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Show , -- I -'' 4j ; . , -- 4.- .- , ' -, TAKE HINIINBullg Tn I u Grailt Stake Chilkeli Give Sho'i4 Fintisy Saluidar. , FRITAY NEWS et sit - 7 o fri cEDATII b'fJ ZI BY P. ' IIwv ,d 'WEYER. D. Marshal Von Iinclenburg will off:- chilly become prestdpnt of Garman" Mar 12P The date set ,for his tak- the Inaugural oailk-,agstallIlion was formally announiced s4g i 1i , Malt 17.1 ihn- ,. (il today,. , Von t '. ' - . 1116 dtheoncpeolchfaft,Ilh 4".f!r 0 9 , do illittilsketo - :.,. M IA - Ilit., :411111111116, ' ' 12: - . !tfrre.. In 1,,Tiali than San e were sent out to the - 1 - - Granite. Murray and Jordan high afternoon the onhual t,tartty drtangular meet to, he Lel I on the Oranite twit' it 1!,ke another 'hitter Gran tte,..1Ttn t;tr.'1:gl,., as the tno- t,4ttna a'r ft lateh,4ra the' event more often taan Jordan, hut the t."O UrItt 4 Itvtt hem Beetdigaere Ity tatting the flnal relay event 'tap and wint,nkt the Itte0 : J,,,rdan 'to ott,,ntz tho in field everts elute rho tree The Mutts) entrv i'01Wit ci ftilY AbilUt Ail litCn. an most of the Stneiter City athletes are - 1- 'Reel KINEVA foreet,thst widows and or finaee -- plan ,ter pros:10 mee4, assistance. her ahars In this corn- ennapr4'-ensiv- tr the,,,e wiw and orphans I7dah sl!I 4.41414 ss be ready tn alde Ad mentiatde 4 nit rprIse. News conThe special d'snla page trAmics wee'ly 1, horrstt4 the interests anti welfare- of our : fsplan-for Vh,i e1tvThnt help Inc these dependenta of I'tah men whodiedlnthewar,-In-eonnectirn u.d!) the pie,. a special editnrial will undertake f Tetil-Ot lon-- f tn the drive. It Is firmly bellev: and asslatance for Led that response tn thts call will ampiy prnve that for- - loyalty to our hero dead an4 to those they lett behind. "Vito in tbs. rdac-o.White man first DISCOVERY PK SttT LKFWhM hasthoeweestoider-- Caess,vorod the, ;re4 - gait 1,,ak4,7 4;iocuivivrt to Ad controveroy among tips- Ihistoriena on Chia prunf In th:o wcok'o instsl:mont "Iliddon Ilotoes rf I. k Inioo40,1 throws s,omO light on Ihieintrho Rkfr In-- our history. Ito reviews tho claims of goybla.Prat oral, nod then tolls at loneth of Jim Srldger-anour inisnd sea frons a Roar 'Favor. Ilo viow followa al.WI the narrative of Aohley's throe partios and of how tho moo of Aoh:ev's crew Paola tokethor In ithevalloy iirLitSallLako It to a 'chapter of anocial Interest IP reader, In thIs section. weokli Forourn rage toll of the inEnallah castle and of thoir Wan, mpelTrif tso fP "colonI,11" tourMary fierden nogottatos.Tiosl to take foaturon American g'rt ovor Monte r,trip opera Isu'ininorsMra Itoo,ta Fort;os osplorea wIldo of ri sot to .Misis raypterrssilo-- - rs meo osspe-rIsoya to his Pancoo. TIERRA' 11KtliirSlienry lin," ins features in this, week'a letter 'from Washirgtort the reeent congress of the D. A. R. He tells a I so of other conventions in the capital city.. In his charac terito lc ea) le ..di.:!;i19..f4 V r14,1;41 topics of 4ie'1 rek-Int- W. In ''Tho e1T 711 Nena Newepaper run and eirth Ei!nnlorers 'Tn. Groot lue' h wet - Stork an4 ,Wwitsce -- lent and Furious." in , Beery. Cemsdy rattle Nowa, i4mb Renton. reset Prieni the LAI. -- Comedy t A Al , plc-inn- , k roting-eniond- . Ahyseinia-IslarPPt- : Icatherine Itiottgbalt. EitTION-e-Th- e SATI-RDf clirm story featured this week Ic an amazing (log story. "Ring Richard-.