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Show L i iv - t L v I i tr ktionu a babies pjetetv eradicate what is Methods sciohtifu sore eves through to get Tte ita'iobal uriety is work rs nuke to provision Union tbe state in every aJ fir the distribution of sliver n.iiat'Ju rti.l lln'ie aie and miuvuves. " Pfcon L'tah. CUT. Eait Lake afLicevlSUDdf ,j uea slates whuli do not rejuirl pab.ihJ Afternoons inan in dr js ter, taut to Use j.ioptiyJart.c Member of Audit birth. at ee fants UATtS. SVBSCRirTIO.N e son baHis have Cnn to te str n?t " tracts of as n One Week iiiy-d retot- -! en.el the jue'enti'ee UontJl Ofi fw'.wi of piotee'uv tMS OM M 13 advance) s.frht Jiu11 s'iois likbt has .t tie , -One leer sun should be p.ated i i m A ngte CoW t0 ,r PP raie The ftbo oer ite hid iwm :e tii mi h v other ft.hi Nevada, nr d ttyomlr es from the , h, Upa s1 adiDg th per cconth, ll. U9. Babies a.e naturally icetlon to i oi e. I nvs of the sj for pub rreepoEdeEce V When Oberen commanded Puclt lo fetch a magic herb and ba back era the leviathan can swim a league," Puck, a if 'contemptuous of so s lght an errand, 111 put a gird.e around the replied; earth In forty minutes--" The world stood atpazed at the circumnavigation of the globe bv Magellan In three years. It was thrilled vsl'h a kind of skeptical wonder fifty years ago at the picture drawn by Jules Verna respecting a Journey "Around the World In Eighty las," but in 1SS0 tnls record waa redu ej eight day by Nellie Bly. The latest record in a trip la that of E. 8. Evans and I. O. , . e e e a"- i. I te sri -- Add tha.(Ttor. ll h-- r I I remittance to Toe I6seret VS It-i- k v tr credited to neaspaper. and auto tba local nt on nerem A.i r hU for republicaUon 'T'OO much emphasis caiitujl be placed pub.hd the uupciitan'C of pari ! warning their of spacial dispatch matcuis or the . JULY 10, v9C8. children agamt the Use of the BALT LARK cl TV summer seamaking of bonfires during aud gra-- . m backyards the now son. Just WLLIOME 10 SsULT HkE. vatarl lots is so Uly Jt a match applied H resiilect manager of Uie te- or caielessiy thrown q an sty trausfoims it Uil stole to be established into a biasing lnfeiiu. Only Monday darliiig child play tog too uear a tiee Uiat La.J trurf by ears, Roebuck, &. Co,-l- s jxr -bfceh,set;pn I ii e wav so Badly burned that Abe, Urm here with some llaie that she died an a local intends to begin business cot later than burned and 1. Mr. La ton is not a stranger lo later. Ollier children have been mauner so that halt Lake or Uie west, having been oper- lost tneir live m similar" source would seem to from Uie this nanger various m in this capacities territory ating seems lo lor a number of years. He is therefore be quite well Uhumtuud. ltieie be an almost lrtesistdvle temptation for chilmore or less conversant xutti western conare plenty ditions and lakes an opLmislic view of the dren to start fires where there The Uirill of seeing the business outlook. He says it is the purpose o diy weeds. Uie Jo their oi the company lo employ all its help in Salt blaze rise high in and air appeals In this engage they adventurous considerspmU be given Lake, a matter that ill withottt-ful- ly realizing the danger ation on his return here from the toast prmcUco that attaches to it-- Hence the need for par. n or about July and lo strongly urge a - Jig previously suggested in these col- - ents to sound ofwarning - caution m this respect eertise of Lake Salt lo vi inns, the eommg bears, be sacrificed to these Roebuck & Co, vsra big stride forward Children should not of keeping the and responsibility commercially for this city and Ihe Deseret dangers rests with parents. them from them away will Eaton Mr. bicws welcomes its advent. find here a fine class of people to do busiNEW UR MAIL KOLTES. not ness with and a spirit of Stales. excelled anywhere m the United opening of hid from air Lanspoit The big store, it is said, wilt employ from THE by the hostoffice Depart- four to five hundred persons and will han- nient w hah look place a few days ago will dle all kinds of goods besides conducting a