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Show . , , - 1 - ' 1,1(:)mt - - - - - ,., , ,,,aana...-- MUKKAY - 4 . , i . , THR 4 At siva I liL4 Firi4 I The marriage of Mt Pugh. daughter of Mx. and Mrs. Byron R. Pugh of this city. and A Res Mackay son of Mrs. Ella Win-- I Amp;1.. i ,016 - - DI - hewsvreitylei!lic:' ., .olrf ' ' ::..Stè'i'aii-- - Ci-.- dee MackaY of Tayloreville, took In tho Salt Lake' piaci Wednesday tomPlA wiiti--wfollowed by a' wedding breakfast at the home of the bridegroom's mother. In the, Move, evening a reception was held at the horn at the bride's parents in Email Mill creek. The bride wore a gown el white crepe Romaine trimmed in and pearl betide tombined. was of rhinestone. lier heed-dre- She carried M , Mao' , Opbeht. romes. Helen Mackay, muster of the bride Lowest Isouramoo Male. groom and Miss Altha Burkinshaw - of IS Tons I. Soutnans. handy, were the brideentelds.1 their dresses being peach colored ' 1110 ' georgette with crystal beads. TheY carried bouquets of pink carna.1 1111 Oboe 411' Woo. LINK ' L ' tione. Evelyn McjflV was flow-- 1 , tan so. fill Isom er girl. Owen Frame was best , 2.58 man. A color scheme of 'pink and .101' white woe carried out in the dec. L 71, ., The bridal Part: vest. - r-y- orations. ed the guests' in a bower of palma . was served and the afternoon was i I ferns and chrysanthemums. The spent in music and dewing. Mrs. was existed ht serving by Lindsay sisters furnished the mit--- Ttippn ---Mr. and irL Pugh were &sTripp. Mrs. Rat Mc11 Iroriand and Mrs. T. W. Bacon. qb, .in melted lit receiving by Mn. Mack1 ay. Mr. and Mn. George Boyce. Covers- were laid for fourteen Mr. and 1440. George Sunper. end :,- -- - - ,,,, ,,,,... ..,.-,- , Scott Mackay. -- Mrs. Mine Irma-- Ereknon.entertained - ,.- - 1 n'..: .' sewing club Parley McMillan and Mrs. Horace the members of herher-ho-' 'nab& w. bad charge of the at --- dining T3, - , on , room. A buffet &upper was Vine street . Mrs. W. It. Carat entertained served to 250 guests. Alter a abort 1 the ' members of the, Daughters of ir Wedding trip the young couple will ' be at home to their friends at 45 the Utah Pioneers of the Miller ward camp. Thursday evening at south Redwood, road. A miscellaneous shower was Sly- her horn. on State street . In honor of Mies Lamella IIIII-o- f I i en thus evening at the home of Mr. Mrs'. Royal Brown in honor Granger, who will be married to '1 and of kflao Ida Woolsey and John Wil- Prod Paschal of Salt to.ke, the latter liam Park; whose married will take part of thbp month. Mn. 2575 coming week. Ninety Vinnie Samson entertained Mon- ,t place the day evening at her home in Grangwere present The 0.N. O. club members were er. The evening was spent in , . entertained at the home of Mn. games. Refrashmente were served ' Archie Lavoin Thursday evening. to twenty-flguests., . Leo Rennton returned to his - I Miss Edith Amundsen entertain-ti- t home in Granger Sunday from a at an evening party. Friday eve- Canadian . mission. 11.(45d ning of last week at her home In Mies 'Louise Tipton of Palo Alto, . compliment to Wilford O. Peter, son. Twenty guests were Present Calif.. who is spending the winIn ter Salt was of the guest Lake, Mr. and Mn. Blrrell Woolsey of Murray announce the engagement Mime Irma Ereluion at - her home. 1 of their daughter. Ida Ruby, to Sunday.. rd 4 ' Mr. Mrs. and Anderson F. Carl John William Park of this city. ' The marriage will take place Nov. celebrated their silver wedding ante, 40 )11( 23. in the Salt Lake temple. niversary Saturday evening of lad Announcement is made of the week at their home in Tayloreviiirt. 11 . A color scheme of pink and white engagement of Miss Ruth. tatimplo111110 niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. decorated the rooms. ChrYeauth.ew..itillik, mums t formed the centerpiece for Clark of this city to teeter Pl. t - Woodward of Butte.a-MonThe the sapper table.- Covers wers-laifor, fifty guests. will Decemin take place wedding . Pack and Ship House. Store, hold Goods. 1 9 ' 4r a '' a s it L- Mr. sad Mrs. ad ail of Bal t take. . IL E. Haight y Mrs. lifr .1. end . , ''avelaind of lose Mrs. Tom Richards lamThU3rurada Y , .. Greatso :, torah Jame. has returned alter a week's visa' ti son- - Willard Jackson, and .. to web her Bait-Lak- e. ,- ., ' '' - , oe lire411- EIS - Famed P. B. ' en- - k j-ki;- ....... elk" e-A:2t..th- k- ' -- Mrs.-Gle- on and 'ten.- ill o IV BY . C 11 -- - - 25 me ....... - , ,. W liti I r'. c.. - a r. - it r. r - g. - hr.-Me- -- . , t I Ibill I - ad - ' ' t 1.) - briving-ex-perieu- es , A , - ' ll rosee---,na-d-iee- . a I I II f , 1 - I - , aall'1"-balaaaar- 2338 .. O 4 , Iq a - -- re 0 : . Booksi. - - Le I me -- - 4ti - , - ," fr stoolacht,-warske- - - It1 4.....-,..- I ' - 0 ' til 1 , -- i t , the-lortis- . Dar-maze- r., L , ; ae " elt a , .. I . 