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Show THE DESERET NEWS to 228,180 acres in 1025, a loss of over most striking loss is tlwi Bcree. Bui' the wherei the 1020 lots! Lake county, m Sait of 317,381 acres has dwindled to 111,871, . loss of 172,400 seres. These tremendous acreage! of land kct to agriculture, within sight of the two the largest cities in the stale, challenge of engineering and general business ability the c linens as can few other facta. Just how the actual lose is divided i notshown in the figures at hand, but It improbably hhargeable td abandoned dry fanning lands, in the southern and southwestern pert of the SaK Lake Valley, and to alkaline or farther north, and to similar causes in Weber valley generally. The reduction in the value of the farm lands in Cache county is something less thsn four million dollars; the Weber county toss is slightly over four million dollars; while the Belt Lake valley depreciation in values is nearly eight million dollars, practically all confined to the land itself. We may concern ourselves intensively with city rmoke, local tax reduction, street improvements, reclamation projects or whatnot, but here is a problem for public soluhas robbed tion; one which in five years . Ar... the county of UxaCIe valueai. prhahly re- claimable, of nearly eight million dollars.. UCO Gflue Balt Lake City- - Utah. Fhoe Wea W. PaWutd llUnoiH twH Sunday. kirntw at Audit Berea at Ctrealatloa. -- 1 i f..a COptM teU 1 u bev ru Apflf t NnU, m4 V omia. at bar Mr 1 I um 0iTBdaprKM Wk Om Oot HoftU Om Tmt .... Th month, HH-- JUIKM Uuot. tawMiM tiens ta Th lannt V.?J euu '' by mata tar, peblicatloe - waal-t (M Balt Lake Cur, ! kej'kbjilntati vbb ai. aivektihi.nj nationCana, IteueeBer ad laiCui It aw Chieasa I'.lr,lt. Kasaaa Cilr Et 41st Freet Ota Bo. Michigan Blyd. As fiaana CoU H.ttfr m Building ttlCoMtiiuuon 31 BuWm tclofl ftjMl J VWHW ) H Ira la" Bulunna. Lo Asrolaa. California. Hotbroou iMIMuir, Baa Bis an son. CaJilprata- XMant at IBa aaatofBaa at Balt Lake City, u aiKiwd aiMa COBfTMi. tfAfCfe 1, : Mtur I. lt e Th" Aaaoetaled Praaa la eseteatoaly entitled U im mm lor ropotouwiina ol U pfttcbec rdit4 to it. or aat Uiorwioo crito 41m thfjOMl Ifl; (fats OWpOfMr f4lMfc4aO0teaAfe i4 ' TILIS 13 TUB PLACE salt lake an ... January ENFORCE, THE LAW. . . OW that Commbaiooar 4i Theodore T. Burton has been formally installed as a member of the police department, fhe pub : lie may well expect a rigid enforcement of sub- J city ordinances. Mr. Burton Tuesday iwuiiwi to the mugging and finger print requirements of the department and wdl probably be on the police payroll from now . oa. What be intends to do is fairly well - : defined in .his instructions to members of and to proprietors of card "Ha department houses and the like, Some , games, rooming of whom have been rather careless in times and past in adhering to civio regulations bidding to lbe strict letter of the tow. In these and other particulars there to ample room for civic reform and it is expected the , new head of the public safety department will see' clearly his duty and with the cooperation of members of the department and the public generally will bring about a wholesome' and much needed change. Balt Lake by virtue of its sterling citi' zenship and general reputation for tow and order should be one of the best conducted, cleanest cities in the country and it can be gnade so if all will work together to. this end. There should be no winking at crime by men whose business it is to suppress crime, nor should there be any compromise with wrongdoing when persons are found persistently and flagrantly violating the law. 1.4ft it not be said thak officers, for any '.reason whatsoever, dare not do their full duty when confronted with a situation of this kind. The people expect a fair and fearless administration of police matters as they do of all other matters connected with (he public business, end those who cannot meet - this contingency should be removed for the good of the service and their places filled with more dependable men. Commissioner Burton be clearly pointed the way. Let us hope his position will not be misunderstood... By Edward