doubtless lead to definite arrangements for The company s the establishment of mail order department routes link il place of business on the northeast corner mg Uie United Mates with the nations of of Stale street and Broadway is now being-mad- Central America and the islands of the ready and will be remodeled to meet Caribbean. Two new lines are contemthe needs of the enterprising concern. plated, one to run from Key West to Cuba, Yucatan, British Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama; the other from Key West to Cuba, Haiti, San Domingo and Porto Rico. These lines will connect with other tinea now - L. uj ho-pil- al Sep-feni- . :T ft-- i for Colored People, j to the July issue A Bt casi dls-a-- es rg ' Iis tr the-sabj- e. on-th- e there-fere.-U- is InNew Aork appointed 1 t vest gae vice, and the 14 report terrible." worse than old Night. ' "Dance stuhotels. "Karnes law dios" are studios of vice, and host, esses of clubs, doubtless with hon-an orable exceptions, represent anc.ent profession, aa well left - - ft - a the time of ths 4 India, fair at Madr ed tne ri x I fo- - two and to shoulder one hr!f nutes, riling tatit shouMer. And they hid a f r vho stprwi bv them and aked and arns. borne deep thinking con ome sound ph. osophvhhe out oMd.a and the rot of th I r East. The coturLbatlon of Oriental ! id te imm r e F it if a j o hLnrin real ieVs nt one of the i ration shit it is able to do for th file of the people rank Is beg-gz- -- Student Exchange With European Countries Urged. Bt CLUADE iimply cf..,MnnClubs are ft im. said that It geat lWhQsWhoTimeV Views mln-ute- mli-fiiris- GERM IX MTHOOb Gewiuny has a new Idea, about choos Germany has had many That nation .das about echos. the leader tn been among duration Thee is ft school ove Lhert; row In mh.ch pupls deliver re tec hts. They have dom4nton Thev behavior ivcr ihcvr take care of rtils and discipline. nave who a schoul for pupils wpert t tab ! i . u a i uart to go fat in the devlop'nent of the mind and Ve feaue go fast. vho ae able ' in this cun-r- v pp.r in try rnms We have come to see the Sift m cf g Vzrg goot brains the best poss.bie chan e c!dfor development. rot be allowed ow pup4Ts LaCA. o t hold rt ,,TorrJ. - 1 A , , e PATTEBSOt ds - a- -s GBOVB 5 SHIPS AND PLANES Building bat'leshlps beyond for defense Battleships are altogether Tney are ,ttrutnents f.ght.i.g never profitable Implements of with so airplanes peace N't rot Build. ng fleets of airplanes Is Wri.l m.i.tar stlc. This gov ernnient The tuiidtr? to enrol: raye JTifU use of plane. Their use la pursuiU grows peaceful commerctal And It war comes enormous!'-- . convert'd be Into the most trey can powerful weapon ot offense and i fen'e. 1 - ited in in from the catching my ej sugretlv statement for Parents. Magai-n- s by naturwir iy proxy onsnbu?s to Mother Creed of Health to hiuh I wan Ones mors I find o.' Child re par'sSome mo her s- c.r-cu- m ve Respect the Pterosaur. aUTncurrent generation 6 given mot to creed break'ng than to creed building but. to the end of.t me, occasional eltorts press ap ouUook or a philogoph into a brief does not Th Peserct N new thirgs. bu Creeds are not research reports of htan-nglendorse or com- eoecearly Brmbsite cinct reminders of he overlooked obv.oas U cr Mr. mend vttbere Here are condensed statements o' the e ght Iteft s in this Hts sditorlsa arc t .occl-t.onI iubished sxprsMinns ol, 1 w ill b"1-Creef hiohBEUE' E thai good health Is pricelessftr Tir' art opinion ot th work's rutes uf IfVAirHS in etfsalaii' by Honor end dent.t forg't1 periodic health aud.a a which ca : BELIEVE that the communicable pTTkTRLR BRISBANE. Invalidism, are m part avoidable I cessary dekh-anas far as lies within my power, prevent irv chld ton comrtmol by th Btar Co (Col'rht In titnate .conation with th-- e wrho suffer skeleton ara ext pterosaur nit At, ipmiine o diphherfte Fatet! 11 tpat niv cKiU ! in- ?nq Mhati nence has fo':r.d Ores 7kr rKTiitil have ft miuch to ail diseases aga.nst beslde smaUpox, 'hsoman institpte. ihe ef bt- - Lou gUarf BELIEVE that noiroal growth b best evMen'e Li,ii...rh . of'.Spirit w. h samethe pterosaur tom-l!