4 , - - y. dr ' - I - iP TEreatens Troops In Deer S(rdiEble 4 - , - , I. ... N. LUND. Eternal Sciescet is no WO ow tathons thee. upon a Suet Winch his bark - ...red . IIi - r. , .... Telettrolik- - - , ' A s- - Oder-eveni- Iv ' rah Aritoal Govemor . . - ' l and the' Morrie . , ; , d -- - , , . 6 tertained at their home on Path East street. the OCCAD10. being their tenth wedding anniversary. rho eeenont oat, spent with moek and sautes. A tato auotwe was taV .., - blue Atha brown. who 113acern-- 1 ' pained Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Eskelsos to their sew home la Ulnae. Wyo.. has Monied home. . - 1925- - NOVEliBER 21, . - -- - of .... . II ms ,t , , . L . ,. , . , - adrhrough an his days of poverty. - Noe(APas well ati prosperity. Morse Pre- - -- PHOENIX. served his. tensor( Christian- char- - )--rToope , ,. be railed out way , sea, anomie1p aster, and his childlike, tender.- to protect state rights" in the ,, stature. Trials ditinot em.C., 34. M. Cue. HEN Samuel V. B. Hereewee loving bitter him. ite they sometimes do. Kalbab national forest to north' ma. on a-- t.' sts,o a young . and honors did not exalt him above ern Arizona, Governor Hunt told 4 ' abroad ho wrote to his moth- -. his fellows. American ealcizda yenter1 visitor Mil.:! VALE- - : wish that in an not furnish a more au imeyptitoes federal forestry. follows;e.:t e this adorncommunicate in could faith 'or and God I ration meant, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. S earle eater- information announcement executive's thousand The throe but itable perseverance." . tensed at a dinner party ilaturdaY mote are not pasted over in in- in his re- came lie a result of the decision of ' Ife was aci 4weeme of bee week' The "elita Itallt." Toward the end of his life woos faith, thatstrong thou- -- a. . ga,, ten Theowere Mr. and Mrs. Jews String- he Wren all the faded envelope:- sand dollars to be . - the forest officials to inelftute - the Union ,lottk . ham. Mani Vida Haase' s and Ed for n telegraph eves in logical Seminary to he used for a friendly suit to determine the onoRuben. Was there at that teetereehip on the Relation of the ershin and resPenothility, for the Mrs. A. P. Rasmussen as host- - this letter. time a faint gleam .of ineptr Bible to science in ateinginairtie- et the forest. which ' eso le- - member of- - her g4uk Tees- - early anon- nt his mind concerning the thins for the education of one of deer 1 110 day. was vent to earth his children he wrote. "Teach her numerous that they constitute a he work mighty . I dip menace to vegetation. Mrs. Clyde A. Blasius of Saa to-seeomplisli? Let us believe that that there is a great, Father abavea t have herds InLekewPekt-Thureaai 4V him to ohlimstions her and to been a matter of contention behome of her varmint Mr. born lot him the at he Savior." And this the counted . tween tate and federal itowerrand Moo Neil Anderson. electric telegraph moot of all concerns. iments for some. time- - Several Mrs. Arnold Jensen and OIL to Therecording common IbMg today. le When important a of the of gone the depths have gloom .111 race-s- o Bobby are visiting this week common that we scarcely law earlier yearn he cried out,,,,,:7The times the forest officials the home of ildra lieberi2c0W414, , 4 -t I hope-and cannot 6( deer.glomtri allow further killing of thó 01 of American York: ked ePen only ita begAiln4110.- -t was sioderrato .4t...,...4.trone-coarmtenoa but trove been blocked by the gov,,,-ThriCillialdell wonders of . ae one of the greatest I 4 look upward it God . When street Priday &woog of teat week. the .me.. "leh ft la This Inarlre- l- in , I cairns mY aPOrebensions for the fu' All "The Woe ts not thg deer. but , MrSwhich has do".11 tine and I wont to hear a voice whether 41.Nordheelf, assmiedn, illirtntien ous or not the government A. P. el lsenm ee n and se ra sre'' vet-- much fur Mankindo 181, 0111. saying. 'If I, clothe the Mlles of the further invade the sovereign may showCornwall. - entertained at a direct Peverkly out el wash. Yield shall I not also clothe your state and out of claim ownership of its reer for her- daughter. Cecelia Alison. and suffering and humiliation. and and sources."' Governor Hunt declared. hirli.:reilli.-wmait- The married a. fool a called was 1."paatlyeentirOcdentZ its inventor wcedneodefguestawho that the friendly suit would adding -one-- , :,et MALAY when be made the otartlhig realm of providm be a not friendly The M L A. Gleaner-- gir announcement that the intell.gence Let it always be remembered at the home of their leader. Mrs. urns's could he commoneel" 'that ', Samuel le. 13. bad a ' W. B. Jenkins. . Monday evening. from city to city and &croon line mighty jniall0t1 in Morse 232.5 World and New Gem. and, refreshment. were ,ea- - ciuntrY bY ...meanie of Win" strung that be wee imsplred ttie : Library maintained joyed. isalm"t thatelth,bloroon bY : MuPren341 One and On high who aumemPG'its.ory adeed he will keittirdni of LIM week Mr s. J. books The following vineisiea directs the destini es of men for his te the public library Monday. bee, Brown entertained at a party for num room co riyth wwo wise to purposes- ZS, 1111; her son jilek, oil him aecettilt birth- - tired ST ode York aliew " newspaper,1 1 wiscELLAwmot 11. "urittell guests building which served him as its-- A it day alituveraarlP; en Ines were present. the World's was ren before be was aasterDoottoreraaaya an artist Ise Stage. . and poePellek" The Weimer club met at the home dio, skwping room, bitch i 1. 