A. pleasure; th plodding oat could only contentment. Whea the aus la high la the heavens. wbaa the t n uru warm and gautlo, whan tha uu, ora wild flowera- and tha air la a bland of delicate perfume tba gruaebopper skips Ita Ufsaway. It la enchanted by tba gladneea of tba hour and haant a care about tba morrow. With a mixture ot pity and aeorn the graaahopper watchea tha ant reaaelely toiling. . But the aummer quickly paaeea and tha snowa fall where tha flowera end the delicious grasses made life sweet for the graaahopper. Then a horns'll appreciated but tbe hasnt any, and it la tbs ant's turn to mix pity with scorn. Tba human drifter la likely ta confuse pleasure with happiness and exfata. For perience tbe (rasahoppers without responslbuity no life is complete There la an lnetinctlre longingn In every on of us that oen find only In leervle. Examine those who hare allowed - happy-go-luc- a to Alexandra er P. Moore, who has recently returned from Spain, whew be bas served three American Ambassador at Madrid, years Spain is undergoing a great national regeneration. He says that Spain is the moL peaceful country in Europe today, and the most interesting, safest and most pleasant country in the world for travelers. Mr. Moore characterized General Primo de Rivera as a great patriot and an unselfish statesman. He regards King Alfonso as one of the meet brilliant young men in Europe, and under the leadership of these men Spam it undergoing a remarkable change for the better. The people of Spam are kindly and hospitable and the conn try is the one place in Europe left that to full of interest to people who love beauty of scenery, antiquity and art Tbs present government of Spain is characterized by Mr. Moore as a benevolent despotam," but the country Is fortunate in having a king who is a keen, shrewd and observing business than, a great diplomat, and possessed of qualities which endear him to his people by whom be is greatly beloved. u ' - ' Contrary to. the general opinion, the Spaniards are a most industrious people. They lake kindly to work and are employed for longer hours than any other people in Europe. Americans are popular in Spain and lh& peoplt like American goods. Our trade with . 180,000,000 a year, England being the only country that outsells us, and this by only a slight mar- ke ' TWENTY YEARS AGO From tbe Files of tha Deseret Kew I0. JAXTARY. Tft,. Chief Justice George W, Bartch of the Ftah supreme court announced that ha" would reslsn from th bench within IS days and enter a law partnership with Judge A. E. L. Leckie of Washington. BXC, and" former Attorney General John A Baglsy of Idaho: A dispatch from St. Louia. Mo., stated that two Mormon" elders, Walter I Wilson of Ssfford, Arlx., and 8, I - CoX of Idaho Falla, Ida., were overcome by gaa In a hotel room. They were ea rout to the Southern States .mission. of tho crlminsl division of the city court placed the responsibility for the 'fiperatlon .of dive her on th polic department and said that revocation of licenses was the only . urs remedy. Judge C. B. Diehl -- . serious wreck of Oregon Short Un train No. I from Butte, Mont, waa prevented by the ttmely actions of an aged track walker who discovered a slide on tbd track In Beaver canyon, and flag ged th train. A T deleteri-ou&-4ialula- side-swip- e; JANUARY 20 1926 4 BSPBCTABnJTT in both desirable sad dangerous. The lor ot respectability may lead a man te good manners a and ta good morals Respectability of this sort la obviously a worthy goal. Th power of respectability depends upon our keeping It la of good character and good craftsmanship. place as a The peril ot respectability Uee la our making It a god to be worshipped Instead of a goal te be woa by the culture of our spirits and th at euS era flam a ns hip. Respectability as a goal makes for reality. Respectability as a god makes for artificiality. . aRk far Individuals And artificiality la tha beginning - - - - -- - - ot death and for Institutions. i The achievement of s realistic notion of respectability is a very, practical undertaking tor the man who wants to enrich his Ilfs with durable successes and durable satisfactions. There lies before me as I writs