- by Jack Hines. The account of host he paved the life of his mister ,is as thrillinS ' ever read. A struggle , 4 s -- In -1- ,tah-fifty years ago. ,Drama, Uterasure pages; Church Rews with Missionary correstiondence fromVerious fields;,, city. state and sco!ety pages: latest sport 11.11,1S;. cartoons.; folk page comic telegraphic service; live and reliable-new-Aof events the whole earth; special letters from covering Mushy find 'supplemont-f---.-a COMplotts- Rear York. Washington. Chicago, Denver and Sari Erancisco.,- - Picture). Irldettrit FIRST, MOVIES SHRINERS TOMORROW Pleture alitoto For. city,,tit the! NI use,.;nui. co-.- Royal Baking nor is CHILDREN -7 FOOL'S GRIFFITH milk-b- HIGHWAY: serpaml at (A Parailtblint- - MARY PHILBIN Firtur) , N't rfa Intwo PANTAGES Pre Orate 1.1 mmtvi Next"Smiling Thru." 1 l Wires Whispering karA4i I , c::::t ,..ft.ommnoftdm H THE a ' i T (Toro for hrindrode of Iroar famed, cathedrele of 'the land, cert.. a wore made turies old.. prominent , , part of,the film. -- ho-4- - i . 1 B L-- Joseph and Erma Butts Arbur-i- . ing, 743 litel,enn avenue'. nor. lies'ie W, and Una Lucinda Jeffs I Allred. Heiner. ,tiol. are imrite4 to meetwith our officers to discuss their a 4 I Proble Fred and Jpssie Lueetta Jonns. Cornirh. 2724 goUth, State f(tre'Pl,1 girl. 1.,e.a..r 01,41er and Zertni Worth-te- n taitti,.. 1479 Ninth Ellid- E.. and Narricv figaar4 I 9! 4 IM'w atti-et- . girl'. , irrctrtrh and Ceertrirr Wavle de Man Browning. girl g and ge5err..733 176 aromis.--gt- ri 1an. AV.(' D osIpo rtilitt Ji iPTER CirpRs Mystery - is T 11 - TRUST CrC 235 MALV STREVIlm i SALT-LA- CITY e4 - It ...,... i , 1 1 - -- F KTA )1 ' I ,w,,mcmmb - , - tnOt- - pflionwNewei fa Kt- , Dir the-- - -- - REIRV- -- e - , - - SPECIA- L--- Only Motion Pictures' of BICYCLE PARADt..- 's, 4 Iretw court. boy. 1 Riehmond, ' Leonard g..enarood end Harriet! (SOS Howns Agnew Fish, nue. girl. COMEDY SILHOUETTES li AUTY AND THE:BAD MAN By PETER B. KYNE - Dunft-4-- - "The Kind. of Show That Makes - Orpheurn Different", i' . ,.tahaata4 riarar-- BEVO Vottent tioko, --- .6. 0 Maids" 0 -t alat-vta 01 be E e, Man and His Masies1 - IIALKING'S 0 - Pwriric 3ooPph and Ellen LnuiRe Est. Haste cts ' 0 Nut.- - SISTERS SAM Starting El Villog - Bi. Redeemliw pin CLAIRE O'DONNELL & t burseterizins; I NAZIMOVA :UTAH SAVINGS - Freemonti CordAs and Arthur James StraliP Mara, 1474 riftenth , I girl. 1111mar Adolhart an4 Elise 7s7iel642 youth Eighthi lesn Rasmunsen Six 64 Alk JLI Ilnri- g irt. 550 EDDIE BLACK H IC Different Revue. notneriblit . 4.11,00 t- Sul'ian, 1 - 11 - I FheGre , Itenry and 1nO2prins -NtuetiPr Pruehl, 2117 Ictin. 