412dwining wrto' of Mrs. Melvin land Wednesday an bedroom en room, all If d's.astage the whereas were afternoon. Refreshments owe were to 000 Go the with herd the heel workshop. ploy of lift. I.ii precessite connected served. tools and his crude telegratils mod- - And all the People te it are the .eettell manufacturer-otile evening of next week eis and here he toiled daily and Mesopotamia, tors; Delaporte an apron end overall dunce will he and the Perfected he Assyrian until interest. all the gods must Babylonian nightly." 'whet meetgives following the regular In watching tot peryform. world., first recording teteurepb.1 ''' . Aid lac of the Mutual ImPirtmemCni the 1111.P bees thought out :pespollera, some; and others!. idea having hese. Iliza noes are almost entirely lits In- d , association. on a ' . ', nsttons sad InOntintoOta ot in. Mrs. PC Albanese entertained whits and , on the heed set. Ho lumpiest thentsolves" playmates of her daughter, LSI- - plainest food gad was so. re!liiiiel 1We shift the scenes so esrelessib' I too civilisations and ysturer , tCC1151n on o. he Lan. Tuesday. himself end his philosoPhY ot cook it he had to A. expositiOn ' upon our worldly woes: her fourth Arthy anniversari. that tue callers .ww norbar. it shuttle do night ... (lames- it, and out with greet point aad being concerned with the "ern "PlaYed and refresh- - might at not see how poorly be lived. confusion. a meats were served. I problems of human existence. Aad it was not enough that be- We Play up lordly characters In vital r, found light reading." it will aot be -- - pomp and vain display; Maturday evening of last week a shouid sutler while be was perfect1. tiGeo. S. Birmingham. b, k ,ii Hannay dance melahrra of Wag by hw given but our invention scenes P his Iv , I.? , a tawdry great big great poeudlA Wayfarer in Hungary----,- inMiss Vila Christeneen and Rube comprise 1 1 the "walla U. club at Gorr' hall doomed ...a . to suffer on for twelve loud I i 'A leisurely journey through an - Christensen entertained at their l to assist in raising funds for a SANDY .. induce with de. could be the! teresting country. telling .Nq -- home Saturday Union building at the UniversitY years before evening in honor Itt $A k ,. ' to accept the fruits of his I What in royalty to us. with glamor lightful humorist tbe people and the ho leaves of Wilford -- Peterson. Mies Ardent' of Utah. The hall was deeorated I pubUc Miss Delpha country." withered hie gout' for the tlx-Petting. soon on a mission to Sweden. The Nielsen and MissLloyd. in potted terns and HariowGrowth of the tnitet Ouenevers Hand real')."e of the cold indiffer- - : Is comedy divine to godly vision. 15tates-----A crimson and white. Thirty-fivguests were Sunday school officers entertained Serordar evening at general work es tbe hisi'l ,.,. mow the endure and .. to world moat of me. he ears the amused , to they and teachers of Grant ward. The the home sot Wes Hand honoring tory of our country written in a were present. couples : obeerrerft ,,..Ant and relatives our of cues. ridicule archly gives readable r kt ' style chiefly for anderMrs. Hyrum Nordberg announces Mite Erma Gimid, who is guests numbered 21. But his faith lilliS mighty and hi. , Azd turn away to smile Iv light graduates," . Mrs. Alonzo Rows entertained to- make her home in Edat leaving the of her Lake. marriage daughter. in HendriekJews I -the N. K. club Friday afternoon Progressive games were played. 'Wheadort. 116,011 writtes discussions as to bow i At Lowest Ebb. to-- 24 ..- at her home. The members were Retreshmentswereserved tem-r in Lake Sett earns the 'the Jews to to this Wednesday came country and. . But what to h, the motet, et this :their one,Alfred Vail dressed- in Indian costumes. Games , here." influence pie' The young cuPle wilt ala- -, hisFinally awn. we money with assistance stage play upon? followed by luncheon. Mrs. H. N. Bjork entertained their home in South Jordan. Kingstontlatliery of Rogues- .and put Within the brilliant . range of foot- - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rowell of at her home Mra. Warne Deming and baa and much encouragement 'Interesting accounta of historical ,,e Tuesday evening at a an Y 4,.. 2515 2461 making , llnlea crimes and criminals." mikoliCtral. oft this city announce the birth of a miscellaneous shower in honor of v daughter. Barbara. have returned phroinivedin Vail soon fa MitaU uortht:rindirra. ma Utile licteisb.