a copy ot a London dispatch to the American press under data of September St, ISIS. It crisply dramatises the difference between realistic respectability and artificial respectability. Let me copy It here In lxa simple telegraphic brevity. Tbe drama In It needs no dressing up. When Charles Edward Bond, who began his career as a carpenter and Jolnar, applied to he ordained as a priest of th Church of England, there was a protest on th ground of his lowly origin from a section of ths clergy. Bond waa summoned a short time .ago before a committee ot bishops for examination. When questioned about hla former humble calling. Hr. Bond replied simply, I believe there waa ones a and tha examination ended there. Teeter day the Bishop of Winchester consecrated Mr. Bend ns a priest, and appointed him vicar at the All Saints Church at Alton In Announcing1 Our NewSoring ' Line of for 1926 - car-perrt- ae Z. C, M. I. Hants This sailing of cathedral hack to th realities of their carpenter shop origin, vividly symbolise the competition that Is forever going on between real and artificial respectability, a competition oa which r laast Respectability is not conformity, Bespeotablllty is reality. A part of tha art of effective living lies In onr rescuing respectability from the artificialities with which castes and cliques surround it, and giving to It Its real meaning as the social reward for soundness of character, conduct and craftsmanship. And tha memory of Mr. Bond and thq bishops may help us ta do Just this. Copyright, by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate. walk era." Tba automob U Industry ta th blessing pf th race. Art Dept. hecye-ciimi-ft-i- lit, Granddaughter's YIsiL More Pay For Good Men Blaming Automobiles, His Sign. John Hertz BT ARTHUR BRISBANE. (Copyright. 112. by Star Co.) American send their RICH off to Europe with their daughter. Uttl knowing how .tho will com dollar . or daughter beck. May and. dollars Sometime a didaughternA com back with vorce experience. Sometime and th daughter and dollars stay, next generation returns to surprise the man that made the dollar. wkrp bto Judgment. Extreme caution to necessary where roads are slippery, and a careful driver will always exercise the greatest care where it is neeewary for him to pull off tbe roadway perhaps placing one side of bis yap in loft ground AS THE TWIG IS BENT. 2nd. Floor ora -- 111-11- Province. . EVENING SHADOWS. suf-ipere- Evening shadows lengthen, In the dat;kening sky- One bv one the stars appear. Night is drawing nigh. AIT the bills are misty.- - Evening shadows rest where the breakers gather On lhe oceans breast, - v-- N v j- When, the moon in splendor Take .her lofty place Evening shadows flee before The brightness of her face. BY .BELLE WILLEY OLE. IarLos Angeles Times. i 4 1T DRUG PTORS I MAIN TREETJ hw-m- an 2 ' ' A serious scientist has glad news for aU those that want to tick to this world. In spite of Its troubles and worries. In th year 2010, says he, th average Ufe will be 100 yean, and many wUl live to be ZOO yearn old. 2, a That win Interest birth control advocates, for something in the way of birth control would seem to be necessary In Z000 A- - D. A man and woman 100 years old of Chicago, night easily bar thousand of de. Old Levi sceudanta Provid-n- c who money established the however, x 4 Curing Jn England, docent, let the draw grow Into the bis meet to heavens would be surprised granddaughter. Lady Cynthia Mo. Frank Mnnaey leaves his milley. Behold, ah comes to the United States for a visit, speaking an lions nobody knows yet how many would Letter old there which of era, to tbe Metro poUtan MuEnglish In New York City. understand not on word, and be seum ot Art Letter ta a Socialist, spending th That will Interest ths art dealer of on lees th men Interest the Into world. It to parliament money get for 'him. that worked th Labor ticket. Letter -- e e Cant, yon Imagine Levi know turning la bis grave Ilk an electric Secretary Mellon, who fant more about real business from hero a o , to China and then back th other Tba railroad trainmen, hundreds way than In th anybody lsa of thousand of faithful worker, United State, wishes Jth