1:0,1q---- FOUfft, 741ahany boy. - -- , Mari-Pilin- tiq , ftliincirii isnmisobrill mitilat .1 girl-Ami- te a CLARENCE ROCK and SAM KAUFMAN TAYLOR LAKE & RYANS JOHNNY WALKER , i NONS' Produced by Ray Peck. D . "mnemo RLANDERERS1 Ell ti . ete:-di- entintri :trammortation. and fleete of ilrge in lined were and stnati,, opecla FOPle of p heat. barb,. traffic, re-and other grill no weep phown, vealing farms that have produeed .:EMILIE LEA D . sp.,1 Denmark. i way litvelO lyppliel croon NEW TOpA- Y- - N OW ALWAYS ALWAYS GOOD I VI K Ralph Cloninger - 232 MAIN STA) ' WITH "THE NIGHT CIA 7B"-- . 4 I I HOSPITAL FORTT CRIPPLED - Voo're Tbfb , 000 and C A 1.11,01tVi ANS - - Itelen (Paramount SE - SKATING TURNERS a two - ; - EMPRESS AIL THIg I Arnold tella of the editor if the Utah Fernier.- Prank shearersiof sheep and the one big social event of, the year at Thompson'sthe all night dance in the wool warehouse. Ff HQ 1.; WRITER feature On title week's LiteraturAk GAFFNEY WALTON LAST TIMES TODAY JACK LONDON'S - i iiiin-rus- PHYLLIS WILKES THEATRE ', , - conveniently located! tAndrew and Agn.'s 74ara,n Net- -, , .son Vi,ivale, t-girl. i t Isr Prr awrn- K''.Third -itA to Salt Chridetow,n, venue. gtr1 .1 city planning,..twith specAl reference ' Frantin Jarol, And Ellt -- Treska' the- - Shakespeare society.. smalt-Pog- , and vaceln,4 iJohanson Norilala 1776 3.1...11of ! SE2IKA yUlY II tWISINr,-,--Stna- ll boys and 'others wile are fnlthis' interesting story of adventure will .undoubtedly luwIn -he thrilled by this week's installment, TheVadeni e.,f Pelham gang bring 'charges against one of Ilawkins''club membere.r IlawliMA- and Ithednw investigate apd re the,,,Irsetnitti-- ghost on the cl. It. WRITERS-,-Th- e POcket SPECIAL- J1TTTtF. DY. 11,0c- AL Copher.his liepredations,hahlts And how to .be rid. ooo ooo , t , - ,40 rtarrnE , I ' - B DAVEY' "ADVENTURE" - Pdlicational intuttutions. publle ..-i buildinroi. horti, I- ptiblic gardens-ant1:omitting-The trete Pht,wn. icultural of trees in the city was a otltile jeature, The watorf ails ltd.- repast...At i Trollhation were phown to he not only a peen'e amiet. hot that eloc- Itrio poster was looIiced ttoro to :ouPply ell of oomaPern Sweden. !arid various partp-oIiennfirn- iret well. 1.arge . power generating Wants both there were .included in !lb view. Tim city le IL !MICA 1101p-triacenter. known topecially foil its NeomotlYes i ,rnanufacturo of. , liffely-Interee,t,- - -- - yottptetned-t--------- that the harbor of that i busineps in the nation. BROTHEII-BOooo "THE NATIONAL RASH" Vist the new all white enamelled bakery -- pping-frubietr- emPhalhzer1;--it...beto- SISTERS ' in - ' - SENIA- - 00--0 ' TOtlittlittow ft - - Th4-ro- St - (Tam' Graphically Pictuied In Adams Travelogue i wl111 AND . IN-- . DOUGLAS . McLEAll - G ' Pktnrel t l'p,ran-yeln- . ,. d r ' ' riARK,, ooltAr rnk0-1111- .Riot tallo-'inth- - e . - ----- , IOW IN E2R. - - - t- FEATCREA-e-Lif- , R : PICTI-RES- : -- hs - tYrT.ER . V"t, par-- " A KISS - ' -- -- - , 'lament. - ' - et V 7 ' 11.1J- l'Ililis AmDEONLJ POHI JE , era N.2iMerrit . i .. - t. Ite,k.ess leant-rt- ., ' , -LasT , B.C,Nriti, 1(API pl. all.pri