-Po- t of Earth'Poem in ' Mins Florence Pierson. a Decem---() their home in Coalcille after a daughter Wednesday. He parts--Th- it stranded of three of tre the dead life: Morse left again. and sowing A party was given Wednesday ber bride. Games were enjoyed ' here. Size No 2508Coat Frock. Cut in sizes cord; The shallow- gresa; The car- took the improved model to Wash- - Thera. more behind the requires 2 yards 40- - Tight afternoon at the Miller ward chapel and supper was served to 20 16 years. 36. 311, 40, 42 and 44 inches years. A regularrineeting of the Cornrion pring." inch material.. ft to leading men : not despairing. exhibited that's ington. Matthesis--Mazin irs club wax held Wednesday and Labyrinths guests. by the Relief society members bust measure. Size 36 requires 34 for $30,090 iI d asked CO11(70111 2525Sports Model. Cat in munity Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith enterhonor of the retiring officers. Mrs. Pm- - with which to construct a. tele- - Therie tragedy sufficient and some general account of their hiesizes 16 years. 36. 38. 40 and 42 afternoon Rat tt,,....hae.:It...,,t material. and tory Mrs. Daisy tained Fonday evening in honor of yards Lizzie Hopfenbeck, development BelMAL! from Washington to nanoscanta inches bust measure. Size 36 requires n'Paticel tter'iudEand National- ' varied human Pageimperialism Smith. Mrs. Delia Rollins. Mrts-- Mrs. Smith's anniversary. . No 2513Oomiortable that Thaws pathos inour Undergarof conflict iu the near timers to prove to the worldwhile344 yards material. Thuraia Spencer and Mrs. Ella Progressive game were played and ment for Girls.- - Cld in $izes anie waa drivea bt' Mra,.... - ! . Ric)" worth east 6. 4. roles. and of the and somothirst 2, territorial had he was served to 14 auests. Out No 2515Smart Tailored Frock ardson- or Mrs. J. W. many congressmen laughed at the There's, dreamt at its noblest and nomic expansion of ereagh. A program was followed 'nipper United of town guests were Mrs... S. C. 8. 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 re- Cut in sizes 36, 38, 40. 42. 44. 46 and Johnson.accompanied States." by games and refreshments. matter romance the there's idea and they pawed material 48 inches bust measure. Size 36 genuine. A. H. Taylor quires 114 yards Mrs. Mrs. Rose Thomas. who has been Lovesy. Dr. and BeignseNiationallam and Educacommittee where it wee la the big aepiring plays of human tion and Ronald- - Kingsbury of Salt Since o on to a social sad boat-- 3 yards the guest of her daughter and material. No. 2587Bolero Frock. Cut in ehloroformed. Diagupted . cluleili :kat education,"Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright, Lake. history of modern Davis-.1No. I with I 2461Dress Earto went 42 DRAPER he sizes 16 years. 36. 38. 40 and Slenderizing . Reviews Mrs. of Jefferson W. ea had Born 1J her, inches bust measure. Size 36 for number of weeks. left TuesLines. Cut in sires 36, 38 40. 42. 44 see a bat could be done- How then the gods must long ap- - view and addrearies by tartelta Pen- to week-en- d Virope the requires Miss peat gueats. her for in Ore. home Portland, day He had no success whatMr. and Mrs. H. E. iteverson there. plaud some siscrificial deed . pie touching on the letters. papers material for dress and 46 inches bust measure. Size 36 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Boggess eh- ginia Monroe and Was Coral Lind-eas- y 54 yards , materiat requires 34 yards announce the turns of a son. No- ever in England but in Prance be That prom there's noble courage and speeches of Jefferson Darts."of Salt Lake. of one material or 3;4 yards of the teetained the members of a Dealer.-cuutadement ein hi the 2538 No. much en Frock with Circular vl. Mrs. Severson was formerly was giv seine Mrs. Mickelson and two material for dress with 2 yards 40- The author tells us much about the Country Cowling club at si Thanks- children Bertha and as be ticked off words 'before It takes tibe strength and weak- -, life. of Seattle. Washa. are e4r4- inch for bolero. Skip. 'Cut in sizes 14. 16 years, 36. Mina Pauline Brown as wet! 'be how as acquired his giving dinner party Thursday eveheart Mrs. Marie Pieldi 38, 40 and 42 inches bust !measure of some of the learned. one of them finamsor ar.ery hom Bing relatives and friends Isere. of collecting and tieing... ning at their home. next word You To dramatis the play that were knowledge Girls-Cu1.re 36 ntY for No. Salt Mrs. remarked:"The. Mickeition Miss was the of at the treasures t Lake, be Style 3 spent collected.' thtngformerly requires yards The Gleaner Girls of 'Moder enacting. the home of Mrs. May lAmbert, wiii write will be immortality." But WatersYouth in Conflict-- -. 10, 12. 