world a aek for better pay, and ought te happy New Tear and say w era get it. going to have it. Railroad, protected by govern- - Continued and Increasing prosment. enjoy prosperity, steadily Inin the United States, sod betcreasing They should divide pros- perity ter conditions abroad as well as at perity with the men that do the horns, are included In hta work, through the night in cold and rain, when, those that collect dividends are asleep. . All- American, especially business men and money maker," should demand that good workmen get their fair share of national pro" pertly. The rich man can get only his share of what th average man has to spend. Government figure show that Monopoly of rubber I wrong In from 1120 to 1124, "automobile principle, U nothing 1 said about killed C0,C? men, women and eotton. And In 1124 the death roll It take three generations of numbered 1&.02S nose on a to elevate tbe Calculated to give th false and next one. grindstone . impression that ths damaging automoblls In Itself ta a dangerous, Times may be good when they deadly demon, thee figures are are flush, but you cant aay that not true to fact. about people. Lr ' This Ad Is For Sam and Bill Customers ONLY Isn't it great satisfaction for you to know at this lime that the overcoat or suit yon purchased of us earlier in the season is not being sold or advertised for sale at V .or 13 or Vi less than yon paid us? We never joggle onr prices. Our policy is different. ; Upstalrs Economy En- -' aWes Us to Always Mark Our Overcoats and Saits at a IIP t $20 Saving.Put our values to the test now! ear prices Compare our clothes at our every with those you see aO oypr in the sales. ay-in-the-y chU-dre- n. o , Of tha sixty-od- d thousand killed years some were the victims ot stupid, reckless or drunken some of incompetents. drivers, - The greeter number killed were victims of their own carelessness, commonly described aa 'Jay 'walking. When a man on. the railroad track is killed, nobody blame the locomotive or suggests suppressing railroads The signs read. "Stop, took. Listen, and "Keep Off th " Track. City street and country highway are bow, In - fact, - railroad In five No Job ever give a man swellhead If he big enough for U)i on abov It. CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT WE BEAT THE SALES Remember, too, that we are showing most advanced or odd lots. styles, fresh new assortments, no Think it over! left-ove- rs . . - People are mean, --and moot of them are content 4f they have 'mo r than tha neighbors. A pessimist 1 one who think of how many legislature will meet this year. ' 00 Mens SUITS, $20 to $60 Students' tracks. Public convenience, happiness and comfort demand all possible encouragement of tbe automobile Industry. Not a few, but ten of million, Debt settlement : Paying the now rid in automobile every day. grocer 14.4 te get him In humor to charge IS2.SS. a e a crime to misIt is there for represent the situation, discourage Among th thing that er getth autdmobil industry, blaming ting shorter are the coal supply, ths Individual careful driver for the daughters frock and dads patience. carelessness and stupidity of "Jay There will be no family row In heaven, and what NrlU Democrats do then, poor thing. There was a dear-littlpink baby on the tram and the elderly man evinced much interest and stopped to peek-a-bat it A fine youngster said he to tbe young mother. I hope you will bring him up to be an upright and conscientious man. - . Yes. smiled the fond pi other, but I am afraid it is going to be a bit difficult, as Oh. nonsense." continued the adviser; as the twig to bent so ig tbe tree inclined. I know it" agreed the mother, but this twig is bent on being a girt and we are Break inclined to let it go at that Vancouver oo -- s f yon can pick oot th one that have army of snooper Is fully recruited. a ukulel complex. e Correct this sentence: My hat BmiU for th first month! Am waa off and aha saw I was bald, aid he, but she tried to flirt anyreluctantly a on crawl from unway. John Herts, who bosses yellow der th blank eeta la January, . a taxicabs In Chicago and taxis and On half doesn't know how the (Protected by Publisher omnibuses