entii.ls, ,trf to was In 'a resolution asked Canada adopted by a maga meeting here ,, vANent-17-El- Grocer for - rho maitrel beauties anti indus- trial growth oP the land of the !midnight Fur?" wore graphically rotViewed in the ',hewing or Waide- mar 5: Adams' travelogue film "Swo,Vti- - at tho Salt theatre i ThurPlay night. , i - Beginning w!th view. of Cothen- to the wetern glicw3y i burg. showo,teltelih-- - --- - ----Swericn, thA os of Trollhatton. Matttio, Fice1c-holm. and other important ctrlop:1- - in- 4 tlerueet PPftP11, , e -i tPoo, and re odds noted rirers of tpernortn land: ---I tjothatriburr.- the imparTarice to b'Wefien of tho ph wernenhi14fen , - . Askyour Neighborhood - Beauties of Sweden ETIII City I. . ARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT-EMPRER- hea phatos 44the mert who' says their lives In the great war? who are They., are thousands Of these -In med. Some of them ars in dire distress, lacking eren the Me. The, American thronehnuf the country is attempting to:ralso a fund of SS.nr,0,000, the in- 7 vicToRy Tewsl whit Jut.nry Waikr. rieel, C - Cif 11)404 , - . : nustra murnos neern.ro-fl- Some Features in This Week's Big Issue 4e,i41 ki,groe At " is Actions - 1 4,oreooe.shlell 1 Tas itn4 picture. tie it3II-Ri-t T.h:0:..5tii!r4--.a,7:kN-0--:- WILL .a Ioteeoty rteallef r titan was 111.441f,MS4 to and-R'l on Hata icKenzia"Ktrig for an exeltialonlAll, be dreal - eoun-- - Al impr4 Rerr.ent.-- , - PPM-1010- THEATRE',Whlorwricif - Us loaren tie - , ME". - DRAMA - "Introduce the groat mrettry r:sr. Attar-- ILLE-- - rANTAE--Vitudovi- rred-TrannIn- I - WILEFS ElL a cripple. was founti dead In a chair in the kitch-- 1 en of the Walnut eat..., 52 east See- -' eveond South street Thursday ning. The police were notified andl summoned a physician who said thp man had dted apparently from He had been emOloYed doing odd jobs for sev-- i eral months.- - So far as known the, man had no relatives here. 111 , I Cripple Found Dead in Cafe Kitchen! - track- and- - - et Rose - - G Toogyiran - - -; Irtimea- , retult n't this meeti:hhoisuld itaticaticw of how the schwa ath4tes will tack tho two rootwining moots of &nd stile h'gn tho ea cots, ' ."She's the , -- i goliNTt-scHnoLs-sTAcEITh- .. - ii her of the factulty.,---Coultbeen remi1 es f,,ilows; ted to thp fiNtle treasurer for Aprt 11'11er!) 11 For McQuarrie. offlce president. liyron Van Cott, or.j. by, the Dilworth', Nebeker, state Insurence -- commissioner. son and Floyd tttPC: vicie president, .. e Holmes WePtordahl. 1.suri-riTRRIGATIoN' wATER sOFGHTItl'O'll land secretary. ROI"! i 101toter , and Robert Stesart D. J. Johnson of Oadert and I Fps, t,4 treasurer. I'. S. Martha fun Wright of Moulton. Idaho, fit- for siPproprtation of line and Nliss S, Ft. NNilt:.ini histored Hadley, JUAIllta rTfiv:---water with tile slate engineer t On Inn. Evelyn NI rio Depey li ea. 