14 and 16 material. in sizes Tripto. ward entertained at a shower Sat- Bertha to book "This put theone not any, induce ease et could ward Mrs. M. A. presents He,IL he Idimbert The I. officeres of First Joseph Please order patters at kant to days lister you wish to moo those and be It el the worlds a itage o'er which youth urday evening of text week at the coarilK Its and teachers entertained the re- as we do sot carry theta is stock. 'rosy ars troop tiro east per was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. money Into kis invention home of Miss Genie,. Cutler in tired view of of where the that social is, York point laced New of life the is to back 1. A. workers Saturday eveM. flowing. issid .eat direct le 3iots Anton Rasmussen two days last hurried honor of SLiss Melva Pugh. a bride to an Lao gentile in it do the play. worker." near Aid came starring in be week. ward attain First the chapel. ning 1wattindiscreet Letters of the week. t The elub, members are Mr. and - Miss Afton Smith was hostess to death. He had sot sufficient lag; and music were enjoyed and friends for a abort time. From the note of Mrs. Amelia Piston Is now lo- Games s' seocia- -: Mn. E. B. Ricketts& Mr. and Mrs. the O. G. club at her home Sat- - I means to pay postage on the letters TherWs entertainment for the goda an eye Peking"Seing The were served. refreshments witnese watch get forth in In , rated at her home Taylorsville well seasoned with adventure, Mrs. C. A. Watkins of Ogden was tion will meet Friday In Ihe school- S. L. Bulkicy, fr. and Mrs. Dewey urday evening. Game. were played I he wished to send and was soon at some detail from day to day the after spending the past year and a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John house for a Thankegiving Party. whole career. And romance toothie Play that real story of the siege Moss. Mr; and Mn. H. II. Wight. and supper was served to e'ght. the lowest ebb in and rack of am half at the home of her son. Albert Larson the past week.' were distressed "I Misses Emma Roden and Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adamson. Mr. guests. friend: to a portraying. He remarked capitol in leak" M. Piston, on Wirtuttelt avenue. for John Doe- -LAmovr JOHNSON., Peterson were guests of friends at xml lira. Earl Newell and Mr. and Mrs. Larson Almina had her Miss 31ay Hibbard efitertained sick at heart. I feel at times al.as Ward has demonstrated in the Mr. and Mrs. George Fehr have 3.1r.. T. D. Curtis. the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Riverton last week-en- d. Huntington, Utah. at a candy pull Monday evening- - most ready to cast the whole met- r. present reignite that it is possible moved to Salt Lake where they guest Mrs. Spencer Miller entertained Mrs. James Kemp of Sandy winds and turn my Fred Nelson of Brigham City. to were test the for prevent. guests the laymen to put in - forceful will make their home. enternumber of friends at her home spent the seeIF with her mother. The First ward and Mrs. Paul Crosgrove and tuition forever from the subject' Since I Have Grown Tall. popular la n vivid- genera! Mrs. Everett Drinkwater enter- tained at a banquetbishopric for Mrs. Jim Oliver. eveThe to trice Cmigress of be La son. orsMondap is meant by organic. Mar. of evening. appealed what Tuesday time, - wasi Magna. spent Again tained at, a party Thursday at her ning in the ward chapel honoring spent its making candy. which- was Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Westphal ent- oral days lest week evolution.' - the 1110.00. and this time With eelsvisiting home ort Smokier street in honor the officers tot the auxiliary organ- sent to eiders in a family dinner Tuve. lives in Draper. White. Y. B. 11Nickel--"Accou- nt fields ertained-at more success. The house peeped Beek once again with the scenes I of the eleventh birthday annivers- izations. Games and muck were for Thanksgiving. had known , Mrs- - hen itosebaugh and baby-tiebevening at their home,. The Of by a vote of ilt to SS and were lofwthhette.mion.ineg.renfinem Games I anniuingaeasdtaheoptli47 swag her a When child. long before Mrs. Alonzo son,,Glen. ,ary of Eastman enter.... oceas'on being the birthday of Salt Lake were guests at the on the last day at the seestoa the were enjoyed. was grown. Mrs. L. W. Niebsen bad as her tained at her home Monday after-- 1 vereat7 of their son. Shelby West- home of Sir. and Mrs. enjoyed and refreshments - tenate passed it. As Onen as pow BoniIP Roy to ProOlUftitioto twenty-fiv- e as guests.. contracted trembling, my guest the past week her mother, DOOD in honor of the birthday an-- I phal of Salt, Lake. Chrysanthe- ter this week. of life whTexas:sew Ilex with tears, The building committee of the Mrs. Emma Creer of Spanish Fork. T.,71 kw sad Arizona, mums vrere used in decorating, wt Buerstritt the from led Mrs. Nor wire ere returned I Court' I couldn't believe things bad lin their glory.