- v I will. thereore. natch h(a we gilt a: d h.s d't r,d....s ever wellbeing that are the firat things I can mustei. care and intelligence of the ahead v earth, supervis'd r on th.s I BEL1EV E thafplay and rest should be Intelligent eomfArt and by many millions 1 wilt therefore see VVr.g-to it that my ch.d has Quiet and on hL p ay and variety aard sam.ght of I ears fresh jut in. hts sleeping quarters 8r0UIdBELIEVE Jhat permanent habits of clear! ness are fostered, ieptil'S East they f!ew Then tliey developed r.ot un,, M by punishment fo lap-e- s or bv tbe payment on the arc. copter) laaiher, seen ward but by helping thee hild to reaixe that sense of jjjgr trcd in Germany. cleanliness contributes .n j Then came real b rdt I BELIEVE that surroundne enrdit.nrs grea'lv a .eet bea a a.e Th v were originally- the wfil therefore sew to it that the clothes endqvcirreis o.mj ch. enterprising conducive to heaih intej bonest to get t of sex should be I BELIRV E that jtnnwtng enough of harms ab out waj. I wi! therefore take the edee of' andIntel! and frank!-.-,- earia gently stopped normal curiositv of my chlhl by satisfying being af part ih nk rg Now birds ae "0rniaBKLlE E that a healthy bode presuppose an act ve m.-- d arii . te atunaiata my chlid to .rttn' a scretTS spirtr.--- f will late-lv- , Mm Who never flew untit with tual activity and to guard him against emo'ional excess needed pr.miplea are on new the ground but they These are not hvi to stay McCtura Newspaper by nd.cate teeth, and Copyright, hs weau hands, small no Claws, dodging everything. Fear rn.de h.m thin, and thinking made h ni boss of the planet. that in your bus.ncss. day A 'f 'R W a. and former editor of thn Wisconsin rnlvereity of President of line Msg Century BX GLENS Bootleg Drama. tf ' -- one-ha- TODAY t Homes The Way of the WORLD A MOTHERS CREED. StUl We Have Vice. Witk ns, the Australian transpolar flyer, predt is a round, More-mc- r, flight in forty hour ha predicts this net as a sing e feat, but aa a commercial possibility. He aaseria that the essentia! of such a f lght already exist, the reduction of the time be.ng a mere matter of perfecting our present motors and eonstruction. Nor la h alone in this belief. howover. Hould bs remembered that ihe f lght proposed is not oquator-la- l, Ihe full r ??6 miles of the earth's It U, in & measure, Lircumference polar, because It is proposed to bs four degrees beond half way to the Foie, that is, on rhw 4$th prrtl,eWfhich- ia. the northern boundary of the western TTnlted State. The distance then - would be approximately 18,000 miles.- This would mean a speed of 4fJ0- - miles an be Cohour. Such a flight coujd best nducted at JuaL-ihpresent easonehe-twee- n 1 on the west June 21 and July ward course following the sun ond indeed outspeed ng him. Thus, if thj la near flyer were to leae Paris, which the 4ath parallel, at t in the morning, he would return at about S on the evening of the following do. having been n day- a light a1! the time except for a few of twilight. would be j The forty mnutes of Puck extended to forty hours but compared to the 'apace of "four weeks demanded by actual aurface travel this Journey, which we may accept as within the realm not of the early only of the poss ble but wonder-sated prohable. even to our imaginations, approaches the miraculous. Now Captain -- - and twenty-eig- .lit a- - lo - f round-the-wor- ld deleterious effects, but to avoid per- -; ! it n E ne'essary tic X, sun to ehme the t of tnrert ii. rajs r, BEIREEENTA- j m It I'dL'.vs fd e for any c i nierable tiu.e. NATXoNAi- - ADVEKTIMN3 Tl' EcPh'siuana aie now dnui.' a valuable .ad Con,. juibou. s 4is: school eve I lines ic-err v vvois m the Ch-a0 c3rlvd.agrios.5 and treafin't wluih uunts b Jt ost in the prevention of d seae Pie- til- of fr'.V.V.V.'iui Cocat.tuooa ,lwol exauuuaUun ha si' t ..521 V.siora Bjidlc vvliose vision 'lhone of children, thousands -Conger and Moody. Ca is found to be defective are placed m special is juggins bui.d L. Lo AU! A laUforn-Bu iding. Sa jragejeo. c!aeiV whe.e they Ml) bro.. classes sight-saviI Lak the sirne as Cltr. education M At to their able are get Entered at the posioff. t manor accordTj to-- Act of normal chiTJr-- n but a: e tvictit how to ttm-seras second t Match A 18?. Control their eyes wh.le Tho Aoe.iod Press . eicJtvo.y entitled ut all neaa DANGER I ROM I IRE to me use tot lepab.lcsuon o. or not otherwusa cred- at j Providence Journal Editorial. pIiv-Lij- A, Girdle Round the Sphere A isHk Cht I '4 TUESDAY THE DESERET NEWS !' ofW CLAtT-ELL- . (French Ambassador to the Unied States ) In America. 