all over tha world, ta other half Uvea, but.it will when tbe determined to make his drivers pout and gentle, even If It hurts. On th back ot each Chicago taxi yea sea ths sign, it I break any traffic rule please report me." , This lx almost overdoing tt, and is only equaled by a sign that huTune In on KSL Tomorrow- Night and Dance With Us, morous Americans used to wear oa each good old fashioned New Tears 9:30 to 11:30. day "Wbea , I am drunk, please . me send borne." gvtet TODAY OUTFITS PACKAGE -- -- ' heavy price In loneliness and paying emptiness when th summer days are over. They havent even tbe companionship of fond memories to comfort them when th dreary days arrive. Contentment must be earned; It doe not coma as a gift from tha gods. greet Many Interesting experience the aimless wanderer and ha may consider himself happy hot ha is not hup, py. He never ha a chance to be untU he anchors himself and does something that Is useful th others. Homs owershlp Is the meet practic able and th most satisfying form of responsibility, Th desire for possession is inherent in all of ua and this IS sweetened with the sense of security and with the Joy of; providing for those wo love when we work for a home of our, own. Thee emotions have come down to us naturally through the ages. Tha first man Wkd left the tree and tha caves with hla family had to construct a house for shelter from the elements beasts. and for protection from, the wild natural Love of home then became a Impulse. It developed Into a fixed part of roan's nature. John Howard Payne understood this when he wrote his famous words Be like it ever so humble there Is no place home.- - The reception hts song received of horns proved the deepseatednees love in .every human heart. The wise leaders of the- - Russian soviets appreciated this when they decreed that the peasants could own land 'that In they had formerly tilled as serf. have not far m"T eases perhaps they re ed so well as when overlords acre sponsible for tbelr wellbeing, with without good crop,.' but they experienced contentment for the first time when this they became home owners, and contentment ha made possible th survival of the soviets. Homs owning bring a feeling of contentment that nan not otherwise be equalled. It satisfies a natural craving. man tastes of happiness So the ant-liwhile he Is paying tor his homo and later knows ths full meaning of serenity that th grasshopper type never will understand. From Sunset Magsxta. eon-tent- ed g, But the peopij of Spain are not living in . luxury. Speaking before the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington on Jan. 18, Mr. Moore said: There isnt a bricklayer h the United Stales who hasnt more luxury than the greatest grandee in urged American editors to preach the gospel of contentment, because BACK TO TOE FARM. we in America are living in the most highblessed country in all the world. are 338 more individual farms in ly It may be said that Ambassador Moore THERE than there were five year ago, (Jld mucfr w ell liked - according to a recent report by the Bureau in the country of the Grandee. He won the is cent increase of the Census; this 13 per confidence and the respect of the Spanish jn 5 years. At the same time a" similar people to sqch an extent that there was a amount of decrease has occurred in Wyowave of national mourning when be emming, and a diminution of nearly three barked for America. tunes the percentage in Idaho, the sister state to the north having 1528 fewer farms TBE REACTION TO DANGER SIGNALS. thsn five years ago. r This is significant of two 'or three DANGER SHARP CURVE. ' "SLOW DOWN SCHOOL." things, chief of which.to the stability of individual farming in Utah, and the tendency CAUTION STEEP HILL." of the Utah farmers to stand by their work, WARNING R. R. CROSSING." and to ' induce work on neighboring farms. Idaho has suffered losses of many kinds, traceable to agmolorifl which illustrate the principle ricultural failures, includog a great many of safely where it has beftt most carefully bank and merchandise house failures; while applied. Undoubtedly these .cautions have Wyoming reclamation projects and dry land bad their effect, both salutary and ry ciislricta have not proved as mocessful ae - in ,, that,, . a percentage . ,.ef drivers heed the warnings and thus accihoped. 