- . First ward entertained the Mrs. Nephi Larson of Salt Lake Covers were Laid for 12 guest. llitrray Friday from a two - weeks' visit in chamber ID I.Vithington, to with of:icers of the various organizations was hostess to the. Elite club Tem- luncheon ass served to 14 little; Mrs. C. E. Sutton entertained at Bingham. the .wore, years.changed there Frerilrbere I more. Pleabos ' of she ward at a banquet evening. The Gine was anent guests. Thoinaves and the project I It didn't look like the old, village Sundav. Mrs gtrinefotiner was a mbeellaneoue shower Wedneesass or - - evening at the ward amusement day Mtet Emi . In sewinat Supper was served to at ail I A successful basket dance was! day evening at her home In Pleas- bootees at dinner for Mr. and Mr,. 00tiOtinN it share- or ea.'.eul and ball. trtsn:tr,s"holthhe of last week I ant Green. in honor of Mrs. Dale I Richard orgill. mr But what a Wan momen For things had ffreir It entailer, I ytir hemeasor given Friday eigla members. d urs.easak evening was hostess : ArB. Mitchell and Mina Reta Du- In the ward house under the sus- Sutton, formerly lidlickLucille Neil. Farr and Mr. and Sra. ken Harris. ' tt was in the Mowry et the world ince I had STOW a tall.' Mrs,' 'Dustin Tripp -I b m s 1 mit 0 9 V 0 pr , to. the ladles of the 8. S. sewing rant of Provo wera guests of Mr. piceset the theological class of list, son. 1 and set ,, is man a the TiirideOf of Hunter. w all thie licnithant. hen of Down to the milt w'th my heart 'kw triumph. of Anis t wee of o. club. Wednesday afternoon at her and Mrs. George Rand Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton of WinSunday achooL month. Games and music were tering .sst down to his inetrument ' Mrs. flohphia Peterson enterhome on Vine street. A luncheon light .as air. a i r who had in the beginning ao The following formed a Party' feilowed by, supper. The guests ter Quarters are Sliest" at the home before the aseembled elignitaries ofno no influence tmfriends. all ran was the be wcaltii. I tained at a birthday party Wed- and motored to Lark Wednesday I to way. glad numbered 31. of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 1311111. the nation and ticked oft the nothing nave a great ',merlin' a tig- -, nesday afternoon in honor of her evening "of last week. vrhere they Mrs. H. A. Peterson and baby niortal words: 'What Bath God And there; Mra. T.obert Ridge enterit ned MASS in111 saw I wheel. the api,, little grandson.. Don min Mr. Dowding. e Aehael and Mrs. surprised returned to their. home in Wrought!" bitten and epark Of genius." 111 .. lin luncheon Crump at their home: Mr. and the members of her keneington have around Games were played-an- d received woe turning Ault Lake message after The several weeks tiarneitlitallore viol!, Returts,'Thit afternomi home. at her club Frtday ; A on wsa served to 10 little guests. came cheek ietrickto tear my was returned Parley Butterfield. Miss Sylvia But- laantheon was. served. with Mrs. Heber Alien. Baltimore and it !Fiore, like the author's' "Ludy Into ' The Jordan stake Boy Scouts en- terfield. Reuben J. Freeman. ling Sown: ., . Mni. Vox; is a plain narrative,- it is the and one of the great- - I Saturday afternoon.' In honor of her busband'a-birthday- 11.1Washington the ettuldn't was tertained Wednesday evening at a A1111011 Butterfield. Mrs. S.- IL tlitaa man of a sailer'a return to an Eng- -the believe of annals was Hideout hotness , to H. the P. ' tddistory anniversary. ive in wheel the . fathers and eons' banquet all. at tillage with as fecal" Crem. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Butterthe last At her tong' bees of club a at accomplbihedtheatre last entertained party a Pub. Saturday grew; for a wife. They field and Mrs. Sarah J. Crane. Mri agiumement ball. were over and he I For it had grown smaller. sinco-- I and at American ada the and of luncheon In poverty at her Shields home an years at d are elret.ine treat makes how en' .. they The Wasatch Rebekah lodge had grown tall. and Mrs. Crump were former Mer- - iitt.rn. A buffet supper WISS Serv- Keeleys. The guests erijoitng the was henceforth to be counted to 1 tatoreetteg story." In the K. of P. hail Tues- riman residents. , affair were Mrs. Reid Beck. Mrs. among thetrieb and his name to- And Kauffmanshare and Share AlikeLydia LPinkham's Vegeta. tertained ed to IS guests. 'twee all day evening honoring Mrs. W. Walimmor- Mrs. Olive Miller visited men In thew early twen81"Ith- - Mrs- - RAY E. Smith. become numbered ' with the Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petereen and Her Games were enjoyed and days this week with her 'dean and slid Compound ties agreed to kny a sugar plants-- , daughter, Urn. Linniva. Mr. and Mee. J. S. Mrs. bit Rotierg:hfilis Maids erns: Lats. i With Ler gran. refreehments were served. serpents and green erent. tutu on the Oland of Martineque,- s Mrs. M. P. Nell. at Lark. AID ski...tee panted he eras non., bitotwell. Mr. mut Mrs. J. Oldham. drove and Mts. Chriatenaen. from Sickness - The Daughters of the Utah PioAt the 'Pod of tilts Yeartl they were Ira", I Iral a child. Kra A. Mr. 