3S (Paul Claude! began hi diploma'ic careerfrom which pot attache years sgo. as assistant commerc.al in Bo-tconsul h became vice consul in New Tork and later 13 neaTir where pent he China, to went h Boston from in The thousand ot speakeasies to Europe in 103 to take a success on of conjl rr thi worse than are at I.io di New York posts until 1915 when he took achargeren,ofh the Jegat'on thousands of saloons used to be, fro"' envoy to Jap-af Janeiro. Paul Claudel served I ii.ted to tne because the doors are not open. ambassador was 1921 'to 1926. He appointed lmpres-s-othe In short, you get States m 1926. He bar also gamed recognmen as a wrue- and that parsing a law doesn't f pott ) nature. iwH. human io. change jvlv e X exchange of student mfth ure. A man cannot proprV ar j In northern cities, where large own countrv untH h' At th Democratic national convention European countries by univer- preciae lus colonies of colored men and wom-fiin Denver, Colo- - William Jennings Mian would has acquired that personal contact j sities established, ret are on f en the permanently was nominated Nebraska of apartdisspate. to a w.th the Vfe of another country j nanciers Will not lend, oil Colored "ballot for the third time for The office great fttenl, The traeler galrs a new fense cfj ments built for negroes U ted States, amid of th the rel ctarce live people have been compelled to of the firtd proportions less scene, of frenzied enthus aa.n. to be ro- in d lapidated tenements paying best housekeeper I ever Amer.ra is ttky States to cpHE more than whites had rents, than by 1 had," said a young married f high z the a more erned by tradlton Fourth demor-aliA committee of taxpa) ers of has been The to be te system lew likely paid. Amerna In w oir.an the other day, "was a man. actie part ij municipal ward issued a call for a mass ng, unjust, harmful to. whites sv&ed by enjojment cf the presmoveworld conIt was Ui iiltle viliage down tn as well as blacks mesting to be held in the Twentieth ward moment than ent by curiosity ments to discuss ".30 te w pm. amusement hall at Maine here we A m r cerning the next moment She New John D. Rockefeller, in less likely to be ruied by cusfni th proposed Issue of 3000,000 bonds by hved for years. , must Roaenwald-oJulius -and the ts Tork City, Actual fact. b administration. than EuEurope the city come to Maids were scarce A more In. this. of reverse Chicago, set s goodellexample, exact to studv rope end I prevailed upbuilt at , of culture and supplying apartments, a In the village of Niagara, B. C . Fran, the past, and ornate exchange America on Joe to help me tn and Eureasonable rentals for colored! between 2 u f o p e ans Ideate cisco Clddes, aiias Frank Bosso, slla Pa n families. the house. Joe had. must come to rope 'ftHI prepare this country to Banco, wrho was arrested In Salt Lake Invest win Rosenwald Mr. been in the Navy, part in the t o soon play a ofleading America to house MAUUCLAUO an City by two Canadian police in January, affairs. apartment in world and later had had n study the fu- management will was hanged for the murder of Louise 400 negro families Tenants his own fishing Kin at Niagara In 130. pay lower renta than heretofore, schooner. per and tha Investment w.U pay a new stunt to cary waBut Its cent Interest. As tbs result of a long standing feud I Lave never ter on one and hooch on the Between two Austrians at Garfield, Miks other. known s woman ale in district a In New Tork. Boblch was shot four times and fatally who was so scrupulously neat as Joe. I ready occupied by