'Kai setiks and Dorothy - ' Thursday,. Therformer Colemo n. use of Tripe .PPPOJI(1, loot of from thp Fpring szeil at tha foot of nrchard 'Bench in We hor county The fOr,71rrlgating Id acres ,,I land. fePt latter ike for. 4 second' creeks South frorn Short, I.olis snit las; for , t1.9 art::e. .. , .:- , ASK ANTI ORIENT 'PILL.' TOUA I pentonbut , Wed , an-ol- . ,:....,,......1".4-4.- ,....1, - --- -ti -,- -- 1 NE RaCe for Chief Tour 8- g - -- THIcK T 0 - Cureot,c,kn - I - ii. 1 ,-. - , - Tax Orders ., Delinquent Delis' erea to' Sheriffs - Bete are a few of the $OO- attracithre7youngetere ot the Crain Mahe rrintarreaani;lation, silo in the elaborate famaey. "The Prinorsa of the Proud Heart," Saturdoy evening. writy 2 T,11, lett in rielit. fella traiham. linrothy LeathanxÁtion,Noi ,ma,,,Margaret, Purains, liehm Carroll Goneveve Mnrt4on 1HrIU Been, June Woodletry atml Zeitna Owen., Second row. Virginia Ahern. ltoma Anna Morri4on, jean hteinna anti l'rupels Stevens.. Third row. I) profit,' Morrimiut and Arvin Owen. LDayner,Alarjorie Woodruff, Dona Niiiierv T ree hiindired children of the end. An old king wishes to marry F.nallly the r!d king growinim-1 rati.rt a IA WC. P hp; daughter to -- i , it titi ta the . who sPlor-w,-... ins ftriz.t-gge, if tr heti I plinah, 4 hal- --hos- Tntght gain Sithirrday, c,attle gate, , melte will their In the tnird act the chiPiren ere stAge debut in Mal and political prestge. they the fantasv, 'The Princess of the? The Ppening act reveals 4n to d, plet the svrtorls, flow. t Proud fleart." in the tiranite stake TrtPrisa heart of red tatin, wherein t ere and foliage. ', ft gieM.S.44 410,4.lgeet,,OkbirrnfO-'-- ' 'kuil....t,', AllOrlt Pt4 44,e 4 IF'61"A 14vS alrt 444 -b'een arrang- - cupids and pages-Tn- e The prod4tiot; seek hes sold , been Children parPipatins cupids od by Mrs, 8. J. Bennett and Miss to assist the king. in his match range from two to 12 Yf.ara (I afts!' Virginia.gr eenwell and is under th e making and pierce the hearts of I Music is furnished by an 'orchestra th composed of children from 8 to II, -- ' The story is based on leg- - prineAse refuses them all. 7are of agtk , - ' : ' , Y- the late Ebert.' . Ilindenbfirg, tripled ,,tarY Of Stte .Nlefne,r, tn remain en NI aitt.of et hiss; eprr4ti3Oh was nit Of...Ebert:a cloatest trionds and political advlsOt. ; under-Secre- II MIAs.. ilone.palthirN; l nwl inc,ofnasittrrluvtI';labs're gime of , , ...el, - Eindenburg took another step today whtch political obsere. era eharaeterkzed fUtther pvi. ) wot - , (4t:f" . . Entitr...,,,,mr,,..T.7,:.Zulmj,tied ITOLD n IsatingSli.,4 tit hae T I LMri. - -- mu is . .0 of rail upon the sheriffs to seize .the High Students . ,pry or so much thereof as The est 'may be necessary to re tkitze delin- hesh School student quent taxes and penalties: h id their annual body primary .1 I. , -eleetiohs for next .year's student officers1 dui:ins' thFriday after- Fees Insurance thAto. 1$12,054 periods. Positiona Of' to .Stai!eLpepsidppl,. 0, i'Pririr'-d-lriltril-t president: secretary, - c I yetItt el ; :, , Akil er tree?. Frytidota 1 7.1 1 . sh, MAY,.. ------ -''' - ,P iP,,,,,n6 , . , .. trua: Et4'SERET , --- - - : - ...- - el - - . -- - Nt - ,. . - , . - .. - , ,; --- |