'and Mn'. E. W. Cook. Mr. and Shepard t siting Inrad In every quarterwttbe world. hie neers met in the Seeond ward fo,..,,o With a pe,ng front the cliff that to asPembit and each etaimmake and deeorated by kings friends in Salt Lake this week. wax Lee Mrs. Sam Mrt. Senn. Mylor. A Hew It worked uUt afternoon. proiiihare,, chapel Thursday la the .i.r.we, hi,h and representatives of le And roe : Item Mies Carol Coop.. Mica ,Edria MASNA. Ellensburg. Washington "Winn gram was given. story." intereettag woe 'emperors lan. each otind made e- mwd....--Co.Nom ads of the Ni ght., I was first coming into womanhood I lcountriel met and voted him CIO,-in Pytersen and John Oldham enter eLoreto The Ladies' Aid society met at echoed from therr; latest adventures of Chart- a great banquet I oos as a attl--at tile I offered terribly the home of Mrs. Winkler Thurs41.4j. RIVERT ON & A. 8owed:41 and imall ft.'"4--11t-I threw "P MY head. toy did It, ft book brilliant a that Pill hold ,j,tou before and' Ibis bonor aincheor, was daughter. June, nuarned mondav -- Ikea kirt Paturday. every month My day afternoon. t, i v11.11toound" '- , did avo he oat OICY1111.1"4e hea AnnouneemenC la made or the t - The Parent-TeachWiffett--Se- tne from association I echn'a aincel months' mother. blyiters--- " Itern le emembitice risk auk'. grown weakr, 7.---.4ot with Mina I offteers las-- Marie ward ha First met The instrument' at hall Wedneadat. original relatives ward a the sbe laid and with Primary Kan. entagement had Orion. mory plot , uell thing grotto his ot the Mar Chet 4,11th tiatiron. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'A program Wan rendered end, re-- I years upon ttlin and ticked ctnatong. and a sudden turn at - the think of so she and teachers surprised Mra. Almina contrary, la exptation," autnetare te - the 'lotto th, ht6- - Then there- st as t he r;..1, Larson, a counselor, Thursday were entertained by kir.'inid Mrs. M J. Christianson. of Alberta. Can- . freshmenta store sorried,- -took me to here ; end-MallenharitPrairoe---.1a a nose& . -Of ,Lunchetiti--arsa the literved to to Grant T. Mr. and thanks It. Button. and Mrs. Richard Withers Ante: ',Greetings Burke last Friday Mag om.4 to pia). kat-era doctor and afternoon ening. Ida. atorrone A InPrita heroism Wait- , at their home on Center stret. sup.tria. The marriage will take place and daughter. irkirence. returned totrontob fraternity throughout the, t looked tor its opposire hark far or to 1 guests; -found ter vie ha. only Mtutenburg they ' Mrs. C. A. Crape &ad Mrs. J. P. per was twirled at two large tabless.! iii De!,.ilber home Wednesday aitter ependlng d lain& Glory to God in the highest. f , oko away. and adventure , mea little. Mother at or chrysanthemums Lona: and Mrs.- William 'Rasmus-lu- g month in $alt Lake. - to opli-"- i And irouldn't believe what my eyes ;prairie Conradromatoce Jensen entertained the S. on earth peace. good-wil- l i, arid Melville found on was - tadcift - to the borne of Mrs; J. P.' Jensen baskets, 4 Mrs. men truest. as their hate Aimee and cheered , the audience tog . Mrs. William Neff an- The see. seemed to - ,,,, anotberladyaout -Mr. centerpieces., and --afternoon. e Progressive - Mr. and Mrs. James Raker And mussen's tinder. Mos Mire Jensen. 1 nounce the birth fd a sop. Nov:14, the echo Hunters were tears in I The ether crew, eimm wiku much 'which 7 of the kora iketareen a mall my toidiio andof games were played. Luncheon was as guests last week. Mrs. J. A. eo Ante'. lthe 104 aPendthe wtn.. , Mr.- and Mrs. T. A. Butterfield many an eye as he took his lam Roarer to me , r.tli :412 gbe Obeli. Ibis e and , - here. ter grandfather served. ..... Peened He An4 I bad a doubt liras the 614 Wagstaff. kirsJames- Tboninson entertained at supper Sunday for farewell of the public. ) undnotanding of esch oth- , of auger House and Mr. and Mrs. Lydia L Pik-haMrs. A9,c11 &heeling entertsle., Henry Brown and Mr. .and Mrs. away in his Aghty-fourt- h , year ands, Mream at all A. L. Raker and daughter, Lillian. rd at s (milting and dinher Intrtv l'ete Green soot his name will be torelr remem-- ; For it had grown narrow. eines r Vegetable Compound. Mother Alberta's Fa-- family., - I . of Idaho. HERRIMAN bitindnY &I her home on .gecond had grown tam . Elton and Hilton Bills left pe- tiered as one of the world greet- got me as bottles and at the end of story in a return to lb.: 11. mind Mr. Mrs. C. enterKnott C s overs and were manner Parks inventors treet foe laid author's ! In Kippir and most much as cat 1 and , t the first mtli Iwo' for Dividend. where they trill party inepired better, on Sundt... for ar,.airs . ingot; ghotwell, Mrs. E. W. n' day tained at , whole elr'ialit,ge had ehLinz. -winter. ., spilt I kept on the mighty x spend , rakeluor 4'1177 Hawse' t hine ci,..1.4,daildM to, Verdi Bodell and 11 folodt Kiss nuo,?race. of ?Mends and- ta m il Y Mrs. gam Myler. sirs Clifton His more I was -oue. elrei'd' and Mr. -i' at hor Pi;ami -. : '' If waant of I Mrs. surprised an4 Cleildreta Books. the laid words of Samuel It ,,v LC. Petersen. as it was In the . n tortilla gle.d.7 eventriC of blaster hwoerrksWTett- InSugar bad tr.