colored people. wounded by Mike Perpich. Aided by two No, beloued. the S'ock exrharc even an built The way he w ashed d;rhes,forinstance,f has Mr. Rockefeller Pertu friends. of mono member a ho borrow brothers and a number BT ROBERT QCHXEX. a was a lesson in efficiency. larger building, the Paul Lawrence deetnt ftnh give speculate pich eluded deputy sheriffs and escaped for negroes Dunbar apartments First he scraped and piled them all J mortgage on his crop, routes ard to the hills. VV hlte men brought the colored operating or planned for that territory amt to size. He used Lux for the t according their bl household goods. as al to slaves here natural against ft near e people tendeney Mans e m the they wi't eventually, perhaps suds in the dishpan, because, be said. U. 8. Senator George Sutherland, C. 8 and it is the business of makes him buy It will, low him costs candidate A prob presuderUal future. Be extended to South America, white men to see that they a new golf club every few weeks. Marshal William Spry. Postmaster Arthur Lux made better suds in he'd the time wh-t- rably doesn t ferT fJaf'red E. treated decently and have fair There are already international airline gre LrTh'.tass, Internal RC'. enue Collector to tare of anything else, Iso because Lux mate uie appear for trial will n t be nutilieu he axunnrg iC'en TH Bolsheviks are wondertnsopportunities H. CallUter and others began a two dais w as easier on Lis Lands. OL( American mails. One line have been heretofore. Indeed, It has how lo make the fanners grow cruise on the Great Sat Lake aboard the ft ft Is more than thev can eat. Did tney SafioT, he said, use Lux because under been a matter ratner d.fficult Vj un- - nects Key West and Havana which prohibition Bootlegging launch Cambr.an II Nf'cr dravi cl jour monpv b'-th-ct t r.e'.r hands are often badly chapped at least dramatic. ever hear of Fords' .r bo mar.v hutitaJs bank, be why a court dealing with II Frankie One bootlegger gangster. and broken and Lux is soothing. 2.3 mcmorita arl andr criminal element should Be under the mails in Cuba bvmore than twenty-foRemus is luckv. His Insanity these are engaged in occupational pursuits Ca!e, waa murdered by other Now I myself fottow Joes p'an in after dor g .t Vne Indl-jbetween Another hours. The waa operates a:! to gangsters so cie this ep.eode temporary. , bowing itti. necessity Of the watts of the insttu'0P, while ard I always use Lux. within doing brilliant Petroino, ! is, cates c the malady that Prospers B. country 40 the n, pm.-icloria, C, Am,rIcani.nl to give them more than the re.u.ar cnauccj Seattle. Maslr, and f The difference it has made in the looks f i used on tho prison farm where young detective, tri'd to identify permanent. are others ! $4 of . at a on Sundav. 3. ion ft ft to save the bond if tncy so desired. In all principal purpose of which s to catch the ,T Dales killers uppoed to have of my hands is realty amazirg. Lux activa of outdoor to eat the std benefit euitabl' plv. receive they been sent to New Tork from ChiParte te trrnr to op pab:ic fmdw case bondsmen and client know perfect1! I fat mad boat for the Orient Mill keeps them so wTute and smooth, tha' Jy h,nfh It would appear from the showing cago. . kissing except, of course, in I've passed on the hrt to my fnenas . when these cases are to be called for other line operates between New Orleans ity. on Petroino sat at dinner conducted have As in caaes where both to made that the prison is being parMs Ladle ek,ng so.TWn.