'A eloser Analysis of' the" Utah farm dents have been reduced at points where ownerships and tendencies is of interest, at danger is most apparent What percentage shown by the county subdivisions or units of drivers really do beed the warnings and of the census. For instance Cache county exactly to wbai extent accidents have been has shown a increase of 241 separate reduced cannot be definitely determined. farms, 209 of which are operated by own- - The signals act both ways, from the fact erK B rtier county .bn 58 more faniis than that g. certain .percentage nf (he drivers, 6 years ago, 46 of which are operated by once over or past the danger point, w.lh a lemurto, probably the small intensive op- stretch of smooth road ahead immediately erators in vegetables. Salt Laka county fcd "Hep on it" and away they go, mayhap to 2366 farms Uus year and 2,438 farms five make up lost time, more likely for the sheer years ago, or a reduction In the period of joy of speeding. 72 farms; yel tha farms operated by ownThen a nit, a swerve, a barrow pit and ers Increased by 106, tenancies being redue-,e- d a telephone pole a serious accident, with more than likely tbe loes of human life; or by 5L Tbe greatest increase noled in Mi- a long curie where drivers in opposite lj llard county, where 1038 farms in 1920 inboth hug the inside a collision or creased to 1,436 in 1925, or nearly 400, prac- a or a broken steering knuckle, tically the entire increase being due to kiy of the many things tbal.xan and do ownerships, only 11 more tenancies .appear-- 1 happen when a .car is going full speed: ing this year. Umla county also had a great j Theres the danger which is not being in the number of farms, from 899fictentiy stressed, either by drivers or traf-- n increase of 233. Tenanc.es in- - fie officers. creased 26 and ownerships 21L These figStatAUcs prove that slightly Rfore than ures show a remarkable stability of tbe half of alt automobile accidents occur on farming population, and of the, facing open, safe stretches of road. Ths means business, in Utah. of caution t.iat there should be no let-u- p There is, however,, a slightly different at peril points, but the psychology of the Btory in the figures for farm acreage. entire situation should enter into it, as Well. .Cache county has an increase of 22i55 The driver should not be so restrained and acres in farms, making a present total of held down at sueb places that he will nat340,153 acres, while Weber county, with urally be reckless when be bits the straightnotable increase in tenancies, has reduced away; and be on hie part should' not let an land in farms from 2366 acres in wfura or a caprice or a fancied grievance er jBeXtoi,neata..asks,, lbsis shun . Di!sllri responsibilities. Too will find they are CCORDtNG gin. gram-hopp- aatio-factlo- MR. MOORE TALES ON SPAIN. that country amounts to nearly Tudnwtir, Tba grasshopper, If it could talk your langnag. could tU you the meaning of '1 . WEDNESDAY WHAT IT MEANS TO, OWN A HOME ds 20, 1934. ' Suits, $16.50 to $35.00 Salt Lakes Original and Only Exclusive Suit Shop -- 2-Pa- nt Nations keep on cheering for Locarno, a though they were astonished at having been so reasonable. 1 a Cold Right Up with. "Papes Cold Compound 14 ' I ot our great men were children of parent who didnt know bow to raise children. Rtlll. most , A one continues to buy tt become more and more spnda. difficult to feel sorry for th poor farmer. Taka two tablets every three honr Until three doses are taken. Tha first dose always give relief. second Tbe and I third ' dose 'completely break up tbe cold. Pleasant end Age has compensations: At sixty safe to take. Con- you no longer get excited about tains no quinine or things that dont matter. ', Million opiates. ns Cold Doubtless school histories Papes It Price Ter from now will give Uncle .Compound." Sam practically aU the credit for thirty-fiv- e asti, Druggist guarantee licking Germany. L Adv. Just by xIan dug at copeg boys Mens Hats, Caps and Furnishings Always Priced for Less bA |