-first thud MS F. AboutHarmon. he er.. IIPP:Ling were honorof Miss.-Fer",..,,,,;111',...' B. Morse were uttered after he I - AllentAttle- Aunt Emma'', MagnaWorninin club meet- - w"--.my day. . - Lekt so that it was impossille fit ms oceasion was her hthilorooldrer- - o- - wide of Miss Elms Wedweek. to been held have Ana. ins. the Half Hot:ins; opid neat ---- about had been . Polee goodto what the talking my,insessuy.Rigat trying and Lemon entertained at a sbowey I nesday evening. has keen .. post,. 1 entertained at a birthday dinner ROW Of God to him and PlsVed my housework. I thought of eery. Gamest-we- re Byrde,-,Poli.. Woott,a Dolt. tore could 'hen, they were of Mr. and Mre. 1. bow the Vegetable Compound .had refreshments- - were served to , 411 Wedneeday evening at her home St the home La on ported te Wednesday. Dec. 2. wwne:. lionabeyhtarty 'The best la yet le same. I saw that the town was the , telko -- Vire o cod. been of as much benefit to me when gussets. Thowe',Premot from out! First East street. I ' .Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Peterson :,Wheatman . of Spanit,b thew: George 'Mrs., . Thirty-flv- e 't iaintiser---Hild- a but . the Green': Miss Pork. Thomas P. et were: town Page, Gladys. I was a girloat I went to Perier's of Miss Velma Peen" and Mias All th oid scenes were not Ostler.;, guests enjoyed itn evening of.,mu- entertss'ned the members of the,l. Arno,it. Pteadman and Meredith Drug-Stor- e !tenni?'" entertained at a and got stir bottles. It Cecil Freeman, Itlaph fialmanton.iI ide and games. Chrystsnthemnms, Quaker ,Dosen club gatneday eve., i Maurine cntst all. Vase. were W.', guests. Initiner on 'PrklaY. '114iPtter Ira. E'er they'd not grosmaller but fmre did help mi and I still take it I LeondonoraTnaahtwinorerse Vtaroldmer Rigvp:rtduineer, sentered the table s wbich a Las nine .of lett ,ireek at- their home ,. kerKarrt Whtte cross. ors a well woman and.! can't I d W. ,bad Miller Mra. Araminta 1 officers Miers-Wi:t Genof of De watertained the Alice Mrs. wse the pistve4-snAlbert Mellon. Holt and .(Hen nerved. TRONE--- ' say too much about Lydia L Irmk- as her BLIKT simper tlyde 147nrstretitCoist 1164 (;;Tosg,bones' Mr, and Mrs. Heber Cloward I ea logical society at their home Kilpatrirk. guests. last "leek. Mr. and! es's is visiting her daughter, Mrs.' Ave.. halt Lake City. 41$ Douglas ham's Vartalda Compound. twill . Mrs. Ezra Miller and children of G. m Cherringinm itml family. PisrrotYes Sherds's TharadaY evening announce the birth we Mra Vance MiCiard of Salt Lake ewer any ismer. that conata t..,o me to Riverton.- - - . -. troshertoerbersOn ClimbeW Lovell of la the Campos, s i ,, , Mrs. Mr. Mr. and Bra. C. O. Newell were Tuesday. and opi weeks at the t, speriding..everal answer shout what your reamme beg Catakrif of 4.100---Of ft! tinfrosi wheel In eb - weft intuwthat -1. - A at .. Leland rta.y tun A. .Fn.1 Oak City trill Mr. and Mrs., T. M. Millar ra- the- - winter bcnn. of heir parentik Me' and t on Wednedililr by mem- I 7: BDokik Ittetrneo-la oadroc nd..va the - done fa, lee I' Mn; WulAsst CAR. I turned home Monday from Idaho. surprised 'Ink' veryUTGRAND tt parents. bora of the T. ht. T. club. flames Ilene C. Millar. tefora going to Call- - i Mowed an anthracite. Wes. e4gio nisi Wb , WWI the Americas Sunday for Mn. here With Mrs. ' ' r na. ILLI No.2,11omoborg, Wma, whoa they have bees viellaa aid , RANI C yofreabsibstats wars enjoyed. Nyman, Dayton and eon, Keaton Mr. sad Mrs. L. W. s to snake ber boost. ...Ann, . . ss 1.; 0 . - -- r - - ,P as 4. , - .- - , :Ipi--:o- - ' , - -- , - 0 see, , 4 it -h--k-ma. , A tine 40-in- - ism--"Ht- ,'- - 36-in- rts w. 171,10---.- A - 40-in- - - - . - 1e. 40-in- it- Rolion--Confesa-loas it s- t 2573-1su- - 40-in- - - it Parent-Teacher- r hi 1 7 , on 'he - ' - n ill r 1 , Uwe-w- 0 4 daughterPearl. ' it , IP, -- . a r grantA trr 1 " ows - THIS TWICE 1 1 . II 0..o. 1 c r t . . -- , - Mes.--.1.- - LIFE I. Chris-tamp- on wy . be ti ' Bleat - 1- 1- . -a pn . - f , , - At 41- lb I , 1 , : 1147 7.1 ,three Chris--Memb- -- ter----'-- -- , . ..;,-t- - I I 7e. Iht 7! ek A, I , a - ' - 1 - - .Ai:, ; , A it - A', 7.:--- of - 'the - Ill 11 , , , .1 ay i- ;7 Itoon--."Th- aml-ther- ,,: - ..- ' ms , f k ina I- , 1 t -, "la i thent--"Th- in , M... '""r - M. l''-- , -1- -- ., -- . - - , - y I at --- . , 3 . en. - 1 ie - - , 7 4 -- 1 -,- ,77 Petty. ) tr. ir ct. ei - , , , -- - h ' differ-Minn- ' , :i - - g 17.4 -- alt ' , 1 - 0 7..1 ,,, I |