-- g Because Lux contains none of th- - f came whtekera. bullets a tartan, trial, and if the defendant are not there and Pi.otmwn La, which came mail to a highly effluent manner and one which Sunday hinight. trv fle'h reduce nugh alkali found in many house- harmful dining room window ft through - at the appointed time the court is perfect- -i outbound boas at the mouth of the Missis-l- y ft political theory that has given hold on the warden, the stale from an automobde flying past. reflects iredit whether flakes, chips or i soaps, 'a. A. in northern results justified in ordering the bond forfeited sippi even the tro. ' board of corrections and al tin ,s I cakes, it never irritates killinvolved In Uie-e these fd succesThe stake routes are wa t rant a Ihe that the reaissuance of Leth and causing 'The sentence thia Correct dries the delicate f h never sensitive shir, ings and counter killings amounts son I admire him, sa.d the sor the defendants arrest. That is the fu! ha erouraged the Postoffiee Depart- oils of the hands. lo S1D00, 0001 year at tease. ProIS J If he ic is because peopl akv of addition-rt- o hibition authorities bewildered, And the big package of Lux washes t ATHLETES MLtSLRL IP. regular procedure and there seems lo be tent to seek the it's hot enough for them vast that admit The quantirecen'ly be isto j should lmes other countries. at 6 weeks dishes. deparbw nearby good reason why diverted ties of rum have been , rbelvijc-e-sf192? Pub"hers (Cop-ng- ht - --from as it --has been in dune past -An icveiUgafiomu'f Prtnte'on students front operation of new--- projects wt11 Ther are two Juinda of wives warehouses. government Syndica-e- ) . i fern about zJuser commercial and personal recently continued bv the p oft or of psy-- f 100.000 gallons in one cae ho think their hubands much Those fias been altogether loo --. Miat .:Th Ecpubhcass,. deny fhal. hninrv cat; tit) and those i enough, msking arent thefh'r irela'ionsBeTweeir Nations; the athletes in the senior cla.--s measure n'ra U sdymg Xo this element Ur is an important national who thinlt their husfahds arent' a ad in tiade and business ood, and the result is the courts and j Jdgcs j and up lo to beyullJ tile aviidke ,n l. na.i a aud issue. Criminals don t agree with gettlhg enougn. It is safe to predict that' before many scholarship, 'ihe mveattvaMr rent'd Utat them. have become more or le-- s of a bxil m t iej German scientists think 'food group they aie up- - veas airmail route will connect America the athlete, wt.were the Many hands of the Mre. Clem Shaver. wife of "the can be made from wood. uf The of Pruicetott, etudeoig place, -i national Democratic chairman, people th.nk of that shout the arj Europe These great ships of the air and m the second tie discovered that men denounces posed to deal with. JudgeToung is pre-- i appear. - the Democratic fieket time the first cantaloupe of Uie v,Py "wili m comparative safety over who taka pant m. aliiletirs ani ptlicr. extra- no good! leg in the cnnitpal division and piattorm. 4 easy mountains. &i'j..des?rts bringing into curricular activities staidir a, hiti in class- American womansaying court 'ohy"tmporariAyv It Americanism- will vote for it. Scorning "These" b0"'der;t'-trcon hs es Aiua -f-i iJieTR-ssaeeiv- be of stn not win entire keeping the wilt re'atiurc "fingers pr issued wittjcvarka.acd.auc.kejs... coorries oriy the order jiist -t a grick or studras 4o to aomeUimg bfci5iti.xalJege i a chance threw., cat eiectr.c into, fa a.' the the far Ku alert W e J in aga bis live a Rued woi incumbency great Sgo.lan - interests It is not surpnsing tt no'e sum ly adhered to during e e quick. and men fly results, ereeiallv since when kriwh igo ic There will be many cats thrown seniors amre were that it will continue to be rigidly enfoned the chaff hn. beerr pretty Into Republican and Democratic In tho old da' s. fame was perconsidered. 0rnn1 a"ound tne earth. after the rgular judge returns to the! fans before the campaign petuated in bronze. Now It takes electric the class well winnowcti by tine court-hop- e out ran the teBotw-Gfl- iy way is reaUifts lU lumtli ycar.jU. a, general rule, ends. It is gomg to be a woman s a lot of brass to call attention to . en both sides and- tt- - fe- rt next day. , to do thir full duty to siciety and too. it is TTirafi'e- - that Fio wno take a fightshow profess-hirr-deal fairly and justly, reasonable amo it.t of exeri t af'l display male specie wiir a the- - airf -In much some wrong wilt Politicians R? a"d the pubhc gmeratty There Unt things they a degtee oi inter. t in thmgs never knew. Women sav howl for what they land w hers the under the law, w th those charged with TAXPAlf r'pa-'- d will