. mental-; trellis ':' ' wtSH I rPEORO IS --niE Boy WHO 1, bolas atomAS GOING WrTH YOLI, BUT I CAN : Nou E that. .I and other indispositions ach ' ; ' e CAN TAKE MILES 11 CAMPS FORIi CAN'T ; ...,,,. , I ( NO, WE from CUtlill,40.4,,n Was entire- - '' ,,,. -MY BOY THAT ;pis, AND DEVICS CHAIN QUICKER ',.!:',, To THE WANT ID ty by mesh or ...mole woRK to k 1 ' -t and roots,. , taxattees. bests PEDRO.THESE SOON GeTS-TAITTEV AS NOW, THAN AN'', OTHER ,, FOR ME AND AI BANK ) ,,s,.. 'i$ are still tbe basat ei Dr. mut-- 4 v41LL NEED FOUR ,i,.,,,,,,-.I'LL SEE PERSON IN THE AT ONCe!) PEDROW. ADN :,43ruts l'eso a. en.ch is a NoW ON GOOD MULES 51, mild anal The: OF DURANGO ton of a,rataA .1 h 4...tnsr GLAD I GOT, OFF 114EN,NtOu'RE NOT 4 sEM! Litt herbs. peletn. MORE, HE SPEAk5 SOME 6ENOR it,b IF NG The t i rn r le r the remedy for slAvt 1,4 IAE , ENGLISH t YoU? LN1GHT, ARE and tor you and the better Jar the PEVRO?r SO I CoULD 12ACK ' Am! as t ou all. ot health general siOLI1 .,.. HELP 'TO ran set repolut la a tzild and .by aeteg- ET. Caldwell's Stru) Lake eh ancea sc itb , l'e npsi. drugst ,,, ,a 21, s? aeontr ,,--At Frruo .. tai.t a family several l'0111 ' ' 4 r and air em we It It 10 p .,0m1 1r tt e batis tweause pleasarit ,, nate. otenlie in act II)fl . and!, ) IA the IR proper sor,r, I f Ivo from al,ret.tIg 4... s. tOn le In 11;reet it the ateen equall) 11 I ,... cf.,11,. at all stew Elderly pen- -. Y blail to 'EtNTRUP PEPSIN," oh. will find it e,mertalle ideal. All t , , bolt- -. I orus more ths I blonticell generous bay. Minot.. I Or . se i 7,"2,11x, wee,, 1, selad to have youl Please send bottle of Dr. Ot Idwell'e r rre. ''411 sr our "wpm. bnW much Dr.! Syruppemint , try, eut ire FRE E., I , n In.a '1 , . Valdwel rot Myron Ifeealn . or ' a 4.,:-hit-t- write-yo- ur hi ow IIV'' Corns to the rrorriut:- 417enoeullAildres .4 ' ,,,,,,,,,p,,n you ura et the end of thin! id, . I ; nononooemeot. and eol for a bot- I tn lee. Tlite entrOtt,ltrirl hot- i. J tue le froettArdod otepeut without. I I - I. ..... ..., ... , i .......,.. clate, Of any kind; A z i 4' wegh AGAIN 17'. o , - . r Features o f Special Interest to Women . , , - BuILD - I ; Xur-ning------- . . 'n-- ; -- ; 'he:ee, ; !A,. ,,, 66 de ' I . I a,-- 1 I - . , I' eel-th- I . pen t. ta-my- i em -- . f. - . I et ithe i - r,!.,,,, , .','""a-'-'1.tr-".!")- . NShoo-hoo- tub, . : 1, ,,r,L ,.. , I - -- , ., . -- ' i ; i , I , - 1 - 1.,r2.- o-- -r, , If I )1 - the 21 t.,1.,,,,,s . ,.M' 1 I I - 1 , E Vo, . -- -- -- 4 ' Moak t- , 7V ' NEW titt 171 1 high-heel- ' ' A, i 11 i I . KDYL Inter-es-ie.,- ' . tbr re-m- one-ha- - . - p.m.--h..at- ,Cy , e3.- orn. - I . ma. , KH j fatt-at,....- ; I - I itinsr-atis-c- 1 orcI-W,- desperate 1tiShe' eio I 1.- --16 s 11a l . rrrt--E'- l . ... m.-5- ,111 . ip-ii.- - -- one-ha- lf t ; - - -- dir. KH pm.--1- Lure-aeo- e - -- I. , KOA 1I. KGO 1 pro.--etr- e tame-enrc,1--p- ar-aide r, o : . - - pers-Inalit- . a gi,),.. - - , I r y I alg"Ir."1-.44.4- - - ' IT 1 Caldwell was Right 7 I . , i' - , ', IF -s. i . ' tcc ha al ts ,- - iv . - ti''I't ,,,. ' : :NI. n ... , ' 1 -- 'IOU-TO-TH- MEANSES I OvERi - - -- J4 Ba A'ate lb f: I . , ,:., fr: , . - ea , --,- . Alk ,.,., : relt - - TooGET li . , sTpue . ''- -, rpful ' I IL ,e1 Wil: , El. '1,,,,?2 i1 a ' ' 1 .a, ...... 1 r 1 , f - - - , A" JLA-IL- 4. -, a l , k - ji FREE' BOTTLE i4!. 7 , v, I, AGEIll..,4 . . . Ar t'l .' : ' - 9it .' . ' : r L.411e-- E "Js.1 r |