have think, very little inhibition. wih the annual re- in college out.ide another good! except nothing whocgl'Ung 'more nmre and retentive fresher. o state War-pthe staff. the prison,! receptive Davis of u port jltrher to strengthen wtw-d- a , - HAV K WOMEN HELPED?.. tban-tnothing Jut which sbnwx an available" baance June"3C,i tnem erp'-s -away m or. frd'--.. r Mr. Coolldg caught six 0fl4;j No thoughtful person woud care SFFGURDLNG YtSIOV 5? Nor often do state i i .studv them ordered 198, of and trout to woman's clear to pound right dispute cooked for. breakfast. Very small tutions make s h a gratifying showing alvote and participate In public In every way. , And yet, etnee oneipounders or very large is good to know that during the last though it mav be sa,d in pas'ing that the women have bad the ballot. It Is petite. blind-r- s of years the procipat caus-sdue targe'y fo condition noted h not possible to eay that they htve m th,s country have been reduced mar: I'artunr.r n Seek ve first th kinrCem of God- and had much apparent effect cn the conduct of government or that they St Mai! ew, 6 30. enormously. Th.s i d e m targe measure where inmates are engaged in making over tbs rv! e have changed much the character for the , i. a to tbe work of the Nvva! mv .4 anj ..uii'perg 'vi,.-- ,i Iim. and characteristics of office bold (a -was which .. 0Nr era. Thev have increased the numst, Prevention of B', ket in the immediate territory. bers of ballots to be counted and about twenty 9?-- s ago Inner i s di- According to the report th- - lnstslutirn Star, sfav at home, my hea havs raised the cost of elections and rest; s ra-have sight-'aof oid rwticra mary the clos of the year live "z bad , hearts a"? They hsv made a w interesting Tes. kids kissed in th t!ller more than $3,C0ft These consisted fo- the Lor those that wander tli0' snow not where spoechea . Laws are apparently no days. But when thev had finished i rh"' formed and. lecturei reNo no of or worse better. instead great Are fill of trouble and fiii of care; they said good nlgoi instruction plans ba bzn eT!,''yed O roos part cf material on hand at the form have come Into being which. hot dog. '. To home at his-s'av is haza'-l'?. i ; factury, accounts receivable of about ir In all probability, would not have teach men and women in cctne into being anyway and diMrssed. Theres hot much excitement in Und.ca'h in jhe r.votving fund of el 5on Wearv and horne'i-a campaign when thev candidate "nA-a- st . eSWP can with- 'wsiiejeE3aSfcm!wurhildren has been Jower'l o I? Fincerttv Is not something that offer nothing, except . chewing ! rLJan(j other s.ourirv amounfed tn soineMnnu u. ,hp wind- - cf tie witdeipej of doubt; Lcan be taken on and put off. -- To gum. rbi-H- y throush the work Ty stay at honi is than. 3b.h( during the year, makirg I e atv e the wisO otiserver no eee. in the treatment of Turn about fa fair jiiay Th ortier artficm- -; rrv'hcTT-f- r and rest; f jthe to'al reccpts. inudir the fesrivlafiv be a substrtute for hincerity. leu L5. lfi.ro, from which via5 The b'rd is safe-- t ' m iis i.e-- t. believe in. a man or you don t. eara the boss-- s picked candidates Ttiis ii an important wnrk'rer-- l ;h ao- - p,.prepri(iecn, i and 1J What he rays to you ha left eU the people did.it want. fltPUP. sum a fine the mad it of but nvefVTlTiarTrufterftTeip expended record, hup has eiety . m feet than he supposes. Sincerity is eon! sky; to'do even abetter There are cow in the state nson, -- Joj j0 gjgv at home is best poll lclans frequently communicates itself by means othwith public ot parried water on both shoulders, t females. is comand er than, words, I possibl to Manjr nHenTT'.W."LiOiigfeili Jngiate216 males Jiork in lb futures'll h ! -- When arMan Twenty Years Ago. Goes in for n Washing Dishes A 1 tm-pu- to f , air-nia- e PARAGRAPHS ' i. . . -- -- con-wa- ys -- ebort-dersta- f- ur . , dis'-es- J an-w- ell ' -1 , - ul -- t-- g-'- -- -- ttrt jz: -- p. I - ua-th- trf' -- ie tevt-boo- Si IT of - vj-r- ty , ten it -v pets Honio-keepu- rg pno ts f-- hapi-iwst- b-- b!. ,'marc i ii, yv jl 1 - OM-tim- -o I |